Pemaknaan dan Penerapan Jurnalistik Oleh Pelajar SMA Partisipan Rubrik.

YHUSANTI PRATIWI SAYOGO, 210110060327, 2012. This research is titled
“The Construction of Journalism Reality in the Participating Students of ‘My
School Page’ in Hai Magazine”. It was supervised by Dra. Hj. Henny Sri
Mulyani, M.Si. as the primary supervisor and Gumgum Gumilar, S.Sos., M.Si. as








Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University.
This research was aimed to figure out how the participating students in Hai
Magazine’s My School Page constructed journalism through their journalistic
activities. The data of this research is obtained through phenomenology analysis
of in-depth interviews and literature study. The subjects of this research are the
actively participating students in Hai Magazine’s My School Page.
This research has shown that the participating students in Hai Magazine’s
My School Page conducted their journalistic activities through externalisation,
objectivation, and internalisation. The research has discovered three findings.
Firstly, in the process of externalisation, the attempts of the informants to enter
the realm of journalism were influenced by the people around them. Secondly, in
the process of objectivation, the informants produced journalistic works through
the process of interaction by conducting journalistic activities. Lastly, in the
process of internalisation, the self-concept and meaning were formed through the
conducted journalistic activities.
This research concluded that the participating students in Hai Magazine’s
My School Page have had a certain view on journalism as an activity with the
purpose of gathering, processing, and disseminating information, including views,
to the parties involved in it with their abilities. Being journalism practitioners, to
the participating students, was a way to know and experience the work of mass

media. The participating students also viewed Hai Magazine’s My School Page as
a bridging to the school as well as a means of learning journalism in both
theoretical and direct practices. The researcher therefore suggests that more


researches are conducted with the use of students as research subjects instead of
objects or respondents in journalism-related issues.