Anxiety Speaking Anxiety INTRODUCTION

6 not effective for learners to practice speaking and promote the teacher-centered environment. Thus, students are often reluctant to speak since they probably feel insecure due to the dominance of the teacher. Also, a strict and formal classroom environment can trigger students to feel stressed when they are required to practice their speaking skills Tseng, 2012. Furthermore, Woodrow 2006 finds the most anxiety-provoking speaking activities are oral presentations, role plays, and formal discussions. In short, the ineffective class situations and speaking activities may become possible factors generating the anxiety. In addition, some researchers indicate that teachers can be the external sources of speaking anxiety. The improper way of teaching and their reluctance to build a relationship with their students can make students anxious in their foreign language learning Worde, 1998. In another study, Worde 2003 adds that the way teachers correct their students ‟ errors will possibly cause speaking anxiety, for instance, by correcting their speaking errors even before they finished making a response may make them frustrated. Likewise, Williams Andrade 2008 states that the difficulty to respond to teachers‟ questions is one of the factors causing students anxious. Gregersen 2003 admits that teachers do not always eager to recognize anxious students. Therefore, they may be unwilling to get involved in speaking activities. Sato 2003 demonstrates that the primary focus on forms rather than content in the teaching can make students reluctant to practice speaking in the classroom. This may hinder their confidence in speaking since they concern more about their accuracy. Due to the limited time of conducting the study, although there are still many other causes of the speaking anxiety, this study focuses primarily on the causes of 7 anxiety presented in the following figure. This figure is made based on the theories of the literature used in this study. Figure 1. Causes of Speaking Anxiety