A Brief Description Of Baby’s Hair Cut Ceremony In Rantau Prapat







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Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatra

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Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatra


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in patrial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III of Examination of the Diploma III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies University of North Sumatra

The examination is held on June 20th, 2011

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatra


Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A NIP. 19511013197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Examiners : 1. Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A __________________

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I am, LISTIANI, that I am the sole author of this paper. Expect where reference is nade in the text of this paper, this paper countain no material published else where or extraced in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Name : Listiani

Title of paper : A Brief Description of Baby’s hair Cut Ceremony in Rantau Prapat

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

1. I am silling that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Letters USU on the understanding that uses are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

2. I am not willing that my paper be made available for reproduction.

Signed :……… Date :………June 2011



Kertas karya ini berjudul “A Brief Description of Baby’s hair Cut Ceremony in Rantau Prapat”, yang menjelaskan tentang tata cara pencukuran rambut bayi di Rantau Prapat. Mencukur rambut bayi merupakan Mencukur rambut bayi merupakan satu tradisi yang biasa dijalankan dalam serangkaian aktivitas menyambut kelahiran seorang bayi. Tradisi Pencukuran rambut bayi ini merupakan suatu perayaan bagi sebuah keluarga karena hadirnya sebuah pelita seorang anak. Dalam masyarakat Rantau Parapat tradisi pencukuran rambut bayi ini ada yang melaksanakannya pada hari ke 7 dari kelahiran bayi dan ada yang melaksanakannya pada hari ke 40 yang disebut dengan selapanan. Penyelenggaraan acara ini dimeriahkan dengan adanya rebana, habsi atau markabanan, kemudian memberikan nama sekaligus melakukan aqiqah. Aqiqah adalah suatu kegiatan menyembelih hewan sebagai tanda rasa syukur kepada Allah SWT karena mendapatkan anak laki-laki maupun perempuan (habis lahiran). Hukum pelaksanaan acara aqiqah adalah sunnah bagi orang tua atau wali anak bayi yang baru lahir tersebut. Jumlah hewan ternak untuk akikah berjumlah dua ekor kambing untuk anak laki-laki dan satu ekor kambing untuk anak perempuankemudian dagingnya dalam keadaan sudah masak dibagikan kepada tetangga dan fakir miskin.



This paper on titled “A Brief Description of Baby’s Hair Cut Ceremony in Rantau Prapat”, which describes the procedures of baby’s hair cut in Rantau Prapat. Baby’s hair cut is shaved off the baby’s hair is a common tradition that runs in a series of activities to welcome the birth of a baby. The tradition of the baby’s hair cut is a celebration for a family because of the presence of a lamp of a child. In the tradition of Rantau Prapat baby’s hair cut is carried it out on day 7 of birth of a baby and there is a carry on day 40, which called selapanan. Organizing this event lively with a tamborine, or markabanan Hasbi, then giving a name and doing aqiqah. Aqiqah is an activity of slaughtering animals as a sign of gratitude to God for getting boys and girls (low birth). Law implementation aqiqah event is sunnah for farents or guardians of newborns are. The number of livestock to aqiqah is two goats for a boy and one goat for a gils, the cooked meat in a state ripe distributed to neighbors and the poor.




Assalamu’alaikum Wr, Wb….

Firstly, I would like to thank and prise Allah SWT and prophet, Muhammad SAW for blessing the writer in so many ways give his guidace, love, health and capability in completing this paper to finish her study from Diploma III English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatra. Prayer is also for the writer so he can finish her study from University.

I would like thank to my supervisor Drs. Umar Mono, Dip.Tran, M.Hum who has spent his precious time, to guide and give suggestions during the process of writing this paper, and Drs. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. as a reader that give me constructive criticism and suggestion. I also thank to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as the Dean of the Faculty of Culture Studies, and Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, MA as the Head of D-III English study program for their support and good co-orperation in the the writer finish this paper, and all lecturers of Diploma III English Departement who have given contirbution, knowledge, and the valuable instruction during her academic years. And the writer would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all of the lecturers for their knowledge, guidance and advice during my study in faculty.

Futhermore, I would also like to express my special thanks to my beloved Father Ragil, and Mother Mala Dewi who have patiently given their moral and financial, support, advice, love and prayer. And my thanks to my sister Nur


Ainun Rambe and Erliana Siregar, and my lovely friends Utami Rahmadani, Dedi Bangun, Dewi Putriani Siregar, Viranti Rahasti, Julpiana, thank you so much for your love, smile, motivation, pray, and everythings that you give me. Hope our friendship will never end, long last forever !! and all of my classmates Delta Eliza, Rani Erlina Wati, Sri Handayani, and all of my friends thanks for everything...

Finally, the writer would like to admit this paper is far from being perfect, therefore, she is open to constructive criticism and suggestion.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr, Wb....

Medan, June 2011 The Writer,









1.1 The Background Of the Study……….. 1

1.2 The Problem of The Study………... 2

1.3 The Scope of The Study……….... 2

1.4 The Objective Of the Study……….. 2

1.5 The Method Of the Study………. 2

1.6 The Significance of the study ……….. 3


2.1 Geography……….... 4

2.2 Population………... 8

2.3 Transportation………. 9

2.4 Tourism Objects……….. 11


3.1 The Culturel Factors of Having Baby’s Hair Cut………... 12

3.2 The Process of Baby’s Hair Cut………. 13

3.1.1 Equipment……… 13


3.1.3 The Aqiqah (Slaughtering) Ceremony……….. 16

3.3 The Benefits of Having Baby’s Hair………... 20


4.1 Conclusion……….. 24

4.2 Suggestion………... 25




Kertas karya ini berjudul “A Brief Description of Baby’s hair Cut Ceremony in Rantau Prapat”, yang menjelaskan tentang tata cara pencukuran rambut bayi di Rantau Prapat. Mencukur rambut bayi merupakan Mencukur rambut bayi merupakan satu tradisi yang biasa dijalankan dalam serangkaian aktivitas menyambut kelahiran seorang bayi. Tradisi Pencukuran rambut bayi ini merupakan suatu perayaan bagi sebuah keluarga karena hadirnya sebuah pelita seorang anak. Dalam masyarakat Rantau Parapat tradisi pencukuran rambut bayi ini ada yang melaksanakannya pada hari ke 7 dari kelahiran bayi dan ada yang melaksanakannya pada hari ke 40 yang disebut dengan selapanan. Penyelenggaraan acara ini dimeriahkan dengan adanya rebana, habsi atau markabanan, kemudian memberikan nama sekaligus melakukan aqiqah. Aqiqah adalah suatu kegiatan menyembelih hewan sebagai tanda rasa syukur kepada Allah SWT karena mendapatkan anak laki-laki maupun perempuan (habis lahiran). Hukum pelaksanaan acara aqiqah adalah sunnah bagi orang tua atau wali anak bayi yang baru lahir tersebut. Jumlah hewan ternak untuk akikah berjumlah dua ekor kambing untuk anak laki-laki dan satu ekor kambing untuk anak perempuankemudian dagingnya dalam keadaan sudah masak dibagikan kepada tetangga dan fakir miskin.



This paper on titled “A Brief Description of Baby’s Hair Cut Ceremony in Rantau Prapat”, which describes the procedures of baby’s hair cut in Rantau Prapat. Baby’s hair cut is shaved off the baby’s hair is a common tradition that runs in a series of activities to welcome the birth of a baby. The tradition of the baby’s hair cut is a celebration for a family because of the presence of a lamp of a child. In the tradition of Rantau Prapat baby’s hair cut is carried it out on day 7 of birth of a baby and there is a carry on day 40, which called selapanan. Organizing this event lively with a tamborine, or markabanan Hasbi, then giving a name and doing aqiqah. Aqiqah is an activity of slaughtering animals as a sign of gratitude to God for getting boys and girls (low birth). Law implementation aqiqah event is sunnah for farents or guardians of newborns are. The number of livestock to aqiqah is two goats for a boy and one goat for a gils, the cooked meat in a state ripe distributed to neighbors and the poor.



1.1 The Background of The Study

The baby's hair cut is a tradition that is usually run in a series of activities to welcome baby’s birth. Just some hairs are cut as a symbol only. The baby’s hair cut is believed to increase infant baby’s hair growth. According to the teachings of Islam, to shave baby's hair is done in seven day of his birth. In Javanese tradition, shaving the baby's hair is done when selapan, it is 40th day of his birth while providing the name for the baby.

In Rantau Prapat, the tradition of the baby’s hair cut is a celebration for a family because of the presence of the baby. The process of implementation is usually associated with animal slaughtering (aqiqah), especially goat that done by his parents on the birth of his baby as their gratitude. For the animal slaughtering, it can be implemented anytime. But it would be better to exercise at the time of shaving the hair. If aqiqah has been done once, there will not be aqiqah for the second time since aqiqah is only done once in a lifetime. Aqiqah is implemented only for individual.

Hair shaving a newborn baby is not just a tradition that has long been embedded in society, but also advice and religious teachings in Islam the law that is sunnah. In the tradition of shaving the hair, there are many benefits, many positive values, especially for infant’s health.


To describe more about the process of having baby's hair cut, especially communities of Rantau Prapat, the writer tries to take the title "A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF BABY'S HAIR CUT CEREMONY IN RANTAU PRAPAT".

1.2 Problem of The Study

Based on the background, the problem in this paper are how the processes of having baby’s hair cut in Rantau Prapat.

1.3 Scope of the study

The writer limits the scope of this paper only about processes of having baby’s hair cut ceremony with the procesess of aqiqah or slaughtering goat in Rantau Prapat.

1.4 Objective of The Study

The objective of this paper is to describe the processes of baby’ cut ceremony in Rantau Prapat, and to fulfill one of the requirements to get the degree of Diploma III of English at Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

1.5 The Method of The Study

In this paper, the writer collects the data by using a library research by reading some books, browses websites in internet that relate to the topic, and interviews some people to get deeper understanding.


1.6 The Significance of The Study

This paper may be a relevant for those are interested in baby’s hair cut ceremony, specifically in aqiqah (slaughtering) goat ceremony and those who want to know more about it.



2.1 Geography

Rantau Prapat is the capital district, Labuhan Batu of Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Rantau Prapat, Labuhan Batu is crossed by the Highway Traffic Sumatra. Rantau Prapat is also a village in the district of Rantau Utara.

Rantau Prapat, was abolished administrative city in 2003. It became a city district because it does not meet the usual requirements of an increase in the autonomous region. Rantau Prapat is traversed by a large river called the River Bar.

At first the district area was 9223.18 km², while total population was 1,431,605 in 2007. With the establishment of District Labuhanbatu Utara and Labuhan Batu Selatan, the area of this district is 2562.01 km² and the population was 857,692 in 2010.

2.1.1 Boundaries

Rantau Parapat is bondered with District of Labuhan Batu Utara and Selat Malaka in the North, District of Labuhan Batu Selatan in the South, District of Padang Lawas in the West, and Riau Privince in the East.


The map of Rantau Prapat Labuhan Batu, Sumatera Utara Province:


2.1.2 Subdistricts

There are 22 subdistrists in Rantau Prapat districts. Namely: 1 Aek Kuo

2 Aek Natas 3 Bilah Barat 4 Bilah Hilir 5 Bilah Hulu 6 Kampung Rakyat 7 Kota Pinang 8 STM Hilir 9 Kualuh Hilir 10 Kualuh Hulu 11 Kualuh Selatan 12 Marbau

13 Na. IX-X 14 Panai Hilir 15 Panai Hulu 16 Panai Tengah 17 Pangkatan 18 Rantau Selatan 19 Rantau Utara 20 Silangkitang 21 Sungai Kanan 22 Torgamba

With the establishment Districts of Labuhan Batu Utara and Labuhan Batu Selatan, then the number of districts became 9 districts. Namely:











Since June 24, 2008, the number of districts in the city Labuhan Batu reduced by the expansion of this district, namely through the establishment District of Labuhan Batu Utara and Labuhan Batu Selatan. District of Labuhan Batu Utara covers:















2.2 Population

Major population of Rantau Prapat is Batak tribes (45.50 %), followed by Java use (44.83 %), Malay use (3.85 %). While the religion of the majority population of Rantau Prapat Islamic religion (83.71 %), Protestant (13.8 %), Catholic Christians (2.10 %), Budha (1.01 percent), Hindu (0.06 %). The composition of the population is generally more dominant productive age population (aged 15-64 years) when compared with the age of 0-14 years.

2.2.1 Social Life

Rantau Prapat is famous for the oil palm and rubber plantations. Therefore, most of Rantau Prapat society live as traders and farmers. But some are government servants and politicia as lawyers, doctors, notaries, teachers and journalists.

2.2.2 Education

There are many educaltionl institutions a lot af schools, both public and privately-owned status. In Rantau Prapat with the existing development, Rantau


Prapat also has some colleges that have been registered to Rantau Prapat government. Among them are as follows:

1. Universitas Islam Labuhan Batu (UNISLA) 2. Universitas Al-Washliyah (UNIVA)

3. Universitas Labuhan Batu (ULB)

4. AMIK (Akademi Managemen Infor Matika) 5. STIKOM (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kmputer)

2.3 Transportation

Rantau Prapat uniqueness lies in the motor rickshaw (pedicabs engine / motor rickshaw) which can be found almost throughout the city of Rantau Prapat. Unlike the ordinary rickshaw (pedicab paddle), motor tricycles can carry passengers anywhere in the city until to the village. Besides rickshaw, in the city are also available form of public transport minibuses (kopek) and there are also motorcycle taxis and trains.


(The picture of motor rickshaw)


2.4 Tourism Objects

There are some famous tourist attractions in rantau Rntau Prapat. Namely:

1. Pemandian Alam Aek Pala, in Distric

2. Air Terjun Linggahara (Air Terjun Baru) in District 3. Pulau Sikantan in Tanjung Sarang Elang, Distric

4. Pemandian alam Sampuran, in

5. Danau buatan Simatahari in

6. Pusat pelatihan gajah inDistric

7. Kawasan wisata Outbound in Bumi Perkemahan Asam Jawa, District

8. Danau Seberang in

9. Pendayangan in Desa Mandala Sena, District Silang Kitang



3.1 The Culturel Factors of Having Baby’s Hair Cut

Culture, is essentially the work, creativity, taste, human intention. And every culture has its own purpose which contains values.

There are various reasons why parents have their baby’s hair cut, ranging from factors of tradition, customs or beliefs. People In Rantau Prapat in general, still cling to their customs and cultural traditions. The Culture of baby's hair cut is a value that has been done for generations since the days of our forefathers until now, this is still done in Rantau Parapat. Not necessarily fancy, simple though usually still held, because the practice of shaving the hair is from the teachings of religion. The baby’s hair cut ceremony is also an expression of thanksgiving or gratitude to the Almighty God who has given a child and born safely.

In Islam having baby's hair cut means to clean or purify the baby’s hair of all kinds of uncleaness. The baby’s hair cut ceremony is also an expression of thanksgiving or gratitude to the Almighty God and has given a child and has been born safely. This ceremony is held when the infant is 7 days old or 40th days old.

In the process of implementation of having baby’s hair cut Rantau Prapat society usually make a series of events by inviting lots of people. Doing albarjanzi (Marhabanan), then give a name and do aqiqah (slaughtering) a goat.


3.2 The Process of Baby's Hair Cut

There are many things to prepare do the processe of the baby’s hair cut:

Firstly, people who would shave in baby's hair should have experience and children. Generally, men who have more experience than women in terms of shaving.

Secondly, shaving should be done when the hair is clean. If it is dirty the baby's hair should be cleaned first. Keep baby in a sleep state to facilitate shaving.

3.2.1 Equipment

Some equipment for the baby’s hair cut ceremony is:

1. A small mattress as baby 2. Clothing accessories

3. A platter containing three fruit bowl or bowl of water containing a flower seventh appearance, plain flour, raice, tumeric and bertih 4. Scissors to cut hair

5. One young coconut that has been cut at the top with elbow-bat winding pieces that serve as the lid. Coconut water is removed and replaced with plain water.


3.1.2 Procedure

The procedure of execution of this baby's hair cut is as follows:

1. In the process of baby's hair cut first done was by a mu'alim, he takes a bit as a condition on the front. Recommended in reading Basmallah and blessings on the Prophet first before cutting the baby's hair.

- Bismillahirrah maanirrahiimi

- Alllahumma shalli ‘alaa sayyidinaa muhammad wa’alaa aali


2. Then the shearing is followed by the parents of the child, witnessed by invited guests.

3. After the baby's hair cut is put into water that is provided.

4. After the shaving is completed, it is processees with the plain flour with rice, saffron spread to the head the baby followed by Al- barjanzi (marhabanan).

5. Once this process is completed, midwives and some attendants shave baby's hair. This shearing may be done by someone else who already understand. Once it is shaved, the hair is inserted into the baby's palm that has been prepared. Then the palm is planted around the house. It is believed that the baby's head is always cool.

6. After that, rituals for naming the baby is performed. Folowed by (Genduri) as well as naming.

Newborn child, should be named. Name can affect him and his personality. Many children who suffer from illness because of their names are believed to contain meanings that are not good.

7. Finally, implement it is aqiqah (slaughtering a goat implemented).

In the implementation of having baby’s hair cut, to consider a ban Prophet (Nabi Muhammad SAW) to Al-Qazu, which hair is partly cut and let the others. The number of shaved hair includes Al-Qazu are:

1. Cut hair randomly here and there does.

2. Cut hair in the middle and let the hair side of his head. 3. Cut hair the head on the side and let the middle.


4. Cut hair and let the front of the back or vice versa.

3.1.3 The Aqiqah (Slaughtering) Goat Ceremony

Aqiqah means to cut. Originally called aqiqah because cuting the animal's neck by slaughtering it. There is a pool which says that it originally was aqiqah is hair on the baby's head when the baby came out of the mother's womb, this hair called aqiqah, which must be cut.

Aqiqah is made to sacrifice as an expression of gratitude for the birth of a baby. About the aqiqah legal scholars argue that the law is the Sunnah. It is in accordance with the majority view of scholars, like Imam Shafi'i, Imam Ahmad and Imam Malik. However, according to Sayyiq Sabiq, author Fiqhus sunna, sunnah to categorize as muakkad. This means, for parents who are blessed with a baby are emphasized to implement aqiqah.Implementation can be done on the seventh, fourteenth, twenty-one or on other days are possible from day of his birth. But it would very well take more babies born on the seventh day. But after three weeks is still not capable, then at any time where they have been able to practice.

For an infant who died before the seventh day is also sunnah to slaughtering goat (aqiqah) it, even though babies who miscarry with the terms already four months old in his mother's womb.

Aqiqah is shyari'ah which emphasized the baby’s father. But an animal that has not slaughtering goat (aqiqah) by his parents until he was big, so he


can slaughter kabing (aqiqah) from itself. But the law as an adult is makruh aqiqah.

In the animal slaughtering (aqiqah), there are many things to be aware of as follows: Terms - Conditions Aqiqah Animals

Animals will be at aqiqah must meet the following criteria:

1. Goats that are two years old or one year for a sheep. 2. No defects, such as the tail end, his eyes blind, and others 3. Not disease and his body is not too skinny

The type and number of animals that must be slaughtered are two goats for a boy and one goat for a daughter.If only able to slaughter a goat for boys it's sincere and what is important to obtain the blessing from Allah SWT. Things that sunnah

1. When slaughtering animals goat (aqiqa), Basmallah, Shalawat, Takbir and the prayer should read below:

- Alllahumma shalli ‘alaa sayyidinaa muhammad wa’alaa

aali sayyidinaa muhammad.

- Allahumma Minka wailaika 'aqiiqati fulaanin (the name

of the baby and the name of her father) Fataqabbal



Nawaitu sunatan aqiqah (the name of the baby and the

name of her father) lillahi ta’alaa.

- Bismillahi Allahhuakbar

- And could with the following a pray:

Bismillah, Allahuma taqobbal min muhammadin, wa aali muhammadin, wa minummati muhammadin.

2. The Aqiqah animals should be slaughtered by baby’s father

3. The aqiqah meat is distributed to the neighbors and the poor in a state already in the cookbook.

The procedures for animal slaughter aqiqah, is as follows:

1. Animals that wouldslaughtered been prepared, as are all slaughter tool. 2. The animal was laid as usual slaughter then read basmalah, blessings on the Prophet and Takbir, then continued with the snoring / cut the animal as usual.

3. After that in the skinned, cleaned all the innards, then cut into pieces, then cooked.

4. Cooked meats, mostly distributed to the poor who live in the neighborhood who implement aqiqah.

3.2.2 The Wisdom of Aqiqah

1. Akikah (Aqiqah) is one of the Sunnah of the Prophet (Nabi Muhammad SAW) as an expression of gratitude for the blessings of God who has given of the birth of a child.


2. Akikah (Aqiqah) is offering a servant to her taqarrub (closer) to God as an expression of happiness and excitment because acquiring favor of the birth of a child.

3. Akikah (Aqiqah) is a ransom to redeem the child from all sorts of misfortune and calamity. Allah Isma'il redeem with a lamb is slaughtered, so that the event be a sunnah (tradition) that still carried out by the descendants of Ishmael. When the Messenger was sent, his sunnah is still preserved.

4. Akikah (Aqiqah) function to open the resilience ofthe baby so that he can intercede for his parents. As mentioned in the hadits Samurah. Akikah (Aqiqah) is an event that contains Islamic social values.

5. Akikah (Aqiqah) is a means to realize ijtimai takaful (social care) that will help the realization of justice in society. Since the celebration of people gathered aqiqah whether poor, rich, big and small without privileging one group alone.

6. Akikah (Aqiqah) is a symbol of the glorious manifestation of the Prophet's call when he said, "I am proud of the large number of you in front of other people."

7. Akikah (Aqiqah) is a testament to the good of the parents of the child so the child can later become a dutiful child and can provide intercession to his parents.

8. A child can give his parents intercede.


10. As a servant of god means running the command.

3.2.4 The Benefits of Baby's Hair Cut

Many opinions circulating the benefits of this baby’s hair cut. Starting from about the health benefits, the law of religion, and there are also myths that circulate in our society about the common use of shaving baby's hair.

The baby’s hair cut is beneficial for infant healths, because the baby's head shaved hair will be strong, so the pores open, the senses of sight, smell, and hearing also will increase sharply.

In the view of Islam baby's hair cut is a sunnah that is rewarding when it is done. Having baby’s hair cut is the implementation of the orders the Prophet (Nabi Muhammad SAW) to remove impurities. Related to invite neighbors and relatives attended the event in this baby's hair cut can grow a sense of compassion among the Muslim community. It also can serve as a means to strengthen the bond of love and ukhwah (brotherhood) among Muslims.

Meanwhile, according to health experts put forward by Dr. Okay Ismiralda Putranti, SpKK of hospitals Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Navan, the baby’s hair cut benefits are:

1. Increasing blood flow to the head, so that the brain's need for oxygen and nutrients met, allow the process of development and maturation of the brain that is more optimal.


2. Insufficient supply of nutrients to the hair follicle, will stimulate the improvement and better hair growth, make hair looks more healthy, strong, beautiful and radiant.

Another assumption that by baby’s hair cut, baby’s hair is originally curly after shaved will grow straight. Or the baby's hair will become thicker after being shaved.

Positive outlook in terms of health, 'Velus' is a term used to refer to the first hair, the hair on the head of the newborn. Although it can not generalized this hair is usually very thin. Each strand of hair is much finer than the adults. Since the first weeks of his birth until up to twelve weeks later velus usually fall little by little by itself. Despite the loss, it is followed by the growth and development of new hair and long hair development.

To shave baby's hair is considered sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Although the Prophet (Nabi Muhammad SAW) states sunnah to baby’s hair cut ceremony on the seventh day until the fourteenth day of the event aqiqah, but our society, there is also conducting a haircut after the age of 40 days. Choice of time seems quite reasonable. When the baby is 40 days years old, the physical condition of the mother is recovering after undergoing a grueling labor both physically and psychologically, even when childbirth was almost finished. Baby also is enough strong and ready to meet new people.

1. Clean the fat

When passing through the birth canal during delivery, a lot of fat and the dirt (mucus and blood) coming out of the womb of the mother against


the baby's entire body. Usually the hair dirt and grease binds the baby's hair so it looks stiff and needs to be cleaned. But the process of cleaning baby's hair is sometimes imperfect. By shaving the baby's hair, remnants of the fat and impurities are expected to come up. Not to mention the dirt that is often attached after birth, such as "spit" (vomit excessive breast milk) in the pillow which is then attached to the hair. By washing alone may not be quite up to the pile of fat and dirt should be cleaned by shaving the hair.

2. Head Not easily irritated

Baby’s bald head makes it easy for parents especially to watch in case something unexpected, such as boils, sores and so on exist. Hair shaving even becomes a necessity because of an infection such as ulcers. To prevent further infection and facilitate treatment, the child's head should be in a state of clean from the alias hair shaved.

3. Cooling

Babies who happen to live in the area of heat or air temperatures, will definitely feel more comfortable with the head shaven, especially in the dry season with the stinging sun. Rotate the fan or air conditioner is not a good solution to overcome because the baby will suffer from colds easily. It is better to find a cool atmosphere outdoors under the trees.

4. Facilitate the provision of substance to grow hair

With a shaved head, the mother can pursue growth in the baby's hair to make it healthier and better. She can maintain and keep the scalp clean and stay fresh by rubbing vitamin hair on his scalp, so that further growth and


development of better hair, healthy and well groomed. Awake healthy hair, not easily broken, not dull and does not easily fall out.



4.1 Conclusion

The tradition of having baby's hair cut is a common tradition carried Rantau Prapat society in general as an expression of their gratitude to Allah SWT for the birth of a baby. Besides this tradition is also intended to or purify the baby’s hair of all kinds of unclean.

According to the teachings of Islam, to baby's hair cut done at the 7th day of birth. In Java, traditional shave baby's hair done when selapan, it is the baby’s 40th days while providing the name on the baby. In its implementation is usually accompanied by slaughtering a goat called Aqiqah. Aqiqah means to cut. Originally called aqiqah because it cut at the animal's neck slaughtering. It is in the form of thanksgiving or tasyakuran. Quite often a family invites the group Rabbana, Marawis, Habsi or markabanan to complement the show.

The implementation of this baby's hair cut among other things with cutting edge of the baby's hair is done by a mu'alim, followed by the baby's parents, then shaved all the hair by a midwife or a person who has expertise in terms of shaving baby’s hair. Then the hair is inserted into the palm.

The baby's hair cut also has a multitude of benefits in terms of both Islamic it as well as in terms of health. In Islam it is a reward, whereas in the field of health increases blood flow to the head, so that the brain's need for oxygen and nutrients met.


4.2 Suggestion

There are some suggestion to all student who are interested on traditional culture in Rantau Prapat:

1. Beside the baby’s hair cut culture in Rantau Prapat, many tradition aspect can be analyzed from this culture, such as wedding ceremony, seventh monthly, kithanan, etcetera.

2. It is hoped the reader must implement Aqiqah for a capable and has not done it.

3. The reader who are interested in baby’s hair cut ceremony should be able to analyze other sources to find a broader knowledge.

4. Many other culture can be analyzed in the process of baby’s hair cut such asmeans of flowers seven-way process of genduri, etcetera.



Abidirrahman, Abu. 1994. Hukum Khusus Seputar Anak Dalam Sunnah yang Suci. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Al Haura’.

Ayyubi, M. 2009. Pintar Ibadah Lengkap. Surabaya: Pustaka Agung Harapan. Rosidin, Didin Nurul. 2009. Qurban dan Permasalahannya. Jakarta: Inti Media.

Tuti Artha, Arwan. 2004. Jejak Masa Lalu, Sejuta Warisan Budaya. Yogyakarta: Kunci Ilmu.


2. Insufficient supply of nutrients to the hair follicle, will stimulate the improvement and better hair growth, make hair looks more healthy, strong, beautiful and radiant.

Another assumption that by baby’s hair cut, baby’s hair is originally curly after shaved will grow straight. Or the baby's hair will become thicker after being shaved.

Positive outlook in terms of health, 'Velus' is a term used to refer to the first hair, the hair on the head of the newborn. Although it can not generalized this hair is usually very thin. Each strand of hair is much finer than the adults. Since the first weeks of his birth until up to twelve weeks later velus usually fall little by little by itself. Despite the loss, it is followed by the growth and development of new hair and long hair development.

To shave baby's hair is considered sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Although the Prophet (Nabi Muhammad SAW) states sunnah to baby’s hair cut ceremony on the seventh day until the fourteenth day of the event aqiqah, but our society, there is also conducting a haircut after the age of 40 days. Choice of time seems quite reasonable. When the baby is 40 days years old, the physical condition of the mother is recovering after undergoing a grueling labor both physically and psychologically, even when childbirth was almost finished. Baby also is enough strong and ready to meet new people.

1. Clean the fat

When passing through the birth canal during delivery, a lot of fat and the dirt (mucus and blood) coming out of the womb of the mother against


the baby's entire body. Usually the hair dirt and grease binds the baby's hair so it looks stiff and needs to be cleaned. But the process of cleaning baby's hair is sometimes imperfect. By shaving the baby's hair, remnants of the fat and impurities are expected to come up. Not to mention the dirt that is often attached after birth, such as "spit" (vomit excessive breast milk) in the pillow which is then attached to the hair. By washing alone may not be quite up to the pile of fat and dirt should be cleaned by shaving the hair.

2. Head Not easily irritated

Baby’s bald head makes it easy for parents especially to watch in case something unexpected, such as boils, sores and so on exist. Hair shaving even becomes a necessity because of an infection such as ulcers. To prevent further infection and facilitate treatment, the child's head should be in a state of clean from the alias hair shaved.

3. Cooling

Babies who happen to live in the area of heat or air temperatures, will definitely feel more comfortable with the head shaven, especially in the dry season with the stinging sun. Rotate the fan or air conditioner is not a good solution to overcome because the baby will suffer from colds easily. It is better to find a cool atmosphere outdoors under the trees.

4. Facilitate the provision of substance to grow hair

With a shaved head, the mother can pursue growth in the baby's hair to make it healthier and better. She can maintain and keep the scalp clean and stay fresh by rubbing vitamin hair on his scalp, so that further growth and


development of better hair, healthy and well groomed. Awake healthy hair, not easily broken, not dull and does not easily fall out.



4.1 Conclusion

The tradition of having baby's hair cut is a common tradition carried Rantau Prapat society in general as an expression of their gratitude to Allah SWT for the birth of a baby. Besides this tradition is also intended to or purify the baby’s hair of all kinds of unclean.

According to the teachings of Islam, to baby's hair cut done at the 7th day of birth. In Java, traditional shave baby's hair done when selapan, it is the baby’s 40th days while providing the name on the baby. In its implementation is usually accompanied by slaughtering a goat called Aqiqah. Aqiqah means to cut. Originally called aqiqah because it cut at the animal's neck slaughtering. It is in the form of thanksgiving or tasyakuran. Quite often a family invites the group Rabbana, Marawis, Habsi or markabanan to complement the show.

The implementation of this baby's hair cut among other things with cutting edge of the baby's hair is done by a mu'alim, followed by the baby's parents, then shaved all the hair by a midwife or a person who has expertise in terms of shaving baby’s hair. Then the hair is inserted into the palm.

The baby's hair cut also has a multitude of benefits in terms of both Islamic it as well as in terms of health. In Islam it is a reward, whereas in the field of health increases blood flow to the head, so that the brain's need for oxygen and nutrients met.


4.2 Suggestion

There are some suggestion to all student who are interested on traditional culture in Rantau Prapat:

1. Beside the baby’s hair cut culture in Rantau Prapat, many tradition aspect can be analyzed from this culture, such as wedding ceremony, seventh monthly, kithanan, etcetera.

2. It is hoped the reader must implement Aqiqah for a capable and has not done it.

3. The reader who are interested in baby’s hair cut ceremony should be able to analyze other sources to find a broader knowledge.

4. Many other culture can be analyzed in the process of baby’s hair cut such as means of flowers seven-way process of genduri, etcetera.



Abidirrahman, Abu. 1994. Hukum Khusus Seputar Anak Dalam Sunnah yang Suci. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Al Haura’.

Ayyubi, M. 2009. Pintar Ibadah Lengkap. Surabaya: Pustaka Agung Harapan. Rosidin, Didin Nurul. 2009. Qurban dan Permasalahannya. Jakarta: Inti Media.

Tuti Artha, Arwan. 2004. Jejak Masa Lalu, Sejuta Warisan Budaya. Yogyakarta: Kunci Ilmu.
