Data Description The Interpretation of Data



A. Data Description

As mentioned in the research methodology, to get the data, the writer distributed questionnaires to know students’ motivation in learning speaking to the students at second grade of SMA Darussalam. Then, she conducted oral test to know students’ speaking ability. After both of data collected, the writer conducted classroom observation to confirm students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking ability. Finally, after all of the data collected, the writer analyzed each data firstly. Motivation is assessed by Likert’ scale rating and speaking ability is measured by David’ scale rating score. Besides, the result of classroom observation is described to know the reality of students’ motivation in learning speaking at the classroom. Secondly, after each data analyzed, to see the correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking score, the writer analyzed both of data by applying the formula of Correlational Product Moment by Pearson.

B. Data Analysis

1. Students’ Motivation Score

In this study, students’ motivation in learning speaking is as the independent variable X. To measure students’ motivation in learning speaking, the study used two techniques: distributing questionnaires and classroom observation.

a. Questionnaires

As mentioned in technique of data analysis, the questionnaires in this study have 30 items adopted from AMTB by Gardner. Before the questionnaires were distributed, the questionnaires were validated by two experts. It means that the questionnaires were used content validity to see they are measure what should to be measured. 38 The questionnaires were assessed by Likert scale rating. This scale rating has five options. They are: Strongly Agree Sangat setuju, Agree Setuju, Undecided Ragu-ragu, Disagree Tidak Setuju, and Strongly Disagree Sangat Tidak Setuju. The results of questionnaires are described in a table See appendix 2. The following table describes the result of questionnaires about students’ motivation in learning speaking after accumulated. Table 4.1 Score of Students’ Motivation in Learning Speaking X Variable Students N Motivation X 1 88 2 87 3 87 4 86 5 87 6 91 7 88 8 78 9 87 10 88 11 86 12 87 13 92 14 78 15 83 16 78 17 87 18 85 19 82 20 86 21 88 22 93 23 87 24 91 25 82 26 90 27 92 28 91 29 88 30 89 N=30 ∑X=2602 39 From the data above, we can see the total score of 30 respondents is 2602. By applying SPSS program, it shows that the mean of students’ motivation score is 86, the median is 87, the range is 15, the minimum score of students’ motivation is 78 and the maximum score of students’ motivation is 93. Based on the statistic result above, there are 2 categories of motivation score. The first is low motivation and the second is high motivation. Students categorized by low motivation score are under 87 score and students categorized by high motivation score are above 87. Therefore, from the table above, it is considered that the mode of students’ motivation score is 87. It means that most of students have high motivation in learning speaking. It is also confirmed by the result of classroom observation shows that students who have high motivation’s score also follow the teaching and learning process well, pay attention to the teacher’s explanation, express their ideas, do assignment from teacher, etc.

b. Classroom Observation

Classroom observation in this research is conducted to confirm the reality of students’ motivation in learning speaking. It is also done in second grade of SMA Darussalam Class 2.3. The researcher observed the teaching Table 4.2 Descriptive Statistics Motivation N Valid 30 Missing Mean 86.7333 Median 87.0000 Mode 87.00 Std. Deviation 4.00804 Range 15.00 Minimum 78.00 Maximum 93.00 40 and learning process from beginning of class till the end based on the classroom observation rubric. Based on the result of observation in the classroom, students who have high motivation score also show good performance in the classroom. They do activities which represent their interested in learning speaking. Most of them do activities which stated on the observed aspects. The first aspect is motivated students always pay attention when their teacher explained the material in front of the classroom. They listened carefully to the teacher’s explanation about speaking material. Students with high motivation score point their good behavior out in the teaching and learning process. They represent their motivation in learning speaking by paying attention to the teacher’s explanation seriously. In contrast, students with low motivation in learning speaking did not pay attention well to the teacher’s explanation. Any students talked each other during the lesson. The teacher sometimes admonishes them to stop talking during the lesson. Any students also seem a little bored to the teacher’s explanation method. They were nice themselves by playing their pen and no pay attention to the explanation. The second observed aspect is asking to the teacher when students face problems about the material. Based on the observation in the classroom, when motivated students did not understand any materials, they asked to the teacher eagerly and the teacher also answered the questions. They did not feel shy to ask the teacher about their problems. They have good confidence to speak up in front of their friends and the teacher. However, students with low motivation have no bravery to ask to the teacher when they got problem. They have no confidence to speak up in front of the teacher and afraid of being laughed by their friends. They prefer to ask their problem to their friend. Thirdly, students with high motivation score stated in the result questionnaire are brave to express their ideas in their mind. They uttered what they think about something to the teacher gorgeously. For example, 41 when teacher explained about the hottest topic, any students told the information to the teacher bravely. Fourthly, motivated students in learning speaking wrote down the point important of teacher’s explanation. They thought that it would help them to remind the material. However, not all students wrote down the teacher’s explanation. Many students were lazy to write the explanation. Besides, students with high motivation would follow the teaching and learning process seriously from the beginning lesson till the end. They did not play with their friends during the lesson. However, any students played with their partner during the lesson. They seemed not interested to the teaching and learning process. Sixthly, motivated students are interested to the speaking material delivered by the teacher. They like the way their teacher in delivering material. It seemed in the classroom observation that they have enthusiasm in learning speaking. Students engage in teaching and learning process by paying attention to the teacher. However, any students are not interested to the speaking material because they did not like to the teacher method in sending material. The seven observed aspect is the interaction between teacher and students are created lively in the classroom. The teacher and students interact one another during teaching and learning process. The interaction in the classroom is created between teacher and students not only teacher himself. It means that the teaching and learning process in this classroom is balanced. In balance instruction, the portion of teacher-centered instruction and learner-centered instruction are considerably balance. The teacher becomes the facilitator and the students are the initiator of the process. The role both of them are balance in the classroom. The eight observed aspect is students learn hard toward material sources given by the teacher. Motivated students work hard to get the best in their achievement by learning hard toward material sources given by the teacher. Moreover, any students learn from other sources which supported the 42 material. They try to achieve the best score in learning speaking by learn hard. Moreover, motivated students do all assignment given by teacher well. They do not postpone doing assignment as long as possible. Besides, they learn hard and follow the teaching and learning process seriously and enjoyable. However, any students are lazy to do assignment from teacher. When the teacher asked them to do assignment, they postpone as long as possible. It shows that they have low motivation in learning speaking. The last observed aspect in the classroom is students answered teacher’s question well. When the teacher asked question to motivated students, they would answer the question as well as possible. They could answer the question in English confidently. However, any students cannot answer the teacher’s question. They have no confidence to answer the question in front of teacher and other students.

2. Students’ Speaking Score

In this case, the students’ speaking ability is as the dependent variable Y. To know students’ speaking score, the researcher conducted oral test to the students. The test is evaluated into five criteria; they are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. The five criteria are the components of speaking skill. In this study, the students are scored based on five components of speaking skill by using the scale rating scores of David P. Harris. Here are the results of students’ speaking ability. Table 4.3 Score of Students’ Speaking Test Y Variable Students N Speaking Y 1 74 2 72 3 74 4 74 5 86 6 80 7 70 8 66 9 68 10 68 11 66 43 Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics Speaking N Valid 30 Missing Mean 72.9667 Median 73.0000 Mode 68.00 Std. Deviation 5.68412 Range 22.00 Minimum 64.00 Maximum 86.00 From the data above, we can see that the total score from 30 respondents of students’ speaking score is 2189. By applying SPSS program, it shows that the mean of students’ speaking score is 72, the median of students’ speaking score is 73, the mode of students’ speaking score is 68, the standard deviation of students’ speaking score is 5,68, the range of students’ speaking score is 22, the minimum score of students’ speaking is 64 and the maximum score of students’ speaking is 86. 12 68 13 82 14 64 15 68 16 66 17 74 18 70 19 68 20 70 21 80 22 75 23 85 24 78 25 76 26 75 27 72 28 75 29 70 30 75 N=30 ∑Y=2189 44 Based on the result statistic above, the average speaking score is 72. It means that most of students’ speaking ability is in the medium level. It is seen from the minimum speaking score is 64 and most students got score in 72-78 score.

3. The Correlation between Students’ Motivation in Learning Speaking

and their Speaking Ability . In this case, both the score of students’ motivation and students’ speaking ability are correlated by Pearson’s Product Moment formula. The data are described in the following table: Table 4.5 The Calculation of Questionnaires of Motivation and Speaking Score Students N Motivation X Speaking Y XY X 2 Y 2 1 88 74 6512 7744 5476 2 87 72 6264 7569 5184 3 87 74 6438 7569 5476 4 86 74 6364 7396 5476 5 87 86 7482 7569 7396 6 91 80 7280 8281 6400 7 88 70 6160 7744 4900 8 78 66 5248 6084 4356 9 87 68 5916 7569 4624 10 88 68 5984 7744 4624 11 86 66 5676 7396 4356 12 87 68 5916 7569 4624 13 92 82 7544 8464 6724 14 78 64 4992 6084 4096 15 83 68 5644 6889 4624 16 78 66 5148 6084 4356 17 87 74 6438 7569 5476 18 85 70 5950 7225 4900 19 82 68 5576 6724 4624 20 86 70 6020 7396 4900 21 88 80 7040 7744 6400 22 93 75 6975 8649 5625 23 87 85 7395 7569 7225 24 91 78 7090 8281 6084 25 82 76 6232 6724 5776 N=25 ∑X=2152 ∑Y=1822 ∑XY=157192 ∑X 2 =185636 ∑Y 2 =133702 45 r xy = ∑ ∑ ∑ [ ∑ ∑ ][ ∑ ∑ ² r xy = [ ] [ ] = [ ][ ] = [ ] = √ = . = 0.555 From the calculation above, it is found that r xy is 0.555. The next step is to find the significance of variables by calculating r xy is tested by significance test formula: 57 t count = √ √ In which: t count = t value r = value of correlation coefficient n = total of sample 57 Riduwan and H. Sunarto, Pengantar Statistika Pendidikan, Sosial, Ekonomi, Komunikasi, dan Bisnis, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011, p. 81. 46 Therefore, it is calculated that: t count = √ √ = . √ √ . = . √ √ . = . . √ . = . . t count = 3.530 Before tested by t count , the writer made two hypotheses of significance: an alternative hypothesis Ha and a null hypothesis Ho. Ha = There is significant correlation between two variables. Ho = There is no significant correlation between two variables. The formulation of test: 1. If t count t table , it means that the null hypothesis is rejected and there is significant correlation. 2. If t count t table , the null hypothesis is accepted and there is no significant correlation. Based on the calculation above, the result is compared by t table in the significant 0.05 and n = 30. The writer found out the Degree of Freedom Df with the formula: Df = N – nr = 30 – 2 = 28 From Df = 28, it is obtained t table = 2.048. It means that t count is bigger than t table or 3.530 2.048. Therefore the alternative hypothesis is 47 accepted. In other words, there is significant correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking ability.

C. The Interpretation of Data

After the writer calculated the data by applying the correlation of Product Moment formula and finding the result of r xy , the next level is to give interpretation of the r xy . From the analyzing data of students’ motivation in learning speaking X and students’ speaking score Y, it appeared that the correlation index between X variable and Y variable is 0.555. It means that between both variables has a medium correlation. It can be seen at simple interpretation toward the correlational index “r” Product Moment r xy on the following table: 58 Table 4.6 The Simple Interpretation of r xy . Therefore, from the calculation of both variables above and indicated to the table of interpretation of r xy above, it interprets that in both of variables has correlation. By calculation above, it indicates that between X variable and Y variable has no negative correlation. It means that both of variables have positive correlation one way correlation. It is considered that the higher motivation of students in learning speaking, the better speaking ability of students will get. In other words, students with high motivation in learning speaking will get better speaking ability. By looking at the result of r xy = 0.555, It shows in the interval 0.40 – 0.70. It indicates the gravity of correlation in this study is in the medium level. It concluded that there is medium correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and students’ speaking ability. It means the alternative hypothesis of the study is accepted. 58 Ibid, p. 193. “r” Product Moment rxy Interpretation 0.00 – 0.20 0.20 – 0.40 0.40 – 0.70 0.70 – 0.90 0.90 – 1.00 Very lowweak Weak Medium High Very High 48 Then, in order to complete the result of the study, the interpretation of r table is also used in the study. Firstly, the writer found out the Degree of Freedom Df with the formula: Df = N – nr = 30 – 2 = 28 Secondly, by checking the “r” table r t in Df = 28, it is found that at the degree of significance 5 is 0.349 and at degree of significance 1 is 0.449. 5 = r o : r t = 0.555 0.349 1 = r o : r t = 0.555 0.449 To know the correlation between r o r xy = 0.555 and r t with the Df 28 in the significance 5 and 1, it can be concluded as follows: The significance 5 = r o : r t = 0.555 0.349, it means that in the significance 5 r o r xy is bigger than r t . So, the null hypothesis Ho is rejected and the alternative hypothesis Ha which states there is correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking ability is accepted. Besides, in the significance 1 = r o : r t = 0.555 0.449, it means that in the significance 1 r o r xy is bigger than r t . It is considered that the null hypothesis Ho which state there is no correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking ability is rejected and the alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted. In other words, the alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted both in significance 5 and 1. Furthermore, from the result above, it is considered that the higher motivation in learning speaking, the better speaking ability will be achieved by the students. The students who have high motivation will make an effort to follow the learning process intensively, and they learn the lesson as well as possible not only in the school but also out of the school. They are motivated to enrich their vocabulary and to practice their speaking ability. Moreover, motivated students usually feel enjoyable in their learning. It makes them easier to speak up confidently wherever they are although English is a foreign language. 49 D. The Test of Hypothesis To prove the result of hypothesis in this study, the writer calculated the obtained data by Pearson’s coefficient correlation of Product Moment in the previous term. Below are the formulations of hypothesis of this study: 1. The null hypothesis Ho = There is no significant correlation between X variable and Y variable. 2. The alternative hypothesis Ha = There is significant correlation between X variable and Y variable. From the formulation above, the writer follows some assumptions as follow: 1. If the result of calculation r o is lower than r t r table r o r t , the null hypothesis is Ho is accepted, and the alternative hypothesis Ha is rejected. 2. If the result of calculation r o is bigger than r t r table r o r t , the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted. The result of r count value 0.555 is bigger than r table value with significant value 0.05 and 0.01. So, the conclusion is: a. Ho is rejected. b. Ha is accepted. c. There is positive correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking ability at Second Grade of SMA Darussalam Ciputat. 50



Based on the description of the data which described in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking X variable and their speaking ability Y variable. After analyzing both variables by Pearson’s Product Moment formula, it is found that r xy = 0.555. Based on the result of r xy = 0.555, it indicates the gravity of correlation in this study is in the medium level. It is considered that there is medium correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and students’ speaking ability. Besides, by looking at calculation above, there is positive correlation between X variable and Y variable. It means that students with higher motivation will get better speaking ability than the lower one. In other words, the more motivated students are, the better speaking ability can be achieved. Furthermore, by checking the r table in Df = 28 and comparing it with r xy , it is found that at degree of significance 5 r o : r t = 0.555 0.349 and at degree of significance 1 r o : r t = 0.555 0.449. It means that in the significance 5 and 1, r o r xy is bigger than r t . In other words, in the degree of significance 5 and 1, the null hypothesis Ho is rejected and the alternative hypothesis Ha which states there is correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking ability is accepted. In conclusion, there is positive correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking ability at second grade SMA Darussalam Ciputat.


After doing the research and looking at the conclusion above, it is found that there is significant correlation between students’ motivation in learning speaking and their speaking ability. The statistic correlation of this research shows that rxy = 0.555. It is considered that there is positive correlation between

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