Peranan Internal Locus of Control dan Pe

Peranan Internal Locus Of Control dan Persepsi Keharmonisan Keluarga
dalam menjelaskan Kecenderungan Perilaku Delinkuensi Remaja
Annisa Bonita
Prodi Psikologi, Universitas Brawijaya Malang
This study aimed to determine the role of internal locus of control and
perception of family harmony both partially and simultaneously to the teenager
delinkuensi behavioral tendencies. The samples in this study were adolescents
aged 15-18 years, men and women, not a single child, and lived with both parents.
Data retrieval techniques with purposive sampling. Variable internal locus of
control, perception of family harmony and the tendency delinkuensi behavior was
measured using a scale internal locus of control, perception of family harmony,
and adolescent behavioral tendencies delinkuensi. Analysis of the data used is
regression test As a result, internal locus of control and perception of family
harmony simultaneously having an influence on adolescent behavioral tendencies
delinkuensi with a significance value of 0.000 (p