

This chapter discusses the introduction of the research which deals with the following points: background of study, identification of problems, limitation of the problems, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, the uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of terms.

1.1. Background of Study

As one of the basic skills of language, reading is no doubt a means of gaining knowledge and information. In the process of reading, people receive information through the eyes, discriminate letter shapes, associate the letter with language and associate the text with meaning. Most of information is presented in written language such as manual book, newspaper, magazine, internet and so on. Although there are many televisions that ease human to receive the information, they do not provide more practices for our brain. By reading we can develop our creativity, critical thinking, and even writing skill. People have to imagine the characters what they read in novel, and they can have opinion on someone’s writing in newspaper or magazine. Reading can also develop students’ spelling and vocabulary. Because, spelling and vocabulary are an important consideration in reading comprehension. The concepts about sound patterns that students learn


in the early years through invented spelling and direct spelling instruction help them to decode new words in their reading. The use vocabulary correctly also can help students working easier and more rewarding.

To master reading people must learn about grammar and vocabulary, how they put into a sentence and use it to express their thought and feeling. To understand the nature of language learner must understand the nature of this internalized, unconscious set of rules which is part of every grammar of every language. Grammar and vocabulary has important role in learning English, so it also has a big influence to reading comprehension ability. Students who want to get a text message have to know about how the text is form or they will not able to have a complete understanding about what the writer was mean.

An adequate reading ability is very important in our society as English is considered the first priority in school. The existence of text books that uses in school refers to standard and basic competence in syllabus of. The students have to comprehend the meaning of short functional text and simple essays in daily life contexts and accessing knowledge in order to make the students able to perform in reading. Text books and learning activities which are usually in English makes it necessary for students that they should have proper command of English. If they can overcome the problems of reading then they are able to understand the written material either in text books or in magazine, such as they can understand and enrich their vocabulary and they learn the strategies to understand the text .


Based on Yunita’s research finding in SMKN 3 Bandar Lampung, SMK students still had low ability in reading comprehension (Yunita, 1999). According to the curriculum 2004, the students’ score in reading comprehension should reach the KKM is 65, but the fact shows that the students can only reach the score around 55-60.

Study done by Widiono (2007) at SMAN 1 Natar indicated the same problems. He found that students had difficulty in comprehending reading text. Some aspects that caused the students had difficulty in comprehending the text which he found in his research were: students’ lack of vocabulary and grammar, students’ interest in the reading text, teachers’ ability in guiding and managing their class and inappropriate reading strategy.

Based the description above, these problems commonly happen in every student, because their ability in reading skill is very low. The way the learners use their reading skills significantly determine how they can achieve the objectives. It implies that if the learners have good reading skills, they be able to comprehend reading text well. There are factors that are probably play important role to improve the students’ reading skill are grammar and vocabulary mastery. Beside such basic skill, the student has to master some vocabulary and know the grammar as well as possible to determine the type of the text.

Vocabulary and reading are two things that cannot be separated from another. When learning reading, students need vocabulary to help them understand the


idea, and when learning vocabulary, students need a lot of practice of reading, because reading is the active way in learning vocabulary. So if the students know a lot of vocabulary, they can comprehend the written text with ease. On the other side grammar also the important things in reading. Because it is important to students to understands the meaning of the text that they read. If students’ grammar mastery is good so they can read and comprehend the text correctly.

Grammar and vocabulary skill have consistently produced a strong correlation to reading ability. For vocabulary it is widely accepted that the 2.000 most frequent vocabulary items are crucial for basic reading as they cover approximately 80 % of the words in a text in general (Cobb, 2007). Vocabulary learning through reading entails an array of boot strapping process of noticing on unfamiliar word, recognizing the need to discover the meaning of the word, inferring the meaning from context with the aid of linguistic and non linguistic cues, and integrating the new lexical item into one’s developing vocabulary knowledge, which all necessitate a certain level of surplus attentional resources. Meanwhile, how grammar has correlation in reading ability, it can be found in several research, for example Kuhn and Sthal’s (2003) review the roles of words, dissect sentences into meaningful chunks and recognize the syntactic structure of a sentence seem to contribute to the construction of meaning from the text.

From the explanation above, to comprehend reading text students need vocabulary and grammar mastery. Because grammar and vocabulary mastery becomes the important things for students in order to get successful in reading.


1.2 Identification of the Problems

Based on the background above, the following problems can be identified: 1. Students’ lack of vocabulary

2. Students’ lack of grammar

3. Students are still poor in finding out the main idea, supporting ideas and details in a reading text .

4. Students do not have any strategic way in answering the question based on the genre of the text.

5. Students' lack of good self confidence and understanding in learning English.

1.3 Limitation of the Problems

Based on the identification of the problem above, the focus of the research is limited on students’ mastery of grammar and vocabulary and their reading ability. So the writer wants to determine students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery whether they correlates with their reading ability.

1.4Formulation of the Problems

Based on the limitation of the problems above, the writer formulates the research problems as follows :

1. Is there any correlation between students’ grammar mastery and their reading ability?

2. Is there any correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading ability?


3. Is there any shared correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability?

1.5Objectives of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of the research are to investigate whether:

1. There is correlation between students’ grammar mastery and reading ability at SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung.

2. There is correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading ability at SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung.

3. There is shared correlation between students’ grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability at SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung.

1.6 Uses of the Research

The results of this research may have the following uses :

1. Theoretically, the results of this research are expected to verify the theories which indicate that there is correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability at SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung.

2. Practically, the results of this research hopefully can be used as a contribution for an English teacher to be aware, if there is a correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability at SMA N 1 Bandar Lampung.


1.7 Scope of the Research

The research focuses on the students’ reading ability. This research is quantitative that is to find out the correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability at the first grade of SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung. The writer gives three kinds of test to student, they are grammar test, vocabulary test, and reading comprehension test in order to gain the data from students. The grammar items are focused on identifying adjective clauses, identifying verb, and identifying adverb connectors. Vocabulary test items are focused on verb, noun, adjective, adverb, and prepositional phrase. The reading comprehension items focuses on determining main idea, identifying specific information, inference, reference, and vocabulary.

1.8 Definition of Terms

1. Reading comprehension is understanding a text that is read, or the process of “constructing meaning” from a text, covering main ideas, finding reference, finding inference, understanding vocabulary.

2. Vocabulary is the number of words that should be mastered by the students in learning English as a foreign language. It deals with knowing the meaning, form and use of the words. Here vocabulary covers, noun, verb, adjective, adverb, prepositional phrase.

3. Grammar is the rules that show how words are combined, arranged, or changed to show certain kinds of meaning.

4. Ability is possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done.


5. Mastery is knowledge and skill that allows you to do, use, or understand something very well.



This chapter discusses review of related previous researches and some theories that support the research. They are concept of reading comprehension, purpose of reading, concept of grammar, grammar test, concept of vocabulary mastery, vocabulary test, correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension test.

2.1Review of Related Previous Research

The writer has curiosity to conduct a research about grammar, vocabulary mastery in their reading comprehension. The previous research done Alfiah (2006) in her research states that understanding of sentence pattern is important in reading. It can help the students to comprehend the text. In adequate interpretation of sentence pattern or ignoring it altogether may also hinder reading comprehension.

Meanwhile, another previous research has been done by Wahyuni (2011) at SMA Surya Darma. She states that students can improve their reading achievements in comprehending text by answering the question in the text, they can get much of knowledge, and they can get the main idea of the text easily and effectively. In


other words, to support their reading habit, the teachers have to motivate students to read more because it is very useful for them.

Nurmala (2012) in her research that the students can improve their reading ability by reading interesting short story such as folktale or another story. Students also have better comprehension after reading the story. Besides that, According to Nation (1990) vocabulary is clearly an important skill in reading. The students have to master vocabulary because vocabulary is important aspect that makes them success in reading.

Based on the statements above the writer assumes that students face the confusion in comprehending the text, because their ability of grammar and vocabulary is still low. So, to improve their reading such as short story or short story teachers give the questions about reading text in order to get their more knowledge about the grammar, vocabulary and the result the students’ achievement in reading comprehension.

In addition, students face the difficulties to learn about reading text, because not only one or two genres of the text that they learn in school, but they learn more genre of the text that have the different grammar, and also the students have to know more vocabulary to comprehend the text itself.

The writer realizes vocabulary and grammar mastery which are the important in learning language especially in reading comprehension text. Vocabulary is the


first stage to learn and to know the text itself. Because, if the student have a little vocabulary they found difficult to understanding about grammar in text reading. Especially for regular and irregular verb in vocabulary to express their text in reading. So, the student must master grammar formations if they want to improve their skill in reading. The writer expect students recognize and realize that mastering grammar and vocabulary is useful to have a good skill in reading.

2.2Concept of Reading

Reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication and sharing information and ideas. Reading is complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and construction meaning. So, reading is one of the important skills which are needed by students from elementary school to university, and reading text is an important way for the general population in many societies to access information and makes meaning.

As Bamford (1998:12) define reading as the constructing meaning from a printed or written message. The constructing of meaning involves the reading connecting information from the written message with previous knowledge to arrive at meaning at understanding.

Carver (1990) defines reading as a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and constructing meaning. Reading is also a means of language acquisition, of communication and of sharing information.


Based on definitions above it can be stated that the aim of reading process is to understand the meaning which is informed by the writer to the reader. The reader tries to interpret word per word, sentence per sentence based on its context and clues given by the writer on the text. In the process of getting idea of the text, the reader uses his skills to recognize the language or genre of the text.

In addition, Loban, Ryan, and Squire (1969:378) express reading comprehension is indeed a very elaborative procedure, involving a balance of many elements in a passage and their organization in the proper relation to each other comprehension in reading depends upon knowing the literal meaning of words in various context. The reader must also be able to perceive the relation of each part to the other and each of the wholes.

Rubin (1993:194) states that reading comprehension is a complex intellectual process involving a number of abilities. The two major abilities involve world meaning and verbal reasoning, there could be no reading comprehension, and there would be no reading.

The statements above mean that when the readers finished reading text, they can store the idea from the text, they also know the meaning of the words, get message from the text and also they are able to get information carried by in the text.


2.3Purposes of Reading

Students have their own purposes of reading. Some of them consider reading as a facility to get information. Some others as a means to have entertainment and pleasure. Whatever their purposes of reading, by reading students need some information, knowledge to put in their mind.

There are some experts proposing the purposes of reading. Some of them are Grabe and Stoller, Harmer (2001). Their ideas are similar to each other. In the first place Grabe and Stoller suggests some purposes of reading, reading to search for simple information and reading to skim, reading to learn from texts, reading to integrate information, write, and critique text, and reading for general comprehension. In the same ideas, Harmer (2001) proposes six reading purposes: (1) reading to identify the topic, (2) reading to predict and guess, (3) reading for general understanding, (4) reading for specific information, (5) reading for detailed information, and (6) reading to interpret the text.

Altogether, from the three experts, the purposes of reading can be developed into ten sub purposes of reading : (1) reading for general purposes, (2) reading to scan and skim, (3) reading to integrate information, write and critic the text, (4) reading for sequence or organization, (5) reading to predict and guess, (6) reading to interpret the text, (7) reading for inference, (8) reading to classify, (9) reading to evaluate and, (10) reading to compare or contrast.


Based on definitions above it can be stated that the purpose of reading for understanding more what is read by people. Studying involves reading to comprehend concepts and details. Besides that, reading for pleasure gives people the opportunity to enlarge the knowledge and allow us to express our imagination.

Furthermore Nuttal (1985) states that there are five kinds reading skills that should be mastered by the reader to comprehend the text deeply, which is as follow:

1. Determining main idea

Main idea is the most important piece of information the author wants you to know about the concept of that paragraph. Determining idea is a skill to grasp and find the main point of the passage by summarizing the passage and look for repetition of ideas / words (Kelly, 2004)

2. Finding the specific information or part of text

Finding the specific information or part of the text means looking for the information that relevant to the goal in mind and ignores the irrelevant.

3. Finding reference

Reference is the intentional use of one thing to indicate something else in which one provides the information necessary to interpret the other. Finding reference means interpreting and determining one linguistic expression to another. There are two types of reference; cataphoric and anaphoric reference. A cataphoric reference unit refers to another unit that is introduced later on in the text/ speech. To understand the unit referred to by a cataphoric reference you would need to look ahead in the text. Meanwhile, an anaphoric reference


unit, on the other hand, refers to another unit that was introduced earlier on in the text. To understand the unit referred to by an anaphoric reference you would need to look back in the text.

4. Finding inference

Inference is a good guess or conclusion drawn based on logic of passage. Finding inference means the reader imply the sentence/ passage understand and conclude it logically.

5. Understanding vocabulary

Understanding vocabulary means comprehend what the words mean. When vocabulary mastery improves, people know deeper about comprehension. Since comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading, the reader cannot overestimate the importance of vocabulary development.

The example of a text that contain five points in reading skill:

Nitrogen fixation is a process by which nitrogen is continuously fed into biological circulation. In this process, certain algae and bacteria convert nitrogen into ammonia (NH1). This newly created ammonia is then for the most part absorbed by plants.

The opposite process of denitrification returns nitrogen to the air. During the process of denitrification, bacteria cause some of the nitrates from the soil to convert into gaseous nitrogen or nitrous oxide (N2O). In this gaseous for the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere.


1. Determine main idea

The questions: Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? a. The process of nitrogen

b. Two Nitrogen Processes

c. The Return of Nitrogen to the Air d. The Effect of Nitrogen on Plant Life

In a passage with with more than one paragraph, you should be sure to read the first sentence of each paragraph to determine the subject, title, or main idea. In example, the first process of nitrogen fixation. If you look only at the first

paragraph, you might choose the inccoret answer (A), which would be a good title for the first paragraph only. The first sentence of the second paragraph indicates that the process of denitrification is discussed In the second paragraph. Answer (C) is inccorect because the return of nitrogen to the air is the process of

denitrification, and this is discussed in the second paragraph only. Answer (D) is incorrect because the effect of nitrogen on plant life is not discussed in this passage. The best answer to this question is (B).; the two nitrogen processes are nitrogen fixation, which is discussed in the first paragraph, and denitrification, which is discussed in the second paragraph.

2. Vocabulary

The question: What is “convert” in line 2 in first paragraph? a. Give

b. Run c. Move d. Exchange

The best answer to this question is (D). to answer the question you should look at the part the passage the following the expression “ the newly created ammonia”,


from this sentence we can see there is exchange from certain algae and bacteria to nitrogen into ammonia.

3. Finding the specific information

The question: Where in the passage does the author state about process of denitrification?

a. Line 1 – 3 b. Line 2 – 4 c. Line 3 – 4 d. Line 4 – 6

The best answer is (D), beause line 4 until 6 give information about process of denitrification.

4. Finding the inference

The question: According to the passage, we can reasonably infer how the process of the opposite of deitrification returns nitrogen to the air?

a. Bacteria cause some of the nitrates from the soil to convert into gaseous nitrogen or nitrous oxide (N2O).

b. Effect of nitrogen on plant.

c. Algae and bacteria convert nitrogen into ammonia (NH1). This newly created ammonia is then for the most part absorbed by plants. d. nitrogen is continuously fed into biological circulation.

The right answer is (A) because imply the sentence of the opposite of denitrification. (B). not discussed in this passage, (C), and (D) is the process of nitrogen fixation.


5. Reference

The question: How the new ammonia can be formed? a. From the return of nitrogen to the air

b. From to certain algae and bacteria change into nitrogen

c. Some of the nitrates from the soil to convert into gaseous nitrogen d. Algae and bacteria convert into nitrates

The right answer is (B), because the sentence provides the information to interpret the other.

Based on the statement above, the writer assumes that to master reading comprehension the students have to know the reading skills such as determining main idea, finding the specific information, finding the reference, finding inference and understanding the vocabulary. But the more important is understanding the vocabulary, because to know reading comprehension the students have to know the meaning of vocabulary itself, and after that the student can get the reading skill easily.

2.4 Concept of Grammar

Grammar is one of language components. It refers to pattern of form and arrangement by which the words put together and it must be learnt if the language will be used. Someone who uses language has to know the grammatical of the language. River (1969:78) says that it is more effective to produce utterance based on the basic structure they construct new utterance. It is clear that grammar is one of important role in reading, if they understand about the grammar, they can catch the meaning easily.


There are several reasons that learn about grammar, some of them are that grammar helps with understanding what makes sentence and paragraph clear, interesting and precise. It names the type of words and word groups that comprise sentences in English. It lets us understand that all language and all dialects follow grammatical patterns.

An English lesson for high senior high school is different than the previous school levels. Learning English for senior high school students should be more comprehensive and more emphasis on the ability to construct English sentences with appropriate grammatical. Students should be able to master grammar such as past tense, present tense, present continuous tense. Besides that, students should be able to identify adjective clauses, verb, and other adverb connectors, because it is step learning English as second language.

There are three grammar points that should be mastered by SMA students: 1. Subject-verb agreement, the rule is singular subjects go with singular

verbs and plural subjects go with plural verbs. The only verb form that is affected by this rule is the third person simple present; but since this verb form is the one students use most in their studies, it is essential that students master the subject-verb agreement rule as quickly as possible. The example of subject- verb agreement. The subject is in bold typeface and the verb is in italics:

- The Prime Minister is meeting the President of the United States at the White House. (singular subject: Prime Minister; singular verb is meeting).


- The Prime Minister and the President are meeting at the White House (plural subject: PM and President; plural verb are meeting).

2. Correct word class (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb). Words must be used in their correct form according to what they are doing in the sentence. A word being used as a subject or object must be in noun form, a word being used to describe a noun must be in adjective form, a word being used to qualify a verb must be in adverb form

Example of correct word class:

- These managers differ1; one difference2 between these different3 managers is that they manage differently4.


differ is the verb in this part of the sentence. 2

difference is being used as a subject, so it is noun form. 3

different describes the managers, so it is in adjective form. 4

differently tells us how the managers manage, so it is in adverb form. 3. Verb tense consistency, it means that all of the verb tenses must be the

same. For example, when you are describing something that is happening now, stick to the present tenses, and when you are describing something that happened in the past, stick to the past tenses.

Present tenses: present simple, present continuous, present perfect. Past tenses: past simple, past continuous, past perfect.

- The shop assistant is telling the customer that the shop has not yet received the goods she needs urgently; he says he is going to send them as soon as they arrive.


- The shop assistant was telling the customer that the shop had not yet received goods she needed urgently; he said he was going to send them as soon as they arrived.

Harmer (1999), states knowing about grammar offers people potentially unlimited linguistic creativity. Knowledge of the regularities can function as a machine to generate potentially enormous number of original sentences, in addition, knowledge of grammar is also important because it can function as an advance organizer. In the process of acquisition, advance organizer plays a crucial role because the learner with grammar knowledge subconsciously organize and notice the input exposed to them.

As Larsen- Freeman (2001:251) states grammar is about form and one way to teach form is to give students rules, however grammar is about much more than form, and its teaching is still served if students are simply given rules.

Richard and Renandya (2002:145) states the role of grammar is perhaps one of the most controversial issues in language teaching. Based on Swan (in Richard and Renandya 2002:150) grammar involves rules, and rules determine “correct behavior”.

From the statement above the writer assumes that grammar is an important factor to be learnt. Grammar cannot be separated from language, because if students do not have a good mastery in grammar they also cannot master the language. Grammar is partly the study of what form or structures are possible in a language.


It means grammar is the factor that students need if we want to make a sentence in a good structure therefore the students should have a good grammar mastery. By mastering grammar the students can understand easily how to make sentence and composition in a good order.

Meanwhile, Fromkin and Rodman (1983:12), states to understand the nature of language learner must understand the nature of this internalized, unconscious set of rules which is part of every grammar of every language. That’s why grammar plays very important roles for people who want to learn another language. Nunan, David (2005:3) described grammar as the ways in which units of language (principally, but not exclusively, words) combine together to form sentences. If the students understand the text, the researcher only knew that grammar is a mean to combine words into sentences.

Chomsky and Halle in Fromkin and Rodman(1983:11) have another description about grammar. They stated that people use the term “grammar” with a systematic ambiguity. On the one hand, the term refers to explicit theory constructed by the linguist and proposed as the description of the speaker’s competence. On other hand, it refers to this competence itself.

From the description above grammar has some rules that people can use it to form a sentence from some words. People who can use grammar properly can be called as people that have good English. Grammar has important role in learning English, so it also has a big influence to reading comprehension ability. People who want to get a text message have to know about how the text is form or they will not able to have a complete understanding about what the writer was mean. If


they do not master grammar well, they will have difficulty mastering reading comprehension too.

2.5Grammar Test

By now it should be clear that the teacher begins the process of deciding how to test something by trying to decide what that something is, by asking what the construct is that we are trying to measure. According Rea (1991) presents the various definitions of grammar that have provided the basis of the constructs of grammar underlying different approaches to the testing of it. She begins with a quotation from Close 1982 defining grammar as knowledge of sentence level form. “English grammar is chiefly a system of syntax that decides the order and patterns in which words are arranged in sentences.” Such a definition excludes context beyond what a single sentence provides, considers meaning a separate matter, and is not concerned with the ability to use such a sentence. This sort of understanding of grammar, this construct, led to multiple-choice items of the type we are all familiar with. There might be some quibble over which of the following is the best of the type (that is, has the best construct validity) but all are reasonably good examples.

In this research the writer gave three types of grammar test, they are: 1. Adjectives clauses

In learning grammar, a clause is the part that occurs frequently in the English book such textbook. A clause may define in the same way as a sentence. Adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. Burton (1984) states that adjective clauses have their own subject and predicate, but their


function is to qualify a noun, pronoun or noun equivalent in another clause. Similarly, the adjective clause is also called relative clause used to form one sentence from two separate sentences. The relative pronoun replaces one of two identical noun phrases and relates the clauses to each other. Commonly, the relative pronouns that refer to the person or thing are who, whom, which, that, and whose.

For examples:

I don’t like people who lose their tempers easily.

From the definitions above, the writer concludes that adjective clause is a clause which modifies or describes noun or pronoun as antecedent that uses relative pronouns or relative adverbs as subordinator conjugation describing people and thing whose position as subject, object and possessive.

2. Grammatical tense

In grammar, tense is a category that expresses time reference. Tenses are usually manifested by the use of specific forms of verbs, particularly in their conjugation patterns. (Swan, 2005) defines grammar as the rules that show how words are combined, arranged, or changed to show certain kinds of meaning. Basic tenses found in many languages include the past, present and future. Some languages have only two distinct tenses, such as past and non-past, or future and non-future. Tenses generally express time relative to the moment of speaking. In some contexts, however, their meaning may be relativised to a point in the past or future which is established in the discourse. This is called relative (as opposed to absolute) tense. Some


languages have different verb forms or constructions which manifest relative tense, such as perfect ("past-in-the-past") and "future-in-the-past".

3. Used adverb connectors

Adverbial connectors signal logical relations in a discourse and help the reader to connect different units and paragraphs and this way make sense of the text. Several studies have tried to illustrate how connectors contribute to a better understanding of text. The results have shown to be contradictory, but some studies have shown that appropriately used, connectors can facilitate reading comprehension and have a positive effect on the clarityof a text (Altenberg and Tapper, 1998: 80). In addition, it has been found that even if connectors do not necessarily improve a text’s readability and coherence, they have a rhetorical effect and can make a difference with respect to the effect of the text (Mauranen 1993: 162–168). The use of connectors is found to be problematic both for foreign language learners as well as native speakers, and is often shown as under- , over- and misuse of connectors in written products. The use of connectors is sensitive to discourse type which might create problems especially for foreign language learners. Connector usage can vary also from one language to another and not all languages mark connectors explicitly in the way English does.

In general, grammar test try to assess students’ use of language in its totality as well as various parts and rules of language. Grammar tests might focus on skills such as sentence structure, using and identifying adjective clauses, adverb connectors, and part of speech . They might also focus on complex and


compound sentences and sentence corrections as well as writing correct sentences and paragraphs. In this research writer using multiple choice format. The questions of multiple choices have several choices and one of them being the correct choice.

2.6Concept of Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is one of the language elements that has an important role in learning language. The next paragraph would present definitions of vocabulary from several resources.

Napa (1991) says vocabulary is one of components of the language and there is no language without words. It can be assumed that vocabulary is the component of the language in form of word in which it make language meaningful because without vocabulary speaker cannot convey meaning and communicate with each other.

Nation (1994: 02) states that both learners and teachers see vocabulary as a being a very important element in language learning. It means that vocabulary is the most important part in language and the learner should master a large number of vocabularies in order to perform language well.

It is obvious that without vocabulary mastery, vocabulary someone can convey nothing. Even though people master grammar of a certain language but they do


not have any knowledge on its vocabulary, they cannot communicate or to express their idea using that language.

Wainwright (2006: 33) states that vocabulary is the important factor in reading. He also says that the larger vocabulary the easier it is to make the sense of text. Without vocabulary, it is difficult for students to obtain any kind of news and information that stated in any printed material. By having number of vocabulary, this kind of difficulty can be solved.

According to nation (1990) vocabulary is clearly an important skill in reading. The students have to master vocabulary because it will help them to succeed in reading.

Based on the definition above, it can be stated that vocabulary is the number of words that students master based on the context area. By having lot of vocabulary knowledge, it can help students to understand the text. So, if the students know a lot of vocabulary, they may able to comprehend the text easily. It is impossible for students to understand the passage without mastering vocabulary. It is clear that the students’ vocabulary is needed to face the difficulties in learning English, especially to understand reading materials.

There are some types of vocabulary in English. Fries (1974:45) classifies English words into four groups, namely:


Content words represent the name of objects or things that are the concrete nouns (dog, motorcycle, and box); action down by with those things, that is: verb (drive, hit, push); the qualities of these things that is adjective (charming, beautiful, heavy, tall); and the indication such meanings as frequency, degree, manner and place, that is adverbs (carefully, here, now).

b. Function words are those words, which are used as means of expressing relation of grammar/structure. Such as conjunction (and, however, but), article (a, an, the), auxiliaries (do, does, did).

c. Substitute words

Function words are those which represent individual things or specific action as substitutes for whole from classes of words, that is, indefinites (anybody, anyone, somebody, and everybody).

d. Distributed words

Distributed words, those are distributed in use according to grammatical matter as the presence or absence of negative, such as, any, either, and neither.

Based on the theories above, the writer assumes that vocabulary is a set of words that is used to make communication among people that contain useful ideas, information, and meaning. Without mastering a large number of vocabularies, it is difficult for a learner to study and use the language. It means that learning vocabulary plays an important contribution. The more words people learn, the


more ideas they have. Therefore, people can communicate with others effectively. In this research, the researcher used the content words (nouns, verbs, and adjectives).

2.7Vocabulary Test

A test of vocabulary measures students’ knowledge of the meaning of certain words as well as the pattern and collocations in which they occur. Such their test active vocabulary (the words they should be able to use in speaking and writing) or their passive vocabulary (the words they should be able to recognize and understand when they are listening to someone or when they are reading). It proves that vocabulary is really needed in the students’ learning language activity by knowing the students’ mastery of vocabulary students can also measure their language skills they are; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Nation (1990) describes a method of sampling from dictionary to make a test on it. One way to do this is by taking the first word in every tenth page of the dictionary depending on how many words are needed for the test. From these words teachers can make vocabulary test. For example, multiple choice test and the students are intended to find the meaning of the words either in English or in students’ native language.


According to Nation (1990:78), there are two steps to consider when looking at tests of total vocabulary size, they are:

1. Selecting

Usually it is not possible to test all the words within a particular group. First, teacher must exclude all the words that they cannot easily test, for example a, the, of, be. In fact, the test will be easier to make if the test only nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Second, after teacher exclude the words they cannot test, they must find a good way of choosing the test items from the words left. The best way is to number the words and then to choose every tenth word if this will give enough words for the test.

2. Testing

There are recognition and recall test. In recognition test, teacher want to see if the learners know the meaning of word after they hear of see it. In such tests the learners hear or see an English word then write or say a mother tongue word, or English synonym or definition, or they see a picture and then they write or say the English word.

From the text above, vocabulary test is to measure students’ knowledge and want to see the extent of their knowledge of vocabulary test that given by the teacher. There are some ways to create vocabulary test. First, selecting, teacher chooses the questions that will be tested. Whether the test is suitable or not for the students. The tests can be multiple choice, cloze test or matching. Second is testing, the suitable test will be tested to students. After that, teachers want to see their vocabulary skills.


2.8Correlation between Students’ Grammar and Vocabulary Mastery and their Reading Ability

One reason why students find reading in some subject fields difficult because of their lack of vocabulary and grammar. Whereas in fact of vocabulary and grammar are the most important thing in reading skill. Most of us, if find the difficult word, they still just continue our reading in the hope that the word their read is not really important or that its meaning become clear later on. But sometimes these word that people passed usually as the key of our reading and understanding. People cannot catch and grasp the idea from our reading as well as possible. So looking up the difficult words in dictionary is better for us.

In other side, vocabulary, grammar and reading have a close relationship. When reading students need vocabulary and grammar to help them in understand the idea, and in learning vocabulary, students need a lot of practice of reading because reading is the active way in learning vocabulary. So, if the students know a lot about vocabulary, they can comprehend the reading easily.

According to Nation (1990) vocabulary is clearly an important skill in reading. The students have to master vocabulary because it can help them to succeed in reading. Based on Murcia (2001:149) states grammar and vocabulary have been viewed as competing elements in language teaching. It means that grammar and vocabulary have a great influence to the students’ language skills, in this case the language is English. And in learning English the students are expected to be able


to listen, speak, read and write English well. Especially in reading, the students must master grammar and vocabulary.

2.9 Theoretical Assumption

Based on the frame theories, the writer assumes that vocabulary and grammar are two thing that cannot be separated in reading text. Understanding the vocabulary and grammar are important in reading. It can help the students to comprehend the text. If the student failed to understand vocabulary and grammar, they cannot catch the idea from the paragraph and they also cannot answer the question because they do not know the strategic to answer the question. It is clear vocabulary and grammar is needed to face the difficulties in understanding reading text.

2.10 Hypothesis

Based on the theories and assumption above, the writer proposes the hypothesis as follows :

1. H = Th0 ere is no correlation between students’ grammar and their reading ability.


H = There is Correlation between students’ grammar and their reading ability.

2. H0= There is no correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.



H = There is Correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading ability

3. H0= There is no correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary

mastery and their reading ability.


H = There is Correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery



This chapter discusses the design of this research, how to collect data, population and sample, data collecting technique, the procedures of the research, scoring system and data analysis.

3.1Research Design

This inferential quantitative research relied on second language learning to examine the relationship between grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability. The writer used ex post facto research design because she did not give any treatment but collected the data and saw the correlation of cause and effect that happened. Ex post facto design involved only one group and does not use any control class. Hacth and Farhady (1982:26) state that an ex post facto

design is used when the researcher does not have control over the selection and manipulation of the independent variable. This design is often called co-relational study. Co-relational study focuses on the relationship among variables that exist naturally. It does involve the manipulation of the independent variables. Yet it involves collecting data in order to determine whether and what degree a relationship exists between two or more variables rather than the cause-effect relationship (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:27)


The research design of Ex post facto co-relational study is formulated as follows:

T1 T2


T1 : The test of understanding grammar and vocabulary mastery. T2 : The test of reading comprehension.

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:27)

3.2Population and Sample

The population of this research was the first year students of SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung. There were nine classes of the first grade students and whole of classes consisted of about 290 students. In this research, the writer determined the sample by using simple random sampling technique, because every student in the population got the same opportunity to be chosen or to be sample of the research. The writer took class X-5 consisting of 38 students as the sample and class X-6 consisting of 40 students as the try out class.


In this research, there were two variables: independent (X) and dependent variables (Y). The independent variables of this research were students’ grammar mastery (X1) and vocabulary mastery (variable X2). While the dependent variable was reading ability (variable Y).


The correlation of the variables is illustrated as follows:

X1 Where: X1 = grammar mastery

Y X2 = vocabulary mastery

X2 Y = reading ability

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:27)

3.4Data Collecting Techniques

The procedures of collecting data were such the following: 1. Grammar test

Grammar test was administered to know grammar mastery and usage. The test of grammar was multiple choices, which consists of 30 items.

2. Vocabulary test

A test of vocabulary was used to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery. Type of vocabulary test was multiple choices, which consists of 30 items.

3. Reading comprehension test

There was 30 items for reading comprehension test. It was multiple choices with four options, with one correct answer and three distracters. The test consisted of five aspects of reading skills, they are determining main idea, identifying specific information, inference, reference and vocabulary.


3.5Research procedure

In conducting the research, there were some procedures that applied for taking the data :

1. Determining the problem

In order to determine the problem, the writer read the books that were related to the topic under discussion.

2. Determining the instrument

In this research, the writer used instrument in order to be able to be interpreted. The instruments were vocabulary test, consisting of 30 items, grammar test consisting 30 and reading comprehension which consists of 30 items.

3. Finding the sample

The sample of this research determined though simple random probably sampling. There were nine class of the first year of SMAN 1. However only class X.5 and X.6 had a chance to become the sample of this research. 4 Try out the instrument

Before distributing the instruments, the writer distributed the try out test to them in order to guarantee the result to be more valid.

5 Distributed the instrument

Both of the instruments would be distributed on the same day. 6 Scoring the students’ work


7. Analyzed the data

The writer analyzed the data whether there was correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.

3.6Try Out Test

Try out test was administered to determine the quality of the test that would be used to collect the data. In order to determine the quality of the test whether the instruments were valid, the writer tried out the instruments to measure the validity, reliability, discriminating power and level of difficulty. The writer gave 90 items for tryout test. After giving a try out test, the writer would find if the question was significant or not. Furthermore the significant questions would be tested again to find the correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.

3.6.1 Result of the Try out

In this research, the try out test would be categorized into three types of question, they were grammar test, vocabulary test, and reading test. test

The tryout of grammar test contained 30 questions. The students who completed the tryout were 38 students. The highest score on the grammar test was 97 and the lowest was 47, the mean of the score was 78, the median score was 83.


Meanwhile the mode was 76 which there were three students scored 76 in completing the test. Below is the table of students’ score in try out class;

Table 1. Distribution of Students’ Grammar mastery in Tryout Class No Class Interval Frequency Percentage Level

1. < 59 4 11% Unsatisfactory

2. 60 – 69 5 13% Very Weak

3. 70 – 79 7 18% Satisfactory

4. 80 – 89 13 34% Very Good

5. 90 – 100 9 24% Excellent

Total 38 100% Reliability of the Grammar

The grammar test that used in this research consisted of 30 items. In order to find out whether the test was suitable to be used in real research, the test was tried out to 38 students of X-6 class of SMA N 1 Bandar Lampung. So that, there were no items of questions that had to be dropped out since the reliability was sufficient (0.795) (see Appendix 4). The reliability of the test was gained by using

cronbarch’s alpha.

From the calculation, it was found that the grammar test is suitable to be used in the real sample because the reliability was high (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:22) test

The writer gave the try out test to class X-6 which consisted 38 students. The try out test of grammar consisted of 30 items. The highest score on vocabulary test was 90 and the lowest score was 33, the mean of score was 64, the median score was 63, which implied that half students score below 63. Meanwhile the mode


was 87 which there were six student scored 87 in completing the test. Below is the table of frequency of students’ score in tryout class.

Table 2. Distribution Frequency of Students’ Vocabulary in Tryout No Class Interval Frequency Percentage Level

1. < 59 16 42% Unsatisfactory

2. 60 – 69 6 16% Very Weak

3. 70 – 79 2 5% Satisfactory

4. 80 – 89 11 29% Very Good

5. 90 – 100 3 8% Excellent

Total 38 100% Reliability of Vocabulary Tryout

The writer gave the try out test to the first SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung. The writer got class X-6 which consisted of 38 students. It is found that the reliability of grammar test (r) is 0.811 (see Appendix 4). The reliability of the test was gained by using cronbarch’s alpha.

From the calculation, it was found that the grammar test is suitable to be used in the real sample because the reliability was very high (Setiyadi, 2006). Reading test

The tryout of reading test contained 30 questions. The students who complete the try out were 38 students. The highest score on reading test was 97 and the lowest score was 43, the mean of score was 76, the median score was 80, which implied that half students score below 80. Meanwhile the mode was 87 which there were seven students scored 87 in completing the test. Below is the table of frequency of students’ score in tryout class.


Table 3. Distribution Frequency of Students’ Reading Ability in Tryout No Class Interval Frequency Percentage Level

1 >59 4 11% Unsatisfactory

2 60-69 5 13% Very Weak

3 70-79 7 18% Satisfactory

4 80-89 19 50% Very Good

5 90-100 3 8% Excellent

Total 38 100% Reliability of the Reading

The reading test that used in this research consisted of 30 items. In order to find out whether the test was suitable to be used in real research, the test was tried out to 38 students of X-6 class of SMA N 1 Bandar Lampung. The result of the test presented in the appendix 3, it is found that the reliability of reading test (r) is 0.678 (see Appendix 4). The reliability of the test was gained by using

cronbarch’s alpha.

From the calculation, it was found that the reading test is suitable to be used in the real sample because the reliability was high level (Setiyadi, 2006)

3.7Reliability and Validity of the Instruments 1. Reliability

Reliability referred whether the test was consistent in its score and gave us an indication of how the test score is accurate (Shohamy, 1985:70). Reliability defined as the extent to which a test produced consistent results when it administered under similar condition (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:243). That is why reliability in this research is important to be measured.


The reliability of grammar test, vocabulary test and reading test was found out by using split-half method. It was done by dividing the number of test items into two groups (odd and even) and correlated by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation, the formula is as follow:

2 2 2 2
























R : coefficient of reliability between odd and even numbers N : number of the students

X : square of x Y : square of y

∑X : total score of odd number ∑Y : total score of even number ∑Y : total score of even number (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:198)

The criteria are:

0.80 up to 1.00 is very high. 0.60 up to 0.79 is high. 0.40 up to 0.59 is average. 0.20 up to 0.39 is low. 0.0 up to 0.19 is very low


After being correlated, the calculation was continued by using formula of

Spearman Brown. This formula was used to measure the reliability coefficient of all items. The formula as follow:

xy xy n

r r r

 

1 2


rn = Reliability all items

rxy = Coefficient of reliability between odd and even number

The criteria of coefficient correlations are: 0.00 – 0.19 = Very low

0.20 – 0.39 = Low 0.40 – 0.59 = Average 0.60 – 0.79 = High 0.80 – 1.00 = Very high (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:122)

2. Validity of the Test

The test can be valid if it measures the object to be measured and suitable for the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:250). There are three basic types of validity: content validity, construct validity, and criterion related validity. This research referred to the content validity. Content validity is extent to which the test measures a representative sample of the subject matter content. Besides that, construct validity is concerned with whether the test is actually in line with the theory of what it means to know the language (Shohamy, 1985:74).


a. Validity of Grammar Test

The validity of the grammar test referred to the content and construct validity in which the questions represented three sorts of grammar skills, they were identifying adjective clauses, identifying verb, and identifying the sentences. They were parallel to the skill required by the language curriculum. The test tried out to the students whose level was equal to sample of the research.

Table 4. Specification of grammar test No Questions of grammar


Items number Total

items %

1 Adjective clauses 4,9 2 7%

2 Grammatical tense 3,5,6,7,10,11,19,20,21,22,23, 24,25,26,27,28,29,30

18 60%

3 Adverb connectors 1,2,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 10 33%

Total 30 100%

b. Validity of Vocabulary Test

The validity of the vocabulary test referred to the content and construct validity in which the questions represented three kinds of vocabulary. They were Verb, noun, and adjective.

Table 5. Specification of vocabulary test

No Part of speech Items number Total items


1 Verb 5,7,10,11,13,29 6 20%

2 Noun 2,4,8,,14,15,21,27 6 20%

3 Adjective 1,3,9,16,19,28 6 20%

4 Adverb 6,18,23,25,30 6 20%

5 Prepositional Phrase 12,17,20,22,24,26 6 20%

Total 30 100%

c. Validity of Reading Test

The questions of reading test represented five sorts of reading skills that we were knew that quite the same as the reading skill. They determined main


idea, identifying specific information, inference, reference, and vocabulary. They were parallel to the skill required by the language curriculum. The test tried out to the students whose level was equal to the subject of the research.

Table 6. Specification of reading comprehension test

No Skills of reading Items number Total items

% 1 Determining main idea 13,16,21,26,29 4 13% 2 identifying specific


1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,17,22, 24, 27

14 47%

3 Inference 12,18,25,28 4 13%

4 Reference 14,15,19,20,23,30 6 20%

5 Vocabulary 24,27 2 7%

Total 30 100%

3.8Level of Difficulty

The difficulty levels of an item showed easy or difficulty that particular item done by the participants. To measure the level of difficulty of each test item, the writer used the following formula:


Where : FV =the index of difficulty

R =the number of the correct answer

N =the number of the students taking the test (Heaton, 1991 : 179)


a. An item with FV 0.00 – 0.30 = hard b. An item with FV 0.31 – 0.70 = fair


c. An item with FV 0.71 – 1.00 = easy

3.9Discrimination Power

Discrimination power refered to the extent to which the item differentiates between high and low level students on the test. A good item according to this criterion was “one in which good students do better than the poor.” (Shohamy, 2985:81). To calculate the discrimination power (DP) of the test items, the writer uses the following formula:


2 1  

Where: DP = discrimination power index

U = the proportion of upper group students L = the proportion of lower group students n = total number of students

(Shohamy, 1985:82)


1. 0.00 – 0.20 = poor 2. 0.21 – 0.40 = satisfactory 3. 0.41 – 0.70 = good 4. 0.71 – 1.00 = Excellent


3.10 Scoring System

Scoring system is used to find the reliability of grammar, vocabulary and reading test. Mikado and Matsumoto in Danahar (1994:4) suggest that in order to improve the reliability of vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension, the number of questions is added and also the number of multiple choices is multiplied. Thus, the writer used multiple choices in order to gain the objectivity of the result, in form of eighteen multiple choice and four alternative answers. One was as key answer and the other three were the distracters. In evaluating the students’ grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension scores were calculated by using formula as follows:




S : the score of the test

R : the total of the right answers N : the total items

3.11 Data Analysis

After conducting the test, the writer analyzed the data. It was used to identify whether there was positive significant correlation between students’ grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability. Normality was used to measure whether the data were normally distributed or not. The writer used SPSS to analyze the data. The hypothesis for the normality test was as follows:


Ho : the data is not distributed normally H1 : the data is distributed normally

In this research, H is accepted if p > 1 α ( p = the significant score of students, α = the significant level), and the writer used level of significance of 0.05.

The data were correlated by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (SPSS) in order to investigate whether there was any correlation or not.

3.12 Hypothesis Testing

The hypotheses of this research are:

1. H0= There is no significant correlation between students’ grammar and their reading ability.


H = There is significant correlation between students’ grammar and their reading ability.

2. H0= There is no significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.


H = There is significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading ability

3. H = There is no significant shared 0 correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.



H = There is significant shared correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.

In order to prove the hypotheses of this research, the writer used the following steps:

a. Used the Product moment correlation in order to investigate the first and second hypothesis. The formula is as follow:


2 2

1 2 1 1 1 1 ) ( ) ( ) )( ( y y N x N y x y N r x x y x           


2 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 ) ( ) ( ) )( ( y y N x N y x y N r x x y x           

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982) Notes:


r = Coefficient correlation between students’ understanding of grammar and their reading ability.


r = Coefficient correlation between students vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.

N = Number of students in sample



 = The total score of students’ grammar



 = The total score of students’ vocabulary

∑y = The total score of reading comprehension

Y 1


= The total score of students’ understanding grammar and reading


Y 2


 = The total score of students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension

(Hach and Farhady, 1982:198)

b. In order to investigate the third hypothesis multiple correlations formula was used. The formula can be seen as follows:

1 12 . . 2 2 1 r

Ry.12 2 1 2 12 2 2 r r r r y r

y y y

    (Sudjana, 1992:385) Where:

Ry.12: The coefficient correlation between students’ grammar, vocabulary and

their reading ability. 



r The coefficient correlation between X1 and Y 



r The coefficient correlation between X2 and Y


r The coefficient correlation between X1 and Y2 (Sudjana, 1992:385)

Setiyadi (2006: 167) states that coefficient correlation is always between -1 up to +1

Between 0.800 up to 1.00 = very high Between 0.600 up to 0.800 = high Between 0.400 up to 0.600 = moderate Between 0.200 up to 0.400 = low Between 0.000 up to 0.200 = very low


The coefficient correlation (r) value from the formula is intended to compare with critical value of the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation from the table.

c. Determine the degree of freedom (df). The formula is N-2

d. Determine the level of significance. In this case the researcher used significance level α 0.05

e. Determine the result of correlation in order to investigate the first and second hypothesis. It is achieved by comparing the result of rxywith the critical value of r in the rtable

1. If xy

rrtableit means that H1 is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is

rejected. 2. If


rrtable it means that H1 is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is



This chapter discusses the activities after collecting the data. It deals with the results of the data analysis and discussions. The results of the data analysis are divided into four sub sections, that is, the results of the try out, results of grammar test, results of vocabulary test, results of reading comprehension test, normality test, and the correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.

4.1. Result of The Research

4.1.1. Result of the Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Reading Ability

In order to know the coefficient correlation between students’ grammar mastery and reading, the writer organized the data by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation


Table 7. Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Reading Ability

X1 Y

X1 Pearson Correlation 1 .654(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 40 40

Y Pearson Correlation .654(**) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 40 40

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the calculation of the SPSS, the writer found the correlation between students’ grammar mastery and reading ability is .654.The coefficient correlation is higher than the critical value of rtable (.654 > .393) at significance level 0.01. The result of this research shows that students’ grammar mastery correlates positively with reading ability.

Grammar is one of language components. It refers to pattern of form and arrangements by which the word put together and it must be learnt if the language will be used. And reading is means of language acquisition, of communications and sharing information and ideas. Reading is complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intentions of deriving meanings (reading comprehension) and construction meaning.


4.1.2 Result of the Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Reading

To see how far the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading ability, the writer analyzed the data by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation


Table 8. Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Reading Ability

X2 Y

X2 Pearson Correlation 1 .730(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 40 40

Y Pearson Correlation .737(**) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 40 40

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the table above, N shows the total of the students who took part in the test where the coefficient of correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading ability shows .737, it means that the correlation is significant because the coefficient correlation is higher than the value of r table (0.728 > 0.393) at the significance level 0.01.


4.1.3 The Correlation between Students Grammar Mastery and Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Ability

In order to determine whether there is significant correlation between the students’ grammar and reading ability, and whether there is correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading ability, the variables were calculated by using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation. Then, to determine whether there is any significant correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability or not the writer used multiple correlations in order to investigate the third hypotheses.

Here is the formula for Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

2 2 2 2 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) )( ( x y n x x n y x xy N rxy           

The correlation of the variables that is, students’ grammar (X1), vocabulary mastery (X2) and reading ability (Y) can be seen as follow:

Table 9. Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Ability


1 0.62 0.728 0.803

From the result of data calculation above, it can be seen that the correlation coefficient (rx1y) of the two variables was 0.62 at the significant level of 0.01. It means that there was high correlation between students’ grammar and reading ability. Meanwhile the result of correlation coefficient ( )



at the significance level of 0.01. It means that there was high correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading ability. The result of the multiple correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability showed



r = 0.803 which was categorized as very high correlation. They were higher than critical value taken from the table (rtable = 0.393) where degree of freedom (df) is 40 at the significance level 0.01. It means that there is positive significant correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability.

From the result of this research shows that students’ grammar mastery and vocabularry mastery correlate positively to reading ability. It indicates that students’ grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery are interrelated and seemed unseparately. In other words, the writer verifies that there is significant correlation between students’ grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability at the first year students of SMA I Bandar Lampung.

4.1.4. Normality Test

Before calculating the correlation of the three variables, students’ grammar,

vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension, it first must be revealed whether the data was normally distributed or not. Discovered the normality therefore used the SPSS with Kolmogorov-Smirnov computation result. Here is the result of the computation of the normality using SPSS.


Table 10. Normality test X1

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 40

Normal Parameters(a,b) Mean 8.2632

Std. Deviation .94649

Most Extreme Differences

Absolute .187

Positive .076

Negative -.187

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.155

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .138

a Test distribution is Normal. b Calculated from data.

From the table 4.10, it can be seen that the data are normally distributed through

Kolmogorov-Smirnov, with the level of significance 0.01. According to Kolmogorov-Smirnov, the test significance value of the data for students’ grammar mastery was 0.138. It means p > 0.01 and data X1 have normal distribution.

Table 11. Normality Test X2

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 40

Normal Parameters(a,b) Mean Std. Deviation 7.1930 1.20965 Most Extreme


Absolute .142

Positive .103

Negative -.142

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .878

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .424

a Test distribution is Normal. b Calculated from data.


In the normality test for X2, vocabulary mastery, it could be seen from data on table 4.8 above that the result of vocabulary mastery was 0.424. It means that the variable X2 was bigger than 0.01 and could be stated as normally distributed.

Table 12. Normality Y

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 40

Normal Parameters(a,b) Mean 7.5526

Std. Deviation 1.06339

Most Extreme Differences

Absolute .181

Positive .121

Negative -.181

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.119

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .164

a Test distribution is Normal. b Calculated from data.

According to Kolmogorov-Smirnov, the test significance value of the data for students’ reading comprehension was 0.164. It means that p > 0.01 and data Y has normal distribution. Since the data from students’ grammar, vocabulary mastery, and their reading ability are normally distributed, this research used Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient which found out the correlation between

three variables. The first variable was students’ grammar, second variable was vocabulary mastery, and the third variable was reading comprehension.


4.1.5. Hypotheses Testing

In this research, result of hypothesis was based on correlation computation. The value of ry12 was 0.803 with significance level 0.01. the correlation coefficient (rvalue) is higher than rtable (0.803 > 0.393). because of it, the Ho in this research can be rejected. It means that the hypothesis was H1, there were significant correlation between students’ grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability of the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung.

4.2 Discussion of the Results

This section deals with the discussion of the research’s result based on the data that has been presented above.

4.2.1 Discussion of the Correlation between Students’ Grammar and Reading It is obvious that grammar mastery plays an inportant role for the students to comprehend the text (reading). Based on the data of this research, it was found that there was positive correlation between students’ grammar and reading. The coefficient of the correlation between students’ grammar mastery and reading is 0.62 at the significance level 0.01. It means that the students’ grammar mastery positively correlated with students’ reading ability.

From the result, it was revealed that the students who had good mastery in grammar could understand reading well, because the rules of grammar help to determine the


mechanics of reading, which what makes the connection between grammar and reading is important.

According to Brown (2001: 362) states that grammar is the system of rules governing the conventional arrangement and relationship of words in a sentence. Considering that a correct grammar is important because grammatical mistakes can lead to misunderstanding what one is saying or writing. In addition, Jeffery (1990 : 120) states that grammar is needed in order to gain control of written language for thought has to be organized in order to make meaning clear to readers.

There are also researches done by Donald F. Moores & Catherine Sweet (1990) For both groups there were high correlations between reading and the two measures of English grammar/structure. Based on Richard (1992) reading comprehension refers to the understanding that results from perceiving a written text. Thus, when language is spoken or written, it is well-patterned and follows certain rules otherwise the messages conveyed will not be understood. Further, Hornby (1989:542) says that grammar is the rules for forming words and combining them into sentences.

As a result grammar is the rules that show how words are combined, arranged or changed to show certain kinds of meaning. Grammar is important to students to understand the meaning of the text that they read and to make meaning clear to readers without grammar, words when combined with other words may not have meaning.


4.2.2 Discussion of the Correlation between Students’ Vocabulary and Reading The coefficient correlation between students’ vocabulary and reading ability is 0.728 at the significance level 0.01, it means that students’ vocabulary mastery positively correlated with their reading ability. Nation (1990 : 22) contends that the main goal of vocabulary is to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery in order to master the four language skills : listening speaking, reading, writing. As mentioned previously it can be obviously seen that students’ vocabulary mastery takes a big part in acquiring reading ability.

Gleason and Ratner (1998 : 1425) argues that development of vocabulary knowledge represents a continuum in which individual words move from unfamiliar to acquainted, and to established categories. This vocabulary development both pushes and is pushed forward by reading acquisition. The interconnectedness of reading and vocabulary development is shown by the influence of each to the other where advances in each influences the other. The reciprocal causation relationship exists in older impaired readers where these readers developed problems in vocabulary knowledge as the result of delays in reading, which then became further impeded because of increasing vocabulary deficits.

PStanovich (1986, 2000) has also reported on studies that support this relationship, and in his own research, he has reported strong correlations between vocabulary and reading. In fact, Stanovich (1986, 2000) makes a strong argument for a reciprocal causal relation between reading and vocabulary. That is, vocabulary growth leads to improve reading comprehension, and amount of reading leads to vocabulary growth.




Appendix Page

1. Grammar Test………. 70

2. Vocabulary Test………. 75

3. Reading Comprehension Test………. 80

4. Reliability of Tryout Test by Using Cronbach’s Alpha………. 88

5. Result of Students’ Grammar Test………. 89

6. Result of Students’ Vocabulary Test……….. 90

7. Result of students’ Reading Test……… 91

8. Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Vocabulary Mastery Their Reading Ability……… 92

9. The Coefficient of Students’ Grammar (X1) and Reading Ability (Y)……... 94

10. The Coefficient of Students’ Vocabulary (X2) and Reading Ability (Y)…… 95

11. Coefficient Correlation of Understanding Grammar (X1) and Vocabulary (X2)……….. 96

12.The Multiple Correlations Between Students’ Grammar and Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Ability………. 97

13. The Normality of the Test……… 98

14. Person Product Moment Correlation by SPSS……… 99





1. Distribution Frequency of Students’ Grammar in Tryout... 2. Distribution Frequency of Students’ Vocabulary in Tryout... 3. Distribution Frequency of Students’ Reading Ability in Tryout... 4. Spesification of Grammar Test... 5. Spesification of Vocabulary Test………... 6. Spesification of Reading Comprehension Test……… 7. Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Reading Ability…. 8. Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Reading Ability…. 9. Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Vocabulary

Mastery and Their Reading Ability………..

10.Test of Normality (X1)……….

11.Test of Normality (X2)……….

12.Test of Normality (Y)………..

Page 39 40 41 44 44 45 53 54 55 57 57 58




Enjoy when you can, endure when you must -Goethe-

There is a time and a place for everything and everyone. Don’t force what’s not yet supposed to fit into your life.








(A Script)
















1.1 Background of the Study... 1.2 Identification of the Problems…... 1.3 Limitation of Problems... 1.4 Formulation of the Problems... 1.5 Objectives of the Research... 1.6 Uses of the Research... 1.7 Scope of the Research………..

1.8 Denifition of Terms………..


2.1 Review of Related Previous Research... 2.2 Concept of Reading... 2.3 Purposes of Reading... 2.4 Concept of grammar... 2.5 Grammar Test... 2.6 Concept of Vocabulary Mastery... 2.7 Vocabulary Test... 2.8 Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Vocabulary

Mastery and their Reading Ability... 2.9 Theoretical Assumption... 2.10 Hypothesis Testing………...


3.1 Research Design... 3.2 Popolation and Sample... 3.3 Variables... 3.4 Data Collecting Technique... 3.5 Research Procedure...

Page i ii iii iv v vi vii ix x 1 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 11 13 18 23 26 29 31 32 32 34 35 35 36 37



3.6 Try Out Test... 3.6.1 The Result of The Try Out Test... Grammar Test………... Reliability of Grammar………... Vocabulary Test……… Reliability of Vocabulary……… Reading Test……….. Reliability of Reading……….. 3.7 Reliability and Validity of the Instruments………. 3.8 Level of Dificulty……… 3.9 Discrimination power……….. 3.10 Scoring System……… 3.11 Data Analysis………... 3.12 Hypothesis testing………... BAB IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION

4.1 Result of the Research……… 4.1.1 Result of Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Reading Ability………... 4.1.2 Result of Correlation between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Ability ………. 4.1.3 The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Ability…... 4.1.4 Normality Test………... 4.1.6 Hypothesis Testing………... 4.2 Discussion………..

4.2.1 Discussion of the Result of the Correlation Between Students’ Grammar mastery and Reading Ability……... 4.2.2 Discussion of the Result of the Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary mastery and Reading Ability…… 4.2.4 Discussion of the Result of the Correlation Between Students’ Grammar mastery and Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Ability………... BAB V CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS

5.1 Conclusions……….. 5.2 Suggestions……….. REFERENCES……… APPENDICES………. 38 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 45 46 47 47 48 52 53 54 55 56 59 59 59 61 62 64 64 65 67 70