System Analysis Implementation and Analysis

Vol.8, No.6 2014 Copyright ⓒ 2014SERSC 179 The number of word in each sample is same, so calculation of translation results quality can be done. The paragraphs are translated into Indonesian. Evaluation is done by counting the number of words that is wrong or not appropriate on the system translation result which made change meaning of the original paragraph. Analysis of the calculation results are performed to obtain the percentage of translation result quality of Android based Balinese into Indonesian translation system. Table 5 shows the number of word errors in translation result for each paragraph was tested. Table 5. The Number of Word Errors paragraph the number of words error the number of words true 1 9 46 2 7 48 3 13 42 4 3 52 5 14 41 total 46 229 Percentage of the translation result quality of Android based Balinese into Indonesian translation system can be known by calculating the error value of the translation results by using the following calculation formula: The calculation of error value based on the above formula produces the error rate for translation result of Android based Balinese into Indonesian translation system amounted 16.73. The quality of the translation results is obtained by subtracting 100 with percentage of the translation error value, thus produced percentage of the system translation result quality in the amount of 83.27.

5. Conclusions

The method used in the system translation process, testing, and analysis system has been performed and described in the previous discussion. Several conclusions can be taken based on those descriptions are: a. Using a binary search method in Balinese into Indonesian translation process can shorten the time processing. b. The average time processing required to translate the input in the form of word, combinations of words phrase, sentence, or paragraph directly proportional to the number of words constituent each of input. c. Independent evaluation with the criteria of accuracy shows the percentage of system translation quality amounted 83.27. References [1] I. Nengah Sukartha, I. Nyoman Suparwa, I. G. N. K. Putrayasa and I Wayan Teguh, “Bahasa Indonesia Akademik Untuk Perguruan Tinggi ”, Udayana University Press, Denpasar-Bali, 2012. [2] I. B. Made Suasta and B. dengan Bahasa Bali, “Sastra Daerah Department Faculty of Sastra Udayana University ”, Bali, 2006. [3] D. Martina Adnyani, M. Yuliana and T. Budi Santoso, “Penggunaan Metode Binary Search Pada Translator Bahasa Indonesia-Bahasa Jawa ”, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, 2009. [4] S. Wahyuni Husain, “Penerapan Algoritma Binary Search dan Metode Approximate String Matching pada Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Indonesia - Mongondow Berbasis Mobile ”, Information Engineering Department Gorontalo State University, Sulawesi Utara, 2013. Vol.8, No.6 2014 180 Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC [5] S. Negara B Tjaru, “Penerapan Algoritma Brute Force pada Cracking Password Windows Brute Force Attack ”, Institute Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 2010. [6] H. Fajar Fani Hartono and R. Somya, “Aplikasi Reservasi Tiket Bus pada Handphone Android menggunakan Web Service Studi Kasus: PO. Rosalia Indah ”, Jurnal de Cartesian JdC, Indonesia, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013, pp. 21-32. [7] M. Syaukani, “Sistem Penerjemah Inggris-Indonesia pada Aplikasi Chatting Berbasis Web Menggunakan Pendekatan Aturan ”, TELKOMNIKA Computing Telecommunication Electronics and Control, Indonesia, vol. 8, no. 2, 2010, pp. 149-156. [8] K. Nasution, “Pembentukan Kata Bahasa Indonesia yang berasal dari Bahasa Arab: Kajian Morfologi Generatif ”, Sumatera Utara University, Indonesia, 2010. [9] L. T. Lim, E. H. Tan and E. K. Tang, “Digitising Dictionaries for Advanced Look-up and Lexical Knowledge Research in Malay ”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Translation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007. [10] K. A. Kadhim, L. S Habeeb, A. Arifin Sapar, Z. Hussin and M. Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah, “An Evaluation of Online Machine Translation of Arabic Into English News Headlines: Implication On Students’ Learning Purposes”, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Turkey, vol. 12, 2013, pp. 39-50. Authors A. A. Kompiang Oka Sudana , received his S.Kom degree in Informatics Engineering from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember University in 1997, and his MT. degree in Informatics and Computer System from Gadjah Mada University in 2001. He was Technical Manager at PT. INFOS Teknologi Indonesia Software Developer during April 2008 –Sept. 2008, Information Technology Leader –Human Resources and General Affair Division at PT JAS Catering International Airport Ngurah Rai Bali during April 2003 –July 2006, Person in Charge of Technological and Professional Skills Development Sector Project TPSDP –Asian Development Bank ADB Loan, Batch II in Electrical Engineering Study Program during 2002-2006, and he is currently lecturer at Magisterial Program of Electrical Engineering Department of Udayana University, lecturer at Electrical Engineering Department major in Computer System and Informatics of Udayana University, lecturer at Information Technology Department of Udayana University, and member of Development Project Team of Academic Management Information System and Networking Implementation of Udayana University. His research experiences are in Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Image Processing, Biometric Identification and Recognition, Implementation Information Technology in Balinese Culture. I Ketut Adi Purnawan , r eceived his S.T. degree in Informatics and Computer System from Gadjah Mada University in 2007, and his M.Eng. degree in Informatics and Computer System from Gadjah Mada University in 2008. He is currently a lecturer at Udayana University and specialize in information technology, expert system, enterprise architecture, IT governance strategies, and electronic policies.