Approaches to teaching writing: the genre approach to writing

after various process-writing activities, ask students to do the same writing task as at the beginning. Return the students’ initial work to them and ask them to compare the two final products as well as their approaches to the task. You can also conduct a class discussion on the results, the benefits and the drawbacks.

7.8 Approaches to teaching writing: the genre approach to writing

Genre refers to the way that texts of the same nature are organised and the way that language frequently re-occurs in texts of the same type. For example, recipes are all organised in the same way. Ingredients are listed and then the steps are described. All recipes contain similar language. If we want our students to write a recipe, it is useful for them to start by studying how recipes are organised and the type of language that is commonly used, before starting on the work themselves. If you want your students to write a film review or any other genre of writing, start out by studying various film reviews in class. Firstly, do some comprehension work on the reviews for ideas see Chapter 6, Reading. Then study the film reviews with a view to analysing how they are organised. Ask students whether they can see any characteristics regarding both language and organisation that are similar between the reviews. For example, do all the reviews finish with the author’s opinion? Does the writer make a recommendation? Where is it placed, at the beginning or the end? Which tenses are used to describe the film? When you think that students have enough information, summarise the characteristics for all to see. You can elicit this from your students. They can then use the summary to start planning and organising their own film reviews. They can also incorporate examples of language items that they encountered, without copying directly. When using the genre approach to writing, try to set tasks that students are likely to be involved in outside of class or that have some sort of relevance. For example, don’t ask students studying English for their university course to write lonely hearts ads, unless of course it’s for fun in class I have outlined two approaches to the teaching of writing; of course others exist. EFL writers have debated the issues surrounding the genre and process approach to writing. I think that both have their advantages and both can help students produce good pieces of writing. I also think that the two approaches can be combined in one writing activity through study of texts and then movement through the stages of writing. This, of course, will take time and can be developed into a writing project spanning over a few weeks.

7.9 Shorter writing activities