INTRODUCTION The Correlation between English Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of the Third Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Grobogan.




A. Background of the Study
Life in globalization era is characterized by the quick development in
science and technology in order not to be left behind by development in
science and technology, people try to equip themselves with enough
information about science and technology through many kinds of ways such
as though reading printed material, listening to the radio and watching
In many countries, foreign language is learned by number of students,
who have no chance to speak with a native speaker but have access to written
foreign language literature. They will need these publications to assist them in
their work. English is one of foreign languages in Indonesia, which taught in
Indonesia from elementary school until university. Due to the important of
English, the Indonesian government adopts English as the first foreign
language in Indonesia. In this case, the use of English is clearly needed as a

means of communication with other countries in the world, not only science
and technology but also in other aspects of life, such as culture, tourism,
education, commercial, business and politics.
However, it is understood that most of the information is presented in
printed material. Reading, then, plays a very important role. By reading people
can absorb a lot of information, since much information can be gained from



books, magazines, newspaper, and bulletins. It can be assumed that the
success of obtaining information depends on reading itself. Reading, as one of
the four important skills in learning language, is a cognitive process of
interaction with printed material. In this interacting process, one is undergoing
a stream of comprehension by which he gets the meaning or understands the
information contained in the printed material. Reading not only assigns
foreign language sounds to written words, but it also requires the
comprehension of what is written. Comprehension here is meaningful

interpretation of printed or written symbols or words that require a
combination of word recognition, intellect, and emotion interrelated with prior
knowledge. Word recognition means knowledge of vocabulary one should
have in order to be able to understand the printed or written words of the target
language. One who does not master enough English vocabulary tends to face
difficulties when comprehending new reading materials.
Valette says as quoted by Kustaryo (1988:3) that “The ability to
understand the target language greatly depends on one’s knowledge of
vocabulary, vocabulary in the broader sense. This proves that a student who
does not know English vocabulary fairly well will have problems when facing
new reading materials which are more complex than those at high schools.”
Consequently, reading seems to be very important in a modern society
today. Certain people read for getting information, while some other do not
read for the sake of information only, but also for enjoyment. There are two
main reasons for reading, namely reading for pleasure and reading for


information in order to find out something or in order to do something with

the information we get (Grellet, 1998:4).
The Indonesian Government is very concerned with the goal of
English teaching, especially that of developing of students’ reading skill. The
School Based-Curriculum for senior high school states that English is a means
of transferring idea, thought, point of view and feeling in the way the native
speaker does, and is a tool to get and develop knowledge and also culture. In
Senior High School, English must be implemented as a teaching material and
as a means of improving the student’s knowledge, technology and art. The
goal of English teaching is to develop the four major language skills, i.e.
reading, listening, speaking, and writing through themes which are selected in
accordance with interest, vocabulary and corresponding structure. The four
language skills are presented, integrated and stressed on the reading skill. The
government has provided English textbooks to be used as compulsory
material in senior high school. The material is planned and arranged in
accordance with the School Based-Curriculum. The government has also
given professional training to English teachers that relates to the product
knowledge and other teaching techniques.
Reading skills is put into high stress in the School Based-Curriculum
in SMA Negeri 1 Grobogan. While in understanding reading material needs
good mastery of vocabulary. Building reading skill in senior high school is

presented through genre texts like descriptive text, narrative text, discussion
text, explanation text, etc. The writer then, think that the better students


vocabulary mastery the better the students reading competency.
Reading classes in senior high school have given no definite
assessment of students’ reading competence. Here and there, students are
faced with their own obstacles that hinder their speed in understanding reading
materials. Most students complain that it is the difficulty in understanding
words or vocabularies. They cannot fill the complete information from reading
materials because they lack vocabulary.
In many senior high schools in Grobogan regency, the main problem
of understanding and comprehending reading texts faced by most students is
the lackness words they have already mastered. They felt the words of the
texts were new and therefore they didn’t know their meanings. And so they
couldn’t comprehend the text. This problem caused failure in every reading
comprehension test.
The writer has been trying to provide better ways to develop the

students’ reading skill. There are many others who spend their time
researching and investigating the correlation between mastery of vocabulary
and reading comprehension, and also finding out solutions for the students’
complaints. Many teachers’ teaching proficiency has also been improved
through professional training. However, these issues have not given any better
contribution to the students’ reading comprehension. Based on the explanation
above, the writer tries to describe the correlation between students’ English
vocabulary mastery and students’ reading comprehension by the title “The









Comprehension of the Third Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Grobogan”.

B. Limitation of the Study
This study has aboard scope and it is impossible for the writer to
handle all problems that may arise. The writer focuses on the analysis on the
relationship between students’ English vocabulary mastery and students’
reading comprehension. Subject of the students’ vocabulary mastery and the
object of the study is the students’ reading comprehension.
The students on this research are the third year students of SMA
Negeri 1 Grobogan who are still in the first semester of 2010/2011 academic

C. Problem Statement
The problem that the writer wants to solve in this study is “is there any

correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and the students’
reading comprehension of the third year students of SMA Negeri 1

D. Objective of the Study
The objective of this research is to find out the correlation between the
students’ vocabulary mastery and the students’ reading comprehension of the
third year students of SMA Negeri 1 Grobogan.


E. Benefit of the Study
The researcher expert that this research will be able to give some
benefits, both the theoretical and practical:
1. Theoretical Benefit
The finding of the research may verify the validity of the theories that is
vocabulary mastery can increase the reading comprehension.
2. Practical Benefit
a. The writer hopes that this research gives information that vocabulary

mastery can help teachers and students in teaching and learning to
comprehend reading.
b. The result of this study is expected to be able to be used as a
consideration whether vocabulary mastery can be neglected or not in
reading the text. In reading a text the person’s vocabulary mastery is a
great help in enabling him to guess the meaning from the content and it
will influence the capacity of the reader in comprehending the passage.

F. Research Paper Organization
This research paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is
introduction, covering background of the study, limitation of the study,
problem statement, objective of the study, benefit of the study, research paper
organization. The second chapter is the underlying theory that is previous
study, reading comprehension, vocabulary mastery, curriculum review, and
hypothesis. The third chapter deals with research method which are consist of
type of research, subject and object of the study, data and data source,


variable, population, sample and sampling, method of collecting data,
technique of analyzing data. Chapter fourth is research finding and discussion
of research findings. Chapter fifth presents conclusion, implication, and
suggestion based on the discussion of the research finding.