Sociological Analysis A Sociological analysis grisham's a painted house

58 the invisible aspects of society life. However, literary work has an important duty to be a pioneer that gives admission to occurred social symptoms in society life. Literature is the social institution that uses language medium. Moreover, it “provides life” and almost of the life consists of social reality; occasionally, it “imitates” the nature and world of human. 10 One of literary work genre that portrays a society life is fiction. This genre dominates to perform the complete narrative aspects and involves the society culture. The language that used in fiction is easy and understandable; generally, it is also used by the society. 11 Accordingly, it can be interpreted that fiction is fairly sociologic and represents the society social, cultural and economic life.

B. Sociological Analysis

Sociology is an academic and applied discipline that studies society and human social interaction. As an academic discipline, sociology is typically considered a social science. The word of sociology was coined by French thinker Auguste Comte in 1838 from Latin socius companion, associate and Greek λóγος , lógos word. Comte hoped to unify all studies of humankind - including history, psychology and economics. 12 10 Wellek and Warren, Teori Kesusastraan, diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Melani Budianta, Ph. D, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1995, p.109 11 Nyoman Kutha Ratna. S. U, Teori, Metode, dan Penelitian Sastra, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2004, p.336 12 Anonymous, Sociology, Wiki. Accessed on April 11, 2007. http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiSociology, p.2 59 Sociologists hope it is not only to understand what held social groups together, but also to develop responses to social disintegration and exploitation. Meanwhile, Indonesian sociologists; Soemardjan and Soemardi Yanto:1980 define sociology: “Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari struktur, proses dan perubahan- perubahan sosial. Yang dimaksud struktur sosial, yaitu keseluruhan jalinan antara unsur-unsur sosial yang pokok, diantaranya kaidah-kaidah, lembaga-lembaga, kelompok-kelompok dan lapisan-lapisan sosial. Proses sosial adalah pengaruh timbal balik antar berbagai segi kehidupan, dan salah satu proses sosial yang bersifat tersendiri adalah perubahan- perubahan didalam struktur sosial.” 13 Furthermore, sociology attempts to answer the questions about how society exists, acts and survive. 14 Accordingly, this science presents the description about the way of human to socialize and settled by particular society, socialization mechanism and cultural learned process, in which allocated the individuals at particular roles in social structure. Since its developing, this science expands literary world that has brought by a Hungarian philosopher 1885-1971; Georg Lukacs Ritzer:2003, in his book “The Theory of the Novel” 1916, he gave new direction to the sociology of literature. 15 He is one of the theorists of Sociology of Literature that uses “mirror” concept as the feature for a whole of the work. A literary work does not only portray the phenomena of life, and closely it can be a photograph of “life process” in the world. 13 Yanto Subianto S., Soal-Jawab Sosiologi, Bandung: Armico, 1980, p.1 14 Faruk, Pengantar Sosiologi Sastra, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 1994, p.1 15 Ritzer, Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Volume I, Thousands Oak: Sage, 2003 p.458 60 Sociology of literature is the interdisciplinary of sociology and literary studies. The object of this study rests on extrinsic elements that includes social and cultural aspects, and completed by intrinsic elements such as plot, character and characterization, setting, point of view and so on. 16 In this case, sociology of literature is an approach that emerges from the author, the reader and the universal orientation. The field of sociology of literature is verily extent. This study is divided this approach into three classifications. First, sociology of author, that discusses about his social status, ideology, economy and so forth. Second, sociology of literary work, that discusses about the implicit and explicit meaning of literary work. And the third, sociology of literature that discusses about the reader and its social influence to the society. 17 And this explanation refers to the wide perspective of sociology of literature. Sociology of literature is the informal and indefinite study that consists of few empirical studies, which has only the equal and deals with the correlation between literature and society. The study is a reflective research and dominated by most researchers, who intend to observe the literature as a reflection of the community. Consequently, the perspective of sociology of literature must be concerned as quoted; “literature is not only the effect of social causes but also the cause of 16 Soehenda Iskar, Sosiologi Sastra, Khazanah. Accessed on May 25, 2007. http:www.pikiran-rakyat.comcetak2005030505khazanahlainnya02.htm, p.6 17 Gunoto Saparie, Luasnya Wilayah Sosiologi Sastra, News. Accessed on May 07, 2007. http:www.suarakarya-online.comnews.html?id=168818, p.4 61 social effect” . 18 This suggestion gives the detail that the sociology of literature research directs to aim of relationship between sociology and literature. And those things will influence each other in every particular case that will be interested for the researchers. A real world is like a couple of the imaginative world. In the real world the life is limited by some rules, which cannot be passed by human act and thought, and the events that happen within are unrepeatable. Nevertheless, in fictional world human can reach the wide space to imagine without a limitation and the events can be occurred as long as the work read repeatedly, generally this concept is called ‘mimetic theory’. 19 A theorist of Sociology of Literature; Georg Lukacs Endraswara:2003 disentangles this concept to characterize a whole literary work: “Mencerminkan berarti menyusun sebuah struktur mental. Sebuah karya sastra novel tidak hanya mencerminkan “realitas” melainkan lebih dari itu, juga memberikan “sebuah refleksi kepada kita yang lebih besar, lengkap, hidup dan lebih dinamik” yang mungkin melampaui pemahaman umum.” 20 In Lukacs’s opinion Selden:1991, “mirror” or “reflection” in a novel bring the reader along to a view, in which real and concrete. Therefore, the reader has to realize that a literary work is not reality itself, but it is “the particular 18 Suwardi Endraswara, Metodologi Penelitian Sastra, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2004, p.79 19 Sapardi Joko Damono 2007, Op. Cit., p.2 20 Suwardi Endraswara 2003, Op. Cit., p.89 62 shape that portrays the reality” , and this concept deconstructs naturalism or modernism in the same time. 21 In this case, the theory is not only limited to the time and space, but it is also related to the conduct of author to portray human life. Literature is a necessary “mirror”, which does not only perform human life in real world, but also it performs the invisible thing within. Therefore, it is a “mirror” that emerges from world reality and enables to complete the lack of literary comprehension. The “mirror” concept refers to various social changes in society. In the book “The Mirror and the Lamp” 1976; he stated that a literary work is the mirror of society life. 22 Through this concept most of the researchers intend to find a real description while the work has been created by an author. The effort to develop a scientific sociology has been primarily an effort to make sociological work consistent with the canons of scientific method. Sociological research ranges from the analysis of short contacts between anonymous individuals on the street to the study of global social processes. The field focuses on how and why people are organized in society, either as individuals or as members of associations, groups, and institutions.

1. Social

Social refers to human society or its organization. Although the term is a crucial category in social science and often used in public discourse, its meaning 21 Raman Selden, Panduan Pembaca Teori Sastra Masa Kini, Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1991, p.27 22 Suwardi Endraswara 2003, Loc. Cit., p.89 63 is at times vague, suggesting that it is a fuzzy concept. An added difficulty is that social attributes or relationships may not be directly observable and visible, and must be inferred by abstract thought. Thus the sociologist C. Wright Mills used the expression the sociological imagination, which referred to the need to think imaginatively beyond what an individual can empirically observe in order to grasp the social domain in all its dimensions connecting, for example, private troubles and public issues. In one broad meaning, social refers only to society as a system of common life, but in another sense it contrasts specifically with individual and individualist theories of society. This is reflected for instance in the different perspectives of liberalism and socialism on society and public affairs. 23 Society is a united people that have a goal to live together, which needs safety and justice guarantee in order to encourage each others. A society is a grouping of individuals which is characterized by common interests and may have distinctive culture and institutions. Members of a society may be from different ethnic groups. Society emerges through social interaction held by individuals that comes form different social background. Those individuals shape society that taken from each families group. The relationship among them emerges attitudes and norms that identify them as social and productive creatures. The English word society emerged in the 15 th century and is derived from the French société. The French word, in turn, had its origin in the Latin societas , a friendly association with others, from socius meaning companion, 23 Anonymous, Social, Wiki. Accessed on November 10, 2007. http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiSocial. p.1 64 associate, and comrade or business partner. The Latin word was derived from the Greek socus locus, meaning locally social, and implied a social contract between members of the community. 24 According to Linton 1984:118, society is any groups of people who lived and work together longs enough to get them and to think of themselves as social unit with well defined limits. 25 And human society shares many characteristics with societies of those other species which are social, such as permanent organization within a common territory, collective self-sufficiency, and common as well as specialized interests. 26

2. Culture

The classic definition of culture was given by Tylor: “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society” , and Kluckhohn has defined culture very simply as “the total life way of a people”. 27 Culture is the intellect activity to create an easy way in undergoing the life. However, culture is not limited to refine behavior but includes the total way of life of a group of people. Thus, culture is the symptoms of human being that is created by them to 24 Anonymous, Society, Wiki. Accessed on November 10, 2007 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiSociety. p.1 25 Bainar, et al., Ilmu Sosial, Budaya dan Kealaman Dasar, Jakarta: Jenki Satria, 2006, p.67 26 Arnold W. Green, Sociology, An Analysis of Life in Modern Society, 5 th Edition, New York: McGraw Hill, 1968, p.55 27 Jerry D. Rose, Introduction to Sociology, 4 th Edition , Chicago: Rand McNally College, 1980, p.60 65 settle their sphere. In other opinion, culture is the expression of soul that is embodied in the way of life, such as thinking, relationship, married, family, religion, entertainment, art, philosophy, literature and so forth. 28 Accordingly, Indonesian sociologist; Soemardjan attempts to define the meaning of culture: “Kebudayaan adalah hasil karya, rasa dan cipta manusia dalam masyarakat. Karya adalah hasil usaha manusia dalam bentuk yang terwujud dan kongkrit dengan cara penggunaanya, seperti halnya teknologi yang termasuk kebudayaan kebendaan “material culture”. Rasa meliputi jiwa manusia, mewujudkan segala kaidah-kaidah dan nilai-nilai kemasyarakatan dalam arti yang luas, di dalamnya terdapat agama, ideologi, kesenian dan lain-lain. Adapun unsur-unsur tersebut merupakan ekspresi dari jiwa manusia yang hidup sebagai anggota masyarakat, dan pembagian unsur rasa ini termasuk ke dalam kebudayaan “immaterial culture”. Terakhir adalah unsur cipta merupakan berfikir orang-orang yang hidup bermasyarakat dan salah satunya menghasilkan filsafat serta ilmu pengetahuan baik yang bersifat murni maupun terapan yang nantinya diterapkan dalam kehidupan bermasyrakat.” 29 Consequently, Roucek and Warren define this term in their book “Sociology An Introduction” , culture is the way of living to meet its fundamental need for survival, perpetuation of the species, and the ordering of social experience. 30 Culture is transmitted by means of language, arbitrary symbols spoken or written, and an ability which sharply distinguishes man from all species. Because of language man for the most part reacts not to objects and organisms but to symbolized nations about them. 28 Ria Hikmiati Drajat, Tanya-Jawab Psikologi Sosial, Bandung: Armico, 1980, p.83 29 Yanto Subianto S. 1980, Op. Cit., p.41 30 Roucek and Warren, Sociology An Introduction, New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams Co., 1963, p.8 66 Culture and language are inseparable, because how men view their world and adapt to it is largely the result of the structure of a particular language. That structure even limits and directs the ways culture can develop, as well as erects barriers between peoples. 31 As a result, human has a social heritage that becomes part of culture, whereas human’s learned attitude to realize on their united values and gives a way to live.

3. Economy

An economy is the system of human activities related to the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services of a country or other area; thus, economy refers also to the measure of how a country or region is progressing in terms of product. The word economy can be traced back to the Greek word oikonomos, one who manages a household, derived from oikos, house, and nemein, to manage. From oikonomos was derived oikonom, which had not only the sense management of a household or family but also senses such as thrift, direction, administration, arrangement, and public revenue of a state. 32 The first recorded sense of the word economy, found in a work possibly composed in 1440, is the management of economic affairs, in this case, of a monastery. Economy is later recorded in other senses shared by oikonomi in Greek, including thrift and administration. What is probably the most 31 Arnold W. Green 1968, Op. Cit., p.99 32 Anonymous, Economy, Wiki. Accessed on November 10, 2007 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiEconomy, p.1 67 frequently used current sense, the economic system of a country or an area, seems not to have developed until the 19 th or 20 th century. Regardless of the structure the main function of the economic system that of distributing wealth within a society is accomplished. An attribute of economics is that there are various forms, and perhaps the most widely praised and criticized from capitalism. According to Adam Smith, and early of capitalism 33 , it is the best of all possible economic systems because it allows the society and the individual to achieve the maximum or the minimum amount wealth, the only limitations being the society or individual’s talents and abilities. Smith also argues that capitalism is good for the individual because it permits the greatest amount of freedom for the individual. 34 33 Capitalism is a concept of motion that expresses the dynamic of the modern economy: its tendency of unlimited growth, rapid, increase, and incessant mobility and its society-shaping drive of melting all that is solid into the air. George Ritzer 2003, Op. Cit., , p.76 34 Clowers and Mori 1977, Op. Cit., p.187 68 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH FINDINGS

A. Data Description