The languange attitude of English Education Department students in Sunan Ampel Islamic State University in learning english.




Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan (S. Pd) in Teaching English


Nur Labibatus Sholihah

NIM D05212024












Labibatus, Sholihah Nur. (2017). The Language Attitude of English Education Department Students in Sunan Ampel Islamic State University in Learning English. A Thesis. English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. Advisors: Mokhammad Syaifuddin

Key Words: Language Attitude, Attitude.

Each student has different personality, feeling, argument, and set of behaviors and attitudes toward something or someone. Attitudes held a very significant and crucial role in a learning process. The success and failure in learning a new language, especially foreign language, is seen through the student's attitude toward the language itself, but every attitude cannot be used to determine their personality. In short, there is another factor that is able to influence student's attitude and behavior. That is why, one of the significant of this study is to describe student's attitude toward English. The subjects of this study are English Language Teaching students, class of 2013 to 2015 with the number of respondents in each class are 50 students, so the total respondents are 150 students. Researcher way of collecting the data is by using a questionnaire. There are 45 questions divided into three aspects which are behavior, cognitive, and emotional. Each aspect consists of 15 questions. To measure the aspects, the researcher is using Likert scale. This study is using descriptive statistics. The objective of this study is to understand and learn more on the result of student's attitude in behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspects toward English. The result of this study shows that: students of English teacher education department has positive attitude in learning English which can be seen from three aspect: behavior, cognitive, emotional.



Labibatus, Sholihah Nur. (2017). The Language Attitude of English Education Department Students in Sunan Ampel Islamic State University in Learning English. Tesis Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Guru, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel. Penasihat: Mokhammad Syaifuddin

Kata Kunci: Sikap Bahasa, Sikap.

Setiap siswa memiliki kepribadian, perasaan, argumen, dan tingkah laku dan sikap yang berbeda terhadap seseorang atau seseorang. Sikap memegang peran yang sangat penting dan krusial dalam proses pembelajaran. Keberhasilan dan kegagalan dalam belajar bahasa baru, terutama bahasa asing, dilihat dari sikap siswa terhadap bahasa itu sendiri, namun setiap sikap tidak dapat digunakan untuk menentukan kepribadian mereka. Singkatnya, ada faktor lain yang mampu mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku siswa. Oleh karena itu, salah satu yang penting dalam penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan sikap siswa terhadap bahasa Inggris. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris, kelas 2013 sampai 2015 dengan jumlah responden di masing-masing kelas adalah 50 siswa, sehingga jumlah responden sebanyak 150 siswa. Cara peneliti mengumpulkan data adalah dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Ada 45 pertanyaan terbagi dalam tiga aspek yaitu perilaku, kognitif, dan emosional. Setiap aspek terdiri dari 15 pertanyaan. Untuk mengukur aspek, peneliti menggunakan skala likert. Penelitian ini menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami dan belajar lebih banyak tentang hasil sikap siswa dalam aspek perilaku, kognitif, dan emosional terhadap bahasa Inggris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: siswa jurusan pendidikan guru bahasa Inggris memiliki sikap positif dalam belajar bahasa Inggris yang dapat dilihat dari tiga aspek: perilaku, kognitif, emosional.






MOTTO ... iv









A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Research Question ... 4

C. The Aim of the Study ... 4

D. Significance of the Study ... 4

E. Scope and limitation ... 5

F. Definition of key term ... 5

1. Language Attitude ... 5



1. Attitude ... 6

2. Language attitude ... 9

3. Learning ... 11

4. Components of Attitude ... 13

5. Factors that Influence Attitude ... 16

6. The Scope of the Study of Attitudes ... 18

7. Language Attitude Measurement ... 19

B. Review of Previous Study ... 20

1. Previous Study ... 20

2. This Study ... 28


A. The research Design ... 29

B. The Procedure of Data Collection ... 29

1. Deciding the Population and Sample ... 30

2. Administering the Questionnaire ... 30

C. Research instrument ... 31

D. Data analysis technique ... 32


A. Finding ... 34

1. Behavioral Aspect ... 34


3. Emotional Aspect ... 54

B. Discussion ... 63

1. Behavioral Aspect ... 63

2. Cognitive Aspect ... 68

3. Emotional Aspect ... 71


A. Conclusion ... 75

1. Behavioral Aspect ... 75

2. Cognitive Aspect ... 76

3. Emotional Aspect ... 76

B. Suggestion ... 76




A. Appendix 1 ... 78

B. Appendix 2 ... 81

1. Data 2015 ... 81

2. Data 2014 ... 82



Figu e . Stude ts’ feeli g he speaki g E glish ... 35

Figu e . Stude t’s belief in the use of English to assist in relationship with friends ... 36

Figure 4.3 Stude t’s illi g ess to gi e opi io du i g the E glish lesso ... 37

Figure 4.4 Stude t’s self-management in paying intention during studying English ... 38

Figure 4.5 Stude t’s i te est i speaki g E glish ith thei f ie ds ... 38

Figure 4.6 Stude t’s o fide e i e p essi g the sel es stud i g English ... 39

Figu e . stude t’s i p o e e t he stud i g E glish ... 40

Figu e . stude t’s effo t i doi g ho e o k ... 41

Figure . stude t’s feeli g he the speaki g E glish i the lass ... 41

Figu e . Stude t’s o fide e he speaki g E glish ... 42

Figu e . stude t’s illi g ess to p a ti e the a ati e speake s do ... 43

Figu e . Stude t’s illi g ess i ha i g E glish speaking English ... 43

Figu e . stude t’s e gage e t i aski g E glish task ... 44

Figu e . Stude ts’ feeli g i ha i g E glish lass ... 45

Figure 4.15 Stude t’s i te est o E glish tea he e pla atio ... 46


Figure 4.17 The benefit of studying English ... 47

Figu e . Stude t’s i p o e e t i stud i g E glish ... 48

Figu e . Stude ts’ illi g ess i stud i g E glishFigure ... 48

Figure 4.20 The benefit of English to get information and link to previous knowledge ... 49

Figure 4.21 Stude t’s disa ilit i su a izi g the o te t of E glish su je t ... 50

Figure 4.22 Stude t’s effo t i stud i g E glish ... 50

Figu e . Stude t’s opi io a out o e la guage speake ... 51

Figure 4.24 The benefit of studying English in English communication ... 51

Figu e . Stude t’s disa ilit i eal life i p a ti i g E glish ... 52

Figu e . Stude ts’ sti ulate to eate e ideas ... 53

Figure 4.27 Stude t’s a ilit i a al zi g E glish o te t ... 53

Figure 4.28 Stude ts’ satisfa tio of thei pe fo ance in English Subject. ... 54

Figu e . Stude t’s opi io a out E glish diffi ulties ... 55

Figure 4.30 English content can covers the field of knowledge ... 55

Figu e . Stude t’s e otio al he stud i g E glish ... 56

Figure 4. Stude t’s feeli g i o u i ate English with others... 57

Figu e . Stude t’s feeli g i a s e i g uestio i thei E glish lass ... 57


Figure 4.35 Stude ts’ elie e he stud i g E glish ... 58

Figu e . Stude t’s elie e to get good feeling when studying English ... 59

Figure 4.37 Stude t’s p efe e e i stud i g fo eig la guage ... 59

Figu e . Stude t’s e jo e t i doi g E glish a ti it ... 60

Figu e . Stude t’s pleasu e i stud i g E glish ... 61

Figu e . Stude t’s ishes i influence of English speaking ... 61

Figu e . Stude t’s i te est i stud i g E glish ... 62

Figu e . Stude t’s elie e a out E glish makes them more confident ... 62

Figu e . Stude ts’ i te est i E glish lass ... 63

Figu e . Stude ts’ goal i stud i g English ... 64



The purpose of this chapter was to find out how the language attitude of the students towards learning English language. This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of research problem, significance of the study, aim of the study, scope and limitation of study and definition of key term of the study. Each section was presented as follows.

A. Background of the Study

In Indonesia, English was one of the subjects that were taught, In Indonesian educational curriculum. It was learnt by primary school students up to university students, starting from memorizing the vocabulary until producing the language. However, there was a big problem faced by most of the English learners in Indonesia. Indonesian learners seldom use the language as habit in their daily life, just because English was as foreign language. So, when the learners were asked by the condition to perform their English, they had lack confidence to do it. It happens in every level of learners.

Based on the result of National examination research by educational and cultural ministry in 2015, for English subject, the National examinational average value of UN SMP or MTs 2013 – 2014 increase by 0.82 compared to the year 2012- 2013. None of the provinces impaired for English subject. East java province, the highest comprehension was 70,83% in the material “memahami wacana” which was more batter than national comprehension


was 65,61%.1 It proves those students’ achievement scores in English increases. In fact, they do not prove their English ability in their daily life.

English was a foreign language. That fact happens on campus as well. The researcher had been observing that most of the learners in English education department also face similar problem as mentioned above. They were lack of confidence to use English for communication. They still use Indonesian or mother language when they present their assignment or make a dialogue with their friends. Most of them admit that they had less confidence to speak or use English as their daily language. They actually had been learning English for 9 years, since 4th of elementary class until 12th of Senior high school, but they still had no confidence to use it. The phenomenon may indicate that the teaching-learning of English in Indonesia was not successful yet.

Many kinds of learning strategies and approach were done to improve the success of English learning in English education department in UINSA. As the strategy to make English teaching effective, the lectures prepare curriculum, material and adequate facilities, for example projector, sound system, and laboratory. Those strategies were appropriate with what Yusuf (as cited in Khoir) asserted that some factors affected the English teaching successes were material, students, teacher, curriculum, and facilities.2 In

1Kemendikbud, “Laporan Hasil Riset Ujian Nasional” (Litbang, 2014).

2 Mohammad Khoir, “The Language Attitude of Learners of English Department UIN Sunan Kalijaga Toward English” (Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University, 2014), 1.


addition, the language learning attitude was also categorized as the factor affected the teaching-learning success.3

In this research the researcher observed the language attitude of English education department students in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (UINSA). Normally, attitude was in between think and act, a person who learn English and had positive attitude toward the language, will behave positively to the language such as speaking with their friends in English, attending English club, reading English material, listening to the English music, watching English movie and joining English competition etc. however, it will be questioned if such a problem the attitude was positive, but the act was negative such as they seldom speak English with their friends, attend English club, read English material, listen to the English music, watch English movie and join English competition etc. Precisely observed in English education department the students may say they proud of English language but they seldom speak English with their friends or present the English material in front of the class.

This study was aimed to investigate the language learning attitude of the students’ English education department. The population of the research was students of English education department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The researcher expectation that was the approach and the method used in English education department can be upgraded upon knowing the learners’ language attitude of English Education Department of UINSA.



B. Research Questions

What are the language attitudes of English education students in UINSA in learning English?

C. The Aim of the Study

This research was to find out the Language attitude of the students in English teacher education department in learning English.

D. Significance of Study

This result of the study was expected to give the benefit for the faculty, for the students, for the teacher and for the researcher.

1. For the faculty, the researcher expects that the result of the study will enrich the information regarding students’ attitude in learning English and inform a new curriculum design in the English department.

2. For the lecturers, it will give the new information about the students’ attitude then the lecturer will know students’ need and what they had to do for preparing their teaching plan. So, that the lecturer can make the situation of teaching English more conducive.

3. For the researcher, this research will give new experience and knowledge about how to do the research. Hopefully it can give benefit to the researcher for her future career.

E. Scope and limitation

In this research the object of the study was the students of English teacher education department at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya classes of 2013, 2014, and 2015 they were selected randomly. Although, Norbert says that


attitude itself had some aspects. They were cognitive, effective, motivational and behavioral components.4 The researcher was only focusing on three main aspects. The three aspects were behavioral, cognitive and emotional aspect5

F. Definition of key term

1. Language Attitude

According Anderson (as cited in Suhardi) states, the language attitude was as system relates to the language which create a negative or positive responds and according to Abidin et al, the attitude concept had three components; behavior, cognitive and emotional. These three attitudinal aspects were based on the three theoretical approaches of behaviorism, cognitivism and humanism respectively.

In this research the researcher used the term language attitude as the automatic responds which come from the repeated action of person, and it was influenced by behavioral, cognitive, and emotional aspect.

4Norbert Schward, “The Construction of Attitude,” n.d. 5

Mohamad Jafre Zainol Abidin, Majid Pour-Mohammadi, and Hanan Alzwari, “EFL Students’

Attitudes towards Learning English Language: The Case of Libyan Secondary School Students,”

Asian Social Science 8, no. 2 (January 29, 2012), accessed August 2, 2016,




The review of the related literature was intended to give an evidence and about the conceptual framework and description about Students attitude. This theoretical explanation was the foundation of this research. On this chapter, there were some aspects to study:

A. Review of Related Literature

1. Attitude

a. Definition

Baker states that currently the use of the term of attitude is

different from its original meaning. Attitude originally is ―a posture

or pose in painting or drama‖ the word is derived from the Latin

word aptitude which means „readiness or tendency’ and the Italian

atto (latin= actus) which means „action‖. However it appears to be

aptitude for action which means having tendency towards certain action.1

The root meaning above in the definition of attitude by

Alport (as cited in Garner) is ―a mental or neural state of readiness or

organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic

influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related‖.2


Colin Baker, Attitude and Language (UK: Multilingual Matters, 1992), 11.


R.C. Gardner, Social Psichology and Second Language Learning: The Role of Attitude and Motivation (London: Edward Arnold, 1985), 8.


For ajzen , an attitude is ―a disposition to respond favorably or unfavorably to an object, person, institution, or event.‖3 The favorable and unfavorable response in this definition relates to the attitude measurements. Meanwhile, a person, institution, or event is an important factor to construct the measurement scale.

Garder states that an individual’s attitude is ―an evaluating

reaction to some referent or attitude object, inferred on the basic of

the individual’s beliefs or opinion about the referent‖4considering

this meaning the individual’s attitude tends to be the individual’s

behavior. The attitude is embodied into the behavior. Individual will frequently behave based on the belief and the response to the object.

In Cambridge Advance Learners’ Dictionary, attitude is ―a feeling or

opinion about something or someone, or way behaving that is caused

by this‖5

Dawes and Mar’at display the resume of explanations about

attitude according to Alport’s writing: Attitude obtained by learning; attitude is not obtained genetically. Attitude is Obtained from social intercourse, whether behavior or verbal communication.

a. Attitude is tied to the attitude object which is concrete or abstract.


Baker, Attitude and Language, 11.


Gardner, Social Psichology and Second Language Learning: The Role of Attitude and Motivation, 9.


b. Attitude has affective nature, for example attitude includes feeling which can express through choosing the option of attitude object(positive, neutral, or negative)

c. Attitude has substance of time dimension, for example the attitude can agree with the certain time, but it can disagree with another time.

d. Attitude has substance of time dimension, for example the attitude can agree with the certain time, but it can disagree with another time.

e. Attitude has substance of sustainable; for example attitude will be consistent if follows the principle.6

Attitude can be known by interpretation. (suhardi) Krech, Allport and Campbell in Mar'at defines attitude as follows:7

a. Attitude is a lasting system of the assessment is positive or negative, emotional feelings and the tendency to give respect to an object.

b. Attitude is the mental readiness organized through experience, is used to determine a person's response to all objects and situations.

c. Attitude of an individual is the steadiness act or respond to an object.

6Basuki Suhardi, ―Sikap Bahasa‖ (Universitas Indonesia, 1996), 18. 7Mar’at,


The same thing also expressed by Natawijaya about the attitude:

Mental attitude is the willingness of individuals that influence, even determine the color the individual concerned activities in response to the object or situation that gives meaning to him. This willingness may be expressed in the activities (actions or words) or a latent force that is sometimes channeled.8

Based on the definition above it can be concluded that attitude is the tendency to act with respect to a particular object.

Attitude is instead of real action (overt behavior) but it’s still closed

(covert behavior). Of all the sense in the above expression can be taken a sense of attitude, which is an assessment of a person's attitude toward an object, situation, concept, others and themselves due to the result of the process of learning and experience in the field who expressed a sense of love (positive response) and distaste (negative response). Attitude is one type of affective characteristics that determine a person's success in the learning process.

2. Language Attitude

The term of language attitude was derived from the relationship between attitude and language. Holmes explains that it was someone reflections views about the language and some things associated with.9 David Crystal also asserts that language attitude was a feeling had by someone about their own language or foreign language.10 It means that a person can had positive or negative value because of some reasons. The


Rahman Natawijaya, Memahami Tingkah Laku Sosial (Jakarta: Firma Hasmar, 1986), 40.


Jannet Holmes, An Introduction to Sociolinguistic (London: Longman, 1992), 346.


David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (USA: Blackwell Publishing, 2008), 266.


detailed reason was caused by their background and the language rules.11

Padwick opines (As cited in Abidin et al), the language attitude was assumed as the significant factor of the successful of language learning beside the intellectual aspect.12 Baker proposes the theory which was focused on the attitudes in language learning field as, ―In the life of a language, attitudes to that language appear to be important in

language restoration, preservation, decay or death‖.13 When the interest and tendency to communicate with others was not possessed by the learners, a negative attitude, unenthusiastic, and lees motivation in language learning will appears. It was showed that language attitude had a significant contribution and facilitation the language learning of the learners.14

When the learners had a positive attitude about the language which was being learned, the positive behavior (such as, the learners like to learn new vocabulary then practice it in every time) will appear. Kasana (as cited in Wulandari) asserted that the learners’ positive language attitude can be seen from their behavior, as well as the contrary.15




Zainol Abidin, Pour-Mohammadi, and Alzwari, ―EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Language,‖ 121.


Baker, Attitude and Language, 9.


Zainol Abidin, Pour-Mohammadi, and Alzwari, ―EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Language,‖ 121.

15 Atik Wulandari, ―Sikap Siswa Kelas VII SMPN Yogyakarta Terhadap Bahasa Indonesia‖


From the statements above the researcher concludes that language attitude was the positive or negative responds, feeling, and confidence about the own or other language, and it will take an effect on how the people use that language.

Therefore, learners’ attitudes can incorporate in language learning

because it may influence their performance in acquiring the target language. When learners had positive attitude on their language (in this study we take English as the object), they will show some positive indication, for example;

1. They proud with the language 2. They often use the language 3. They had a language community

4. They like to add new vocab than use it for communication 5. They assume that the language was important

3. Learning

a. Definition and significance of learning

Learning process is a fundamental element to education activity. This means that the success or failure of achieving the goal of education is highly dependent on the learning process experienced by students. Thus it is important for educators to truly understand the meaning of learning.

Modern education experts formulate the act of learning is a form of growth in a person that is expressed in the ways of behaving


which recently thanks to the experience and practice. The behaviors for example are, from not knowing to knowing, understanding the emergence of a new, emotional, etc.16

Learning also as a change in personality marked a new pattern which can be a sense. The definition of learning that unites the formulation obtained from three short definition of learning. First, learning is a change in one's self.17 Such changes can occur in terms of skill, in a manner, or in a sense, and soon. Someone who has learned, she/he will snot has same condition with a previous state when he/she has not learned.

Second, learning is new patterns mastery. Learning action based on several principles that dominated the principle of sufficient holding the basic arrangement of an experience. Third, learning is proficiency mastery, attitudes, and understanding. Proficiency contains of practice skills. Attitudes are the things that relate to the way of thinking and feeling to the problems that contains the value, while the notion is related experience rational or common sense.

Learning is everyone activity. Knowledge skills, habits, indulgence, and a person's attitude is formed, modified and evolved due to learning. Because the person is learning, if it can be assumed in others it becomes a process of events that result in a change in behavior. From some of the above study, it can be said that a


Haji Abu Ahmadi, Psikologi Sosial. (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2009), 256.


Purwa Atmaja Parwira, Psikologi Pendidikan Dalam Perspektif Baru (Yogyakarta: Ar-ruzz Media, 2012), 225.


learning activity within the containing object and purpose of the same is to be better than before the so-called learning.

4. Components of attitude

Attitude is a concept that helps in understanding human behavior. Travers, Gagne, and Cronbach agree that attitude involves three components that interact with the object.18

Attitude had various components. There were many perspectives to measure it. The researcher decides to take the most attitude component used by some researchers. Behavior cognitive and emotional was the main aspect used to measure the attitude.

a. Behavior

Behavior or conative component is involving one of predisposition to act towards the object. For example, because the money is worth something, people liked it, and they are trying to get a big salary.19

Component behavior is influenced by the cognitive component. This component relates to the tendency to act so that in some literature this component is called the action tendency component. Action tendency components can be divided into two kinds.

1) Positive attitude. The attitude of the show, accept acknowledge, approve. And implement associated with the object.


Haji Abu Ahmadi, Psikologi Sosial., 152.

19 Kurnia Rian Rachmasari, ―Correlation Between Students Attitude and Their Achievement in English of Second Grade at Man Trenggalek Academic Year 2013/2014‖ (2013), 15.


2) Negative attitude, attitudes which show or showed rejection or disagree on matters relating to the object.20

Chaer said “when these three components in line, then its unpredictable behavior suggest an attitude. But if not consistent, then in terms of the behavior cannot be used to determine the attitude. Components that are not in line can cause the mechanism changes from the original negative attitudes to positive gradually. However, such an extreme attitude strongly agree or strongly disagree usually not easy to be changed.”21

This aspect deals with how the reaction of the language learners on the particular situation which was related to the language learned by. The behavior aspect was the success key of language learning. The learners will adopt or duplicate the native behavior in using language, and then they will practice it as their behavior. It was the reason why the positive behavior was crucial in the process of language learning. Kara stated (as cited in Abidin et al) that,

“Positive attitudes lead to the exhibition of positive behaviors toward courses of study, with participants

absorbing themselves in courses and striving to learn more.

Such students were also observed to be more eager to solve





problems, to acquire the information and skills useful for

daily life and to engage themselves emotionally.” 22

b. Cognitive

Cognitive component, associated with knowledge, beliefs or thoughts that are based on information associated with the object. For example, people know that it's worth the money, because they see the price in daily life.23 Our attitude towards money it implies that we know about the value of money.

This aspect involves the learners believe about the language as a knowledge that can be received and understood in the language learning process. The cognitive aspect could be classified into four steps;

1) Connecting the previous knowledge and the new one 2) Creating new knowledge

3) Checking new knowledge

4) Applying new knowledge in every situation

c. Emotional

Affective component, refers to the emotional dimension of attitudes, emotions are associated with the object. Here the object perceived as pleasant or unpleasant. For example, if someone says


Mohamad Jafre Zainol Abidin, Majid Pour-Mohammadi, and Hanan Alzwari, ―EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Language: The Case of Libyan Secondary School Students,‖

Asian Social Science 8, no. 2 (January 29, 2012): 121, accessed March 31, 2017,

23 Kurnia Rian Rachmasari, ―Correlation Between Students Attitude and Their Achievement in


that they are happy the money, they describe their feelings toward money.

Feng and Chen (as cited in Abidin et al) state that, ―Learning process was an emotional process. It was affected by different emotional factors. The teacher and his students engage in various emotional activities in it and varied fruits of emotions were yield.‖24 It means that attitude can help the language learners to express whether they like or dislike the object or language. When they like it, there were some indications appear from them, as well as the contrary. The inner emotion expressed by the learners can be an advantage or disadvantage to their process language learning process. Choy and Trudy assert, it was agreed that the inner feelings and emotions of FL learners influence their perspectives and their attitudes towards the target language.25

5. Factors That Influence Attitudes

Factors that influence attitudes:26

a. Personal experience

It can be the basis for the formation of attitudes; personal experiences should leave a strong impression. Therefore, the attitude will be more easily formed when personal experience occurs in situations involving emotional factors.


Zainol Abidin, Pour-Mohammadi, and Alzwari, ―EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English Language,‖ 122.





b. Influence others that are considered important

In general, people tend to have a conformist attitude or direction of the attitude of people who are considered important. This tends among motivated by the desire for affiliation and the desire to avoid conflict with the people who are considered important.

c. Influence of culture

Unwittingly steering line culture has instilled our attitude towards various issues. Culture has colored the attitude of members of the community, because the pattern is culture that gives individuals experience public care.

d. The mess media

In the newspapers and the healthcare radio or other communications media, which supposedly factual news delivered objective likely to be influenced by the attitude of the author, consequently affect the attitudes of consumers.

e. Institute of Education and Religious Institutions

Moral concepts and teachings of educational institutions and religious institutions determine the belief system it is not surprising that in turn affects the attitude concept.

f. Emotional Factors

Sometimes, a form of attitude is a statement that is based on emotion which serves as a sort of channeling frustration or alienation of the ego defense mechanisms.


6. The Scope of the Study of Attitudes

The concept of attitude is very popular in the realm of social psychology, because the purpose of psychology is to explain and predict human behavior, and attitudes can affect behavior are considered. Thus, social attitudes serve as an indicator or tool to predict the behavior. To change the behaviors of course have to change the attitude starts from the first. A27

It is described above, the concept of attitudes play an important role in behavioral models of social psychology (StahlbergandFrey1996:206).

Research on these attitudes continues to evolve and be debated in the realm of social psychology. Similarly, the amount of attention the psychologist's attitude to the problem so that Allport considers attitude as the most important cornerstones of social psychology and Knops considers attitude as one of the main concepts in social psychology.28

In addition to being a social psychology, the concept of attitude is also one educational research attention. The second view considers attitude as (input) input and output (output). For example, a positive attitude towards mathematics or language learning can be a vital input in the subjects of mathematics achievement or language. In this context, attitudes are influential factors that affect educational outcomes. Attitudes can also be the result of learning itself.29


Alport G.W, Attitude in the History of Social Psychology, 1954, 24.





7. Language attitude measurement

Language attitude towards language being learned had been researched many times by language teachers and psychology. Language attitude can be positive or negative. In reality, some people may also hold a neutral attitude. To measure the attitude of someone toward the language which is being learnt by her/ him, Wallace lambert and Gardner introduce a measuring instrument. They are namely integrative and instrumental orientation.

a. Integrative orientation

Jendra explores that integrative orientation is an orientation of learners to integrate themselves into the language that is being learnt. Learners do not only learn a language to have skill in it, but also wish to know, imitate, or adapt themselves to the culture related to the native speakers of the language. They may read a lot of book, use the language in speaking to people whom he meets, etc. By this attitude, learners mostly succeed in learning the language.

b. Instrumental orientation

Instrumental orientation refers to the orientation of learners that the study the language to fulfill the material needs only. Learners do not need to be part of culture related to the language. They have no interest in reading books, watching movies, or speaking with the natives. Learners who have this attitude tent to be less successful in learning language.


Both the theories of language attitude are applied in analyzing the language attitude of students of English teacher education department UINSA. The trip rate components of attitude (behavior, cognitive and

emotional) are applied to measure the students’ attitude. Meanwhile, the

theory which is convoyed by Gardner and Lambert is applied to know the orientation factors of students in learning English.

B. Review of Previous Study

A research, in order to be accepted must have foundation underlying it; and one of foundations is using previous study for this research. Knowing previous study was finding, we can understand what had been done and undone yet that can help us in doing next research.

The topic of language attitude widely discussed in sociolinguistic. It refers to studying the relationship between language and society. It was associated with same social sciences such as anthropology, sociology, or social psychology. While sociolinguistic and social psychology conquer in analyzing how attitude and perception presented and how the in group and out group behavior identifies.30

1. Previous Study

Studies on language attitude had been conducted over the years and across the world, there were some studies related with the study. The



first study was carried out by Gajalakshmi by the title ―High school students’ attitude toward Learning English Language‖. The previous

study was attempted to investigate the IX- standard students’ attitude toward learning English Language in high and higher secondary school in Puducherry region. The participants of this study were 600 IX standard students were selected from 14 High School and Higher Secondary Schools in Puducherry region. A standardized questioner was administered in the form of standard students, to collect their attitude toward Learning English Language; the collected data was statistically analyzed by SPSS 20. The result was there were significant differences based on gender, locality of the school, type of the school, type of

management and also in father’s and mother’s occupation.31

As well as research conducted by Sanae Tsuda from Tokai Gauken University. This paper was a sequel to this research focusing on

the students’ attitude towards English and written comments which had not been analyzed in their previous paper, by the tittle ―Attitude English

Language Learning in Higher Education in Japan (2): Raising Awareness of the Nation of Global English‖. It showed that two thirds of the students said that they did not like to study English. This paper tried to found why so many students did not like to study it by comparing the attitudes of the students who liked English and those who did not like English and reviewing their comments in the questionnaire. The


respondents consist of two groups there were a group consist of 159 students and B group consist of 347 students of higher Education in Japan. The researcher used the questionnaire to find the students attitude, finally the questionnaire results showed two third of A and B group students did not like to study English because they had not had much feeling of success in their learning experience. At the same time, many of the students were interested in speaking with people overseas and they did not have many hostile feeling against English or English speaking countries.32

Another study was conducted by Diego Uribe Martinez by the

title ―Attitudes of American Students toward Learning English as a

Second language in A Structured Immersion Program‖. This study involved the examination of the attitude of a grip of Mexican students toward learning English as a second language in a structured immersion program. It also analyzed the extent to which these attitudes differ in relation to the variables of gander and performance in English. The participants were 110 students (girls were 56 and boys were 54) in grade 8-12 in the Compton Unified School District (California, USA). In this district, students with an English proficiency range from the beginner to intermediate (level 1, 2 and 3). All the participants had participated in this program since they enrolled at the school for the first time and could be considered prototypes of the many students in ELD (English

32Sanae Tsuda, ―Attitudes toward English Language Learning in Higher Education in Japan (2)

: Raising Awareness of the Notion of Global English,‖ Intercultural Communication Studies 12, no. 3 (2003): 61–75.


Language Development) programs who attend Suburhan schools in California. The instrument of this study was questioner with four

subscales was used to measure students’ attitude toward learning English

as L2 in structured impression program. The questionnaire was specifically designed for the study and was based mainly on models implemented by gender. SPSS 18.0 was used for the analysis of data obtained from the four attitudinal subscales, while ANOVA was also

used to see possible differences in students’ responses based on the independent variable (gender and performance in English). The last was the results of this study indicated that the attitude of Mexican American students toward learning English as a L2 within a structured immersion program were generally positive. This sample of students seemed to feel that studying English were a needed in their lives; more positive attitudes were expected.33

Sandoval-Pineda, Angelica from the university of Arizona, he studied about relationship between attitude and motivation with English language achievement among Mexican university students across three

undergraduate academic programs by the title ―Attitude, Motivation and English Language Learning in a Mexican College Context‖. the

participants of this research were applied to select three academic programs within the University of Aztlan. For this study, a school with a consistently high percentage of students passing the institutional

33 Diego Uribe Martínez and José Gutiérrez Pérez, ―Attitudes of Mexican American Students towards Learning English as a Second Language in a Structured Immersion Program,‖ Porta Linguarum: revista internacional de didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras, no. 20 (2013): 205–221.


computerized English exams that was School of Medicine, Dentistry or Chemistry), School of Engineering, and a school whose percentage of students passing the exams was consistently low that was School of Animal Science, School of Agro-technological sciences were needed. It was used quantitative such as a survey and an adapted version of the AMTB. The researcher used qualitative research instruments and techniques (interviews, class observations, and a questionnaire). The result of this study was; 1) Student participants display positive motivation and attitudes toward learning English as a second language in general, but these motivation and attitudes towards the English classes they receive in the University. 2) These attitudes and motivations could be affected by the way in which the English language program was

structured. 3) Students „interested in foreign languages, motivational intensity to learn English and teacher evaluation could impact students

„scores in their English exams when they were in the first assessed, but

that scores improved once students understood the assessment process, discover what information was evaluated in the exams, and focused on the areas to be assessed.34

Another hand was studied attitude of English (Teaching English as a second Language/ Applied linguistic) from Iowa State University by Basma Ebrahem Alshaar. This study examined attitude and motivation of

second language learners in Kuwait by the tittle ―Attitude and Motivation


Angelica Sandoval-Pineda, ―Attitude, Motivation and English Language Learning in a Mexican

College Context‖ (2011), accessed August 2, 2016,


of Second Language Learners in Kuwait‖. He used a self- report questionnaire was adapted from Gardner, correlation and T-test. The participants were first language. The results of this study are: there were significant correlation between affective variable (attitude and motivation) and learning a second language. Also, a significant level of English class anxiety was revealed upon which future investigation were recommended.35

The same research about attitude and motivation was ―Motivation

Attitude, and Language Learning.‖ By Nasser Oroujlou. The research

question lying behind this study was: was there any effective and efficient relationship between language learning and motivation and attitude? The researcher applied descriptive and analytical approaches in order to make the role of attitude and motivation in language learning clear - which were deeply rooted in Educational Psychology. The results obtained from this study had clarified that motivation and attitude had great roles in raising proficiency and efficiency of the students in language learning.36

Another study language as Hasan explored the factors which influenced language attitude. He conducted his study in international Islamic university Malaysia. His study had shown that students were not

influenced by students’ personal or educational backgrounds. They were

35Basma E. Alshaar, ―Attitudes and Motivation of Second Language Learners in Kuwait‖ (1997),

accessed August 2, 2016,

36Nasser Oroujlou and Majid Vahedi, ―Motivation, Attitude, and Language Learning,‖

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 29 (2011): 994–1000.


significantly influenced bay instrumental orientation respondents thought that by mastering English, they would get advantages in social recognition or economic.

The same study of attitude was studied by Siregar, she studied

about students’ attitude towards American English, British English, and

Englishers in southeast Asia. She employed a semi structured interview and questionnaires. The respondents were 108 students of Maranatha Christian University. The study showed that students had positive attitude toward British English and American English than toward Southeast Asia Englishers. Respondents reported they more appreciated English native speaker than non-native. In fact, they might have more contact with nonnative speaker in daily life. It might be caused by the

lack of teachers’ participation in building the students’ awareness that

English as an international language belongs to all of its users.

While another research in Indonesia was conducted by Yusuf. He used Attitude Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) which was designed by

R.C. Gardner to uncover the students’ orientations in learning English

and to see their attitude towards courses and their instructors. From 68 students of English Department UNISMA Bekasi, 60 students tended to had both integrative orientation and instrumental orientation. The respondents had not only cultural motivation, but also the motivation which related to career and job in the future.


And also, Khoir by the title ―the Language Attitude of Students of English Department state Islamic university Sunan Kalijaga Towards

English‖. He investigated the students how they apply their attitude it

was positive or negative in their daily life especially in their campus area. He used interview and questioner to collect the data. The respondent of the study was fifty-seven. All of them were students of English department State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga. They were selected from period 2010, 2011, and 2012 randomly. The result of his study was the respondents had positive attitude towards English and they were motivated both instrumental and integrative orientation towards English.

The last in UINSA by the tittle: Student Perception on Speaking Anxiety Causes of second semester students English Education Department of State institute for Islamic studies by Maziyyah, Nuswatul this thesis is aimed to know the causes of speaking anxiety and the way to reduce speaking anxiety in the speaking class. The subject of this study is the second semester students of English Department in State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya 2013. This study use descriptive qualitative method. To collect the data, this study use some instruments, those are: questionnaire and interview guide. discusses the data in relation to the questions of the research, The result of this research shows that the second semester students sometimes feel anxious when speaking English class. Many causes of speaking anxiety such as lack of vocabulary, lack of practice, low of


English proficiency, lack of preparation, forgetting what are prepared, lack of confidence, and fear of making mistake influenced to second semester student in class. Most students felt helpless about being anxious when speaking English in class.

2. This study

In this study, the researcher would like to investigate the language attitude of students English teacher education department in UINSA. The population of the researcher is students of English teacher education department classes of 2013, 2014 and 2015, the researcher take 50 respondents in every classes randomly so the total of respondents is 150 students of English teacher education department at UINSA. The researcher used questioner only to collect the data it does not like the previous study that used questionnaire and interview. The researcher divided the language attitude in three aspects, those are behavioral, cognitive and emotional aspect, the three aspect researcher taken by from

Zainal Abidin’s journal article ―EFL Students Attitude toward Learning English Language: The Case of Libyan Secondary School Students.



In this chapter, it will be described, the research design, the procedure of data collection and the data analysis procedure.

A. The Research Design

In this research, the researcher used survey research. Survey research (also called descriptive research) used instrument such as questionnaire to gather information from group or individual. The questionnaire was administered to English teacher education department students at UINSA. Later the result of the survey was described to address the research question.

In this research the populations of this study were students of English Teacher Education Department. Among those students, 150 students were taken as the sample randomly.

B. The procedure of data collection

This study used questionnaire to collect the data. According to Donald Ary the data collection technique of survey research can be applied by using questioner1. In this study the researcher used questioner only to collect the data, it was carried out in English teacher education department students at UINSA. The researcher will collect the data through these following steps:


Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs and Chris Sorensen Introduction to Research in Education

(Belmont, CA : Wadsworth,2009),28.


1. Deciding the population and sample.

The population of this research was students of English teacher education department in UINSA where students learn about English education and they used English for their lesson in the class. This university was located on Ahmad Yani Street, no 117, Wonocolo, Surabaya. The populations were students of English teacher education department from classes of 2013, 2014, 2015. They were chosen randomly. The researcher considered that they had been having enough English learning since high school.

The sample was a part of the total population, it was considered as the representative of population2. The sample of this research was 150 students from English teacher education department at UINSA; 50 students from class of 2013, 50 students from class of 2014 and 50 students from class of 2015. 150 students to fulfill the percentage of 10- 15 %, as suggested by Suharsimi, saying that if the population was more than 100, than the sample that taken was between 10-15% and 20-25%3

2. Administering the questionnaire.

The researcher gave the questioner to the students in the great time. The researcher explained the questionnaire and the instruction to them before the students responded the questionnaire. The researcher explained that the questionnaire was intended to investigate their


Suharsimi Arikomo, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2010), 174.



attitude. To complete the questionnaire, respondents needed around 15 minutes to answer the entire questions.

C. Research Instrument

Instrument is something or someone that is used to measure variables4. In this research the researcher used a single instrument that was questionnaire only, which was according to Kothari, it would consist questions or statements which can be understood by respondents so they can respond to them.5 The questionnaire used by the researcher was taken from Zainal Abidin’s journal article entitled “EFL Students Attitude toward Learning English Language: The Case of Libyan Secondary

School Students”, according to him, attitude had three aspect that could be measured. Wenden (1991) classified the “attitude” into three aspects namely, cognitive, emotional and behavior.6

Following Ostrom et al the questioner survey was designed on five point Likert- Scale. The Likert scale was probably the most frequently used attitude measurement than the others.7 The items were put in a 5 point Likert scale ranging from level 1: Strongly Disagree (SD), 2: Disagree (D), 3 Neutral, 4: Agree (A) and 5 Agree Strongly (SA). The


Wiersma, William., Research Methods in Education: An Introduction., seventh Edition. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000).12.


C. R Kothari, Research Methodology: Method and Technique, 2nd ed. (New Delhi: New Age International, 2004), 51.


Zainol Abidin, Pour-Mohammadi, and Alzwari, “EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Learning

English Language.” 7

Ostrom, T,M et al, Attitude Scales: How To Measure The Unmeasurable" Persuation: Psychological Insights and Perspective, 1994, 15–42.


complete questionnaire used in this research can be found in Appendix 1 on page 85.

D. Data Analysis technique

After collecting the data, the steps to be performed by the researcher are: 1. Input the data to Microsoft Excel

2. The data obtained was classified based on the attitude categories (cognitive, emotional, behavior).

3. The data classified displayed in the form of tables and the diagrams.




This chapter presents the research finding and discussion. The research findings are based on the data which were taken in English Education department at UINSA from the students of English Education department class of 2013, 2014 and 2015 as the respondents. The discussions are based on the result of the data analysis to address the research question.

A. Finding

Collection data was held on 22 of November 2016 up to 8 of December 2016. The data were collected using questionnaires which consisted of three attitude components (behavior, cognitive, and emotional) (see appendix). Data collected were analyzed and the result will be described as follows.

1. Behavioral aspect

Item 1

Response to the first question ―speaking English anywhere make me feel worried‖.

Figure 4.1 Students’ feeling when speaking English

From this figure, it can be seen that most of students from classes of 2013, 2013 and 2014 were worried to speak English


anywhere. Students from class 2014 are most concerned to speak English than students from other classes.

Item 2

Responses to the second question is ―studying English helps me to have good relationships with a friends‖.

Figure 4.2 Student’s belief in the use of English to assist in relationship with friends

From this figure 4.1.2, it can be seen that most of students from classes 2013, 2014. 2015 agree that studying English helps them to have good relationship with their friends.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2013 2014 2015


Item 3

Response to the third question is ―I like to give opinion during English lesson‖.

Figure 4.3 student’s willingness to give opinion during the English lesson

From figure 4.3 above, it can be seen that most of students from classes 2013, 2014 agreed with the statement, but students

from class 2015 choose ―strongly disagree‖ with this statement. It indicates that from all classes always give their opinion during their English lesson.

Item 4

Response to the forth question is ―I am able to make myself pay intention to the teacher during studying English in the classroom‖.

0 5 10 15 20 25

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


Figure 4.5 student’s interest in speaking English with their friends

Figure 4.4 student’s self-management in paying intention during studying English

From figure 4.4, it can be seen that most of the students from classes 2013 and 2015 agree with the statement, it indicates that they are able to make themselves pay intention to the teacher during studying English in the classroom, but the students from class 2014 are neutral. It indicates that they are not too able to make themselves pay intention to the teacher during studying English in the classroom.

Item 5

Response of the fifth question is ―when I hear a student in my class

speaking English well, I like to practice speaking with him/ her.

From this figure 4.5, it can be seen that most of the students from classes 2013 and 2014 are neutral for this statement. It

0 10 20 30

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


Figure 4.6 student’s confidence in expressing themselves by studying English

indicates that when there is a student in their class speaking English well, they are not so tent to practice speaking English with him/ her. Different with students from class 2015, they are strongly agreed with this statement. It indicates that they like to practice English with their friends when they hear students in their class speaking English well.

Item 6

The Response of the sixth question is ―studying English makes me

have more confidence in expressing myself‖.

From figure 4.6, it can be seen that most of students from classes of 2013 and 2014 are neutral toward statement about studying English makes them have more confidence in expressing themselves. It is different with students from class of 2015. They are agree with studying English makes them have more confidence in expressing themselves.

0 10 20 30

strongly disagreeDisagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2013 2014 2015


Item 7

The response of seventh question is ―studying English helps me to improve my personality‖.

From this figure 4.7, it can be seen that most of student from all classes are neutral for statement about studying English helps them to improve their personality.

Item 8

The response of eighth question is ―I work on my English homework as much as possible‖.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2013 2014 2015


Figure 4.9 student’s feeling when they speaking English in the class

Figure 4.8 student’s effort in doing homework From this figure 4.8, it can be seen that most of students from classes of 2013 and 2015 are surely work on their English homework as much as possible, but most of students from classes 2014 are not enthusiast for work on their English homework.

Item 9

Response of the ninth question is ―I am not relax whenever I have

to speak English in my English class‖.

From this diagram, it can be seen that most of students in

class of 2013 choose ―neutral‖ for this statement. It indicates that students in class of 2013 are not too afraid to speak English in their

0 5 10 15 20 25 strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Agree 2013 2014 2015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


English class; this is different with students from classes of 2014 and 2015, who agree with this statement. It indicates that they do not afraid to speak English in their English class.

Item 10

Response of tenth question is ―I feel embarrassed to speak English

in front of other students‖.

From this diagram, it can be seen that total students from all

classes choose ―strongly agree‖ are more than total students choose

―strongly disagree‖. It proves that students feel embarrassed to

speak English in front of other students.

Item 11

Response of the eleventh question is ―I like to practice English the way native speakers do‖.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2013 2014 2015


Figure 4.11 student’s willingness to practice the way native

speakers do

From the diagram above, it can be seen that most of students from all classes like to practice English the way native speakers do.

Item 12

Response of the twelfth question is ―I wish I could have many

speaking English friends.

Figure 4.12 Student’s willingness in having English speaking English

From this figure 4.12, it can be seen that most of student from class of 2013 and 2015 are neutral for this statement. It indicates they do not wish too much that they have many English speaking friends. It is different with students from classes of 2014 who disagree with this statement. It means that they have no intention to active speaking English in their class.

0 10 20 30 strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Agree 2013 2014 2015 0 10 20 30 strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2013 2014 2015


Item 13

Response of the thirteenth question is ―when I miss the class, I never ask my friends or teacher for the homework on what has

been taught‖.

Figure 4.13 student’s engagement in asking English task

From this figure 4.13, it can be seen that most of the students from class of 2014 and 2015 are neutral; it shows that they sometimes ask their friends or teachers for the homework on what has been taught. In the other side, the students from class of 2013 never ask their friends or teacher for the homework on what has been taught.

Item 14

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2013 2014 2015


Response of the fortieth question is ―I do not feel enthusiastic to come to the class when the English is being thought‖.

Figure 4.14 Students’ feeling in having English class From this figure 4.14, it can be seen most of the students from classes of 2013, 2014 and 2015 are agree for this statement. It shows they do not feel enthusiastic to come to the class when the English is being thought.

Item 15

Response of fifteenth question is ―I do not pay any attention when my English teacher is explaining the lesson‖

Figure 4.15 student’s interest on English teacher explanation

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


From this diagram, it can be seen that most of the students from all classes do not pay any attention when their English teacher is explaining the lesson.

2. Cognitive

Item 16

Response of the sixteenth question is ―Studying English is

important because it will make me more educated‖.

Figure 4.16 the important of studying English

From this figure 4.16, it can be seen that most of students from class of 2013 are strongly disagree. Then students from class of 2014 are disagree. It shows that studying English is not important because it does not make them more educated. Different with students from class of 2015, they choose agree strongly. It shows that studying English is important because it will make them more educated.

Item 17

Response of the second item is ―Being good at English will help me study other subject well‖.

0 5 10 15 20 25

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


Figure 4.17 The benefit of studying English

From this figure 4.2.2, it can be seen that the most of students from class of 2013 are disagree. Then no one from class of

2014 choose ―strongly disagree‖ with this statement that is about

being good English will help them study other subject well.

Item 18

Respond of the eighteenth item is ―I have more knowledge and more understanding when studying English‖.

Figure 4.18 Student’s improvement in studying English From this chart, it can be seen that some students in class of 2013 are disagree and other students are strongly disagree about they have more knowledge and more understanding when they were studying English.

0 5 10

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


Item 19

Response of the nineteenth question is ―I like my English class

much; I look forward to studying more English in the future‖.

Figure 4.19 Students’ willingness in studying English From this figure 4.19, it can be seen that the most of students in class of 2013, 2014 and 2015 are agree strongly. It

shows that they like their English class co much’ they look forward

to studying more English in the future.

Item 20

Respond of twentieth question is ―studying English helps me getting new information in which I can link to my previous


Figure 4.20 the benefit of English to get information and link to previous knowledge

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

strongly disagreeDisagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 2013 2014 2015 0


strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


From this figure 4.20, it can be seen that most of the students from classes 2013, 2014 and 2015 agree when they were studying English they get new information in which they can link to their previous knowledge.

Item 21

Response of twenty-first question is ―I cannot summarize the

important points in the English subject content by myself‖.

Figure 4.21 student’s disability in summarizing the content of

English Subject

From this figure 4.21, it can be seen that most of the students from all classes could not summarize the important points in the English subject content by them.

Item 22

Response of the twenty- second item is ―frankly, I study English just to pass the exams‖.


Figure 4.22 student’s effort in studying English

From this figure 4.22, it can be seen that most of the students from all classes studying English only to pass the examination.

Item 23

Response of twenty – third item is ―in my opinion, people who

speak more than one language are very knowledgeable‖.

Figure 4.23 Student’s opinion about more language speaker

From this figure 4.23, it can be seen that most of the students from all classes believe that people who speak more than one language are very knowledgeable.

Item 24

Response of the twenty - fourth question is ―studying English helps me communicate in English effectively‖.

0 10 20 30 40 strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Agree 2013 2014 2015 0 10 20 30 strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


Figure 4.24 The benefit of studying English in English communication

From this figure 4.24, it can be seen that most of the students from all classes of agree that studying English could not help them communicate in English effectively.

Item 25

Response of the twenty – fifth question is ―I cannot apply the knowledge from English subject in my real life‖.

Figure 4.25 Student’s disability in real life in practicing English

From this diagram, it can be seen that the most of the students from classes of 2013 and 2014 disagree with this statement. It shows that they can apply the knowledge from

0 5 10 15 20 25

strongly disagreeDisagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2013 2014 2015

0 5 10 15 20 25

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


English Subject in their real life, but students for class of 2015 they are neutral to this statement. It shows that they do not apply more the knowledge from English subject in their real life.

Item 26

Figure 4.26 Students’ stimulate to create new ideas

Response of the twenty - sixth question is ―studying English

makes me able to generate new ideas‖. From this figure 4.26 it can be

seen that most of the students from all classes agree with that statement. By studying English students can create new ideas.

Item 27

Response of the twenty - seventh question is ―I am able to think

and analyze the content in English subject‖.

0 10 20 30 40 strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Agree 2013 2014 2015 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


Figure 4.27 student’s ability in analyzing English content From this figure 4.27, it can be seen that most of students from all classes (2013, 2014 and 2015) do not able to think and analyze the content in English language.

Item 28

Response of the twenty – eighth question is ―I am not satisfied with

my performance in the English subject‖.

Figure 4.28 students’ satisfaction of their performance in

English Subject.

From this figure 4.28, it can be seen that most of students from classes of 2013 not too satisfied with their performance in the English subject. Different with students of classes of 2014 and 2015, they are satisfied with their performance in the English subject.

Item 29

Responseof the twenty –ninth question is ―in my opinion, English


Figure 4.29 Student’s opinion about English difficulties From this figure 4.29, it can be seen that most of students from all classes are agree with this statement. They believe that English language were difficult and complicated.

Item 30

Respond of thirtieth items is ―English subject has the content that

covers many fields of knowledge‖.

Figure 4.30 English content can covers the field of knowledge

From this figure 4.30, it can be seen that most of the students from classes of 2013 and 2014 disagree that English subject has the content that covers many fields of knowledge. It is different with students from classes of 2015. They are neutral toward this statement.

0 5 10 15 20 25

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2013 2014 2015


3. Emotional

Item 31

Response of the thirty-first question is ―I feel proud when studying

English language‖.

Figure 4.31 Student’s emotional when studying English

From this figure 4.31, it can be seen that most of students from all classes of 2013, 2014 and 2015 are neutral from this statement. They do not too proud when they are studying English language.

Item 32

Respond of the thirty-second question is ―I feel excited when I

communicate in English with others‖

0 5 10 15 20 25

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015


Figure 3.2 Student’s feeling in communicate English with


From this diagram, it can be seen that most of the students from all classes of 2013, 2014 and 2015 are not too excited when they communicate in English with others.

Item 33

Response of the thirty-third item is ―I don’t get anxious when I have to answer a question in my English class‖.

Figure 4.33 Student’s feeling in answering question in their

English class

From this figure 4.33, it can be seen that most of the students from class of2013 are not too anxious when they answer a question in their English class. Different with students from classes of 2014 and 2015, they agree with this statement. It shows that they

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

strongly disagree

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly


2013 2014 2015





In this chapter the researcher present some general conclusion and suggestion that is briefly taken from the result of the research as it presented in chapter I to chapter IV.

A. Conclusion

The type of this research is descriptive statistic. The researcher uses survey research. Survey research (also called descriptive research) uses instrument such as questionnaire to gather information, the data are obtained through five point likert scale survey. The respondents are students of English teacher education department at UINSA. They are selected randomly from classes 2013, 2014, and 2015 the total of respondents are 150 students. They are investigated about what are their language attitudes toward learning English by answering the questionnaire.

According to the finding and discussion researcher can conclude that students of English teacher education department indicates the following attitudes in learning English which can be seen from three aspects:

1. Behavior

Students’ behavior towards learning English in English education department of UINSA can be seen from their daily habits in their English classroom. In all classes, students’ feel worried when they have to speak English in the classroom or university environment.



It concludes that behavioral aspect of students English teacher department at UINSA is negative.

2. Cognitive

Students’ opinion studying English helped most of students to get new information which can link to their previous knowledge. Then they were also able to think and analyze the content of English subject. Besides, they believed that people who were able to speak more than one language were very knowledgeable. Although those facts show that the students have the right attitude in this aspect.

3. Emotional

Students are interested in studying English. For students, studying foreign language like English is enjoyable. It can be proved by their enjoyment in doing English activities and do not get anxious when they have to answer a question in their English class. It shows that they have right attitude in this emotional aspect.

B. Suggestion

1. The researcher suggests the next research will use interview also to get accurate data about the language attitude towards learning English. 2. The researcher suggests the next researcher explore factors that

influence the attitude of students’ English teacher education department at UINSA.

3. Researcher suggests, the students should support each other when they practice their English, they may give response or appreciate those who try to practice English language in campus area or out of campus area,



or they may change their updating status or sent massage in English and give comment too.



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