Theory of Moral Values

19 always a connection between the author and his work with the reality of life in the real society such as moral value. The author will try to give massage that can be about the moral values toward the readers by his or her literary works such as novel, plays, poem, etc. from the literary works, the reader will see a lot of characters’ behavior in various events and the readers will understand about the good behavior and the bad behavior. Therefore, the readers will catch the idea of moral values from literary works and be able to apply the moral values in their life as social creature.

C. Theoretical Framework

This thesis is entitled “The Moral Values Revealed through Tom Rath’s Way in Solving The Problems in Sloan Wilson’s The Man in The Gray Flannel Suit”. In this study the writer needs some theories to do analysis that the writer has explained before, such as theory of character and characterization, theory of moral values, and the relation between literature and moral. All of theories are used to answer three problem formulations that the writer has explained before. Theory of character and characterization is used to analyze the first problem formulation. Theory of moral values is used to analyze the problems frmulatin number two and three. 20


This chapter presents the methodology in this study. There are three parts namely the object of the study, the approach of the study, and the method of the study. In the first sub chapter, there is the description of the data of this study. The second part consists of the explanations about the approach that will be used in this study.

A. Object of the Study

In this part the writer wants to describe everything which is relevant with the object of the study. The object of this study is a novel. This novel is entitled The Man in The Gray Flannel Suit which written by Sloan Wilson. It was written in 1955 and published by arrangement with Simon and Schuster, Inc. The novel was made into movie in 1956. The novel is also translated and published in several languages and countries, but unfortunately I haven’t found it was translated into Indonesian. This novel has 288 pages which explore theme and issue happened in America at that time. Issue that were risen in this novel are the chaos of American economy after World War II, hard work, and competitions. Every issue was presented by using dramatically story. We cannot also predict the story easily, because Sloan Wilson played the plot beautifully. This novel tells the story of Tom Rath as a major character, a veteran of the World War II, who is married to Betsy. They have three children and live in suburban in Connecticut, but they are desperate to face the world with their economic condition and the problem of Tom’s past memories. Conflicts are described very beautifully as if the readers feel the same feeling’s as Tom.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to obtain a deep understanding about literary work, the writer needs a certain approach to analyze it. The approach used to analyze this literary work is moral-philosophical approach. The writer chose moral- philosophical approach because the approach will help the writer how moral value can be revealed from solving a problem. This approach recognizes that literature can affect readers, whether subtly or directly. Guerin states that moral-pholosophical approach is approach that insists on finding and stating what is exposed and taught 1979: 39. The statement here means that the moral-philosophical approach achieves the moral quality through what is seen and learnt from a character. The study is commonly relevant with human life and experience. The writer needs intellectual and rational ability to find the moral in human life.

C. Method of the Study

Since literary work is the focus in the study, the writer uses library research to answer the problem formulations. Library research has a meaning that books are very important for doing a research where the data are collected. There are two kinds of data used in this study. The primary source is the novel entitled The Man in The Gray Flannel Suit by Sloan Wilson as an author. This novel was published by Simon and Schuster in 1955. The secondary data are some critics from theses and some books of theories. Some of important sources which the writer used in this thesis are A Glossary of Literary Terms that is written by Abrams, Understanding Unseens by Murphy, How to analyze Fiction by Kenney, On Moral Fiction by Gardner, A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature 4 th edition by Guerin. There were some steps done to do this analysis. The first step was reading the novel many times to get better understanding. the writer tried to concentrate on the problems that faced by Tom Rath. By reading the novel carefully, the writer will find the problems that Tom Rath deal with. The writer decided to apply moral-pholosophical approach, which considered appropriate to be applied in this study. The first part of the analysis discussed about the problems of Tom Rath. The second part, the writer analyzed about the way he solves the problems. And the third part, the writer analyzed about some moral values that revealed from Tom Rath’s in solving the problem. Finally, the writer drew the conclusion of the analysis.