The Scoring Enabling Objectives :

5. The Scoring

a. The Technique : Students compose summary and present it orally. b. The Instrument : Speaking presentation c. The Tests : I. The discourse should contains : 1. What : What does the t ext t ell us about? 2. When : When did t he st ory occur? 3. Where : Where did t he st ory take place? 4. Who : is are the part icipant s in the t ext? 5. What : What are t he charact erist ics of each part icipant s? II. It should comply with the Content, Coherence, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Penmanship. d. The scoring computation : 1. For Roman I, each true answer has 2. 2. For Roman II, see scoring table below 3. Total score: I 5 x 2 = 10 II 5 x 2 = 10 + 20 4. Maximum score = 100 5. The score = Total Score : Maximum Score x 5 e. Scoring table : No. Description Score I Each item contained in the text Each item is wrongnot contained in the text 2 II 1. Content 2. Coherence 3. Grammar 4. Vocabulary 5. Penmanship 2 2 2 2 2 Approved by : English Teacher Research Collaborator Shelma Shakira Bhakti, S.Pd Gusrini LESSON PLAN 2 The School : SMP Labschool Kebayoran Subject : English GradeSemester : 9 2 Terminal Objective : 1. Comprehend a text and a short essay of narrative. 2. Conduct a comprehensive monologue of narrative. Basic Competence : 1.1. Able to comprehend a text and a short essay of narrative. 1.2. Able to conduct a comprehensive monologue of narrative. Indicator : a. Able to identify narrative characteristics through listening. b. Able to comprehend narrative rhetoric through listening. c. Able to convey the meaning and rhetoric of a narrative. d. Able to express thoughts clearly with correct language focus and grammar. The Text : Narrative Text Skill : Integrated skills of Listening - Speaking Duration : 4 x 40 minutes

1. Enabling Objectives :

At the end of the lesson, Students are able to: a. Comprehend a narrative through listening. b. Identify the characteristics and structure of narrative through listening. c. Convey the meaning and rhetoric of a narrative. d. Use passive voice comprehensively in speaking.

2. Materials

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