Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Oleh :

Adeliany Putri
Registration Number 2113121002



Expect where appropriate acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has been
expressed in my own words, and has not previously been submitted for publication.

I understand that this paper may be screened electronically or otherwise for


September 2016

Reg. No. 2112131002

Putri, Adeliany. Nim 2113121002. “The Effect of Elicitation Technique n
Students’ Speaking Achievement”. A Thesis. Faculty of Language and Arts
(FBS), State University of Medan (UNIMED). 2016.
This study aims at discovering the effect of applying Elicitation technique
on students’ speaking achievement. It was conducted by using experimental
research design. The population of this research was the twelfth graders of SMA
YPI AMIR HAMZAH Medan. The samples of the research were two classes
which consisted of experimental and control group which were chosen by using
cluster sampling technique. Fourteen students were taken as the samples in each

class. The experimental group applied Elicitation as learning technique , while the
control group applied Demonstration Learning as learning technique. After
analyzing the data, it was found that the value of ttable , for the degree of freedom
(df) 26 at the level significance 0.05 was
. The result of data analysis shows
that tobs was 4.341. It means tobs was higher than t table (4.341
).. The result
of computing the data analysis showed that tobs (Ma) was 6.0082. It means that tobs
(Ma) was higher than t table (4.341
).The result of this study showed that
Elicitation technique significantly affected the students’ speaking achievement.
Key words: experimental research, elicitation technique, speaking achievement.



The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT,
the Almighty and Most Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honor, and
Mercy that has been given to the researcher so that she finally accomplished her

thesis entitled: “The Effect of Elicitation Technique on Students’ Speaking
This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan (UNIMED).
In completing this thesis, the researcher realized that she faced some
problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and
comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people.
Therefore, the researcher would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., as the Rector of State University of
Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English and Literature
Department and Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S, S.Pd, M.Hum.,as the Head of

English Educational Study Program.
Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., my thesis advisors for his valuable time,
knowledge, and guidance with all their patience and wisdom during the

process of accomplishing this thesis.
, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M. A,.Ph.D,
my thesis reviewers for their valuable input to furnish this thesis.
Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd.,and Pak Pantes, the administration staffs
of English Department.


Administration Staffs of Digital Library, for their permission and

opportunities in allowing researcher to do the observation to collect the

My beloved father, Drs. Lilik Prianto and my beloved mother Dra.
Nurhariani, My beloved sister: DR. Liany Rizky, and Muhammad Said

My beloved partner, Azhari Rifan who always supporting me
English Education Regular B 2011, especially forLiza Ismaniar Lubis S.
Pd, Fanny Amelia Purba S. Pd, Diaz Pradya Azmi S. Pd, and

Suhartina S. Pdfor always encourage me to finishing my thesis

My beloved best friend, Khairunissa Idris Lubis, Ovie Satria, Angga Daely
S.E for their pray and love to the researcher during her whole studies up to
finish it.

The researcher realizes that this thesis still has the paucity; she conveniently
welcomes any suggestions, comments, and advices that will improve the quality
of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who read and
interest in the field of this study.

Medan, September 2016
The researcher,

Reg. 2113121002




ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... i
ACKNWOLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... vi
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. vii

A. Background of Study .................................................................................... 1
B. Problems of the Study .................................................................................. 4
C. The Scope of Study ..................................................................................... 5
D. The Objective of the Study .......................................................................... 5
E. The Significance of the Study....................................................................... 5

A. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................ 7
1. Students Achievement in Speaking ....................................................... 7
2. Speaking............................................................................................... 8
3. The Problem of Speaking Achievement ................................................ 9
4. Elicitation ........................................................................................... 10
5. Steps of Elicitation Technique .............................................................. 5

6. The Purposes of Elicitation Technique ................................................ 11
7. The Advantages of Elicitation Technique …………………………….12
8. The Disadvantages of Elicitation Technique …………………………16


B. Assessment of Speaking Skill .................................................................... 17
C. Conceptual Framework .............................................................................. 17
D. Technique……............................................................................................. 18

A. Research Design ........................................................................................ 19
B. The Population and Sample ........................................................................ 20
C. Instrument of Collecting Data .................................................................... 20
D. Procedure of Collecting Data ..................................................................... 20
1. Pre-Test ……………………………………………………………….20
2. Treatment ……………………………………………………………..21
3. Post-Test ………………………………………………………………21
E. The Technique of Collecting Data .............................................................. 22
1. Scoring of the Data…………………………………………………….23

2. Validity of the Test ……………………………………………………27
3. The Reliability of the Test …………………………………………….28
F.Criteria of Speaking Achievement ............................................................... 30
G.The Technique of Analyzing Data .............................................................. 34
H. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................................... 35

A. The Data .................................................................................................... 36
B. Data Analysis ............................................................................................. 38
C. Testing Hypothesis .................................................................................... 41
D. Discussion ................................................................................................. 41


A. Conclusion................................................................................................. 43
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 44

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 45
APPENDICES ................................................................................................. 47


TABLE 3. 1 Research Design.................................................................... 19
TABLE 3. 2 The Procedure of Treatment ................................................... 22
TABLE 3. 3

FSI Weighting Table Vallete ................................................. 23

TABLE 4. 1 The Result of Pre-test of Experimental Group ....................... 36
TABLE 4. 2 The Result of Post-test of Control Group ............................... 37
TABLE 4. 3 T-Table ................................................................................. 39



The Score of Experimental Group ...................................... 47


The Score in Control Group................................................ 48


The Calculation of The t-table and t-observed..................... 49


The Statically Analysis of Reliability Coefficient ............... 51


The Calculation of Reliability of the test ............................ 52


Lesson Plan ........................................................................ 53



A. Background of the Study
The objective of teaching English is to enable the students to achieve the
four skills of language, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is
expected that after relatively enough time of studying, the students will achieve
the ability in listening, speaking, writing, reading English.
Brown (2000:1) says that learning English is a long and complex
undertaking. Generally, people who learn something new face difficulties. They
make some mistakes and errors in using. It is natural pat for the students in
learning a second language. It is a part of process. It is really a problem, but it is
not an unsolved problem.
As one of the basic skills of English, speaking has an important role in
language learning process. Millions of people around the world today want to
improve their command of English. They want to be able to master English at a
high accuracy and fluency. In order to support students’ needs in learning English,
many different ways of a learning process such as through formal and informal
instructions are available.



Speaking is a process of building and sharing ideas through the use of
verbal and non-verbal symbols. Speaking is a crucial part of second language
learning and teaching. However, today’s world requires that the goal of teaching
speaking should improve student’s communicative skill because students can
express themselves and learn how to use a language. According to Fulcher
(2003:23) speaking is the verbal use of a language to communicate with others. In
speaking, there is a process of communication between the speaker and the
listener. People put ideas into words, talking about perceptions or feelings that
they want other people to understand them. Then, the listener tries to reconstruct
the perceptions that they are meant to be understood.
Maxom (2009:183) states that speaking is the most important skill in
English language teaching to be mastered in school. Through speaking, students
express their ideas, feelings and desires to others. In school, the student learns
how to speak English easier because there are teachers and friends who can be
their facilitators and pairs to practice English.
The latest curriculum namely The Educational Unit Level Curriculum
(Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan: KTSP), expects Senior High School
students to be able to actively communicate in English. In learning English as a
foreign language, most students cannot speak English well because of various


In general, some people realize that there are some factors of the
difficulties in speaking ability. There are internal and external factors. Internal
factors can from the student themselves. This is concerned with the psychological
and physical aspects, for instance feeling ashamed to speak. This can make
students afraid of making interactions with their peer during the teaching-learning
process. It also makes students reluctant to express their ideas even though they
do not understand; they don’t want to take risk of being criticized by their friends.
It is concerned with the teaching-learning techniques. The teacher should choose
an appropriate media for teaching speaking. At present, in teaching speaking,
usually the teacher is oriented to the students’ English book. He/she teaches by
asking the student to read the dialogue.
Based on the researcher’s observation at YPI Amir Hamzah Senior High
School Medan especially on Grade XIII, there were many students who cannot
speak English well. There were 50% students whose score between 50-60, 40%
between 65-70, and 10% more than 75% while Minimal Passing Criteria (KKM)
for English subject is 70. It means that many students could not pass the KKM.
The students did not have self-confidence to speak because they are worry to
make mistakes. Form this fact, it can be concluded that the process of teaching
and learning has not succeeded.
In English subject the teacher has important role of students learning
success. Because of English is one of subject which tested in final examination. In
the other hand the teacher wants their learners good in speaking, the teacher


should use English when teaching. In contrary the English teacher uses Indonesian
more than English. The teacher speaks English then translates what into
Indonesian directly. The students are not challenged with this technique. Based on
the characteristic of the problems, they can be solved by giving appropriate
Teacher elicitation as an essential type of classroom technique is more
relevant teaching technique because students’ participation is involved in a
learning community and promotes students’ cognitive development(Walsh and
Sattes, 2005). It helps develop a learner-centered dynamic. It makes learning
memorable as learners can link new and old information, and it can help produce
dynamic and stimulating ideas.
Based on the statements discussed above, the writer conducts this study to
know the effect of using elicitation technique on students’ speaking achievement.

B. The Problem of the Study
The problem which was useful in the solving in this research can be
formulated: ‟ Does speaking ability achieved after using elicitation technique?


C. The Scope of the Study
There are many ways to create the Teaching Learning process that teacher
can do to improve students’ achievement especially in teaching English.
Specifically this study focused on students’ achievement in speaking with
applying Elicitation Technique. In the other words, this study only focuses in
speaking achievement. The material is about preferably social issues such as
education, latest phenomenon, etc.

D. The Objective of the Study
Based on the research problem, the purpose of the study is to find out the
significant effect of using Elicitation Technique in students’ speaking

E. The Significance of the Study
The significance of the study will be useful for:
1. The teacher to elaborate their knowledge about elicitation as a suitable
technique to teach speaking.
2. The students to encourage them to speak English well.


3. The next researcher who want to enrich their knowledge about elicitation in
teaching English especially in teaching speaking.


A. Conclusion
This study deals with the Elicitation Technique on students’ achievement
on speaking. Elicitation model is one of the learning techniques that allow the
students work in pairs. It is a learning model when the students work in pairs and
orally exchange the main idea from the material learning. Elicitation Technique
allows the students exchanging information they got from material learning orally.
This learning technique is really suitable for speaking class because speaking is
about sharing or exchanging idea, information or thoughts orally.
Applying this learning technique in speaking class, it was found that
elicitation technique significantly affected the students’ speaking achievement. It
can be seen from the calculation of the data analysis. In this research, the value of
ttable, for the degree of freedom (df) 26 at the level significance 0.05 was
The result of data analysis shows that t obs was 6.0082. It means t obs was higher
than ttable (4.341

). Therefore the hypothesis formulated as “There is a

significant effect of applying elicitation technique on enhancing students’
speaking achievement” is accepted. It means that elicitation technique
significantly enhanced the students’ speaking achievement.



Applying this learning technique in speaking class, it was found that
elicitation technique significantly affected the students’ speaking achievement. It
can be seen from the calculation of the data analysis. In this research, the value of
ttable, for the degree of freedom (df) 26 at the level significance 0.05 was
The result of data analysis shows that t obs was 6.0082. It means t obs was higher
than ttable (4.341

). Therefore the hypothesis formulated as “There is a

significant effect of applying elicitation technique on enhancing students’
speaking achievement” is accepted. It means that elicitation technique
significantly enhanced the students’ speaking achievement.
B. Suggestion
In relation to the significant of the study, there are a few suggestions for
the teacher, students, and other researcher. The suggestions for the teachers are
they are expected to apply elicitation technique as one of the way to improve their
profesionalism on teaching the students, they are expected to find another learning
model that is appropriate for speaking class with considering the students’ need as
the guidance, and they are expected to enrich their knowledge related to English
teaching model so that they can find the appropriate learning technique for the
The suggestion for the students is they have to participate more in
speaking class. They are suggested to enhance their pronunciatiaon, fluency,
grammar, vocabulary, and accent on speaking English by practicing to speak
frequently not only in the class but also outside the class. Outside the class means


that they are also expected to practice speaking English on their daily life. This
way they can speak more fluently and finally meet the standard based on
curriculum. The suggestion for other researchers are they are suggested to carry
out a further research related to this learning technique in order to develop this
learning model and also to find another learning technique that allow the students
to speak English frequently in the class.


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