Pool Tournament Eve and Can t Sleep.

Pool Tournament Eve and Can´t Sleep.
Word Count:

Read about a restless night before a big pool tournament. Find out about the Dr. Cue (Tom Ross

pool tournament, billiards tournament, tom rossman, dr. cue, pueblo colorado

Article Body:
The title Pool Tournament Eve above would be more accurate if it said day instead of eve. As I

Tomorrow is the annual Dr Cue Tournament here in Pueblo Colorado. Billiards is pretty popular

Dr. Cue (Tom Rossman) puts on a trick shot exhibition the night before the tournament. I atten

The pool hall where this tournament is played is about 15 minutes from my house. I made it hom

My eyes popped open around five till two and I have not been able to get back to sleep. Thursd

I will be bringing my lap top to this tournament and plan to report on the event between my ma

Between a couple of brain freeze attacks and and watching some billiards on my DVR another hal
Well maybe my plan is working. I just experienced a yawning attack. I think I will attempt to
That´s it for now.
To Your Run Out Success,

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