Causes of Speaking Anxiety

7 anxiety presented in the following figure. This figure is made based on the theories of the literature used in this study. Figure 1. Causes of Speaking Anxiety


This study of students‟ speaking anxiety used a mixed method. Mixed method study was used since it “...focuses on collecting, analyzing, and mixing both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or series of studies... ” Creswell, 2007, p.5. In this study, there would be quantitative data, and then the data would be described qualitatively. Causes of Speaking Anxiety Internal Factors Opinions and beliefs of language learning Negative feelings Shyness Fears Worries External Factors Classrooms Settings Activities Teachers Distance Teachers talks Teaching techniques Other factors Lack of English exposure Differences between cultures of learners and target language 8

1. Context of the Study

This study was conducted at SMP Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Central Java. This school not only provides a comprehensive learning of reading and writing, but also supports the use of communicative learning in the English lesson. Moreover, each meeting should be able to facilitate the students to practice their speaking skills through various activities and tasks. Thus, they may be able not only to comprehend, but also to perform the target language communicatively.

2. Participants

The participants of this study were sixty-six students from seven up to nine grade of SMP Kristen Satya Wacana in Salatiga, aged 13-15 years old. The consideration of choosing these participants was that they were exposed to the communicative learning environment of English at the school through a variety of speaking activities. Therefore, the speaking anxiety might be experienced by them. In choosing the participants, a random sample was used to get a representative sample so that it would facilitate every student in the school to have a chance of being involved in this study.

3. Data Collection Instrument

A set of questionnaire items was used for this paper. The questionnaires using Indonesian language was distributed to sixty-six participants. The first part contained closed-questionnaire items and was made according to the literature used in this study. There were 5 closed-ended questions and each of the questions had 6 up to 10 options to be chosen by the participants based on their personal opinions. Meanwhile, 9 the second part of the questionnaires asked for the demographical information of the students such as gender, age, and the length of studying English.

4. Data Collection Procedures

Data collection took place during the second semester of the academic session 20142015. Before distributing the questionnaires to the students, they were informed that their names and responses to the questions would be kept confidential and not affect their grades in any way. Afterward, sixty-six students were asked to fill in the closed-ended questionnaires.

5. Data Analysis Procedure

To analyze the data, firstly the st udents‟ responses to the closed-ended questionnaires were classified based on Figure 1. Then, in order to present the quantitative data, the frequency and the percentage of each answer was counted using Microsoft Excel to find out the common causes contributing to their speaking anxiety. Eventually, the data was described and interpreted qualitatively according to their classification as presented in Figure 1.


Even though many students mentioned that accuracy and grammar were important factors contributing to speaking anxiety, more students were less anxious, especially when dealing with classroom settings and activities, and teachers. Negative feelings and other factors also caused anxiety, but not as much as the previous factor. The following is the discussions of the results.