







A script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


the Language and Arts Departement of teacher Training and Education Faculty








The narrative text becomes one of important in the reading skill which was acquired by students because the success of their study depends on their ability to read. One of the problem to understand material on narrative text is students` lack of vocabulary. This research was conducted because students have difficulties in comprehending reading in narrative text. The objective of this research were to find out whether there is significant ccorrelation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension in narrative text.

This research was quantitative research. The research design used a co-relational design of ex post facto design. The samples of the research were selected by using simple random sampling from the students of the third year of SMP N 1 Tegineneng, Pesawaran. Class IX.D was taken as the sample class of this research which consits of 30 students. The data were collected by means of test and were analyzed by using SPSS at the significant level 0.05 Based on the data analysis, the result showed that there was a significant correlation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehesion in of narrative text. The result

showed that r is 0.729 with N 30, Degree of freedom (df) N-2 to the real level = 0.05

whiler is 0.370. Thus,r >r ; meaning the correlation is significant. Therefore, the research hypothesis (H ) was accepted and the null hypothesis (H ) was rejected.




Praise is to Allah SWT, the most beneficent, the merciful and the almighty for the blessing given to the researcher during the study and completing this script. This script is presented to describe the correlation of students` vocabulary mastery and students` reading comprehension of narrative text at the third grade of SMP N 1 Tegineneng, Pesawaran. It is also expected that this paper can inspire other researchers when facing the same problem related to this research.

In composing this script, the writer got a lot of guidances, suggestions, and many valuable things from various sides. Therefore, the researcher would like to thank to the following people for their ideas, times, and guidances for this script:

1. Dr. Ari Nurwaeni, M.A as the chairman of English Study Program.

2. Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A., as advisor, who has patiently guided and directed the researcher until the completion of this script.

3. Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka as co-advisor, who has given guidance and supervision, especially in correcting this script.

4. Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.hum., as the examiner, who has given guidance and suggestion for the improvement of the script.

5. Special thanks to Ruslina, S.Pd, as the headmaster of SMPN 1 Tegineneng, Pesawaran Lampung for allowing him to conduct the research; and Nur Azmi, S. Pd.


6. All of his beloved friends, especially special thanks for Ali Akbar, M. Bima Surya, I Ketut Budi, Aji Ade Pamungkas, Rohmat Romdhani, Gigih Fachri, Ahmadi, Nurdin, Agung Putrawan ( Alm ), Deva Setiawan, Purwanti, Fuad Sururi, Istya Ningrum, Desi Fitri, Annisa Fidiyati, Zainal Arifin, Reni Mariana, Umi Rizkillah, Ida Pari Purnama, Ervina Adiningsih, Nissa Fitriyani, who always support him and always give him many inspirations to face the world of campus. all of you forever in my heart

7. Lenny Apriyanti, Thanks for all the supports.

8. the researcher would like to say thanks to his Senior in HMI and English Department : Bang Erlan, Bang Eka, Bang Jaka, Bang Harris, Bang Novri, Kanda Roni, Kanda

Sony, Kanda Delfi, Kanda Anton. Kanda Deni, Kanda Roma, Kanda Baiquni and all

persons who cannot be mentioned individually here, who has greatly contributed toward the completion of this script

9. Crew BEM FKIP 2011-2012 : Aas Lailah, Eka Fihayati, Amerza Fransiska, Umar Sembiring, Solikin, Zainal Arifin, Eli Alpes Jusa, Ginanjar Saputra, Dika Ananda, Desi Rahayu, Evi Andespa, Bambang Susilo Armani, Hery Setiawan, Sonya Hervina Finally, the researcher assumes that there are still some weaknesses in this script. Any corrections, comments and criticism for the improvement of this script are always open-heartedly welcome and the writer hopes that this paper will be useful for the readers.

Bandar Lampung, Desember 2014


Arizka Miftah Faridl viii









MOTTO... vi





CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Problem ... 1

1.2 Identification of Problem ... 5

1.3 Limitation of Problem ... 5

1.4 Formulation of Reseach Problem ... 6

1.5 Objective of the Research ... 6

1.6 Uses of the Research ... 6

1.7 Scope of the Research…... 7

1.8 Definition of Terms……….. 7

CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Review of Previous Research ... 9

2.2 Review of Related Literature ... 12

2.2.1 Concept of Vocabulary Mastery...……….. 12

2.2.2 Concept of Vocabulary Test…..………. 18 2.2.3 Concept of Reading Comprehesion……….……... 23 2.2.4 Concept of Narrative Text...……… 27 2.3 Correlation between Students` Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text ...……….. 30

2.4 Theoretical Assumption... 31


3.3 Research Procedures ... 35

3.3.1 Determining the problems ... 35

3.3.2 Determining the sample of the research ... 35

3.3.3 Designing research instrument ... 35

3.3.4 Administering try out ... 35

3.3.5 Administering Test ... 36

3.4 Data Collecting Technique ... 36

3.4.1 Vocabulary Test ... 36

3.4.2 Reading Comprehension of Narrative Test ... 37

3.5 Analyzing The data... 38

3.6 Validity ... 38

3.6.1 Reliability ... 41

3.6.2 Level of difficulty ... 43

3.6.3 Discrimination Power ... 44

3.7 Data Analysis... 46

3.8 Data Treatment ... 47

3.9 Hypothesis Testing ... 48

CHAPTER IV : RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Result of the research ... 50

4.1.1 Result of the test ... 50

4.1.2 Result of vocabulary test……….. 50

4.1.3 The Correlation of Students vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text………….. 52

4.1.4 Hypothesis Testing ... 54

4.2 Discussion ... 54


5.2 Suggestion ... 60


Table Pages

1. Specification of Reading Narrative Test ... 42

2. Specification of Vocabulary Test... 42

3. The Frequency of Students Vocabulary Test Score... 51

4. The Frequency of Students Narrative Test Score... 52

5. Statistics Narrative Test... 53

6. Statistic Vocabulary Test... 53

7. Correlation... 54



By offering my praise and gratitude Allah SWT for blessing given blessing to me, This script proudly dedicated to :

 My beloved Father and Mother, Mansyur Sofyan SE ( Alm ) and Dra.

Nikmatun, S.E.

 My beloved brothers : Akbar Kurnia Putra, S.H, M.H , Adhitya Chandra, S.E , Novan Ridho Agung, S.E.

 My beloved Aunty : Dra. Laily Rahma, Yuniarti, S.Pd, Berthilya, S.K.m, M.K.m

and all my big family.

 BEM FKIP 2011-2012 Lampung University

 HMI Comissariat FKIP Lampung University


Arizka Miftah Faridl, was born on Mei 12 th, 1989 in Jakarta. He comes from a lovely family with four children and he is the third child of a wonderful couple, Mansyur Sofyan, S.E (Alm) and Dra.Hj. Nikmatun. Her parents are civil servants. He has three beloved brothers : Akbar Kurnia, Adhitya Chandra and Novan Ridho Agung

After attending kindegarten at TK AL KAUTSAR in 1995, He continued his study at Elementary School of SDN Bintara 4 West Bekasi and graduated in 2001. He pursued his study at SMP N 172 Jakarta for one year and then continued his study at SMP N 1 Liwa West Lampung and graduated in 2004. He continued at SMA Muhammadiyah 23 Jakarta and graduated in 2007

Still at the same time, he is registered a Student of UIN Jakarta. In 2008 he try to follow the Test of Entrance of State University for the second time and he is registered as a student of English Education, Lampung University. In 2009 he joined ( student activity) HMI Comissariat FKIP Unila, he was recommended as secretary of religion at HMI Comissariat FKIP for periode 2010-2011. In 2011 he joined BEM FKIP Unila and he was recommended as secretary of society division for periode 2011-2012. He accomplished his KKN at Purbolinggo, East Lampung from July to August 2012 and teaching practice program ( PPL ) at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Purbolinggo, East Lampung from July to September 2012


The future belongs to those people who believe in the

beauty of their dreams

( Eleanor Roosevelt )

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most

certain way to succed is always to try just one more


( Thomas Alva Edison )


limitation of the problems, formulation of the problems,objectives of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of terms.

1.1 Background of Problem

Language is a crucial means for human communication. It is used to interact with other people and it is also used to express emotion, feeling, and opinion by the people. English is one of the foreign languages which is spoken by the people all over the world. There are four language skills that should be method, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Vocabulary is one of the problems faced by English language learners. Because of the limited vocabulary, the learners cannot communicate to other clearly. Sometimes it is difficult to group the idea transmitted to them. The acquisition of a large number of vocabularies can help the students read, speak, listen, and write. A good vocabulary and ability to use words correctly and effectively can help the students make school work easier and more rewarding, and also many tests that they take in school include vocabulary quenstions. The more vocabularies they know the better their chance to do well on an English test.


Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or to receive a lot of words. By vocabulary, people will know the meaning of vocabulary in the context,. Measuring vocabulary helps to avoid making mistakes in understanding of text. In addition, the student learn English reading text are still lack of vocabulary, whereas in fact vocabulary is the most important thing in reading skill.

According to Nation ( 1983 ), vocabulary knowledge can be used to be an important indicator to predict learner` overall reading ability, the result of which may reveal that the increasing of lexical familiarity could improve one`s reading performance such a statement revealed that weak of vocabulary may handicap one`s reading comprehension.

Moreover, Wainwright ( 2006 :33 ) states that vocabulary is the important factor in reading. He also says that the larger vocabulary one master, the easier it is to make the scene of text. Without vocabulary, it is difficult for students to obtain any kind of news and information that stated in any printed material. By having the number of vocabulary, this kind of difficultity can be solved.

Reading plays an important role in teaching and learning process. Through reading people acquire new ideas, obtain information, seek support for their ideas and broaden their interest. They can also get message that the writer will express.

In 2006, School Based Curriculum (KTSP), the objective of reading skill teaching process for Junior high school students is to enable students to construct meaning


from text. Basically it is the same as comprehension of reading text, All the students are expected to be able to comprehend a reading text.

Based on my experience when having teaching training process ( PPL ) at grade eleven of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Purbolinggo Lampung Timur in 2012, It was found that most of students did not have good achievement in reading. Their average score was only 64. It is below from the minimum standard to pass ( KKM ). The minimum standard to pass ( KKM ) is 73. Generally, the students had difficulty in comprehending English reading text. The students had difficulty to find the main idea of the passage with long sentences, main topics, supporting details, explicit and implicit specific information, students also had dificulties in making interferences and also drawing conclusion in the reading text. In the other words, their reading comprehension ability is poor. The poor ability mainly arises because the students lack of vocabulary.

Dallman ( 1982 : 23 ) says that reading is more than knowing what each letter of alphabet stands for reading involves more than words recognition that comprehension is an essential of reading that is without comprehension no reading takes place. In other words, comprehension is tressed and must be the true and final goal of all instruction in reading.

One may have difficulties to comprehend the passage because the ability in reading skill is very low. There are many factors that might influence the students` problem in reading, it can be from internal factors and external factor. From


internal factors are motivation, interest, aptitude, and etc. While from external factors are teaching and learning strategy which is used by the teacher, the sources of English book in the school library is limited, curriculum and environment surround the students. There are some factors that probably play important roles in building the students` reading skill such as reading sub skill in vocabulary.

However, vocabulary and reading are two things that cannot be separated to one another. When learning reading students need vocabulary to understand the idea and when learning english vocabulary, students need a lot of practice of reading, because reading is the active way in learning vocabulary. So if the students know a lot of vocabulary they will be easy to comprehend written english text.

Moreover vocabulary is one of important component in teaching learning language to support the english language skill. With a limited vocabulary anyone will also have a limited understanding in terms of speaking , reading, listening, and writing. It is true that it may be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary.

Based on the description of vocabulary and reading above, it shows that vocabulary becomes the important component in language teaching and learning for the students in order to get succesful in reading. To get empirical data about it the writer will organize the test result to prove the influence of the students` vocabulary and students` reading comprehension, especially in narrative text achievement. By getting the grade , the writer will try to find an answer that how


students` vocabulary influence their reading on narrative text achievement. For those reason the researcher will focus the research on the correlation between students` vocabulary mastery toward their reading comprehension of narrative text.

1.2 Identification of the problems

Based on the backround of the problems above the following problems are identified as follows :

1. The students lack of vocabulary to learn English

2. The students get difficulties in comprehending the reading in narrrative text. They get difficultied in getting information from the text, finding the details, the answer to the quenstions based on the text. The result shows the students got difficulties in retelling or in transferring the information from the text 3. The students have no good self confidence in learning English. So it is difficult

for them learn English well because they regard that English is difficult to be learnt well.

4. The students rarely read anything outside school hours. 5. The students` scores did not achieve the target of KKM

1.3 Limitation of the problem

In line with identification of the problems above, the research is focused on the issue of the correlation between students` vocabulary mastery and students` reading comprehension of narrative text..

1.4 Formulation of the Problems

In line with backround of the study described in previous pages, the researcer formulates the problem as follow :

Is there any correlation between junior high school students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension of narrative text .


1.5 Objectives of the Research

In relation to the formulation of the problems above, the objectives of this research are :

1. To investigate whether there is positive correlation between

students`vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension of narrative text.

Uses of the Research

The findings of the research are expectedto be useful both of theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically

a. The finding of the research may verify the validity of the theory that vocabulary can increase the reading comprehension of narrative text and to be used as reference for further research

b. This research can give contribution for English teacher to be aware if there is correlation between students` vocabulary depth knowledge and their achievement on reading of narrative text.

2. Practically

a. The writer hopes that this research give information that vocabulary mastery can help teachers and students in teaching and learning to comprehend reading on narrative text.

b. The result of this study is expected to be able to be used as a consideration whether vocabulary knowledge is correlate with narrative text. In reading a text the person`s vocabulary is good to help in enabling him/her to guess the


meaning from the content and it will influence the capacity of the reader in comprehending the passage.

1.6 Scope of the Research

The research is quantitative research. The research was conducted at the third grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Tegineneng The research was ex post facto design. The objects of the research are the students` ability in vocabulary and their reading comprehension of narrative text. The researcher gave two kind of test to the students, reading of narrative text comprehension and vocabulary test, in order to gain the data from the students. The vocabulary text dealt with content word ( verb, noun,adjective, adverb ). Reading of narrative text comprehension test concerns with determining main idea, finding specific information , finding reference, finding interference and understanding vocabulary. And the test material adapted from the book that used in the teaching learning process.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Definition is intended to avoid the ambiguity in perceptionn of some terms used in this study. They are operationally only aplied to this study. The definition is as follows :

1. Reading comprehension is an active procces which involves readers,

material of reading and the readers` previous knowledge in order to get meaning of the text they read ( Nuttal, 1996 )


2. Vocabulary Mastery is the competence or complete knowledge of a list or a set of words that make up a language which might be used by a particular Person, class, or profession.

3. Narrative text is the tell of stories from a particular point of view and can be presented by using words , images or sound and influence the reader in an imaginative experience.



This chapter discusses the review of previous research, and also the review of related literature that will be used in this study, such as: concept of reading comprehension, reading of narrative text, concept of vocabulary, concept of vocabulary test.

2.1 Review of Previous Research

There are several studies about the correlation between vocabulary and reading comprehension previously done by, Ikah (2006 ), Ali (2010 ) and Alfiah ( 2011 ) and the description of the result of their research as follows :

Ikah ( 2006 ) investigates how far the correlation between vocabulary supports the students in reading. And from the study she finds that there is the significant correlation between students` vocabulary and the students reading comprehension in the second year of MAN II Bekasi.

Ali (2010) has analyzed the correlation between vocabulary and the reading comprehension done in university students of second semester of English departement, the faculty of Tarrbiyah and Teacher Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. He finds that there was significant correlation between


students`vocabulary and their reading comprehension. By having vocabulary, it significantly affects the comprehension of students`s reading activity.

Alfiah (2011 ) also has invetigated the correlation between students understanding sentence pattern, students`s vocabulary an their reading comprehension achievement at the second year of SMA Negeri 1 Pagelaran. She has found that there was siginificant correlation between student`s understanding of sentence pattern, students`s vocabulary and their reading comprehension achievement.

Based on the study above, It can be seen that Ali (2010) only administered the research in University student level. The writer thinks that, there are many types of reading comprehension and it is too difficult to be understood by them. It needs time to understand it one by one. In the other hand, the research of writer would be discussed only about one type reading, namely narrative text and it wa special only Junior high school.

From Ikah`s research that had been done, she discussed about many types of reading comprehension. As we know that there are many types of reading comprehension. Therefore it is not effective if we learn overall. Furthermore, she was doing the research for Senior high school. In conclusion, the writer decide to not only choose Junior high school but also one reading types narrative text.


From Alfiah`s Research that had been done. The writer knows that her research only for senior high school, and she concentrated about correlation between sentence pattern and reading comprehension. This is different from the research of writer. We knows that if we would conduct a research about something different, it could be different quality and different treatment that we could use. And the conclusion was no a research about students’ability in reading comprehension of narrative text in grade of junior high school.

So, based on the previous study above, the writer decide to choose narrative text for junior high school because a new curriculum 2013 concentrates about development of character. The writer know that narrative text has advantages to be studied. Narrative text can help student being able to handle or control the situation which students being happened. Because there`s some story of narrative text, setting shows students where and when it happen and relation with students` story or they experience.

More over, narrative text can help students to think logically in order to handle time. For example, beginning story, middle and end of story became a lesson and consideration of life for student to take decision in the next level. This is suitable with the purpose of curriculum 2013 namely development of character. Students are able to take a meaning of lesson and narrative text contains of polite value, religy, attitude and message of life. Therefore, this study can give complete information about the correlation between students` ability in vocabulary and the reading comprehension of narrative text on real context.


2.2 Review of Related Literature

For futher explanation in relation theories of the correlation between students` ability in vocabulary and reading comprehension of narrative text , the researcher will explain the concept of vocabulary and concept reading comprehension of narrative text..

2.2.1 Concept of Vocabulary Mastery

Linguistically, to know a word was to know its muti dimensional aspect. People could examine vocabulary in terms of various kinds of linguistic knowledge via phonetic, phonology, morphology, and syntax, semanti and pragmatic. Different scholars had proposed different frameworks to examine vocabulary. To a large extent,the proposed theories were complimentary and by reviewing the studies chronologically, a number of their concepts overlapped.

Nation ( 1990 ) defines vocabulary knowledge in terms of forms, position, function and meaning and he also divided the word knowledge in two aspects, receptive and productive process. First, word form involved the pronounciation and spelling of lexical items. Second, word position dealt with syntactic issues in regard to the usage of words such as the rules for word combinations. Third, word function was to discuss the proper way of using words in specific contexts. Finnaly, word meaning referred to vocabulary depth and its associates. The above mentioned factors in a receptive process may play different function from those in the prodctive process.


Therefore, knowing a word could mean being capable of recognizing and using these factors and applying words to meet different purposes.

Wainwright ( 2006 : 33 ) states that vocabulary is the important factor in reading. He also says that the larger vocabulary the easier it is to make the sense of text. Without vocabulary, it is difficult for students to obtain any kind of news and information that stated in any printed material. By having the number of vocabulary, this kind of difficulty can be solved.

Students who do not master a sufficient number of vocabularies will fail in using language satisfactory. Harmer ( 1993.53 ) says that if language structures make up skeleton language, It is vocabulary that provides the vitall organ and flesh. This statement implies that an ability to manipulate grammmatical structure is not enough for expressing meaning unless words are used.

Meanwhile, Wallace ( 1987 :20 ) says that vocabulary is the stock of word used by people, a particular class of people or even person. Concerning with the statement, vocabulay is fundamental for everyone who wants to speak or produce any utterance for reading.

Hornby ( 1995 :1331) states that vocabulary is the total number of words which ( with rules for combining them ) make up a language. This statement is then strengthened by Burns ( 1975:295) who says that vocabulary means the stock of words used by a person, class or profession. From those statements, we can infer that


vocabulary is stock or list of words with explanation of their meanings used to make up a language by a person, class or profession.

There are some definitions of mastery. Ellis ( 1998:502 ) states that mastery is comprehensive knowledge or use of subject or instrument. This idea is supported by Hornby ( 1995 :721 ) who defines the word ` mastery ` as a complete knowledge or complete skill. It can be said that voabulary mastery is the competence o complete knowledge of a list or a set of words that make up a language which might be used by a particular person, class, or profession. Vocabulary mastery means the students having ability in understanding and using the vocabulary. Vocabulary mastery itself deals with words and meaning.

Byrne ( 1972 :10 ) says that in order to communicate effectively, the learners needs adequate numbers of vocabulary. Furthermore, rivers ( 1972 : 402 ) states that it would be impossible to learn a language without words. It means that without vocabulary, the learners cannot reach his purpose in learning a language for communication either in oral or written form.

There are some types of vocabulary in english. Fries ( 1974 :45 ) classifies English words into four groups, namely :

a. Content word represent the names of objects or things that are the concrete noun ( book, car, bus ); action down by with those things, that is verbs ( jump, hit, push ); the qualities of these things that is adjectives ( big, smart, tall,


heavy, and cute ); and the indication such meaning as frequency, degree, manner and place, that is adverbs ( carefully, heere, now, next week ).

Example : Doni reads a book

b. Function word are those words , which one used as means of expressing relation of grammmar/ structure. Such as conjunction ( and, however,but ) article ( a, the ) auxliaries ( do, does, did )

c. Substitute words are those which represent individual things or specific action as substitutes for whole form clasess of words , that is indefinities ( anybody, somebody,everybody, someone,anyone )

Example : Everyone has left the room

d. Distributed words , those are distributed in use according to grammmatical matter as the presence or absence of negative, such as : any, either and neither. Example : They are not allowed to pass this line and neither am I.

The classification of words of a language depends on their function in communication ( Hatch and Farhady (1982:118). Words are classified based on functional words and content words. Fuctional words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Content words refer to a thing, quality, state, or action, and which have lexical meaning. Functional words have major classes; there are pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and determiner. So, word classification membership is an important lexical feature. In the study of word classification, the writer limits on nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunction.


a. Nouns

A noun is a word ( or group of words ) that is the name of a person, place, a thing or activity or quality or idea; nouns can be used as the subject or object of a verb. Nouns can be divided into sub classes. There are proper nouns and common nouns. There are also countable nouns ( books, pianos, birds ), mass or uncountable nouns ( rice, water, gravy ), abstract nouns ( idea, faith, religion ), concrete nouns ( chair, table, book ), and collecive noyuns ( class, group, government).

b. Pronouns

Pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun or a phrase . For example : she, her, he, him, they, and them.

c. Verbs

Verbs are words that denote or describe an action, experience or state . Hatch and Farhady ( 1982 : 135 ) places verbs into four classes: activities ( run, walk, look for ), accomplishment ( built, kill ), achievement ( recognize, find, lose ) and states ( know, love, have )

d. Adjectives

Adjectives is a modifier that used to higlight quantities or atributes. Its most usual position is before the noun it modifies, but it fills other positions as well. The types of adjective are :


They are articles ( the, a , an), demonstrative adjectives ( this, that, these, those ) and possesive adjectives ( my,your,her ), numeral adjectives ( four, ten, first, third ), and adjectives of indefinite quantity ( some, few, all ).

2) Descriptive adjectives

They ussualy indicate an inherent quality ( old, young, new ), or a physical state such as ( blue, yellow, red ) size or age.

e. Adverbs

Adverb is a word that adds to the meaning of a verb , adjective, another adverb or a whole sentence. Adverbs are similar to adjectives in many ways although they typically assign attributes to verbs, to clauses or entire sentences rather than to nouns. Locative adverbs like “here” and “there“ are used very early young children as ways of pointing to the location of objects. Time adverb like “now“ and “ yesterday “ are used by second language learners as an initial why to mark time.

f. Preposition

Preposition is a word ( or group of word ) which is used to show the way in which other words are connected. For example : in, on, beside, at, and between.


g. Conjunction

Conjuction is a word that connects sentences, phrase, or clause. For example : and, so , but.

Based on the statement above it can be inferred that vocabulary is a very important part in learning languages. Without vocabulary it is impossible for us to communicate each other. By knowing vocabulary we can understand what is someone talking about and also it helps us to understand about the material in teaching and learning process. It makes the learners easier to express their ideas when they have capability of vocabularies. Therefore, people can communicate with others effectively. In this research, the researcher used the content words ( noun, verbs, and adjectives )

2.2.2 Concept of Vocabulary Test

Vocabulary learning is not only a quantitative issue. Researchers distinguish breadth or size of knowledge ( the number of words of which the learner knows at least some significant aspects of the meaning ) from depth of knowledge, with which they refer to the quality of vocabulary knowledge, namely how well a particular word is known. Although but measures are consideres important – knowledge of words progresses from superficial to deep at various stages of learning a lot of work on vocabulary testing has focused on vocabulary size.

A vocabulary test is ussualy into two types, breadth and depths of vocabulary knowledge. Freebody ( 1981 ) in Read ( 1993 ) defines breadth of vocabulary


knowledge as the size of learners` vocabulary ( how many words are known ), whereas depth of knowledge involves a consideration of the quality of learners` vocabulary knowledge ( how well are particular words are known ).

However it is generally difficult to reach both types of test at the same time. A test on breadth of vocabulary involves a lot of words to be covered in the test and it requires a sort response in relation to each words being tested ( Read, 1993 ). Then, it was focused on the vocabulary semantically ; very view words can be included because it ussually deals with the testing of words in context and usage and the use of words in different situation. Since this study is meant to measure the students` ability in vocabulary, the test was focused on the depth of vocabulary knowledge in context so that the students who understand the vocabulary in context they will be easy in comprehending reading text.

Nation ( 1990 ) described a method of sampling from a dictionary to make at test on it. One way to do this is by taking te first word in every tenth page of the dictionary. Depending on how many words are needed for the test. From these words we can make vocabulary test, for example, multiple coice test and the student are intended to find the meaning of the words either in english or in students` native language. If we want to find a rough estimate of students` vocabulary size we can take a representative dictionary and open the page in dictionary randomly and then ask a student to explain the meaning of the more uncommon word on one page. If a the dictonary contains 30.000 words and the students know about two-third of the word,


then we can roughly estimate that te students` vocabulary size is about 20.000 words ( Nation, 1990 ).

Another way of measuring students`s vocabulary size is based on words frequency count. General Service List ( GSL ) of English ( Bauer and Nation , 1993 ) and University Word List ( UWL ) Nation, 1990 ) used as the Vocabulary Level Test to test the students`s vocabulary size. Multiple- choice quenstion ( MCQs) and matcing was used as the kind of vocabulary level tests. MCQs are one of the most common formats in professionally-developed language test. They are widely used to assess learning at te recall and comprehension levels ( Coombe, Folse, and Hubley, 2007 ). MCQs take many forms but their basic structure is stem and response options, which include the key or correct answer and the distracters or incorrect responses. The student must then identify the correct or bet response choice. Students construct meaning thorough dependence on the context clues that are provided in the stem. In this research the vocabulary level test is divided in two some levels. A large number of words are selected randomly from different level from different levels, e.g., as the first 1000 words, the second 2000 words, and the third 3000 words and the UWL as the sample.

The levels are limite to only four levels, namely the first three levels, the first 1000 words level, the second 2000 words level and the third 3000 words level,which are taken from General Service List of nglish Words ( GSL ) of Bauer and Nation (1993). The fourth level is taken from University Word List of Nation ( 1990 ). The additional words from UWL,which seem to be more difficult. The words from UWL


( University Word List ) this level used to see if the learners have academic ability of vocabulary, the sampling was little bit different because the number of words is smaller, 800 words ( Nation ,1990 ). Therefore, the words were picked up in every eight words in te list. The sampling method is believed to be representative in tat the result can be generalized to the population ( the four of vocabulary levels ).

According to \Nation ( 1990 :78 ) there are two steps to consider when looking at a test of total vocabulary size , they are :

1. Selecting

Usually it is not possible to test all words within a particular group. First, we must exlude all the words that we cannot easily test, for example a, the, of, be. In fact the test will be easier to make if test only nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Second, after we have exluded the words we cannot test, we must find a good way of choosing the test item from the words left. The best way is to nimber the words and then to choose every tenth words if this will give enough word for the test.

2. Testing of Vocabulary Mastery

There are recognition and recall test. In recognition test, we want to see if the learners know the meaning of a word after they hear or see it. In such test the learners hear or see an English word then write or say a mother-tongue word, or English synonym or definition. While in recall test , we are interested in the learner`s producing the word. In such test the learners hear or see a mother


and then they write or say the English word.

Asking learners to respond with English synonym or definition requires the learners to have a reasonable proficiency in English. It can be used succesfully with advanced learners ( Nation , 1970 ).

In this research, the writer tested the recognition of vocabulary using MCQs ( Multiple-Choice Quenstions ) test. MCQs item test the students have to identify the correct or best response choice. So it will not give the chance for the students just recognize the words. This test was designed to the basis for estimating the students` vocabulary size knowledge. The aim of the test is to measure students`s recognition of the word.

The sample of test can be seen as follows :

1. If the requirement is not complete you have to refuse him as your assistant.

What does the wordrefusemeans?

a. Reject b. protect c. return d. reach

According to the definition above, the researcher assumes that the vocabulary knowledge is the number of words that students understand based on the context area. Vocabulary knowledge is categorized in the depth of vocabulary size knowledge. The MCQs test is used as vocabulary size test.


Reading is the process of combining textual information with the information of reader bring to a text ( Widdowson, 1979 : 220 ). In this view, reading is viewed as kind of dialogue between the reader and the text. It means that reading is the process of exchanging information between the writer who bring new information and the readers who combine the new information with the previous information she or he has got before.

Reading more is the best way to increase your vocabulary. It gives you backround knowledge and helps you experience life through others. In turn his backround knowledge and experiences give you the ideas and concept associated with words. This helps you undestand words better, remember them longer and use them correctly. The more words you know the better and faster you can understand what you read ( Wassman and Rinsky, 2000 : 32 ).

Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text.

Moreover, Bamford ( 1998: 12 ) defines reading as the constructing meaning from a printed or written message. The constructing of meaning involves the reading connecting information from the written message with previous information from the written message with previous knowledge to arrive in meaning of understanding.


understanding or meaning which is trying to be informed by the writer to the reader. The readers try to interpret word per word, sentence based on its context and clues ( i.e. punctuation ) given by the writer on the text. In the process of gettng idea of the text, the reader uses his skills to recognize the language or genre of the text.

The ability to understand the content of the text is an essential thing in reading activity. Dechan ( 1986 : 260 ) states that reading is progressive understanding of the meaning and ideas presented by a sequence words.

In addition Dallman ( 1982 : 23 ) says that reading more than knows what each letter of alphabet stand for reading involves more than word organization ; the comprehension is essential of reading ; that without comprehension no reading take place.

In addition, Loban, Ryan, and Squire ( 1969 : 378 ) express reading compehension is indeed a very elaborate procedure, involving a balance of many elements in a passage and their organization in the proper relation to each other comprehension in reading depends upon knowing the literal meaning of words in various context. The reader must also be able to perceive the relation of each part to the other and each of whole.

The statements above mean that when the reader finished reading text, they should get the information or ideas from the text, they should not only call out the words of the text, but they also have to know the meaning of the words, message from the text, and then are able to get information carried by in the text.


From the statement stated previously, it is inferred that reading is the process of perceiving meaning of written material while comprehension itself is nedeed in reading in other to get the idea from the written materials. Comprehension is essential thing in reading process.

Reading comprehension is a complex connstrction process in which reading comprehension is needed. Nuttal ( 1992 ) states that there are five short reading skills that should be knowed by the reader to comprehend the text deeply ; they are as follows :

1. Determining Idea

The main idea is the most important piece of information the author wants to know about the concept of that paragraph. Determining idea is a skill to grasp and find the main point of the passage by summarizing the passage and look for repetition of ideas/words.

2. Finding the specific information or part of text

Finding the specific information or part of the text means looking for the information that is relevant to the goal in mind and ignores the irrelevant.

3. Finding reference

Reference is the intentional use of one thing to indicate something else in which one provides the information necessary to interpret the other. Finding reference means


interpreting and determining one linguistic expression to another. There are two types of reference ; cataphoric and anaphoric reference. A ctaphoric reference unit refers to another unit that is introduced later in the text/speech. To understand the unit refers to another unit that is introduced later in the text/speech. To understand the unit referred by a cataphoric reference you would need to look ahead in the text. Meanwhile, an anaphoric reference unit, on the other hand, refers to another unit that was introduced earlier in the text. To understand the unit referred to by an anaphoric reference you would need to look back in the text.

4. Finding inference

Inference is good guess or conclusion drawn based on the logic of passage. Finding inference means the reader imply the sentence or passages understand and conclude it logically.

5. Understanding vocabulary

Understanding vocabulary means comprehend what the words mean. When vocabulary improves, comprehend will be deeper. Since comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading, the reader cannot overestimate the importance of vocabulary development.

Based on the teories above the five reading skills to comprehend the text, they are considered to be important. So in this research, the researcher uses all of reading skills.


2.2.4 Concept of Narrative Text

Narrative text is one of the genres taught for the eight or nine grade students in junior high school. A narrative text is a text, which relates a series of logically and chronoligically related events that are caused or experienced by factor ( Rebecca, 2002 : 120 ). In this view, narrative text is viewed as kind of text to retell the story that past tense and to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.

In addition Anderson ( 2003 : 41 ) says that narrative is a text that tell a story and, in doing so , entertains the audience. It has character, setting, and action. The characters, the setting, and the problem of the narrative are ussualy introduced in the beginning. The problerm reaches its high point in the middle. The ending resolves the problem.

In addition Widayati ( 2002 : 82 ) says that writing narrative is really just putting what happen to somebody on paper. It means that, in narrative, the incidents that make up the story are usually told in the order in which they would really happen.

The statement above mean that a narrative can tell what happens in matter of minutes or years and it has similarity with story telling to entertain the readers or listerners.

Meanwhile, Anderson and Jason ( 2003 : 51 ) explain four steps in constructing a narrative text, They are as follow :


1. Orientation

Orientation is a set the scene or introduce the participants and informing the time and the place. In orientation, the narrator tells about something that will begin a chain of events. These events will affect or more of the characters.

2. Complication

Complication means that tells the problems of the story and how the main character solve them. In complication, the narrator describing the rising crises which the participant have to do with. In conclusion, The complication is the trigger.

3. Resolution

Resolution means that the crisis is resolved for the better or worse. In resolution, the narrator showing the way of participant to solve the crisis, better or worse.

4. Re-orientation

Re-orientation is a closing remark to the story end it is optimal. It consisit of moral lesson, advice or teaching from the writer.

Based on the theories above, the researcher agrees that narrative text is a story from particular point of view and can be presented using words, images and sound. Without the concept of narrative text itself, it is difficult for a learner to study and to use the language. It means that learning the concept of narrative text plays an


important contribution. The more word people learn the ore ideas they have. In this research. The researcher will use the content of narrative text

( orientation,complication, resolution and re orientation )

The examples of genres that fit the narrative text structure :

a. Folktale : a very told traditional story from a particular place that was Originally passed on to people in a spoken form

b. Fairy tale : an old story about magic things happened intended for Amusing and giving lesson, meaning and moral values

c. Fable : a traditional short story that teach moral lesson, especially one

With the animals as characters; this story is considered as one Group of animal stories

d. Myth : a story from ancient times, especially one that was told to

Explain about natural events or describe the early history of place or people.

Language features that are used in narrative text are. 1. Simple past tense is used in most narratives.

2. In choronological order, using connectives that signal time, e.g., once upon a time, one day, then, next, after, meanwhile.

3. Focused on individual or group participants, for example, in third person : he, sheandthey, or second person :the young man.


According Duke et all ( 2010 ) reading narrative is making students to share and make maning of experience, as with fairy tales, realistic fiction, and many true stories from the explanation above, the writer assumes that narrative rext is a kind of text, which tells about series of events and also provides the resolution for the problem that happen in the past. In this research, the researcher would focus on narrative text because the students` comprehesion in reading of narrative is still low. Even though narrative text is one of reading text that is mostly used in the reading test but many students in the first year of Junior High school do not really comprehend this sort of text. They still have difficulty in finding the main idea and specific information of narrative text.

2.3 Correlation between Students` Vocabulary Mastery and Students` Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text.

Vocabulary and reading have a close relationshiop. According to Nation ( 1990 ) vocabulary is clearly an important skill in reading. The students have to understand narrative text.

When reading text of narrative the students need vocabulary to help them understand the idea and when learning vocabulary, students need a lot of practice of reading text of narrative because reading is the active way in learning vocabulary. So if the students know a lot of vocabulary in the context, they may able to comprehend the text easily. It is imposible for the students to understand the passage without mastering vocabulary. It is clear that the students` vocabulary is needed to face the


difficulties in learning English, especially to understand reading materials of narrative text.

However, little research has been carried out concerning with this correlation especially in SMP Negeri 1 Tegineneng. So, the researcher intends to investigate this issue in this Junior high school.

2.4 Theoretical Assumptions

In accordance with the theories previosly presented, the researcher assumes that to comprehend the text in reading passage the students need vocabulary. If the students know a lot of vocabulary, they will be able to comprehend the reading text of narrative easily. It is impossible for the students to learn vocabulary.It is impossible for the students to understand the passage without mastery vocabulary. And conversely reading is the productive way to learn vocabulary It is clear that the students` ability in vocabulary is needed to face the difficulties in undestand reading materials. And the students need to get more vocabulary by reading.

The correlation between students` ability in vocabulary and reading comprehension of narrative text can be illustrated as follows :

Vocabulary Reading comprehension of narrative text


The researcher proposes the hypothesis as follow :

H : There is no positive correlation between Junior high school students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension of narrative text .

H : There is positive correlation between Junior high school students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension of narrative text.



This chapter discusses the research methods that will use in this study, such as: research design, population and sample, setting of the research, variables, and procedure of the research, data collecting technique, instruments, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This research is quantitative research because it is focused on the project ( result of the test ) not the process of teaching learning and the objective is to find out the

correlation between students` ability in vocabulary and their reading

comprehension of narrative text achievement. In this research there is no control and no treatment to the subject, thus ex post facto design is used in this research.

Hatch and Farhady ( 1982 :26 ) state that ex post facto design is often used when the researcher does not have control over the selection and manipulation of the independent variable. This is why researcher looks at the type and/or degree of relationship between two variables rather than at a cause and effect relationship.


research was ex post facto design, and the formula can be seen as follows :

T1 T2

Where :

T1 : Vocabulary test

T2 : Reading comprehension of narrative test

( Hatch and Farhady, 1982 : 27 ) 3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research is the third year students of SMP Negeri 1 Tegineneng. There are six classes of grade IX in 2013/2014 academic year each class consists of 30 students. Among the VIII classes which the number of the entire students at grade VIII is about 155 students, the researcher took only one class as the sample.

In this research, the researcher determined the sample by using simple probably random sampling. By using simple probably random sampling, every class in population gets the same opportunity to be chosen or to be the sample of the research. The name of six classes is written on small paper given the code number. Then one of the papers took randomly to be the sample of the research. And grade IX D was the chosen as the sample of the research.


Procedures of this research caried out through several steps as follow :

3.3.1 Determining the Problems

The researcher determined the problem based on the real observation , and according to the previous research he found that there was one issue that should be resolved.

3.3.2 Determining the sample of the research

The third year students` of SMPN 1 Tegineneng consisted of six classes, with random sampling was used to determine the class that would be taken as the participants for this research. This technique was applied because each of the second year students at the school had the same opportunity to be participant.

3.3.3 Designing Research Instrument

In designing the reading instrument the writer took material from the students` text book. The designing process materials that was taught to the students based on the curriculum.

3.3.4 Administering Try Out

Before the instrument distributed, the try out was conducted to measure the reliability of the test and to make sure whether the test is good or bad for the students. The test was previously tried out to the students whose level is equal to the sample of the research. The test was administered to find out the quality of the test before it was used, whether the items are good or not in validity, reliability,


level of difficuly, and the discrimination power. The researcher administered the try out using reading texts with 50 item OF multiple choices done in 60 minutes. The maximum score is 100, each correct answer has 2 points. And 50 vocabulary tests in the context, then the correct answer is multiplied by 1000 word level and then divided with the number of items test. So the researcher could estimate the students` ability vocabulary.

3.3.5 Administering the Test

The research will hold in two meetings. The first meeting was used for conducting vocabulary test, and the second meeting s reading comprehension of narrative text of test.

3.4 Data Collecting Technique

In this research, to data collecting techniques will used :

3.4.1. Vocabulary Test

The test used is MCQs ( Multiple Choice Quenstions) items. The test prepared particularly for measuring the depth of students` vocabulary. The primary aim of this test is to investigate students`s recognition of vocabulary. The test consists of 50 items test. The students have to choose the right answer in multiple choices. The chief goal of this vocabulary test is to measure the depth of vocabulary knowledge semantically. This type of test is to develop way in vocabulary. It gives very low chance of guessing correctly.


The words which are orthographically, phonetically, and semantically similar or the same are avoided because they are easily understood, for example economy, data, objective, oxygen, etc. This format of the test is considered practically, easy to be administered and scored.

The students` mastery in vocabulary is gained by counting the number of correct answer is divided by total numbers of items and then multiplied by 20. From this the researcher can find the proportion of correct answer. Then he can still estimate the number of students`s vocabulary by multiplying it with the population 1000 words level. The formula can be seen as follows :

S =


S =


Where :

S : the score of the test C : the total of the right answer of vocabulary level test

3.4.2. Reading Comprehension of Narrative Test

There are 50 items for reading comprehension of narrative text of test. It is multiple choice with four option ( a,b,c,d ) with one correct answer and three distracters. The test consists of five aspects of reading skill, they are : determining main idea, identifying specific information, interference, reference, and vocabulary. The scoring criterion is determined around 0-100, so that if a student is able to answer all the test items, his/her score is 100. In scoring the sudents`


result of the test, the researcher uses this formula. The formula can be seen as follows :

S = 100

Where :

S : the score of the test R : the total of right answer n : the toal items

3.5 Analyzing The data

After getting the data of students` vocabulary mastery and reading comprehesion of narrative tests, the researcher analyzed the data by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Formula ( SPSS ) for Window Version 17.0 to find out the correlation between students` vocabulary and their reading comprehesion of narrative text.

3.6 Validity of the test

A test can be said valid if the test measure the object to be measured and suitable with the criteria ( Hatch and Farhady, 1982 : 250 ). Every test whether, it is a short informal classroom test or a public examination test, it should be valid as the constructor can make it. The test is used for collecting the data covers three validities : content, construct and face validity.

a. Content Validity

Content Validity is the extent to which the test mesures a representative sample of the subject matter content. The focus of the content validity is


adequancy of the sample and not simply on the appearance to the test ( Hatch and Farhady : 1982:251). Content validity is intended to know whether the test items are good reflection of what will be covered. The test items are adapted from the materials that have been taught to the students should be constructed as to content representative sample of the course. ( Heaton, 1975:160 )

To get the content validity, the items test is determined according to the material that has been taught to the students. The item test of vocabulary and reading comprehension of narrative text are based on KTSP Curriculum of senior High School.

b. Construct validity

Construct validity is concerned with whether the test is actually in line with the theory of what it means to know the language ( Shohamy, 1985 :74). Regarding the construct validity, it measures whether the construction has already reffered to the theory, meaning that the test construction has already in line with the objective of the learning ( Hatch and Farhady, 1982 : 251 ). It means that construct validity can be found by relating the instrument with the theory of what it means to know certain knowledge skills. In this case, the researcher measures sudents` vocabulary and reading comprehension of narrative text. Therefore the instrument for measuring the ability of vocabulary, the researcher uses vocabulary level test in the context. Then the instrument for measuring reading of narrative test is comprehesion test which


consist of identying the specific information, determining the idea, references, inferences and vocabulary are formulated in the test items.

c. Face validity

Face validity means that the test has good typing and clear instruction that will not make the students get confused ( Arikunto, 2006: 173). In this research, the researcher gives the quenstionnaire to a group of students. The quenstionnaire consist of some quenstion related to the test which is given by the researcher in order to know whether the instrument of the test has fulfilled face validity or not. In this research the face validity of the test is checked and examined by giving quenstionnaire to some English teachers. Based on the quenstionnaire, it can be assumed that the test which is in the form of fill gap test looked right and understandable to others testers, teachers and test to measure whether the test has good validity, construct validity, the researcher used content, construct, and face validity since they were considered to be important.

Table 1. Specification of Reading In Narrative Text

No. Skills of Reading Item numbers Total


Percentage of items

Identify the main idea 1,9,11,17,31,41,43,45,46,48 10 20%

Specific Information,35,


15 30%

Inference 2,6,7,12,13,18,23,25,34,39,



Reference 5,14,21,22,24,28,38,44 8 16%

Vocabulary 4,10,15,16,50 5 10%

Total 50 100%

Table 2. Specification of Vocabulary Item Test

No. Word Class Item numbers of the test Percentage

1 Verbs 1,8,15,21,24,30,32,43,44,48 20%

2 Nouns 10,13,14,16,17,19,26,28,34,36,



3 Adjectives 4,5,6,11,18,20,22,23,25,27,



4 Adverbs 2,3,7,9,12,29,31,45,46,49 20%

Total 50 100%

3.6.1 Reliability

Reliability refers to the whether the test is consisted in its scoring and gives us an indication of how accurate the test score are ( Shohamy, 1985:70).

The researcher used split – half method to estimate the reliability of the test, because this method treats the two halves of a measure as alternative forms. It provides a simple solution to the problem that the parallel-forms method faces : the difficulty in developing alternate forms, it involves : administering a test to a group of individuals, splitting the test in half, correlating scores on one half of the


split halves is used in estimating the reliability of the test.

Hatch and Farhady ( 1982: 246) states that reseacher is using the split half method, they first must split the test into two similar parts. Then they correlate the scores of the students on the two halves of the test used if they are two separated test. If the item test is homogenous, all odd number items become one half and even number items become other half.

Split half technique was used by the researcher to estimate the reliability between odd and even group, and Pearson product moment formula is applied as follows:

rl =

Where :

rl : Coefficient of reliability between x : Odd Number

y : Event Number

: Total score of odd number items : Total score of even number items

( Lado,1961 in Hughes, 1991 : 32 )

After getting the reliability of half test, the researcher then will be used Spearman Brown`s Prophecy ( Hatch and Farhady , 1982:246 ) to determine the reliability of the whole test as follows :







k : the reliability of the whole tests


l : the reliability of half test

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:247)

The criteria of the reliability are :

0.80 - 1.00 : High

0.50 - 0.79 : Moderate

0.00 - 0.49 : Low

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:247)

The researcher found that the reliability of vocabulary test and reading in narrative test were high 0.854 ( on vocabulary test ) and 0. 873 ( on reading narrative test ) (see appendix 12 and 13). According to criteria of the reliability test, the reliability of 0.854 point belongs to moderate level, so it indicated that the data collecting instrument in this research was reliable and good. Therefore the result of the test were believed as the reflection of their reading ability which was accurate and consistent.

3.6.2 Level of difficulty

Level of difficulty relates to ` how easy or difficult the test item is form the point of view of the students who take the test. It is important since the test items which are too easy ( that all the students get right ) can tell us nothing about differences


difficult for the students, the researcher omits the test items. Level of difficulty will be calculated by using the following formula :

LD =

Where :

LD = level of difficulty

U = the number of upper group who answer correctly

L = the number of lower group who answer correctly

N = total number of students

The criteria are :

LD <0.03 = hard

0.30 <LD>0.70 = average

LD.0.70 = easy

( Shomamy, 1985:79)

The researcher had found that were 4 items (8,5 %) were hard, 42 items ( 43% ) were average, and 4 items (8.5%) were easy in vocabulary try out test. Then in narrative try out test, the researcher has found that there were 6 items ( 12,5 %) were hard, 40 items ( 80 %) were average and 4 items ( 7,5 %) were easy.

3.6.3 Discrimination Power

Discrimination power refers to “ the extent to which the item differentiates between high and low level students on the test. A good item according to this


( Shomamy, 1985:81). To calculate the discrimination power (DP ) of the items, thye researcher used the following formula :


DP = discrimination power

U = the proportion of lower froup students

N = total number of students

( Shomamy, 1985 :82 )

The criteria are :

0.00-0.20 = Poor

0.21-0.40 = Satisfactory

0.41-0.70 = Good

0.70-1.00 = Excellent

- ( negative ) = Bad items ( should be omitted )

Based on the table and criteria on appendix 5 of vocabulary try out test, the researcher conclude that were 10 items were poor, 30 items were satisfactory, 10 items were good, then in narrative try out test , the researcher conclude that were 10 items were poor, 25 were satisfactory, 14 items were good, and 1 items were excellent.

After counting the level of dificulty and discriination power of each item, the researcher found that 10 items could not meet the criteria of good test and should


be dropped in vocabulary try out test. The items of vocabulary try out test were numbers 2,9,11,12,13,42,43,45,46,49 was drooped. (Appendix 4)

Based on the analysis , the researcher found that 10 items could not meet the criteria of good test and should be drooped in narrative try out test. The items were number 6,16,21,23,26,30,32,38,43,44 was drooped.

3.7 Data analysis

Data analysis is the process of organizing the data in order to gain the regularity of the pattern and other form of the regularity of the research, while the data interpretation is the process giving meaning to the founded patterns and regularities ( Setiyadi, 2006 : 255 ). After conducting the test, the researcher analyzes the data. It is used to know wheter there is correlation between students` ability in vocabulary and their reading comprehension of narrative text achievement.

The researcher uses the following steps :

1. Scoring the vocabulary and reading comprehension of narrative text of test

2. Tabulating the result of the vocabulary and reading comprehension of narrative text of test and calculating the scores of the test.

3. Analyzing, interpreting and discussing the tabulated of the result. 4. Drawing conclusion from tabulated result of the test.


3.8 Data Treatment

1. Normality test of the data

Normality test is used to measure whether the data are normally distributed or not (Setiyadi,2006:111-112 ). The researcher uses SPSS new version to analyze the data. The hypothesis for the normality test are follow :

Ho: the data is not distributed normally H1: the data is distributed normally

In this research , H1 is accepted if p>α( p= the dignificant score of the students,

α= the significant level ), and the researcher used level of significant 0,05.

2. Random Test of the data

The random test is conducted if the data from the experimental class and the control class is taken randomly still doubtful. The data should be tested again by using SPSS new version to know the random test. The hypothesis for the random test are as follow :

Ho: the data is not random H1: the data is random

In this research, is accepted if p>α, the researcher used level of significant 0,05.


3. Homogenity test of the data

This test used to determine wheter the sample subects meets the criteria of equal variance or not. The researcher uses SPSS new version to analyze the data. The hypoteses for the normally test are as follow :

Ho: the variance is not homogenous H1: the data is homogenous

In this research, H1is accepted if p>α, the researcher use level of significant 0,05.

3.9 Hypotesis Testing

The hypotheses of this research becomes :

1. Ho : There is no positive correlation between students` mastery in

vocabulary and their reading comprehension of narrative text


2. H1: There is a positive correlation between the students` mastery in

vocabulary and their reading comprehension of narrative text


In order to prove the hypothesis in this research, the researcher uses the following steps :

a. Using the Pearson product moment in order to investigate the investigate the hypothesis.


c. Determining the level of significant. In this case the researher used significantlevel α0,05

d. Determing the result of correlation in order the hypothesis. It is achieved by

comparing the result of with the critical value of r in the :

1. If > it means that is acepted and null ( ) hypothesis is


2. If < it means that is rejected and null ( ) hypothesis is



This chapter discusses the following points : the conclusion and suggestions of this research :

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the results of data analysis and discussions, the researcher draws the conclusion as follows :

1. There was positive significant correlation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension ability of narrative text. The coefficient correlation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading of marrative text was found to be very high correlation with index correlation 0.729. It was higher than critical value taken from the table (r table = 0,3702) where degree of freedom (df) was 27 at the level significant 0.05. They were categorized as very high correlation. It indicates that hypothesis (H1) was accepted and null hypothesis ( ho) of the hypothesis were rejected.


5.2 Suggestion

Referring the conclusions above, the researcher would like to propose some suggestion as follows :

1. English teacher should give more explanation to the students about the reading comprehension narrative text. The teacher should give some information of reading in narrative text with some exercises before giving them some test

2. In order to increase the students` vocabulary mastery, the teacher should give more attention and explain about vocabulary, by giving them an interesting method or technique in teaching vocabulary or give some interesting game of vocabulary such as crossword puzzle.

3. The students should improve their reading ability by doing a lot of practice reading English text not only at school but also at home. They are recommended to read new and interesting topic of text, and then seach new word in the text.



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comparing the result of with the critical value of r in the :

1. If > it means that is acepted and null ( ) hypothesis is rejected

2. If < it means that is rejected and null ( ) hypothesis is accepted



This chapter discusses the following points : the conclusion and suggestions of this research :

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the results of data analysis and discussions, the researcher draws the conclusion as follows :

1. There was positive significant correlation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension ability of narrative text. The coefficient correlation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading of marrative text was found to be very high correlation with index correlation 0.729. It was higher than critical value taken from the table (r table = 0,3702) where degree of freedom (df) was 27 at the level significant 0.05. They were categorized as very high correlation. It indicates that hypothesis (H1) was accepted and null hypothesis ( ho) of the hypothesis were rejected.


suggestion as follows :

1. English teacher should give more explanation to the students about the reading comprehension narrative text. The teacher should give some information of reading in narrative text with some exercises before giving them some test

2. In order to increase the students` vocabulary mastery, the teacher should give more attention and explain about vocabulary, by giving them an interesting method or technique in teaching vocabulary or give some interesting game of vocabulary such as crossword puzzle.

3. The students should improve their reading ability by doing a lot of practice reading English text not only at school but also at home. They are recommended to read new and interesting topic of text, and then seach new word in the text.



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