A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the


2. A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the

length of air column, L and the temperature, θ for a fixed mass of air. Seorang murid menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara panjang turus udara, L , dengan suhu, θ bagi satu jisim udara tertentu. The result of the experiment is shows in the graph of the length of air column, L against the temperature, θ as shown in Diagram 2.1. Keputusan eksperimen ditunjukkan dalam graf panjang turus udara, L melawan suhu, θ seperti ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2.1. a Based on the graph L against θ ; Berdasarkan graf L melawan θ ; i Determine the length of air column, L when the temperature, θ is 0 °C. Show how you determine the length of air column, L . Tentukan panjang turus udara, L apabila suhu, θ ialah 0 °C. Tunjukkan bagaimana anda menentukan panjang turus udara, L tersebut. L = ………………………… cm [2 marks][2 markah] ii State the relationship between length of air column, L and temperature, θ . State your reason. Nyatakan hubungan antara panjang turus udara, L dan suhu, θ . Nyatakan alasan anda. …………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………. [2 marks] [2 markah] iii Calculate the gradient of the graph of L against θ. Hitung kecerunan graf L melawan θ . [3 marks] [3 markah] 2 ai 2 1 2 aii 2 1 2 aiii 3 10 Diagram 2.1 Rajah 2.1 Graph of L against θ Graf L melawan θ 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 8 L cm θ °C 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 b i By using the value of gradient in aiii and value of θ in ai, derive a linear equation for the graph. Dengan menggunakan nilai kecerunan dalam aiii dan nilai θ dalam ai, terbitkan satu persamaan linear bagi graf tersebut. [2 marks][2 markah] ii By using the linear equation that you had derived in bi, find the value of L when the value of θ increased to 90 °C. Dengan menggunakan persamaan linear yang anda terbitkan dalam bi, tentukan nilai L apabila nilai θ meningkat kepada 90 °C. L = …………… cm [2 marks][2 markah] c State one precaution that should be taken to obtain the accurate readings of L . Nyatakan satu langkah berjaga­jaga yang perlu diambil untuk mendapatkan bacaan L yang jitu. …………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark][1 markah] 2 bi 2 1 2 bii 2 1 2 c 1 1 TotalA2 12 16 12 Section B Bahagian B [12 marks] [12 markah] Answer any one question from this section. Jawab mana­mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

3. Diagram a shows a diver is diving in swimming pool.