3.2 Plot

3.2.1 Beginning Meg and Jo are going out on Saturday, and Amy wants to know where they are going. She is bored and lonely because Beth is plying her piano. Amy guesses that they are going somewhere with Laurie. Meg and Jo say she is right, but tell her to stop bothering them. Amy realizes that they are going to the theater to see Seven Castle. She is upset when her sister tell her she has a cold, and so must wait to get next week with Beth and Hannah. Amy says that she has been indoors so long that she can’t take it anymore Her sister debate whether to take or not. Jo says that she will be too fidgety. Amy gets mad and starts putting on her boots. Jo tells her it is rude to want to go when she wasn’t invited, and that their seats are reserved, so Laurie will have to give up his place and get a seat somewhere else, and Meg tries to reason with her. The sister prepare to leave, and Amy yells down the stairs “ You’ll be sorry for this Jo Marc, see if you ain’t.” Jo slams the door and is gone. 3.2.2 Rising Action When they come home, Amy is reading in the parlor and doesn’t ask any questions about the play. Beth asks, and it is described to her. Jo goes to her room and looks around, because during her last fight with Amy, Amy have dumped out one of her dresser drawers. Everything is in its place, so Jo assumes Amy has forgiven her. The next day, though, Jo discovers that the manuscript of a book she has been writing is missing. Jo notices a change in Amy’s face and asks her where it was. Amy says she doesn’t have it. 19 “Scold me as much as you like, you’ll never see your silly old book again; Cried Amy, Getting excited in her turn. Louise, 1994:88 Amy says that she burned the book. Jo turns pale. She says that Amy is a wicked girl and that she will never forgive her. 3.2.3 Climax The next day, because her family is a little hateful to her for not forgiving Amy, Jo goes looking for Laurie. Jo sees Amy following them, but ignores her. Laurie tells Jo to keep to the shore because the ice in the middle isn’t safe. Jo thinks to herself that she doesn’t care if Amy heard that; She can take care of herself. Laurie skates away, and Jo skates after him, but something makes her turn around in time to see Amy fall through the ice. Laurie rushes by her, telling her to get her home quickly. 3.2.4 Falling Jo fell horrible about this, feeling that it would have been all her fault if Amy died.” It’s my dreadful temper I try to cure it; I think I have, and then it breaks out worse than ever. Oh Mother, what shall I do?’ cried for Jo, in despair.” Louise 1994: 93. 3.2.5 Resolution When someone makes a mistakes especially from our family try to forgive himher with sincerity do not be drawn out in hatred. 20

3.3 The Analysis of The Main Characters