
Plagiarism in Proposal Writing Course

at UIN Sunan Ampel English Education Department Surabaya


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in English Teaching


Rastri Dewi Savitri NIM D05211042






This thesis by Rastri Dewi Savitri entitled “Plagiarism in Proposal Writing Course” at UIN Sunan Ampel English Education Department Surabaya has been approved by the thesis advisors for further approval by the Board of Examiners.

Surabaya, January 30th, 2015

Advisor I,

Prof. Arief Furqon, MA., Ph.D. NIP. 150094096

Advisor II,

Auliya Ridwan, M.Pd.I., MS. NIP. 198505112015031003



This thesis by Rastri Dewi Savitri entitled “Plagiarism in Proposal Writing Course at UIN Sunan Ampel English Education Department Surabaya” has been examined on

February 11th, 2016 and approved by the board of examiners.


Prof. Dr. H. Ali Mudhofir, M.Ag. NIP. 196311161989031003

The Board of Examiners Examiner 1,

Dr. Mohamad Salik, M.Ag. NIP. 196712121994031002

Examiner 2,

Prof. Akh. Muzakki, M.Ag, Grad.Dip.(SEA), M.Phil, Ph.D. NIP. 197402091998031002

Examiner 3,

Prof. H. Arief Furqon, MA., Ph.D. NIP. 194708091967081001

Examiner 4,



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini

Nama : Rastri Dewi Savitri

Nim : D05211042

Semester : XI (Sembilan)

Fakultas/Prodi : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan/ Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Dengan ini menyatakan sebenar-benarnya bahwa skripsi yang berjudul Plagiarism in Writing Proposal Course at UIN Sunan Ampel English Education Department Surabaya” adalah benar-benar merupakan hasil karya sendiri. Segala materi yang diambil dari karya orang lain hanya digunakan sebagai acuan dengan mengikuti tata cara dan etika penulisan karya ilmiah yang ditetapkan oleh jurusan.

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenar-benarnya, apabila pernyataan tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang ada, maka saya selaku penulis bersedia dimintai pertanggungjawaban sesuai ketentuan perturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Surabaya, 30 Januari 2016 Pembuat Pernyataan,

Rastri Dewi Savitri NIM. D05211042


Savitri, Rastri Dewi. NIM D05211042. Bacherlor’s Thesis: “Plagiarism in Proposal Writing Course at UIN Sunan Ampel English Education Department Surabaya" (2016).

Abstrak: Tindak plagiat di perguruan tinggi telah menjadi isu yang sangat popular di semua negara. Plagiat memiliki konsekwensi besar bagi perkembangan karir akademis seseorang dan juga kualitas pendidikan sebuah bangsa. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti mengambil subjek penelitian mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Melalui subjek penelitian, peneliti menjawab dua rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) tipe-tipe plagiat apa sajakah yang banyak dilakukan oleh mahasiswa pada proposal penelitian mereka?; dan (2) faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya plagiat dalam penulisan proposal penelitian mereka?. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti melakukan penelitian dokumen berupa proposal penelitian responden dan peneliti melakukan interview mendalam untuk mengungkap alasan-alasan mereka melakukan plagiat. Meskipun penelitian ini menggunakan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif, peranan data kualitif lebih dominan. Adapun data kuantitaif yang digunakan hanya untuk mendukung hasil analisa data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 37 responden yang diteliti ditemukan mosaic plagiarism (70,27%) dan inadequate paraphrase (67,57%) sebagai jenis plagiat yang paling sering muncul dalam tugas penulisan proposal penelitian. Sebagai penyebab plagiat, kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam penulisan ilmiah (67,57%) menjadi penyebab terbesar yang diakui oleh responden. Faktor-faktor lain seperti buruknya manajemen waktu (56,76%), kurangnya pemahaman terhadap tugas (56.76%), kemalasan (54.05%), dan kemudahan akses terhadap internet (54.05%) juga menjadi factor yang dominan. Sebagai catatan, beberapa jenis plagiat dan beberapa alasan yang berbeda dapat muncul bersamaan pada seorang responden. Analisa data kualitatif dari hasil interview mendalam menunjukkan bahwa manajemen waktu yang buruk, kurangnya pemahaman pada tugas yang diberikan, kemalasan, dan kemudahan akses kepada internet menyebabkan mahasiswa melakukan jenis-jenis plagiat instan, seperti verbatim, mosaic, dan inadequate paraphrase. Selain itu, kurangnya perhatian dari instruktur menyebabkan kurangnya kualitas tulisan mahasiswa dalam hal teknis penulisan sehingga karya mereka dianggap sebagai plagiat.


Abstract: Plagiarism in higher education has become a trending topic in every country. Plagiarism has a big consequence for one’s career development and for a quality of education in a nation. In this research, the researcher selected students of English Education Program as the subject of study. Through the research, the researcher answers two research questions, such as (1) what typical of plagiarism appears in students’ working paper of research proposal writing course at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya?; and (2) what major factors cause the emergence of students’ plagiarism in their research proposal writing working paper?. In order to answer the question, the researcher conducted document review in forms of students’ research proposal and the researcher also conducted in-depth interview to uncover reasons of students committing plagiarism. Despite this research makes use quantitative and qualitative data, the position of qualitative data is more dominant. The quantitative data is used to support qualitative data analysis. The results of study shows that from 37 respondents it is found mosaic plagiarism (70.27%) and inadequate paraphrase (67.57%) as the kinds of plagiarism which are commonly appears in students’ proposal writings. For the antecedents of plagiarism, it is found that bad-time management (56.76%), lack comprehension to the task (56.76%), laziness (54.05%), and the ease of access to the internet (54.05%) also becomes dominant factors. It needs to inform that several types of plagiarism and some different antecedents appeared in a respondent at the same time. Qualitative analysis from in-depth interview shows that bad-time management, lack comprehension to the task, laziness, and the ease of access to internet materials are commonly found in the “fast and easy plagiarism”, such as verbatim, mosaic, and inadequate paraphrase plagiarism. Also, instructor’s slack attention and students’ weak capacity in writing are often the cause of imperfect students’ working paper. Therefore, for some points, their works are also considered as plagiarism.



Cover ……….. i

Advisor Approval Sheet …….……… ii

Examiner Approval sheet ……….... iii

Pernyataan Keaslian Tulisan ………... iv

Dedication ………... v

Acknowledgement……… vi

Abstract ……….... vii

Motto ……… ix

Table of contents ……….. x

List of Tables ……… xii

List of Figures ……….. xiii

List of Appendices ……… xiv

Chapter I: Introduction ………. 1

A. Background ……….. 1

B. Research Questions ………... 4

C. Objectives ………. 5

D. Significance of the Study ……….. 5

E. Scope and Limitation ……… 5

F. Key-term Definitions ……… 6

Chapter II: Review of Literature ……….……… 8

A. Definition of Plagiarism ……….. 8

B. Types of Plagiarism ………. 10

1. Verbatim plagiarism ………. 12

2. Mosaic Plagiarism ……… 13

3. Inadequate Paraphrase ……….. 14

4. Uncited Paraphrase ……… 15

5. Uncited Quotation ………. 16

C. Factors Influencing Students to Plagiarize ……….. 17

D. Theory of Avoiding Plagiarism ……… 22

E. Plagiarism Detection ……… 26

Chapter III: Research Methods ………. 29

A. Introduction ……….. 29

B. Research Paradigm ………... 30

C. Types of Research ……….... 30

D. Research Approach ………... 30

E. Focus of the Study ……… 31


G. Research Design ………32

H. Data and Resource of Data ………... 33

I. Data Collection Technique ………35

J. Data Analysis Technique ………. 36

K. Triangulation ……… 36

Chapter IV: Research Findings and Discussion ………...… 37

A. Typical Plagiarism Committed by Students ………. 37

1. Presentation of Data (Types of Students’ Plagiarism within their Working Papers) ………... 37

2. Analysis of Data (Analysis of Types of Plagiarism Committed by Students) ……… 40

a. Examples of Verbatim Plagiarism and Analysis ………. 41

b.Examples of Mosaic Plagiarism and Analysis ………. 42

c. Examples of Inadequate Paraphrase Plagiarism and Analysis ……. 43

d.Examples of Uncited Paraphrase Plagiarism and Analysis ……….. 44

e. Uncited Quotation and Analysis and Analysis ………. 45

3. Findings on Students’ Typical Plagiarism ………. 45

B. Reasons behind Students’ Plagiarism ………... 46

1. Presentation of Data (Students’ Reasons of Committing Plagiarism) .. 46

2. Analysis of Students’ Reasons of Committing Plagiarism …………... 48

a. Analysis on Students’ Plagiarism for Better Grades ………... 49

b.Analysis on Plagiarism due to Bad-time Management …………... 52

c. Analysis on Plagiarism due to Lack Comprehension to the Task ... 56

d.Analysis on Plagiarism as a Persistent Fault ………... 58

e. Analysis on Plagiarism owing to Laziness ……….. 59

f. Analysis on The Ease of Access to Internet to Cause Plagiarism ... 63

g.Analysis on Instructor’s Slack Attention to Cause Plagiarism …… 65

h.Analysis on Students’ Weak Capacity in Rules of Academic Writing ……… 67

3. Findings on Students’ Reasons in Committing Plagiarism …………. 69

C. Discussions ……….. 70

Chapter V: Conclusion and Suggestion ……… 73

A. Conclusion ……… 73

B. Suggestion ……… 75

Bibliography ………. xv Appendix



A. Background

In the contemporary academic context, plagiarism has become a very

serious issue due to its impact in an institution’s reputation and or a personal’s

credibility. Several recent plagiarism issues in Indonesia affected one’s academic career. For instance, an issue of plagiarism in Universitas Kristen Maranatha Bandung (UKMB) affected two of highly rank officials. According to Tribunnews, the two officials were JL and LS and they had been sued by M Prasetyo, an academic from Surakarta, for plagiarism in their two books and a journal article.1 Prasetyo in his report claimed that the two officials precisely wrote the same thing as what the first writer (Budiono Kusumohamidjojo) wrote. In addition, they copied the entire footnote which Budiono put in his books, but

they didn’t provide any adequate resource. Therefore, readers would assume that

the writings by the two officials originally reflect their own effort.

The matter of plagiarism also affected a national-top-rank universities in Indonesia. An economic professor of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Anggito

Abimanyu, has been accused for plagiarizing one’s academic thought and work. Tempo magazine reported an article entitled “Gagasan Asuransi Bencana” which

1Hasiolan Eko P Gultom, “Lagi, Isu Plagiat Terpa Petinggi Universitas Maranatha”, Retrieved at


was published in Kompas by Abimanyu as Harbonat Sinaga’s work entitled

“Menggagas Asuransi Bencana” which was also published by Kompas

previously.2 The reputation of Insitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) as a top leading university in engineering was affected by Muhammad Zuliansyah’s plagiarism of

Siyka Zlatanova’s work. As a result, Zuliansyah was fired from his academic

position and his academic title was invalidated.3 Director General of Ministry of National Education, Djoko Santoso, stated that the plagiarism has been increasing recently and therefore the promotion of professorship in Indonesia has been decreased for about 70%.4

Facts above indicate the rising tide of plagiarism issues in academic field

and how the issues affect one’s profession and credibility. Actually plagiarism is an important issues in worldwide context. Along with the development of informational technology, plagiarism becomes easier to detect. In developed countries, plagiarism can be identified earlier before a paper is published for wide academic consumers. Online “write checker” such as offers free service to reduce plagiarism in universities. Therefore, this good idea should be recommended to Indonesian universities for its positive impact against plagiarism.

2Khairul Anam, “Plagiarisme Marak, Promosi Guru Besar Turun”, Retrieved at on Wednesday, February, 26th 2014.

3 Ibid. 4 Ibid.


In the context of Indonesia, research become a “must” for Indonesian

students since undergraduate study. Bachelor’s thesis or Skripsi becomes a partial

fulfilment for degree completion. As a consequence, students start to learn research methodology and proposal writing in their mid-year of study. This part is not only an important step to familiarize students with research writing but is also crucial for avoiding plagiarism in the early career of an academic or a teacher.

From the previous study that I had found, there are differences between the previous research and my research. First, the thesis from Muh. Yusuf 2013 about Students’ problems in writing a research proposal (A Case Study of the Fifth Semester Students of English Education Department, State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya), English Education Department, State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This research focuses on the students problem in writing research proposal. The focus itself is can be about the research method that the students use, the translation and etc. Second, the thesis

from Nur Habibah, 2013 about “An Analysis of Plagiarism in seminar proposal by the seventh semester students of English Education Department at IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, English Education Department, State Institute for Islamic

Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya”. From the research that Nur Habibah’s made ,

she is focusing on Verbatim Plagiarism. The aim of the research is also to find out the percentage of students who used Verbatim plagiarism in seminar proposal.

In this research, I propose an investigation of students’ type of plagiarism and what factors becoming the main antecedents of it. In other words, this


research is an effort to identify general type of plagiarism by students and their reasons. This research is significant due to its potential contribution of avoiding plagiarism. Not all students plagiarize intentionally. Plagiarism can happened due to some possible situations. First, students do not understand what constitute plagiarism. Second, students do not know how to paraphrase the original sentence into their writing. Last, students fail to provide citation for quoted sentences.

For the rational above, I select students’ work on research proposal

course at UIN Sunan Ampel as my document of study. The object of the study would be the proposal authors. From the document, I would like to identify the type of students’ plagiarism. In addition, in depth interview would be very useful to investigate what causes plagiarism by students.

B. Research Questions

1. What types of plagiarism appears in students’ working paper of research proposal writing course at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya?

2. What major factors cause the emergence of students’ plagiarism in their research proposal writing working paper?


C. Objectives

1. The first objective is to identify and to categorize the types of plagiarism in the writing course final work at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The identification and categorization would be very useful to uncover the common pattern of plagiarism by students.

2. The second objective is to investigate antecedents of students’ plagiarism.

D. Significance of the Study

1. This study is significant to contribute in the contemporary discourse of plagiarism in second language teaching program, particularly in investigating the trend of contemporary students’ plagiarism. Since the English language

education program is designed to produce English teachers, then the teachers’

identity must be developed from early time. It is very ironic when a language

teacher plagiarize one’s work.

2. The second contribution of this research would be the antecedents of plagiarism within students. This information gather causes of plagiarism by its categories. Therefore, preventive action can be taken after this research.

E. Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study focuses on the types of plagiarism that student’s do including the cause of plagiarism in research proposal writing course. The study used a qualitative method. However, the researcher also makes use


quantitative data -percentage of each type of idea plagiarism that was found in the

student’s research proposal writing and students’ reasons- to strengthen the qualitative report. The researcher only give a limitation to identify the type of

plagiarism that student’s usually use during research writing proposal.

F. Key-term Definitions

1. Plagiarism in academic writing is kind of cheating by copying other people’s work without using adequate paraphrasing, without putting the resource or citation and footnote from the original source.

2. Verbatim plagiarism is kind of putting whole sentences of one’s work in our proposal, journal, thesis or other paper directly.

3. Mosaic plagiarism is kind of plagiarism that putting one’s work and just replacing words by its synonyms. Therefore, the sentence structure follows the original sentence and the paraphrase is not considered as the proper one. 4. Inadequate paraphrase is a plagiarism by copying other people’s work without

using a proper paraphrase. In other words, someone has cited one’s work and paraphrased it but the paraphrase is not “enough”. That someone needs to work harder in order to come up with his own sentences.

5. Uncited Paraphrase is a plagiarism by copying other people’s work by using adequate paraphrase but without putting citation from the original resource, so it is called uncited paraphrase.


6. Uncited Quotation is plagiarism by copying other people’s work by using a proper quotation but without putting citation of the original source. Therefore, even though a sentence is properly quoted, it is still a plagiarism.5

5Harvard university Guide to using sources, “ What Constitutes Plagiarism?” retrieved from on February, 26th 2014.




A. Definition of Plagiarism

Nowadays plagiarism becomes a very big issue in some of school and university. There are a lot of cases of plagiarism that found whether in the university. This problem happened because some reasons. First, some people do not really know about what is called plagiarism and kind of plagiarism. Second, some people may think of plagiarism as not a serious problem and just do it in

their writing. They think that it doesn’t bring negative effect in their career. In

fact, plagiarism is able to effect one’s career in the future. According to Cromwell and McMurty as cited on Batane, nowadays the information from the internet is really easy to access and really easy to proof whether one plagiarized or not. People do not need much time to read hardcopy or book and then retype it on search engine to check for plagiarism. By entering keywords on the internet, people are able to gather materials for their academic work. The ease of access from internet makes students lazy to read books, so deciding to plagiarize means time and energy saving.1

According to American Association of university Professors as cited on Miguel Roig, book plagiarism is defined as the action of trickster who

1 T. Batane, Turning to Turnitin to Fight Plagiarism among University Students”,Educational


intentionally took the other’s people writing, idea or thought and makes it looks

like their own writing without putting the author’s name or citation.2 In

conclusion, plagiarism is kind of stealing someone’s work, idea, though, method,

concepts and theory and put it as our writing. Not only stealing someone’s work, it is also a plagiarism when one uses someone else idea and intentionally put it as

the one’s work. It is called plagiarism because of lying to public about the idea and claiming other’s work.3 In addition, Park stated that “plagiarism is also the

act of scrounging other people’s idea or thought including the theory, and literary by changing and copying the words or sentence and confess it as our own work

without giving a citation”.4Similarly, Colnerud and Rosande stated “Plagiarism is the act of stealing by using part of the sentence, word of other people’s work without confession, giving falsification of document to the reader and launching the sample paper as the previous author”.5

According to and Research Source there are some condition that are considered as plagiarism. First, stealing someone else work and made as if it is our own product or work. Second, duplicating someone else idea, words, sentence without putting the author’s name. Third, unintentionally forgetting to put a quotation. Fourth, putting a false information about the original source.

2 Miguel Roig, Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, and other Questionable Writing Practices: A

Guide to Ethical Writing, (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2011), p. 3.

3 Diane Pecorari, Academic writing and plagiarism (New York: Continuum, 2008), p. 1. 4As cited in Reva Fishand Gerri Hura “ Students’ Perceptions of Plagiarism, Journal of the

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 13, No. 5, December 2013, p. 35.

5 Reva Fishand Gerri Hura “ Students’ perceptions of plagiarism” Journal of the Scholarship of


Fifth, modifying some of the word, sentence, and phrase from the original source

to our work without putting the citation or author’s name. Sixth, copying almost

all of the sentence exactly same as the original source without citing the source.6 Another source state that there are 3 kinds of common written plagiarism that students usually do in writing. First, copying idea, words and sentence from existing source. This kind of plagiarism commonly happened when students doing writing course. Second, Copying from other students and the last is

working too closely with other students. The teacher’s role here is very important

to guide the students away from plagiarism. The teacher’s need to be strict to the

students. Working collaboratively with other students doesn’t mean that they can

copying their friends work, but just sharing the idea together but still using their own sentence not copying from their friends.7

B. Types of Plagiarism

Plagiarism in academic writing is kind of cheating by copying other

people’s work without paraphrasing, putting the resource or citation and footnote

from the original source. According to American Association of University Professors September/October, 1989 as cited on Miguel Roig, “Doing Plagiarism

is just like a thief because we took other’s idea, writing, thought, putting and, “What is Plagirism?” this paper is provided by

7 Jude Carrol and Carl-Mikael Zetterling, Guiding Students Away From Plagiarism, (Stockholm,


confess it as our work without putting the source, name, quotation, citation and

etc”.8 Eventhough it’s just using other’s idea or thought, it is called plagiarism

because we don’t put the author’s name properly.

Plagiarism is like a habitual that almost all people doing in this world. Eventhough all people have already know that doing plagiarism is bad and it also can give a bad effect in the future but some people still doing plagiarism for many reasons. Not only students of university but also lectures and professor sometimes doing plagiarism intentionally or unintentionally. They had so many reasons when doing plagiarism. Some of them may already know that plagiarism is about

using someone’s work or writing or idea and put it all in our work, so they are using paraphrase in their writing. But we can’t make sure that our work doesn’t

called plagiarism just because we use paraphrase in our work. Using paraphrase without putting a source is also called plagiarism. There are so many kind of plagiarism in writing academy. Not only verbatim plagiarism but also there are another kind of plagiarism that people should know to avoid plagiarism.

There are many types of paraphrasing such as people copying word by

word of someone else’s work without quotation marks, or using other’s work

without putting the sites or resource properly.

8 Miguel Roig, Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, and other Questionable Writing Practices: A


According to Harvard University there are several types of plagiarism as explained in the following sub-sequence.9

1. Verbatim plagiarism10

Verbatim plagiarism is kind of putting a whole sentence from someone else work in our proposal, journal, thesis or paper directly. Eventhough we are using our own idea or words but we still place other people’s word directly from the source it is still called verbatim plagiarism. We still need to put

author’s name as a reward. Verbatim plagiarism falls into category of

plagiarism of idea or plagiarism of text for two reasons. First, if someone puts

the whole sentences of other people’s journal, work or thesis into her/his writing without putting the author’s name or source, that’s called Stealing Idea

(Plagiarism of idea and thought). Second, if that someone puts a whole

sentence of other people’s journal, work or thesis into her/his writing and putting the author’s name or source, that’s called Plagiarism of text. Here is

the example

The source sentence :

The challenge for higher education institutions over the next view years is to review the range of referencing style that students encounter.

The example of verbatim plagiarism :

9 President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard Guide to Using Sources. Retrieved at on july 1st, 2015.


The challenge for higher education institutions over the next view years is to review the range of referencing style that students encounter.

(Plagiarism of Idea because the writer didn’t put the source and

copying directly all of sentences).

The challenge for higher education institutions over the next view years is to review the range of referencing style that students encounter. (Anthon Chekov, 2007 volume 3 page 40). (Plagiarism of text because

the writer put the author’s name eventhough he copying directly all the


2. Mosaic Plagiarism11

Mosaic plagiarism is one of plagiarism that mostly some people doing in academic writing . Usually some people doing this type of plagiarism because they think that by changing a few words from the source and change it with the synonym can exempt them from the accusation of plagiarism. They

don’t really know that they still called plagiarism by doing that kind of writing.

This type of plagiarism usually put a word by word from other

people’s work, journal, thesis, document and they are only changing a few

words by using a synonym without using a proper paraphrase.

Sometimes the writers is also omitting intentionally some word from the real sources that they took and still using the same structure as the

11 Ibid.


resource. Mosaic plagiarism is almost same as verbatim plagiarism. The differences is mostly in mosaic plagiarism the writers focus on changing a few words by synonym and still use the same structure while in verbatim plagiarism is focus on putting the whole sentence exactly as source into their writing.

Here is the example of mosaic plagiarism: The source sentence:

The challenge for higher education institutions over the next view years is to review the range of referencing style that students encounter.

The example of mosaic plagiarism:

The claiming for university institutions in the next few years is to analyze the area of remarking style that students face (Anton Chekov, 2007 volume 3 page 40).

3. Inadequate Paraphrase12

There is another kind of plagiarism that people should know besides Verbatim and Mosaic plagiarism. This type of plagiarism is called inadequate paraphrase. In inadequate paraphrase, an author needs to do a proper paraphrase if he does not want someone else consider his work as plagiarism. There are very simple thing that we can do to make a proper paraphrase in our work. An author needs to filter the sources idea and make it in his own words.

12 Ibid.


He needs to change the sentence structure in order to make it different from the sources that we took.

In inadequate paraphrase, an author has paraphrased sentences in his writing but it is still not enough. It is like a half-work in paraphrasing. Usually In the first sentence the writers do appropriate paraphrasing but in the middle of his or her sentence usually the writers still put the original sentence

from the source or author’s even though in the last sentence he added

paraphrasing again. The source sentence:

The challenge for higher education institutions over the next view years is to review the range of referencing style that students encounter.

The example of Inadequate Paraphrase:

The task of higher education in the next time is to review the range of referencing style that students face. (Anton Chekov, 2007 volume 3 page 40).

4. Uncited Paraphrase13

In this type of plagiarism, the writers had already done a proper

paraphrase from the source that he took but he didn’t give a citation to his writing. In this case the writer intentionally or unintentionally losing the track from the original source.

13 Ibid.


In this case whenever we took some idea from other sources, re-write it with our own words and proper paraphrase, we still need to give a proper citation. Eventhough we write the sentence with a proper paraphrase, we have

to give appreciation to the original author. Don’t think only about yourself but

also think about the original author that writes the source that you use. If you

don’t put the citation it means that you’re selfish, just thinking about ourselves but didn’t appreciate other’s work. Better that we put the author’s name and

put the citation as a reward. The source sentence:

The challenge for higher education institutions over the next view years is to review the range of referencing style that students encounter.

The example of uncited paraphrase:

The task of universities around the world within several years to go is to examine what remarking style that their students practice. (The writers

didn’t give a citation even though the writer does the proper


5. Uncited Quotation14

In this case whenever the writer wants to put material from source in a quotation mark we need to give a proper citation about the original source.

Even though we are using a proper quotation, it doesn’t mean that we don’t

need to put a citation. We need to tell the reader about the original sentence

14 Ibid.


that we are quoting. So the reader will not be confused about where is the word from the original sources and where is the sentence from the second writer in proper quotation mark. It is better to put a citation rather than people say that our work is plagiarism.15

The example of uncited quotation:

“Life as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live

forever”. (The writers didn’t give a citation)

The good example:

“Life as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”. (Mahatma Gandhi)

C. Factors Influencing Students to Plagiarize

Nowadays many educated people know that plagiarism is one of the things that they should avoid. They already know that plagiarism is kind of

cheating on other people’s work in order to make our work looks better than

anyone else. Eventhough they already know that by doing plagiarism it will affect

their institution’s reputation and or a personal’s credibility but some people still

doing the plagiarism intentionally or accidentally because of many personal reasons. People think that plagiarism is not a big deal even though it has been

15 Harvard university Guide to Using Sources, “What Constitutes Plagiarism?” retrieved from


banned. Some of the reason is deal with their personal reasons; there are several factors that caused the students to do plagiarism.

According to Dordoy, there are several reasons why people do plagiarism; a better grades, easy access to material via internet, laziness or bad time

management, they didn’t understand the rules and happens unconsciously.16 First, it is because some people want to get a better grade than others. Dordoy said that about 59 percent people do the plagiarism because they want to get best grade in their institution even though they have to do the wrong thing by

doing cheating or plagiarism on other people’s work and copy it to their own work.17

Second, it is because of easy access to material via internet. He stated that about 40 percent of people use this reason when they are doing plagiarism. There are many web sites that are provided a lot of available papers, journal to download by purchase or just free to copy and paste it in our work. The numerous of sites in internet makes the students easier to do plagiarism because it doesn’t take a long time to read book and type it again in our work.18 By using an easy access from internet we save our time to read, everyone just need to copy material

or word from other people’s work and simply just copy and paste it in our work. The students will not thinking about what they are doing are wrong, they just

16 As cited in Collin Neville, The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism, 2nd ed,

(Berkshire: McGraw Hill Open University Press, 2010).

17 Ibid.


thinking that websites on internet makes their work easier and get some benefit to them even though they know that they are plagiarizing someone’s work.

Third, it is because the student’s laziness or bad time management.

Dordoy said that 54 percent students do plagiarism because of that reasons. The students laziness and bad time management when doing their work makes them to do plagiarism intentionally or unintentionally.19 Sometimes students are very lazy

to just read a lot of books, so they choose the short cut to copy other people’s

work and copy it to their own or (plagiarized it) as if it is their own idea or work. Fourth, It is happened because the students didn’t understand the rules and unconsciously doing the plagiarism. About 29 percent of students do plagiarism

unconsciously said Dordoy as cited in Colin Neville’s book. Some of them maybe think that it’s permitted to just copy and paste other people’s work to our work, or maybe some of the students don’t really know how to write properly or quote

properly from other sites. Without their realization they do plagiarism because their lack of understanding about how to quote or write properly from other sites.20

Other opinion from Dennis in Collin Neville’s book said that there are

also several reasons why do students plagiarize other people’s work. According to Dennis, here are some reasons that the students stated:21

1. The students started too late and ran out of time;

19Collin Neville, The Complete Guide… 20 Collin Neville, The Complete Guide…, p. 30.


2. The students simply couldn’t do the coursework otherwise; 3. The students didn’t think it was wrong;

4. The students have to succeed. They got higher marks this way; 5. The students didn’t need to learn that material, just pass the module; 6. The students couldn’t keep up with the work;

7. The students wanted to see if they could get away with it; 8. The students felt the tutor didn’t care, so why should they; and 9. The students thought paraphrasing would be disrespectful.22

From the reasons that Dennis said, generally the reason why students do plagiarism because they think that even though plagiarism is banned but many

teachers or institution doesn’t care about that.23 The students didn’t think that

doing plagiarism is wrong. Several teachers don’t care about what their students do with their work; they only care when the students finishing their work. Therefore, students think why they should care if their teacher or tutor doesn’t care with it. The students still get high score even though they do plagiarism, so they continue to do plagiarism to succeed and got higher grades.

Another source from books “Academic writing and plagiarism” stated that

mostly the students reason about their plagiarism is because they are following

another objectives but there don’t have any source or lack of source that they want to use. According to Dordoy cited on Colin Neville’s book “about 40

22 Ibid., p. 31.


percent of students doing plagiarism because of the ease of internet access”.24

Also the common reasons are the students don’t really know about writing

strategies. They don’t really know when they have to use an adequate paraphrase

or quotation from the source that they used or maybe because the students are unable or unwilling to use a source in appropriate ways. When the students taking note from some source and he forget to put any source that they use when take a note or they forget to re-write the sentence it also become a plagiarism. Sometimes we are doing plagiarism unconsciously.25

As an addition about why students do plagiarism because the students are not really understand what plagiarism is. Some students might think that we only

need to put a source when copying from other’s people journal, essay, thesis or

sites without paraphrase it. They might think by putting a source it is enough to not called plagiarism. The knowledge about what plagiarism is really important in this case. The teacher needs to give a socialization about what plagiarism is and the effect or plagiarism so that the students will not doing plagiarism in the next future.

Sometimes the desire of getting a good score, getting a better position in institution makes people do plagiarism. They will do anything to be a success person despite through plagiarism. Because of their obsession, sometimes they

can’t think between something that they do is right or wrong. Plagiarism also

24 Ibid., p. 31.


becomes an easy target to do because they don’t need to do a lot of think to make a good thesis, journal or anything else. Just copy and paste other people’s work it’s done. Plagiarism offering something easy to people, so that’s why a lot of

people still doing plagiarism in order to reach their obsession to get a good score in their work.

D. Theory of Avoiding Plagiarism

In academic writing, as a university student everyone needs to be honest particularly in academic work. Everyone in academic environment should not be

a thief and plagiarize other people’s work as it affects their career in the future.

People will lose their trust to us if we keep doing plagiarism in our writing. Not only people will lose the trust to us but also as university students one can fail on the class, one will not receive any grade for assignment. Everyone need to gain their trust of other people by doing our own writing honestly using our own ideas without copying, cutting and plagiarizing other people’s work. Students as academic writers need to know how to avoid plagiarism, how to do a proper paraphrase, how to change the sentence from the original source and etc.

This is the reason why there are some ways to avoid plagiarism.26 First step is we have to understand the reason of our students why they do plagiarism

26 Camosun College, School of Business Handbook on Avoiding Plagiarism and APA Referencing,


and make a plan to avoid plagiarism. In this case we have to understand their reason of doing plagiarism such as lack of capability to organizing their idea in writing, lack of time management, lack of confidence and etc. Everyone has to understand the reason behind it and then ask them to make a plan to avoid plagiarism. We can ask them to make a plan to take some notes or making mind map when reading a source from book or internet and they have to managing their time well so they will not run out time when doing their work.

Second ways to avoid plagiarism is maintaining the detail of the original sources that we took from the internet, book or records. It is important to give detail information to the reader about the original source that we took. So that the reader will not be confused about where is our own idea and where the idea from the original source or author is. We have to keep the detail information about the original source and put it in footnote so that we can avoid the plagiarism. The first we have to do is taking some notes when reading and searching for our resource. We have to keep practicing to take a good note taking and evolving our ability to take a note taking. Based on the APA Referencing there are an example of the detail information that we have to put in our footnote to keep the original source detailed.

The detail that we need to put for a paper citation: 1. The editor’s or author’s full name

2. The title of the article or write down the chapter of the book which we took for our references


3. Writing down the name of the book or journal 4. Writing down the book edition

5. Mentioning the name of the publisher

6. Putting the year of the book publication or journal 7. The place of the book was published

8. The volume and the issue number for journal 9. The page of the book where the data was taken Another detailed example for an electronic citation: 1. Mentioning the name of the editor and author’s 2. Putting the title of the page that you took 3. Putting the date of the site was created

4. Putting the last date of the page was modified 5. Putting the date when you access the material 6. Mentioning the URL full address

The third ways to avoid plagiarism is by developing and organizing note taking system. To take a good note taking still need a lot of practice. Some students still have difficulties when they are doing note taking. We need to take a note and organizing it well to differentiate between original source, our own idea, paraphrase and quotation. This is the example from APA Referencing:27

27Camosun College, School of Business Handbook on Avoiding Plagiarism and APA Referencing, (Victoria: Camosun College).


There are some point that you must remember when taking note based on

APA Referencing. Don’t forget to give a quotation whenever it comes from the

original source, Rewrite all the sentence that you took from the original source

and don’t try to cut or just copying from the original sentence, and make sure to check your writing to make sure that you don’t have the same structure as the real


The fourth ways to avoid plagiarism is analyzing and evaluating what we read. Analyzing and evaluating here means that we have to check the source that we used are valid or not especially from the internet source. Sometimes internet


source doesn’t have validity so we have to check the authors information, how old is the material, is the material referenced fully or linked to other source. We have to check the detail information of the source that we check and compared it with other source so we can get any information and ideas from different authors.

The fifth ways to avoid plagiarism is knowing and learning how managing and using the source correctly.28 This ways including how the way we are Quoting, Citing, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing and Copying.29 Don’t forget to provide a reference every time you do that three steps because if you forget to put a references you will definitely called plagiarism.

The last step is learning the regulation of referencing. Different course may have different styles for referencing such as in the APA (American Psychological Association), Harvard, CIBA, Endnote, MLA (Modern Language Association).30Don’t forget to adjust the style that used in your faculty.31

E. Plagiarism Detection

Eventhough plagiarism had so many types and it is very difficult to

decides whether it’s the students original ideas or the original author’s idea, the

teacher, lecturers or a professors still able to identify whether it is plagiarism or

28 Ibid.

29 Spiteri Doreen and Grace Grima, How to Avoid Plagiarism: A Resource Pack for the Students of the

University of Malta (Compiled by the assessment committee of the faculty of education), (Malta, University of Malta, 2007), p. 6.

30 Ibid. 7.


not. There are so many ways and method to analyzing the plagiarism. By using this method, as a teacher, lecturers or professor we can prevent plagiarism against the students. Here are some methods that we can used to detecting plagiarism according to Margaret Fain & Peggy Bates at Coastal Carolina University as cited

on Ronald B. Standler’s book:32

1. Every student has their own writing style. Each students definitely have

different writing style, tone, grammar and etc. So that’s why the lectures can

easily indicating if there is a students who plagiarize when doing assignment. If the structure of the sentence is unbalance between the first and the second paragraph, the lectures will suspect that it is plagiarism.

2. When someone doing plagiarism especially from the website sometimes they do forget a small things like a Tag line at the end of the essay. It can indicating that the students is plagiarizing because they forget to put the web address at the top or bottom of the page.

3. If there is a chart, graphic or pictures on the students writing paper but there is no references, the lectures have to suspect at that students. It can indicating that the students is plagiarize because there is no referencing.

4. Dead links also can indicating that the students is plagiarize. It means that before the link is expired the students was already preparing that site and planning to use that link in their assignment.

32 Margaret Fain and Peggy Bates, Presentation: Cheating 101: Paper Mills and You, (South Carolina:


5. We must suspect to all of cite that had already old. It is about more than 5 years.33

6. Tutor always remembers their students’ ability one by one. Therefore, if he find the students who actually lacking of writing skill but can produce such a high structure sentence in his writing, he will suspect that you are plagiarizing. He will be able to tell if those students are plagiarizing by looking at his students basic and ability.

7. Remember that nowadays the technology is very easy to use. The development of technology makes us easily finding the tools for detecting plagiarism. Therefore, it is possible for the lectures to detect your work whether plagiarism or not by checking it on the plagiarism tools. The internet access also help the lectures to find out the materials from the recent document that probably copying by the students. Some lecturers also remember which site that usually the students use for their assignment.34

33 Ronald B. Standler “Palgiarism in Colleges in USA: legal aspect of plagiarism, academic policy”

Copyright 2000, published at 16 April 2012, p. 78-79, retrieved at



A. Introduction

The research entitled “Plagiarism in Proposal Writing Course at UIN

Sunan Ampel English Education Department Surabaya” is an effort to analyze plagiarism features in research proposal and what antecedents cause those features. The two research focuses mentioned earlier are focused on the issue of plagiarism from the theoretical framework of what constitutes plagiarism. The antecedents being gathered from the observation will be compared with expert opinion on the review of literature.

B. Research Paradigm

Qualitative research paradigm is used in this research because the resource

of credible evidence is students’ opinion. The opinion gave depth understanding about plagiarism phenomena. The argumentation cannot be a resource of generalization, but it can be a suggestion or critique of avoiding plagiarism in the next time.


Through this descriptive research, the researcher is able to verify (to find facts whether it is true or not) and then will reveal the types of plagiarism and also the causes of plagiarism within students.

This research is also used quantitative paradigm in some points, but the result is to strengthen the qualitative argumentation. Therefore, the quantitative

paradigm’s characteristics here is supporting the qualitative.

C. Types of Research

This means that through the description as the final product of research, the researcher can find antecedents about the causes of plagiarism within students and explains how the factors work.1 This is a major opinion that students plagiarize due to its inability to paraphrase original sentences. In fact, this is possible that plagiarism happened unintentionally or due to some other factors.

D. ResearchApproach

In order to answer the research question which is dominantly about human experience, the researcher select Narratology / Narrative Analysis approach. According to Patton, narratological approach deals with human experience and


culture or the world which influence how the experience happened.2 In order to support the qualitative data, the researcher also provides quantitative data in forms of percentage of students committing certain kinds of plagiarism and percentage of students determining particular reasons for committing it.

E. Focus of the Study

The problem in qualitative research relies on a single issue. There were two purposes that the researchers want to accomplish in formulating a problem by utilizing the focus. First, the determination of focus may give a limitation to the study. Second, the determination of the focus had a specific purpose to fulfill the inclusion criteria or inclusion-exclusion criteria of new acquired information on the field.3

This study only focused on the typical of idea plagiarism and the cause of plagiarism within the students.

F. Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study limited to those aspects of a phenomenon that unfolded in the broad social "laboratory". The restriction can be done either at the

2 Michael Quinn Patton, Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods, 3rd ed. (London: Sage

Publication), p. 133.


level and "class" problem and perspective. In this study the researcher give a limitation to the scope of:

1. Typical of plagiarism: a. Verbatim plagiarism b. Mosaic plagiarism c. Inadequate paraphrase d. Uncited paraphrase e. Uncited quotation 2. The cause of plagiarism:

a. To get a better grades

b. Bad time management or run out of time

c. Plagiarism due to Lack Comprehension to the Task d. Plagiarism as a Persistent Fault

e. Plagiarism owing to Laziness

f. The Ease of Access to Internet to Cause Plagiarism g. Instructor’s Slack Attention to Cause Plagiarism

h. Students’ Weak Capacity in Rules of Academic Writing

G. Research Design

This research is designed to integrate documentation study and narrative study. The documentation study applied to investigate plagiarism in students’


proposal and categorize it. In addition, narrative study implemented to examine interview scripts in order to find out facts and opinion from the students.

H. Data and Resource of Data

There are two main kinds of data collected in this research. The first one is

documentation data. This data consist of students’ proposal writing as the final

assignment in the writing proposal course. The second is the narrative data which is collected from interview. Both kinds of data are coming from the primary resource of data, the students. More details about the data is described in the following.

1. Literary Source

Theoretically, writers need a literature as a review to get a basic idea to solve and as a background on the research field.4

2. Empirical source

The source of data in this research is a subject which the data was taken. Here are some resources that will be the data for this research:5

The primary data source is information that is directly obtained from the people that are directly related to the Plagiarism activity.

4 Ibid


Secondary data source is information obtained from the people that are not directly related to the plagiarism activity.

First, I took the data from the writing 4 (proposal) class. I choosed writing 4 proposal because in the writing 4 class they learned and try to write a proposal before going to make a real proposal in a thesis seminar proposal class. I think the soon they understood about plagiarism, the better for them. So they could make a good proposal in the future and avoiding the plagiarism. I used the student’s final paper as my documentation for collecting the data. I used the documentation of writing 4 proposal from the 5th semester students. I collected the student’s final paper from 2 classes and then I choosed the paper randomly and analyzing if there is a plagiarism on the

student’s final paper. By using their proposal I analyzed the type of plagiarism that commonly used by the students. After that, i categorized each type of plagiarism that I had found in their final paper based on the characteristic of each plagiarism.

Second, I did an interview with some students that I choose based on the final paper that I had already correcting and analyzing. The researcher did an interview in order to know the responds of students about plagiarism and find out the information about the reason of students plagiarism. The researcher chooses 37 students as a sample of the data. After doing the interviewing, the researcher transcript the interview and writes the sum of the interview. Next the researcher gave a coding and categorized each responds of


student. The last step, the researcher connected the data from documentation

and interview and find the relationship between the student’s explanation on

interview and their final paper work.

I. Data Collection Technique

1. Document Examination

Document examination is made use to collect data about what type of plagiarism in students’ working paper.

2. Interview

Interview is one of data collection technique by advancing a number of questions orally and also answered orally. By using this method, the researcher did an interview to recognizing the problem that are related to the objectives, background, and to get the responds from students about plagiarism and the reason of doing plagiarism. 6

3. Documentation

The researcher also used the documentation here as the data collection technique. Documentation is a method that used to find the data about things and variable in the form of notes, transcript of books, newspapers, inscriptions, agenda and etc. The researcher used this method to obtain the data about the case that she search now.

6 ibid


J. Data Analysis Technique

Narrative analysis techniques used to examine oral texts of students’ opinion and documentation data. Therefore, the researcher found out the connection between what is said by students and what they experienced in writing proposal. There are several steps to follow in these steps.

1. The researcher plays the interview recordings and transcribes the interview. 2. The researcher puts codes on the transcription and categorizes the responses. 3. Researcher analyses categorized data by making connection with observed


K. Triangulation

In order to make sure that the data is credible, the researcher used triangulation method in these ways:

1. Re-asking interviewees to make sure what they mean.

2. Re-checking one’s statements related facts in the research settings to another one who has the same concern on an issue.




A. Types of Plagiarism Committed by Students

1. Presentation of Data (Types of Students’ Plagiarism within their Working Papers)

This research investigated a students’ paperwork to find out the types of plagiarism that often appears and the reason behind their plagiarism.

Exactly the data was taken from the students’ proposal in proposal writing

course class. The researcher chose 37 students from the proposal writing course class because writing proposal class is the highest level in writing academy before they take a thesis seminar class. They had many experience in writing because they had passed 3 writing course. Even though they had many experience in writing but they have little knowledge about plagiarism. Most of the students are doing plagiarism unintentionally. So the researcher chose 37 students from writing proposal class to be the subject in this research so they can learn from their mistakes in writing proposal course and preventing the probability of doing plagiarism in the future especially in thesis.

The investigation started from the students’ working paper from

chapter 1, chapter 2 and chapter 3 to find out the types of plagiarism appears


Verbatim, Mosaic, Inadequate Paraphrase, Uncited Paraphrase, Uncited

Quotation. Most of the students’ paperwork is still in a mess. Mostly

students write their paragraph without paying attention to the authenticity of the article that they write. Starting from chapter 1, the researcher found that mostly the students are doing a good job in chapter 1. They wrote the background, research question, objectives and etc. by their own word. However, in chapter 2 researcher found many types of plagiarism such as Verbatim, Mosaic, Inadequate Paraphrase, Uncited Paraphrase and uncited

quotation that appear on each students’ working paper. It was happened

because in chapter 2 the students have to write a lot of theory in their proposal. It was hard to paraphrasing a theory from books or internet, so most of the students are unintentionally doing plagiarism in chapter 2. In

chapter 3 the researcher also found plagiarism in some students’ paperwork. Mostly the student’s plagiarize when they have to write about data collection technique, data analysis technique and etc. By the end of investigation, the

researcher found the types of plagiarism that always appear in student’s

paperwork. The following matrix does not represent the percentage of each plagiarism type being found on students’ paper works. However, the matrix informs whether each plagiarism type appears or not in each paper.


Table 4.1. Summary of Students’ Typical Plagiarism

Respondent Verbatim Mosaic

Inadequate Paraphrase Uncited Paraphrase Uncited Quotation 1 Found Not Found Found Found Not Found 2 Found Not Found Found Found Not Found 3 Found Not Found Found Found Not Found 4 Found Not Found Found Found Not Found 5 Found Not Found Found Found Not Found 5 Found Found Found Found Not Found 7 Found Found Found Found Not Found 8 Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found 9 Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 10 Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found 11 Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found 12 Not Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 13 Not Found Found Not Found Found Not Found 14 Not Found Found Not Found Not Found Not Found 15 Found Found Found Found Not Found 16 Found Found Found Not Found Found 17 Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 18 Not Found Not Found Found Found Not Found 19 Found Found Found Found Not Found 20 Found Found Not Found Found Found 21 Not Found Found Not Found Found Found 22 Not Found Found Found Found Not Found 23 Found Found Not Found Found Found 24 Not Found Found Not Found Found Not Found 25 Not Found Found Found Found Found 26 Not Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 27 Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 28 Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 29 Not Found Found Found Found Not Found 30 Not Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 31 Not Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 32 Not Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 33 Not Found Found Found Not Found Not Found 34 Not Found Found Not Found Not Found Not Found 35 Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found 36 Not Found Not Found Found Not Found Not Found 37 Not Found Found Not Found Found Found Total Verbatim Mosaic

Inadequate Paraphrase Uncited Paraphrase Uncited Quotation

Found 16 26 25 19 6


Graphic 4.1. Summary of Students’ Typical Plagiarism (in Percentage Format)

From the graphic above, this is the fact that mosaic plagiarism and inadequate paraphrase are the commonly found plagiarism types within

students’ working papers. This can be assumed thatstudents’ faced problems

in redelivering their ideas in their own words, so that the two types of plagiarism above happened. Uncited quotation appears fewer than the other types. This can be assumed that plagiarism seldom happens in unparaphrased idea delivery. Further explanation on the graphic is available at analysis section in this chapter.

2. Analysis of Data (Analysis of Types of Plagiarism Committed by Students) Based on 37 students’ proposal of 37 students that were being investigated, the researcher found some students did more than 2 kinds of


about plagiarism, what is called plagiarism and type of plagiarism itself. They just write the proposal without thinking that it is original or not from their own thinking. And from the research that have been done by the researcher, here is the description from the analysis of types plagiarism

found within students’ plagiarism.

a. Examples of Verbatim Plagiarism and Analysis

The following are some examples of verbatim plagiarism in

students’ papers:

- Achievement according oxford dictionary is A thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage. Academic achievement or (academic) performance is the outcome of education— the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. Academic achievement is commonly measured by examinations or continuous assessment but there is no general agreement on how it is best tested or which aspects are most important — procedural knowledge such as skills or declarative knowledge such as fact.Actually there are so many thing than can affect students’ achievement. Not only reading as representative of high motivation in learning, but also environment, intelligence, social class, behavior, nutrition consumption, health, gender, ethnicity etc. other study has underlined two thing as a supporting factor of students achievement they are, Individual differences in academic performance have been linked to differences in intelligence and personality. Students with higher mental ability as demonstrated by IQ tests and those who are higher in conscientiousness (linked to effort and achievement motivation) tend to achieve highly in academic settings. A recent meta-analysis suggested that mental curiosity (as measured by typical intellectual engagement) has an important influence on academic achievement in addition to intelligence and conscientiousness.

- Writing is important in our live and as a communicative act that transmit information and link people together.

- Description is the kind of writing used to bring the reader into the picture, for example, by telling the readers how something strike the sense, how it looks, smells, sounds, feels even sometimes how it tastes.

From the example above the researcher can conclude that the written text that students write is verbatim plagiarism because the whole


sentence that they write is the same as the original resource from the first writer. Students just copy paste the written text to their own proposal and claim it as their own word.

There are some signal that make the researcher suspicious that the sentence that are written by students are verbatim plagiarism. First, the researcher find it very suspicious when read the students’ paperwork because the word that used by the students is high standard and the structure of the sentence itself is very neat. Second, the students write a

theoretic sentence which is impossible if it’s from their own thinking. Third, it’s very suspicious because the font size from the first example is

different even though it’s in one paragraph. It means that they took a

sentence from the internet and copy paste it in a hurry and the students forgot to change the font size and format. Therefore, the researcher can conclude that the students did verbatim plagiarism.

b. Examples of Mosaic Plagiarism and Analysis

The following is an example of mosaic plagiarism in students’ papers:

-Visual learners, they learn best through written language, such as reading, writing tasks and pay attention to teachers if they watch the media for example charts, demonstration, videos, and other visual materials.


From that sentence, the researcher concludes that it is a mosaic plagiarism. This is indicated by the structure of sentence which was

written by the student. The comparison between the student’s sentence

and the original sentence shows identical structure and meaning. Therefore, it is clear that the student only changed a few words from the original sentence with the synonym. Several words transformation was.

For instance, the word “teacher” is replaced by “lecturer”. The following

is the analysis.

Original Sentence:

Visual learners, they like to learn through written language, such as reading, writing tasks and pay better attention to lectures if they watch them such as charts, demonstration, videos, and other visual materials.

Student Sentence:

Visual learners, they learn best through written language, such as reading, writing tasks and pay attention to teachers if they watch the media for example charts, demonstration, videos, and other visual materials.

c. Examples of Inadequate Paraphrase Plagiarism and Analysis

The following are some examples of Inadequate Paraphrase

plagiarism in students’ papers:

-to support this statements,Tomlinson (1998) points out that, when evaluating instructional material for language teaching, it is important to consider how


interesting the content is for the learners, but it is paramount for the material to be clearly linked to the course objectives.

-Course book (textbook) is a manual of instruction in any brach of study. It is produced according to the demands of educational institutions or one specified by the writers of the course to be read by its students

The researcher categorized it as inadequate paraphrase because students only added a few sentences before, after or in the middle of the original source which means that they are doing a paraphrase but only half. The half of the sentence is the original sentence word and the other half is paraphrasing. The yellow one is the writer’s sentence and the white one is the original sentence from the source.

d. Examples of Uncited Paraphrase Plagiarism and Analysis

The following are some examples of uncited paraphrase

plagiarism in students’ papers:

- Random sampling is one chosen by a method involving unpredictable component. Random sampling can also refer to talking a number of independent observations from the same probability distribution, without involving any real population. - The test can called a valid test if it measures internal knowledge or measures what

should be measured.

- Qualitative research methods can be interpreted as a research method that is based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine the population or a particular


- The main purposed of understanding ESP is in studying English through the meaning, function and use better than the grammar and structure itself. Because concerning the absolute characteristics.


The four example of sentences above categorize to uncited paraphrase because the writers actually have done a good job to paraphrasing the sentence from the original source but they forgot to put a citation of the original source. Not putting the source or the original sentence is also categorized as plagiarism even though the writer have done a perfect paraphrasing.

e. Uncited Quotation and Analysis and Analysis

The following is an example of uncited quotation plagiarism in

students’ papers:

- “minimal responses are predictable, often idiomatic phrases that conversation participants use to indicate understanding, agreement, doubt, and other responses to what another speaker is saying”

The uncited quotation above happens because students did not put citation on their paper. As the sentence is a citation, the students did not

need to paraphrase it. They just need to put quotation mark (“…”)

between the sentences. However, they should put a citation to indicate the resource of the information.

3. Findings on Students’ Types of Plagiarism

There are 5 types of plagiarism that categorized by the researcher. All

the types of plagiarism are founded in students’ paperwork but only view types of plagiarism that appears more often in students’ paperwork. It


happened because this type of plagiarism is easier than others. Some of them only need to change view word or changing a view sentence and copy to their work. The researchers choose to 37 students to become the subject of this research.

After comparing the quantitative data and the qualitative one, the researcher inferred that students understood the rules of academic writing. However, they lack in practice. This made students often committed mosaic and inadequate paraphrase in their working papers. On the other hand, uncited paraphrase was committed by more than 50% of students because of due date and others. Therefore, students neglected the footnote which is complicated to some students. Verbatim plagiarism is also commonly found because of the ease of it. Last, uncited quotation is rarely found because the quotation itself is less implemented by students.

B. Reasons behind Students’ Plagiarism

1. Presentation of Data (Students’ Reasons of Committing Plagiarism)

The researcher focuses on eight common reasons in plagiarism acts. These reasons were selected as the fact that those reasons have been theorized by several experts in the fields. Those reasons are: (a) To get a better grades; (b) Bad time management or run out of time; (c) Plagiarism due to Lack Comprehension to the Task (d) Plagiarism as a Persistent


Fault; (e) Plagiarism owing to Laziness; (f) The Ease of Access to Internet to

Cause Plagiarism; (g) Instructor’s Slack Attention to Cause Plagiarism; (f) Students’ Weak Capacity in Rules of Academic Writing. The graphic bellow

shows which reasons become likely appear than the others. Table 4.2. Summary of Students’ Reasons in Committing Plagiarism Respondent

1 = Found

0 = Not Found a b c d e f g h

1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1

3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

4 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1

5 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

6 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

7 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

9 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

11 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

13 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

14 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

15 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1

16 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

17 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0

18 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

19 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

20 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

21 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1

22 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

23 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1

24 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1

25 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

26 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1

27 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

28 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1

29 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

30 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1

31 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

32 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

33 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

37 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

Total a b c d e f g h

in number 13 21 21 9 20 20 8 25


Graphic 4.1. Summary of Students’ Typical Reasons in Committing Plagiarism (in Percentage Format)

From the graphic above, this can be seen that students’ competence in

writing (reason h) becomes the most obstacle for the students (67.57%). In addition, bad time management (reason b), lack comprehension to the task (reason c), laziness (reason e), and the ease of access to the internet (factor f) are the others dominant factors of committing plagiarism with more that

50% admitted by students. Surprisingly, instructor’s attention (factor g)

becomes the fewest reason (21.62%) stated by respondents.

2. Analysis of Students’ Reasons of Committing Plagiarism

This part involves six respondents which is named students A, B, C, D, E, and F. The respondents were selected due to their representation in the case being observed. Students A is characterized as a student with fair writing quality. Student B is characterized as a student with fair writing quality but the student are hardworking in accomplishing the writing assignment. Student C




A. Conclusion

1. Within several types of plagiarism, students have committed to plagiarize in all kinds of them. Verbatim plagiarism and Inadequate paraphrase are two most popular types which appeared in every students’ papers. The researcher found the rationale behind it as the fact that those types are very straightforward and uncomplicated to do. Students just copied and pasted by verbatim plagiarism. Next, the inadequate paraphrase happened because students just modified beginning of sentences without paraphrasing the whole part of the sentences. Researcher also found that students committed plagiarism because they did not really comprehend the rule of academic writing. Uncited paraphrase happened because students did not put citation after paraphrasing sentences. In short, the major factors of plagiarism within the subjects of this research are the lack of efforts by students in writing process, particularly in paraphrasing, and the lack of understanding of citation in real practice.

2. There are several reasons behind students’ plagiarism. All those reasons can be categorized into internal and external factors. The students’ internal factors


involves lack motivation in going through complicated writing processes, lack of comprehension to the task and theories, personal wrong goals, and irrational prediction. Many students were less motivated to wring course because the process of writing also includes reading resources, understanding theories, and implementing academic writing rules. These reasons brought students into laziness and wrong personal goals in attending the writing course. The internal factors above caused students to not focus on self-quality improvement through studying. Therefore, students just expected passing the course without really consider about the quality of their writings. Next, the students’ external factor involves the lack of instructor’s attention and the minimum facilities in the library. Many students feel that they rarely get attention from the instructor’s especially about getting feedback because they have a big class that consist many students and makes the instructor’s did not have much time to pay attention to the student’s individual work. Those reasons make students commit plagiarism because they think that the instructor’s will not going to check the student’s assignment one by one. It even worse because the universities library did not have enough facilities for students who need an English resource. It makes students choose to get a resource from internet and the ease of internet access make students commit plagiarism because there were a lot of theories that they can get without reading a printed book and they can take a resource just by copy and to paste it on their assignment. The lack of students’ awareness about effect of


plagiarism and also the lack of instructor’s attention make student doing copy paste from internet and does not even care about the originality of their assignment.

B. Suggestion

1. In order to increasing the students quality of writing and to avoid the plagiarism within students, the researcher give some suggestion:

a. For the lecturer and institution to give a respect the student’s paper work or assignment. Not only in writing course but also another course that student was taken. By giving a respect to the students work, it will increase the student’s motivation to make a good paper work. Also it is important for the university to set a seminar about plagiarism to give knowledge about the harmful of plagiarism, the types and also the way to avoid plagiarism, not only for students but also for all the lecturers. So in the future students and lecturers can avoid doing plagiarism. It is very important because if one institution were detected have many plagiarism it will decreasing the reputation of its university.

b. For students to following some advised to avoid plagiarism:

1. Maintaining the detail of the original sources from the book, internet or records such as : the author’s full name, the title of article, the book edition, the chapter of the books, the name of publisher and etc


2. Developing and organizing note taking system

3. Knowing and learning how managing and using the source correctly

4. Following the seminar about plagiarism to increasing their knowledge about the harmful of doing plagiarism. Researcher hoped that students have to considering the effect of doing plagiarism before they are going to commit it. By doing plagiarism people can lose his career because plagiarism is an academic crime. Students are suggested to put a lot of effort when doing assignment and focus on self-improvement rather than chasing their ambition to get a good score.



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