Aktivitas Pembelajaran Latihan 02 bahasa inggris smp kk b signed

Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2 98

B. Kurikulum 2013

Jenis Sekolah : SMPMTs Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tabel 30 Kisi-Kisi Soal Kurikulum 2013 No. Urut Kompetensi Dasar Bahan Kelas Materi Indikator Bentuk Soal 1 Other Modality PG Level Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman 2 Other Modality PG Level Aplikasi 3 Other Modality PG Level Penalaran 4 Other Modality Esay Level Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman 5 Other Modality Esay Level Aplikasi 6 Other Modality Esay Level Penalaran 4. Berdfasarkan kisi-kisi diatas, buatlah soal UNUSBN pada lingkup materi Other Modality. 5. Kembangkan soal-soal yang sesuai dengan konsep HOTs. 6. Kembangkan soal Pilhan Ganda PG dan uraain masing-masing sebanyak 3 butir soal. KARTU SOAL Jenjang : Sekolah Menengah Pertama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : Kompetensi : Level : Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Materi : Other Modality Bentuk Soal : BAGIAN SOAL DISINI Kunci Jawaban : Bahasa Inggris SMP KK B 99 KARTU SOAL Jenjang : Sekolah Menengah Pertama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : Kompetensi : Level : Aplikasi Materi : Other Modality Bentuk Soal : BAGIAN SOAL DISINI Kunci Jawaban : KARTU SOAL Jenjang : Sekolah Menengah Pertama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : Kompetensi : Level : Penalaran Materi : Other Modality Bentuk Soal : BAGIAN SOAL DISINI Kunci Jawaban : Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2 100

F. Rangkuman

TAGS Tags are either questions, statements or imperatives added to a clause to invite a response from the listener. Tags consist of one of the auxiliary verbs be, do or have, or the main verb be, or a modal verb, plus a subject, which is most commonly a pronoun. Tabel 31 Tags, Commands and Conditionals TYPES FORM TYPE 1 The first type of question tag consists of an affirmative main clause and a negative tag, or a negative main clause and an affirmative tag. Negative tags are most commonly used in the contracted form: • She can handle the problem, can’t she? • He won`t come to this meeting, will he? IMPERATIVE TAGS A tag after an imperative clause softens the imperative a little. The tag verb is most commonly will but we can also use would, could, can and won’t: • Turn the TV down, will you? • Don’t shout, will you? I can hear you perfectly well. STATEMENT TAGS We can use a statement tag to emphasise or reinforce an affirmative statement. The tag is also affirmative. They typically invite the listener to agree or sympathise in some way, or to offer a parallel comment. Statement tags are very informal: • I will win this competition, I will. • She could won some money last week, Catherine would Bahasa Inggris SMP KK B 101 TYPES FORM TYPE 2 The second type of question tag consists of an affirmative main clause and an affirmative tag: • [main clause] You should attend the English class, [tag] should you? • She must confirm her presence, must she? UNIVERSAL TAGS We can use right and yeah in very informal situations instead of question tags: • So, you won’t be coming with us tonight, right? • They’ll be here about 4.30, yeah? GIVING COMMANDS We use must as an imperative in commands,  You must wear a coat. It’s raining. To make commands sound more polite Will is used and please is added at the end of what we say  Will you bring us the files on the Hanley case please, Maria? Public notices often give direct commands using no, do not or must: CONDITIONALS Conditional sentences consider imagined or uncertain situations and the possible results of these situations. The most common types of conditional sentences involve if:  [imagined situation] If I get the job in Milan, [result] I’ll be pretty happy.  [outcome] We’ll have the party in the garden [imagined situation] as long as it doesn’t rain. or … if it doesn’t rain. or … on condition that it doesn’t rain. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: Conditional sentences consist of a conditional clause and a main clause: Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2 102  [conditional clause] If a lot of people come, [main clause]we’ll have to get extra chairs.  [conditional clause] Unless you book weeks in advance, [main clause] you won’t get a flight.

G. Umpan Balik dan Tindak Lanjut

Sebagai refleksi pembelajaranumpan balik jawablah pertanyaan berikut: 1. Setelah menyimak materi di atas, apakah Anda mendapatkan informasi baru mengenai Modality Tags, Commands, dan Conditionals in Context? 2. Apakah bahasan Modality Tags, Commands, dan Conditionals in Context di atas, cukup komprehensif ? 3. Apakah bahasan Modality Tags, Commands, dan Conditionals in Context di atas, menambah kepercayaaan Anda untuk lebih mempraktikan Bahasa Inggris bersama siswa Anda?

H. Penilaian Diri:

Bila Anda telah memahami alasan mengapa jawaban Anda salah pada lima soal latihan di atas, Anda boleh melanjutkan ke kegiatan belajar berikutnya.