The Proces of Morphemic Ruduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minang Kabau by Edwar Djamaris




















Dr. Deliana, M.Hum. Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, MA.

NIP. 195711171983032002 NIP. 196301091988032001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.




Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D NIP. 195411171980031002 NIP. 197502092008121002


Accepted by the Board of Examination in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Tuesday, 15th July 2014.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara,

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners:

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS. ……….

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D. ……….

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA. ……….

Dr. Deliana, M.Hum. ……….



Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah SWT who always gives me blessing, power, strength and love in my entire life and in terms of my study, especially in completing this thesis as one of the requirements to get Scholar Certificate in English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. H Syahron Lubis, M.A, The head of English Departement, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, and the Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D, and to all the lectures of English Department for all assistances, valuable knowledge and facilities during my academic year.

My sincere gratitude goes to my Supervisor, Dr. Deliana, M.Hum, and my Co-Supervisor, Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, MA, who given me a considerable amount if contribution of knowledge, spared their valuable time to comment, encourage, and guide me to finishing this thesis.

Further, my sincere gratefulness is devoted to my beloved mommy Lustina and my daddy Syafri, also thank you so much to my inspiring siblings Dedek Ramadhan and Yossi Septian for their endless support, attention prays and love which they have been giving to me not only during the term of my study and my completing of this thesis, but also in everyday’s motivation and encouragement for a better future Beside them I would like to thank to all my relatives for their mental support.

Last but not least, my special thanks are due to my all friends, for the first for ulan, my roommate that always share suggestions, happiness and sadness when we felt homesick, then especially to those who amazingly close to me, they are Anok,


Vivi, Dhini, Filza, Ninis, Nadia, Anis, Yudi Tolo, Aldi Kiteng, Deni, Boy, Dicky, Petrus, Amy, Ayu, Mitra, Rima, Yuyun, Andri and Farhan- if it hadn’t for you guys, I wouldn’t be able to get to this part to finish my thesis, I hope this friendship will be last forever. My special thanks also for my partner and best friend, Fariza, for sharing, support and helped. Thank you so much for all of my friends, all of spunky boys and girls in class B 2010 who I cannot mention all of your names.

In writing this paper, I realized that this thesis is far from being perfect though I have done my best, so I hope suggestion for this thesis. Without any helps and support from all parties, this thesis would not be completed. Finally, I expect this thesis would be useful for the readers in future.

Medan, July 2014 The Writer

Febby Luthfrianti No. Reg. 100705068




Signed :







Skripsi ini berjudul The Process of Morphemic Reduplication which found in Cerita rakyat Minangkabau. Merupakan suatu kajian Morfologi pada kumpulan dongeng dalam bahasa Minangkabau yang berjudul Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau. Untuk mendapatkanhasil tipe reduplikasi yang dominan digunakan formula yang dikembangkan oleh Nawawi. Analisis tipe reduplikasi didalam skripsi ini berdasarkan buku M.D.S Simatupang yang berjudul Reduplikasi Morfemis Bahasa Indonesia.Proses morfemik reduplikasi diidentifikasi berdasarkan tipe reduplikasi yang muncul pada kata ulang. Dari anlisis data ditemukan bahwa Reduplikasi tipe 1 adalah yang paling dominan yang ditemukan pada kumpulan cerita rakyat dalam bahasa Minangkabau tersebut, yakni sebanyak 64 kata ulang (51,61%), diikuti oleh reduplikasi tipe 3 dan tipe 6 sebanyak 19 kata ulang (15,32%), reduplikasi tipe 11 sebanyak 13 kata ulang (10,48)%, reduplikasi tipe 9 sebanyak 3 kata ulang (2,42%) dan terakhir dengan jumlah persentasi yang terkeci yaitu redupliksi tipe 4, tipe 5, tipe 6, tipe 16 dan tipe 18 sebanyak 1 kata ulang (0,81%).



The title of this thesis isThe Process of Morphemic Reduplication which found in Cerita rakyat Minangkabau. This is s research of morphology in collection of folklores in Minangkabau language entitled Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau. To find the most dominant type of reduplication, it is used formula by Nawawi. The analysis of reduplication type is based on M.D.S Simatupang’s book entitled Reduplikasi Morfemis Bahasa Indonesia.The morphemic process of reduplication is identified by the type of reduplication which found from repetition word. From the data analysis, Reduplication type 1 is the dominant type which found in collection of folklores in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau. 64 repetitions (51,61%), followed by reduplication type 3 and type 6 has 19 repetitions (15,32%), reduplication type 11 has 13 repetitions (10,48%), reduplication type 9 has 3 repetitions (2,42%), and the last, the smallest percentage, reduplication type 4, type 5, type 6, type 16, type 18 has 1 repetition (0,81%).






ABSTRAK ………..……….. v

ABSTRACT ………..………. vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS………..………... vii


1.1 The Back ground of the Study ……… 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ………. 3

1.3 Objective of the Study ……….. 3

1.4 Scope of the Study ………. 4

1.5 Significance of the Study……… 4


2.1 Morphology ………. 5

2.1.1 Morphemes ……….. 6

2.1.2 Word ……… 7

2.2 Morphological Process ……….. 8

2.2.1 Affixation ………. 8 Prefix ………..……… 9 Infix ……… 9 Suffix ……….…….. 9

2.2.2 Reduplication ……….… 10 Type 1 ……….…….... 11 Type 2 ……….………. 13 Type 3 ……….………. 14

(13) Type 5 ……….……… 15 Type 6 ………..…….. 16 Type 7 ………..………. 16 Type 8 ……….……….. 16 Type 9 ……… 17 Type 10 ……… 17 Type 11 ……… 17 Type 12 ……… 18 Type 13 ……… 19 Type 14 ……… 19 Type 15 ……… 20 Type 16 ……… 21 Type 17 ……… 22 Type 18 ……… 23

2.3 Relevance Study ……….. 24


3.1 Research Method ……….… 25

3.2 Source Data ……….… 25

3.3 Collecting Data ……… 25

3.4 Data Analysis ………..… 26


4.1 The Analysis of Reduplication ………. 28

4.1.1 Type 1……….……. 28

4.1.2 Type 2 ………. 38

4.1.3 Type 3 ………. 39

4.1.4 Type 4 ………. 42

4.1.5 Type 5 ………. 43

4.1.6 Type 6 ……… 44


4.1.8 Type 8 ……… 47

4.1.9 Type 9 ……… 47

4.1.10 Type 10 ……… 48

4.1.11 Type 11 ……… 50

4.1.12 Type 12 ……… 51

4.1.13 Type 13 ……… 52

4.1.14 Type 14 ……… 52

4.1.15 Type 15 ……… 53

4.1.16 Type 16 ……… 54

4.1.17 Type 17 ……… 55

4.1.18 Type 18 ……… 56

4.2 Findings ………..…. 57


5.1 Conclusion ……….….. 59

5.2 Suggestion ………... 59




Skripsi ini berjudul The Process of Morphemic Reduplication which found in Cerita rakyat Minangkabau. Merupakan suatu kajian Morfologi pada kumpulan dongeng dalam bahasa Minangkabau yang berjudul Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau. Untuk mendapatkanhasil tipe reduplikasi yang dominan digunakan formula yang dikembangkan oleh Nawawi. Analisis tipe reduplikasi didalam skripsi ini berdasarkan buku M.D.S Simatupang yang berjudul Reduplikasi Morfemis Bahasa Indonesia.Proses morfemik reduplikasi diidentifikasi berdasarkan tipe reduplikasi yang muncul pada kata ulang. Dari anlisis data ditemukan bahwa Reduplikasi tipe 1 adalah yang paling dominan yang ditemukan pada kumpulan cerita rakyat dalam bahasa Minangkabau tersebut, yakni sebanyak 64 kata ulang (51,61%), diikuti oleh reduplikasi tipe 3 dan tipe 6 sebanyak 19 kata ulang (15,32%), reduplikasi tipe 11 sebanyak 13 kata ulang (10,48)%, reduplikasi tipe 9 sebanyak 3 kata ulang (2,42%) dan terakhir dengan jumlah persentasi yang terkeci yaitu redupliksi tipe 4, tipe 5, tipe 6, tipe 16 dan tipe 18 sebanyak 1 kata ulang (0,81%).



The title of this thesis isThe Process of Morphemic Reduplication which found in Cerita rakyat Minangkabau. This is s research of morphology in collection of folklores in Minangkabau language entitled Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau. To find the most dominant type of reduplication, it is used formula by Nawawi. The analysis of reduplication type is based on M.D.S Simatupang’s book entitled Reduplikasi Morfemis Bahasa Indonesia.The morphemic process of reduplication is identified by the type of reduplication which found from repetition word. From the data analysis, Reduplication type 1 is the dominant type which found in collection of folklores in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau. 64 repetitions (51,61%), followed by reduplication type 3 and type 6 has 19 repetitions (15,32%), reduplication type 11 has 13 repetitions (10,48%), reduplication type 9 has 3 repetitions (2,42%), and the last, the smallest percentage, reduplication type 4, type 5, type 6, type 16, type 18 has 1 repetition (0,81%).


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of The Study

Language could not be separated from human being, because without language we could not make a conversation or share ideas. For knowing how important of language as communication, this is the expert’s opinion, Sapir (1949 : 8) says, “language is purely human and non instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, desires by means of systems of voluntary produced symbols. “It means language is a systematical means of communicating ideas or feeling by the used of signs, gestures, or marks having understood meaning and it is used when we interact with other people in social group or society.

Linguistics is a science that study about language as the object. It is a scientific knowledge which can be applied to all languages in the world. Linguistics has some branch of studies which includes phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and also some other sciences that are related to linguistics like sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and comparative linguistics. Generally, human study about language which consist of words, phrases and sentences. The study of words is one of linguistics branch, morphology. In this paper, the writer would like to describe one of linguistics branch that study of words, “Morphology”. Morphology (Crystal, 1989:90) is the branch of linguistics studying the structure of words. Morphology is also called the study of morphemes and their different forms (allomorphs) and the way they combine in word formation, or morphology is the branch of linguistics studying how words are structured and how they are put together from smaller parts. Word is formed from morpheme or morphemes. The


process of morphological is the process of formation of the word from morphemes. There are some morphological processes, one of them is reduplication.

Reduplication is revolution process of lexam to be a complex by using some repetition of the basic form, in whole, part or the sound changes. There are several definitions of reduplication. Soedjito (1995:109) says, “Pengulangan adalah proses pembentukan kata dengan mengulang bentuk dasar, baik secara utuh maupun sebagian, baik dengan variasi fonem maupun tidak”. ( Repetition is the process of forming words by repeating basic form, in whole or in part, either with variations phoneme or not.) Generally, reduplication can be divided into three types, namely (1) full reduplication, (2) partial reduplication, and (3) reduplication affixes.

Simatupang (1983) in his book, has discussed about morphologically reduplication and semantically reduplication. He divides Reduplication into 18 types. Based on the research of Simatupang, the writer interested to analyze reduplication in Minangkabau language, how the process of reduplication.

Based on the typology of language, Minangkabau language is belongs to Austronesia or Malay Polynesian. Minangkabau language is a means of communication of Minangkabau ethnic in western Sumatra. In daily communication, reduplication is often used in spoken and written language in Minangkabau.

The writer chose morphological process as the topic of this thesis because the writer wants to know and to comprehend the topic in details. Then, to describe the process of how the process of morphological, especially the type of reduplication, the writer chooses collection of folklores in Minangkabau language as the research object, entitled: Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau who compiled by Edwar Djamaris. Folklore is generally used to refer to the traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people which have been disseminated in an informal manner, usually


told by word of mouth. Now, the tale is told not only through word of mouth but has been told through the writings and collected into a book. This thesis uses the folklores of Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau as the main object of the study because this book tells interesting story that has many advice and told in Minangkabau language, so by analyzing these stories, we can know the morphological process, especially the type reduplication in Minangkabau language.

1.2.Problem of the Study

Based on the title above, the writer focused the study on the following problems:

1. What are the types of reduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau?

2. How the process of morphemic reduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau?

3. What is the dominant type of morphemic reduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau?

1.3Objective of The Study

Dealing with the analysis of morphemic reduplications found in folklores in Minangkabau language, the objective of the study are:

1. to find out the type of reduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau.

2. to describe the process of morphemic reduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau.

3. to find out the most dominant type of the morphemic reduplication which found in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau.


1.4Scope of The Study

In research, it is important to limit the analysis on specific data that has been chosen, and to avoid over complicating the issues and the analysis.

This study describes the research of category and type of reduplication in Minangkabau language based on Simatupang’s book entitled “Reduplikasi morfemis bahasa Indonesia". While the object of this study is collection of folklores in Minangkabau language, Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau by Edwar Djamaris.

1.5Significance study

Theoretically, this study has purpose to enrich the study that concern with reduplication morphemic process and to understand the type of reduplication in Minangkabau language. Practically, it will be a reference for the next researcher in analyzing reduplication morphemic process, especially in Minangkabau language.




In every language, words play an important grammatical role, in that they are built out of smaller elements by certain patterns, but are put together into sentences by rather different patterns. Actually, morphology is a sub discipline of linguistics which studies word and concerns with the study and analysis of structure, forms, and classes of word.

There are many definitions of morphology that we can find in linguistics form. Each of them has different explanation, but the distinction is not in its meaning, the linguist has the same sense in describing morphology. To clarify about morphology, the writer would mention some linguist idea about it.

Katamba (1993:3) says, “Morphology is the study of internal structure words”, while Nida (1967:1) says, “Morphology is the study of morphemes and their arrangements in forming word”. Also Bloomfield (1933:207) mentions that by the morphology of a language, we mean the construction in which bound forms appear among the construction, by definition, the resultant for more either bound forms but never phrases.

From some definitions that is stated above, the writers can say that morphology is linguistics field that is learning of word structures grammatically. Word and morpheme are important units in studying of morphology. Despite, the popular notion that the word is the smallest meaningful unit, the smallest unit with meaning is actually the morpheme. A morpheme is the minimal linguistics unit which has a meaning or grammatical function. In other words, many words are themselves morphemes, they could not be broken down into smaller units that in


themselves carry meaning. So we can conclude that morphology is the study of the morphemes and their arrangement in forming words.

2.1.1 Morphemes

Morphology emphasizes to morpheme, a morpheme is the smallest part of a word that has the grammatical function or meaning, not the smallest unit of meaning. These are some opinions of linguists about the definitions of morpheme, Robins (1964:201) says, “Morpheme is the minimal grammatical units”. While, Hockett (1958:123) says, “Morphemes are the smallest individually meaningful elements in the utterances of language”. Bloomfield (1993:161, says “Morpheme is a linguist form which bears no partial phonetic semantic resemblance to any other form is a simple form of morpheme”.

Making it more understand, we can learn this illustration above by examine the following English word. Writers is made up of three morphemes. They are {write} + {er} + {s}. Each of the morphemes has a meaning: {write} = verb form (however it might be representing semantically); {er} = the person who carries out the action of the verb (used to form noun); and {s} = a plural marker on noun. If they are made up together, they mean like ‘more than one person who write’. Writers consist of seven phonemes: /w/, /r/, /i/, /t/, /e/, /r/, /s/.

Morpheme can be classified into 2 dimensions, they are: Bound and Free Morpheme.

a) Bound Morpheme

A morpheme may also be called a dependent form and it has no lexical meaning. Bound morpheme is a morpheme that could not stand alone. It must be attached to the base form. A bound morpheme is a grammatical unit that never


occurs by itself, but it always attached to some other morpheme and could not be found in the dictionary.

If bound morpheme is attached to the free morpheme, it will have meaning that creates the addition meaning for the morpheme itself. Here are the examples:

1. dis- in dislike 2. -ness in happiness 3. pan- in pancilok b) Free Morpheme

Free morpheme is a morpheme that can stand alone, it could not be broken down into smallest meaningful. A morpheme can also be called an independent form and it has lexical meaning and the meaning can be found in dictionary. For example: coffee, cup and moon. The meaning of free morpheme can be found in dictionary.

2.1.2 Word

Words are usually the easiest unit to identify in the written language. Words consist of two kinds: those which have meaning in themselves and those whose function is to express the relationship of other words to one another. The first group is “full words” and the second is “form words”. Most nouns and adjective belong to the first group and most prepositions and conjunction belong to the second group.

Words are not the smallest unit of meaning. Many words are made of smaller units of meaning, and these units are combined in particular way, forming words. At the basic level, word is stated by morpheme, not all words have more than one morpheme. Words that have only one morpheme are also called monomorphemic


words, e.g. cat, sit, bird, etc. Words with more than one morpheme are called

polymorphemic words. They can be broken down into smaller units that are

meaningful, e.g. Arabian (Arab + ian) for instance, where Arab refers to a kind of state and it is kind of noun or adjective in the class of word. While –ian serves the grammatical function that used to form a noun and adjective and this piece could not stand by itself, and independence is one of the criteria for calling element of word.

2.2Morphological Process

Morphological process is a word formation by combining one morpheme with another morpheme or a word formation by making a modification to its base form (affixes). Samsuri (1981:177) says, “Proses morfologis adalah cara pembentukan kata-kata dengan menghubungkan morfem yang satu dengan morfem yang lainnya”. (Morphological process is the way of forming the words by relating one morpheme to other morpheme.)

Here are some kinds of morphological process, those are: Affixation, Reduplication, Suppletion, Modification, and Compounding.

2.2.1 Affixation

Affixation is the one of the most general process in every language. Words formed by the combination of bound affixes and free morphemes are the result of the process of affixation. Chaer (1994:177) says, “Afiksasi adalah proses pembubuhan afiks pada sebuah dasar atau bentuk dasar. Afiks adalah sebuah bentuk, biasanya berupa morfem terikat, yang diimbuhkan pada sebuah dasar dalam proses pembentukan kata.”


(Affixation is the process of placing affix to a base or base form. Affix is a form, usually in the form of bound morpheme, which attached to a base in the process of forming words.)

According to their position in the word (or side of the word they are attached to), affixes are classified into prefixes, infixes and suffixes.

Prefix is bound morpheme that is added to the beginning of the word. For examples:

1. un + noticed  unnoticed 2. a + moral  amoral 3. pan + cilok  pancilok Infix

Infix is bound morpheme that is inserted within the words. There is no infix in English, but we can find it in Indonesia, Minangkabau language and Tagaloc. Examples:

1.-al- + tunjuk  talunjuk 2.-am- +puncak  pamuncak

Suffix is bound morpheme which is attached to the end of the word. Examples: 1. notice + -able  noticeable

2. care + -less  careless 3. short +-en  shorten


2.2.2 Reduplication

Reduplication is a process of forming new words either by doubling an entire free morpheme (total reduplication) or part of it (partial reduplication). Reduplication consists in the repetition of all or of part of a root or stem to form new words.

These are some definitions of reduplication:

1. Proses pengulangan atau reduplikasi ialah pengulangan satuan gramatik,

baik seluruhnya maupun sebagiannya, baik dengan variasi fonem maupun tidak. (Ramlan, 1985:57)

(Process of repetitions is repeated the grammatical unit, in whole or in part, either with variations finem or not. (Ramlan, 1985:57))

2. Proses reduplikasi yaitu pengulangan suatu gramatikal, baik seluruhnya

maupun sebagiannya, baik dengan variasi fonem maupun tidak. Hasil pengulangan disebut kata ulang, satuan yang diulang merupakan kata dasar. (Solichi, 1996:9)

(Process of reduplication is a grammatical reduplication, in whole or in part, either with variations of phonemes or not. The results of repetition is called re-word, the repeated unit is a basic word. (Solichi, 1996:9))

Reduplication is not a new problem in Linguistics, this study has been discussed by linguists, such as Simatupang (1983), Kridalaksana (1989), and Keraf 1991). Simatupang (1983), in his book has discussed about morphologically reduplication and semantically reduplication. He divides reduplication into 18 types. Morphemic reduplication can be classified into derivational reduplication and reduplication paradigmatic based on the type of words and the resulting words. To


determine the meaning of reduplication of bound context, sometimes, some of reduplication can be immediately known and sometimes it depends on the context.

According to Verhaar (1982) reduplication can be classified into monomorphemic and polymorphemic, for examples: berhenti-berhenti ‘stop’, unggas-unggas ‘bird’ and it is called full reduplication. Reduplication can be also followed by changing in vowel, consonant or consonant vowel,for examples: sayur-mayur ‘vegetables’, carut-marut ‘obscene’. If only a part of the root or stem is repeated, the process is called partial reduplication, for examples: pepohonan ‘trees’, lelaki ‘man’.

There are several meaning that is contained by reduplication, such as: a. reciprocity: tolong-menolong ‘help each other’ imbau-mengimbau ‘remind each other’, b. intensity bersusah-susah ‘full of painful’, reduplication berderai-derai ‘loose’, and some other meaning .

Simatupang (1983) has discussed the form of reduplication, including derivational reduplication and the meaning of free context reduplication and bound context reduplication. He also divides reduplication into 18 types. In addition, Simatupang also discusses the derivational reduplication, It kinds of morphemic process in reduplication, and it can change the category of word.

Based on Simatupang’s book, reduplication can be divided into 18 types, they are: Type 1 Basic Form (BF) + Reduplication (R)

Reduplication in this type repeats monomorphemic and polymorphemic basic form. It is type of full reduplication.


a. Noun + R-1

In general, each noun can be followed by Reduplication type 1 but it depends on meaning of reduplication and semantic characteristics. It usually indicates plural noun or quantity intensity.

Examples: 1. rumah-rumah ‘houses’ 2. dosen-dosen ‘lectures’

3. anak-anak ‘children’

b. Adjective + R-1

Reduplication type 1 is productive with adjectives. The meaning that can be related with R-1 + Adjective is “intensive”.

Examples: 1. baik-baik ‘fine’ 2. murah-murah ‘cheap’

c. Verb + R-1

Generally, verb can be followed by R-1 only monomorphemic verb. Examples: 1. makan-makan ‘eat’

2.tidur-tidur ‘sleep’

But in certain context R-1 also can be followed by polymorphemic. Examples: 1. berhenti-berhenti ‘stop’

d. Adverb + R-1

Reduplication type 1 is productive with adverb. Examples: 1. kiro-kiro ‘about’


e. Pronoun + R-1

Pronouns can be divide into personal pronouns: saya ‘I’, kamu ‘you’, dia ‘she/he’,mereka ‘they’, kami ‘we’ and demonstrative pronouns: ini ‘this’, itu ‘that’.

f. Question Words + R-1

Reduplication type 1 is productive with question word. Examples: 1. kapan-kapan ‘when (ever)’

g. Numeral + R-1

Reduplication type 1 is productive with numeral words, numeral can be divede into 3 kinds, they are:

(i) Cardinal Number: satu-satu ‘one and one’ dua-dua ‘two and two’ (ii)Fraction: seperempat-seperempat ‘a quarter by a quarter’

(iii) Numeral Classifier: se+ ekor  seekor-seekor ‘a/an’ Type 2 Basic Form + Reduplication that followed by changing in vowel, consonant or consonant vowel.

In type 2, the basic repetition of basic form is followed by changing of phonemes. It can be changed only a vocal, only a consonant or both consonant and vocal.

Examples: 1. sayur-mayur ‘vegetables’ 2. carut-marut ‘obscene’ 3. hiruk-pikuk ‘crowded’

(31) 3 (Basic Form + Reduplication) + ber- a. Verb in Reduplication type 3

Generally, reduplication in this type consists of a verb that indicates 'action' (action verbs , according to Chafe 1973) or commonly it is called intransitive verbs and the meanings that can be concerned to R - 3 is ' iterative ' (continues) and doing something without purpose.

Example: 1. berjalan-jalan.

b. Noun in Reduplication type 3 i) Nouns that indicate Measurement

Examples: 1. berkarung-karung ‘many sacks’ 2. bergelas-gelas ‘many glasses’ 3. berlembar-lembar ‘many sheets’ ii) Nouns that indicate time

Examples: 1. berhari-hari ‘many days’

2. berminggu-minggu ‘many weeks’ 3. berbulan-bulan ‘many months’ iii) Nouns that indicate numeral

Examples: 1.berhelai-helai ‘many sheets’ 2. berpintu-pintu ‘many doors’ iv) The other type of nouns

Examples: 1. berawa-rawa ‘swamps’

2. bergunung-gunung ‘mountains’ 3. berjenis-jenis ‘kinds’


c. Adjectives in Reduplication type 3

In this type, adjectives usually indicate human behavior. We seldom find adjective in reduplication type 3.

Examples: 1. bermalas-malasan ‘lazy’ 2. bersakit-sakit ‘pain’ 3. bersusah-susah ‘difficult’ 4 Basic Form + Reduplication + ber-…_an

Reduplication in this type usually indicates reciprocal meaning. Examples: 1.bersalam-salaman ‘shake hand each other’

2. bersebalah-sebalahan ‘’ 3. berjauh-jauhan ‘’

The examples above indicate actions that act repeatedly. 5 Basic Form (Reduplication + ber-) a. Noun + R-5

Noun in reduplication type 5 indicates special characteristics. It means the relation of the first noun is same with the second noun.

Examples: 1.anak-beranak ‘’

2. kakak-beradik ‘sisterhood’ b. Verb + R-5

Verb in reduplication type 5 has reciprocal meaning. Examples: 1. lama-berkalamaan ‘for a long time’

(33) 6 (Basic Form + Reduplication) + meN-

There are several meanings that can be related with reduplication type 6. i) Iterative and continuously

Examples: 1. melompat-lompat ‘jump’ 2.meminta-minta ‘ask’ 3. memuji-muji ‘appreciate” ii)Doing something without real purpose: Examples: 1. melihat-lihat ‘see’

2.membaca-baca ‘read’ 7  Basic Form + (Reduplication + meN-)

Generally, reduplication type 7 can be followed by verb that has reciprocal meaning or action that has concerned with basic form.

Examples: 1. pukul-memukul ‘beat each other’ 2. kait-mengait ‘hook each other’ 3. tolong-menolong ‘help each other’ 8 (Basic Form + (Reduplication + meN-…-i))

Reduplication type 8 can be imposed to the verb in reduplication type 7 with reciprocal meaning. Reduplication type 8 has reciprocal meaning.

Examples: 1. hormat-menghormati ‘respect each other’ 2. cinta-mencintai ‘love each other’

(34) 9 (Basic Form + Reduplication) + meN-…-kan

Reduplication type 9 can be followed by verb, adjective and noun. a. Verb + R-9, examples:

1. gerak  menggerak-gerakkan ‘move’ 2. lambai melambai-lambaikan wave’ 3. ayun  mengayun-ayunkan ‘swing’

b. Adjective + R-9, examples:

1. besar membesar-besarkan ‘exaggerete’ 2. kecil mengecil-kecilkan ‘minimize’

c. Noun + R-9, examples:

1. dewa mendewa-dewakan ‘idolize’

2. kabar mengabar-ngabarkan ‘inform’ Type 10 Basic Form + Reduplication + meN-…-i

The basic form that used to form reduplication type 9 are verb, adjective and noun. The process of reduplication type 9 produce verb that has iterative meaning. a. Verb + R-10, examples:

1. halang menghalang-halangi ‘block’ 2. tutup menutup-nutupi ‘cover up’ b. Adjective+ R-10, examples:

1. takut menakut-nakuti ‘scare’ 2. sakit menyakit-nyakiti ‘hurt’


c. Noun + R-10, examples:

1. buntut membuntut-buntuti ‘follow’ 2. guru mengguru-gurui ‘teach’ Type 11 Basic Form + Reduplication + se-

Reduplication type 11 can be formed by using adjective and some of nouns and.

a. Adjective + R-11

The meaning of adjective in reduplication type 9 is superlative/ concessive and the repetition usually is added with suffix –nya.

Examples: 1. setinggi-tinggi(nya) ‘(the) highest’ 2. sekuat-kuat(nya) ‘(the) strongest’ 3. sejauh-jauh(nya) ‘(the) most far away’ b. Noun + R-11

Some of noun that can be used in reduplication type 11 is proper noun and the repetition is added by suffix -nya.

Examples: 1. sejawa-jawanya ‘java’

2. sepadang-padangnya ‘minangnese’ Type 12 Basic Form + Reduplication + ke-+ (nya)

Reduplication type 12 can be formed only with small number, except ‘satu’. And this repetition is added by suffix ‘nya’

Examples: 1. ketiga-tiganya ‘the three’ 2. kelima-limanya ‘the five’

(36) Type 13 Basic Form +Reduplication + ke-…-an

Reduplication type 13 can be formed by using adjective and noun as basic form and it produces adjective.

a. Adjective + R-13

Adjective that can be used in this type is only the adjective that has no antonym, such as ‘colour’.

Examples: 1. kemerah-merahan ‘reddish’ 2. kekuning-kuningan ‘yellowish’ 3. kebiru-biruan ‘bluish’

b. Noun + R-13

Examples: 1. ibu  keibu-ibuan ‘motherhood’ 2.anak  kekanak-kanakan ‘childish’ Type 14 Basic Form + Reduplication + -an

Reduplication type 13 can be formed by using noun, adjective and verb. a. Noun + R-14

i). Indicate similarity

Examples: 1. rumah-rumahan ‘looks like house (kind of toy)’ 2. kucing-kucingan ‘hide and seek’

3. angin-anginan ‘usually’

ii). Indicate collection of basic form Examples: 1. biji-bijian ‘seeds’


b. Adjective + R-14

Examples: 1. besar-besaran ‘greatly’ 2. terang-terangan “clearly” 3. gila-gilaan ‘madly’

c. Verb + R-14

Examples: 1. mati-matian ‘dying’ 2. habis-habisan ‘run out of’ 3. hancur-hancuran ‘destroy’ Type 15 Basic Form + (Reduplication + -em-)

In this type, reduplication gets affixation, it is infix. Infix is bound morpheme that is inserted within the words.

a.Adjective + R-15

Reduplication type 15 can be formed by using adjective. The meaning of adjective in reduplication type 15 is ‘intensive’.

Examples: 1. cerlang-cemerlang ‘genius’ 2. kilau-kemilau ‘shine’

3. gilang-gemilang ‘briliant’ 4. teram-temaram ‘shining’ b.Verb + R-15

Reduplication type 15 can be formed by using verb. The meaning of verb in reduplication type 15 is iterative/ continues.

Examples: 1.turun-temurun ‘hereditary’ 2. gulung-gemulung ‘role up’


c.Noun + R-15

Reduplication type 15can be formed by using noun. The meaning of noun in red'plication indicates plural form.

Examples: 1. jari-jemari ‘fingers’ 2. tali-temali ‘hook’ Type 16 Basic Form + Partial Reduplication a. Noun + R-16

Reduplication type 16 can be formed by using noun as basic form. Examples: 1. tangga  tetangga ‘neighbor’

2. laki  lelaki ‘man” 3. tamu  tetamu ‘guest’ b. Adjective + R-16

Adjective in reduplication type 16 will produce noun. Examples: 1. luhur (adj)  leluhur (noun) ‘ancestor’

2.sepuh (adj)  sesepuh (noun) ‘eldest’

c. R-16 with using the other word

Examples: 1. berapa  beberapa ‘some/any’ 3. suatu sesuatu ‘something’

(39) Semantics Reduplication

Semantics reduplication is kind of reduplication by combining two forms of synonym words.

a.Free morpheme + Free morpheme Examples: 1. cerdik-pandai ‘smart’

2. arif-bijaksana ‘wise’ 3. tutur-kata ‘words’ 4. semak-belukar ‘bush’

b. Free morpheme + Bound morpheme Examples: 1. segar-bugar ‘fresh’

2. tumpah-ruah ‘’ 3. gembira-ria ‘happy’ 4. suka-ria ‘glory’

c. Bound morpheme + Bound morpheme Examples: 1. tumpang-tindih ‘abundent’

2. sangkut-paut ‘relate’ 3. uji-coba ‘try out’ 4. campur-baur ‘mix up’

(40) The Other Type of Reduplication

This is the type of reduplication that has limitation of word. Examples: 1. lama-kalamaan ‘long and long’

2. sebab-musabab ‘reason’ 3. asal-muasal ‘origin’

4. adat-istiadat ‘customs and manners’ 5. alim-ulama ‘religious scholar’ 6. asal-usul ‘origin’


2.3 Relevance Study

In supporting the ideas of this analysis, some relevant books and thesis have been collected to support the topic. All these books have given a large contribution in writing this thesis. Some definitions, opinions, and findings from relevant books are quoted as follows:

• Simatupang (1983), in his book ‘Reduplikasi morfemis Bahasa Indonesia’ has discussed about morphologically reduplication and semantically reduplication. He divides morphemic reduplication into eighteen types.

• Soedjito (1995) says “Pengulangan adalah proses pembentukan kata dengan mengulang bentuk dasar, baik secara utuh maupun sebagian, baik dengan variasi fonem maupun tidak”. (Repetition is the process of forming words by repeating basic form, in whole or in part, either with variations phoneme or not.) • Ramlan (2001: 63) says “reduplikasi adalah pengulangan satuan gramatikal,

baik seluruhnya maupun sebagian, baik dengan variasi fonem maupun tidak. Hasil pengulangan disebut kata ulang, sedangkan satuan yang diulang merupakan bentuk dasar.” (Reduplication is the repetition of the unit of grammatical, either in whole or in part, either with variations of phonemes or not. The result of repetition is called re-word, while the repeated unit is the basic form.)

• Khaira (2011) in her paper ‘Reduplikasi Morfemis Bahasa Minang’ concludes that repetition in Minangkabau languge has the same type with reduplication that has discussed by Simatupang’s book.




3.1 Research Method

In order to conduct the research systematically, there are some methods applied. Library research is applied in this thesis in which a number of books about linguistics, morphology, and dictionary have been selected. As Nawawi (1993:30) says “penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara menghimpun data dari berbagai literatur baik di perpustakaan maupun tempat-tempat lain”. (Library research is carried out by accumulating all the data from various literatures either in library or in other places).

The information accumulated is about the type of reduplication; its definition, theories, explanation with simple examples, and the description of data.

3.2 Source of Data

The source of data in this thesis is taken from folklores entitled Cerita Rakyat MInangkabau compiled by Edwar Djamaris. This book was compiled in 2001. The data is collected from all of chapters in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau by Edwar Djamaris.

3.3 Collecting Data

There are some steps that the writer did in collecting the data. First, the writer find the folklores Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau by Edwar Djamaris from the library. Second, the writer read the object. Last, the writer did the analysis.


3.4 Data Analysis

In explaining the result of data analysis, descriptive method is applied in which all the results that are related to the object of data analysis in this thesis will be described. As stated by Nawawi (1993:27), “Metode deskriptif adalah prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek yang sedang diseliiki sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang actual pada saat sekarang.” (Descriptive method is a procedure or manner in solving the problem by explaining the object which is being investigated towards the factual facts).

Therefore, the overall analysis will be systematically conducted by concentrating on the textual analysis with steps as follows:

1. Reading the data

2. Identifying the data which belong to morphemic reduplication by underlining them.

3. Classifying the morphemic reduplication in to the reduplication item according to their group.

4. Listing recapitulating the lexical item which occurs mostly. 5. Making the percentage of morphemic reduplication.

6. Determining the most frequent to the least.

In counting the percentage of data, the writer applies Nawawi’s social analysis method to find the most dominant type of morphemic reduplication in Minangkabau language that is used in folklores by using Minangkabau language.


The following formula is:

� × 100% = N

X : Number of categories of morphemic reduplication Y : Number of all data




4.1. The Analysis of Reduplication

Simatupang (1983) has discussed the form of reduplication, including derivational reduplication and the meaning of free context reduplication and bound context reduplication. He also divides reduplication into 18 types. In addition, Simatupang also discusses the derivational reduplication, It kinds of morphemic process in reduplication, and it can change the category of word.

In this chapter, the writer has analyzed what types of reduplication in Minangkabau language that can be found in object. This analysis is based on type of reduplication based on Simatupang’s book.

4.1.1 Type R-1 (Basic Form + Reduplication)

In this analysis, reduplication type 1 repeats all of basic form, it could be monomorphemic and polymorphemic basic form. The writer divides the analysis of type 1 into:

a. Noun

Repetition is formed by doubling full of basic form. Noun as the basic form and it indicates plural nouns or quantitative intensity. In the object, the writer found many repetitions, such as:


Repetition Meaning Analysis

piti-piti money quantitative intensity

laki-laki man quantitative intensity

pakakian-pakaian clothes quantitative intensity

ameh-ameh golds quantitative intensity

rajo-rajo kings quantitative intensity

puyuah-puyuah quails quantitative intensity

kato-kato words quantitative intensity

anak-anak children quantitative intensity

ulah-ulah actions quantitative intensity

paubek-paubek medicines quantitative intensity

talua-talua eggs quantitative intensity

kawan-kawan friends quantitative intensity

daun-daun leaves quantitative intensity

akar-akar roots quantitative intensity

tahun-tahun years quantitative intensity

surang-surang one by one quantitative intensity

barang-barang things quantitative intensity

ramo-ramo butterflies quantitative intensity

awang-awang ceilings quantitative intensity

buli-buli quantitative intensity

tuan-tuan gentleman quantitative intensity

unggeh-unggeh birds quantitative intensity


guru-guru teachers quantitative intensity

rupa-rupa forms quantitative intensity

buah-buah fruits quantitative intensity

bayang-bayang shadows quantitative intensity

All of the repetitions of noun as the basic form in reduplication type 1 indicate quantitative intensity or plural noun. Furthermore, it can be seen that those words in a sentence, these sentences are quoted from Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau. Examples:

(1) Lah bukaino paratek jo piti-piti sadano, ditarikno pakaian-pakaian nan rancak-rancak dan ameh-ameh dalam parateh nantun.

‘She opens the iron case, she takes the beautiful dresses, gold, and the other jewelry.’

The words that have bolded are nouns that indicate plural nouns.

(2) Maso itu datang unggeh-unggeh nan basarang di ateh batang kayu tu kiun. ‘At that time, the birds come to make their nest on that log.’

Unggeh-unggeh (birds) is noun that indicate intensity quantity or plural noun. (3) Lah pai puyuah-puyuah ka sarang tampua nantun.

‘The quails come into the nest of tempua in the certain time.’ Puyuah-puyuah is repetition of noun that indicate plural noun.

From both of examples above, we can see how noun in reduplication type 1 is used in a sentence.



Reduplication type 1 is productive with adjectives. The meaning that indicated by R-1 + Adjective is “intensive”.


Repetition Meaning Analysis

lakeh-lakeh fast indicates situation

baiak-baiak well indicates situation

buruak-buruak bad indicates situation

capek-capek tired indicates situation

elok-elok beautiful indicates situation

tajam-tajam sharp indicates situation

latiak-latiak curve indicates situation

labiah-labiah more indicates situation

banyak-banyak many indicates situation

lamak-lamak fat indicates situation

rancak-rancak nice indicates situation

murah-murah cheap indicates situation

samo-samo together indicates situation

sio-sio useless indicates situation

cacek-cacek flawed indicates situation

kenyang-kenyang full indicates situation

lambek-lambek smooth indicates situation

nyariang-nyariang loud indicates situation

payah-payah difficult indicates situation

tuo-tuo old indicates situation

rusuah-rusuah anxious indicates situation


All the repetition of adjectives in reduplication type 1 indicate situation, how situation it is, we can see from some sentences as the examples.


(1) Ditarikno pakaian-pakaian nan rancak-rancak. ‘She pulls the beautiful dresses’

We know that the function of adjective gives the explanation of noun that followed. Repetition rancak-rancak is adjective that is explained pakaian-pakaian. Clearly, that rancak-rancak indicates the situation of pakaian-pakaian-pakaian.

(2) Awak den mencari pakaian nan elok dipakai, nan murah-murah sajo.

‘I want to buy the dress that beautiful to put on, but the cheap one.’ The repetition murah-murah (adjective) indicate how situation of pakaian.

From the examples above, clearly how adjective in reduplication type 1 is used in a sentence in Minangkabau language.

c. Verb

Generally, verb can be followed by R-1 only monomorphemic. But in certain context R-1 also can be followed by polymorphemic.

i). Monomorphemic.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

cubo-cubo try indicates action

lari-lari jog indicates action

habih-habih endless indicates action


ii). Polymorphemic

Repetition Meaning Analysis

salangkah-salangkah step by step indicates action

mendahului-mendahului precede indicates action

Verb in reduplication type 1 indicates actions. In Minangkabau language we can find the repetition that is formed by verb. It can be seen clearly from the examples below.


(1) Jadi, to cubo-cubo molah, antah dopek antah indo. ‘Okay, I will try whether it can or not.’

The repetition in that sentence is formed by doubling the verb cubo  cubo-cubo that indicate action that doing by subject.

(2) Baru tampak gajah nan banyak kawannyo, lari-lari pulo semuanyo. ‘When the elephant looks at it friends, they run.’

The repetition in that sentence is formed by doubling the verb lari  lari-lari that indicates action that is doing by subject, gajah (elephant).

The examples above have explained how the repetition of verb in reduplication type 1 is used in sentence.

Actually, there are so many verbs in Minangkabau language that can form reduplication type 1. The other examples such as:

beko-beko ‘going home’ pai-pai ‘go’


marambek-marambek ‘spread’ duduak-duduak ‘sit’


From the object, the writer found some examples of adverb that is used in reduplication type 1.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

tiok-tiok every indicates ‘how often’

kini-kini right now indicates time

kiro-kiro about indicates frequent

pagi-pagi in the morning indicates time

tangah-tangah in the middle indicates place

kadang-kadang sometime indicates ‘how often’

adang-adang sometime indicates ‘how often’

Each adverb has their-own function. Some of them indicate time, place and frequent. It can be seen clearly how the verb in reduplication type 1 in the sentence. Examples:

(1) Adang-adang barang nan hino ruponya labiah baguno bakeh kito dari barang nan mulio.

‘Sometimes, the thing that is seen abject is more useful than the thing that is seen precious if we don’t know the adventages.’

The repetition of adverb adang-adang in reduplication type 1indicates how often the action happened.


(2) Jadi bih mauleh palolah katujuahno itu samiang karajano tiok-tiok hari, indak rintangan minum makan.

‘So, her sisters hook the ropes every day, until they forget to eat and drink.’ The repetition of adverb tiok-tiok in the sentence above indicates how often the action happened.

From the sentence above, it can be seen see how adverb in reduplication type 1 is used in a sentence.

e. Pronoun

From the data that has analyzed by the writer, pronoun in reduplication type 1 could not be found. But there are some pronouns that used in Minangkabau language, but it is not in reduplication form.

(i) Awak, ambo, denai, aden  I

In daily conversation, Minangkabau people used awak to pronoun themselves, but sometime, they say ambo, it will be listened more polite. While in conversation between men, they usually pronoun themselves as aden, this pronoun could not be used by woman. Women usually pronoun themselves with their name than used pronoun awak, they used the last syllable of their name.

Example: 1. Na sadang sibuk ‘Dina is busy’

2. Iko baju i ‘This is my dress (Asri’s dress)’.

Pronoun Denai is usually used as the lyric of love song in Minangkabau language.

(ii)Wa’ang, ang you

According to informant, Minangkabau people will call the name of the use ang or wa’ang.


Examples: Manga ang ka siko? ‘why do you come here?’ (iii) Inyo  she/ he

(iv)Uni  to call women that older politely. (v) Uda  to call man that older politely.

f. Question Word

After the writer analyzed the object, the writer only got three examples of question word in reduplication type 1.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

siapo-siapo who asks subject

bara-bara how much asks quantity

kama-kama where asks the place

It can be seen how question word in reduplication type 1 is used in sentence:

(i)Siapo-siapo nan baruntuang surang tantu io indak dapek patolongan kok io

dalam kesusahan.

‘Who doesn’t want help each other, they won’t be helped’

Actually, there are some of questions word that is used in Minangkabau language, They could be a repetition or not.

1. Apo (A)  What

2. Bagaimano (Ba a)  How

3. Barapo (Bara)  How much


5. Darimano (Dari ma)  From where

6. Mana (Ma)  Which

7. Siapo (Sia)  Who 8. Bilo  When

9. Mangapo (Manga)  Why

10.Dek a  Why

It can be seen how the questions word above in a sentence: Examples:

1. Dima aden tinggal? ‘Where do you live?’ 2. Ba a kaba? ‘How are you?’

g. Numeral Word

In reduplication type 1, numeral word is used as basic form and it indicates iterative meaning.

From the data that has analyzed by the writer, numeral word in reduplication type 1 could not be found on the object, but according to some informants, numeral word in reduplication type 1 could be found in Minangkabau language and they have iterative meaning.


ciek-ciek ‘one by one’


4.1.2 Type R-2 (Basic Form+R preposition (Reduplication that followed by changing in vowel, consonant or consonant vowel)

In type 2, the basic repetition of basic form is followed by changing of phonemes. It can be changed only vocal, only a consonant or a consonant or a consonant and vocal.

From the data that has analyzed by the writer, the type of reduplication type 2 could not be found on the object, but actually the kind of reduplication type 2 could be found in Minangkabau language.


sayua-mayua ‘vegetables’ caruik-maruik ‘obscene’ hiruak-pikuak ‘crowded’

We could see how the repetitions above are used in sentence below: (1) Sayua-mayua di pasa ateh sado alahnya rancak

‘All vegetables in Pasar atas are good.’

(2) Nyo marah sampai caruik maruik ka adiaknyo.

‘He gets mad obscenely to his little sister.’

(3) Malam tahun baru taraso hiruak-pikuak di lapanagan. ‘In the night of new year, the field is crowded.’

4.1.3 Type R-3 (Basic Form + Reduplication) + ber-  (Basic Form + Reduplication) +

There are some parts of speech that can be used in this type, such as: ba-


Reduplication in this type consists of a verb that indicate 'action' or commonly it called intransitive verbs and the meanings of this repetition is ' iterative' (continuously) and doing something without purpose.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

bagalak-galak Laughing indicates action that is acted continuously

balari-lari Jogging indicates action that is acted continuously

batangka-tangka quarrel indicates action that is acted continuously

baguluik-guluik indicates action that is acted continuously

babeleng-beleng swinging indicates action that is acted continuously

babisiak-bisiak whispering indicates action that is acted continuously

bakoba-koba blazing indicates action that is acted continuously

bakato-kato Say indicates action that is acted continuously

bajalan-jalan walking


indicates action that is acted continuously

bacando-cando joking indicates action that is acted continuously

baolok-olok ridicule indicates action that is acted continuously

barameh-ameh put on gold indicates action that is acted continuously

badarai-darai drip indicates action that is acted continuously

badotiak-dotiak ticking indicates action that is acted continuously

From the object that have analyzed, all of verbs in the object that are used in reduplication type 3 indicates action that are acted continuously. We could see the words are used in the sentences below


(1) Indak mungkin kito dokoh, sarangno babeleng-beleng, samiang hampia bih jatuah awak.

‘We can’t stay here, the nest has swung, it will fall down.’

The word babeleng-beleng indicates action that is acted continuously. (2) Kok indak badotiak-dotiak tulang pungguang den tinjakan antahnyo. ‘His back bone is broken because I stand on it.’

The word badotiak-dotiak indicates action that acts continuously.

From the sentence above, it can be seen how the verb in reduplication type 3 is used to state the action that acts continuously.


Noun is used as basic form in reduplication type 2. From the object that have analyzed, the writer only got two examples.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

babukik-bukik hilly indicate situation

baribu-ribu thousands indicate numeral

Actually, there is the other example of noun that is used in reduplication type 13 in Minangkabau Language, such as: basuku-suku “tribes”.

(1) Kito tadiri dari basuku-suku bangsa. Kita terdiri dari bersuku-suku bangsa.

The word basuku-suku indicates the plural noun, many tribes.


In the object, the writer only found two examples of adjective that is used as basic form in reduplication type 2.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

bakilek-kilek flashing indicates situation

baelok-elok Nice indicates situation

Actually, there are the other examples of adjective as basic form in reduplication type 3 that can be found, such us: basakik-sakik ‘make every effort to do’, basanang-sanang ‘have a good time’.

The repetition that is formed by adjective in reduplication type 3 usually indicates situation. We could see from this sentence below:

(1) Lah muak hiduik hambo balum pernah hambo mancaliakkan unggeh nan saputih

iko balunya, bakilek-kilek bagai, ruponya bak cando gagak nangko agaknyo. ‘I have lived for a long time, but I never seen the bird that its feather too white, shine, and looks like a crow.’

The repetition bakilek-kilek (shine) explains the condition or situation of unggeh (bird)



From the analysis, the writer found two examples of repetition that is used adverb as basic form in reduplication type 3.

Reduplication Meaning Analysis

basamo-samo together indicates situation


Furthermore, it can be seen from the sentence below:

(1) Di urang surau cako dimintak-mintakkanno rajano doa basungguah-sungguah


The king is prayed sincerely by the people that pray in sembahyang jumat.’ The repetition basungguah-sungguah (sincerely) explain the verb doa (pray).

The explanation and examples above have explained how reduplication type 3 are formed by using some part of speech, such as: verb, noun, adjective and adverb.

4.1.4 Type R-4 Basic Form + Reduplication + ber-…_an Basic Form + Reduplication + ba

Reduplication in this type usually indicates reciprocal meaning. It indicates actions that act repeatedly.


Repetition Meaning Analysis

batolong-tolongan help each other indicates reciprocal meaning

Furthermore, it can be seen how batolong-tolongan is used in this sentence below:

(1) Kok leh amuah ang marilah kita batolong-tolongan

‘If you want, let’s help each other’

The repetition that is used in sentence above batolong-tolongan indicates action that acts each other or reciprocal meaning.

The other examples that the writer foundin Minangkabau language, such as: basalam-salaman ‘shake hand each other’


bajauh-jauhan ‘take apart each other’

4.1.5 Type R-5 Basic Form (Reduplication + ber-) Type R-5 Basic Form (Reduplication +

ba-Reduplication type 5 uses verb and noun as the basic form. If reduplication is formed by verb as basic form, it would indicate reciprocal meaning. But in the object, the examples of this type could not be found.


Actually, in Minangkabau language, the type of reduplication type 5 can be found, for examples:

anak-baranak ‘son and their parent’ (noun) kait-bakaik ‘hook each other’ (verb)

Furthermore, it can be seen how the repetition above used in the sentences below:

(1) Anak-baranak mamakai baju putiah. ‘Son and their parent put on white shirt’

Both of them put on white shirt/ put on white shirt each other.

(2) Banangnyo kaik-bakaik dibajunyo

‘The thread hooks in her dress’

The repetition kaik-mangaik indicates the action that acts reciprocally.

4.1.6 Type R-6 (Basic Form + Reduplication) + meN- (Basic Form + Reduplication) + maN-


There are several meanings that can be related with reduplication type 6. They are iterative/ continuingl and the other meaning is doing something without real purpose.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

manangih-nangih sob indicates action that is acted continuously

memareh-mareh squeeze indicates action that is acted continuously

mamatuik-matuik fitting indicates action that is acted continuously

malantua-lantua slurred indicates action that is acted continuously

mamuji-muji appreciating indicates action that is acted continuously

maminta-minta asking indicates action that is acted continuously

mamintak-mintak asking indicates action that is acted continuously


beg indicates action that is acted continuously


roar indicates action that is acted continuously

mahimbau-himbau asking indicates action that is acted continuously

mambubuik-bubuik pull up indicates action that is acted continuously

manggalapa-galapa flutter indicates action that is acted continuously

manipu-nipu lie indicates action that is acted continuously


lap indicates action that is acted continuously

malonjak-lonjak skipping indicates action that is acted continuously

manjilek-jilek lick indicates action that is acted continuously


marauang-rauang wail indicates action that is acted continuously


approach indicates action that is acted continuously

mancigok-cigok pipe indicates action that is acted continuously

Most of the examples that are found in the object indicate action that is acted continuously.

Furthermore, we could see from the sentences below:

(1) Nan bungsu karajano tiok-tiok hari mauleh tali, nan lain mamatuik-matuik diri samiang, gilo malantua-lantua jari.

‘The youngest always hook the rope every day, while the others are busy to fit themselves in front of mirror and decorate their nails.’

The repetition mamatuik-matuik (fitting) and malantua-lantua (decorating) indicate actions that act continuously.

(2) Mereka malompek-lompek di tampek tidua.

‘They jump on the bed.’

The repetition malompek-lompek (jumping) indicates the action that is acted without real purpose.

The explanation and examples above have explained how reduplication type 3 are formed and the meaning of each repetition.

4.1.7 Type R-7 Basic Form + (Reduplication + meN-) Basic Form + (Reduplication + maN-)


Reduplication type 7 can be formed by verb and it has reciprocal meaning. From the data that have analyzed, the writer only found one example for reduplication type 7.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

tolong-manolong help each other indicates reciprocal meaning

But actually there are the other examples of this type in Minangkabau language and it has reciprocal meaning such as:

imbau-mangimbau ‘ask each other’ calik-mancalik ‘call each other’

Furthermore, we could see that repetition above used in the sentence. (1) Walau marah tapi mereka calik-mancalik sajo karajonyo.

Although they are angry, they still look each other.

The repetition calik-mancalik in sentence above indicates reciprocal meaning.

(2) Mereka tolong-manolong.

‘They help each other’

The repetition tolong-manolong in sentence above indicates reciprocal meaning.

4.1.8 Type R-8 (Basic Form + (Reduplication + meN-…-i)) (Basic Form + (Reduplication + maN-…-i))


In type 8, reduplication that has produced has reciprocal meaning. From the data that has analyzed by the writer, the type of reduplication type 8 could not be found in the object, but actually, the kind of reduplication type 8 could be found in Minangkabau language and it indicates reciprocal meaning.


cinto-mancintai ‘loving each other’ kasih-mangasihi ‘affecting each other’

Furthermore, it can be seen how that repetition above is used in a sentence. (1) Walau acok bakalahi tapi sabananyo mereka saling cinto-mencintoi.

‘Although they always quarrel, actually they love each other.’ The repetition above indicates reciprocal meaning.

4.1.9 Type 9 (Basic Form + Reduplication) + meN-…-kan (Basic Form + Reduplication) +

maN-Reduplication type 9 will produce verb by using verb, noun and adjective as basic form. But in the object, the writer only found verb as the basic form and the reduplication that has produced has iterative meaning.


Repetition Meaning Analysis

mahampeh-hampehkan dash indicates action that is acted continuously

mampaolok-olokkan mock indicates action that is acted continuously

mampamain-mainkan playing indicates action that is acted continuously

Actually, there are the other repetitions that are formed by using noun and adjective as basic form in Minangkabau language, such as:


mangadang-gadangkan ‘exaggerate’ (adjective) mancameh-camehkan ‘worry’ (adjective) mandewa-dewakan ‘idolize’ (noun)

Here the examples how the repetition in reduplication type 9 is used in the sentences.


(1) Jadi manangilah kabau nantun manggaruang-garuang, mahampeh-hampehkan

badan, mahimbau-himbau anak, indak juo pulang.

‘So the buffalo cries, moans, casts his body and calls his daughter that has not go home yet.’

The repetition mahampeh-hampehkan ‘cast’ indicates the action that is acted by the subject continuously.

(2) Ibu mancameh-camehkan nyo.

‘Mother worries him.’

The repetition mancameh-camehkan ‘worry’ indicates the action that act by the subject continuously.

4.1.10 Type 10 Basic Form + Reduplication + meN-…-I Basic Form + Reduplication + maN

The basic forms that are used to form reduplication type 10 are verb, noun and adjective. The process of reduplication type 10 produce verb that has iterative meaning or act action continuously.


From the data that has analyzed by the writer, the type of reduplication type 10 could not be found in the object, but actually, the kind of reduplication type 10 in


Minangkabau language could be found and it indicates action that is acted continuously.


mamukul-mukuli ‘beating’ manyumpah-nyumpahi ‘cursing’ manurun-nuruni ‘going down’ mangasih-ngasihi ‘affecting’

Furthermore, the sentences below show how the repetition in reduplication type 10 is used in the sentence:

(1) Rudi manyumpah-nyumpahi temannyo.

‘Rudi curses his friend.’

The repetition menyumpah-nyumpahi ‘cursing’ indicates that action is acted continuously by the subject (Rudi.)

(2) Anak-baranak mangasih-ngasihi.

The parents and their kids affect each other.

The repetition mangasih-ngasihi ‘affect each other’ indicates that action is acted continuously by the subject.

4.1.11 Type 11 ‘Basic Form + Reduplication + se-’ ‘Basic Form + Reduplication +

sa-Reduplication type 11 can be formed by using adjective and some of noun.


a. Noun

In the object, the writer only found one examples of noun as basic form in reduplication type 11.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

saurang-urang one by one quantitative intensity

The other examples according to informant, such as: sajawo-jawonyo ‘javanese’


The meaning of adjective in reduplication type 11 is superlative/ concessive and the repetition usually is added with suffix –nya but in Minangkabau language suffix –nya become –nyo.

Repetition Meaning Analysis

sakuwek-kuweknyo (the) strongest indicates superlative

sabarek-barek (the) heaviest indicates superlative

saelok-elok (the) most beautiful indicates superlative

satinggi-tinggi (the) highest indicates superlative

sagigih-gigih (the) most shiver indicates superlative

sahabih-habihnyo (the) most rest indicates superlative

sagilih-gilih indicates superlative

sabuliah-buliah be able indicates superlative


samalam-malam (the) latest indicates superlative

All of the repetitions above indicate superlative. Furthermore, we could see that repetition in the sentence below:

(1) Nyo dihukum sabarek-bareknya.

‘He gets the heaviest punishment’

2.2.12 Type 12 ‘Basic Form + Reduplication + ke-+ (nya)’ ‘Basic Form + Reduplication + ka-+ (nyo)

Reduplication type 12 can be formed only with small number, except ‘satu’ or ‘ciek’ in Minangkabau language. And this repetition is added by suffix ‘-nya’ but in Minangkabau language, suffix –nya changes become –nyo.

From the data that has analyzed by the writer, the type of reduplication type 12 could not be found in the object, but actually, the kind of reduplication type 12 could be found in Minangkabau language.


katigo-tigonyo “the three” kalimo-limonya “the five”

We could see the repetition above in the sentences below: (1) Anak pak Andi katigo-tigonya padusi.

In English, we can say: ‘Mr.Andi has three daughters’

(2) Kalimo-limonya rancak bana


4.1.13 Type 13 ‘Basic Form +Reduplication + ke-…-an’ ‘Basic Form +Reduplication + ka-…-an

Reduplication type 13 can be formed by using adjective (the adjective that has no antonym, such as ‘color’) and noun as basic form and it produces adjective.

From the data that has analyzed by the writer, the type of reduplication type 13 could not be found in the object, but actually, the kind of reduplication type 13 could be found in Minangkabau language.


kabiru-biruan “bluish” (adjective) kabarek-barekan “western” (noun) kaibu-ibuan “motherly” (noun)

We could see the repetition above in these sentences below:

(1) Karena Manahan sakiknyo mukonya kabiru-biruan.

His face becomes bluish because it hurts him so much.

(2) Mukonya kebarek-barekan.

His face looks western.

4.1.14 Type 14 Basic Form + Reduplication + -an

Reduplication in type 14 can be formed by using noun, adjective and verb. From the data that analyzed by the writer, the type of reduplication type 14 could not be found in the object, but according to some informants, the kind of reduplication type 14 could be found in Minangkabau language.


oto-otoan ‘car (toy)’


Furthermore,it can be seen how the repetition in reduplicatIon type 14 in these sentences below:

(1) Adiak bamain jo oto-otoan.

‘My little brother plays with his toy.’ (2) Nyo lalok-lalokan di kamar.

‘He lays his body in the bedroom’

4.4.15 Type 15 ‘Basic Form + Reduplication + -em’ ‘Basic Form + Reduplication + -em

Reduplication in this type gets affixation, infix. Infix is bound morpheme that is inserted within the words. It can be formed by using adjective, noun and verb as the basic form.

From the data that has analyzed by the writer, the type of reduplication type 15 could not be found in the object, but actually, the kind of reduplication type 15 in Minangkabau language could be found.


a. Noun as basic form

tali-tamali ‘hook’  indicate action

jari-jamari ‘fingers’  indicate plural form

b. Adjective as basic form

terang-temarang ‘shining’ indicate situation c. Verb as basic form


Furthermore, we could see the repetition in reduplication type 15 in the sentences below:

(1) Jari-jamarinyo bagata dek karano dinginnyo ‘His fingers tremble because it is too cold.’

(2) Kamarnya terang-temerang

‘His bedroom is shining’

4.4.16 Type 16 Basic Form + Partial Reduplication

Reduplication type 16 can be formed by using noun, adjective and some other words. In this analysis, the writer only found noun as the basic form.


tatanggo ‘neighbour’ (basic form: tanggo)

But, according to some informants, there is the other example of repetition of reduplication type 16 in Minangkabau language, such as:

Sasapuh ‘elders’  (basic form: sepuh)

The sentence below show the repetition above is used in a sentence: (1) Tatanggonyo urang takana

‘His neighbor is famous’ (2) Sasapuhnyo indak ado lagi.

‘He doesn’t find elders again’

4.4.17 Semantics Reduplication

Semantics reduplication is kind of reduplication that is combining synonym words. There are three forms of semantics reduplication, they are:


a. Free morpheme + Free morpheme b. Free morpheme + Bound morpheme c. Bound morpheme + Bound morpheme

In the object, the type of reduplication type 17 could not be found, but according to some informants, this kind of reduplication type 17 in Minangkabau language could be found.


tutua kato ‘words’  Free morpheme + Free morpheme

gembiro rio ‘happy’  Free morpheme + Bound morpheme

sangkuik pauik ‘connected’  Bound morpheme + Bound morpheme

The examples above show the repetitions in the sentence. Example:

(1) Tutua katonyo rancak ‘His words are good’

4.1.18 The other type of Reduplication

This is the type of reduplication that has limitation. In the object, the writer only found one example of this type.


Repetition Meaning Analysis

alang-kapalang Insignificant indicates situation

We could see how that repetition is used in a sentence. (1) Jadi, dilihakno, io bana puti, rancakno ukan alang-kapalang.

‘So he looks over there and sees the most beautiful princess.’

According to informant, there are the other examples of this type in Minangkabau language, such as the repetition below:

lama-kalamaan ‘for a long time’ sabab-musabab ‘reasons’ alim ulama ‘religious scholar’

4.2 Findings

After the writer analyzed and classified the type of morphemic reduplication into 18 types in “Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau”, the writer makes the percentage of


morphemic reduplication and find out the most dominant type of the morphemic reduplication which found in “Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau”.

Morphemic Reduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau

NO Type Number %

1 Type R-1 64 51,61

2 Type R-2 0 0

3 Type R-3 19 15,32

4 Type R-4 1 0,81

5 Type R-5 1 0,81

6 Type R-6 19 15,32

7 Type R-7 1 0,81

8 Type R-8 0 0

9 Type R-9 3 2,42

10 Type R-10 0 0

11 Type R-11 13 10,48

12 Type R-12 0 0

13 Type R-13 0 0

14 Type R-14 0 0

15 Type R-15 0 0

16 Type R-16 1 0.81

17 Type R-17 0 0

18 Type R-18 1 0,81


The total numbers of reduplication in “Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau” are 124. Reduplication type 1 is the dominant (51,61%), and followed by reduplication type 3 (15,32), reduplication type 6 (15,32), reduplication type 11 (10,48), reduplication type 9 (2,42), reduplication type 4 (0,81), reduplication type 5 (0,81), reduplication type 6 (0,81), reduplication type 16 (0,81) and reduplication type 18 (0,81).




Repetition Meaning Analysis

alang-kapalang Insignificant indicates situation

We could see how that repetition is used in a sentence. (1) Jadi, dilihakno, io bana puti, rancakno ukan alang-kapalang.

‘So he looks over there and sees the most beautiful princess.’

According to informant, there are the other examples of this type in Minangkabau language, such as the repetition below:

lama-kalamaan ‘for a long time’

sabab-musabab ‘reasons’

alim ulama ‘religious scholar’

4.2 Findings


morphemic reduplication and find out the most dominant type of the morphemic reduplication which found in “Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau”.

Morphemic Reduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau

NO Type Number %

1 Type R-1 64 51,61

2 Type R-2 0 0

3 Type R-3 19 15,32

4 Type R-4 1 0,81

5 Type R-5 1 0,81

6 Type R-6 19 15,32

7 Type R-7 1 0,81

8 Type R-8 0 0

9 Type R-9 3 2,42

10 Type R-10 0 0

11 Type R-11 13 10,48

12 Type R-12 0 0

13 Type R-13 0 0

14 Type R-14 0 0

15 Type R-15 0 0

16 Type R-16 1 0.81

17 Type R-17 0 0

18 Type R-18 1 0,81


The total numbers of reduplication in “Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau” are 124. Reduplication type 1 is the dominant (51,61%), and followed by reduplication type 3 (15,32), reduplication type 6 (15,32), reduplication type 11 (10,48), reduplication type 9 (2,42), reduplication type 4 (0,81), reduplication type 5 (0,81), reduplication type 6 (0,81), reduplication type 16 (0,81) and reduplication type 18 (0,81).



After the writer described the morphemic reduplication and analyzed them there comes a conclusion:

1. There are 10 types of reduplication in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau by Edwar Djamaris.

2. The process of morphemic reduplication which is found in Cerita Rakyat Minangkabau has been changed prefix ber- become prefix ba-, prefix me- become

ma- in reduplication that has got affixation.

3. Reduplication type 1 is the dominant (51,61%), and followed by reduplication type 3 (15,32), reduplication type 6 (15,32), reduplication type 11 (10,48), reduplication type 9 (2,42), reduplication type 4 (0,81), reduplication type 5 (0,81), reduplication type 6 (0,81), reduplication type 16 (0,81) and reduplication type 18 (0,81).


Apart from the conclusion, some suggestions to the readers or students who are interested in carrying out the types of reduplication in Minangkabau language analysis are as follows:

1. The students are interested in doing the same analysis, would the further research or analysis of all aspects of the type of reduplication based on Simatupang’s book. 2. The students who are interested in the analysis of the type of reduplication based on Simatupang’s book to make the analysis in the literary work.

3. The writer believes that this thesis is still far from being perfect, so contrastive, criticism will be welcome and thanked.



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