INTRODUCTION Techniques In Teaching Reading To The Seventh Grade Of Smp Negeri 2 Wonogiri.




Background of the Study
Learning English involves the four language skills, namely
listening, writing, speaking, and reading. The teachers should develop these
four language skills in order that their students could use the skills to
communicate or express their thoughts, feeling and opinions in English. Of
the four language skills, reading constitutes an important skill to master.
According to Harmer (2005: 68) in Fauziati (2010:32) reading text
provides opportunities for students to learn vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation and even good models for English writing – the way
sentence, paragraphs, or texts are constructed. Last but not the least, reading
texts can introduce interesting topics and stimulate discussion.
Reading is one skill that must be mastered. By having this skill
students are be able to obtain information from a reading text. Besides
getting information, reading also increases knowledge, because by reading

a lot of information will be received and reading also add our vocabulary.
Grellet (1992:8) writes that the reading comprehension should not be
separated from other skills. There are few cases in real life when we do not
talk or write about what we have read or when we do not relate what we
have read to something we might have heard.



Generally, teaching reading started with the teacher entered into
classroom and asked the students to open the book or teacher bring
examples of text and then the students were asked reading the text. In fact,
the method is unattractive and make students become bored. Reading still be
a big problem for students because growing a desire to reading to students is
very difficult. One important thing which the teacher must do is to make
students interested in reading activity.
In the teaching of reading, teachers must master a variety of
techniques that can be adjusted to classroom conditions. According Fauziati
(2010:17) technique encompasses the actual moment-to-moment practices

and behaviors that operate in teaching a language according to a particular
method. In other words, technique is classroom practices done by teacher
when presenting a language program. This is the way the classroom
activities are integrated into lessons and used as the basis for teaching and
One of the most important aspects of teaching reading techniques
is to help increase students vocabulary and to make sure that when they read
new words they understand them and how to put them into the correct
context. Various kinds of techniques can be used to teach reading. By
forming a discussion group can facilitate students in learning. Students learn
to work together with other students to interpret and answer the worksheet
from the teacher. Usually, one class is made up of five discussion groups
and there are 6 to 5 students in it. This technique can also be called


cooperative learning technique. According to Richards and Rodgers
(2004:192) in Fauziati (2009:164) it is an approach to teaching that makes
maximum use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of
learners in the classroom.

Another technique that can be used to teach reading is K-W-L-H
technique. This technique is often used by teachers to teach descriptive
reading. K-W-L-H is a model for active thinking during reading. The four
stand for helping students to get information from the descriptive reading
text, (a) what students know about the subject. (b) what students want to
learn. (c) what students learn as they read, and (d) How students can learn
The most common techniques used by teachers in teaching reading
is reading aloud and silent reading. In teaching using techniques of reading
aloud teacher assigns students to read aloud or teacher read aloud the
sentence then the students repeat the sentence has been pronounced loud by
teacher as well. Another example is, according to Fauziati (2009:39),
students take turns reading sections of passage, play, or dialog out loud. At
the end of each student’s turn, the teacher use gestures, pictures, realia,
examples or other means to make the meaning of the section clear. Then,
silent reading is reading techniques so that students can understand the
content of reading to read it silently.
In this research, the writer choose the seventh grade
students of SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri to do the research. SMP Negeri 2


Wonogiri is the favorite school there. Teaching English focuses on learning
language skills. There are listening, reading, speaking, writing and
intergrated vocabulary and grammar. This school is a good alternative for
children because this school is pilot project school for 2013 curiculum. In
SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri has not been fully used apply 2013 curiculum. So,
the techniques used in there not entirely used scientific approach. According
to Suharyadi (2013:1348) scientific Approach is paramount to better the
quality of teaching and learning. SA is believed to be able to develop
students‟ affection, skills, and knowledge. SA is also considered relevant with
the idea that learning is a scientific process in the classroom. Thus, how learning
takes place should be scientific-based, meaning that all processes and steps of
learning should reflect fixed procedures starting from observing, questioning,
associating, experimenting, and networking.

The writer is interested in observing the seventh grade of SMP
Negeri 2 Wonogiri because, at this level, many students can’t understand the
techniques of reading. Junior High School students are transition from
elementary to middle school. To understand the reading text is too difficult

for students, still little known about vocabularies as is a problem. Students
were too lazy to open the dictionary, whereas to understand a reading text
must know the meaning of each word that is reasonably difficult. Especially,
the ability to read which should understand a lot of vocabulary in order to
understand and comprehend the text readings is served by the teacher.
Therefore, teachers must have a good technique for teaching reading skills.


Based on the reason above, the writer wants to write the research

Scope of the study
In this study, the writer limits her study on techniques for teaching
reading to the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri. The research
concerns with techniques in teaching reading and the procedures of teaching
reading. The writer takes the data from 7G and 7H of students.


Problem Statement
Based on the background of the research, the problems that will be
discussed in this study are follows:

What are the techniques in teaching reading to the seventh grade of
SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri?


What are the procedures of teaching reading to the seventh grade of
SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri?


The objectives of Study
Based on the problem statement, the objectives of the study of this research
are to identify:


The techniques in teaching reading to the seventh grade of SMP
Negeri 2 Wonogiri.


The procedures of teaching reading to the seventh grade of SMP
Negeri 2 Wonogiri.



Significant of the Study
The result of this study can contribute some benefits to students, teacher,
and school. Here are the benefits:
1. Theoretical Benefits
a. The research is talking about teaching reading of the junior high
school students, so it is expected that research help the readers to

know about the reading ability of the junior high school students.
b. This research is expected to give a valuable experience which can
be used for doing a better action in the future.
2. Practical Benefits
a. For the English teacher, teacher can develop and clarify ideas
about their field of study and research method.
b. The result of this study will help the English teacher and the
learners solve their problems in teaching and learning English
especially in reading skill.


Research Paper Organization
The writer divides this paper into five chapters, as follows:
Chapter I is Introduction. It consists of background of the study,
scope of the study, problem statement, the objectives of study, significant of
the study and research paper organization.
Chapter II is Underlying theory. It relates to previous study that
related of this research and theoretical review consists of notion of reading,
teaching reading consists of notion of teaching reading, the techniques of


teaching reading comprehension, classroom activity, reading skills,
classroom procedure, the principles of teaching reading.
Chapter III is research method. This chapter presents type of the
study, research participants, object of the study, data and data source, data
collection techniques, instrument, data analysis techniques.
Chapter IV is about finding and discussion of research findings.
Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion based on the discussion of
research finding.