Pola asuh, perilaku keluarga sadar gizi (KADARZI) dan status gizi anak balita di wilayah warung anak sehat (WAS) Kabupaten Sukabumi

RIZA AULIA. Parenting Pattern of Healthy Lifestyle and Eating Behavior,
Family’s Nutritional Behavior Awarness (KADARZI), and Nutritional Status of
Children Under Five Participants of The Healthy Kids Kiosk (WAS) in Sukabumi
District. Supervised by DADANG SUKANDAR and KATRIN ROOSITA.
The general objective of this study was to study maternal nutritional
knowledge, parenting pattern of healthy lifestyle and eating behavior, family’s
nutritional behavior awarness (KADARZI), and nutritional status of children under
five participants of the Healthy Kids Kiosk (Warung anak sehat=WAS) in
Sukabumi District. The cross-sectional study design was used in this study that
was conducted in five subdistricts of Sukabumi District i.e. Cicurug, Cisaat,
Kadudampit, Kebon Pedes, and Warung Kiara on June to October 2011. The
subjects in this study were chosen base on on inclusion criteria, i.e. children 1 to
5 years old, stay near by and having access to Healthy Kids Kiosk (WAS).
Respondents of this study were the mothers of children under five who were
choses as the subject of research. The number of samples in the study was as
many as 79 children. The primary data was included the family characteristics,
toddler’s characteristics, nutritional knowledge of toddler’s mother, parenting
pattern of healthy lifestyle and eating behavior , consumption and KADARZI
behavior and anthropometric. The consumption behavior data was collected by
Food Frequency Questionair(FFQ). The results show the nutrition knowledge of

mothers are good , meanwhile, healthy lifestyle and eating behavior of parenting
pattern is fairly good. Mostly, KADARZI behavior is good, but the frequency of
vegetables and fruits consumption is low. Availability of health facilities to
support sanitation and higine in the family is fairly good. Meanwhile, we found a
lack of availability of sewage disposal facilities (SPAL) since only 55.7% having
SPAL. The nutritional status of children underfive was mostly normal, but still,
there are undernutrition toddlers, i.e. 46.8% stunting (according to height/age
index) and and 6.3% underweight (according to wight/age index). The parenting
pattern of eating behavior was significantly correlated with Kadarzi behavior

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