Stubborn The Characterization of Jonathan in Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull

what he sees. Sullivan says that Jonathan shows no fear of learning compared to any gull he has seen in ten thousand years. Knowing that complement, Jonathan feels in happy Bach 60. Based on Jonathan’s thought, direct comment given by the author, and character seen by other, it can be concluded that Jonathan is brave.

5. Stubborn

Jonathan is a stubborn seagull. It can be seen from his reaction to the situation he is facing. When his mother reminds him of being a normal gull, by low- flying and eating Jonathan speaks back to his mother. Jonathan is very skinny because he never eats and rests like other gulls. He always spends his time on learning about flying. However, Jonathan is not worried of being skinny. He says to his mother that everything he does is just to develop his ability. What he can do or cannot do in the air Bach 14. Once, when Jonathan tries to defend himself, his father forces him stop thinking about flying. Jonathan stops practicing. Then, on another day, Jonathan joins his flock. Fighting and struggling for his life because of what he has to do, live like the rest of other gulls in his flock. For few days, he tries to survive by screeching and fighting with the flock around the piers and fishing boats. He also dives on scraps of fish and bread. Jonathan works very hard to remain with the flock. However, Jonathan thinks that he cannot live in such kind of life. He decides to fly away from the flock and then learns about flying again because by doing this, he feels very happy. Jonathan thinks that all he has done with the flock is just nothing. According to him, he can spend all those time on learning about flying. Then he decides to leave the flock Bach 15. After Jonathan leaves the flock, he practices flying at some levels of speed, high and movements. He does not care whether it is day or night. Once, when he flies home across the sea and under the moonlight, he hears a voice, a strange voice. This voice reminds him of his nature as a seagull. A seagull will not fly at night, and a seagull cannot fly high. Yet, Jonathan does not care of that voice. He ignores the voice because he thinks that all the scenery he sees at night is beautiful. There, he can find the happiness and all the things there are very peaceful for him Bach 24. Based on Jonathan’s thought and his reaction to his mother, it can be stated that Jonathan’s character is stubborn.

B. The Personal Conflicts Faced by Jonathan in Bach’s Jonathan Livingston