Apa itu Tata Surya A Great Badai

Apa itu Tata Surya?
Tata Surya terdiri dari semua planet yang mengorbit Matahari Selain planet, tata
surya juga terdiri dari bulan, komet, asteroid, planet minor, dan debu dan gas.

Segala sesuatu di orbit tata surya atau berkisar pada Sun. Matahari mengandung sekitar 98% dari
semua materi di Tata Surya. Semakin besar sebuah objek, semakin gravitasi yang dimilikinya.
Karena Matahari begitu besar, gravitasi kuat menarik semua benda lain di tata surya ke arah itu.
Pada saat yang sama, benda-benda ini, yang bergerak sangat cepat, mencoba untuk terbang jauh
dari Matahari, luar ke dalam kekosongan luar angkasa. Hasil planet mencoba untuk terbang jauh,
pada saat yang sama bahwa Matahari sedang mencoba untuk menarik mereka ke dalam adalah
bahwa mereka menjadi terjebak setengah jalan di antara. Seimbang antara terbang ke arah
Matahari, dan melarikan diri ke luar angkasa, mereka menghabiskan mengorbit kekekalan sekitar
bintang induknya.
Ini merupakan pertanyaan penting, dan salah satu yang sulit bagi para ilmuwan untuk
memahami. Setelah semua, penciptaan tata surya kita terjadi miliaran tahun sebelum ada orang
sekitar untuk menyaksikannya. Evolusi kita sendiri terikat erat dengan evolusi tata surya. Dengan
demikian, tanpa memahami dari mana tata surya berasal dari, sulit untuk memahami bagaimana
manusia datang untuk menjadi.
Para ilmuwan percaya bahwa tata surya berevolusi dari awan raksasa debu dan gas. Mereka
percaya bahwa debu dan gas mulai runtuh di bawah berat gravitasi sendiri. Seperti yang terjadi
demikian, hal yang terkandung dalam ini bisa mulai bergerak dalam lingkaran raksasa, seperti air

dalam saluran bergerak di sekitar pusat-sia dalam lingkaran.
Di tengah-tengah berputar awan ini, sebuah bintang kecil mulai terbentuk. Bintang ini tumbuh
lebih besar dan lebih besar karena mengumpulkan lebih dan lebih dari debu dan gas yang runtuh
ke dalamnya.
Lebih jauh dari pusat massa ini di mana bintang itu membentuk, ada gumpalan kecil dari debu
dan gas yang juga runtuh. Bintang di pusat akhirnya memicu pembentukan Matahari, sementara
gumpalan kecil menjadi planet, planet minor, bulan, komet, dan asteroid.
A Great Badai
Setelah dinyalakan, angin surya Matahari yang kuat mulai meniup. Angin ini, yang terdiri dari
partikel atom yang diledakkan keluar dari Matahari, perlahan-lahan mendorong gas dan debu
yang tersisa dari tata surya.

I'll tell you about my activities last Saturday. I got up late at 9
am last Saturday. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. My
mother had preparing breakfast at the dining table, there are fried
rice, fried egg, and a glass of hot milk. I had ate it while turned on
my favorite tv shows.
After that, I had a shower. And prepared to go to college
classes started at 12 .I did not late to the campus.
After all ready, I went to college use my motorcycle. I ready to

Class finished at 3 pm, I'm back home. It need one hour to
get home.I arrived home at 4 pm, I rushed to change my clothes
and Ashar prayer. After that I had lunch and took a nap until 6 pm.
I hear Adzan Maghrib, I got up from my bed, and went to take a
shower and then pray maghrib.
I'm so happy because today there is no task. Therefore I
decided to go out with my friends. I arrived home at 9 pm, I
immediately Isya prayers and went to sleep. Hope tomorrow will
be a nice day.

Daily Activities
Every day I usually wake up in the morning. I always start my habit to wake
up early. I usually get up at 5:00 and immediately smoothed my bed. after
that I started helping mom in the kitchen like cooking. after that around
05:30 I had a shower immediately. straight out of the shower I use the
uniform after uniform I use breakfast directly after breakfast, I use the
shoes and immediately rushed to the school.
in school until I met with my friends after I save the bags and take a broom
to sweep the school grounds. After that, I immediately prepared to march

and sembayang. then me and my friends go straight into the classroom for a
after recess bell rang, I and my friends and the rest to buy food and drinks
in the cafeteria. then we went back to the last studying.
after school I change clothes and rest.
Daily Activities
In the morning I woke up to bed at 4:45. I wake up, I immediately wash my
face and clean bed.
as a Hindu religion, in the morning I always carry out tasks such as
"Mebanten wedang and Mebanten Saiban" continued to wash the dishes,
sweep, etc..
after that I have breakfast and a shower, change clothes after my shower
and left for school uniforms.
At 7:15 I started to follow the lessons in school, recess and at 11:45 I got
home from school.
The next afternoon I returned early ketugas ie washing dishes, sweeping,

I then shower and change clothes.
at night I do the tasks given the need to prepare teachers and I would take

it to school tomorrow.
after that i go to sleep.

Daily Activities
In the morning I woke up to bed at 4:45. I wake up, I immediately wash my
face and clean bed.
as a Hindu religion, in the morning I always carry out tasks such as
"Mebanten wedang and Mebanten Saiban" continued to wash the dishes,
sweep, etc..
after that I have breakfast and a shower, change clothes after my shower
and left for school uniforms.
At 7:15 I started to follow the lessons in school, recess and at 11:45 I got
home from school.
The next afternoon I returned early ketugas ie washing dishes, sweeping,
I then shower and change clothes.
at night I do the tasks given the need to prepare teachers and I would take
it to school tomorrow.
after that i go to sleep.

Daily Activities
I woke up at 5 am, then I tidied the room.
After tidying up the room, I shower, change my clothes and go to school.
Until my school was swept and the bells rang, I was lined up. I home school
at 12 Noon.
I got home to change clothes and rest a while.
After I woke up, I was watching TV.
4 hours of my afternoon playing football with friends in the field.
After playing, I go home.
Then, I shower and eat dinner.
After dinner, I learned.
After studying, I watched TV until 9 pm.
Then I prayed and slept.

Daily Activities
I woke up at 5 am, then I tidied the room.
After tidying up the room, I shower, change my clothes and go to school.
Until my school was swept and the bells rang, I was lined up. I home school
at 12 Noon.
I got home to change clothes and rest a while.

After I woke up, I was watching TV.
4 hours of my afternoon playing football with friends in the field.
After playing, I go home.
Then, I shower and eat dinner.
After dinner, I learned.
After studying, I watched TV until 9 pm.
Then I prayed and slept.

Daily Activities at Home
I woke up at 5 am. Then I got up to take Subuh prayer. Afterward I tidied up my bathroom such
as opening the window, turning off the lamp, sweeping the floor and arranging my pillow and
bolsters and folding my blanket.
After that I went outside my house to work out. I did jogging around my house then I pushed up
and sit up to build my muscle. After doing sport, I took a rest for a while. Then I took bath on my
bathroom and brushed my teeth. Next I got dress my school uniform and looked to the mirror. I
took my comb then I combed my hair.
While I prepared to go to school, my mother made me a breakfast in the kitchen. Then my
mother called me to have a breakfast and then I went out from my bedroom to have a breakfast. I
saw my father reading a newspaper in the living room so I asked my father to have a breakfast
together. We had a breakfast at 7.30 am. After having breakfast, my mother gave me a glass of

milk so I drank the milk. Afterwards, I helped my mother to clean the dishes. Next I used my
shoes and prepared my motorcycle from the garage. Before I went to school, I asked permission
to my mother and my father and shook their hands. Then I turned on my motorcycle and went to
school. I study at school started at 7.30 am. This is Monday and I have a mathematic
class. While I wait for the teacher, I have a short daily conversation with some
friends. Then, no longer after that, the chairman of the class asks us to line up in
front because the teacher has come. After that, my friends and I enter the class one
by one and greet to the teacher.

Our teacher asks to submit the homework. So I submit my homework. After that, the teacher asks
me to open page 23 and read the book aloud. After reading the passage, I am asked to explain
what I have read in front of the class. Then the teacher explains her subject further. Then we
write her explanation on our books. After finishing all the lessons, we come home at 12.00 am.

My Daily Activity
Everyday, I usually get up early in the morning at 05.00 a.m. I pray Subuh, read Al-Qur’an
and clean my bedroom. At 05.45 a.m. I brush my teeth and take a bath. Then I put on my
uniform, have breakfast and sometimes watch the news or cartoon on TV. I go to school at 06.30
a.m. I usually go to school by bicycle. My class begins at 07.00 a.m. I’m in class from 07.00 a.m.
to 01.00 p.m. My school takes a rest at 10.00 a.m. I usually go to the library for reading and

student’s canteen with the others for having snacks. At 10.45 a.m. I go to class and continue my
subjects. Around 01.00 p.m. the bell rings. It tells us that our class is over. I return home. I
arrive home at 01.30 p.m. Next, I put off my uniform and change to clothes. Later, I pray
Dzuhur, have lunch, and take TPA. At 03.00 p.m. I pray Ashar then I take English/MIPA course. I
go to course by bicycle. My class begins at 04.00 p.m. I’m in class from 04.00 to 05.30. Around
05.45 p.m. I arrive home. I brush my teeth and take a bath. Then I pray Maghrib with my parents.
At 07.00 p.m. I have dinner and after that don’t forget to pray Isya’, prepare my subjects for
tomorrow, study and sometimes watch TV. Then, I go to bed at 09.00 p.m.

Daily Activities
every morning I wake up at 4.30 am, after that I clean up the room and prayers. 05:55 hours I
was helping my parents clean the house and preparing breakfast. at 6:20 I showered and prepared
textbooks. immediately after that I eat breakfast, then after hours of 7:10 I said goodbye to their
parents to go to school. I went to school with my friends.
around the clock 01:30 senoir high school 1 Liwa students had gone home. approximately 01:40
hours I had reached home. I immediately changed clothes after noon prayers. I finished praying
directly to lunch.
approximately 03:00 hours I was watching tv. then at 3:30 pm I pray Asr. after the Asr prayer I
learned (sometimes). 04:50 hours and after that I bathe my evening walk with my nephew.
approximately 6:10 pm I pray Maghrib, then read the Quran. then I went back to watching tv and

call my girlfriend. 07:45 hours I immediately prayed evening prayer and see if there is
homework or not.
approximately 09:40 hours I sleep because it was getting late