The Feminism Found In Betty Smith’s Novel A Tree Grows In Brooklyn


Dynamic Structualism
A novel is a result of imagination from an author. A novel exits in the

way it does because an author has chosen to put it together in that particular way.
This means that novels are not real lifelike all works of art-poems, plays, plots or
pieces of music- they have been constracted or crafted. Novels, however are
fictional, it have been made up. A character in a novel can not be compared to a
real person from whom he or she has been copied. When you write about novels,
it is very important to make clear that they are not direct records of real events.
Novel is a literature that has intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic
elements is an element builds the literature. Nurgiyanto (1995:23) says, this
element causes the literature presence by the fact and can be found in the literature
Novel is called as a great literature because can be able to produce a conflict that
happen in each characters. The story in a novel can be able to change the fate of
main character, include in love problems, power, poverty and the other society life
problems. It causes novel has the intrinsic elements that function to create the
interesting story. Intrinsic elements include of character, characterizations, setting,
plot, theme, moral messages. This six elements can be able to build great story of

the main character. Therefore, good or bad a story of a novel depends on the
intrinsic elements that is used by the author.
In novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, there are some intrinsic elements
concern to feminism research, there are theme, character, characterizations and
moral message.

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Hartoko and Rahmanto (1986:142) says that the theme is the ideas of

common bases that sustains a work of literature and are contained in the text
semantic structure and regarding commonality or differences. Theme is the main
idea that the writer expresses. Theme also can be defined as the underlying
meaning of the story. Theme is another prime element of literature, which
contains the central idea of all literary form such as novel, drama and short story.
It reflects innocence, experience, live, death, reality, fate, madness, sanity, love,

society, individual etc. Stanton and Kenny (1965:70) have stated theme is a
meaning of story which especially explains a big part of the elements in the
simple way. It is more or less synonymous the central idea and central purpose.
The expanding of story does not always paralled with the framework because the
idea will often develop suitable with the author’s will. Hamalian and Karl
(1976:23) says that where they claim that before a writing story, the author will
frame her ideas first. But when she thinks that the idea has become so usual in life
and bored, she develops it out of the basic framework and makes her story more
interesting to be enjoyed and implemented her readers.
In novel A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, Smith as the author of this novel
builded the theme by seeing the real conditions of her environment in her town
that is Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She framed her life story became a novel. The
theme is about struggles of a woman to fight her dreams and her existene. Francie
Nolan as the main character is the person who fight for that. She does everything
for getting her dreams although she grew up poor but she never give up to fight

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her dreams and her existence. And the last she get all the things she wants

especially get her existence from her environment. By her struggles, Francie
proves that a woman is not borned only for being a wife but a woman can be able
to be an educated woman.

Harahap (2007: 23-24) wrote that character has several meanings, the

most common of which is “the aggeregiate of traits and features that form the
nature of person or animals”. Characters also refer to moral and ethical standards
and principles. In literature, character has several other specific meanings, notably
that of a person represented in a story, novel, play, etc. In seventeenth and
eighteenth century England, a character was a formal sketch or descriptive
analysis of particular virtue or vice as represented in a person, what is a more
often called a character sketch. In a literary work, character is made to complete a
novel operation to the reader that has been planned by maker. Eastman (1965:17)
states, “Character is an apparatus, mechanism, a device planned by his maker to
help power the complete operation of novel upon the reader.”
A character occupies a strategic position to bring and convey message,
moral, or something that is purposely conveyed to the reader. Siregar (1997:53),

Abrams (1985:21) says thatcharacters are the person presented in a dramatic or
narrative work who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and
dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say - the dialogue - and by
what they do – the action. The grounds in character’s temperament and moral
nature for his speech and action constitute his motivations. Scott (1980: 48)

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defined that character is short pros sketches of different types of people moulded
to a pattern. From this definition we can catch an idea that characters are drawn
from different types to a pattern. Each of character has his or her own traits.
Characters may be ambitious or lazy, serene or anxious, aggressive or tearful,
thoughtful or inconsiderate, open or secretive, confident or self doubting, kind or
cruel, quite or noisy, visionary or practical, careful or careless, impartial or biased,
straightforward or underhanded,”winners”or”losers” and so on. Characters can be
convincing whether they are presented by showing or by telling. Michael Meyer
(2002: 121) states, “Authors have two major methods of presenting characters;
showing and telling. Showing allows the author to present a character talking and
acting, and lets the reader infer what kind of person the character is. In telling, the

authors intervenses to describe and sometimes evaluated the character for the
Smith wrote down in the novel that there are many kinds of characters in
this novel but there are only five main characters. They are Francie Nolan, Katie
Nolan, Johnny Nolan, Neeley Nolan and McShane.Talking about their each
characters, all of the main characters has different character. Francie Nolan is an
ambitious woman. She is hard fighter and clever. Katie Nolan, Francie’s mother
seems like her. They haves many similarities. Katie Nolan is also hard worker.
She is smart and wise woman. But she has trouble to build a good communication
with her daughter, Francie Nolan. Johnny Nolan, Francie’s father is not
responsible man. He is not good enough for being a father for his children. He is
drinking. Altough Johnny Nolan has a bad character according many people, but

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for Francie, he is a good father even she knows that her father is a drinking.
Francie lover her father because only her father knows and understands about her
languange, her dreams and her fighting. And Johnny Nolan does the same way.
He loves his familiy but he does not know how to show it because he thinks he is

not a good husband and father for her family. Their poverty makes Johnny Nolan
stress and depression. Neeley Nolan is Francie’s brother. Neeley is a good boy but
he does not has deep wishing like as his sister. He is not too ambitious but he
loves so much his mother and sister. Neeley has a capability to manage money
well. And the last main characters is McScane. McScane does not has full part in
this novel, but his presence gives big effects for Francie’s family. After her father,
Johnny Nolan has gone, McScane comes for being a new father for Francie and
Neeley. McScane is very understanding person. He is very kind and patient. He
never forces Francie and Neeley to accept him as their father because he knows
that he never can be able to change Johnny Nolan in their heart.
It is all about the main characters in the novel. Yet, the writer only
analyzed Francie Nolan specificly because the writer wants to discuss only about
her struggles to fight her dreams and her existance from feminism
approach.Francie is the point of this story. All the journey of this novel is talking
about how Francie fights, pretends, and success by helping another main
characters especially her family.

In talks a fiction, often used terms such as character and characterization,

character and disposition, character and characterization alternately pointing

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almost the same meaning. The term 'character' refers to the person, the perpetrator
of the story, for example, as an answer to the question, "Who is the main character
of the novel?" Or "Who is the protagonist and antagonist in the novel?" And so
on. Character, disposition, characterizations, refers to the nature and attitude of the
characters as interpreted by the reader, it refers to the quality of self.









meansdesignate on the placement of certain figures with certain temperaments in a
story. Jones (1968: 33) says thatthe characterizations are painting a clear picture
of someone who is featured in a story. Stanton (1965: 17) says that the use of the
term 'character' (characterizations) alone in the literature include on two different
sense, namely, as the characters are displayed, and as attitudes, interests, desires
and emotions and moral principles that are owned by these figures. Thus, between
a figure with its disposition indeed is something intact. However, the term
'characterization' wider sense than 'character' because the simultaneously covers
the issue of who the characters, how dispositive, and how the placement and
discribing in a story that could give a clear picture to the reader. So in terms of
characterizations that once contained two aspects, namely, content and form.Jones

(1968: 33) states that what and who is actually a character in a story not to be
something very important for the reader but when the reader can identify
themselves in these figures and understand and interpret the characters in
accordance with the logic of the story and perception.
Smith as the author builded many characterizations on her novel. The
characterizations that the main characters have is protagonist. Francie Nolan,

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Katie Nolan, Johnny Nolan, Neeley Nolan and McScane are the protagonist
featured in that novel. They are a poor family lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Katie and Johnny Nolan as a parents are figured by unintact family because
Johnny Nolan is not a responsible husband. Meanwhile, Francie and Neeley as the
children of Katie and Johnny are the person who wants fight with their life. Both
of them do not mind if they have to work to help their parents in fulfilling their
daily needs. And McScane is a new father of Francie and Neeley after their father
has gone. McScane is a good man for their mother, Katie but it is difficult for
Francie and Neeley to accept the presence of McScane to be their father.
However, McScane pretends because he loves Katie and her children.


Moral Message
Moral in literature usually reflects the author's view of life is concerned,

and that is what want to be delivered to the reader. Kenny (1966: 89) states, story
is usually intended as a suggestion relating to certain moral teachings of a
practical nature, which can be taken and interpreted through stories concerned by
the readers. Moral is a 'hint' that had been given by the author on various matters
relating to the problems of life, such as attitude, behavior, and social manners.
Moral messages are practical reasons 'clues' that can be displayed or found
directly in real life as it is shown also in the story through attitudes and behavior
of the characters. A work of fiction written by authors to offer a model of life that
can be deal the author. Fiction contains a moral application in the attitudes and
behavior of the characters in accordance with his view of morality. Through
stories, attitudes and behavior of the characters that the reader is expected to take

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a moral message that mandated or delivered by the author. Even the moral
element of the message is really the underlying idea of writing a work, the idea
behind the creation of literature as a supporter supporting the message. Literary
works of fiction always offers a moral message associated with the virtues of
humanity, fighting for their rights and human dignity.
This novelteaches the reader especially women to fight their dreams for
showing that woman is not borned only for a wife but only can be able to be an
educated person. The moral messages that Smith wants to say for the reader is
never give up on your dream whatever your life background. By having
education, a woman can be existanced of her environtment. This novel is trying to
open and changes the women mindset about what struggles means. If you have
your talents and your efforts to get your dreams, you will get like as Francie has

One important issue that emerged towards the end of the 20th century is

gender. The gender issue has been discussed that enters every social analysis, the
subject of the discourse of the debate on social changes and also become the main
topic of conversation on development and social change. The term gender was
originally developed as a social science analysis by Ann Oakley in1972 and Fakih
in 1997, he thought genderregarded as a good analytical tool to understand the
problem of discrimination against women in general.
Gender is a cultural concept, seeks to make a difference in terms of roles,
behavior, mentality and emotional characteristics between men and women is

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growing in society. Inthe previous section have explained that the roots of gender
inequality is the gender difference. In gender studies, there are two major theories
in the social sciences that gave birth to feminism, the flow of the status quo or
functionalism and flow of the conflict. Feminist theory is the underlying research
authors to resolve the issues in the novel. Feminists do not only belong to women
but to men or women who have awareness of the oppression and exploitation
experienced by women. But his achievements are not only limited to that alone,
but the existence of women also need to be developed and championed.
Steps in conducting research feminist literary criticism in a work of
fiction, namely:
(1) There must be a female character who plays the main character or a
subordinate then associated with male figure;
(2)Look for the position of the characters in the community;
(3) To find out the purpose of life, for example women aspire to the various ways
to develop themselves into independent human beings and unseen will be
supported by the feminist movement. Thus women will elevate the status and
dignity to be level with the status and dignity of men, either in the family or
in the community;
(4) The behavior and character of women leaders from the description given
directly from the author. Authors can also portray a female character as a
person who thirst for education or knowledge of diligent work outside the
home environment, especially to supplement the family income, so that

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people can be recognized as someone who has their own identity without
being associated with the position of the husband;
(5) Pay attention to the establishment and the words of the woman figure. What
people think, do, and say will provide much information about the characters.
Suppose a woman wishful to receive an adequate education to be able to help
the family economy, then the figure has realized one goal is fighten by
feminist movement. Djajanegara (2000: 56) says that similarly dialogues
involving many characters that would reveal the character and way of
thinking. The next step is to examine other figures, especially the male figure
who has a relationship with a female character who is being observed.
Pursued ways not unlike the way portray female characters. Djajanegara
revealed feminism always encourage women to develop themselves before
getting married. Women are encouraged to acquire knowledge as high as
possible in order to afford an Independent without having to depend on
others, and he was able to achieve a level footing with the male position in
society (2000: 56). In line with the above opinion, Betty Friedan does not
oppose the marriage. Women are not recommended to be single for the rest of
his life. Feminism upholds moderate nature that enables women give birth
and care for the baby. Feminism moderate support women in carrying out the
tasks of this nature. However, moderate feminism also recommends that the
first women to develop themselves to be able to live independently, both
intellectually and economically, because of this ability will make him have
equal status with men, and will release itself from dependence on men.

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Fuad (2010: 177) states, existence is a way of being human. Animals and

humans are in the world but the way its being not the same. Humans understand
that life has meaning In line with the above opinion. Supaman and Sobirin reveal
the presence of humans in life are within limitations. Within the limitations of
human beings should be able to give meaning to his life by setting the value.
Setting a value in life is the duty of human existence. Without the meaning of life
or values, human as well as the bodies of living.So it can be concluded that the
existence of a human being is how to live a life in this world with all its
Freedom is a curse, because someone is aware there is no relief from the
freedom to choose and enforce themselves according existence precedes essence.
In other words, we are just as living organisms are amorphous (do not have a
steady form) until we create a separate identity with essential for ourselves
through conscious action, through choices and decisions, reaffirm goals and long
project, and enforce objectives and new projects. Sartre was later confirmed that
no one forced us to take action in any way; we are absolutely free. Sartre makes a
distinction between observer and observed by dividing the self into two parts,
namely there for itself, which refers to the presence of repetitive material which is
owned by a man with an animal, vegetable, and mineral. There for itself refers to
the presence of moving and conscious, that only humans. This is consistent with
the nature of human consciousness itself which always leads to the outside of
himself and beyond himself (transcendence). Humans are not immanent (confined

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in itself) but is transcendent (exit or beyond itself). Humans want to overcome
fear and uncertainty by increasing self, struggling to overcome the passive nature
of the controlled nature to be active, aiming and free, change of creatures become
creators. Original reality may be painful and unpleasant, strived to be a healthy
and pleasant world.

Existence of Feminism
Beauvoir furthermore disclose the other's problem. Began believes that

when a woman she beings that need to be protected because of "weakness" of his
body. He thinks that he can not live without a man, becausethe woman was
created from the rib of man. Therefore, it is defined based on the opinions of men
and not vice versa. Men are to be the subject, it is an object of absolute while the
female or "other" (the other). Beauvoir furthermore revealed that his theory of
women refers to the theory of existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre who stated that
there are three modes items, namely "There" in humans items, namely there- initself (être en soi),there-for-itself (pour êtresoi) and there-for-others (etre pour les
autres) and the three closest to feminism is there-for-others(être pour les autres).
This philosophy saw human relations. Sartre, every human relations conflict
comes from the core of the intersubjective relations. Among the subjects or
consciousness, meaning that each maintains the subyek or her world and tried to
enter another consciousness in the world.In the relations between men and
women, male and female objectmade as "other" (the other). Then the man claimto
be the identity and women as others. It could be said that men and women as
subjects as objects. Tong (2010: 282) says that when asking women to transcend

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limiting reviews their immanence, he was not being asked to negate the women
themselves, but to let go of all the burdens that impede reviews their progress
toward authentic self. Further Beauvoir explains that the man named "male" self,
while "women" the otherness. Therefore, if men want to remain free, he must
subordinating women against him. The oppression of women is a historical fact
interconnected, an event in time repeatedly questioned and distorted. Women are
always subbordinate lazy. Secondly, women have internalized the foreign
perspective is essential that male and female is not essential. Reflecting on women
prostitutes, narcissistic and mystical woman, he concluded that of all the
construction is not built by the women themselves. Because women are not the
builders themselves, the women then fed to obtain approval from the masculine
world into productive society. Women, Beauvoir constructed by men, through the
structures and institutions of men, just as men do not have the essence, women
does not have to continue to be what they want men. Women can be the subject,
can engage in positive activities in the community, and can redefine or eliminate
her role as wife, mother and worker. Women can establish themselves because
there is no essence of eternal feminism, who scored the identity of ready-made for
him. All the hinders women's efforts to establish itself in a patriarchal society in th
is regard.If women want to stop the condition as a second or gender, women must
be able to cope with the forces of the environment. Women must have toreview
their opinions and ways as are men. In the process towards transcendence,
according to Beauvoir, there are four strategies that can be waged by women. The

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theory I use to analyzed the struggles of Francie from feminism approach is the
fourth theory of transcendencethat can be waged by women items, namely:
1.Women can work
Although the hard and tiring work of women, employment still provide a
variety of possibilities for women, by women who otherwise would be to lose the
opportunity altogether. By working outside the home along with men, women can
"recapture transcendence". Women will be concretely confirmed his status as a
subject, as someone whodetermine actively the direction of his fate.
2. Women may be an intellectual
The which is a member of a group that will build change for women.
Intellectual activity is the activity when a person thinks, sees, and define, and not
nonactivity when one becomes an object of thought, observation, and definition.
3. Women can work to achieve a socialist transformation of society
Beauvoir convinced that one of the keys for women's liberation is
economic power. If a woman wants to realize all she wants, she must help create a
community that will offer material support to transcend boundaries encircling it
Speaking about the existence is insuperable from the way humans break
free and her there-herself, then four transcendence that will author uses to remove
the existence of heroine andthe author combines the theory of freedom.

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