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Sex For Salvation (The Sex Series Book 3) By Adam Weishaupt. In undergoing this life, lots of people

  consistently attempt to do and obtain the very best. New understanding, experience, session, as well as everything that could boost the life will certainly be done. However, lots of individuals sometimes really feel puzzled to obtain those points. Feeling the limited of experience and resources to be better is one of the does not have to own. Nonetheless, there is a very easy point that could be done. This is what your instructor consistently manoeuvres you to do this. Yeah, reading is the solution. Checking out a publication as this Sex For Salvation (The Sex Series Book 3) By Adam Weishaupt and also other recommendations can improve your life quality. How can it be?




Sex For Salvation (The Sex Series Book 3) By Adam Weishaupt. In undergoing this life, lots of

  individuals constantly try to do and also get the ideal. New understanding, experience, session, and also everything that could improve the life will be done. However, many individuals in some cases really feel puzzled to obtain those points. Feeling the minimal of experience and resources to be better is one of the does not have to have. Nonetheless, there is a quite easy thing that could be done. This is exactly what your educator constantly manoeuvres you to do this. Yeah, reading is the response. Checking out a book as this Sex For Salvation (The Sex Series Book 3) By Adam Weishaupt as well as other references can improve your life high quality. How can it be? As one of the home window to open the new world, this Sex For Salvation (The Sex Series Book 3) By Adam


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  The pagan world has always known that sex offers a route to salvation. Abrahamism, on the other hand, has demonised sex and made it dirty and shameful. It's time to get the West back on board with the sexual agenda. Read about Schopenhauer, the great metaphysician of sex. Learn about his Kantian Buddhism and the mysterious Will that underlies all things.

  What was the "orgasm theory" of Wilhelm Reich? Is the Milky Way the cosmic ejaculation of God? Is the family the source of all sexual neuroses, as Reich maintained? Are we imprisoned in rigid Character Armor? In a wide-ranging study of sex, the Pythagorean Illuminati, the oldest secret society in the world, discuss Jim Morrison's notorious Miami gig, how to become Midas, and how to shed sexual inhibition. Take an extraordinary sexual journey that stops off at: St Augustine, Diogenes, Luther, Islam, Fascism, the Royal Wedding, Apollo, Dionysus, the Erotic Society, the female Lucifer, kundalini, karezza, and tantric sex. Did the Christians (notorious misogynists), debate whether woman had souls and whether they could even be considered human? What is the nature of the soul according to Plato? How does Eros power the soul? Is reincarnation enormously more logical than resurrection? What is the ancient religion of Orphism and its significance to the Illuminati? Sales Rank: #843563 in eBooks Published on: 2011-05-07 Released on: 2011-05-07

  Format: Kindle eBook Most helpful customer reviews 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.

  A book about the philosophy of sex. By Brad Gumm This is another excellent book from a series of excellent books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. The Pythagorean Illuminati is an ancient secret society of rational freethinkers that was officially founded by the great polymath Pythagoras. Before its founding by Pythagoras the Illuminati existed as a loose confederation of wandering holy men and women, mystics, and esotericists. The Illuminati are not some villains from a crumby science fiction movie as so many conspiracy theorists would have you believe. In fact, the Illuminati futurologists, technologists, and radicals. Some of the greatest minds in history have been members of the Illuminati, people including: King Solomon, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Plato, Simon Magus, Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe, Hegel, and many others.

  The Pythagorean Illuminati have integrated the subjects of philosophy, science, psychology, politics, history, sociology, religion, the paranormal, and most importantly mathematics, into what scientists have been searching for for years: A Grand Unified Theory of Everything. The Illuminati's Grand Theory answers all of the most important and mysterious questions of existence. Each one of the Illuminati's books delves into multiple aspects of this grand theory. Some of the content can be challenging but the authors of the books are very talented and they make even the most difficult information understandable to everyone.

  These books are not written like dry academic textbooks though they could have been. The authors of these books write with passion and their passion rubs off on the reader. You will constantly find yourself wanting to read just one more page and when you finish a book you won't be able to wait to read the next one in the series.

  My advice for new readers is to begin the series with "The Illuminati" by Adam Weishaupt, "The Illuminati Manifesto" by Adam Weishaupt, and "The Meritocracy Party" by Michael Faust. I feel these three books give a very good overview of the Illuminati's religious and political goals and there philosophy in general.

  After reading these three books you can jump around to whichever books look most interesting to you. I also would try to finish all of the books by Weishaupt and Faust before getting into the new series of books by Mike Hockney called "The God Series". "The God Series" seems to be the culmination of the information that the Illuminati are going to make publicly available about their Grand Unified Theory of Everything. I feel "The God Series" will be much better grasped by a person who has read all of the books that preceded it. This book, "Sex for Salvation", is packed full of thought-provoking and unique information. "Sex for Salvation" is one of three books by Adam Weishaupt that focuses on the philosophy of sex, the other two are "Hypersex" and "Sex: Illuminati Sex". These are not books for people looking for sexual cheap thrills. The books give you a history of different peoples, cultures, and religions ideas about sex and shows you the sexual contradictions currently plaguing the west, particularly America. These books also show you how sex can be transcendental. The other reviewer for this book, "DimitraEkmektsis" hit the nail on the head with her review and I can't add anymore to it. Always remember that these books aren't meant to just be read; they are meant to change the world. The Illuminati are serious people with the goal of changing this insane world we are currently living in into a just, altruistic, rational, Meritocracy for EVERYONE, not just a privileged few. If you are also serious and share this goal then these books are for you. You should read them all asap and you should also check out the Illuminati's website and their facebook page Ancient Order of The Illuminati. As you read these books figure out what skills you can contribute to the crucial project of changing this world and then go out and get active in your community.

  6 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Thank You, Adam, For This Book! By DimitraEkmektsis WOW! A refreshing and well researched document on the eternal truth of human nature. Why is this book not #1 on the bestseller list? Sex is big business (perhaps the biggest?) and yet most humans carry inside them a deep shame and guilt regarding their sexual desires. Now I know why!!! I am an author as well Secret Confessions of a High-Priced Call Girl (AUK Adult) - and I receive many, many emails from readers who ask me how they can overcome their repressions. I would safely give those individuals this book to help them understand what has happened, historically, to create the mess we call sex and sexuality these days. This is an important work, and I highly recommend it to anyone! Ignorance is not bliss, when it comes to human sexuality. Knowing the information in this book is to eliminate the roadblocks to a better sex life.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Not worht it By Odino Huaman Waste of time and money. Bunch of nonsense. I was hoping for a more meaningful topic. Oh well, live and learn.

  See all 3 customer reviews...




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Sex For Salvation (The Sex Series Book 3) By Adam Weishaupt. In undergoing this life, lots of people

  consistently attempt to do and obtain the very best. New understanding, experience, session, as well as everything that could boost the life will certainly be done. However, lots of individuals sometimes really feel puzzled to obtain those points. Feeling the limited of experience and resources to be better is one of the does not have to own. Nonetheless, there is a very easy point that could be done. This is what your instructor consistently manoeuvres you to do this. Yeah, reading is the solution. Checking out a publication as this Sex For Salvation (The Sex Series Book 3) By Adam Weishaupt and also other recommendations can improve your life quality. How can it be?