PROS Sri S, Mulyanto, Nughtoh AK The determinant of travel fulltext

Proceedings of the IConSSE FSM SWCU (2015), pp. MA.90–92


ISBN: 978-602-1047-21-7

The determinant of traveled expenditure and the number of
visitors in Semarang District
Sri Subantia, Mulyantob, Nughtoh Arfawi Kurdic

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Faculty of Economics and Business,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Sebelas Maret University, Jl Ir Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

The objective of this study was to know the determinant of traveled expenditure and
the number of visitors at some tourist destinations in Semarang District. By using

primary data obtained from survey to the tourists who were visiting. Methods of analysis
with econometric approach through logistic regression and ordinary least squares (OLS).
The determinants number of visitors were the experience of visiting, travel costs,
revenue, budget allocations traveled in a month, age, gender, and the origin of the
respondents, while the determinants of traveled expenditure were revenue, perception,
distance, and number of family members.
Keywords number of visitors, traveled expenditure

1. Introduction
The Semarang District is a district in Central Java Province whose capital is Ungaran.
Administrative boundaries are bordered by Semarang City and Demak District in the north,
Boyolali District istrict and Grobogan District in the south, Kendal District and Temanggung
District in the west. Salatiga district is at the middle of the Semarang District. Semarang
District has natural tourism, cultural, historical heritage of war, and the interesting history of
One of the economic activities which until now needs to be improved in the Semarang
District is the tourism sector, because tourism is a sector that is very complex and
multidimensional whether physical, social, cultural, economic and political. Tourism activities
includes not only foreign and domestic tourists, but also some activities that provide services
to tourists such as hotels, business trips, guides, restaurants, and so on. Success in the

tourism is reflected by the increasing number of visitors.
Tourism activity is an activity chain that involves various sectors and agencies
concerned. Tourism is one area in people's lives in Semarang District, which in recent years
has become one of the priorities in development. It is based on the awareness of the local
government that can support the development of tourism revenue at the same area can
improve the lives of people living in tourist areas. For the evaluation of the impact of the
tourism in a region on the socioeconomic conditions of society become important thing to
note. Semarang District is one of the tourist areas are often visited by people of its own
district and outside Semarang District moreover some even come from outside Java.
Therefore, this study to determine the factors that influence the traveled expenditure and
the number of visitor in Semarang District.


S. Subanti, Mulyanto, N.A. Kurdi


2. Materials and methods
Travel cost model applied in this study. It assumes that individual demand for the

recreation to tourism site is affected by the cost of travel, individual preferences, as well as
socio-economic characteristics or socioeconomic or demographic characteristics. Thus, the
general form is expressed in the form of mathematical notation functionality of the model to
be estimated is as follows:
væv æ = ) , çrxçü, xüçô, æ› ç › +,
where the number of individual visits is a proxy of individual requests for recreation to
tourism site is affected by the cost of travel, individual preferences, as well as socio-economic
characteristics. In econometrics, Eq. (1) above can be written again as follows:
væv æ = m +
+ çrxçü + ‰ æ› ç › + ï xüçô + .
The model for traveled expenditure as follows :
ü( ç