1 Hanina HalimatusaadiahHamsan

2 Lee Mei Siah

1,2 Department Of Social And Development ScienceFaculty Of Human Ecology Universiti Putra Malaysia


Research has been conducted attitudes related HIV/AIDS issue particularly among university students because students are the group of younger generation that may

be parents advising their children in future or they may have to contact with HIV infected and AIDS people in their future work. The purpose of research design is to identify the most economical method in conducting the research. The non- experimental quantitative research design which is in questionnaire tools has used to finalize results that are based on hypothesis testingThe population of this study is targeted to the undergraduates from Human Ecology in UPM, Serdang. The sample size for the study is determined by the calculation formula (Israel, 2009). The minimum sample size for FEM is approximately 271, which is calculated by the formula of known population size (N = 835) with the 95% confidence level and confidence interval of achieve the objectives for this current study. Besides, three techniques of research design are descriptive, correlation and comparative also have been chosen in this study. Descriptive design is used to gather the quantitative information and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection. Descriptive involved in this study will be given a general description about respondent’s personal characteristic (gender), level of knowledge in HIV/AIDS and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS. The correlation design is applied to determine the linear relationship between personal characteristic (gender), knowledge and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS among FEM undergraduates. The result of the correlation can be positive and negative. If the result is positive correlation, then the changes in value of one variable will make the changes of the other variables in the same direction, or vice versa.

Keyword : Knowledge, attitudes, HIV, Islamic

Background of the Study

developed and developing countries HIV is defined as the virus that causes

around the world (, the disease AIDS. It has become one

2011). HIV infection and AIDS can of the most serious health and

affect physical, mental, emotional, development challenges in both

social and spiritual dimensions of 176

Hanina Halimatussaidiyah Hamsan, Lee Mei Siah; Islamic Khowledge and Attitudes Toward HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in UPM Serdang

HIV/AIDS diseases HIV/AIDS is not merely a health

human development life. Besides,


significantly slow the growth of the problem but also impact on social,

labour force and also affect the most economical,

members especially development. It is significant reducing

younger generation in several sectors the life expectancy of those infected

since previous study found that young persons, increasing in the number of

people are particularly vulnerable to orphaned children, creating turbulence

transmitted HIV/AIDS in


(Suominen,Karanja-Pernu, contributing to economic insecurity,

health care

Kylma,Houtsonen&Va¨lima¨ki,2011). potentially leading to political instability

Therefore, this phenomenon has (Sowell, 2004).HIV infection pandemic

makes governmentand public worried posses a great threat to human life

about the unhealthy attitudes of and cause significant morbidity and

nowadays younger people of the mortality

society especially students are engage population (WHO, 2004).

in risky behaviour related to HIV/AIDS According to the United Nations

transmission such as use of alcohol, Agency for International Development

drugs, unprotected (UNAIDS, 2011), about 34 million


or heterosexual people worldwideas December 2010


intercourse and free sex that could were living with HIV, the virus that

increase their risk of HIV infection and causes AIDS. UNAIDS alsoreported

AIDS diseases due to the lack of that every year around 2.7 million

general knowledge on HIV/AIDS more people become infected with HIV

exposure and transmission. and 1.8 million die of AIDS. In

The epidemic of HIV/AIDS Malaysia, the first three HIV case were

stigma has consequences and can reported in 1986. Between of 1986 to

result in attitudes and actions that may 2000, it was recorded about 38,340

prevent infected people from seeking cases. Then, the total number of HIV

or obtaining the health care and social infection cases continued to grow with

support. HIV/AIDS is labeled as a the highest number recorded in the

stigmatized disease from the past end

research of stigma in HIV positive (, 2012).The

women, indicated that women infected infection in Malaysia affected more


HIV/AIDS faced the men than women initially but the


consequences of stigmatization in their percentage of women infected by HIV

life such as being stigmatized and keeps increasing year by year. Every

rejected by their partners, relatives, day, an average of 10 people tested

friends, employers, co-workers and with positive HIV in Malaysia (Ministry

care providers of Health Malaysia, 2012). According



(Sandelowski, Lambe&Barroso,2004). to Ministry of Health of Malaysia,

Besides, a past study also mentioned young populations are at higher risk

that healthcare workers expressed exposed to HIV infection. Of the total

their fear to care for HIV/AIDS patients 94,841HIV infection cases, 2.4%

(Turan, Miller, Bukusi, Sande& Cohen, cases were aged 19 years and

negative attitude below.In 2011, children and young


toward people living with HIV/AIDS people for aged 19 years and below

(PLWHA) is a major community were 3.5% of 3,479 for that year out of

challenge to fight against HIV/AIDS. which 54% aged below 13 years who

People who may be infected with acquired infection through vertical

HIV/AIDS are more reluctant to transmission.

disclose their status due to feeling 177

Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, Vol. 16, No. 2, Juli – Desember , 2017 (176 – 202)

stigmatized, rejected and isolated poor understanding of the disease in (Colbert, Kim, Sereika&Erlen, 2010;

Nigerian population, even among Naing, Hakim, Ang, Koo, Tan, Kong

thehealthcare providers are reluctant &Siew, 2010) and potentially less

to treat people infected with HIV/AIDS engaged in care (Colbert et al., 2010).

(Monjok,2009). Thus, the positive Studies also stated that poor

attitudes and knowledge on HIV/AIDS knowledge about HIV/AIDS can make

be emphasized and people to have negative attitudes


into the students towards HIV/AIDS and this will directly


especially those who will become contribute to theglobal problem of

health care providers in the future. stigmatization



According to Ojebuyi (2009), the

1.1 Statement of Problem

factors probably that cause the stigma Research has been conducted and discrimination attitudes against

attitudes related HIV/AIDS issue people with HIV/AIDS are the public’s

particularly among university students inadequate knowledge and strong

because students are the group of misconceptions

younger generation that may be pandemic.Knowledge on HIV/AIDS



parents advising their children in future means

or they may have to contact with HIV understanding about the HIV/AIDS.

facts, information,


infected and AIDS people in their Knowledge influenced by cultural

future work (Serlo, 2008). It is prudent factors and gained especially through

to conduct the study among university learning and experience. Level of

students to ascertain their knowledge knowledge on HIV/AIDS frequently

and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS. related with

the present study PLWHA, and those with less HIV/AIDS

theattitudes toward


investigated the relationships between knowledge are often thosepossess

and attitudes toward negative stigma attitudes. Result of


HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in previous research study proved that

UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia), attitude was significantly positive


correlated with knowledge (Montazeri, 2005; Meundi, Amma, Rao&Shetty,

The purpose of this study is to 2008). A study about HIV knowledge,

identify the knowledge HIV/AIDS and attitudes and misconceptions was

attitudes toward HIV/AIDS among conducted in Turkey reported that

undergraduates in UPM, Serdang. respondents who were well educated

Specifically, this study will identify and living in the city showed more

respondent’spersonal characteristic positive attitudes toward people living

to knowledge with HIV/AIDS (Ayranci, 2005).


andattitudes toward HIV/AIDS. In Study in knowledge, attitude and

addition, this study determines the behaviour of the students from

between medicine faculty, dentistry faculty, and


respondent’spersonal characteristic medical technology vocational training

(gender)with HIV/AIDS knowledge and school mentioned that about HIV/AIDS

toward HIV/AIDS. In infectious diseases is crucial because


summary, the following are the it will affect the students of these

be professions’ care toward HIV/AIDS


questions will

addressed in this study: patients in the future (Turhan, Senol,

Baykul, Saba &Yalçin, 2010). Besides,

a) What is the level of knowledge another previous study indicated that

HIV/AIDS among the exist of fear in HIV/AIDSdue to the


respondents? 178

Hanina Halimatussaidiyah Hamsan, Lee Mei Siah; Islamic Khowledge and Attitudes Toward HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in UPM Serdang

b) To what extent is respondent’s level. At individual level, findings personal

to the students (gender) related to knowledge



themselves as the study may create or of HIV/AIDS and attitudes

increase awareness of the effects of toward HIV/AIDS?

the HIV/AIDS knowledge on their

c) To what extent is knowledge of attitudes toward HIV/AIDS. Perhaps HIV/AIDS

that the students will be more respondent’s attitudes toward



tolerance and understandings of those HIV/AIDS?

that have been affected by HIV/AIDS

d) What factors uniquely predict so that the HIV/AIDS stigmatization attitudes toward HIV/AIDS of

and discrimination issues can be the respondents?

reduce to the minimum.


society level, essential

1.2 Conceptual Framework

information may gain from the findings This framework consists of

a better antecedent

understanding toward HIV/AIDS on personal characteristic), independent



people and education. variable (HIV/AIDS knowledge) and


Parents, teachers and many more dependent variable (attitudes toward

related social institutions could be HIV/AIDS). As studies suggest that

benefited from the findings in order to attitudes toward HIV/AIDS is greatly

provide better guides according the influence by people’s knowledge

ways to promote more positive (Montazeri, 2005; Meundi et al., 2008),

toward HIV/AIDS therefore knowledge on HIV/AIDS will


among their younger generation. For

be used in the model to access the example, policy makers in the attitudes of respondents.

educational institutions may benefit Knowledge is the perception of

from this result in planning for general reality acquired through learning and

of HIV/AIDS related investigation expressed in a form that


courses to be taught in throughout can be shared.The level of knowledge

national level, the of students will affect their perception


findings from this study may provide of how HIV/AIDS is acquired and this

useful information that can be referred can contribute on how they express

by the government, non-government either positive or negative attitude

agencies and also education centre as toward HIV/AIDS. Naing, Hakim, Ang,

guidance to organize appropriate plan Koo, Tan, Kong &Siew(2010) stated

or program on HIV/AIDS to educate that to have better perceptions toward

public or students. This appropriate HIV/AIDS depends on an improved the

program can enhance the knowledge knowledge

and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS and transmission.



this also will indirectly to reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS stigmatization

The study of the knowledge and and discrimination issues that happen attitudes toward HIV/AIDS is important

in our society.

to understand how attitudes would be affected by the personal characteristic

1.3 Definition of Terminology

and knowledge of HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in UPM. This finding



may contribute significantly to the Conceptual: The personal development at three various levels.

include gender; The first is individual level, next at


motivation; sexual orientation; values, society level and finally at national

attitudes, and beliefs; education; 179

Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, Vol. 16, No. 2, Juli – Desember , 2017 (176 – 202)

personality; focus on relationship study or facultythey attend such as the function; leadership style; and political

earlier study indicatedthat students beliefs (O’Connell & Cuthbertson,

from Faculty of Health Sciences were 2009). Personal characteristics are

more knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS unique to a particular person.

compared to Faculty of Arts and other Operational: Personal characteristic in

selected faculties of the university this studyrefer to the gender of the

Imhonde, Maliki&Alutu, respondent. Gender is indicated by


2005).In an addition, the study in New male and female.

Delhi high school reported that knowledge

HIV/AIDS was HIV/AIDS Knowledge Conceptual:


correlated with the Knowledge represents reality in


exposure of HIV/AIDS education thought or experience the way it really

(Pramanik, Koopman&Chartier, 2006), is on the basis of adequate grounds

which means the greater exposure to (Moreland,

2009).Knowledge the HIV/AIDS education showed that ofHIV/AIDS means facts, information,

higher knowledge of HIV/AIDS. and

The study by Pramanik and HIV/AIDS.Operational:Respondent’s

colleagues (2006) also revealed that score on HIV/AIDS knowledge Scale

students agreed that for Hispanics wasproposed by Luquis


schools and universities should teach and Koch (1991). High score indicates

HIV/AIDS and sex education, and also higher level in the knowledge of

believed that it was a society’ duty to HIV/AIDS.


people about the HIV/AIDS.Similary, a study stated that

HIV/AIDS Attitudes

majority of Arab University students Attitudes often correlated with


agreed that young people need to behavior and can be defined as

know more information and should be positive or negative feelings toward a

given education on how to protect fact (Population

themselves against HIV/AIDS and Attitudes generally can be defined as


about half of them expressed that they positive or negative views about

had not been taught enough at school HIV/AIDS. Operational: Report on

(Ganczak, Barss, Alfaresi, Almazrouei, scores obtained by respondent in

Muraddad& Al-Maskari, 2007). Another HIV/AIDS Attitudes Scale

study about knowledge and attitude Hispanics was proposed by Luquis


towards HIV/AIDS among Iranian and Koch (1991).

students, also mentioned that majority who get higher score indicates positive


of students said that wish to know attitudes toward HIV/AIDS.

more information about HIV/AIDS and most of students agreed with the


A response in the question of investment university or college student who is


on youth education, which is the best studying for their bachelor’s degree

way to fight AIDS diseases (Tavoosi, (Piero, 2010).

Operational: UPM’s Zaferani,Enzevaei,Tajik&Ahmadinezha undergraduate student.

d, 2004). Thus, HIV/AIDS must be addressed


education that

Knowledge on HIV/AIDS

the attitudes toward Knowledge is a cognitive component


HIV/AIDS, which can increase the of attitude that describes whatpeople

awareness among young people on think and perceived. The students’

how to protect themselves from the general knowledge about HIV/AIDS

risk of HIV/AIDS infection (Ganczak et was associated with the program of

Hanina Halimatussaidiyah Hamsan, Lee Mei Siah; Islamic Khowledge and Attitudes Toward HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in UPM Serdang

al., 2007; Pramanik, Koopman & perceived that a person can be Chartier, 2006).

infected with HIV by eating HIV- Additionally,

infected food, sharing comb and knowledge was significant associated

hairbrush, casual kissing, donating with

attitudes (Montazeri, 2005; blood and mosquito bites. This study Meundi et al., 2008;Rahnama,Rampal,

result showed that knowledge scores Lye&Rahman, 2011; Suominen et al.,

about HIV/AIDS were low becauseonly 2011), those who possess stigma

one student had a high HIV/AIDS attitudes are often those with lower

knowledge level. Besides, the another levels of HIV/AIDS knowledge or vice-

study about AIDS knowledge and versa.

attitudes among the general public in indicated

Some previous


Tehran, Iran byMontazeri (2005) also sorinadequate of knowledge about



showed that there was also exist of how

misconception about the diseases significantly

HIV is transmitted


among Iranian although they had a stigmatizing and negative attitudes



fairy good in knowledge of HIV/AIDS. towards PLWHA (Ganczak et al.,

Other studies also showed that 2007;Sallar, 2009; Zhang, Li, Mao,

of knowledge or Stanton,


about virus 2008). In addition, people with better

Zhao, Wang



transmission include drinking water, understanding of HIV/AIDS knowledge

utensils, shaking hand, tended to view PLWHA in a more


sneezing and coughing, using public positive perception than those without

swimming pools, using public toilets, the knowledge (Varas-Díaz, Serrano-

and mosquito bites (Meundi et al., García& Toro-Alfonso, 2005). Similarly,

Koksal, Namal, several research studies also found

Vehid&Yurtsever, 2005; Pramanik, that students with high levels of

Koopman&Chartier, 2006; Tung, knowledge about HIV/AIDS showed

Ding&Farmer,2008). Additionally, more

previous studies also found that HIV/AIDS (Montazeri, 2005; Meundi et

positive attitudes


about HIV/AIDS al., 2008;Suominen et al., 2011).


transmission still existed, such as the Furthermore, the study on

belief HIV/AIDS can be contracted knowledge, attitudes, and educational

from mosquito bites, saliva or physical needs among Arab University students

touch (Nainget al., 2010); children in United Arab Emirates was carried

would never be contracted by out by Ganczakand colleagues (2007),

HIV/AIDS, HIV-positive people can be they reported that most students had a

recognized by their appearance, and good knowledge on main route of HIV

believed that there is a cure and transmission mode such as HIV can

vaccine for AIDS(Tavoosiet al., 2004).

be infected through mother to fetus Meanwhile, a study found that and

do not have intercourse with an

having unprotected

misconceptions of HIV transmission person, but misconception was still


modes, but still possess stigmatizing existed. Similarly, study also found that

attitudes towards PLWHA (Zhang et tertiary students in Papua New

al., 2008). Moreover, some studies Guineaoverall had high level of

also found that stigma and intolerant knowledge about the transmission and

attitude toward HIV and AIDS was not causes of HIV/AIDS (Jose, Totona,

associated with the level of HIV/AIDS Begani, Andew, Tombe & Begani,

among students 2011).However, many misconceptions


(Pramanik, Koopman & Chartier, 2006; about HIV/AIDS

such as they Zhang et al., 2008; Serlo, 2008). Study 181

Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, Vol. 16, No. 2, Juli – Desember , 2017 (176 – 202)

by Norman, Carr and Jime´nez (2006) HIV/AIDS.Besides, the earlier findings proposed that intolerant attitudes

found that students’ attitude are toward PLWHA associated with the

affected by the factor of faculty they disapproval of socially unacceptable

attend, which mentioned that medical behaviors, such as

more acceptable homosexuality and commercial sex.

drug use,



attitudes towardHIV/AIDS or infections Therefore, knowledge itself does not

victims than non-medical students always enough to change attitudes

(Maimaiti, Shamsuddin, Abdurahim, alone and more consideration needed

&Tohti, 2010; Tan,Pan, Zhou, Wang to find appropriate and effective ways

&Xie, 2007).Apart from these factors, to educate the general public, students

other studies also found that age and health care professionals.

(Visser, Makin&Lehobye, 2006;Zhang et al., 2008), race and ethnicity (Varas-

Díaz, Serrano-García& Toro-Alfonso, An attitude toward HIV/AIDS is the

Attitudes toward HIV/AIDS

2005), culture (Abiona, 2006; Ellepola perception or how a person views

2011), religion (Vasan, HIV/AIDS disease. The perception of



Sarma&Thankappan, 2000), and how HIV/AIDS was acquired is crucial

experience of personal interaction with on how people will treat a people

HIV/AIDS infected people (Visser, infected with HIV/AIDS. Attitude often

2006) were correlated with behavior and can be


significant impact one’s attitudes defined as positive or negative feelings

toward victims of and HIV/AIDS. toward a fact (Population Council,

The unfavorable attitudes toward 2011). According to Uutela (1985),

HIV/AIDS could also be influenced by concept of attitude defined in three

the prevalent negative attitudes toward components

people with HIV/AIDS. A previous cognitive such as knowledge that

study by Sallar (2009) in Africa found describes what people think, affective

that people hadnegative attitudes such as feeling, and behaviour such

toward and fear of PLWHA, where the as action describes how they would

adolescents in a Nigerian viewed that like to behave in a specific way.

PLWHA should be quarantined and Moreover, attitudes can be define as a

they also would reject relatives and positive, negative, or mixed reaction to

also stop seeing friends who develop

a person, object or idea (Brehm, AIDS. Moreover, the research of Kassin& Fein, 2002). It means at times

and attitudes toward people also can posses both positive


HIV/AIDS among Turkish students by and negative evaluation to the same

Koksal and colleagues (2005) found attitude object towards a person or

that more than half of the young object, and it is not simply represented

students expressed that people who along a single continuum ranging from

infected with HIV should not be wholly positive to wholly negative.

allowed to work. Besides, study of knowledge

and attitudes toward People

HIV/AIDS by Tavoosi and colleagues knowledge normally has right attitude

(2004) indicated that negative attitude towards one object. Previous studies

common among Iranian have identified that some factors such


students, with they expressed that as level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS-infected students should not (Serlo, 2008; Lau &Tsui, 2005)

allowed to attend an ordinary schools, andgender (Visser, Makin&Lehobye,

they avoid to sit in a class near an 2006;

infected person, and they would not associated with attitudes towards

Serlo, 2008)were


Hanina Halimatussaidiyah Hamsan, Lee Mei Siah; Islamic Khowledge and Attitudes Toward HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in UPM Serdang

willing to shake hands with a HIV being blamed for their disease and positive person.

they are likely received less sympathy Additionally,

and compassion than others group of conducted in Hong Kong also found

a studywas

HIV/AIDS infected person. It is that HIV/AIDS infected people are

students associated often discriminated and stigmatized


immoral sexual against by others (Lau &Tsui, 2005).



behavior such as having sex with Lau and colleagues (2005)indicated

prostitutes or promiscuous that is often that nearly half of the residents would

shameful and not make any physical contact with



Pramanik and PLWHA and one thirdof them agreed


colleagues (2006) alsostated that medical staff infected with HIV should

adolescents perceived the sexual

be dismissed and the other half relationship out of marriage and agreed there should be legislation

homosexual is wrong; and agreed that barring PLWHA from visiting Hong

people who have HIV/AIDS deserve it Kong. Similarly, the study was

and also is a God’s punishment for conducted in a semi-urban community,

bad behavior.

Malaysia reported that household Furthermore, attitude towards setting was afraid to make physical

HIV/AIDS will affect the tendency of contact and reluctant to share food

help and care giving to PLWHA. Some and drinks with infected victims (Naing

studies showed that students with et al., 2010) and this can lead to

positive attitudes toward HIV/AIDS physical and social ostracization of

were more willing to care for PLWHA HIV/AIDS-infected

when compared to students with discrimination that would reduce



negative attitudes. For example, supportive networks and increases

Suominen et al. (2011) and Vasan, isolation especially in communities.

SarmaandThankappan(2000) found Besides, previous study by

that students with positive attitudes Chen, Choe, Chen, and Zhang (2007)

towardHIV/AIDS disease or PLWHA also indicated that fear of becoming

were willing to take care of them infected with HIV infection can lead to

despite neverhave any personal the stigmatization and discrimination of

contact with such persons before. PLWHA. Other studies also revealed

However, stigmatization problem was that students had a sense of fear and

occurred among university students in negative intolerant attitudes toward

since the finding by PLWHA(Ganczak et al.,2007;Parker


researches showed that the majority of &Aggleton, 2002; Koksalet al.,2005).

the students were not willing to care a Studies also indicated that students

person with HIV in their own house had negative feelings due to the fear

(Rahnama, Rampal, Lye &Rahman, of infected with the HIV/AIDS virus

since there is currently no cure Interestingly, another study by available for HIV/AIDS (Abiona, 2006;

Jose et al. (2011) indicated that tertiary Serlo, 2008) and majority of students

students in Papua New Guinea had perceived that AIDS as a serious

compassionate and disease (Ganczak et al., 2007).


positive attitudes toward those who On the other hand, research

are HIV/AIDS-infected people. From study by Norman and colleagues

the result of this study showed that (2006) found that groups like sex

great majority of the students were worker, homosexuals and having sex

afraid of getting the disease, and less with multiple partners have socially

than half of them prefer to keep away marginalized syndrome as they are

from those infected with HIV/AIDS 183

Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, Vol. 16, No. 2, Juli – Desember , 2017 (176 – 202)

disease. Most of the students also on tertiary students in Papua New disagree with the statement that those

Guinea by Jose and colleagues (2011) people with HIV disease should be

attributed similar findings to the fact separated

that more peer education among community life. Such attitudes are

males than females due to the reason considered very positive and healthy

of the males feel comfortable to talk attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS toward

and learn about HIV/AIDS more than the HIV/AIDS victims in confronting

females who may be feel shy or not this HIV/AIDS pandemic.

comfortable when talk about such sensitive issue.



and Gender versus

Gender versus Attitudes toward Knowledge



Previous study was conducted Previous studies also indicated among Tertiary Students in Papua

that the gender difference closely New Guinea found that there was a

attitudes toward gender difference in knowledge about

connected with

(Serlo, 2008; Visser, HIV/AIDS (Jose et al., 2011). Other


Makin&Lehobye, 2006). Research past

study showed thatmale expressed alsoshowed that females exhibited a

research literature


acceptance and positive significantly higher level of knowledge


attitudes toward HIV/AIDS-infected about modes of transmission of

people than females (Tan et al., 2007). HIV/AIDS

In contrast, a study indicated that (Albrektsson, Alm, Tan



females had more tolerant and better 2009; Meundi et al., 2008).However,


attitudes toward PLWHA compare to other

malesbecause females showed more researchesrevealed that male had

findings by



compassionate and empathy toward higher knowledge as compared to

people with HIV/AIDS(Ganczak et al., female (Ganczak et al., 2007;Jose et

2007). Previous studiesalso mentioned al., 2011; Pramanik, Koopman &

that the gender role of females as Chartier, 2006; Vasan, Sarma &

caregivers in families were more Thankappan, 2000).

understanding and sympathetic with Moreover, the study by Ng and

the diseases (Baron& Byrne, 2002) Kamal (2006) also indicated that a

and more female than male students gender difference in how adolescent

felt that they could talk about perceived sexual risk of contracting

HIV/AIDS matters to their parents HIV/AIDS

(Albrektsson et al., 2009). condom use. Furthermore, another

and attitudes


In comparison, other prior study indicated that more males

research studies proved that there was performed better in the two questions

no significant difference of attitudes of knowledge and practice than

toward AIDS between male and females, where transmission of the

female (Ellepola, Joseph, Sundaram& disease

Sharma, 2011; Meundi et al., 2008; andprevention by using condoms

via oral


2005). Although the correctly during sexual intercourse


findings by Montazeri (2005) showed (Tan et al., 2007). Besides, the result

that there was no significant difference of the study from Pramanik and

in attitudes score across gender, and colleagues (2006) reported that male

positive attitudes toward AIDS and had better knowledge because of their

people with AIDS infection was found greater exposure to the HIV/AIDS

among the general public in Tehran, education as compare to female.Study

Iran. Unlike the findings of Montazeri 184

Hanina Halimatussaidiyah Hamsan, Lee Mei Siah; Islamic Khowledge and Attitudes Toward HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in UPM Serdang

attitudes toward and colleague (2011) in Kuwait

(2005), study conducted by Ellepola




University indicated that majority of The correlation design is applied students expressed negative attitudes

to determine the linear relationship toward HIV/AIDS although the findings

personal characteristic was not significant.


(gender), knowledge and attitudes Meanwhile,

HIV/AIDS among FEM previous

undergraduates. The result of the colleagues (2004) demonstrated that

study by


correlation can be positive and males and females students were

negative. If the result is positive probably same unfavorably attitudes

correlation, then the changes in value toward HIV/AIDS disease, with males

of one variable will make the changes (50%) vs. females (48%) were agreed

of the other variables in the same that

direction, or vice versa.Comparative should not allowed to attend an



design is used to survey the ordinary schools; males (37%) vs.

and attitudes toward females (36%) prefer not to sit in a


HIV/AIDS between male and female. class near a person with HIV positive;

The gender differences can be study and males (24%) vs. females (24%)

by comparing the difference in level of expressed they would not shake

and attitudes toward hands with a HIV positive person.



The location of this present study


conducted at FEM in UPM, Serdang, The purpose of this chapter is to

SelangorDarulEhsan, Malaysia. One discuss the research methodology

of the reasons for the FEM students which would be used in this current

were choose to access in this study as study. Discussions are divided into

they are expected to be expert in the seven

related fields of social science, research designs, location of the

humanities and development such as study, sampling, instrumentations and

anthropology, psychology, social work, measurements, pilot study (reliability),

community development and urban data collection, and data analysis. The

and rural studies. This is good idea for purpose of research design is to

me to investigate whether the students identify the most economical method

had a good knowledge and positive in conducting the research. The non-

attitudes toward HIV/AIDS or not since experimental quantitative research

their field of study is more associated design which is in questionnaire tools

to the humanities. has used to finalize results that are

The population of this study is based on hypothesis testing to achieve

targeted to the undergraduates from the objectives for this current study.

Human Ecology in UPM, Serdang. The Besides, three techniques of research

sample size for the study is design are descriptive, correlation and

determined by the calculation formula comparative also have been chosen in

(Israel, 2009). The minimum sample this study. Descriptive design is used

size for FEM is approximately 271, to gather the quantitative information

which is calculated by the formula of and then organizes, tabulates, depicts,

known population size (N = 835) with and describes the data collection.

the 95% confidence level and Descriptive involved in this study will

confidence interval of 5%. Sample size

be given a general description about of FEM is 326 after an extra 20% is respondent’s personal characteristic

included for the purpose of accuracy (gender), level of knowledge in

and in projection of any incomplete 185

Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, Vol. 16, No. 2, Juli – Desember , 2017 (176 – 202)

filled or missing data. However, there scale. The scale is internal consistent is

as it has reliability of Cronbach’s alpha questionnaire

only 275 online


of 0.61. There are two parts of selected and used it in actual sample


be randomly

HIV/AIDS knowledge are measured by size of the research study.

the scale. The first part is General Besides, the respondents in this

Knowledge, which contains 21 items current study were surveyed using a

about the prevalence, risk factors, method of simple random sampling

course of the disease, diagnosis, and design with probability proportionate to

prevention of HIV/AIDS. The second size. This sampling technique is used

part is Likelihood of Transmission, in this study due to the problem of

concentrates on the modes of HIV gender imbalance where females now

transmission and contains 16 items in a substantial majority as students in

about possible ways to transmit HIV. most university faculties, including

The highest possible score for these FEM in UPM, Serdang. Therefore,

two parts in HIV/AIDS Knowledge male and female students have been

scale is 44.

selected with the ratio 4:6 where 110 For the General Knowledge part of males and 165 of females from the

of the HIV/AIDS knowledge scale, sample size of 275 as shown in the

respondents need to answer the 21 Figure 2.

items as either (1) definitely true, (2) probably true, (3) probably false, (4) definitely false, or (5) don’t know. While responses to the items of Likelihood

of Transmission, concentrates on the modes of HIV transmission and contains 16 items about possible ways to transmit HIV are (1) very likely, (2) somewhat likely, (3) somewhat unlikely, (4) very unlikely, (5) definitely not possible, or (6)

know. The overall knowledgescore is computed based on simple sum scores, means one point is given for every correct answer. Higher scores indicate greater HIV- related knowledge or vice-versa.


One point is given for every Figure 2: Proportionate random

correct answers in the first part of the sampling method

HIV/AIDS Knowledge scale, with the highest

possible score is 21:

Instrumentationsand Measurement

(1)definitelytrue for items 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, This current study involved two

11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21; (1) variables which are knowledge of

definitely true or (2) probably true for HIV/AIDS

items 7; and (4) definitely false for HIV/AIDS.

and attitudes


items 2, 4, 6, 9, 13, 16, 17. While one measured by HIV/AIDS Knowledge

Both variables


point is given for the correct answers and Attitudes Scale for Hispanics. The

in second part of the HIV/AIDS instrument was developed by Luquis

Knowledge scale, with the highest and Koch (1991).

possible score is 23: (1) very likely for The knowledge of HIV/AIDS was

items 28, 35, 36; (4) very unlikely for measured by the HIV/AIDS Knowledge

items 24, 29; and (5)definitely not 186

Hanina Halimatussaidiyah Hamsan, Lee Mei Siah; Islamic Khowledge and Attitudes Toward HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in UPM Serdang

possible for items 22-23, 25-27, and Part 1 : This Part is to 30-34. For item 37, one point each is

measure general knowledge level given for ticking b, c, f, h and not

which contains 21 items about ticking a, d, e, g.

the prevalence, risk factors, course The list of Knowledge of

of the disease, diagnosis, and HIV/AIDS questionnaire had shown as

below: prevention of HIV/AIDS



1. AIDS can reduce the body’s natural protection against diseases.

2. AIDS is especially common in older people.

3. AIDS can damage the brain.

4. AIDS usually leads to heart disease.

5. AIDS result from an infectious disease caused by a virus.

6. College students are not at risk of contracting AIDS.

7. AIDS leads to death.

8. A person can be infected with HIV and not have the disease AIDS.

9. Looking at a person is enough to tell if he or she has HIV.

10. Any person with AIDS can pass it on to someone else during unprotected sexual intercourse.

11. A person who has HIV can look and feel healthy and well.

12. A pregnant woman who has HIV can give the virus to her baby.

13. There is a vaccine available to the public that protects a person from getting HIV.

14. There is no cure for AIDS at the present time.

15. It may be more than 5 years before a person infected by HIV develops AIDS.

16. A person can be diagnosed with AIDS by taking one special blood test.

17. Using any type of condom can help protect you from AIDS.

18. Younger are at greater risk of getting AIDS than the rest of the population.

19. The epidemic of HIV/AIDS remained stable in Malaysia.

20. Everyday, an average of 10 people tested with positive HIV in Malaysia. Part 2: This Part is to measure the

concentrates knowledge on the possible ways to

transmission and

modes of HIV transmit HIV which contains

items about the

21. There arean estimated 100,000 or more people living with HIV in Malaysia.

22. Living near a hospital or home for AIDS patients.

23. Working near someone with HIV.

24. Kissing with exchange of saliva someone who has HIV.

25. Eating in a restaurant where the cook has HIV.

26. Shaking hands, touching, or kissing on the cheek someone who has HIV.

Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, Vol. 16, No. 2, Juli – Desember , 2017 (176 – 202)

27. Using public toilets.

28. Sharing needles for drug use with someone who has HIV.

29. Receiving a blood transfusion from a hospital blood bank.

30. Mosquito or other insect bites.

31. Donating blood.

32. Being coughed or sneezed on by someone who has HIV.

33. Attending class with a student who has HIV.

34. Sharing a dorm room with a student who has HIV.

35. Unprotected (without a condom) sexual intercourse with an HIV-infected person.

36. Unprotected (without a condom) anal intercourse with an HIV-infected person

37. Tick ( √) the fluids through which HIV has been transmitted: (a)


(b) semen ( ) (c)

vaginal secretions ( ) (d)

perspiration ( ) (e)

urine ( ) (f)

blood ( ) (g)

tears ( ) (h)

mother’s milk (

Attitudes toward HIV/AIDS

(3) are uncertain, (4) disagree, and (5) The attitudes toward HIV/AIDS are

disagree. The highest measured by the HIV/AIDS Attitudes


possible score for the scale of scale. The scale is high internal

attitudes toward HIV/AIDS is 130. A consistent as it has high reliability of

mean score is calculated for the cronbach’s alpha of 0.85. There are 26

HIV/AIDS Attitudes scale. The items items of attitudes about the HIV and

are reversed scored are 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, people who may be infected, sexual

12-13, 15-16, 20-23, 25-26. behavior and safer-sex practices, and discussions

The list of Attitudes toward HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS. There are 26 items in a 5-


learning about

questionnaire had shown as below: point Likert scale, ranging from (1) -

(5) where (1) strongly agree, (2) agree, No.


1. I believe I have enough information about AIDS to protect myself.

2. I believe women should not have sexual intercourse before marriage.

3. Activities that spread AIDS, such as some forms of sexual behavior, should be illegal.

4. I feel uncomfortable when coming in contact with gay men because of the risk that they may have for AIDS.

5. Civil rights laws should be enacted/enforced to protect people with AIDS from job and housing discrimination.

6. Male homosexuality is obscene and vulgar.

7. I believe men should not have sexual intercourse before marriage.

8. AIDS antibody blood test results should be confidential to avoid 188

Hanina Halimatussaidiyah Hamsan, Lee Mei Siah; Islamic Khowledge and Attitudes Toward HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in UPM Serdang

discrimination against people with positive results.

9. I feel that more time should be spent teaching students about AIDS.

10. People should not blame the homosexual community for the spread of AIDS in the Malaysia.

11. AIDS is a punishment for immoral behavior.

12. I feel secure that I have reduced all risk of personally contracting AIDS.

13. It would not bother me to attend class with a person with AIDS.

14. Anyone who has had more than one sexual partner is promiscuous.

15. I could comfortably discuss AIDS with a friend.

16. I would not avoid a friend if he/she had AIDS.

17. If I discovered that my roommate had AIDS, I would move out.

18. I do not believe in using condoms.

19. I could not discuss AIDS with my parents.

20. I would date a person with HIV.

21. I would feel comfortable discussing AIDS in a classroom situation.

22. I would not engage in sexual intercourse before marriage.

23. I would feel comfortable asking a new partner about his/her sexual history.

24. I would use AIDS as an excuse to avoid any sexual relationships.

25. I would limit myself to one sexual partner.

26. I would use a condom every time I had sex.

Pilot Study

was produced a reliable Cronbach’s The purpose of this pilot study is to

value for the HIV/AIDS test the reliability and validity of the


Knowledge and AttitudesScales for instrument and ensure that the scales

Hispanic. The summary of the were suitable to be applied in this

reliability result for Knowledge and research. This pilot study was carried

Attitudes ScalesforHispanicin original out in February, 2012 and a total

study, pilot study and current study number of thirty undergraduates from

were shown in the below Table 1Table FEM in UPM were randomly selected

1: Summary of the reliability cronbach to answer the questionnaire through

alpha value

online. From the result of pilot study, it Cronbach’s Alpha Value (α)








(n=275) HIV/AIDS Knowledge


0.856 HIV/AIDS Attitudes

Data Collection

data in the selected faculty. Google The online survey method by using

Documents is a free, web-based Google Documents has been utilized

spreadsheet, form and data storage in the present study to collect sufficient

services offered by Google. To create 189

Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman, Vol. 16, No. 2, Juli – Desember , 2017 (176 – 202)

this online questionnaire must have a analyse the findings in this study. The Gmail account. To conduct this online

univariate analysis described by using survey must also need to obtain the

the descriptive statistics while bivariate email

analysis used to determine the undergraduates of FEM as the

relationship between two variables in respondents. After that, invitation link

this study. Two types of bivariate of online questionnaires will be sent

analysis that used in data analysis are out to the respondents. Later, all the

Pearson Correlation and T-test. completed response to the questions will be reply from those respondents

Descriptive analysis is used to identify and their answers will automatically

the distributional collected and saved in an Excel



characteristics of the variables in the spreadsheet and that makes it easier

study. The univariate data (Specific for me to input the large sets of data

objective (1)) is described by using the into the SPSS to analyse the desired

descriptive statistics to give general resultTable 2: Section division for the

descriptions of the data. Descriptive questionnaire

statistics result would be reported using frequency (N), percentage (%), standard deviation, mean, minimum

Part A Respondent’s


and maximum.

Characteristic The correlation between two

Part B Knowledge of HIV/AIDS variables reflects the degree to which the variables were related, while

Part C Attitudes toward HIV/AIDS Pearson’s correlation reflects the

degree of linear relationship between The

