Teaching Description Genre Description of SM P Negeri 20 Surakarta

xix There are m any occasions, how ever, w hen w e do w ant t o evaluat e st udent ’s w ork, t elling bot h t hem and us how w ell t hey have done. B.4 Student’s Need in W riting Activity Harm er 2004: 62-63 ident ifies w hat st udent s need in w rit ing act ivit y. They are: 1. Inform at ion and t ask inform at ion St udent s need t o have t he necessary inform at ion t o com plet e t he t ask. This m eans t hat t hey need t o underst and clearly w hat w e w ant t hem t o do and t hey need, also, t o be absolut ely clear about any of t he t opic det ail t hat w e give t hem . 2. Language If st udent s need specific language t o com plet e a w rit ing t ask w e need t o give it t o t hem or help t hem t o find it . This m ay involve offering t hem phrases, part s of sent ence, or w ords. 3. Ideas Teachers need t o be able t o suggest ideas t o help st udent s w hen t hey get st uck. For som e t his m ay be just a w ord or t w o. For ot hers w e m ay need t o dict at e a half sent ence or even som et hing m ore subst ant ial. 4. Pat t erns and schem es One w ay of helping st udent s t o w rit e, even w hen t hey m ay t hink t hey do not have m any ideas, is t o give t hem a pat t ern or a schem e t o follow .

A. Teaching Description Genre

According t o Pardiyono in his book ent it led Past i Bisa Teaching Genre-Based Writ ing , t here are several st eps in t eaching descript ive t ext , as follow s: xx Pardiyono, 2007: 37-40 1. Giving M odel - Teachers need t o give a m odel of descript ive t ext . - Teachers give some quest ions before discussing t he t ext , in order t o creat e t heir ent husiasm . 2. Discussing t he st ruct ure and pract icing t o w rit e - Concluding t he com m unicat ive purpose of descript ive t ext - Defining t he genre - Ident ificat ing t he rhet orical st ruct ure of descript ive t ext - Analyzing t he gram m at ical pat t erns of descript ive t xt 3. Self-t ext const ruct ion - Giving t asks st udent s t o m ake a descript ive t ext CHAPTER III TEACHING W RITING DESCRIPTION IN SM P N 20

A. Description of SM P Negeri 20 Surakarta

A.1. Brief Description of SM P N 20 Surakarta xxi SM P N 20 Surakart a is one of form al educat ion inst it ut ions ow ned by t he local governm ent . It is locat ed at Jl. Surya No 155, Jagalan Surakart a. The school w as built in 1982, based on Surat Keput usan M ent eri Pendidikan dan kebudayaan RI No.0299 0 1982. SM P N 20 Surakart a is less favorit e t han t he ot her st at e junior high schools in Surakart a in t erm s of academy m at t ers. In opposit e the school has som e aspect s t o be considered. The school w on m any com pet it ions in ext r acurricular act ivit ies or in physical exercises, like high and jum p, arching, et c. Besides, the school has a large, clean and com fort able environm ent . The school occupies 11.320 m ² area. The building of SM P N 20 Surakart a consist s of eight een classroom s. The school has som e educat ional facilities such as library, science laborat ory, m ult im edia room , com put er room . Since it has a large area, SM P N 20 Surakart a has seven kinds of court s. One of t hem is used for flag cerem ony. The ot hers are used for physical exercises. SM P N 20 uses t he present curriculum . It is curriculum of KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Sat uan Pengajaran. The school is led by Drs.H. Sam bodo,M R. The num ber of st udent s in SM P N 20 is 620 st udent s and 214 st udent s are sevent h graders. There are 47 t eachers and t en official em ployees. There are four English t eachers and five t eachers t each in opposit e of his or her background educat ion but t he ot her is responsible for t eaching t heir ow n subject s. xxii The t eaching and learning act ivit ies in SM P N 20 are held six days a w eek, beginning from 07.00 a.m t o 12.15 p.m on M onday t o Sat urday, except on Friday, held at 07.00 a.m t o 10.35 a.m . A.2. Extracurricular Activities The ext racurricular act ivit y is an act ivit y for support ing st udent ’s creat ivit y wit hin t he educat ion societ y. SM P N 20 Surakart a has som e ext racurricular act ivit ies, as follow s : 1. Volley Ball . It is held t w ice a w eek, on Thursday and Friday at 03.00 p.m . 2. BTQ Baca Tulis Qur’an , learning Al-Qur’an for t he M oslem st udent s t hat is held on Wednesday at 12.15 p.m . 3. PM R-Youth Red Cross . The m em bers of PM R are t rained every Thursday at 12.15 p.m . 4. Scout . Each sevent h grader m ust follow t his ext acurricullar act ivit y. It is alw ays held on Friday at 12.15 p.m aft er all of t he lessons are over. 5. Traditional dance . This act ivit y is held on Thursday at 12.15 p.m . 6. Pencak Silat . It is a kind of physical t raining as self defense. It is held t w ice a w eek on Thursday at 04.00 p.m and o Sat urday at t he sam e t im e.

B. The Activities During Job Training In SM P N 20 Surakarta