Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Teachers' Strategies in Teaching Listening to Students of SMP N 1 Banyubiru


Ainul Yaqin

Listening plays a significant role in daily communication and educational process.
In spite of its importance, listening has long been the neglected skill in second language
acquisition. The Indonesian government policy, not to include listening in English final
eximination, has made the problem even worse. The study tried to find the teachers’
strategies in teaching listening to students of SMP N 1 Banyubiru. The participants of the
study were 3 English teachers in SMP N 1 Banyubiru. An interview was mainly used as
the only instrument to collect the data in this study. The study showed that teachers used
mostly bottom up process activities in the listening class. The problems faced by the
participants were the limited available listening materials and the low level of students’
basic English proficiency. To overcome those problems, teachers made their own
listening materials and emphasized on the teaching of vocabulary as pre listening
Key words: listening, teacher strategies, listening activity.

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