


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel



ILMY HARISMA HASYIM Reg. Number A83211152









Inside Cover Page ... i

Motto ... ii

Declaration Page ... iii

Dedication Page ... iv

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Page ... v

Thesis Examiner’s Approval Page ... vi

Acknowledgment ... vii

Table of Contents ... viii

Abstract ... ix

Intisari ... x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Backgraound of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 7

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 8

1.4 The Significants of the Study ... 8

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 9


2.2 Apologizing Strategies ... 12

2.2.1 Using IFID ... 12


2.2.3 Taking on Responsibility ... 13

2.2.4 Downgrading Responsibility of Saverity Offens ... 14

2.2.5 Offering of Repair ... 16

2.2.6 Verbal Redressing ... 16


3.2 Data and Source ... 19

3.3 Data Collection ... 20

3.4 Instrument ... 21

3.5 Data Analysis ... 21


4.2 Kinds of Apologizing Strategies ... 26

4.3 The Possible Purpose of Apologizing Strategies ... 41

4.4 Discussion ... 47



Harisma, Ilmy. 2015. Apologizing strategies Used By English Department Students State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Prof.Dr.Hj.Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd.

Key Terms : Apologizing, Apologizing Strategies, Pragmatics


Communication is part of society. Without communication, human being cannot deal with their live normally. Generally, it helps people to connect with others. Human communicate using a term called language. Language is a device that can be optimized by human itself for communicating. But misunderstanding sometimes occurs in the conversation with the others. It can occur because both of the speakers and the hearers have different characteristics. When misunderstanding occurs and hurts or violates someone, his/her face need to be restored, the term of apology begins to occur.

Based on the reasons above, this study uses apologizing strategies used by English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya, in the eighth semester Therefore, the data of this study is fully taken from the conversations by English Department Students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Thus, the writer applies Apologizing Strategies theory by Bergman and Kesper (1993) to conduct the research. This research uses descriptive which means that the analysis is based on text. Twelve (12) English Department students in the eighth semester is data source and the conversations and the words are the data which the writer has transcribed from the recording conversation by English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya in the eighth semester The instrument of making this thesis are the Hand Phone to record the conversation, PC to input the data and stationary.

By the end of research, many kinds the data of apologizing strategies are classified. Afterwards, the writer explained the data apologizing based on apologizing theory. In this case, the writer finds there are seven sub strategies used by English Department students of Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya, in the eighth semester. They are lacking of Intent, admission of fact, excusing, justification, problematizing a precondition, denial and effort to appease. And there are four sub strategies which the writer unable to elaborate in this research, they are self blaming, claiming ignorance, concern for offended party and promise forbearance. Furthermore, the writer governed the result there are three strategies that are much preferable to others as they are employed to high frequency. Those three strategies are downgrading responsibility, taking on responsibility, and using IFID (Illuccuitionary Force indicating Device). Thus, the writer explained the possible purpose from each apologizing strategies occurs based on the conversation by English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. In this case, the writer governed the result that the main of possible purpose from



Harisma, Ilmy. 2015. Apologizing Strategies used by English Department students of state Islamic university sunan ampel Surabaya. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Prof. Dr. Hj.Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd.

Key Terms : Apologizing, Apologizing Strategies, Pragmatics


Komunikasi adalah bagian dari hidup bermasyarakat, tanpa berkomunikasi manusia tidak dapat hidup dengan sewajarnya. Pada umumnya dengan berkomunikasi manusia akan terbantu dalam menjalin hubungan dengan sesama, manusia berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa. Bahasa adalah alat yang mana hanya manusia satu – satunya yang dapat mengembangkan fungsi tersebut untuk berkomunikasi. Tetapi dalam percakapan dengan orang lain kesalahpahaman kadang terjadi, hal ini dapat terjadi karena pembicara dan pendengar memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Ketika kesalahpahaman terjadi dan menyakiti orang seseorang maka istilah permintaan maaf mulai terjadi.

Berdasarkan beberapa pernyataan diatas, penelitian ini merujuk kepada penggunaan strategi permintaan maaf oleh mahasiswa sastra inggris semester delapan di Universitas Islam negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, untuk data dari penelitian ini sepenuhnya diambil dari percakapan mahasiswa sastra inggris semester delapan di Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Kemudian, penulis menggunakan teori apologizing strategies untuk melakukan

penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode “Deskritif”. Dua belas (12) mahasiswa sastra

inggris semester delapan di Universitas Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya sebagai sumber data dan percakapan dari mereka sebagai data, semua percakapan telah ditulis dari rekaman menjadi bentuk teks untuk mempermudah penelitian. Alat yang digunakan untuk melakukan penelitian ini adalah handphone, komputer pribadi dan beberapa alat tulis.

Pada bagian akhir penelitian, beberapa data digolongkan. Setelah itu, penulis menjelaskan semua maksud permintaan maaf dari mahasiswa sastra inggris semester delapan di Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Dalam hal ini, penulis menemuka tujuh sub strategi yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa sastra inggris semester delapan di universitas Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya yaitu lack of intent, admission of fact, excusing, justification, prblematizing a precondition, denial dan effort to appease. Dan ada empat sub strategi yang tidak bisa ditemukan oleh penulis dalam penelitian ini yaitu self blaming, claiming ignorance, concern for offended party and promise forbearance. Kemudian, penulis menyimpulkan ada tiga strategi yang paling serin digunakan oleh mahasiswa sastra inggris semester delapan di Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya yaitu Downgrading responsibility, Taking on Responsibility dan Using IFID (Illucutionary force indicating device). Kemudian penulis menjelaskan kemungkinan tujuan dari masing – masing permintaan maaf yang terjadi berdasarkan percakapan dari mahasiswa sastra inggris semester delapan di Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Dalam hal ini penulis menyimpulkan bahwa kemungkinan tujuan utama dari permintaan maaf yang terjadi di masing – masing percakapan mahasiswa sastra inggris semester delapan di


Univeritas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya adalah untuk menjaga hubungan antara pembicara dan pendengar.



The writer of this study will analyze the “Apologizing Strategies Used by English Department Students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya”. This chapter contains background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and operational definition.

1.1 Background of the Study

Living as human beings, people are created to socialize with each other. To socialize with the others, they use language. As cited from Spolsky (1998:56), “one of the principles uses of language is to communicate meaning”. By using language, they know each other and begin to start a relationship. People communicate in many different ways, and due to these differences, misunderstanding or miscommunication may happen. Any mistake can occur when people communicate; these mistakes may break the relationship. In order to restore the relationship, they have to do something. In this case, apologizing strategies must be applied to survive and in order to make the relationship last longer.

In daily activities, people need to communicate to each others. Human can communicate to each other throughout. Language is an important in human life. Language cannot be separated with human life. In doing their daily activities, people always use language to communicate or to share something with the



others. Language is important for human to communicate either spoken or written. There is a message within the language that is conveyed. The message itself can be communicated in written text or spoken. Through language, every kind of expression can be revealed. According to O Grady (1996:1) language are many things. A system of communication, a medium for thought a vehicle for literal expression, a social institution, a matter for political controversy, catalyst for nation building

In having conversation with the others, people should involve aspects of politeness. The term politeness must be involved to respect both the hearer and the speaker. Therefore, both of the speakers and hearers can keep their relationship. According to Holmes (2001:268) when people speak, they have to be polite to the others to keep their relationship.

According to George Yule (1996:60) politeness in an interaction can be defined as a means employed to show awareness of another person’s face. In this politeness case is done to show awareness and respect the speaker and the hearer’s face and respect to the speaker and the hearer’s face. According to Brown and Levinson (1978:66) Face’s expression is something that is emotionally invested, and be lost, maintained, or enhanced and must be constantly attended to in interaction.

Misunderstanding sometimes occurs in the conversation with the others. It can occur because both of the speakers and the hearers have different characteristics. Misunderstanding is a form of understanding which is partially or totally deviant from what the speaker intended to communicate (Weigan, 1999



cited in Kasper and friends, 2003). When misunderstanding occurs and hurts or violates someone, his/her face needs to be restored, so in the conversation, the term of apology begins to occur. Apologies are offered to express regret for having offended someone. Brown and Levinson state that an apology is the acknowledgement by the speaker that a violation has been committed and an admission that he or she is at least partially involved in its cause (1978:12). People realize they have done mistakes which disturb another person’s feeling and affect their relationship. In this case, people immediately do something which is called apology. People do the apology in different ways. Sometimes people utter the apology in explicit way, people directly say the apology word such as “I am sorry “. But sometimes people do not acknowledge the offense that they have done.

Based on the phenomenon, this study tries to analyze about “Apologizing Strategies Used by English Department Students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya”. In doing this study the writer uses several studies that have been conducted by other researchers. The studies are used by the writer as references in conducting deeper about the study. The studies of apologizing strategies have been done in the Pragmatic field and Sociolinguistic field. The writer uses the study of apologizing strategies that is done by Bergman and Kesper which is done in the Pragmatics field. The study of apologizing which done by Bergman and Kesper is a basic guidance for the writer to conduct the research. Bergman and Kesper conducted research in apologizing strategies in Thai native speaker of English and Thai non native speaker of English. Bergman



and Keeper found that the closer the interlocutors the more lively the offender was to expressly assume responsibility.

The writer also uses unpublished thesis by some researchers who apply apologizing strategies such as thesis Fajar Suryadi (2007), Selvy Gunawan (2008), Ika Rohmania (2009), she is from English Department Student State University of Malang, she also conducted apology strategies used by English Department students based on Social status and Social distance English Department students of Petra Christian University. Ayubaidah Fitrahnanda (2014), she is from English Department of Brawijaya University. They chose apology strategies as the theory with several themes as the content.

Suryadi (2007) also conducted research about apology strategies used by Students of Petra Christian Uneversity. Suryadi analyzed the apology based on the degree of offense and level of intimacy betweeen the speaker and the hearer. Suryadi analyzed the apology strategies that are used to friends and the apology strategies that are used to strangers. According to Suryadi (2007), three strategies such as explanation, expression of apology, and offer of repair were mostly used to deal with friends and rejection strategy was used to deal with stranger.

Gunawan (2008) also conducted research about apology strategies used by female tenant in boarding house. Gunawan (2008) analyzed apology strategies in Sociolinguistics field based on social distance and gender. Gunawan (2008) stated that apology strategies that are used by the speakers who have close social distance with the hearer uses apology strategies from least to most polite strategies and the speakers uses almost all apology strategies. On the other hand, for those



who have distant social distance, they tend to use polite apology strategies except promise of forbearance.

Fitrahnanda (2014) also conducted a study on gender based on differences in apology strategies of English Department students in Campus Setting. According to Fitrahnanda, male and female students tend to use different strategies in making apology. Male students tend to use explanation or account of situation strategy while female students tend to use expression of apology strategy. Female students use acknowledgement of responsibility strategy toward friends more while male students only use this strategy toward lecturers. Direct offer of repair are mostly used by male students. The factors that facilitate the use of different apology strategies are female usually involves personal feeling, emphasizes in intimacy and solidarity and apologizes for light offences whereas male uses logical thinking, emphasizes in power and status and prefer getting or giving solution rather than to sympathy.

In this study, the writer conducts different research from Suryadi’s, Gunawan’s, and Fitrahnanda’s research which are done in the Sociolinguistics field based on Ana Trosborg (1987) theory. The writer conducts the research in the Pragmatics field and uses Bergman and Kesper’s theory. The writer does not analyze about gender because in pragmatic field does not distinguish between male and female.

Meanwhile, the thesis is done by Rohmania (2009), she did it with different theory over Suryadi’s, Gunawan’s and Fitrahnanda’s. Rohmania uses the study of apology strategies that is done by Bergman and Kesper (1993).This thesis



is a Socio-pragmatics study about the apologizing strategies used by English Department Students of State University of Malang to nine people based on social status and social distance differences. This research only investigated the apologizing strategies based on social status and social distance differences and the data for this study were from a DCT which did not reflect the naturally occurring speech.

The writer is interested in using the theory of apologizing strategies by Bergman and Kesper with the purpose is to reveal more knowledge of apologizing by taking some necessary data from the English Department Students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel. The writer collects the data by recorded real conversation used by English Department student so the data which are got is more natural and valid. The writer will collect the data for 6 weeks (1, 5 month) that data taken on 10 March until 23 April. The analysis only involves the students who speak English. Sometimes, it is found they speak both English and Indonesia. Thus, the writer intends to explain the possible purpose of the collected data. In this analysis, the writer focuses in English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya the eighth semester.

The writer chooses State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya as the place of observation because the objects are the students of English Department students who are in the same semester. The objects are friends of the writer’s it can help the writer to collect the data easily. Therefore, the students have good comprehension in Speaking English. In collecting the data, the writer tries to record the conversation that occurs among students. The writer joins the group but



the writer does not take part in the data in apologizing. The writer does not involve in the conversation that related in apologizing. Recording is chosen because the writer wants to collect the data that comes out naturally by the speaker in certain situation.

In addition, the writer applies apologizing strategies because the writer wants to know what kinds of apology strategies and what is the possible purpose that occur conversations among the English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1. What kinds of apologizing strategies are used by the English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel in the eighth semester?

2. What is the possible purpose of apologizing strategies in the conversation by English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel in the eighth semester?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

In this study, the writer tries to identify kinds of apologizing strategies that are used by English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel. The writer also tries to explain the purpose of apologizing strategies that possibly occur in the conversation. In this study, another purpose is to contribute knowledge to the readers about kinds of apology strategies that are used by English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel. By



knowing the kinds of apologizing strategies, the readers can broaden their knowledge about apologizing strategies that occur in the conversation.

1.4 The Significance of the Study

The writer hopes this study may be a reference for the readers to enrich the knowledge about apologizing strategies. The writer also hopes that this study may be a reference for other researchers who are interested in conducting deeper research about apologizing strategies. The writer wants to contribute knowledge to the readers about apologizing strategies so that the readers can broaden their knowledge about apologizing strategies that occur in the conversation.

1.5 Scope and Limitations

In this study, the writer conducts a research in apologizing based on apologizing strategy proposed by Bergman and Kesper (1993). The writer tries to analyze the data in apologizing to find out the apology strategies used by English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel. This study limits the data are taken during six week only. The writer does this study using pragmatic feature because the writer wants to find out what is behind the speaker’s utterances.

According to Yule (1996:3) pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, the study of contextual meaning, the study of how to communicate more than it is said, and the study of the expression of relative distance. In addition, the writer analyzes in pragmatic area because the data is obtained from the friends of writers naturally. In the data the writer finds so many conversations that consist of two



languages because sometimes they spoke Indonesian and English at once. In this analysis, the writer only selects the data in apologizing that occur in English Department students because the writer’s participants are the English Department students. The writer tries to analyze the data in apologizing based on apology strategy by Bergman and Kesper (1993).

1.6 Definition of Key Terms 1. Apologizing

An apologizing is the acknowledgement by the speaker that the violation has been committed and admitted that they are at least partially involved in its cause (Blum Kulka, house and Kesper, 1989:21).

2. Apologizing Strategies

The specified acknowledgement components that are needed by the speaker in doing appropriate apologizing (Bergman and Kesper, 1993:84)

3. Pragmatics

Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, the study of contextual meaning, the study of how to communicate more than it is said, and the study of the expression of relative distance. (Yule 1996:3)




In this chapter the writer will explain about the theory and studies that are related to her research. Theories are important when people want to make a study. They are needed as their reference to their study, especially in making research concerning this study on apology strategies; the writer uses the theory of apologizing strategies that has been written by Bergman and Kesper (1993). In this study, the writer tries to see the phenomenon in apologizing that occurs based on pragmatics field.

2.1 Apologizing

Apology is done the speaker did an offense to the hearer. The speaker who has done the offense to the hearer should apologize to the hearer in order to

restore the hearer’s face and maintain the relationship between the speaker and the

hearer. Offense is the action that is done by the speaker that attacks the hearer’s feeling. When the speaker talks to the hearer, the speaker needs positive face because the speaker wants to be admitted as the member of the hearer. Then, if misunderstanding occurs that affects an offense to the hearer, the speaker positive face will be threatened and affect the relationship between the speaker and the hearer. The interaction that has been offended can be restored by the speaker using apologizing. Therefore, the speaker should apologize to the hearer, in order to restore the condition and the relationship. Apology as a face threatening act,



speech act addressed to B’s face needs and intends to remedy an offense for which A takes responsibility and thus to restore equilibrium between A and B (where A is the apologizer and B is the person offended) (Holmes, 1990:159).

According to Blum Kulka, House, and Kasper (1989:12) states that an apology is the acknowledgement by the speaker that a violation has been committed and an admission that he or she is at least partially involve in its cause. The speaker has done something that is annoying the hearer. Therefore, the speaker (he or she) regrets for having done the act or utterances and he or she takes the responsibility for the act or utterances by uttering an apology. According to Trosborg (1995:374) apologies are offered to express regret for having offended someone. As such they imply cost to the speaker and support for the hearer.

Apologies count as remedial work and have been traditionally regarded as hearer supportive, as they provide some benefits to the addressee at cost to the speaker (Fraser & Nolan, 1981). Apology is as a remedial work that needs a response from the hearer. The remedial is not success when the hearer does not accept the apology but when an apology is accepted by the hearer, the remedial is success. Owen (1983 cited in Wolfson, 1989) states that positive response occurs when the recipient of an apology responds to the remedial interchanges. On the other hand, negative response occurs when the recipient of an apology ignores the remedial interchanges. When the speaker admits the offense that he or she has done, he or she will apologize to the hearer. When the speaker apologizes to the hearer, it is done in different ways. Each speaker has his or her own ways to



apologize. In the next section below, the writer will explain the apology strategies that are used by the speaker in apologizing based on Bergman and Kasper’s theory (1993)

2.2 Apologizing Strategies

The speaker usually does apology in different ways. The speaker sometimes admits the offense that has been made explicitly, for instance: I am sorry, or I apologize. On the other hand, the speaker admits the offense in different way such as giving explanations. When the speaker apologizes to the hearer because of the offense the speaker should pay attention to the components in apologizing, so that the offense can be restored. In doing apology, the speaker needs appropriate apologizing that requires the specified knowledge fast and flexibly (Bergman and Kasper, 1993:84). The restoration that is done by the speaker may be performed directly or implicitly, therefore the hearer and the

speaker’s ability in using the language should be paid more attention, so that the

hearer and the speaker can infer the intention or the utterances. When the speaker does apologies to the hearer, he or she can use many ways to express his or her guilty. Each person has different kind in terms of the way to apologize to someone. Based on the phenomenon, Bergman and Kasper (1993) proposed six kinds of apology strategies that will be described below:

2.2.1 Using IFID (Illocutionary Force Indicating Device)



apology explicitly. In IFID (Illocutionary Force Indicating Device), the speaker is specifying the force of apology.

Example: “I’m sorry”

“I’m afraid” “I apologize”

2.2.2 Upgrading

The speaker admits the offense that he or she has done by using common formula such as sorry, but the speaker also uses the adverbial intensifier

such as “really or terribly” to emphasize the apology. The elements such as “really or terribly” are used to increase apologetic force.

Example: “I’m terribly sorry”

“I really did not mean to hurt you”

2.2.3 Taking on responsibility

The speaker recognizes his or her fault in causing the offense in an

effort to restore the hearer’s condition. The speaker recognizes her or his

fault that she or he has done in causing the offense. Therefore, she or he acknowledges the offense by taking the responsibility of the offense. In third strategy, taking on responsibility includes: Self Blaming

The speaker takes the responsibility by blaming herself or himself about the offense that he or she has done to the hearer. The speaker admits the fault that she or he has done, so that he or she blames himself or herself in order to show his or her regret to the hearer.



Example: “how stupid I am” Lack of Intent

The speakers explain to the hearer that he or she does not have any intention to do the offense.

Example: “I didn’t mean like that”

“I didn’t mean to do this” Admission of fact

The speaker takes on responsibility by admitting the offense that he or she has done. The speaker tries to tell the truth to the hearer about the offense that has been done by the speaker.

Example: “I haven’t graded it yet”

2.2.4 Downgrading Responsibility or Severity Offense

Downgrading Responsibility or Severity Offense means an utterance that

reduces speaker’s accountability for the offense, therefore the utterance can

reduce severity of offense.

Example: “I’m only 10 minutes late”

In addition, there are five kinds in downgrading responsibility: Excusing

The speaker tries to find argument to support his or her apology. The speaker mitigates his or her offense by giving explanation or account or the situation.

Example: “My watch had stopped” Justification



The speaker provides argument to persuade the hearer that no

blame can be attached to him or her. The speaker’s argument is used to

Persuade the hearer that the speaker cannot be blamed because of the offense.

Example: “I was suddenly called to the meeting” Claiming Ignorance

The speaker avoids the responsibility by ignoring the complaint that is given by the hearer. The speaker tries to pretend that she or he does not have done the offense.

Example: “I didn’t know you were expecting me” Problematizing a precondition

The speaker uses certain condition or situation as a reason to avoid the responsibility. The speaker tries to evade the offense by giving a reason about the situation or condition that is not supposed to be.

It is done by the speaker to reduce the offense.

Example: “we weren’t supposed to meet before 12.00” Denial

The speaker denies that an offense has occured in the interaction. The speaker denies the offense that she or he has done to the hearer so the speaker tries to evade the responsibility.

Example : “I didn’t do it”

“it wasn’t myfault”



The speaker offers to repair the damage because of offense that is done by the speaker. The speaker offers to remedy the damage by an action to restore the damage.

Example: “I’ll pay for the damage”

“I’ll have it marked tomorrow” “You can borrow my dress instead”

2.2.6 Verbal Redressing

There are three kinds of strategies in Verbal redress: Concerning for offended party

The speaker expresses his or her concern toward the hearer’s


The speaker pays attention to the hearer’s condition because of the offense that has been done by the speaker.

For example: “I hope you weren’t offended”

“I hope you didn’t wait long” Effort to appease

Effort to appease is the situation where the speaker tries to appease

the hearer’s condition because of the offense in order to the hearer can

feel better than before.

Example: “Let me buy you a drink” Promising or forbearance

Promise or forbearance is a condition where the speaker admits the offense by expressing regret and the speaker promises not to do the



same mistake or act for which he or she has just apologized. The speaker promises not to repeat the offense that he or she has done. In promise forbearance sometimes uses the word “promise”.

Example: “It won’t happen again”



The writer conducted the study of apologizing strategies used by English Department students of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel. In this chapter the writer tried to explain how the writer collected the data during the research. The writer explained the methods of the study in four parts: Research Approach, Data Sources, Data Collection, Instrument, and Data Analysis.

3.1 Approach

The writer conducted the study of apologizing strategies in the pragmatics field. In conducting this research, the writer used the descriptive method because the data collected by the writer in the form of words and sentences. The writer chose to use descriptive method because in analyzing the apologizing strategies, the writer collected the data by recording, transcribed the data, and then the writer applied apologizing strategies theory by Bergman and Kesper (1993) to analyze the data in apologizing. After that the writer tried to explain the possible purpose of apologizing strategies.

3.2 Data and Sources

The data were taken from the conversation by English Department students in faculty Letters and Humanities the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. where many apologizing strategies were uttered by involved students. The data source of this study is straight from twelve (12) English



Department students in Faculty of Letters and Humanities the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The students are in the eighth semester (8th semester). They are Hendry, Fadilah, Lindy, Deci, Della, Mar’atus, Eka, Firda, Fitry, Mifta, Anas and Duhan, most of them are 22-23 years old. The writer chose English Department students who are in the eighth semester (8th semester) because the writer considered that English Department students in the 8th semester have better understanding in spoken English because the students had passed Speaking 4.

3.3 Data Collection

In collected the data, the writer recorded the conversations. First, writer did an observation by joining the group from which the conversations obtained. In this matter, the writer also observed the attitude of the participants when they produced their conversation in certain situation. The conversations are taken from Adab faculty, such as in the hall of Adab faculty, outside the classroom while they were waiting for thesis consultation. Second, the writer recorded the conversations while the writer observed and listened to the conversations among the students. The conversation occurred between two students and it also occurred among three or four students. There were sixteen conversations that were recorded by the writer. Thus, the writer transcribed the recording of conversation into script.

Though the writer joined the group but the writer did not involve in the conversation that related to the data in apologizing. The writer joined the conversation but the writer did not set the conversation in order to get the data in



3.4 Instrument

The data was collected by recording the conversations the English Department students and transcribing the conversations. It was taken from utterance of English Department students. All of activities were done by the personal mobile phone, computer and stationary.

3.5 Data Analysis

After collecting the data in apologizing, the writer analyzed the data in apologizing by conducting several steps.

The first step, the writer identified apologizing by student conversation English department

Example identified

Second, the writer put the data in apologizing strategy into the table frequency so that the writer was able to count the number of apologizing strategies that mostly used by the English Department students.

Della : No problem, give me your KTM. Fadilah : Need photo?

Hendry : Hah? No, gak usah, oh ya Della Sorry for bothering your time.



3.5.1 Table of Frequency

No Kinds of strategy Code of Turn Fr %

1 Using IFID (1:11),(7:10),(8:26),(11:10),(12:8) (16:8)

6 19,3 %

2 Upgrader (14:14),(16:10) 2 6,4 %

3 Taking of Responsibility 1. self blaming

2.Lacking of Intent 3. Admission of Fact

(1:25),(3:19) (2:10),(5:14),(8:7),(9:7),(11:15) 0 2 5 6,4 % 16,1 % 4 Downgrading

Responsibility 1. Excusing 2. Justification 3. Problematizing a precondition 4.Claiming ignorance 5. Denial

(5:22), (6:41),(16:10) (10:11), (12:25), (12:29) (12:12)

(5:16), (13: 8)

3 3 1 0 2 9,6 % 9,6 % 3,2 % 6,4 % 5 Offering of repair (1:23)


5 16,1 % 6 Verbal redressing

1. Concerning for Offended Party 2. Effort to Appease 3.Promissing or Forbearance

(15:9) 1 3,2 %

Total 30 96.3 %

From the table we can know apologizing strategies that are used more often until the less one from the English Department students in the eighth semester of State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Third, after putting the data into the table of frequency, the writer classifyed and explained the data apologizing based on apology strategies theory.

Fourth, after classifying the data, the writer explained the possible purpose of apologizing strategies in the conversations by English Department students of



state Islamic university Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The writer explained the possible purpose of the apologizing strategies based on the conversation used by English Department students. Finally, the writer make the conclusion.




This chapter presents the findings and discussion of the investigation steps that has described in chapter 3, which consist of two uses. First, is to answer the kinds of apologizing strategies as conversations by English Department students. Afterwards, the writer would like to present the possible purpose of apologizing strategies based on conversation the English Department students.

4.1 Findings

After analyzing the apologizing utterances from the conversations, the writer finds 30 utterances that show apologizing strategies and then the writer identifying the data in apologizing strategies, the writer puts the data into the table of frequency so that the writer can count the number of apologizing strategies that are mostly used by the English Department students. The writer tries to find out which strategy that is mostly used by the speaker in apologizing.

4.1 Table of Apologizing Strategies


1 Using IFID 1. Sorry for bothering your time

2. Eh sorry

2 Upgrading 1.Oh I’m so sorry

2. I’m so sorry

3. Taking of responsibility 3.1 Self blame

3.2 Lacking of intent

3.3 Admission of fact

1. Hendry , I don’t have any intention 2. I’m sorry I’m spill the water into your Paper, I don’ mean it

1. Sorry deci I forget to look for a chair for you.



4 Downgrading 4.1 Excusing

4.2 Justification

4.3 Problematizing a precondition 4.4 Claiming Ignorance

4.5 Denial

1. Oh ya, I turn off my mobile phone, I have to turn off when I sleep. Sorry 2. Eka sorry because I had experience. There were viruses injected in my laptop.

1. I have blurted out 2. Loh, I already gave it 1. Loh someone call me

1. Have I ever sent wrong sms to you? 2. But I know that I didn’t do it

5 Offering of Repair 1. To clean this

2.Oh my god mak , I don’t bring it , I put it on my other bags , I’ll send it by email 6 Verbal Redress

6.1 Concern for offended party 6.2 Effort to appease

6.3 Promise or forbearance

1. No, no bro I’m was just joking

4.1.1 KINDS of Apologizing Strategies

From the table above the writer finds that the English Department students of State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel use almost all apologizing strategies


Downgrading Responsibility (28.8%)

Taking of Responsibility (22.5%)

Using IFID (19.3%)

Offering of Repair (16.1%)

Upgrading (6.4%)



in apologizing. The writer does not find sub strategies in apologizing such as self blaming, claiming ignorance, concern for offended party, and promise forbearance in the English Department Students. After identifying and putting the data into the table frequency in apologizing, the writer classifies the data in apologizing based on Bergman and Kesper (1993).

The writer classifies nineteen data in apologizing based on Bergman and Kesper’ theory (1993) proposes six kinds of apologizing strategies. Using IFID (Illocutionary Force Indicating Device)

IFID (Illocutionary Force Indicating Device) is a formulating routine expression that is used by the speaker to express his or her guilty after doing the offense in Using IFID, the speaker is specifying the force of an apologizing by giving explicit apologizing for instance “I’m sorry” or “I apologize”. The writer finds the conversation that relates to use “IFID”.

Dialogue 1: (1:11)

Hendry : Oh Della will go to campus tomorrow, would you like to help me to do registration?

Della : No problem, give me your KTM. Fadilah : Need photo?

Hendry : Hah? No. Sorry for bothering your time.

Della : It’s okay

In the conversation above Hendry, Fadilah, and Della want to joinseminarbut there is a problem that Hendry and Fadilah are not going to campus later that day. Therefore Hendry asks Della to get enlisted for seminar. Della agrees that she will



do a favor for seminar registration. Hendry prefers to end the conversation by saying “Sorry for bothering your time” because Hendry feels guilty for bothering Della’s time. Hendry shows her feeling by giving formulaic routine expression to show her feeling by uttering the word apologizing explicitly “Sorry“. The word “sorry” includes in using IFID Strategy because Hendry’s statement is clear and unambiguous that she feels guilty for bothering Della’s time.

The apologizing occurs not only in the conversation but also in some acts that is done by someone. The writer finds some apologizing occur because of the act that offend someone. It can be seen below:

Dialogue 2: (8:26)

Lindy: by the way yesterday I and Della found stiletto at TP and we tried to wear stiletto.Oh my god it was so difficult. Pas kita pakek sepatunya,

we can’t walk saking tinggi ee mennn.

Firda : I wear high heels which the heels are 5 centimeters, even I already took it

But I feel this (with her hand she shows the position of her foot after

wearing high heels)

Della: iya, people who are used to wearing high heels then they take them off they will walk with apa sih jinjit. It is because of their habits

Lindy: I am not used to wearing high heels shoes

Firda: he’em same as me

Della: eh sorry. (Della’s laptop touch Firda’s mobile phone)

In the second analysis, Della apologizes for the offense that she has done to Firda. She apologizes to Firda because her laptop touches Firda’s Mobile phone. Della utters “eh sorry” to show that she feels guilty because of the act. Della’s statement is clear and explicit by using the word ”sorry” includes in Using IFID Strategy because she shows her guilty feeling.


27 Upgrading

The speaker admits the offense that she or he has done by uttering the common formula such as ”sorry”, the speaker wants to increase the apologetic force by using the word such as “terribly”, “ really”, and so on. In the second strategy, the writer finds two conversations that relates to upgrader.

Dialogue 3: (14:14)

Della: hey, why it doesn’t work?

Firda: I don’t know, I have shut it down as usual

Della: how it could be Firda: oh, I’m so sorry

In the conversation above, Firda borrows Della’s laptop to copy the data. After copying the data Firda returns the laptop to Della, when Della wants to use her laptop, her laptop cannot work well. Della’s laptop cannot be used anymore, it does not work well, and it is broken. Della asks Firda about her laptop why it cannot be used. Firda tries to give an explanation that she shuts down the laptop. When Firda knows Della’s reaction, Della feels guilty about that what she has done. Firda utters her guilty by saying “I’m so sorry“. Firda explicitly apologizes to Della because of the offense by uttering “sorry” and Firda also adds the word “so” to increase the apologetic force. Firda adds the word “so” to show that Firda feels so guilty with the offense that she has done to Della. The sentence “I’m so sorry” includes in Upgrading Strategy because in here Firda tries to emphasize her apologizing by adding the word “so “. Firda wants to show to Della that Firda feels guilty .The word “so” intends to increase the apologetic force.

Dialogue 4: (16:10)



Duhan: I’m so sorry bro, it is beyond my expectation.

In the second conversation above, Duhan apologizes to Anas because he cannot fulfill his promise to go hang out together with Anas on Monday because of something, Duhan cannot fulfill his promise because he should do his thesis with his friends. Therefore Duhan apologizes to Anas explicitly by uttering “I’m so sorry” to show his feeling that he feels guilty because of the offense that he has done to Anas.

The sentence “I’m so sorry” includes in Upgrading Strategy because Duhan emphasizes his apologizing by adding the word “so” to show that Duhan really feels guilty because he cannot accompany Anas to hang out together. Taking on Responsibility

The speaker recognizes the offense that she or he has done to the hearer. Therefore the speaker admits the offense by taking the responsibility of the offense. There are three sub strategies in taking on responsibility. Lacking of Intent

The speaker admits the offense that she or he has done. Therefore the speaker tries to explain to the hearer that she or he does not have any intention to do the offense. The writer finds two data that relates to the second sub strategy:

Dialogue 5: (1:25)

Hendry : I’m sorry I spill the water into your paper, I don’t mean it Della : never mind, I have the copy



In the dialogue above, Hendry utters “I’m sorry I spill the water into your paper, I don’t mean it” to apologize to Della because she has spilled the water on Della’s paper.

Hendry apologizes to Della and adds her apologizing with the sentence “I don’t mean it “. It is done to show Della that Hendry does not have any intention to spill the water on Della’s paper. The sentence “I don’t mean it”, includes in Lacking of Intent Strategy because Hendry tries to explain to Della that the incident is not on purpose. Hendry does not intent to spill the water on Della’s paper. Therefore, Hendry apologizes to Della by uttering “I don’t mean it”. The utterance represents that she does not mean to spill the water on Della’s paper.

Dialogue 6: (3:19)

Lindy : Hungry…… Hendry : Go to eat

Lindy : (Take out bread from her bag) Hendry I do not have any intention

Hendry : Does not matter, I do not have desire to eat.

The dialogue above happens on Monday. Hendry is fasting and Lindy says to Hendry that she is hungry. Hendry advises Lindy to go eating. Then, Lindy takes out bread from her bag. Lindy knows that Hendry is fasting so she utters “Hendry, I do not have any intention”. The sentence “I do not have any intention” includes in Lacking of Intent Strategy because in Lindy’s utterances, she tries to explain to Hendry that she does not have any intention to disturb Hendry’s condition because Hendry is fasting. Lindy apologizes to Hendry by explaining that there is no intention to take in the offense. Lindy explains that she does not have intention to tempt Hendry to eat. Therefore, before lindy eats the bread, she apologizes to Hendry that no intention in her offense.


30 Admission of Fact

In the third sub strategy, the speaker admits her or his offense that she or he has one to the hearer. In this strategy the speaker tries to tell the truth about the offense that she or he has done. In this third sub strategy the writer finds some data that relate to this strategy. For example:

Dialogue 7: (2:10)

Deci : Where do you sit?

Della : Here deci, loh iya I forget to look for a chair for you. You sit


Deci : Where does lindy sit?

Della : Lindy, sit here, sorry Deci I forgot to look for a chair for you.

In the dialogue above, Deci comes late to the canteen (Magha), then she tries to find chair by asking Della about the available chair.Della forgets to reserve a chair for Deci, so to express her regret; she apologizes to Deci because Della forgets to reserve a chair for Deci.

The sentence “sorry Deci I forgot to look for a chair for you” includes in Admission of Fact Strategy because Della realizes her fault by admitting her fault by telling the truth to Deci that she forgets to reserve a chair for Deci. Della expresses her feeling of guilty by admitting her fault and tells Deci the truth in order to Deci can forgive her.

In the third sub strategy, sometimes when the speaker apologizes to the hearer, the speaker not only utters long statement with face expression to admit her or his fault. In this third sub strategy the writer finds some data that show the



speaker admits their offense by short statement and the expression of face. The example can be seen below:

Dialogue 8: (5:14)

Deci : eh, do you join adab fashion week with Arzhety?

Fadilah : No, I do not. How many times do you ask the same thing Deci?

Deci : oh, yes yes (smiling)

Deci asks to Fadillah about Adab Fashion Week, from the dialogue above, the readers can infer that Deci has asked Fadillah about Adab Fashion Week for many times. Fadillah tries to remind Deci that she has asked about Adab Fashion week for many times. Deci realizes that she has disturbed Fadillah with her question about Adab Fashion Week. Therefore, she tries to apologize by admitting her offense. Deci utters “oh yes yes “then she smiles. Deci’s utterances “oh yes, yes” with smile expression includes in Admission of Fact Strategy because it indicates that Deci admits that her question has disturb Fadillah and it causes an offense to Fadillah. Deci admits has mistake for asking Fadillah about Adab Fashion Week for many times. Deci also smiles to Fadillah in order to show the condition because of the offense. Downgrading Responsibility or Severity of Offense

The speaker tries to downgrade the responsibility of the offense that she or he has done by uttering an utterance that reduces speaker’s accountability for the offense, therefore the utterance can reduce severity of offense. There are five types of downgrading responsibility. They are.



The speaker tries to look for a reason that can support his or her apologizing to the hearer so that the hearer can forgive his or her offense.

The speaker tries explaining the condition that she or he faces in order to reduce the severity of the offense. In this first sub strategy, the writer finds some data that relate to the strategy. Here are the data:

Dialogue 9: (5:22)

Deci : yesterday I sent sms to you but you did not replay

Fadillah : oh iya, I’m turn off my mobile phone. I have to turn off my mobile

phone when I sleep. Sorry

Fadillah tries to explain why she does not replay Deci’s message. Deci complains to Fadillah that she sends a message to Fadillah but does not reply her messages. Fadillah apologizes to Deci by giving explanation that she always turns off her mobile phone. The sentence “I’m turn off my mobile phone, I have to turn off my mobile phone when I sleep, sorry” includes in Excusing Strategy because Fadillah tries to explain her condition that she sleeps and she has to turn off her mobile phone in order not to bother her when she slept. Fadillah tries to find excuse in order to Deci does not get mad because of the offense that Fadillah has done so that Deci can forgive her.

Dialogue 10: (6:41)

Eka : I’ll copy it now. Mar’ah I borrow your laptop for copy this file

Mar’atus : Ok, eh by the way Della, is there virus

Della : I don’t know, maybe nothing. Eh gak tau she.hehe

Mar’atus : Sorry ya mak, emhh sepurane banget.

Eka : Why

Mar’atus : Because in this laptop there is not antivirus.

Eka : Ok, no problem, emmh Della yg canti, baik hati dan rajin menabung, hahha



Eka : Thank you bebh

Mar’atus : Sorry ya mak, sorry because I had experience there were virus

Injected in my laptop.

Eka wants to borrow Mar’atus Laptop for copying the data from Della’s FD, Mar’atus is unsure to transfer the data from Della’s flash disc through her Laptop so she asked Della about the virus. Della answers that she does not know whether there is virus or not. Then, Mar’atus rejects to transfer the data through her Laptop. Mar’atus apologizes to Eka by uttering “Sorry ya mak, sorry because I had experience there are virus injected in my laptop”. The word “sorry” to express her regret because she cannot fulfill Eka that want to transfer the data. “Sorry ya mak, sorry because I had experience there are virus injected in my laptop” includes in Excusing Strategy because after apologizing to Eka, Mar’atus tries give explanation about why she cannot transfer the data from Della’s flash disc through her laptop. Mar’atus explains that she has experience that her laptop is injected by virus when she wants to transfer data from flash disc with her laptop. Mar’atus tries to find the excuse is in order to Eka forgives the offense that she is done. The excuse is given by Mar’atus in order to reduce the severity of the offense that she is done. Justification

The speaker provides an argument to persuade the hearer that no blame can be attached to him or her. The speaker’s argument is used to persuade the hearer that the speaker cannot be blamed because of the offense. In this second sub strategy the writer finds some data in apologizing. Here are the data:



Dialogue 11: (12:25)

Deci : Loh the copy of eka’s KTM is gone

Fadillah : Eka has given it to you Hendry. Hasn’t she? Hendry : Loh, I already gave it

Deci, Fadillah, Hendry, Eka and Della want to join Seminar and they want to register the seminar registration. Eka cannot join Deci, Fadillah, and Hendry to register the Seminar registration. Della gives her student card to Hendry. When they collect the requirements for seminar registration, they lose the Eka’s copy student card, they try to find it, Fadillah try to remind Hendry that the Eka’s copy student card is given to Hendry. Hendry tries justifying that she has given Eka’s student card to Fadillah. Hendry explains that she has given the copy of Eka’s student card by uttering “loh, I already gave it”. The sentence “loh, I already gave it” includes in Justification Strategy because in here, Hendry tries to persuade the hearer that no offense can be blamed to Hendry because she is given the copy of Eka’s student card.

Dialogue 12: (10:11)

Hendry : Oh iya, yesterday. Aku ketemu with kaprodi. I ask to him for the test, he said that during test not only baca al-Qur’an, but hafalan Surat pendek juga. Then I said to him “yahh, kalo baca and tajwidnya sih it’s oke pak. Tapi kalo maknanya oh my god I’m afraid

I can’t “

Fadilah : Oh my god, you shouldn’t tell him Hendry : I have blurted out.

Hendry says that she asks to the head of department about reading Quran’s test. The head of department says that the reading Quran’s test is not only reading holly Qur’an but also memorizing some prays and short Surah. Hendry says to the

head of department that she does not already learn all the materials. Here, Fadillah does not accept Hendry’s point of view about the reading Quran’s testthat Hendry



is not already that the test with memorizing some prays and short Surah. Then

Hendry tries to explain to Fadillah she blurts out. She utters “I have blurted out”. The sentence “I have blurted out” includes in Justification Strategy because in this case, Hendry wants to explain to Fadillah she cannot be blamed because she blurts out. Hendry wants to prove to Fadillah that she cannot be blamed by giving a reason, when people blurt out about something, they are unconscious therefore Fadillah cannot blamed Hendry about what she says to the head of department. Problematizing a Precondition

The speaker uses certain condition or situation as a reason to avoid the responsibility. The speaker tries to evade the offense by giving a reason about the situation or condition that is not supposed to be. It is done by the speaker to reduce the offense. The writer finds one data that relates to this sub strategy:

Dialogue 14: (12:12)

Lindy : They are very noisy

Fadillah : Let them being noisy. Hendry you only sit and call Firda : Loh, someone calls me

Fadillah tries to mock Hendry because she and other friends are confused with Seminar registration but Firda only sits and on the phone with someone. Fadillah complains to Firda’s activity. Here, Firda tries to defense herself by uttering “loh, someone calls me “. Here Firda explains to Fadillah that she cannot be blamed because someone calls her. The sentence “someone calls me “includes in Problematizing a Precondition Strategy because Firda tries to make the situation as a reason why she cannot help the other friends in seminar registration.



Firda convinces Fadillah has important call so that she prefers to answer the phone. Denial

The speaker denies that an offense occurs in the interaction. The speaker denies the offense that she or he has done to the hearer so the speaker tries to evade the responsibility. The writer finds two data that relate to this sub strategy. They are:

Dialogue 15: (5:16)

Fadillah: Della joins adab fashion week. Oh ya Hendry you always send Sms to the wrong number

Hendry: have I ever sent wrong sms to you?

Fadillah: yes twice, and you have ever sent wrong sms to lindy kan?

In the first dialogue above, Fadillah complains to Hendry that Hendry always sends wrong message to Fadillah. It can be inferred that Hendry’s wrong message is annoying Fadillah so she tries to complain to Hendry. After hearing Fadillah’s complain, Hendry tries to evade the offense that she has done. Hendry denies that she always sends wrong message to Fadillah. Hendry utters “have I ever sent wrong sms to you?”. The sentence “have I ever sent wrong sms to you?” includes in Denial Strategy because Hendry’s utterance indicates that Hendry tries to deny to offense by pretending that she does not know that she always sends wrong message to Fadillah.

Dialogue 16: (13:8)

Deci : Heh beb Faillah this is your book that I borrowed yesterday. Thank

you very much.

Fadillah : Okey, no problem. Hey you tear the last page. Deci : What? Is it right?



Fadillah : Yes, when I lent it to you it is good condition bebh. Deci : Are you sure, it is my fault beb?

Fadillah: Yes of course. I always take care of my book, aku gak pernah sembarangan juga naruh buku itu bebh.

Deci : But I know that I didn’t do it. So what should I do?

In the second dialogue, Deci borrows Fadillah’s book then when Deci returns the book, Fadillah complains to Deci about the book because when Deci returns the book it is not good condition. There is a page that is torn. Actually Deci does not realize that there is a page that is torn. Fadiilah blames Deci about her mistake but Deci tries to deny it because she believes that it is not her fault. Deci utters “but I know that I didn’t do it”. The sentence “but I know that I didn’t do it” includes in Denial Strategy because in her utterances Deci tries to convince Fadillah that she does not tear the last page of Fadillah’s book. Deci tries to explain that when she borrows the book she does not know whether the page has torn or not, Deci denies the offense that she has done. Offering of Repair

The speaker offers to repair the damage because of the offense that is done by the speaker. The speaker offers to remedy the damage by restoring the damage. The speaker admits the offense that she or he has done. The speaker feels guilty so that she or he tries to offer to remedy the offense that he or she has done. The writer finds the data relates to offer repairs strategy. The data can be seen bellow:

Dialogue 17: (1:23) Hendry : Put it here

(Hendry spills a glass of water into Della’s chair.)

Hendry : Della, do you have tissue? Della : Yes, take it, for what? Hendry : To clean this



Hendry and Della have a chat in the classroom then suddenly Hendry spills a glass of mineral water that she puts on Della’s desk. In this condition, Della does not know that Hendry spills a glass of mineral water or her desk. In this dialogue, the writer presumes that Hendry intends to repair her mistake that she has done that it can be seen from Hendry’s utterance “To clean this”.The sentence “to clean this” includes in Offering of Repair Strategy because it indicates that Hendry wants to clean the water that she spills on Della’s desk. Hendry tries to repair the offense that she has done in order to restore the relationship.

Dialogue 18: (6:18)

Eka : He’em, I’ll copy now, bawa FD a kalian?

Mar’atus : Maybe yes, oh maybe I bring it wait a minute, I’ll check it. Oh my

god I don’t bring my FD I put it on my other bags,I’ll send it by

email, okay?

In the second dialogue, Eka wants to copy file from Mar’atus FD. Mar’atus is not sure that she brings the FD. She checks the FD in her bag but unfortunately she does not find the note in her bag. Mar’atus tells Eka that she does not bring the note because she puts it on her other bags. Mar’atus tries to remedy her mistake by offering that the file will be sent by email. Mar’atus utters “I’ll send it by email. Okay?” The sentence “I’ll send it by email. Okay” includes in Offering of Repair Strategy because Mar’atus’s utterances indicates that she feels guilty because she does not bring the note, therefore she wants to repair her offense by sending the file to Eka in email.


39 Verbal Redressing

There are several types in verbal redress: concern for offended party, effort to appease, promise or forbearance. Efforts to Appease

Efforts to appease are the situation where the speaker tries to appease the hearer’s condition because of the offense. The writer finds one data that relates to this strategy:

Dialogue 19: (15:9)

Anas : Hadoh, oh no, my thesis revise again and again bro, masih bab 1 loh,


Duhan : hahaha, I think it seems you have to revise it like to get it right. Anas : Heh, na’udzubillah bro, what you mean?

Duhan: no, no I’m just joking

Anas told Duhan that he revises again; Anas seems very hopeless because he revises his thesis again. Anas is so disappointed with the result. Duhan tries to make a joke by asking Anas to revise for five times. Duhan’s utterance seems insult Anas’s condition. Anas do not accept Duhan’s advice. Duhan realizes that his utterance insults Anas, therefore he tries to show the situation by uttering “no, no I’m just joking”. The sentence “no, no I’m just joking “ includes in Effort to Appease Strategy because Duhan convinces Anas that his utterance just for fun only a joke, Duhan tells Anas that he is not serious with his utterance.

The writer finds that the apologizing strategies that are mostly used by the students are downgrading responsibility or severity of offense. The writer concludes that the students are easy to downgrade responsibility of the offense



because of their relationship. The students have close relationship among each other. The relationship helps the students downgrade the responsibility, and on the other hand, the offenses that they have done are categorized as not serious ones. Therefore, the students are easy to downgrade the responsibility of the offense. And then, the writer tries to explain the possible purpose in the conversation by English Department students of the apologizing strategies based on Bergman and Kesper theory.

4.1.2 The Possible Purpose of apologizing strategies

The writer explains the possible purpose of apologizing strategies in the conversation by the English Department students of state Islamic University Sunan Ampel. As stated in the scope and limitation that all the data only selects in apologizing strategy that occur in English Department students. In addition, all of the possible purposes below based on the utterances by English Department students. From the table above, the writer finds that English Department students use various kinds of apologizing strategies in apologizing to their friends. The writer classifies the data in apologizing based on Bergman and Keeper’s theory (1993) in apologizing. The writer finds various data that relate to the apologizing strategies based on Bergman and Kesper (1993). The Possible Purpose of Using IFID

In the first strategy, the writer finds six data in apologizing that are used by the English department students. The students express their feeling of regret explicitly by uttering “sorry”. In the data, the writer finds examples such as “sorry



for bothering your time”, “eh sorry”. The students want to show that they feel guilty with the offense that the students have done. The offense that is done by the students is easily to utter “sorry” because the offense is not too serious. For instance, in the first dialogue above “sorry for bothering your time” the offense is not too serious because the students do not damage something.

The offense is about the time that can be forgiven. In the second dialogue “eh sorry”, the offense is not too serious either. Della’s laptop touches Farad’s mobile phone and it does not influence Farad’s mobile phone. The mobile phone is still in a good condition. The students are easily uttering “sorry” for the acts the offense the hearer.

The possible purpose of the students immediately utter the word “sorry” after doing the offense is in order the offense will not create a big problem for the relationship between the speaker and the hearer and because among the students themselves they have close relationship so that can easily utter the word “sorry”. Therefore, the relationship between the speaker and the hearer are still close. The Possible Purpose of Upgrading

In the second strategy is upgrading. The students rarely use the second strategy. This strategy is used by the student when they make mistakes that really hurt or offend the hearer. In this study, the writer finds two conversations that contain upgrading.

In the data, the writer finds the data such as “Oh, I’m so sorry” the speaker regrets the offense that she has done use to the hearer because she cannot fulfill her promise and she cannot rewind that condition.



She express her regret by uttering “I’m so sorry, it’s beyond my expectation” to increase her feeling that she feels guilty. In the dialogue two, the data is “I’m so sorry”. Those conversations occur because of big mistakes that are done by the speaker such as the speaker is disappointing the speaker for canceling the promise or the speaker breaks the hearer’s laptop. This strategy occurs because the condition as an effect of the offense cannot be repaired. For instance in the first conversation, the speaker cancels his promise and he cannot rewind that condition. He express his regret by uttering “I’m so sorry, it’s beyond my expectation” to increase his feeling that he feels guilty. In the dialogue two, the data is “I’m so sorry”. Those conversations occur because of big mistakes that are done by the speaker such as the speaker is disappointing the speaker for canceling the promise or the speaker breaks the hearer’s laptop. This strategy occurs because the condition as an effect of the offense cannot be repaired.

For instance in the conversation, the speaker cancels his promise, though the speaker can offer another day to keep his promise but the hearer wants the hearer to fulfill his promise at the time.

The possible purpose of this strategy is the speakers intend to show that they regret the offense by adding the word “so” in order the hearer forgives the offense that the speakers is done. Here, the speakers want to keep the relationship among the speakers and the hearer as close friends. The Possible Purpose of Taking on Responsibility

In the third strategy, the students use taking on responsibility to admit her or his mistake that can make an offense to the hearer. There are three sub



strategies in taking on responsibility strategy. They are self blame, lack of intent, and admission of fact. In the third strategy, the writer finds admission of fact as a sub strategy that mostly used by the students. For instance, “Lindy sits here. Sorry Deco I forget to look a chair for you “, when the students make mistakes that cause an offense; the students are easily apologized by admitting her or his offense by explaining the real situation that they face.

The possible purpose of this sub strategy is the students try to tell the truth about the situation that can offend the hearer. The students are easy to admit the fact because the relationships that they build for almost four years among the other and the offense that occurs are not too seriously so they admit the fact. On the other hand, speaker sometimes admits the fact that causes an offense by body language. The speaker admits the offense then the speaker smiles to the hearer. This is done by the speaker in order to appease the speaker’s condition.

Another sub strategy in apologizing strategy is used by English Department students is lack of intent. For instance, “Hendry, I don’t have any intention”. The possible purpose of this sub strategy is the speaker shows to the hearer that she does not want to disturb her friend’s condition that her friend at the time is fasting. The speaker explains to the hearer that she does not have intention to tempt the hearer in order their relationship can be maintained well.

Another sub strategy is self blame. The writer does not find any data that relates to this sub strategy because the offense that occur among English Department students are light offenses, means that the offense is not too serious.



Therefore, the speaker will not blame themselves about the offense that they have done. The Possible Purpose of Downgrading Responsibility or Severity Offense

Next, the writer finds apologizing strategy that mostly used by the students is the fourth strategies; it is downgrading responsibility or severity offense. In this strategy, there are five sub strategies such as excuse, justification, problematic a precondition, claiming ignorance and denial. The writer does not find any data that relates to claim ignorance strategy. There are no students who use claiming ignorance strategy. The sub strategy in downgrading responsibility or severity of offense is excuse. The speaker tries to find a reason to explain to the hearer to support the apologizing that she utters. For instance “oh iya, I turn off my mobile phone. I have to turn off my mobile phone when I sleep. Sorry”.

The writer can infer that possible purpose of the students mostly use downgrading responsibility or severity of offense because they have close relationship that they have built for almost four years in the English Department. Because of the close relationship, the students can apologize to their friends without any pretenses. On the other hand, the offenses that have been done by the students are not serious so that the students try to downgrade the offense in order to the hearer can forgive them.



In the fifth strategy, the writer finds six data in apologizing strategy that relates to offer of repair strategy. The data in apologizing strategy, for instance, “to clean this”, “oh my god, I don’t bring it. I put in my other bags. I’ll send by email.”

The possible purpose of English Department students use offer of repair strategy is to remedy the offense that they have done, because the offenses usually are not serious and easy to repair. The speaker has ability to repair the offense because the offenses are not too serious and easy to repair. The relationship among friends influences the speaker to offer of repair to the hearer. The Possible Purpose of Verbal Redress

The last strategy is verbal redress; the writer does not find many data in this strategy. The writer finds one datum that relates to this strategy. The sub strategy that is used by the student is effort to appease. For instance, “No, no, I’m just joking”. This sub strategy is used by the speaker because the speaker’s utterance insults the hearer so that the speaker tries to appease the hearer’s condition.

The possible purpose of this strategy is done by the speaker in order to maintain the relationship between the speaker and the hearer that has been built in four years. Therefore, this strategy occurs in the conversation.

4.2 Discussion

This section discusses the finding of data analysis, Apologizing occurs when someone perceives that he or she has done something bad or hurt other



people’s feeling, such as offending someone else, neglecting his or her duty, or causing trouble that will damage the relationship. Apologizing is needed to repair relationship. By using apologizing, people can give a clear reason why they do a mistake. Misunderstanding sometimes occurs in the conversation with the others. When misunderstanding occurs and hurts or violates someone, his/her face needs to be restored, so in the conversation, the terms of apologizing begin to occur.

The writer tries researching about apologizing strategies used by English Department of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University. Regarding the research was done by Rohmania (2009) she was an English Department Student in State University of Malang, she also conducted apologizing strategies used by English Department students based on Social status and Social distance. This thesis is a socio-pragmatic study about the apologizing strategies used by English Department Students of State University of Malang to nine people based on social status and social distance differences. The social status here includes lower-, equal-, and higher- status whereas the social distance includes an intimate person, a familiar person, and a stranger. According to Rohmania, it can be seen that social status and social distance does influence the respondents in using apologizing strategies. The more intimate the respondents, the stronger feeling of apologizing of their offence. The higher the status of the hearer it can appear stronger feeling of apologizing for their offence and the more polite expression used. In this study, the data were collected by using a Discourse Completion Test (DCT) modified from Wouk (2006). By using DCT, getting large numbers of respondents and collecting the data, and constructing to account for variation in



speech act realization determined by social status and social distance and combining all possible variables (social status and social distance) can be done easily. In my opinion, Rohmania’s data is invalid because in her research she finds out the data through Discourse Completion Test (DCT) which is given to respondent. Moreover, people know that DCT does not reflect the occurring speech naturally, so that the data is not pure conversation which is spoken by the speaker.

In this study, the writer wants to develop the research before. The writer analyzes Apologizing Strategies used by English department students. The data is taken naturally and differently with the research before; the writer takes the data from conversation that occurs in English Department students, so that the data is more valid and natural. The writer not only takes the data from her women friend’s, but also from some her men friend’s; so that the data is more complete than the research before.

The writer would like to reveal this research by some previous studies as the reference which it is entitled Apologizing Strategies Used by English Department Students of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University. Hereby, the writer does an effort to analyze by using the strategies from the theory of Bergman and Kesper.

All of the data is collected from the student of English department from several classes where sometimes there are some students who speak Indonesia. Besides, the writer explains about the possible purposes of apologizing strategies based on the related conversation.



In this analysis that is done by the writer, there are thirty one data in apologizing. The writer finds there are seven sub strategies that used by English department students of State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya in the eighth semesters. They are lack of intent, admission of fact, excuse, justification, problematizing a precondition, denial, and effort to appease, the writer finds that apologizing strategy that is mostly used by the students is Downgrading responsibility. After that, the writer tries to explain the possible purpose of the apologizing strategies based on conversation the English Department students.

The writer is so unpleased for the result of recording is not clear enough because the writer does all the recordings using cell phone. Therefore, it took a while for the writer to transcribe into a data. There are four strategies which the writer unable to elaborate in this research. They are self blame, claiming ignorance, concern for offended party, and promise forbearance that is caused by the limited time and condition matters of eighth semester. Because, there is no conversations indicate to the situation that related to their sub strategies.

In another hand, there are different focuses in my research among other researches done before. Fajar Suryadi (2007) also conducted research about Apologizing Strategies used by Students of Petra University, Selvy Gunawan (2008) also conducted research about Apologizing Strategies used by Female Tenant in Boarding House, Ayubaidah Fitrahnanda (2014) also conducted research about A Study on Gender-Based on Differences in Apologizing Strategies of English Department Students in Campus Setting.


Sugeng : Wah itu ya gak seminar

Deci : Loh the copy of eka’s KTM is gone

Fadillah : Eka hasgiven it to you Hendry, hasn’t she ? Firda : Loh,I already gave it

Deci : Pasti ada, let’s check it

( suddenly fadillah give’s eka’s KTM from her Bag ) fadillah : Here is the KTM

Deco : Oh fadillah brings the KTM Firda : Ooohh ancene


Conversation 13 (16 April 2015)

Fadiilah : Aku kemarin beli buku baru crita e cerita nyata bagus banget.

Deci : O ya tah,heh beb Hendry this is your book that I borrowed yesterday. Thank you very much.

Fadillah : Okey, no problem. Hey you tear the last page. Deci : What ? is it right ?

Fadillah : Yes, when I lent it to you it is good condition bebh. Deci : Are you sure, it is my fault beb ?

Fadillah : Yes of course. I always take care of my book, aku gak pernah sembarangan juga naruh buku itu bebh.

Deci : But I know that I didn’t do it. So what should I do ?

Fadillah : Please, ganti baru bebh coz aku butuh banget buku itu, dan buku itu susah banget buat dicarinya bebh.tolong bebh

Deci : Oh my god, yasudahlah . oke Fadillah : Thank you bebh

Della : Kenapa she kalian itu

Fadillah : Ini lo beb buku ku kmaren di pinjem deci, but her tear this last page Deci : I don’t know, but ok ok no problem aku ganti ntar

Della : okelah fine, besok diganti new yes. Eh makan yuk Fadillah : Ayuk

Deci : I’m fasting, yadah aku tak di loby aja Della : Oh my god , oke kita tinggal ya.


Conversation 14(20 April 2015)

Fadilah `: Ayo pengen aku ke panda”an itu Deci : Ayok

Fadillah : Tapi Hendry kerja beb

Della : Eh beb laptopmu udah kamu ambil di servis ? Lindy : Udah beb, why ?

Firda : Kamu bawa kan laptop e sekrang ? tak copykan datamu yg di flash disk ku. Della : Ohh oke.

Firda : Nih beb, I have copied your data to your laptop on semester 8 folder, okey DellA : Okey, thank you beb

Firda : Okey, check the data Della : Hey, why it doesn’t work ?

Firda : What? Masak sih ? I don’t lnow , I have shut it down as usual Dela : Terus, how it could be?

firda : Oh I’m so sorry

Della : No problem beb, I think I should call my friend to repair the laptop. Eh jadi ta kita jadi ta ke rumah Hendry

Fadilla : Ya nanti tak bbm dulu beb Della : Ahh mbulet, mbulet Deci : Iya pasti fadillah itu Fadillah : Be passion beb be passion


Della : Ahhhm okelah, I more miss eemmmm hahaha ndak wes Fadillah : Miss sapa beb, your pacar ta


Conversation 15(22 april 2015)

Sugeng : Eh kamu sering ta skatepark di pinggr sungaai dekete delta Anas : Lumayan mas ,

Sugeng : Wes lama ta kamu maen skatepark itu Anas : Ya lumayan mas

Duhan : Eh bro yak apa thesis mu

Anas : Aduh bro my thesis revise again, again and again. Masih bab 1 loh ini. Hadeh perasaan yawes tak kerjain maksimal .

Duha : Hahha, I think you should take it for Anas : Heh, na’udzubillah. What you mean ?

Duhan : No, no… I’m just joking. Belajar seng temen mangkane biar gak revisi terus

Anas : Iyo , I’m shocked

Duhan : Wes, wes… tinggal ngopi aja lah Anas : Ide bagus , budal. Gass poll


Conversation 16 (23 april 2015)

Sugeng : Eh della kamu wes nonton fast fariuous 7 a, Della : Yes I have

Lindy : Bagus ta beb Della : Banget

Lindy : Alay deh kayaknya Della : Enggak lah

Anas : Heh coy let’s help me code my data , by the way sorry for being childish last night. I was kinda depressed of many things bro.

Duhan : Nevermind, sorry for disappointing you last night Anas : Ohh for that one, I’m really disappointed , but it’s okey

Duhan : I’m so sorry bro, it is beyond my expectation , sorry ya bro , maybe we can go out next week

Anas : Emmh next week? we’ll see ya, I gues in the next week two weeks I’m gonna extra busy. But who knows.

Duhan : Okey, woles . trus gimana bikin coding datamu ini? Anas : Ohh, read this instruction bro

Duhan : Hadehh, I don’t know about it, it’s better if you explain about this data. aku gak paham blass wah

Della : Yeah coy, it’s better if you explain it, it can help us to understand the instruction

Ans : Oke , let’s me explain it. Tapi ayok makan sek ae lah bro… wes kaliran ini Duhan : Hahhaha,, okok budal budal cuzzz

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