Sustainability status of rice fields in the rice production center of Citarum Watershed

Su st a in a bilit y st a t u s of r ice fie lds in t he r ice
pr odu ct ion ce n t e r of Cit a rum W a t e r she d

I rm an Firm ansyah, 2 Widiat m aka, 3 Bam bang Pram udya,
Sugeng Budiharsono

St udy Program of Environm ent al Managem ent , Bogor Agricult ural Universit y, Bogor,
I ndonesia; 2 Depart m ent of Soil Science and Land Resources, Bogor Agricult ural
University, Bogor, I ndonesia; 3 Depart m ent of Mechanical Engineering and Biosyst em s,
Bogor Agricult ural Universit y, Bogor, I ndonesia; 4 Depart m ent of Marine Resource
Econom ics, Bogor Agricult ural University, Bogor, I ndonesia. Corresponding aut hor:
I . Firm ansyah, irm

Abst r a ct . Rice field has m ult ifunct ions, including m aint aining t he st abilit y of hydr ological funct ions
( Cit ar um Wat ershed) , pr event flooding, decr ease er osion, pr ovide em ploym ent , pr oviding a unique and
r ust ic appeal and defend t he values of r ur al cult ur e. Cit ar um Wat ershed locat ed in West Java Pr ovince,
wher e West Java has t he lar gest cont r ibut ed nat ional pr oducer of r ice as m uch as 12,083,162 t ons of
nat ional r ice yields by 71,279,709 t onnes. Rice field in Cit ar um wat er shed has not sust ainable st at us due

t o t he high r at e of land conver sion, policy dir ect ives ar e need t o clar it y of spat ial land use wit h r egional
r egulat ions t o cont r ol t he rice field conver sion, im plem ent at ion of Sust ainable food agr icult ur al land
which ar e ow ned by t he gover nm ent , opening t r ansm igr at ion ar ea based on paddy field, develop m any
pr oduct s fr om one pr oduct by ut ilizing wast e fr om blue econom y concept , so t he paddy fields is st ill
needed for ot her indust r y as input pr oduct ion
Ke y W or ds: r ice field conver sion, m ult i dim ensional scalling, sust anabilit y analysis, pr oduct ivit y.

I n t r odu ct ion. Wetland is t he producer of st aple foods, especially rice for t he people of
I ndonesia, and should be m aint ained and ut ilized as m uch as possible for t he w elfare of
t he com m unit y. I n addition t o funct ioning as a producer of grain, rice fields have broader
funct ions, including m aint aining t he st abilit y of hydrological funct ions Wat ershed ( DAS) ,
preventing flooding, decreasing erosion, providing em ploym ent, providing uniqueness
and at t ract iveness of t he count ryside and m aint aining t he cult ural values of t he
count ryside ( I raw an 2001) .
Of all t he regions in I ndonesia, West Java has cont ribut ed t o be t he largest
nat ional producer of rice in 2013 ranks first nationally. Paddy fields in West Java, have
high product ivit y and supply rice product ion as m uch as 12,083,162 t ons of rice yield
am ount ed t o 71,279,709 t ons nat ionw ide (CBS 2014a) . Where Cit arum gave
cont ributions t o t he West Java rice wit h as m uch as 18,10% , and w est Java gave
cont ributions t o t he nat ional food product ion 16,95% . Wetland conditions in Cit arum from

year t o year narrow ed due t o conversion t o non- agricult ural use, w hile t he expansion of
t he w et land t hrough paddy printing w ere even m ore lim it ed due t o budget ary const raints
and t he lim it ed developm ent of land and w at er resources.
I f t here is no im m ediat e anticipation of t he w et land conversion rat e, at one point
it is feared t hat Cit arum will lose its function as t he cent er for national rice production.
Various regulations have been issued by t he Governm ent t o lim it t he conversion of paddy
fields. Law I nt egrat ion of Law 41 of 2009 and its derivatives regulation int o t he Short Term Developm ent Plan and Medium - provincial dist rict and t he cit y has not been fully
carried out. Likewise, Goverm ent Regulation 12 of 2012 on Agricult ural Land Prot ection
I ncent ives Sust ainable accom odation is yet in basic needs of farm ers t o not sell t heir
farm s.
I t is realized t hat t he t ask of prot ecting t he system of rice fields is not an easy
t hing t o do, considering t he conflict of int erest bet w een individuals w ho w ant t o use rice

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fields for purposes t hat are considered t o have a higher econom ic value t o t he int erest s
of t he com m unit y or nation t o sust ain t he exist ence of t he existing syst em of rice fields

( Pasandaran 2006) .
The purpose of t his st udy include: 1) know ing t he leverages fact ors causes t o rice
fields conversions, 2) know ing t he sust ainabilit y stat us value of t he rice fields.
M a t e r ial a n d Me t h od. This research w as conduct ed in August 2013 t hrough June 2014,
at 4 dist ricts in Cit arum t hat were representing t he w at ershed upst ream portion
( Bandung regency) , DAS Middle section ( West Bandung and Purw akart a) as w ell as t he
dow nst ream w at ershed ( Karaw ang) . The t ot al area of t he four dist rict s covered 5793.15
km 2 and w ere divided from an area of 1762.39 km 2 of t he Bandung Regency ( CBS
2014b) , West Bandung Regency area of 1305.77 km 2 ( CBS 2014c) , covering an area of
971.72 km 2 of Purw akart a ( CBS 2014d) and Karaw ang area of 1.753.27 km 2 ( CBS
2014e) . The rice field area of t he four count ies ex perienced a decline in w hich 2000 has
an area of w et land covering an area of 163,203. 92 hect ares and in 2011 t o 153,486.89
hect ares ( CBS 2014a) .
The research m et hod used an analysis of Mult i Dim ensional Scaling ( MDS) ,
assessing fact ors ( Kavanagh & Pit cher 2004) t hat have been designed from each
dim ension ( social, econom ic, ecological, technological and infrast ruct ure and legal and
instit utional) t o provide scoring. Respondent s w ere draw n from expert st akeholders
( governm ent agencies, farm ers' groups, academ ics and businesses) of t he four dist rict s.
Furt herm ore, t he results of t he expert assessm ent w ill generat e a leverage fact or of each
dim ension of t he value of sust ainabilit y t hat will describe t he position of t he sust ainability

st at us of each dim ension in w hich it w as are divided int o four cat egories of sust ainability.
Scale sust ainabilit y index functions of wetland resources have hosed 0- 100% . I f
t he syst em st udy has an index value of m ore t han 50% t hen t he funct ions of land
resources in t hese fields are sust ainable, and vice versa if it is less t han 50% t hen t he
syst em is not sust ainable. How ever, in t his st udy t he aut hors t ried t o m ake t he four
cat egories of t he sust ainability st at us based on t he basic scale, as present ed in Table 1.
Table 1
St at us cat egory of sust ainable functions farm field sources based on index value
I ndex value
0 - ≤ 25
25 > I ndex ≤ 50
50 > I ndex ≤ 75
75 > I ndex ≤ 100

Cat egory
Unsust ainable
Lack Sust ainable
Sust ainable
Very sust ainable

Technical ordination in MDS based on t he Euclidean dist ance, w hich in dim ensional space
can be w ritt en as ( Pitcher & Preikshot 2001) :

Ordinat ion an obj ect in MDS, approxim at ed by regressing dist ance Eucledien ( dij ) from
point i to point j, with the origin (σij) as the equation (Pitcher & Preikshot 2001) :

The t echnique used t o regressing t he equat ion is algorit hm ALSCAL ( Alder et al 2000) .
ALSCAL m et hod of opt im izing t he dist ance squares ( dist ance squared = dij k) t o t he
square of t he dat a ( point initial = oij k) , w hich is in t hree dim ensions ( i, j , k) w ritt en in a
form ula called S- St ress following:

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Dist ance squared w eight ed by dist ance Euclidean ( Alder et al 2000) :

Re su lt s an d D iscu ssion . Based on t he existing ext ent s of land areas, t he higher
pressure leads t o reduced w etland area. The decline in t he condition of w etlands will

describe t he current sust ainability st at us, and also in w hich t hese pressures are caused
by a w ide variet y of fact ors t hat exist. I n t his research, w e w ill see t he leverage fact ors
and sust ainabilit y st at us value in five dim ensions.
Socia l dim e n sion . Based on t he analysis of MDS, social dim ension is st rongly influenced
by t he agricult ural ext ension w it h scale fact or values of 2.35 and agricult ural labor wit h a
value of 2.20. Bot h of t hese fact ors need t o be considered from t he social aspects, t hus
great ly det erm ine t he fut ure sust ainability of t he w etland. Agricult ural ext ension is a vit al
w etland t hat ’s relat ed t o underst anding t he ow ner of t he im port ance of w et land values in
t he long t erm as w ell as t he know ledge m anagem ent t o increase t he yield of rice
product ion t hat is m ore optim al, bot h in t erm s of seed and t im e cropping patt erns.
Counseling in addition t o a personalized approach of providing an underst anding
beforehand, t hen by w ay of group discussions. Salam pessy ( 2012) show s t hat a group
discussion aft er underst anding t he conditions will be a m ore effective m et hod by form ing
m eetings and group discussions so t hat educat ion is not a one- w ay only. Anot her fact or,
t he superior seeds t o produce good rice product ion and an increase in t he I nvest m ent
I ndex ( I P) opt im ize t he tim ing of land m anagem ent . Various fact ors form ing t he social
dim ension is show n in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Fact ors in t he social dim ension.

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The social conditions are st ill very good so t hat t he st at us of t he social dim ension of
sust ainability is at 55.91. Ent ering t he category is t he quite sust ainable, but it needs t o
be m aint ained wit h due regard t o t he sust ainabilit y of t he lever fact or. Overview of t he
st at us of sust ainability is in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Social dim ension sust ainability st at us.
Econ om ic dim en sion. I n t he econom ic dim ension of t he fact ors t hat influenced t he
presence of t he w et land rice production cent er in Cit arum include t he num ber of
agricult ural labor as t he driving funct ion of t he existing wetland wit h a value of 3.26 and
a fact or for t he num ber of m arket access wit h a value of 2.85. The am ount of labor
farm ers are dim inishing, especially w hen t he successors of agricult ural land m anagers
are a few. Young people including children of farm ers do not w ant t o w ork like t heir
parent s and an econom ic overview show s t hat farm ers do not have a good fut ure. On t he
ot her hand, it show s t hat because t he perception of w orking in an office or com pany is
bet t er even t hough fact ory w orkers and j anit or of an office are also bet t er t han as

farm ers. Because t he incom e from farm ing is not considered a rout ine and only at
harvest tim e, t he incom e of farm ing result s can be great er t han in a fact ory. While
fact ors for t he am ount of m arket access is t he need for furt her m arket reach and not only
local m arket s so as t o guarant ee t he st abilit y of prices, and production t arget s required
farm ers t o increase yields farm ing. Market reach is also associat ed wit h a short
m arketing chain but t oo m uch involvem ent of m iddlem en m inim alizes t he price of rice at
t he farm level. The fact ors form ing t he econom ic dim ension are show n in Figure 3.
The current st at us of t he sust ainabilit y of t he econom ic dim ension in t he cent er of
rice production in Cit arum w it h a value of 56.30 ent ers a cat egory t hat is quit e
sust ainable. I t nevert heless rem ains a concern as it approaches t he lim it value of 50 as
less sust ainable cat egories. Pict ure position on t he econom ic dim ension of sust ainability
st at us is show n in Figure 4.

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Figure 3. Fact ors in econom ic dim ension.

Figure 4. Econom ic dim ensions of sust ainabilit y stat us.
Ecology dim e n sion. Ecological aspect s in Cit arum are st ill seen good from t he
sust ainability st at us of an existing w etland. Fact ors influencing it are a high pressure wit h
a value of 4.24 as w ell as t he use of superior seeds w it h a value of 3.93. The pressure of
land used from ot her usage is dom inat ed by changes in t he use of land for indust rial and
resident ial purposes. Karaw ang has quit e a high indust rial activity t hat is close t o Bekasi
and Jakart a. This is t he I ndust rial Zone as w ell as a direction of indust rial area

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developm ent of Jakart a and Bekasi. While t he use of residential land is also fact or
causing pressure on t he w etland, t his m akes activity of t he residential- housing
const ruct ion higher. On t he ot her hand, t he int erest of farm ers w ill need a huge cost in a
short t im e and t he bidding price of t he land from t hose developers is draw n by landrent
from w et land t o ot her land uses. Ot her sust ainability field st at us const ruct ing fact or is t o
use seeds t hat have a high product ion yield. Description of t he fact ors on t he ecological
dim ension is show n in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Fact ors on ecological dim ension.
The sust ainabilit y st at us of t he ecological dim ensions of 57.66 goes on quit e a
sust ainable crit eria in w hich t his condition w as bet t er t han t he previous social and
econom ic dim ension. The st at us position of ordinal ecological sust ainabilit y dim ensions is
show n in Figure 6.

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Figure 6. Dim ensions of ecological sust ainabilit y stat us.
I n fr a st ru ctu r e a n d t echn ology dim e n sion. Fact ors on t he infrast ruct ure and
t echnology dim ension are conditions in w hich t he const ruct ing fact or input s and t he use
of product s w ere derived from agricult ural product s. These saprodi conditions such as
farm im plem ent s t hat m ost farm ers are still not optim al in t he upt ake of appropriat e
t echnologies as w ell as fertilizer and pesticides during t he application of organic fert ilizer
are st ill considered t o be m ore expensive t han art ificial fertilizers. On t he ot her hand, t he
added value of agricult ure has not been in a lot of derivative product s because t hey can

not t ake advant age of t echnology and innovation and it is not optim al in t he farm ing
com m unit y t o utilize w ast e and product s derived from agricult ural product s. Value of
const ruct ing fact ors are based on t he analysis of t he condition of MDS farm ing input s of
3.45, and t he use of product s of farm crops am ount ed t o 3.37. Pict ure of t he value of t he
fact ors in t he infrast ruct ure and t echnology dim ensions are show n in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Fact ors in t he dim ensions of infrast ruct ure and t echnology.

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The infrast ruct ure and t echnology dim ension is t he dim ension t hat is very vulnerable
because of it s sust ainabilit y st at us t hat ent ered t he cat egory of less sust ainable wit h a
value of 45.93, so as t o enhance t he sust ainability st at us of t he need t o consider t he
existing const ruct ion fact or. The position of t he st at us of sust ainability in t his dim ension
is as show n in Figure 8.

Figure 8. St at us dim ensions of infrast ruct ure sust ainabilit y and t echnology.
Le ga l an d inst it u t iona l dim e n sion . On t he t he legal and instit utional dim ension,
fact ors t hat influence t he sust ainabilit y of dim ensions are a spat ial clarit y wit h a value of
6.99 and counseling on t he effects of w etland conversion wit h a value of 5.11. The
application of spat ial policy is sufficient but t here is a need of w etland conversion for t he
purposes of developm ent of t he local governm ent , so t hat t he layout is not a problem but
it will reduce t he area of w etland in t he fut ure. Spat ial clarit y is also m ent ioned in t he
Law No. 41 of 2009 on t he Pr ot ect ion of Agricult ural Land Husbandry, but not yet
int egrated in t he w hole dist rict and its RPJMN RPJP. Ot her regulat ions are t he
Governm ent Regulation No. 1 of 2011 on t he Det erm ination of Transfer Funct ion and
Sust ainable Agricult ural Land and t he im plem ent at ion of t he regulations are still not
opt im al because t hey are still based on a com prehensive assessm ent of t he various
aspect s relat ed t o t he needs and resources t o support t heir t errit ory. The rules regarding
incentives also exist, nam ely Governm ent Regulation No. 12 of 2012 on Agricult ural Land
Prot ect ion Sust ainable I ncent ives, im plem ent ation of t his regulation are still not opt im al
because of t he high land ow ner farm ers convert ing paddy fields farm ers' fields. I n ot her
w ords, t heir basic needs w ere not accom m odat ed. An overview of t he const ruct ing
fact ors on t he legal and instit utional dim ensions are show n in Figure 9.

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Figure 9. Fact ors on legal and instit ut ional dim ensions.
The sust ainabilit y st at us conditions for t he legal and instit utional dim ension have t he
m ost good st at us of all dim ensions wit h a value of 67.88 included in t he sust ainability
criteria. This is because t he regulat ory and instit utional support bot h in it s
im plem ent ation is not opt im al, but t he availability of t he device is a key fact or in
m inim izing t he rat e of w etland conversion. Ordinat ed pict ure of t he st at us of
sust ainability in t he legal and instit ut ional dim ensions is show n in Figure 10.

Figure 10. St at us sust ainabilit y legal and instit utional dim ensions.

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M u lt i dim en siona l scallin g a n d va lidit y a na lysis. Result s of analysis using t he MDS
generat es an index value of sust ainability functions of w etland resources in t he four
count ies as a cent er of rice product ion in Cit arum . Where t he value of t he highest
sust ainability in t he legal and instit utional dim ensions is 67.88 and t he lowest in
infrast ruct ure and t echnology dim ensions is 45.93. I nt er- dim ensional visualization of t he
st at us of sust ainability are as show n in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Multi- dim ensional sust ainability st at us.
The validit y of t he MDS used Mont ecarlo analysis, w hereby t he difference of t he result s of
t he com parat ive analysis of MDS m ont ecarlo values is show n in Table 2.
Table 2
The result of Mont e Carlo Analysis for Multidim ensional Sust ainable I ndex Values and
each Dim ension in t he confidence int erval of 95%
I ndex St at us
Econom y
I nfrast ruct ure & Technology
Law & I nst it ut ion


Mont ecarlo


I n Table 2, t he result s of t he analysis wit h MDS and t he m et hod of analysis wit h t he
Mont e Carlo m et hod produce such a difference in colum n 4, and t he value of t he
difference is very sm all, not m ore t han 5% . This proves t hat t he level of confidence in t he
t ot al index ( Multidim ensional) and confidence in t he value of t he index of every
dim ension, and t he effect of errors can affect t he w hole process of analysis by t he
m et hod of MDS, and it is t o exceed 95% . Therefore, from t he analysis wit h t he Mont e
Carlo m et hod produced t hat 1) . t he effect of errors on scores for each at t ribut es is very
sm all; 2) . errors t hat are t he result of t he underst anding, t he difference in opinion, or
j udgm ent of a researcher w ho has different opinion from each ot her are relat ively very
sm all; 3) . dat a ent ry errors or m issing dat a, or t he value of "st ress" t hat are t oo high are
very sm all; 4) . procedure errors t hat can affect t he st ability of t he MDS analysis process
is also relatively sm all.
M a in t ain in g policy dir ect ive s in t he ex ist en ce of w e t lan ds. Policy in t he cont rol of
w etland conversion t hat is particular in m aintaining t he presence of w etland rice

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product ion cent ers in Cit arum halt ed from upper- m iddle- end based on t he design policy
of t he analysis of MDS is t o consider const ructing fact ors of agricult ural ext ension, t he
am ount of labor of farm ers, t he pressure t o ot her uses, saprodi conditions of agricult ure
and spat ial clarity.
Agricult ural ext ension. Policies t hat can be done is:
- increase in agricult ural ext ension t hrough door t o door in t he farm ers' gr oups
and t he provision of t raining for ext ension w orkers t o bet t er underst and and t o be m ore
com m unicative;
- planning t he act ivities of it s role as an agr icult ural ext ension and farm er
assist ant s at regular int ervals;
- collaboration wit h expert s and practitioners who com e from universities and
ot her instit utions t hat are com pet ent in relat ed fields, provide knowledge and t raining on
int ensification, t echniques and t echnology of agricult ure and agribusiness t o societ y,
especially farm ers by ext ension w orkers and NGOs on a regular basis and socialization of
love of agricult ure by ext ension w orkers and NGOs periodically evaluat e t he activities
carried out by agricult ural ext ension w orkers on a regular basis, and m onit or t he
im plem ent ation of ongoing act ivities.
The num ber of farm er labor
- dissem inating inform at ion and an overview t hat em ploym ent in t he agricult ural
sect or is bet t er t han t he fact ory w orker w ho are only m om ent ary and can be dism issed at
any t im e;
- developm ent wit h t he adoption of int ercropping, such as land use for soybeans if
t he tim e span bet w een harvest level of soy consum pt ion is quit e high and has increased
cont inuously t o a variet y of foodst uffs, as in t he case st udy in Karaw ang result s research
( Widiat m aka et al 2014) , w here soybean product ion in Karaw ang continue t o fall from
around 600 t onnes per year in 2013 t o 400 t onnes per year in 2030, w hereas t he level of
consum pt ion of soy in t he Karaw ang regency has increased due t o increasing population,
in w hich t he needs in 2013 w ere m ore t han 140,000 t ons per year and increased
cont inuously until 2030 w here it will reach approxim at ely 170,000 t ons per year;
- developm ent of agricult ural w ast e utilization is as t he application of blue
econom y ( how t o m ake m oney from a w ast e) , w here t he use of rice husk can be
developed int o several derivatives business;
- in t he increasing int erest of successor farm ers t hat needs t o ensure t he
application of agricult ural em ploym ent so t hat t he children of farm ers are int erest ed in
developing business in t he agricult ural sect or, as w ell as t he need for vocational special
agricult ure w hich provide free education for t he children of farm ers w ere direct ed t o be
ready t o w ork in t he agricult ural sect or, wit h t he developm ent of t he concept of "Modern
Farm er” .
The pressure of land use
- set ting rest rictions on t he use of land for resident ial developm ent, services and
indust ries such as t he building m anufact ure w ith a part icular preferred area t o build
- dissem ination and im plem ent ation of t he set ting rules and lim it s of t he use of
land for residential developm ent and services, which includes support t o food securit y
and suit abilit y land and m onit oring t he im plem entat ion of spatial developm ent;
- indust rial activities direct ed at environm ent ally friendly indust ries and
cont ribut ed t o a high area and required for t he im plem ent ation of green product ion.
Condit ions of agricult ural input s
- incentives in t he form of farm input s based on the result s generat ed so t hat t he
rew ards for farm ers t o im prove good governance can increase an average per hect are of
t he farm ers’ good governance;
- help directed t o begin t he m anagem ent of organic rice, due t o bett er result s and
environm ent al friendly.

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Spat ial clarit y
- zoning m aker of rice fields is forbidden t o be convert ed again. Assessm ent is
adapt ed t o t he spatial and land suit ability assessm ent of t he various st akeholders,
especially pot ential support ers of nat ural resources such as w at er availability and land
- increased w at er use efficiency t hrough rice cultivation m et hod syst em of rice
int ensification ( SRI ) . I n addition t o applying t he SRI m et hod of organic agricult ural land
t hat are degraded can ret urn as im proved so as to provide optim um carrying capacity for
increased production, w hich in t urn t arget s national food security t hat can be achieved
opt im ally ( BBWSC 2011) ;
- m aking t he det erm ination of t he rules and regulations cont ain provisions t hat
support t he land area of food securit y and rest rictions on land use for t he benefit beyond
t he use of agricult ural land. The difficult y will be in t he fut ure w etland t hat currently
needs t o opt im ally ut ilize t he paddy field and defend;
- em phasized t he im port ance of land m anagem ent in accordance w it h t he sit especific nat ure of t he lim iting fact ors.I n t he research by Widiat m aka et al ( 2013) w here
t he econom ic land suit abilit y analysis result s in Karaw ang show t hat bot h on t he land
class of S2 and S3 classes, cultivation of rice is still favorable, indicat ed by t he values of
gross m argin and t he ratio of B/ C ( Benefit Cost Rat io) . How ever, calculations show t hat
profit s can be higher if t he land can be increased in accordance wit h t he pot ential land
suit ability, from S3 t o S2 and fr om S2 t o S1;
- rice fields should not be convert ed again and have a high pot ential t hat should
be ow ned by t he governm ent, in order t o m inim ize t he vulnerabilit y of land conversion t o
be m anaged by farm ers, w here farm ers still have j obs as farm ers.
Con clusion s. Fact ors t hat influence t he sust ainability of t he w et land in Cit arum as t he
cent er of rice production is t he optim ization of agricult ural ext ension services, t he
availabilit y of t he num ber of farm labor, especially in t he fut ure, t he high pressure of land
use, not opt im al conditions of agricult ure product ion facilities associated wit h t he
ut ilization of appropriat e t echnology, as w ell as spat ial clarit y of w etland t hat does not
consider t he pot ential of it s nat ural resources.
Of t he various dim ensions of sust ainable condit ions t hat are less obt ained in
infrast ruct ure and t echnology dim ensions w it h a value of 45.93, t here is st ill not an
opt im al ut ilization of appropriat e technology and irrigation infrast ruct ure degradation
under pressure because it is covered by indust rial act ivit y.
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Received: 21 Decem ber 2015. Accept ed: 06 Febr uar y 2016. Published online: 17 Febr uar y 2016.
Aut hor s:
I r m an Fir m ansyah, Bogor Agr icult ur al Univer sit y, Depar t m ent of Envir onm ent al Managem ent , SPs Building 2nd
Floor , I PB Cam pus, Bar anang Siang, 16144 Bogor , I ndonesia, e- m ail: ir m
Widiat m aka, Bogor Agr icult ur al Univer sit y, Depar t m ent of Soil Science and Land Resour ces, Mer ant i St r eet ,
Cam pus I PB, Dar m aga, 16680 Bogor , I ndonesia, e- m ail: widi.widiat m
Bam bang Pr am udy a, Bogor Agr icult ur al Univer sit y, Depar t m ent of Mechanical Engineer ing and Biosyst em s,
Lingkar Akadem ik St r eet, 16680 Bogor , I ndonesia, e- m ail: bpr am
Sugeng Budihar sono, Bogor Agr icult ur al Univer sit y, Depar t m ent of Mar ine Resour ces Econom ics, Kam per
St r eet , Gd. Fakult as Ekonom i and Manaj em en W5 L5, Dar m aga, 16680 Bogor , I ndonesia, e- m ail:
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How t o cit e t his ar t icle:
Fir m ansyah I ., Widiat m aka, Pr am udya B., Budihar sono S., 2016 Sust ainabilit y st at us of r ice fields in t he r ice
pr oduct ion cent er of Cit ar um Wat er shed. AAB Bioflux 8( 1) : 13- 25.

AAB Bioflux , 2016, Volum e 8, I ssue 1.
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