Submitted In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Degree Of
Sarjana Sastra


Registration Number: 208222062


Telaumbanua, Wira. Reg. No. 208222062. Analysis the Maxim Violation of
Main Character In The Kung Fu Panda 2 movie. A Thesis, English

Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2012

The objectives of this research were to find out the types of maxim which are
violated in a movie, namely: maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of
relevance and maxim of manner, the dominant of violated maxim and the
implication of the dominant maxim. This study deals with the analysis of maxim
violation in Kung Fu Panda 2 movie. This research was conducted by using
descriptive qualitative approach. All the types of maxim were violated by Xiao Po
in the movie of Kung Fu Panda 2. The total number of maxims which were
violated is 33. There were 8 (24,2%) violation of maxim quality, 13 (39,4%)
violation of maxim quantity, 9 (27,3%) violation of maxim Relevance, and 3
(9,1%) violation of maxim manner. The most dominant type of maxim which was
violated is the maxim of Quantity (40%). The implication from violating the
maxim of quantity made by Xiao Po is something tricks to keep his secret and to
change the topic.

Thankful to Almighty God and big thank is given to all the people that
have helped the writer during the completion of this thesis as the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Sastra at English Department of

Faculty of Arts and Languages, State University of Medan.
Due to the limited knowledge and experiences, the writer has been helped
by many people, therefore in this occasion he would give his special thanks to:
1) Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Head of State University of
2) Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
3) Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M. Pd., the Head of English Department
4) Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., his thesis consultant for her advices,
guidance, suggestions and all the time in finishing this thesis and also his
academic consultant.
5) Dra. Meisuri, M. A. the Head of Applied Linguistics.
6) For all the lecturers throughout his academic years at State University of
Medan who have shared their knowledge.
7) T. Telaumbanua and R. Tafonao, his beloved parents who have given
moral, spiritual, financial support, big endless love and pray.
8) His brothers and sisters, Denis Telaumbanua, Mesra Telaumbanua and
Tuberta Telaumbanua
9) His friends during

completing this thesis, Julietha Manalu, Ridha

Rehana dkk, Ruth Stevy Hutajulu, Manna Munthe, Ulfian Haitami,
Riko Sidabutar, the boys of sas b’08: Tohom Pasaribu, Roy Marthin,
Mario, Antonius, Agus, James, Jansen and all his classmates of Applied
Linguistic 2008.
The writer admits that this thesis is far from being perfect. Therefore, he
hopes that this thesis still can be usefull for the readers. Finally, May God
blesses us and always does the best.

Medan, August 2012
The Writer,

Wira Telaumbanua

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. iv

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ vi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. vii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 1
A. The background of the study ....................................................... 1
B. The problem of the study ............................................................. 6
C. The objective of the study ............................................................ 6
D. The scope of the study ................................................................. 7
E. The significance of the study ....................................................... 7
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................. 9
A. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................... 9
1. Linguistics ................................................................................ 9
2. Pragmatics ................................................................................ 10
3. Cooperative Principle ............................................................... 11
4. Conversational Maxims ........................................................... 12
a. Maxim of Quality .............................................................. 13
b. Maxim of Quantity ............................................................ 13
c. Maxim of Relevance ......................................................... 14
d. Maxim of Manner ............................................................. 14
5. Maxims Violation .................................................................... 14
a. Minor Violation ................................................................. 15

b. Maxim Clash ..................................................................... 16
c. Flouting (Major Violation ................................................. 16
6. Movie ....................................................................................... 18
7. Brief Summary of Kungfu Panda 2 .......................................... 20
8. Biography of Jennifer Yuh Nelson ........................................... 23
B. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK................................................. 25
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................... 27
A. Research Design ....................................................................... 27
B. Source of Data .......................................................................... 27
C. Technique of Data Collection ................................................... 27
D. Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................... 28
CHAPTER IV DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ............................................ 29
A. The Data................................................................................... 30
B. Data Analysis ........................................................................... 30
1. Violation of Maxim Quality .............................................. 31
2. Violation of Maxim Quantity ............................................ 33
3. Violation of Maxim Relevance ......................................... 35

4. Violation of Maxim Manner ............................................. 36
C. Research Findings .................................................................... 38

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS................................ 39
A. Conclusions.............................................................................. 39
B. Suggestions .............................................................................. 39
REFERENCE .................................................................................................... 41



The percentage overview of violated maxim ......................................... 31





Types of Violated Maxim in the Kung Fu Panda 2............................ 42


The script of Kung Fu Panda 2 ........................................................... 51

A. The Background of the Study
Language is a complex system of communication to enable human to
cooperate. Human use language as a way of signaling identity with one cultural
group and difference from others. Even among speakers of one language several
different ways of using the language exist and each is used to signal affiliation
with particular subgroups within a larger culture. (
As a social being, we interact with others to share information and beliefs,
exchange ideas and feelings, make plans, and solve problems. And to make this
interaction runs well, we need a communication to express feeling and experience
in spoken and written modes in order to get something meaningful.
Communication is a very significant part in our life as a social being,

because without communication, we would not be able to function. During every
single day of our life, we meet so many people and do so many activities.
However communication occurs, it is essential in helping us initiate, develop,
control, and sustain our contact with others.
Communication is the process of sending, receiving and interpreting
messages through which we relate to each other and to our larger world as well
(Smith, 2001; 20). Communication is usually described along three major
dimensions; they are content, form and destination. Communication includes acts
that declare knowledge and experiences, give advice and commands and ask
questions. These acts may take many forms, including gestures (nonverbal
communication, sign language, and body language), writing, or verbal speaking.

The form depends on the symbol system used. Together communication content
and form make messages that are sent toward a destination. The target can be
oneself (self-talk) or via diaries (intrapersonal communication), another person
(interpersonal communication), or another entity (such as corporation or group).
Verbal communication is the ways to convey meaning in communication.
Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face with
sounds, words, speaking, and language. Conversation is the form of verbal
communication, which requires at least two or more people. Talking to one self is

not conversation whatever else it is. With conversation, we are exchange opinions,
ideas and even to express feelings but the primary goal is the pleasurable
exchange of talk, no matter what the topic. Once the talk has begun, aware or not,
we have the obligation to keep it going. If we want to discontinue it, we must do it
gracefully. If for some reasons we are forced to end a conversation, we are
required to offer an apology. How well we master these activities may have a
major impact on our lives. For a successful conversation, the partners must
achieve a workable balance of contribution.
A successful conversation includes mutually interesting connections
between the speaker and things that the speaker knows. For this happen, those
engaging in conversation must find a topic on which they both can relate to in
some sense, and naturally tend to relate the other speaker‟s statement to
themselves. They may insert aspects of their lives into their replies, to relate to the
other person‟s opinions or points of conversation.

Conversation is very often spontaneous, natural and informal. However,
even at its most casual, conversation is governed by rules and principles of
language and behavior. By participating in a conversation, speaker implicitly
agreeing with the other person to cooperate in trying to understand what each is
saying. According to the philosopher H. P. Grice, a speaker is assumed to say

something which is true and to the point and is assumed not to withhold any
relevant information. Grice explains, make your conversational contribution such
as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction
of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.
Specifically, he claimed those speakers are expected to observe the
following rules or maxims. In the maxim of quantity, speaker should be as
informative as necessary to communicate the intended meaning. In the maxim of
quality, speakers are required to say what is true. In the maxim of relation,
utterances are relative to the context of the speech. And maxim of manner,
speaker try to present meaning clearly and concisely, avoiding ambiguity. By
following these rules, a pleasant conversation may be required.
One form of communication is dialogue. It has been planned and written
before the purpose of something while conversation is a form of communication
that happens in a real life, but still have similarity with the real conversation. One
example of a dialogue is a movie script.
Nowadays people tend to violate maxims especially in their daily
conversation. Maxim Violation happens when there are several reasons a speaker
might break one of the rules such as, the speaker blatantly fail to obey the rule

with the intention of having the hearer recognize that the speaker is disobeying it,

or the speaker simply chooses to violate the rules with no intention to generate an
implicature and with no intention to deceive (Thomas, 1995; 74). Violation,
According to Grice (1975), takes place when speakers intentionally refrain to
apply certain maxims in their conversation to cause misunderstanding on their
participant‟s part or to achieve some other purpose. Indicating a violation of
maxims, Grice introduces three categories of violation of maxims and they are
minor violation (when a person that might essentially come out and tell they are
violating a maxim and why), maxim clash (when a speaker violate one maxim in
order to preserve another), and flouting or major violation (a very complex of
violating cooperative principle in conversational terms). And this violation can
happen to each maxim.
A movie or film as a literary work performs the application of human life.
There is a time when the characters make a conversation, they will occasionally
try to convey their idea but is not well responded by the other participants. It
means that they violate the cooperative principle.
Based on the theory, the writer intends to conduct a research on
cooperative principle in order to know what violation maxim occurs in the
conversation between actors in a movie. Furthermore, the writer decides to
analyze one of box office hit, an animation action comedy movie „Kung fu Panda
2‟. This movie was nominated for the 2011 Academy Awards for Best Animated
Feature at the 84th academy awards. It is the sequel to the 2008 film Kung Fu
Panda, in which Po and his friends battle to stop a would-be conqueror with a

powerful new weapon, with the giant panda discovering a disquieting link to his
past in the process. The movie was released on May 26, 2011. It was also a
commercial success surpassing the original film and, like the original film, is the








There has been research related to the Maxim Violation, Hasibuan (2011),
he analyzed the types of Maxim Violation and the most dominant types in a movie
with the title “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World‟s End”, and he found that there
are all the maxim violation in the “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World‟s End”
movie. Maxim Quantity is the most dominant violated in the movie.
The writer chooses maxim violation in a movie with different genre from
the previous research. The previous researcher analyzed a movie with genre
Adventure (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World‟s End movie), but in this research,
the writer analyzed a movie with genre Action-Comedy. Adventure films are
usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales, very similar to or
often paired with the action film genre. Action films usually include high energy,
big-budget physical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights,
escapes, destructive crises, and comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and
deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the
situation, the language, action, relationships and characters. Thus, by doing this
research the writer wants to find out the violation of maxim in a movie with
Action-Comedy genre and to compare the result of this study with the previous
research with the different genre movie

The aim of analysis the subject matter “The Maxim Violation” in terms of
English Language Learning is to explain the cooperative principle and the four
maxims, and to find examples the violation of maxim in verbal communication.
Van Dijk (1977; 46-54) states that all Gricean Maxims are violated in literary
communication, that the speaker „opts out‟ from the contextual principles of
ordinary conversation and that the „Cooperative Principle‟ does not hold. He
proposes the so-called Cooperative Principle from which the four literary
counterparts of the Gricean principle are derived. Furthermore the writer will find
out why the maxim is violated in certain situations and which maxims that are
B. The Problem of the Study
For this research, the research problem is to describe what violation of
maxims that occur in the conversation in the “Kung fu Panda 2” movie. To help
the writer do this research, the research questions are formulated as the following:
1. What types of maxim are violated in the “Kung fu Panda 2” movie?
2. Which maxim is the most violated in the “Kung fu Panda 2” movie?
3. What is the implication of the dominant maxim which is violated in the
“Kung fu Panda 2” movie?
C. The Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are to discover the violation of maxim which is
found in Kung fu Panda 2 movie. By determining the categories of maxim
violation, it is directed:

1. To find out the types of maxim violation in the “Kung fu Panda 2”
2. To find out the dominant of maxim violation in the “Kung fu Panda 2”
3. To describe the implication of the dominant maxim which is violated
in the “Kung fu Panda 2” movie
D. The Scope of the Study
It is necessary to make the limitation of the study. The main point of the
study is related to the main character‟s spoken word in movie comedy scripts
entitled “Kung fu Panda 2”.
The writer uses the Grice‟s Cooperative Principle theory to identify the
violation of maxim that is found in Kung fu Panda 2 movie script. All kinds of
maxim that are classified according to its function become the scope of the study
such as; Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relevance, and Maxim
of Manner.
E. The Significance of the Study
The findings of this study are expected to be useful for:
1. The students and those who would like to know more about maxim
violation. By knowing the violation in maxim, the students should try to
avoid and decrease the maxim violation usage when they perform a talk
exchange or conversation.
2. The teachers as a teaching material to be used in an understanding the
meaning of utterances in conversation.

3. The researchers as inspiration to conduct a more in-depth research in order
to have a better knowledge in understanding the meaning and message
contains in a talk exchange.

A. Conclusions
Having collected and analyzed the data, some conclusions are given below:
1. All the types of maxim were violated by Xiao Po as the main character in
the Kung Fu Panda 2 movie. The total number of maxims which were
violated is 33. There were 8 (24,2%) violation of maxim quality, 13
(39,4%) violation of maxim quantity, 9 (27,3%) violation of maxim
Relevance, and 3 (9,1%) violation of maxim manner.
2. The most dominant type of maxim which was violated is the maxim of
quantity (39,4%). The violation of maxim quantity is used frequently by
Po as the main character more than the other maxim violation. It shows
that he give more information than what is required.
3. Every implication from the violation the maxim of quantity made by Po is
something trick. Every times he violated this maxim he got some
implication in his mind, whether it is only an expression of tricks, surprise,
plans, tactics, instructions, way and reason.
B. Suggestions
Having conducted a research about an analysis of violation of maxims, it is
useful to consider the following suggestions:
1. To everyone who are talking or speaking especially in a formal situation
should give complete, clear, true, and orderly information. Breaking the

maxim or creating maxim violation is dangerous, because it could trigger
the wrong perception of the listener.
2. It’s suggested that not only the students but also everyone should have a

good knowledge of the use of maxim, and avoid the maxim violation
because not every person knows the implication of the maxim violation


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