



(A Script)











Esy Octa Utami

This research was intended to describe the implementation of Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary and to find out the problem faced by students in teaching learning process. This research was qualitative research in nature conducted from March 31th, 2015 to April 21th, 2015 in SMPN 1 Kalianda. The researcher took one class of second grade which was VIII.10 as the subject of the research. The data were collected by using observation sheet and questionnaire. The researcher taught the students by implementing the technique in three meetings that was observed by English teacher to gain more data. The researcher also distributed the questionnaire to the students to find their responses. The results of this research showed that: (1) the process of implementation of CLL in teaching vocabulary by using picture sequence ran well, and (2) the problems faced by students were the students felt difficult in using English directly because they did not know the meaning of the words on their mind and how to pronounce the words. Therefore, it was hoped that the English teacher could develop this technique more because this technique was easier to make the students understand the lesson in learning English especially vocabulary.







A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty








Esy Octa Utami was born in Kalianda, on October 28th, 1992. Her parents named her Esy Octa Utami, which means Esy is the first daughter that was born in October. She is the first daughter from four children of M. Husin and Ida Nursanti. She has three brothers; they are Dio Pajri Afriadi, Fauzan Farinduan, and Ulil Amri Al-Arif.

She started her education from TK Tunas Harapan in 1996 and then continued her study at SDN 2 Sukaratu in 1998. She went to SMPN 1 Kalianda in 2004 and graduated in 2007. She continued her study to SMAN 1 Kalianda and graduated in 2010. In 2010, she was accepted in English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty as an S-1 college student, University of Lampung.

She implemented the Community Service Program at Jaya Murni, and Teaching Practice Program at SMPN Satap 1 Gunung Agung, Gunung Agung, Tulang Bawang Barat from July to September 2013.

During her study in University of Lampung, she joined HMJPBS (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni) of Language and Arts Department, FPPI (Forum Pembinaan dan Pengkajian Islam) of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Birohmah (Bina Rohani Islam Mahasiswa) of University of Lampung, and the last BEM-U KBM in University of Lampung.



Alhamdulillaahi robbil ‘aalamiin, this script is dedicated to:

My beloved parents: M. Husin and Ida Nursanti

My beloved brothers: Dio Pajri Afriadi, Fauzan Farinduan, Ulil Amri Al-Arif, and All my big family

My closest friends: Agustina Dwi Jayanti, Titik Oktavia, Zakia Permata Sari, and Sholiha Asem Niann

All students of English Education Study Program 2010 My Almamater, University of Lampung


viii MOTTO

“Be Patient; Patience is a Pillar of Faith”




Alhamdulillaahirobbil ‘aalamiin, Praise is merely to Allah SWT for His blessing that enables the writer to complete this script entitled “Implementation of Community Language Learning (CLL) in teaching Vocabulary at SMPN 1 Kalianda.” Sholawat and Salaam is rendered to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This script is submitted as compulsory fulfillment in accomplishing the S-1 degree at University of Lampung majoring in English Education Study Program.

The writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A., as her first advisor and Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd., as her second advisor who have been benevolent in guiding, correcting the grammatical mistakes patiently and also giving suggestions to improve her script and Prof. Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, M.A., Ph.D., as her examiner who has given criticisms and invaluable inputs for the writer during accomplishment this script and also Budi Kadaryanto, M.A., as her academic advisor and all lecturers of English Education Study Program who have given their knowledge to the writer. It will be difficult for her to accomplish this script without their guidance.

Furthermore, more importantly, her gratefulness and greatest honor go to her beloved parents, M. Husin and Ida Nursanti for their never ending love, caring, and prayers for her life. Her forgiveness is due to her parents; they wait for the



writer’s graduation patiently as well as remind her to finish this script soon. Her thankfulness is also due to her brothers, Dio Pajri Afriadi, Fauzan Farinduan, and Ulil Amri Al- Arif for giving their support and prayers in finishing this script. The writer hopes it will be the way to make her parents proud of her.

Then, the writer wants to express her appreciation to Muji Raharjo, S.Pd., as the headmaster of SMPN 1 Kalianda who has given permission and Maya Anggraeni M., S.Pd., as the English teacher who has helped to conduct the research at the school, and also her beloved students in class VIII.10 who have given their nice attention during the research.

Next, the writer extends her thankfulness to all English Education Study Program especially 2010 students, Agustina Dwi Jayanti, Titik Otavia, and Zakia Permata Sari, thanks for everything during lecturing process. Shofiya Nadiya, Nurjannah Yuliana Hastuti, Siti Rohani, Amria Sukma Ringkeh, Marettha Ania, Nivoliya Febriana, Nani Pahini, Nanda Hanyfa Maulida, thanks for being her best sisters in faith. The writer also extends her thankfulness to all members of Edelweis especially Rifki Amalia, thanks for togetherness.

Last but not least, KKN and PPL team at Jaya Murni, Tulang Bawang Barat, thanks for unforgettable moments that have been passed together. Family of HMJPBS FKIP Unila, FPPI FKIP Unila, BIROHMAH Unila, BEM-U KBM Unila of Mengabdi dan Berkarya, thanks for togetherness and unforgettable experiences in this University, Puskomda Lampung, Komisi B FSLDK Indonesia 1215 especially Srikandi Komisi B 1215, thanks for being friends in sharing everything.



The writer believes that this research still have some weakness. Therefore, she welcomes every comments, critiques, and suggestions for better research.

Bandar Lampung, December 2015

The Writer






TITTLE ... ii






MOTTO ... viii





I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background ... 1

1.2. Questions... 4

1.3. Objectives ... 5

1.4. Uses... 5

1.5. Scope... 5

1.6. Definition of Terms... 6

II. FRAME OF THEORIES 2.1. Vocabulary ... 8

2.2. Community Language Learning ... 12

2.3. Picture Sequence ... 17

2.4. Teaching Vocabulary ... 19

2.5. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through CLL ... 24

III. METHODS 3.1. Design ... 26

3.2. Subjects ... 27

3.3. Data Collecting Technique... 27

3.4. Research Procedure... 29



4.1. Result of Implementation... 32

4.1.1. The Implementation of CLL in Teaching Vocabulary ... 33

4.1.2. Teaching Learning Process in the First Meeting ... 34

4.1.3. Teaching Learning Process in the Second Meeting ... 38

4.1.4. Teaching Learning Process in the Third Meeting... 41

4.2. The result of Students’Activities in Teaching Vocabulary... 44

4.3. Students’ Problem... 50

4.4. Discussions ... 55

V. CONCLUSION 5.1. Conclusion ... 60

5.2. Suggestion... 61





Tables Page

1. Table of Vocabulary in the First Meeting ... 38

2. Table of Vocabulary in the Second Meeting... 41

3. Table of Vocabulary in the Third Meeting ... 43

4. Table ofStudents’ Activities... 44




Appendices Page

1. Research Schedule ... 64

2. Lesson Plan ... 65

3. Questionnaire ... 83

4. Observation Sheet ... 84

5. The Result ofStudents’ Activities... 90






This chapter deals with the reasons for conducting the research and it covers several points, namely introduction that deals with background, formulation, objectives, uses, scope and definition of term. All of those points are presented as follows.

1.1. Background

English is one of the subjects that should be learned by students both in formal and informal school in Indonesia. Students learn English as a foreign language whereby they learn English only in a classroom setting. As a result, students still get difficulties to communicate in English. For example, students feel difficult to send idea, message and feeling. Although they have learned English since Elementary school, they still have difficulties to send their message to others. The student got difficulties to produce and respond what people have said because they do not understand the meaning of the words or sentences in spoken or written form.

Students who want to use English are required to master language components; such as structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Vocabulary is one of the important language components because of that mastery of vocabulary is very necessary to enable to communicate. Similarly, when students read English book,



they must be able to know the words in the context of the text. One of the factors

of that problem is the student’s lack of vocabulary. Meanwhile, to know and

understand the meaning of words in communication both spoken and written form, students must master words well.

According to Kridalaksana (1993) as cited in Leny (2006), vocabulary is a component of language that maintains all of information about meaning and using word in language. Vocabulary is one of necessary thing to support English mastery of students. Then according to Nation (1990) as cited in Nurweni (2013), we need at least 3,000 base words to be able to read English texts. However, to be able to listen to an oral English text we need at least 4,539 base words. And on the other hand we need 1,200 base words to be able to communicate orally in English, and to be able to write it is required 2,000-3,000 words in addition to specific words related to a field of study.

In addition, Nation (1990) as cited in Nurweni (2013) classifies English words into four main groups by their occurrence in texts, namely 1) high frequency words; 2) academic vocabulary; 3) technical vocabulary; and 4) low frequency words. High frequency words are words which very frequently appear in any English spoken and written texts. The number of high frequency words is 2,000 that accounts for about 87% of the words in any texts. Academic vocabulary is words that very commonly appear in academic texts. The numbers of these words are 800 that accounts for 8% of the words in academic texts. Technical vocabulary is words that occur very frequently in texts of a field of study. The number of the words for each subject is around 1,000 to 2,000 that accounts for 3% of the total



words in a text of a certain subject. On the other hand, the low frequency words are words that are rarely met, maybe only once in a large text. The number of the low frequency words is around 123,000 but they only account for about 2% of the words that exist in any texts.

There are many factors that make the students difficult to learn new vocabulary. The first, the teacher just gives the students list of words that students must learn and memorize without making students understand how to apply vocabulary as we know vocabulary has many complex components, such as, content words and function word. And the second one, the students are not able to learn and communicate in English well because of learning condition does not give students a chance to explore their ability or the method makes students get bored.

As a good teacher in language teaching, she/he must make interesting English class for students. In order to make interesting class, the teacher should use suitable and available methodology. In this research, the researcher tried to use the implementation of Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary.

CLL is one of method in language teaching. This method is introduced and developed by Charles A. Curran. In CLL, teacher is not only as an instructor in teaching learning process that transfers and gives knowledge to the students, the teacher should be a counselor. Because CLL uses concept of psychological aspect, it will make the teacher and students feel comfortable. Community form will make students interested in learning process because they are in community. Students learned together and supported each other in the group and the students never felt isolated and alone because each student belongs to the group and sit in



Community. Researcher hoped that this method would be run well in teaching vocabulary, because students feel comfortable and interested.

Based on explanations above, the researcher was interested to know whether CLL can be implemented for teaching vocabulary. Although the researcher believed that this method can be applied in teaching vocabulary, the researcher wanted to know how the process of teaching vocabulary through this method and what the problems that will be faced by students. By knowing the problems the researcher hoped the solutions to solve the problems will be prevented.

The researcher thought vocabulary using a picture sequence material based on the principle of CLL. Therefore, the title of this research was Implementation of Community Language Learning in Teaching Vocabulary at the Second Grade of SMPN 1 Kalianda.

1.2. Questions

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the research problem as follows:

1. How is the process of Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary at the second grade of SMP Negeri 1 Kalianda?

2. What problems are there in the implementation of learning vocabulary through Community Language Learning in term of content words at SMP Negeri 1 Kalianda?



1.3. Objectives

This research is conducted in aids to achieve two objectives:

1. To find out the process of Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary at the second grade of SMP Negeri 1 Kalianda.

2. To find out the problems coming from using Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary in term of content words at SMP Negeri 1 Kalianda.

1.4. Uses

The results of the research are expected to give several contributions both theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically

The result of the research is used to confirm the previous theory about Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary.

2. Practically

The result of this research is new information to the readers about problems of using Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary.

1.5. Scope

This research was qualitative research that was focused on the CLL that developed by Charles A. Curran. The subject of the research was class VIII.10 of the second grade students at SMPN 1 Kalianda. The researcher conducted 3



meetings in teaching vocabulary through CLL. The researcher intended to find out the process and the problems coming from using CLL in teaching vocabulary. In this research, the researcher was concerned on content words consisting of noun, adjective, verb and adverb. The technique that used by researcher was picture sequence in implementing the principle of CLL

1.6. Definition of Terms

Along the line of this study, the researcher provides some definition of terms that can across often during the research. The term below will guide the readers in reading and understanding the research. Some definitions are provided as following:


Implementation is defined as a set of actions that will be implemented by teacher in teaching vocabulary.

Community Language Learning

Community language learning is the method that makes teacher as counselor and students as collaborators. The teacher will help the students and the students are allowed to use mother tongue.



Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary is a process to make students know and understand words by using technique so that the students can make sentence after understanding the meaning of the words.


Vocabulary is word that has meaning and it is used to make a clear sentence for expressing idea, message and feeling so that the teacher or other students understand what we mean.

Picture Sequence

Picture sequence is a set of picture to be arranged to get clear arrangement of the topic by the students and then students can retell the topic clearly.

This chapter presented background, questions, objectives, uses, scope and definition of terms of the research.



This chapter reviews some theories that are used by researcher to support the research. The theories of vocabulary in general, teaching vocabulary, Community Language Learning, and picture sequence that is used in this research.

2.1. Vocabulary

The difference between human and animal is a verbal language. Human has a mind to think before she/he speaks. They can send and receive information through verbal language. Meanwhile, animal cannot perform verbal activities. The language that is produced by human consists of the words, and that words are called vocabulary. Vocabulary is an aspect of the language that is very important. It is like brick of the building, the building cannot stand without the brick. Because of that, vocabulary is a vital thing to make a great structure in language.

As we know, language is made by words. Sentence cannot be arranged well without words. When we want to use language, we must have many stocks of vocabulary. We cannot use language without knowing the words and the meaning of that language. McCharthy (1990) states that no matter how well the students learn grammar, no matter how successfully of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wide range of meaning, communication in an L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way. Communication does not make sense without word itself.



It means that vocabulary is a center while students learning a new language. English is being a foreign language or second language so that we need to learn vocabulary in systematic way. In the real condition without vocabulary, communication in foreign language or second language is not possible in a meaningful way.

Kridalaksana (1993) states that vocabulary is a component of language that is maintains all of information about the meaning and the using of word in language. We can say that we cannot get information without vocabulary. By knowing the meaning and the usage of the word, we can make a language clearly. The people that we send the information/message of the language will understand what we said. Vocabulary appears in every language skills. It means that vocabulary is very important to learn. According to Collier-Macmillan International (1991), he argues that once a student has mastered the fundamental grammatical patterns of a language, his next task into master its vocabulary that he needs. Nobody ever learns all the words in any language. We know and use the words that suit our particular purposes and we continue to learn new words as long as we live. From the explanation above, it is clear that every people who learn language are hoped to master vocabulary, until they can improve the language skills.

According to Hatch and Brown (1995), vocabulary is a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual speakers of language might use. And Harmer (1991) clearly states that if language structures make up the skeleton of a language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh. That is clear that vocabulary is very important. The researcher asserts



that vocabulary is the first important step to master English well. As we know, in teaching and learning process it is not easy to choose a good way to teach the students. Based on successful previous research, the researcher thinks that students also face the problems. The researcher is interested in knowing the previous research more. Based on that previous result, the researcher tried to find out the students problem in learning vocabulary through Community Language Learning. The material is arranged by using picture sequence about part of speech.

Fries (1974) as cited in Susamai (2013) states that vocabulary can be classified into some types, there are:

1. Content word that represents:

a. Nouns- It is the name of subject or things. According to Frank (1972) based on the meaning, noun can be classified into five types, proper noun (Mr. Adam Smith, Paris, Indonesian, Thanksgiving Day), concrete noun (Book, Pencil), abstract noun (Beauty, Mind), countable noun (Chairs, Tables), uncountable noun (Sugar, Sand), and collective noun (Committee, Class, Crew).

b. Verbs- It is the name of the action done by someone or by things. Frank (1972) mentions that verbs can be classified into five types. Those are the predicative verbs (Sleep, Walk), reflective verbs (Express oneself, wash oneself), auxiliary verbs (Be, Am, Is), and finite and infinite verbs.

c. Adjective- It is the name of qualities of the things. Frank (1972) categorizes the types of adjectives into: determiners (The, A, An),



demonstrative adjectives (This, That), possessive adjectives (My,

Your, The Girl’s), numeral adjectives (Four, Twenty, Fourth, Twentieth), adjective of indefinite quantity (Some, Few), relative and interrogative adjective(Whose, Which), descriptive adjectives (A French dish, A Catholic church), participle adjective ( An interesting book, A bored student), adjective compounds (A good-looking girls, Absent-minded, A wall-to-wall carpet, A never-to-be-forgotten plot) d. Adverbs- It is the way of the action done. Frank (1972) summarizes

the category of the adverbs into five adverbs of manner (Loudly, Freely), adverbs of place (Inside, There), adverbs of time (Last week, Next month), adverbs of frequency (Seldom, Often) and adverbs of degree (Completely, Very).

2. Function words are those words, which one is used as a means of expressing relation of grammar or structure, such as conjunctions (And, However, But)

3. Substitute words, those which represent the individual things or specific action as substitutes for whole form classes of words (Anybody, Anyone, Somebody, and Someone).

4. Distributed words, those are distributed in use according to grammatical matter as the presence or absence of a negative, such as Any, Either, etc.

In reference to the explanation above, the researcher concluded that vocabulary is something that is used by people in communication to explain and express their idea every day. It is used to communicate with others in both oral and written communication. Vocabulary is word that has meaning, form and usage to convey



the message from speaker to listener or from the writer to reader. In this research, the researcher considered to use and focus on content words which are noun, verb, adjective and adverbs because in the learning English these words are often used by students to communicate. And these words are used by students in daily activities so the researcher hoped it can be easier to associate in the classroom.

2.2. Community Language Learning

Community Language Learning is a method of teaching foreign language. It has been inspired by the application of psychological counseling in teaching learning process. CLL is developed by Charles A. Curran. Curran believes that a way to deal with fears of students is for teacher become language counselor. Curran believes that the relationship between teacher and students is the same as the relationship between counselor and client. A counselor does not mean someone trained in psychology, but it means that someone who is skillful understand of the struggle student’s face as they attempt to internalize another language. The researcher considered this method will make the students feel comfortable in teaching learning vocabulary. Although like that, the researcher thought there are some problems that are faced by students.

In CLL, Curran (1976) in Setiyadi (2006) says that the learners never feel isolated because everybody sits in a Community and senses positive regard of everyone else. And he says that language learners should have psychological requirements in learning a foreign language that are collected under the acronym SARD.



The explanation about the acronym of SARD which can be explained as follows:

1. The first psychological requirement “S” is Security. It means that feeling security is essential in learning-teaching process, unless knower and learners feel secure and then they will find it difficult to enter into a successful learning-teaching process.

2. The second “A”is attention and aggression. It means that without attention language, learners will not learn language optimally. Inattention is considered natural in Community Language Learning. loss of attention is an indication that language learners lack involvement in learning a foreign language. The knower has to consider this condition postively; he/she has to provide variety in learning tasks in order to increase attention and promote learning.

3. The third “R” is retention and reflection. Retention is the final process of absorbing what is studied into oneself and being able to retrieve and use it late with ease. The process of absorbing is then followed by the second R, reflection. Language learners need to take a period of silence to reflect what has been learned.

4. The fourth “D” denotes discrimination. In this psychological requirement language learners need to identify the sounds they are hearing, the meaning of the words they have learned and the grammatical usage. Without conscious processes of discrimination language learners may think they know what they have learned when in fact they still do not.



The explanations above are psychological requirements of Community Language Learning by Currant.

Besides has psychological requirements, this method has basic principle. There are five stages basic principle of Community Language Learning that is explained by Curran. The stages are:

Stage 1

In this particular stage, the client is completely dependent on the language counselor.

1. First, she/he expresses only to the counselor and in her/his mother tongue what she/he wants to say to the groups. Each group member overhears this English exchange, but is not involved in it.

2. Then, the counselor reflects these ideas back to the clients in the foreign language in warm, accepting tone, in simple language in phrases of five or six words.

3. The client turns to the group and presents his/her ideas in the foreign

language. She/he has the counselor’s aid if she/he mispronounces or



Stage 2

1. The same as above.

2. The client turns and begins to speak the foreign language directly to the group.

3. The client turns aids only as the client hesitates or turns for help. These small independent steps are signs of positive confidence and expectation.

Stage 3

1. The client speaks to the group directly, in foreign language. This presumes that the group has now acquired the ability to understand his simple phrases.

2. The same as (3) above

This presumes the client’s greater confidence, independence, and proportionate

insight into the relationship of phrase, grammar and ideas. Translation is given only when a group member desires it.



Stage 4

1. The client is now speaking freely and complexity in the foreign language. Presumes that the group’s member understandwhat is the client says. 2. The counselor directly intervenes grammatical error, mispronunciation or

where aid is complex expression is needed. The client is sufficiently secure to take correction.

Stage 5

1. The same as (4)

2. The counselor intervenes not only to offer correction but to add idioms or more elegant constructions.

3. At this stage, the client can become a counselor to group in stage 1, 2, and 3.



The following are some characteristics of Community Language Learning:

1. The social dynamics of such a group are of primary importance.

2. In order for any learning to take place, the members need to interact in interpersonal relationship where students and teacher join together to facilitate learning in a context of valuing and prizing each individual in the group.

3. In such situation, each individual lowers the defenses that prevent open interpersonal communication.

4. The anxiety caused by the educational context is lessened by means of the supportive community.

5. The teacher’s presence is not perceived as a threat, nor is the teacher’s purpose to impose limits and boundaries, but rather as a true counselor, to center his attention on the client (the student) and his needs.

6. Defensive learning is made unnecessary by the emphatic relationship between teacher and students.

7. Curran’s counseling- Learning model of education capitalizes on the primary of the needs of the learners who have gathered together in the educational community to be counseled.

8. Curran’s counseling- Learning model of education has been extended to language learning contexts in the form of CLL.

9. The groups of clients (learners) are seated in a circle with the counselor (teacher) on the outside of the circle.

10.The client may be complete beginners in the FL.

2.3. Picture Sequence

The researcher knows that teaching vocabulary can be interesting by using creative technique. Creative technique can attractstudents’ attention. It makes the researcher choose picture sequence as a technique that was used in implementation of Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary. As



Mckenchnie (1980) explanation, he states that picture is an image, or likeness of an object, person, or scene produce on a flat surface, especially by painting, drawing or photography. According to Wright (1989), picture is not just an aspect of method but through its representation off place, object, and people, it is essential part of the overall experiences.

Gerlach (1980) says that pictures are two dimension visual representations of person, places, or things. Photograph prints are most common, but sketches, cartoons, murals, cut outs, charts, graphs and maps are widely used. A picture may not only be worth a thousand words it is may be worth a thousand years or a thousand miles. Through pictures, learner can see people, place and things from areas for outside their own, picture can also represent image from ancient times of portray the future.

As explained by Gerlach and Elly above, pictures are more efficient and practice than words; the students are easier to remember that by using words. It is expose real situation that make students imagine the event on the picture. Then they can explain and hold the meaning of the picture itself. From the definitions above, the researcher concludes that pictures can give meaning for the students; students can see what happen on the picture. They can take a lesson from the picture. The researcher means that picture can be used as media for teaching and learning effectively. Their background knowledge about the theme on a picture will be exposure.

Teaching vocabulary in this research used the principle of CLL and implemented Picture Sequence as a technique in teaching process. It means that the researcher



as a counselor and the students as clients, the researcher help the students. The students are allowed to use their mother tongue. The researcher hoped students use their imagination to read a picture, and then can produce a word relate the picture based on their mind.

2.4. Teaching Vocabulary

To improve students’ knowledge and capability, especially vocabulary, the teacher must have a good concept to build and explore student’s abilities. The teacher who teaches students expected that in the end of learning process, the students be able to implement the knowledge.

In teaching vocabulary according to Wallace (1988), there are several general principles of successful teaching which are for any method. The principles as stated by Wallace are:

1. Aim- What is to be taught, which words and how many.

2. Need-Target vocabulary should respond students’ real needs and interests. 3. Frequent exposure and repetition.

4. Meaningful presentation- Clear and unambiguous denotation or reference should be assured.

Because learning vocabulary is very complex process, the students must be able to recognize it in its spoken and written form. The abilities about vocabulary that students must know as stated by Harmer (1993) are:



2. Usage, i.e. knowledge of its collocation, metaphors and idioms, as well as a style and register (the appropriate level of formality), to be aware of any connotations and associations the word might have.

3. Word formation, i.e. ability to spell and pronounce the word correctly, to know any derivation (Acceptable prefixes and suffixes).

4. Grammar, i.e. to use it in the appropriate grammatical form.

In teaching vocabulary, Nation (1990) as cited in Susamai (2013) argues that there are three things to be taught by teacher in teaching vocabulary. There are:

1. Teaching the words form, they are spelling and pronunciation

The teacher can do this activity by spelling the letters of the words loudly and the students repeat it then. It also can be applied for teaching how to pronounce those words, the teachers be the first then the students followed.

2. Teaching meaning of the words

For teaching the meaning of the words, the teacher can use the sentences that have relation with the word both the meaning and the uses, so that the students can guess the meaning of vocabulary those are taught. For example, the teacher gives the clue with its function.

3. Teaching the uses of words

In teaching the meaning of words, the teacher may provide the sentences that using the target words, then the students can identify the function or the uses of the words based on its position or domain in the sentences.



Shejbalova (2006) in her paper said that unlike the learning grammar, which is essentially a rule based system, vocabulary knowledge is largely a question of accumulating individual items. The general rule seems to be a question of memory.

We need to know how the words are remembered. Thornbury (2002) divides into three kinds, there are:

1. Short term store

Short term store is the brain capacity to hold a limited number of information for periods of time up to a few seconds. It is the kind of memory that is involved in repeating a word that you have just heard the teacher modeling. But successful vocabulary learning involves more than holding words of a few seconds. To integrate words into long term memory need to be subjected to different kinds of operations.

2. Working memory

Working memory means focusing on word long enough to perform operations on them, it means the information is manipulated via the senses from external sources and/or can be downloaded from the long term memory. Material remains in working memory for about twenty seconds. The existence of particular loop enables this new material processing. It works a bit like audiotape going round again. It assures the short term store to be kept refreshed. The ability to hold a word in working memory is a good predictor of language learning aptitude. The better ability to hold



words in working memory the smoother the process of learning foreign languages is.

3. Long term memory

Long term memory can be seen as kind of filling system. Long term memory can be seen as kind of filling system. Unlike working memory, which has a limited capacity and no permanent content, this kind of memory has an enormous capacity and its contents are durable over time.

However, to ensure moving new materials into permanent long term memory requires number of principles to be followed. The principles that are described by Thornbury (2002) are:

1. Repetition- Repetition of encounters with a word is very important, useful and effective. If the words are met several times over space interval during reading activities, students have a very good chance to remember it for a long time.

2. Retrieval- Another kind of repetition. Activities, which require retrieval, such as using the new items in written tasks, help students to be able to recall it again in the future.

3. Spacing- It is useful to split memory work over a period of time rather than, to mass it together in a single block.

4. Pacing- To respect different learning styles and pace, students should be ideally given the opportunity to do memory work individually.

5. Use- Putting words to use, preferably in an interesting way, is the best way of ensuring they are added to long term memory. This is so called “Use it or lose it” principle.



6. Cognitive depth- The more decisions students make about the word and the more cognitively demanding these decisions are, the better the word is remembered.

7. Personal organizing- Personalization significantly increased the probability; the students will remember new items. It is achieved mainly through conversation and role playing activities.

8. Imaging- Easily visualized words are better memorable than those that do not evoke with any pictures. Even abstract words can be associated with some mental image.

9. Mnemonics- Tricks to help retrieve items or rules that are stores in a memory. The best kinds of mnemonics are visuals and keyword techniques.

10. Motivation- Strong motivation itself does not ensure that words will be remembered. Even unmotivated students remember words if they have to face appropriate tasks.

11. Attention- It is not possible to improve vocabulary without a certain degree of conscious attention.

From the theories above, the researcher believed that the principle of CLL can be applied in teaching vocabulary by using picture sequence. Teaching vocabulary by using picture sequence will make students comfortable in learning process, beside in the principle of CLL the researcher as a counselor for the students. The researcher will help the students and guide them.



2.5. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through CLL

Some procedures that will be taught by the researcher are:

A. Pre Teaching

1. The researcher introduces the topic of material, and then distributes the pictures to the students. The researcher also gives little explanation about Community Language Learning.

b. While Teaching

1. The researcher asks attention of the students to look the pictures that is distributed by researcher.

2. The researcher asks the students to mention some words that related to the pictures in their language or mother tongue. The students who know the word in English allow mentioning directly in English.

3. The researcher helps the students who say the words in their language to English, and correct the pronunciation.

4. The researcher asks the students to come in front of the class bring their pictures and write some words in sentence on the whiteboard, and then the researcher attracts the students to discuss the mistakes. The correction is not about the grammar, but about spelling, meaning and form.

5. The researcher observes the students, and also helped by the teacher. 6. The researcher gives several times to the students for making sentences



c. Post Teaching

1. The researcher gives an exercise to the students; the aim of exercise is to add the data of research about thestudent’sproblem.

2. The teacher gives feedback and distributes the questionnaire. Then researcher asks the students about their feeling and their difficulties after learning process.

The explanations above are the theories of vocabulary in general, teaching vocabulary, Community Language Learning, and picture sequence that are used in this research.



This chapter provides an overview of research design, subjects, data collecting technique, research procedure and data analysis that used in this research.

3.1. Design

In this research, the researcher used qualitative research. The researcher wanted to find out the process of Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary and the problems coming from using Community Language Learning in teaching vocabulary in term of content words. The researcher taught vocabulary to the students through CLL with picture sequence in 3 meetings. In the first and second meeting the researcher hoped that she could identify the process of learning and in the third meeting the researcher could identify the problems of learning.

English teacher helped the researcher to observe the process of teaching, and then the data was taken from the result of observation. Besides that, the researcher gave students questionnaire to gain data and find out the problems from the students on implementation of CLL in teaching vocabulary using picture sequence.



3.2. Subjects

The source of this research was the students of the second year of Junior High School. Second year classes consisted of 10 classes, the researcher chose one class of second year. The researcher used purposive sampling. In purposive sampling, sample is chosen by researcher based on researchers’ theoretical knowledge (Setiyadi: 2006). In this sample, the researcher hoped the sample could represent the case of the research. And the researcher asked the English teacher to help in deciding the subject for research.

The reason for choosing the second year students is because teaching vocabulary in this class is more effective for the researcher to analyze the students’ problem of learning vocabulary through CLL. The students have to adjust to the school and their friends for 1 year before. And then, they have learned English in Junior High School for 1 year in first year, so they have background knowledge about vocabulary in their community. The researcher thought that CLL is useful for the second year students of senior high school.

3.3. Data Collecting Technique

In order to collect the data, the researcher used questionnaire and observation sheet.

1. Questionnaire

To collect the data about the problems faced by students, the researcher gave questionnaire to the students after the researcher used the technique; the aim was



to know student problems when the researcher used the technique in learning process. The questionnaire was distributed to the students at the end of the class. The researcher used open ended questions which contained 10 questions related to problems that might occur in implementation of CLL using picture sequence in teaching vocabulary. The students were expected to give clear and specific answer as information for the researcher.

The researcher gave the questionnaire to get the data about student problems in learning process related the principles of CLL, such as, the secure feeling of students, how they gave an attention, retention and reflection and the how the students identified the sound that they have learned before. Students answered the questionnaire in every meeting.

2. Observation

Observation sheet was used to collect data about the situation in the classroom and how the process of teaching vocabulary using Community Language Learning with picture sequence (see the appendix). To observe the teaching process, the researcher is helped by English teacher. The teacher observed students’ activities during the teaching process. From the teacher observation, the researcher knew the activities which happened in the classroom when the researcher was teaching. The researcher taught the students and also as an observer. Setiyadi (2006) states the purpose of observation is to explain the situation being investigated, the activities, person or individuals who are involved in the activity and the relationship among them. The point that was observed is the process of teaching and learning vocabulary through CLL.



Observation sheet of teaching activities divided into three sections; there were pre activity, main activity and post activity. The teacher observed in every meeting. The researcher hoped that it could facilitate the teacher to observe the students activities based on the sections.

3.4. Research Procedures

In this part, the researcher used steps as follows:

1. Determining the subject of the research

The researcher chose one class of the second grade students in SMPN 1 Kalianda and observed the class to know the condition of the students. 2. Preparing the questionnaire and observation sheet

The researcher prepared the questionnaire and observation sheet that would be used in teaching process.

3. Preparing the materials

The researcher prepared the materials would be taught to the students. The materials are appropriate with the curriculum that is used by the teacher at the school. There were three meetings used different materials related to vocabulary with picture sequence.

4. Implementing Community Language Learning

The researcher taught the students by using picture sequence through Community Language Learning. Each meeting lasted (90 minutes) 2x45 minutes. The material consisted of exercise or evaluation. During the



teaching process, the researcher and the teacher observe all activities that happened in the class. And took a note about the problem those are coming. 5. Distributing the questionnaire

The researcher distributed the questionnaire to all students in the class and asked the students to answer the questionnaire.

6. Analyzing the data

After all steps are done by researcher, the researcher analyzed the data to see the problem that is faced by students. Then, the researcher made report about the findings.

3.5. Data Analysis

In Nasution (2003), Miles and Huberman have three steps for analyzing data in qualitative research. To analyze the data from questionnaire and observation, the researcher used those steps as follows:

1. Data reduction

The researcher made the data to be a detail report. The report was reduced, summarized and selected subject matters. It made easy to control and analyze.

2. Data Display

The researcher analyzed all data into unit. Then, she/he made the data in narrative form.



3. Conclusion verification

The researcher took a conclusion about the finding. The researcher hoped the finding was new finding about the problems of students in learning vocabulary through Community Language Learning.

This chapter provided an overview of research design, subject of the research, the technique of collecting data, data analysis that is applied in this research.



After presenting and analyzing the result, the conclusions and suggestion are presented as follows.

5.1. Conclusions

1. The whole procedure and principle of CLL in teaching vocabulary by using picture sequence ran well. Even though there were some students cannot leave their dependency from the beginning until the end of teaching learning process.

2. The problem faced by some students in implementation of CLL in learning vocabulary in term of content word by using picture sequence were the students felt difficult in expressing the words using English directly because they did not know the words in Indonesia to English (meaning) so they felt difficult to spell and pronounce the words, and the difficult word to mention was adverb.



5.2. Suggestions

1. In implementation of CLL, the English teacher should provide the communicative situation at the beginning of teaching learning process between teacher-students and also students-students. So, the students can grow their independency until the end of teaching learning process.

2. In teaching learning vocabulary, the English teachers are recommended to teach vocabulary by practicing the usage of the words rather than classifying the words in term of content word. It was because by practicing the words the students will learn how to use the words in sentences or contexts.

3. Based on the result of questionnaire, the researcher found that the students were difficult in mentioning adverb because adverb cannot be seen from the picture directly for example“carefully” so that the researcher suggests

the teacher to explore and guide the student to find the adverb from the pictures by giving clue or prologue about the picture to build imagination of students, and to get more understanding about adverb the teacher should explain about preposition, for example“In the yard” and “In the morning.”



Edward, D. A. and Rebecca M, V. 1997. Classroom Technique. Foreign Language and English as a Second Language. New York: Harcout Brave Javanovich.

Gerlach, V. S. and Emily, D. P. 1980. Teaching and Media a Systematic Approach.New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Harmer, J. 1991. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman.

Hatch, E. and Brown, C. 1995. Vocabulary, Semantic and Language Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kridalaksana, H. 1993.Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Leny. 2006.Teaching Vocabulary through Pictures to the Kindergarten Students.

Jakarta: Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Press.

Macmillan I, C. 1991. The Key to the English Vocabulary. London: The Macmillan Company.

McCharthy, M. 1990.Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mckenkchnie, J. L. 1980. Webster New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridge. William Collins Publisher.

Nasution, S. 2003. Metode Penelitian Naturalistik Kualitatif. Bandung: PT. Tarsito.

Nurdina, D. E. 2014. The Implementation of Pair Work in Teaching Speaking at the Second Grade of SMPN 1 Trimurjo. Lampung: Lampung University Press.

Nurweni, A. 2013. English Vocabulary Acquisition of the First-Year Indonesian Students of an English Department in One Semester. Hasyimkan. and Hasan, Basturi.Jurnal Aksara, Voll 8, No 1. Lampung: Arts and Language Education Department.

Setiyadi, B. 2006. Metode Penelitian Pengajaran Bahasa Asing. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Setiyadi, B. 2006. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Shejbolova, D. 2006. Method and Approaches in vocabulary teaching and their influence on Students’ Acquisition. Masyarik University Press.



Susamai, D. 2013. Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through Community Language Learning Technique at the Third Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 Way Bungur. Lampung: Lampung University Press.

Thornbury, S. 2002.How to Teach Vocabulary. Longman.

Wallace, M. 1988. Practical Language Teaching, Teaching Vocabulary. Heinemann.

Wright, A. 1989. Picture for Language Learning. USA: Cambridge University Press.

Wulandari, E. 2012.Penerapan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Berbantu Media Monopoli Dalam Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Akutansi Siswa Kelas X Akutansi 2 SMK Negeri 1 Godean Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta State University.


teaching process, the researcher and the teacher observe all activities that happened in the class. And took a note about the problem those are coming. 5. Distributing the questionnaire

The researcher distributed the questionnaire to all students in the class and asked the students to answer the questionnaire.

6. Analyzing the data

After all steps are done by researcher, the researcher analyzed the data to see the problem that is faced by students. Then, the researcher made report about the findings.

3.5. Data Analysis

In Nasution (2003), Miles and Huberman have three steps for analyzing data in qualitative research. To analyze the data from questionnaire and observation, the researcher used those steps as follows:

1. Data reduction

The researcher made the data to be a detail report. The report was reduced, summarized and selected subject matters. It made easy to control and analyze.

2. Data Display

The researcher analyzed all data into unit. Then, she/he made the data in narrative form.



3. Conclusion verification

The researcher took a conclusion about the finding. The researcher hoped the finding was new finding about the problems of students in learning vocabulary through Community Language Learning.

This chapter provided an overview of research design, subject of the research, the technique of collecting data, data analysis that is applied in this research.


After presenting and analyzing the result, the conclusions and suggestion are presented as follows.

5.1. Conclusions

1. The whole procedure and principle of CLL in teaching vocabulary by using picture sequence ran well. Even though there were some students cannot leave their dependency from the beginning until the end of teaching learning process.

2. The problem faced by some students in implementation of CLL in learning vocabulary in term of content word by using picture sequence were the students felt difficult in expressing the words using English directly because they did not know the words in Indonesia to English (meaning) so they felt difficult to spell and pronounce the words, and the difficult word to mention was adverb.



5.2. Suggestions

1. In implementation of CLL, the English teacher should provide the communicative situation at the beginning of teaching learning process between teacher-students and also students-students. So, the students can grow their independency until the end of teaching learning process.

2. In teaching learning vocabulary, the English teachers are recommended to teach vocabulary by practicing the usage of the words rather than classifying the words in term of content word. It was because by practicing the words the students will learn how to use the words in sentences or contexts.

3. Based on the result of questionnaire, the researcher found that the students were difficult in mentioning adverb because adverb cannot be seen from the picture directly for example“carefully” so that the researcher suggests the teacher to explore and guide the student to find the adverb from the pictures by giving clue or prologue about the picture to build imagination of students, and to get more understanding about adverb the teacher should explain about preposition, for example“In the yard” and “In the morning.”


Edward, D. A. and Rebecca M, V. 1997. Classroom Technique. Foreign Language and English as a Second Language. New York: Harcout Brave Javanovich.

Gerlach, V. S. and Emily, D. P. 1980. Teaching and Media a Systematic Approach.New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Harmer, J. 1991. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman.

Hatch, E. and Brown, C. 1995. Vocabulary, Semantic and Language Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kridalaksana, H. 1993.Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Leny. 2006.Teaching Vocabulary through Pictures to the Kindergarten Students.

Jakarta: Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Press.

Macmillan I, C. 1991. The Key to the English Vocabulary. London: The Macmillan Company.

McCharthy, M. 1990.Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mckenkchnie, J. L. 1980. Webster New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridge. William Collins Publisher.

Nasution, S. 2003. Metode Penelitian Naturalistik Kualitatif. Bandung: PT. Tarsito.

Nurdina, D. E. 2014. The Implementation of Pair Work in Teaching Speaking at the Second Grade of SMPN 1 Trimurjo. Lampung: Lampung University Press.

Nurweni, A. 2013. English Vocabulary Acquisition of the First-Year Indonesian Students of an English Department in One Semester. Hasyimkan. and Hasan, Basturi.Jurnal Aksara, Voll 8, No 1. Lampung: Arts and Language Education Department.

Setiyadi, B. 2006. Metode Penelitian Pengajaran Bahasa Asing. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Setiyadi, B. 2006. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Shejbolova, D. 2006. Method and Approaches in vocabulary teaching and their influence on Students’ Acquisition. Masyarik University Press.



Susamai, D. 2013. Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through Community Language Learning Technique at the Third Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 Way Bungur. Lampung: Lampung University Press.

Thornbury, S. 2002.How to Teach Vocabulary. Longman.

Wallace, M. 1988. Practical Language Teaching, Teaching Vocabulary. Heinemann.

Wright, A. 1989. Picture for Language Learning. USA: Cambridge University Press.

Wulandari, E. 2012.Penerapan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Berbantu Media Monopoli Dalam Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Akutansi Siswa Kelas X Akutansi 2 SMK Negeri 1 Godean Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta State University.