














First of all, I would like to be grateful to the Almigthy God, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa for blessing me in doing this study, therefore I am able to complete this study entitled “Psychological Analysis of the Main Character in the Movie Frozen”. This paper was compiled with the aim of fulfilling one of the requirements for obtaining the S1 degree in the English Department, Faculty of Arts and Cultures, Udayana University.

On this occasion, Iwould like to express my great appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, M.Hum as my first supervisor for her valuable, guidance, suggestion and supports that have been given during procces of finishing this study. I am sincerity grateful to Dr. I Wayan Resen, M.A.M.App.Ling as my second supervisor for all the supports, guidance, suggestion whish is gratly useful in checking and accomplashing this study. I believe that without their helps, this study will never reach its shape.

My great respect is also dedicated to the Dean of Faculty of Arts and Culture and all the lecturers at English Department who have guided and educated me invaluable knowledge through my academic years. I am very happy and proud of being part of the English Department, Udayana University.

I also want to express my special gratitude to my beloved parents, I want to thank my father I Made Kanca, my mother Ni Kadek Sriwangi, and my brother I Putu Nova Sanjaya because they are my breath, my life spirit, my inspiration, and my hopes who always give me understanding, caring, loving, pray, and supporting the of whole my life. Also thanks for my someone special Surya Sudarmadi for his never ending support and understanding. My appreciation also goes to my lovely friends are Indah, Yefta, Arista, Diah, Warma, Desi, Jaya, Eka, Dersen, Budi, Haryadi, Asih, Hariyanti who always accompany me, give support, attension, and help in writing this paper. Finally, I realize that this paper assigment is beyond complete and wished to be useful for every student who need the information and interested in developing analysis in the area of literature. Realizing this condition, any comments, suggestions, and some new idea will be very needed and appreciated to improve this paper.

Denpasar , Mei 2016








1.1Background of the Study...1

1.2Problem of the Study...2

1.3Aim of Study...2

1.4Scope of Discussion...2

1.5Research Method...3

1.5.1 Data Source...3

1.5.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data...3

1.5.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data...4


2.1Review of Literature...5

2.2 Concepts...7

2.2.1 Concept of Character...7



2.2.3 Concept of Conflict...9

2.3 Theoretical Framework...9

2.3.1 Theory of Literature...9

2.3.2 Theory of Psychology...11 Attitude...12 Feeling and Emotion...12 Human motivation...13


3.1 Introduction...16

3.2 Synopsis...16

3.3 Biography of the Author...20

3.4 The Main Character in The Movie Frozen...22

3.4.1 Characters of Elsa...23

3.5 Pschological Analysis of the Main Character...24

3.5.1 Attitude...24

3.5.2 Feeling and Emotion...25

3.5.3 Human Motivation...29


vi Wants...30 Emotion...38 Feeling and Attitudes...40

3.6 Analysis of Internal and External Conflicts...43

3.6.1 Analysis External Conflicts...42

3.6.2 Analysis Internal Conflicts...45





This study entitled “Psychological Analysis of the Main Character in the

Movie Frozen. This topic was chosen to get more understanding about main character of Elsa in the movie and the conflicts which faced by the main character, especially in terms of psychological aspect. The main character in the movie told the imaginary person who inhabits the story and plays an important role in the story itself. The data was taken from the movie Frozen.

The data was collected through documentation by using note taking and watching. The first step of collecting data was frequently to watch the movie and intensively to read and understand the script of the movie. Then, the second step was to identify and classify the data to find out the relevant statement of the script that can be related into intrinsic and extrinsic elements.

There are two different theories used in analyzing of the study, those are: the literary theory and the psychology theory. The litarary theory that is used in this study is theory proposed by Kenney (1966) who principally has categorized characters into simple or flat and round character to analyze fiction. The psychology theory that is used is the theory proposed by Bernhardt (1953). This study is conducted on how the psychological aspect influence the main character and what conflicts affect her personality.

The finding or conclusions of this study are as follows: Elsa is the main character in the story, and she is woman who have everything, loving, beautiful, smart and independent. But Elsa had never made her sister happy. Elsa had a big power that she really never knew what the power was for.



1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is one of the forms of art, usually categorised as a beautiful writing. Literature has two main divisions; fiction and non fiction. Fiction is a type of literature that discribes imaginary people and events, not real ones, while non fiction include books, articles or texts about real facts, people and events (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2000: 469,862). A good literary work must educate and entertain. Through reading many literary works, people can get unlimited knowledge about life. This is called education. It is said that a literary work could entertain, if it can bring such pleasure and enjoyment for the reader.

To analyze a literary work is to identify the separate parts that make it up, to determine the relationship among the parts, and to discover the relation of the parts to the whole (Kenney, 1966:5). Character is one important aspect because it carries the author’s message that can bring various values in human life such as morality, education and many others.

This study is focused on the movie Frozen particulary on the main character. The reason to analyze the main character in the movie script is because this movie was very interesting and could build such atmosphere that tends to affect the emotion and feeling of the reader. This type of movie was an animation movie which was written by Chris Buck.


This movie told a girl named Elsa who had the medical power. This data used movie script about animation movie, because the story could be understood easily especially for the children. Besides, the data of the movie was relevant to the topic of the discussion.

1.2Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study presented above, the research problems of this study can be formulated as follows:

1. How is the psychological aspects of the main character? 2. What conflicts did the main character face?

1.3Aims of the Study

The aims of this study are accordanced with the problems mentioned above are as follows:

1. To find out the psychological aspects of the main character in movie Frozen. 2. To describe some important conflicts which the main character faced

1.4Scope of Discussion

The discussion of this study is focused on the following points:

1. The psychological aspects of the main character in the movie Frozen 2. The important conflicts faced by the main character in the movie frozen.


1.5 Research Methods

There are three aspects of the methodology used in this study, they are : Data Source, Method and Technique of Collecting Data, and Method and Technique of Analyzing Data. Each of those aspect is elaborated one by one in the following:

1.5.1 Data Source

Data source refers to the object from which the data was taken. In this study, the movie script of Frozen was used as a data source. This movie script was published by Jennifer Lee, Walt Disney Pictures in 2013. And in this study the movie script is analyzed based on psychological aspect of the main character. This movie is selected because the main character conveyed good messages and moral value for the audience.

1.5.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data was collected by using note taking and documentation. The working procedure consists of several steps. The first step was watching the movie as frequently and intensively as necessary to understand the script of the movie. Then, the second step is to identify and classify the data from the script of the movie to find out the relevant statement and features that can be categorized into the intrinsic and extrinsic categories.

The concern on the intrinsic aspect is related to the study of plot, character, and setting. On the other hand, the extrinsic aspect deals with the relation of literature to


biography, to psychology, and to society. The last step is the collecting of the data from the extrinsic aspect, which is combined to the psychological aspect in order to get the unity, wholeness and the integrated meaning of the story.

1.5.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

Data analysis means how we construct all the data to find the solution for the problems. The collected data was analyzed by using qualitative and descriptive method based on the theoritical basis for characterization in connection with the analysis of the main character from the aspect of psychology.

The theory of psychology proposed by Bernhardt (1953) in the book Practical Psychology is used in connection with the analysis of the main character from the aspect of psychology. According to Bernhardt, particular action can be caused by thousands of possible reasons, and all human activities have some causes (1953: 45)




In this chapter there are three points necessary to be included in order to support the study, namely the following: Review of Literature, Concepts, and Theoritical Framework.

2.1 Review of Literature

In the review of literature, there are three papers and an international journal. All of these papers and article have significant contribution to the process of this study.

The first paper is written by Ika Pratiwi (2010) under the title “Maria as the Main Character of Coelho’s Eleven Minutes (A Study on the Psychological Aspect)”. This study was focused on the analysis of the main character in Eleven Minutes and on the psychological aspect that contributed in Maria as the main character because it carries the

author’s massage that brings various values in human life such as morality, education, and many others. The theory which was used to analyze the character was taken from theory proposed by Kenney (1966) and theory of the psychology taken from the theory proposed by Bernhardt (1953). The difference between Ika’s paper and this study is from the source of data, the paper analyzed main characterr in the novel, while this study, focuses on the conflicts that affect the main character in the movie. Another difference between the paper and this study is in the collected data and data analysis. In the paper, the data used qualitative method to collected data and descriptive method to analyzed data. In this study,


the collected data used the library research through note taking and documentation of movie script.

The second thesis written by Pritha Yanti (2014) with the title “ Psychological Analysis Of The Main Character Of Elizabeth Gilberth In Memoir Eat, Play, Love”. This study was focused on analyzing the extrinsic element specifically the psychological and this study also highlight the psychological aspect for self-consciousness in our relation with other people and evironment. The theory that is used in this study is theory from Kenney (1966) and the psychology theory that is used is the theory from Bernhardt (1953). The

difference between Pritha’s paper and this study is in the conflict which affect to the character and psychological aspect. Besides, her study focused in the effect of environment, culture and spiritual aspect.

The third thesis was written by Agustini (2009) with the title “The Analysis Of Main Character In The Color Purple By Alice Walker (A Psychological Approach). This study was focused on the psychological analysis of the main character, because the main character, in this case, Celie, who lives in his social environment, will interact in it with many people who have various characters, which are different from each other. The difference between Agustini’s paper and this study is from the data source. In this study, it used a movie as the data source, meanwhile his study use a novel as the data source and the problems of his study that were applied.


After reviewing the three thesis above, the next review of a article entitled “ Content Validity in Psychological Assessment: A Functional Approach to Concepts And Methods” was chosen as the reference. This article was written by Stephen N. Haynes, David C.S. Ricard, and Edward S. Kubany.

This article examines the definition, importance, conceptual basis, and functional nature of content validity, with an emphasis on psychological assessment in clinical situations. The conditional and dynamic nature of content validity were discussed, and multiple elements of content validity along with quantitative and qualitative methods of content validation were reviewed. Finally, several recommendations for reforting and interpreting the content of validation evidence were offered.


There are some subject matters that are going to be discussed in this concept. The concepts will be presented in this study are, a concept of main character and concept of psychology.

2.2.1Concept of Character

Character is representation of human being which is determined through thought, speech and behavior. Based on their function, character can be divided into some categories they are flat or simple character and round or complex character. Main character is a character that takes most important role and always becomes the central in the story. A


main character or major character is sometimes called a protagonist whose conflict with an

antagonist may spark the story’s conflict.

According to the Morner (1998:31), character is one of intrinsic aspect of literature.

Unlike a person in real life, a literary character’s personal qualities and action are limited

by hisor her function in the story. The story always introduced their characters to give description to the reader. Character gives a certain situation or circumstances in the story because he or she showed his or her emotions in it. According to Holman and Harmon character is complicated term that is includes the idea of the moral constitusion of the human personality, the presence of moral uprightness (1986:81). Character can be divided into two kindly major or main character and minor character. Minor character are characters of less important than those the ,main (Kusnosubroto, 1988:67).

2.2.2Concept of Psychology

Psychological aspect includes the psychological background such as attitude, feeling, and ambition. Psychology is much related to human life and analyzing the character roles. Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of the activities of individuals. The subject matter is the same as has enganged the mind of man ever since he began to think l about himselt, but the methods are different (Bernhardt, 1953:3-4).


2.2.3 Concept of Conflict

According Stanford (2006), conflict means a struggle between two opposing forces of class of action, ideas, desire and will. Conflict is also a struggle between desire within a person struggle of a character against him or herself conscience, his or her guilt or simply to decide what he or she is going to do. According to Nugiyantoro in Wellek and Werren (1989:285) conflict is a natural part of any communication relationship. It is an inevitable part of life for a variety of different seasons. Conflicts inevitable means that people are working againts each other, what one person wants is incompatible with that another person wants, their goals are competitive. The goals are these instances are incompatible because the action needs to achieve something automatically.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

There are some theories that are used as the theorical framework. The main theory used in this study concerning to a theory of literature and theory of psychological proposed by Kenney, Bernhadrt (1953), and also Wellek and Warren (1976). This study was analyzed using the theory from Bernhardt because the study is more relevant to answer the problem.

2.3.1 Theory of Literature

According to Warren and Wallek (1976:22) literature is the result of human’s

creation which expresses the mind of creator, thought, understanding, and idea for responding toward of life in his imaginative language and emotion. They also pointed that


the art of literature specifically seems to claim “the truth” through the view of life which artistically coherent work possesses. Besides, literature contains the values of cultures

which can influence the thinking’s ways of human, a mirror of life, experience, thought, and felt as the human’s guidance to recognize life.

Literature as simply another way where we can experience literary through our

imagination. Imagination is the organ of men’s moral nature strengthened by the experience

of literature. It is related to literary work that permeated with imagery by producing pictures of the minds of people. From, imagery of picture of minds, interpretation and analysis of the work can reflect all our interest work itself (Kenney, 1966:102). In fiction, character is one of the most important aspect and it is very interesting to be analyzed

because it can guide us to the author’s thought expressed in his or her work. Besides, character is the essential values and nature of an individual figure or the inside of human personality who participate in the action in the story. The fictional character has part of an artistic whole and must serve the needs of that whole, in which it must be attended to the relationship between character and the other elements of the story and it must be considered

as part of the story’s internal structure (Kenney, 1966:25-26).

According to Waren and Wellek (1976; 227), they divide the characterization of the character into four namely static character, dynamic character, flat character, and round character.


a. Dynamic character is the character who experience development in the story and can change from the beginning until the end of the story.

b. Static character is the character who does not develop in the story and cannot change from the beginning until the end of story.

c. Simple or flat character is the character who show a stereotype character and present the character in one single of attitude. For instance, it merely shows a good or bad side of person.

d. Round character is the character which is described having more than one character. Round character is called complex character as well, because it is in life not simply embodiments of single attitude.

2.3.2 Theory of Psychology

According to Bernhardt (1953:3-9) psychology is a science that is study actual event in a scientific way. Psychology is interested in all human activity and psychological can be defined as scientific study of all activities of individual. Psychological is seeking to discover what articular condition produce a given type of activity, so that eventually the psychologist will be able to control and direct human activity by controlling these condition. For example, if we are the cause of the omotions of fear, we could prevent fear by manipulating the conditions in such a way that the adequate causes of fear would be absent (Bernhardt, 1953: 7).


Psychology obviously can illuminate the creative process. The process of the writer

creations is the legitimate object of the psychologist’s investigates curiosity (Warren and

Wallek, 1956 : 85). The psychological can classify the period of his work and his mental

illness. This remains the “psychology” in the work themselves.

Psychology generally has to do with habitual responses, like and dislike arises from conflicting desire. It is going to investigate the nature of human being such as temperament, abilities, motivation, learning, emotion, attitudes and so forth. Psychology has a tight relationship with literature because they touch the same things in their relationship. It is different in terms of way only. These things are human being and the problems, which they express. Bernhardt states that psychology is the part of scientific attempt to understand the world.

Through the psychology approach, we can analyze the psychology of character that includes the attitude, feeling and emotion and motivation. In this writing, the focuses the psychological approach on the theory of human motivation. Attitude

Attitude is part of human psychology. It is the way of thinking with someone feeling about what they like or dislike upon a certsin action toward an object depends on

the value of one’s tone that is a feature of all active attitudes. Attitude are generally positive

or negatives views of a person, place, or event this often referred to as the attitude object.


Every activity and experience of the individual has a coloring of feeling. Life would be very drab and uninteresting if it were not for constantly changing feeling tone that is a feature of all activity. From the object point of view, it makes no difference how the individual feels, as long as he goes through the necessary motions, but to the individual itself it matters a great deal how she feels about what she is doing (Bernhardt, 1953:96). Human motivation

All human activities have some cause and undergo modification or change during the lifetime of the individual and it is subject to learning. This learning itself has a cause or is motivated by something. Bernhardt divides human motivation inti five types, those are: the appetites, the want, the emotion, feeling and attitudes and social motives.

1. The Appetites

Is a motives or directing influences that is based on human’s basic organic needs of

certain thing in order to keep living and these needs make themselves felt. Appetites are cyclic or rhythmic in human actions. An unsatisfied appetite is usually an unpleasant condition and as the santisfaction is delayed it becomes more and more unpleasant and productive for further activity (Bernhardt, 1953: 50).


Wants is the foundation of universal needs from each individual it is found in different ways from one person to another. Want are modified through experience and present a changing pattern in the development of the person from infancy to adulthood to old age (Bernhardt, 1953:52).

3. Emotions

Emotion is another kind of motives is experienced in direcct activity. When a person may do many things that she would not do normally, it because of she are in under the influence of fear. There are some kind of feeling: fear, anger, love, joy, hate, jealousy all are emotions (Benhardt, 1953:99).

4. Feeling and Attitude

Every experience got by the individual is not only from one aspect. When an experience is evaluates as pleasant, the indivudual has an attitude of approach to that experience. Whenever she evaluates the unpleasant experience, she has an attitude of withdrawal as he avoids that activity in the future (Bernhardt, 1953:53). So, the ever present feeling tones of pleasantness or unpleasantness, with their accompanying attitudes of approach and withdraw are important to human motives.

5. Feeling and Emotion

Feeling and emotion is the one which means feelings can influence the emotion. Experience and every activity is always colouring of the feeling. Life would be drab and


uninteresting if we are not for the changing of feeling tone constantly. In the objective point of view, it does not make the different as long as he goes through the necessary motion. Besides, it can matter a great deal about what he is doing. He also evaluates the experience in term of his feeling and the repetition of activity (Bernhardt, 1953:96).

6. Social Motives

Social motives have produced in man certain characteristic attitudes or tendency. Bernhardt describes two tendencies: self-submission or self-negation. Self-assertation is a universal tendency to strive to excel and succeed and to win out ahead of others, or to overcome obstruction or difficulty. It can be traced through a great many activities of the individual and it is more likely trained into us by social custom and education. Self-submission or self negotiiiation is a tendency present inhuman being to submit, to give and to subordinate themselves to other authorities. There are situation that are beyond our own power to cope with and this situation submission to some person, or to some idea or to some system or religion seem to be the natural and satisfying course. So, the social motives are very powerful in order to directing human activity (Bernhardt, 1953:54).


the art of literature specifically seems to claim “the truth” through the view of life which artistically coherent work possesses. Besides, literature contains the values of cultures which can influence the thinking’s ways of human, a mirror of life, experience, thought, and felt as the human’s guidance to recognize life.

Literature as simply another way where we can experience literary through our imagination. Imagination is the organ of men’s moral nature strengthened by the experience of literature. It is related to literary work that permeated with imagery by producing pictures of the minds of people. From, imagery of picture of minds, interpretation and analysis of the work can reflect all our interest work itself (Kenney, 1966:102). In fiction, character is one of the most important aspect and it is very interesting to be analyzed because it can guide us to the author’s thought expressed in his or her work. Besides, character is the essential values and nature of an individual figure or the inside of human personality who participate in the action in the story. The fictional character has part of an artistic whole and must serve the needs of that whole, in which it must be attended to the relationship between character and the other elements of the story and it must be considered as part of the story’s internal structure (Kenney, 1966:25-26).

According to Waren and Wellek (1976; 227), they divide the characterization of the character into four namely static character, dynamic character, flat character, and round character.


a. Dynamic character is the character who experience development in the story and can change from the beginning until the end of the story.

b. Static character is the character who does not develop in the story and cannot change from the beginning until the end of story.

c. Simple or flat character is the character who show a stereotype character and present the character in one single of attitude. For instance, it merely shows a good or bad side of person.

d. Round character is the character which is described having more than one character. Round character is called complex character as well, because it is in life not simply embodiments of single attitude.

2.3.2 Theory of Psychology

According to Bernhardt (1953:3-9) psychology is a science that is study actual event in a scientific way. Psychology is interested in all human activity and psychological can be defined as scientific study of all activities of individual. Psychological is seeking to discover what articular condition produce a given type of activity, so that eventually the psychologist will be able to control and direct human activity by controlling these condition. For example, if we are the cause of the omotions of fear, we could prevent fear by manipulating the conditions in such a way that the adequate causes of fear would be absent (Bernhardt, 1953: 7).


Psychology obviously can illuminate the creative process. The process of the writer creations is the legitimate object of the psychologist’s investigates curiosity (Warren and Wallek, 1956 : 85). The psychological can classify the period of his work and his mental illness. This remains the “psychology” in the work themselves.

Psychology generally has to do with habitual responses, like and dislike arises from conflicting desire. It is going to investigate the nature of human being such as temperament, abilities, motivation, learning, emotion, attitudes and so forth. Psychology has a tight relationship with literature because they touch the same things in their relationship. It is different in terms of way only. These things are human being and the problems, which they express. Bernhardt states that psychology is the part of scientific attempt to understand the world.

Through the psychology approach, we can analyze the psychology of character that includes the attitude, feeling and emotion and motivation. In this writing, the focuses the psychological approach on the theory of human motivation. Attitude

Attitude is part of human psychology. It is the way of thinking with someone feeling about what they like or dislike upon a certsin action toward an object depends on the value of one’s tone that is a feature of all active attitudes. Attitude are generally positive or negatives views of a person, place, or event this often referred to as the attitude object.


Every activity and experience of the individual has a coloring of feeling. Life would be very drab and uninteresting if it were not for constantly changing feeling tone that is a feature of all activity. From the object point of view, it makes no difference how the individual feels, as long as he goes through the necessary motions, but to the individual itself it matters a great deal how she feels about what she is doing (Bernhardt, 1953:96). Human motivation

All human activities have some cause and undergo modification or change during the lifetime of the individual and it is subject to learning. This learning itself has a cause or is motivated by something. Bernhardt divides human motivation inti five types, those are: the appetites, the want, the emotion, feeling and attitudes and social motives.

1. The Appetites

Is a motives or directing influences that is based on human’s basic organic needs of certain thing in order to keep living and these needs make themselves felt. Appetites are cyclic or rhythmic in human actions. An unsatisfied appetite is usually an unpleasant condition and as the santisfaction is delayed it becomes more and more unpleasant and productive for further activity (Bernhardt, 1953: 50).


Wants is the foundation of universal needs from each individual it is found in different ways from one person to another. Want are modified through experience and present a changing pattern in the development of the person from infancy to adulthood to old age (Bernhardt, 1953:52).

3. Emotions

Emotion is another kind of motives is experienced in direcct activity. When a person may do many things that she would not do normally, it because of she are in under the influence of fear. There are some kind of feeling: fear, anger, love, joy, hate, jealousy all are emotions (Benhardt, 1953:99).

4. Feeling and Attitude

Every experience got by the individual is not only from one aspect. When an experience is evaluates as pleasant, the indivudual has an attitude of approach to that experience. Whenever she evaluates the unpleasant experience, she has an attitude of withdrawal as he avoids that activity in the future (Bernhardt, 1953:53). So, the ever present feeling tones of pleasantness or unpleasantness, with their accompanying attitudes of approach and withdraw are important to human motives.

5. Feeling and Emotion

Feeling and emotion is the one which means feelings can influence the emotion. Experience and every activity is always colouring of the feeling. Life would be drab and


uninteresting if we are not for the changing of feeling tone constantly. In the objective point of view, it does not make the different as long as he goes through the necessary motion. Besides, it can matter a great deal about what he is doing. He also evaluates the experience in term of his feeling and the repetition of activity (Bernhardt, 1953:96).

6. Social Motives

Social motives have produced in man certain characteristic attitudes or tendency. Bernhardt describes two tendencies: self-submission or self-negation. Self-assertation is a universal tendency to strive to excel and succeed and to win out ahead of others, or to overcome obstruction or difficulty. It can be traced through a great many activities of the individual and it is more likely trained into us by social custom and education. Self-submission or self negotiiiation is a tendency present inhuman being to submit, to give and to subordinate themselves to other authorities. There are situation that are beyond our own power to cope with and this situation submission to some person, or to some idea or to some system or religion seem to be the natural and satisfying course. So, the social motives are very powerful in order to directing human activity (Bernhardt, 1953:54).