

Submitted to Department of English Education of Faculty of Arts and Language Education of Indonesia University of Education as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


Miftahur Rijal Anshar 0900736








Miftahur Rijal Anshar

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Miftahur Rijal Anshar 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Januari 2014

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Approved by: First Supervisor

Prof. Hj. Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Ph.D. NIP. 196609161990012001

Second Supervisor

Ika Lestari Damayanti, S.Pd., M.A. NIP. 197709192001122001

Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Fine Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. H. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed. NIP. 196211011987121001



The research paper entitled “The Evaluation of English Electronic Books for Junior High School in Indonesia” aims at finding out in what aspect English Electronic Book (BSE) fulfill the criteria of a good English textbook and finding out features of supporting aids in the textbooks. This research focuses on evaluating two English electronic books (BSE) for the seventh grade of junior high school based on physical appearance, content and the supporting aids of the textbooks following the works of Skierso (1991) and Cunningworrth (1984). Since the research employs qualitative study design, the researcher applies a document analysis. To answer the research questions, the research uses several steps. The first step is categorizing the data from the checklist into aspects of textbooks which were analyzed. The second step is analyzing and interpreting the data based on related theories. The result of analysis and interpretation, reveals that from several aspects both English Electronic Books (BSE) entitled “English in Focus” and “Scaffolding” fit the criteria of English

textbooks in terms of physical appearance and content of the textbooks. However both textbooks need some improvement on how to design the activities and to add some proper supporting aids for the teacher. Both the textbooks are attractive in layout, and use some fun explanation on grammar and language function. They also emphasize listening and speaking skills. However the textbooks do not provide complete supporting aids for the teacher such as audio recording for listening activities and teachers’ book. There are some suggestions for the teacher of English in junior high school, textbook publisher, and further research. For English teacher in junior high school, good English teacher should be selective if they decide to choose and use their textbooks in their teaching and learning process. For the publisher and the authors of textbooks, they should consider not only the physical appearances but also the contents and the component which support teachers to use the textbooks. For the further research, the researchers are suggested to conduct research in evaluating textbooks based on the students and teachers’ points of view. The research should be in depth illustrations to give more comprehension about the criteria of good textbooks.

Keywords: Textbook Evaluation, Checklist, Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE), Document Analysis.



Penelitan ini berjudul Evaluasi Buku Bahasa Inggris Elektronik untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Indonesia bertujuan untuk menemukan pada aspek apakah buku bahasa inggris elektronik memenuhi kriteria buku bahasa inggris yang baik dan menemukan fitur bantuan di dalam buku teks elektronik bahasa inggris. Penelitian ini berfokus pada evaluasi dua buku bahasa inggris elektronik untuk kelas 7 Sekolah Menengah Pertama berdasarkan pada tampilan fisik, isi, dan fitur bantuan dari buku elektronik berdasarkan kepada Skierso (1991) dan Cunningsworth (1984). Dikarenakan penelitian in menggunakan disain kualitatif, penelitian ini menerapkan sebuah analisa dokumen. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa langkah. Yang pertama adalah mengkategorikan data dari ceklis kedalam aspek – aspek buku teks yang telah dianalisis. Langkah kedua adalah menganalisis dan menjabarkan data berdasarkan teori – teori yang berkaitan. Hasil dari analisis dan penafsiran menunjukan bahwa dlam beberapa aspek kedua buku teks elektronik yang berjudul “English in Focus” dan “Scaffolding” memnuhi kriteria buku bahasa ingggris yang baik dalam hal tampak fisik dan isi dari buku text. Meskipun, kedua buku teks elektronik tersebut masih membutuhkan perbaikan dalam hal bagaimana merancang dan menyusun kegiatan pembelajaran dan menambah fitur bantuan yang tepat untuk guru. Kedua buku teks elektronik ini memiliki tampilan yang atraktif dan menggunakan penjelasan – penjelasan yang menarik dalam hal grammar dan tata bahasa. Keduanya juga menitik beratkan pada keterampilan mendengarkan dan berbicara. Meskipun kedua buku tidak menyediakan fitur bantuan yang lengkap untuk guru seperti rekaman suara untuk kegiatan mendengarkan dan buku panduan guru (teacher’s book). Ada beberapa saran untuk guru bahasa Inggris SMP, penerbit dan penelitian lebih lanjut. Untuk guru bahasa Inggris SMP, guru yang baik adalah guru yang selektif dalam memilih buku yang akan mereka gunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar dalam kelas. Untuk para penerbit buku dan pengarang buku, mereka harus lebih mempertimbangkan tidak hanya aspek tampak fisik dari buku tetapi juga isi buku dan komponen buku yang akan bisa membatu guru dalam menggunakan buku text. Untuk penelitian lebih lanjut, peneliti menyarankan untuk menyusun penelitian dalam evaluasi buku teks berdasarkan pada pandangan siswa dan guru. Penelitian harus mendalam untuk memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang kriteria buku bahasa inggris yang baik.




LIST OF TABLES ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. LIST OF FIGURES ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.1. Background ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.2. Research questions ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.3. The Aims of Study ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.4. Significance of The Study ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.5. Clarification of Terms ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Electronic books ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Evaluation ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Texts ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Illustrations ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.6. Organization of the Paper ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter I Introduction ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter II Theoretical Foundation ... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Chapter III Research Methodology ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter IV Findings and Discussion ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendation .... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.7. Concluding Remark ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER IITHEORETICAL FOUNDATION ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

2.1. Definition of Textbook ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.2. The Advantage of Using Textbook ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3. Criteria of Good Textbooks ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.4. Textbook Evaluation ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.5. Textbook Evaluation Checklist ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.6. Concluding Remark ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER IIIRESEARCH METHODOLOGY ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

3.1. Research Design ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.2. Site and Respondents ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3. Data Collections ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3.1. Checklist ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4.Data Analysis ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.5. Concluding Remark ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER IVFINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

4.1. The aspect of English Electronic Books that fulfill the criteria of a good textbook ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.1. Physical Appearance ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.2. Contents ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Objectives ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Activities ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

(8) Assessment... Error! Bookmark not defined. Summary of analysis and discussion of content . Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.2. The features provided by the textbooks to support the teacher ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.3. Concluding Remark ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER VCONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

5.1. Conclusion ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2. Suggestion ... Error! Bookmark not defined. BIBLIOGRAPHY ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. APPENDICES ... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. APPENDIX 1: ... Error! Bookmark not defined. a. The Content of English in Focus Textbook . Error! Bookmark not defined. b. The Content of Scaffolding Textbooks ... Error! Bookmark not defined. APPENDIX 2: ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Instrument ... Error! Bookmark not defined.



This chapter starts with background of the study in which reason for choosing the topic and significance of the research is included. The chapter also includes research questions and aims of study. Then, clarification of key terms is delivered to clarify some disputable terms. At last, organization of paper will be explained in the end of this chapter.

1.1. Background

Textbooks play a very important role for the success of teaching and learning. Textbooks provide educational text, which can be used as source of the material (Cunningsworth, 1995). They provide objectives for the teaching process, so the teacher can choose which objective that will lead the learning process (Richards, 2001). Textbooks also provide dialogues and worksheet. So the time would not be consumed too much by the teacher to make or design some exercises for the students. In learning activity, textbooks contain many materials which are used to develop

students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills (Littlejohn and Windeatt,

1989). To develop students’ cognitive skills, textbooks provide lots of materials and exercises. To develop students’ affective skills, textbooks provide dialogues. And to develop students’ psychomotor skills, textbooks provide some movement activities in the exercises.

Regarding the role of textbooks in EFL Hutchinson and Torres (1994) suggest that textbooks have vital and positive roles to play such as helping teacher in designing and conducting their materials in English Language Teaching (ELT). The positive roles present that the function of textbooks are very important in teaching


and learning process. As Cho (2007) states that textbook is a primary material in teaching and learning process and act as the teaching aids. In line with Oliveira (1995 cited in Rahmani, 2009) who claims that textbooks are the simple way in getting various instructional resources to support teacher and student in learning process. Even though textbook is the simple way to get various instructional in teaching and learning process, teacher needs to be careful in selecting textbook as their source of materials in the class.

For teachers who use the textbooks as their main source of materials, they should be careful in selecting the textbooks. Since, it may mislead the students who learn English as foreign language (EFL) if the textbooks are not appropriate with the learners. Inappropriate textbook can be found if the textbook does not match with the

learners’ needs and characteristics, such as age of the learners, level of the learners and also the learning style of the learners. If the textbook are not appropriate with age, level and learning style of the learners it could mislead the learners. Previous studies claim that there are some textbooks which are not appropriate with the students. Gustin and Sundayana, (2008) found that there are some inappropriate textbooks for learners characteristics. They found that there are some textbooks for senior high school which do not consider the level and learning style of the learners in senior high school. Yusuf (2008) also found some weaknesses in senior high school textbook, in terms of the instruction of the book and the content of the book. For that reason, textbook evaluation is necessary to be conducted.

In evaluating textbook, there are some approaches which can be used. Regarding this, Cunningsworth (1995 p.1) differentiates two approaches between impressionistic overview and in-depth evaluation. Impressionistic overview is an evaluation approach which evaluates the book from general impression of the textbook just by looking through it and getting an overview of strengths and weaknesses and no significant features which stand out. Cunningsworth suggests that an in-depth evaluation is necessitated, because in-depth evaluation can give detailed


information in evaluating textbooks and can lead the teacher to choose the proper textbook for their teaching and learning. So this research uses in-depth evaluation approach.

Recently, the Indonesian government has published Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) or English Electronic Books. It is a kind of textbook which can be used by the teachers in their teaching and learning process. Even though BSE or English electronic books are published by the government, the teachers should be able to conduct an evaluation for BSE before using it as source of materials which are adjusted to the characteristics of their class.

To contribute in the development of educational quality in Indonesia, this research is aimed to conduct an evaluation of two electronic books (BSE) for junior high school students and to analyze the appropriateness of two BSE for junior high school students, in terms of cover, content, and supporting aids of the textbook. The present study is a kind of post-use or reflective evaluation with more emphasis on vocabulary teaching and learning as an aspect of language which is usually taken for granted. Surely, the results will be a great help for the policy makers, staff and those who have a hand in writing materials according to school syllabus. In analyzing the appropriateness of BSE, this study also involves one English teacher at one junior high school in Bandung as the second evaluator to make the study more reliable since the teacher is the user of the two electronic books (BSE) which are evaluated in this study.

1.2. Research questions

The problems of this study are formulated in the following research questions:

1. In what aspects does the English Electronic book (BSE) for Junior High School students fulfill the criteria of a good English textbook?


1.3. The Aims of Study

This research is intended to find out the aspects of textbooks which fulfill the criteria of good textbook, of the two Electronic textbooks were distributed to 7th grade students of Junior high school, and it was approved by National Ministry of Education in Indonesia. In terms of cover, layout and design, objectives, activities, assessing and supporting aids for the teacher will be analyzed based on the evaluation criteria developed by Skierso (1991) and Scott and Ytreberg (1990) Grant, (1987) McGrath, (2002) Cunningworrth (1984), Harmer (2001), Woodward (2001), Pinter (2006).

1.4. Significance of The Study

This study is significant from two perspectives. Theoretically, this study is expected to enrich research about the textbook evaluation in Indonesia. The study is also expected to make contribution to the understanding of the importance of textbook evaluation for the teacher and also for EFL classroom in Indonesia. It is also hoped that this research can contribute to the improvement of EFL textbook in Indonesia.

Practically, the study can give information to other teachers in implementing textbook evaluation in evaluating another textbook before they use it in their classroom. And the teacher can be more selective in choosing the textbooks. Through textbook evaluation the books can be more appropriate to the students and can help the teacher to determine whether the textbook is good or not. So, it can help the teacher to avoid misleading in their teaching and learning process. Additionally, the research is expected to enhance a better condition in developing teaching and learning process in EFL classroom.

1.5. Clarification of Terms

To avoid misconception of some terms presented in this research, clarification has been conveyed as follows:


1. Electronic books

Electronic books that are selected as the materials for this research are universally known as e-books. However, in this case the electronic books are books that have been developed by authors under authorization of government, specifically Department of National Education of Indonesia in form of electronic which means that books are not printed form but in form of soft file of PDF file. Nationally, the term for the electronic books is Buku Sekolah Elektonik (BSE).

2. Evaluation

Evaluation has to be defined eloquently, since misperception frequently occurs in defining what evaluation is. Evaluation is the process that involves the data collection in order to gather information to establish particular understanding or further action that can be developed through follow-up conceptions. In this case, the process is collecting data from English electronic books for junior high school students in terms of the reliability of the book based on the criteria that have been mentioned before.

3. Texts

Texts in this research are reading passages and conversations including given examples both in English in Focus and Scaffolding.

4. Illustrations

Illustrations are all pictures presented both in English in Focus and


1.6. Organization of the Paper

This paper is organized into five chapters as follows: Chapter I Introduction

It contains background, research questions, the aims of the study, clarification of terms, and organization of the paper.


Chapter II Theoretical Foundation

This chapter consists of related theories from the experts and their research with related literature that the writer uses in this research.

Chapter III Research Methodology

This chapter discusses the methodology that covers research design, site and participants, data collection, and data analysis.

Chapter IV Findings and Discussion

This chapter consists of result and findings of the research. Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendation

The last chapter consists of conclusion and recommendation that are synchronized with the research findings.

1.7. Concluding Remark

This chapter has discussed background of the study, significance of the research, aims of study, clarification of key terms. At last, organization of paper has stated at the end of the chapter. The next chapter deals with the theoretical foundation of the research.




This chapter elaborates methodological aspects in conducting this research covering research design, site and respondents, data collection and data analysis. It is divided into four sections which are: research design, site and respondents, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1. Research Design

This research is aimed at finding out the aspects of two textbooks, for teaching and learning English. It analyzes the aspects of textbook which fulfill the criteria of good textbook in terms of cover, layout and design, objectives, activities, assessing and supports for the teacher. For that reason, an in-depth explanation that covers contextual analysis in detail represents the real condition of the use of textbook evaluation which should be the priority in this research. This research uses qualitative research design that applies a descriptive study as its framework. This design is purely data-derived in that codes are generated from the data in the course of the study. (Cresswel, 2012)

To find out the aspects of textbook which fulfill the criteria of good textbook in terms of cover, layout and design, objectives, activities, assessing and supports for the teacher, this study employs a document analysis (Cresswel, 2012). Regarding this, document provides valuable information in helping the researcher understand central phenomena in qualitative studies. They are also ready for analysis without the necessary transcription that requires observational or interview data. (Creswell, 2012).


3.2. Site and Respondents

The data of the research are two English Electronic Textbooks or Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) of Seventh grade in junior high school which are administered by Indonesian government. Those textbooks are entitled “English in Focus” and “Scaffolding”. Those textbooks are mostly used in most of national Junior High School in Indonesia. To make the research more reliable, English teacher at one of Junior High Schools in Bandung is involved as a respondent and also as the second evaluator for the checklist of the research.

3.3. Data Collections

To answer the research questions “In what aspects do the English Electronic books (BSE) for Junior High School students fulfill the criteria of good English textbook?” and “What features of textbooks are provided to support the teacher?” this research employs two data collection methods, which are: document analysis and using a checklist of the criteria of good textbook covering physical appearance, content and supporting aids of the textbook.

To follow Cunningstworth (1995), Scott and Ytreberg (1990), Harmer (2001) and Pinter (2006), the procedures of analyzing the books can be described in several steps bellow:

1. Determining the instrument of evaluation of the textbook, based on evaluation checklist.

2. Requesting the experts’ opinion about the result of analysis in evaluating the English textbooks.

3. Categorizing the component of the textbooks finding based on criteria of evaluation textbooks.


3.3.1. Checklist

The documents that become the source of necessary information in this study are textbooks used by EFL teacher of seventh grade of junior high school. In collecting data, the researcher uses a qualitative checklist which contained standard criteria for evaluating EFL textbook. It is claimed to be standard since the criteria are developed from a number of experts in the field of textbooks, material development and evaluation, such as Cunningsworth (1985; 1995), Grant (1987), Brown (2001), Hermer (2002), and Alwasilah (2006) McGrath (2002), Scott and Ytreberg (1990), Harmer (2001), Woodward (2001) Pinter, (2006). In addition, the qualitative checklist is also based on instruments of textbook evaluation developed by Department of National Education. While each of those experts has developed their own criteria, this study combines some of criteria from those experts. Then collect them into one list of textbook evaluation checklist. The collection is carried out on the basis of current EFL learning context. Each of the criteria is assessed based on the occurrence of the aspect stated in the instrument. When assessing the checklist, the researcher involves a teacher of one junior high school in Bandung as the second Evaluator to assert the reliability of textbook usage from the person who had experience in using textbook directly.

3.4. Data Analysis

There are some procedures in analyzing the data. First, categorize the data into three aspects of textbook, which are: physical appearance, content, and supporting aids for the teacher. Second, analyzing and interpreting the data to answer the first research question “To what extent does the BSE for seventh grade of junior high school fulfill the criteria of a good English textbook based on related theories?” Third, analyzing and interpreting the data to find out the supporting features such as Teachers’ note, CD-ROM or audio cassette and Web-link that provided in BSE for seventh grade of senior high school based on related theories. Finally, reporting the result of the research descriptively.


The table below is the example of analysis in terms of content in the textbook. Table 3. 1. Example of the Textbook Evaluation Checklist

No Main criteria Aspect (s) assessed

1 Cover

pictures or photograph author name

publisher name clear print title

grade for the book user curriculum that use Color

2 Layout and


The layout and design

detailed overview of the genres, function, structure and vocabulary The organizing of the units

3 Objectives

The material objectives Implementing the materials

The approach recommended in the textbook

4 Activities

Contextual topic

language skill activities (listening, speaking, reading and writing) The Activities (movements, meaningful and communicative) grammar explanation

individual, pair, and group activities visual materials (picture, photographs etc) sequence of materials

5 Assessing

review exercise

Including four skill languages


Supports for teacher (teaching-aids)

Teachers’ book

CD-ROMs/audio recording/video recording Teachers note



This chapter has described important aspects related to research methodology of the study. Like qualitative research in general, this research is basically aimed at finding out the aspects of two textbooks, for teaching and learning English. It analyzes the aspects of textbook which fulfill the criteria of good textbook in terms of cover, layout and design, objectives, activities, assessing and supports for the teacher.

3.5. Concluding Remark

This chapter has explained methodological aspects in conducting this research covering research design, site and respondents, data collection and data analysis. Furthermore, an overview of checklist as the tool for analyzing textbook has already been discussed as the core element for analyzing two electronic books based on the criteria of good textbook in terms of physical appearance, content, and supporting aids of the textbooks. Finally, textbook evaluation checklist has guided the researcher to analyze two electronic books (BSE). After explaining related aspects to research methodology, the researcher is going to discuss and analyze the data from the research data collection technique in the next chapter.




This chapter contains the conclusions and suggestions from this research. Conclusions are derived from the discussions and findings in this research. Besides, this chapter also suggests several aspects dealing with textbook analysis for the English teachers and further researchers.

5.1. Conclusion

Textbooks are useful for teaching and learning process. They identify what should be taught in class and also give the instruction to be used. They help the teachers who have limited time to prepare their teaching or their materials. No matter how the textbooks are being used, it is hoped that they will assist the teachers in deciding the materials which are appropriate for the learners, especially for seventh grade students. Since, the aim of this research is to evaluate the electronics books for students of seventh grade school of junior high school in Indonesia.

Generally, the textbooks are good when it seen from several aspects covering physical appearance, content and supporting aids of the textbooks. In terms of physical appearance, the textbooks used an attractive cover which can attract the readers. In addition, both of the textbooks were well-organized since the chapters and sub-chapters of the textbooks arranged systematically. In terms of content, the textbooks can motivate the learners to study. Since, it provided the contextual topic and the sequence of activities. Moreover, both textbooks emphasized the listening and speaking skills. The textbooks designed activities by providing many pictures. The textbooks also accommodated the learners to be communicative and to work together with their friends. In this case, the visuals aids were clear enough and the instruction of the books are understandable for the students. Moreover, one of textbook that


analyzed in this study (Scaffolding) was using bilingual instructions to avoid misunderstanding for the students.

However, in terms of supporting aids of the textbooks, “English in Focus” and

“Scaffolding” did not provide audio, visual aids and teachers’ book. Fortunately, both

textbooks mentioned the publisher web-links and the other resources which help the teachers in using the textbooks. The web-link included sources of visual aids and the stories of the books. Thus, it can be concluded that both textbooks do not provide four kinds of supporting aids included in the checklist.

5.2. Suggestion

From this research, there are some suggestions recommended for English teacher in junior high school, for the publisher and for the further research.

For English teachers in junior high school, a good English teacher should be selective in choosing their textbooks for their teaching and learning process. Teachers should be more creative and flexible in order to accommodate the needs of the students. They could add or omit some activities based on the students’ need. Teachers should know the criteria of good textbooks before deciding which textbook is appropriate to use in their classroom. It aimed to keep the activities in the context of meaningful learning. In addition, for Indonesian students who learn English as foreign language, textbook should be presented in an interesting way to avoid learners from boredom and lack of motivation in studying English.

Afterward, for the publishers of BSE, they should consider not only the physical appearances of the textbooks but the contents and the component which support the teachers in using the textbooks in EFL classroom also need to be considered. Since, if the textbooks are incomplete, it makes difficult for the teachers to use the textbook efficiently. In addition, for the textbooks authors, they should give much attention to design appropriate textbook for the students of particular


grade especially for seventh grade of junior high school. They should make some survey in using textbook in low-learners abilities rather than high abilities.

Finally for the further research, the researcher who wants to conduct a research of textbooks evaluation should be based on the students and teachers point of view. In addition, the research should be in-depth illustrations to give more comprehension about the criteria of good textbooks.



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Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research 4th Edition. Boston: Pearson. Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing Your Coursebook. Oxford: Macmillan


Damayanti, I. (2008). Handout EYL. UPI Bandung. An Unpublished Paper.

Garinger, D. (2002). Textbook selection for the ESL classroom (Report No. EDO-FL-02- 10). The U.S, Dep. Of Education, office of Educational Research and Imrovement, National Library of Education (ERIC Document Reproduction in service No. ED- 99-CO-008) Available at;

Graves K. (2000). Designing Language Course: A guide for Teacher. Heinle elt: London.


Grant, Neville. (1987). Making the most of your textbook. United Kingdom: Longman.

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Hucthinson, Tom. (1987). English for Specific Purpose. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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analyzed in this study (Scaffolding) was using bilingual instructions to avoid misunderstanding for the students.

However, in terms of supporting aids of the textbooks, “English in Focus” and

“Scaffolding” did not provide audio, visual aids and teachers’ book. Fortunately, both textbooks mentioned the publisher web-links and the other resources which help the teachers in using the textbooks. The web-link included sources of visual aids and the stories of the books. Thus, it can be concluded that both textbooks do not provide four kinds of supporting aids included in the checklist.

5.2. Suggestion

From this research, there are some suggestions recommended for English teacher in junior high school, for the publisher and for the further research.

For English teachers in junior high school, a good English teacher should be selective in choosing their textbooks for their teaching and learning process. Teachers should be more creative and flexible in order to accommodate the needs of the students. They could add or omit some activities based on the students’ need. Teachers should know the criteria of good textbooks before deciding which textbook is appropriate to use in their classroom. It aimed to keep the activities in the context of meaningful learning. In addition, for Indonesian students who learn English as foreign language, textbook should be presented in an interesting way to avoid learners from boredom and lack of motivation in studying English.

Afterward, for the publishers of BSE, they should consider not only the physical appearances of the textbooks but the contents and the component which support the teachers in using the textbooks in EFL classroom also need to be considered. Since, if the textbooks are incomplete, it makes difficult for the teachers to use the textbook efficiently. In addition, for the textbooks authors, they should give much attention to design appropriate textbook for the students of particular


grade especially for seventh grade of junior high school. They should make some survey in using textbook in low-learners abilities rather than high abilities.

Finally for the further research, the researcher who wants to conduct a research of textbooks evaluation should be based on the students and teachers point of view. In addition, the research should be in-depth illustrations to give more comprehension about the criteria of good textbooks.



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