




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Wakhibah Dwi Khusnah











Khusnah, Wakhibah Dwi. (2015). Learning Strategies and Proficiency in Essay Writing at English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. A Thesis English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. Advisor: M. Hanafi.

Key Words: Learning strategies, Proficiency level, Essay writing

Writing is great challenge whether performance in mother tongue or in second foreign language. Studies writing show that writing is complex activity comprising a number of processes includes the use of various strategies. Then, strategies are important for developing and overcoming the students’ difficulties in essay writing. It proven by the fact that essay writing as an obligatory subject in University. Thus, learning strategies is the way to achieve learning goal like good writing and high score. The election of learning strategy is important because it influences in

students’ score and level in essay writing. This paper examines learning strategies

and proficiency level in essay writing among 38 students and determines the

strategies preference used; the students’ proficiency levels; and the strategies tend to

give high proficiency level. The inventory of learning strategies questionnaire had created and validated in previous research, as well as a background questionnaire. The data is analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0. The statistical devices used in this study are mean and contingency coefficient correlation analyses. The findings of this study are analysis contingency coefficient correlation produced a highly positive correlation of 0,920 by approx.

Sig. was 0,008. Then, the result of students’ strategies preference in essay writing

was 21(55%) students’ preference to use cognitive strategies, 17(45%) students’ preference to use metacognitive strategies, and 0 (0%) students’ preference to use social/affective strategies. Next, the result of the students’ levels of proficiency was 3(8%) students got excellent, 33(87%) students got good, 2(5%) students got fair, and 0 (0%) student got unacceptable. The last, the result of the students’ strategies that tended to give high proficiency in essay writing was cognitive strategies gave high score for students by mean 74.67. The students’ total that a preference cognitive strategy was 21 students. The standard derivation of cognitive strategies was 84.99. It means that the mean disperse from sample was 84.99.



Khusnah, Wakhibah Dwi. (2015). Learning Strategies and Proficiency in Essay Writing at English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. A Thesis English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. Advisor: M. Hanafi.

Kata kunci: Strategi Pembelajaran, Level Kecakapan, Menulis Esai

Menulis adalah tantangan yang besar dalam kinerja bahasa ibu atau bahsa asing. Studi menulis menunjukan bahwa menulis adalah kegiatan yang komplek yang terdiri dari beberapa proses termasuk dalam menggunakan berbagai macam strategi. Strategi adalah hal penting untuk mengatasi kesulitan siswa dalam menulis esai. Hal tersebut terbukti bahwa menulis esai sebagai mata kuliah wajib dalam Universitas. Dengan demikan, strategi pembelajaran adalah cara utuk mencapai tujuan pembeljaran seperti menulis yang baik dan nilai yang tinggi. Jadi, pemilihan stategi dalam pembelajaran itu penting karena hal tersebut mempengaruhi nilai dan level siswa dalam menulis esai. Penelitan ini menguji tentang learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing diantara 38 siswa dan menentukan strategi yang dipilih oleh siswa, level kecakapan siswa, dan strategi yang memberikan level kecakapan yang tinggi. Invetaris angket strategi pembelajaran sudah dibuat dan divalidasi di penelitian sebelumnya, sebagai latar belakang angket. Data ini dianalis dengan menggunakan Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 16.0. Perangkat statistic yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mean dan korelasi keofisien kontigensi. Hasil pertama dalam penelitian ini adalah pilihan strategi siswa dalam menulis essai: 21 (55%) menggunakan kognitif stategi sebagai pilihan mereka, 17(45%) menggunakan metakognitif stategi sebagai pilihan mereka, dan 0 (0%) menggunakan social/afektif strategi sebagai pilihan mereka. Hasil kedua dalam penelitian ini adalah level kecakapan siswa dalam menulis esai: 3(8%) siswa yang mendapatkan level unggul, 33(87%) siswa yang mendapatkan level baik, 2(5%) siswa yang mendapatkan level rata-rata, dan 0 (0%) siswa yang mendaptakan level rendah. Hasil ketiga dalam penelitian ini adalah strategi yang memberikan level kecakapan yang tinggi yakni kognitif strategi dengan rata-rata 76.67 dan derivasi standart 84.99. Hasil terakhir dalam penelitian ini adalah korelasi antara between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing. Analisa yang digunakan adalah korelasi kotigensi koefisien dan memproduksi positif korelasi yang tinggi denga approx. o,920 dan significan 0,008, yang berate bahwa ada korelasi yang positif antara learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing dan hal tersebut sudah significan pada taraf 5% dan 1%.






MOTTO... iv







LIST OF CHART ... xiii


CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Question ... 8

C. Objective of The Research ... 8

D. Hypothesis ... 8

E. Significance of The Research ... 9

F. Scope and Limitation of the Research ... 9

G. Definition of Key Terms ... 10

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Literature ... 14

1. Essay Writing ... 14

2. Learning Strategy ... 16

3. Proficiency Level ... 18

4. Learning Strategy and Proficiency Level in Essay Writing ... 21

B. Review of Previous Studies ... 23

CHAPTER II I : RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design ... 27

B. Population and Sample ... 29

C. Research Instruments ... 30

1. Questionnaire (Checklist) ... 30

2. Rubric ... 31

D. Data Collection Technique ... 34

1. Questionnaire... 34

2. Documentation ... 35



A. Research Findings ... 40 1. The strategies preference used by students in essay writing ... 41 2. The student levels of proficiency in essay writing ... 43 3. The strategies that tended to give high proficiency in essay writing.... 45 4. The correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in

essay writing ... 47 B. Discussion ... 51 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION

A. Conclusion ... 54 B. Suggestion ... 55 REFERENCES ... 58



Table 4.1 The Median Result ... 45

Table 4.2 The Result of Case Processing Summary ... 49

Table 4.3 The Result of Learning strategies * Proficiency Level Cross tabulation .... 49





This research focused on learning strategies and proficiency level in essay

writing at English Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This

chapter concentrated on the research background, the research question, the

objective of the research, the hypothesis, the significance of the research, the

scope and limitation of the research, and the definition of key terms.

A. Research Background

Learning strategies is the way of people to achieve their learning goals. According O‟melay and Chamot learning strategies is the behavior that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn or retain new information.1

The learning strategies focus on the application of learning strategies to

second language acquisition by students in learning English especially in

essay writing.

In essay writing, strategy is the key good producing good writing.

Pipin states, that strategy can develop students‟ skill in writing.2 It indicates that learning strategy is important for developing and overcoming the

1J. Michael O‟Mallay and Anna Uhl Chamot,

Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition

(Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 1.


Pipin Rizky Pindowati, The Effectiveness of Diagram of Ideas Strategy to Enhance Students’ Writing

Achievement for Eleventh Grades at SMAN 1 Mojosari, Mojokerto. (Surabaya: Unpublished Thesis. English Education Department of Undergraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2013), p. 3.



students‟ difficulties in essay writing. Chamot states that learning strategy are the conscious thoughts and actions that learners take in order to achieve a

learning goal.3 One of the learning objectives is high score so that the student

should practice and use language-learning strategy. The election of learning strategy is important because it influences in students‟ score and level in essay writing.4

In Academic essays, there are many difficulties in coherence, unity,

organization, word choice, grammar and style. Masrul states that the students

problem lies in the how the student generate and organize the ideas to write

the topic.5 In addition, Susanto states that many students got difficulties in

essay writing especially in grammar, vocabulary choice, punctuation, and


For many students in English Education Department, academic essay

is present great challenge. There are some students who weak in English

Language especially in writing skills.


Anna Uhl Chamot, Issues in Language Learning Strategy Research and Teaching (Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 2004), p. 14.


Behnaz Ashraf Ganjooei and Ali Rahimi, Language Learning Strategy Use for EFL E-Learners and Traditional Learners: A Comparative Study (The Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2004), p. 11.


Masrul Huda, Mind Mapping Strategy to Develop Students’ ability in writing descriptive text grade

VII-9 at SMPN 14 Malang (Malang: Unpublished thesis. English Education Department of Undergraduate Program, State University Malang, 2012).


Heru Susanto, Students’ Difficulties of Writing Thesis (Linguistic Aspect)” A Case Study The Eight

Semester Students at English Department of Muhamadiyah University of Malang In Academic Years 2001 – 2002 (Malang: Unpublished thesis. English Department of Muhamadiyah University of Malang, 2012), p. 98.



Firstly, the most difficult part of writing an essay is the start. It is very

hard to come up with a good thesis statement. Sometimes the students do not

know where and how to start writing an introduction. The thesis statement is

very important because it shapes the body paragraph and determines what

students are going to write. The students need to have a good opening so that

the others part will be easier.

Secondly, organizing is not an easy task. It is important how the

students put all the information together in a logic way. The students have to

keep track with the topic and do not go off track. For example, if you do not

organize the information well, everything will become a mess and fail.

Therefore, the organization has to be clear and well planned.

In essay writing, the students need to use a large amount of technical

and academic words accurately. Consequently, the students‟ problem is the academic language. Sometimes, the students‟ vocabulary is not enough for the writing; the students cannot find the exact technical words that can express the

meaning. The students may lose for word while writing essay. To improve

this, students have to learn more academic words and practice more regularly.

Although there are many hardships writing academic essays, the

students need to practice more and more to improve our writing skill. Besides

the practice, the students need strategy to overcome their difficulties.

Therefore, practice and strategy is interplay in essay writing. There are several



strategies, cognitive strategies, and social/affective strategies.7 However,

Oxford give sever strategies in essay writing are, metacognitive strategies,

cognitive strategies, compensatory strategies, memory strategies, affective

strategies, and social strategies.8

In this research, the researcher uses metacognitive strategies, cognitive

strategies, and social/affective strategies. Metacognitive strategies (organizing

and evaluating learning) : e.g. I think about my progress in learning English.

Cognitive strategies (using all your mental processes) : e.g. I find the patterns

in English. Social/affective strategies (learning with others/managing

emotions) : e.g. I ask for help from English speaker / I encourage myself to

speak English even when I am afraid of making mistake. The reason the researcher uses those strategies to indicate the students‟ because the strategy often used in earlier research. In addition, the strategy is simple and easy

understands by students. Besides that, the researcher wants to show that those

strategies be able to be applied in this research.

The researcher uses those strategies for Argumentative class at English

Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The reason the

researcher takes in this class because not all of department in UIN Sunan

Ampel Surabaya study about argumentative essay.

7O‟Mallay and Chamot,

Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition, p. 13. 8

Hafiza Saima Akbar et al., Learning Strategies used by Pakistani ESL Students in University of Sargodha (Global Journals Inc. (USA), 2013), p. 41.



Argumentative essay is the third step in writing at English Education

Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. In this step, the students learn and

develop their idea, opinion or argument to make good essay. Before the

students take thesis proposal seminar class (the last step in writing), the

students should learn argumentative essay. Argumentative essay helps student

developing their ideas to make proposal. In addition, the students should make

thesis for partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English. After the students graduate from

university, the students will become the teacher. As the teacher, the students

should master in writing. Therefore, the students should learn Argumentative

essay as one-step to achieve like good writer.

There have been some studies, which examined the learning strategies

and proficiency level in essay writing. The first study by Dian Aprita Widiarti

entitled The Use of Self-Assessment as Feedback strategy to improve student

writing ability at MAN SIDOARJO by Dian Aprita Widiarti. This previous

study focuses on the implementation of self-feedback in MAN Sidoarjo. The

problem of this study is the teacher and student when using self-feedback and

the student improvement after using self-back. The result of this study is the

most students did not make improvement after using self-assessment as

feedback. To overcome this condition, the teacher should give self-assessment

regularly to make his or her student accustomed and well trained to use



Second, a study by Pipin Risky Pindowati entitled The Effectiveness

of Diagram of Ideas Strategy to Enhance Student Writing Achievement for

Eleventh Grades at SMAN 1 Mojosari, Mojokerto. This previous studies

examine the effectiveness of diagram of ideas strategy to enhance

student-writing achievement for the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Mojosari, Mojokerto.

The result of this study shows that diagram of ideas strategy was effectively improving students‟ writing skill. The recommendation for the English research and future research is for the teachers suggesting to use diagram of

ideas strategy as a way to assess teaching and learning process. Moreover, for

the future research, they are expected to conduct the research on other skill.

Third, a study byMasrul Huda entitled Mind Mapping Strategy to

Develop Student Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Grade VII-9 at SMPN

14. This study was focusing on solve the problem related to how the student

generate and organize the ideas to write the topic. This study proposes mind

mapping with the propose mind mapping with proper model to develop the

seventh year student ability in writing descriptive text. The design of this

study is collaborative classroom action research. The researcher and the

teacher worked together in cyclic activities-planning, implementation,

observing, and reflecting on the data gained from the teaching and learning

process with run into cycles. The recommendation for the future research is to



language skills. It is done to know whether or not Mind mapping strategy can

be used to improve listening, speaking and reading skill.

Fourth, a study by Ema Aji S entitled Employing Response Journal

Writing Strategy to Improve Writing Skills at First Year of SMPN 8 Malang.

The study focused on designing to improve students‟ writing skill through employing response journal strategy. This study was a classroom action

research, which consisted two cycles. The result of this study showed that the

response journal strategy was able to improve student-writing skill in term of

fluency. There were some procedures followed in employing response journal


From the previous study, the question has not answered is, the

correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing.

Therefore, the researcher answer those question in those research.

Considering the importance the learning strategies and proficiency

level in essay writing, the researcher wants find out whether there is a

significant correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in

essay writing. Therefore, the researcher decides to present the researcher by





B. Research Question

The research attempted to identify the correlation between learning

strategies and proficiency level in essay writing at English Teacher Education

Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the strategies preferences used by students in Essay writing at

English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya?

2. What are the student levels of proficiency in essay writing at English

Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya?

3. What are the strategies that tends to give high proficiency in essay

writing at English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel


4. Is there any the correlation between learning strategies and proficiency

level in essay writing at English Teacher Education Department UIN

Sunan Ampel Surabaya?

C. Objective of the Research

According the statement of the problem, the purpose of this research was:

1. To know the students‟ preference strategy used in essay writing at English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

2. To know the student proficiency level in essay writing at English



3. To know the best strategy that tend to give high proficiency in essay

writing at English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel


4. To know the correlation between learning strategies and proficiency

level in essay writing at English Teacher Education Department UIN

Sunan Ampel Surabaya

D. Hypothesis

In accordance with the exploratory notion adopted by this research, it

aims to test the following set of hypotheses:

1. The alternative hypothesis ( Ha ) is there is significant correlation between

learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing at English

Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

2. The Null hypothesis (Ho) is there is not significant correlation between

learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing at English

Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

E. Significance of the Research

By conducting this research, we recognize the correlation between

learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing. The result of the



1. For the students of English Teacher Education Department

It would gather helpful information to assist student to be aware of the

strategies they use to develop their writing skill; improve writing

performance and they know that their efficiency in using strategy related

with their proficiency level.

2. For the lectures of English Teacher Education Department

The teacher can teach learning strategies to those below average with

hope to upgrade their common of English.

F. Scope and Limitation of the Research

The researcher conducts this research by choosing English Teacher

Education Department Surabaya UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The reason

researcher choose this place because it has learning program such essay

writing, which essay writing focus on argumentative essay. The subject of the

study is the student on writing III of English Teacher Education Department.

In writing III, the students get learning about argumentative essay.

The „argumentative essay‟ is the most common genre that undergraduate student have to write (Wu), particularly in the arts, humanities

and social sciences (Hewings). Although the nature of the essay varies

considerably across and even within disciplines, the development of an

argument regarded as a key feature of successful writing by academics across



writing in 20 disciplines that a commonly recognized value of the essay is its „ability to display critical thinking and development of an argument within the context of the curriculum‟.9

The researcher limits discussion was correlation learning strategies

and proficiency level in essay writing.

G. Definition of Key Terms

To prevent misunderstanding of the meaning of the terms in the

research, the researcher provides the terms as follows:

1. Essay writing

Essays writing are shorter pieces of writing that often require the student

to improve their skills such as close reading, analysis, comparison and

contrast, persuasion, conciseness, clarity, and exposition. In essay writing,

there are three elements introduction, body of the essay and conclusion.10

In this research, the meaning of essay writing as document that has

defined structure an introduction, body and conclusion. Essay writing has

three main types are, Descriptive, Expository and Argumentative. In this

research only discuss one types is Argumentative essay.


Ursula wingate, “Argument!” Helping Students What Essay Writing is About (Journal of English for Academic Purpose, 2012), p. 1.




2. Learning strategies

Learning strategies is the way of people to achieve their learning goals. In

this research, learning strategies is the specific method or special trick

used by English Teacher Education Department students in essay writing.

Learning strategies classified into metacognitive strategies (use to plan, monitor and evaluate students‟ own learning process and consider most effective in their learning.), cognitive strategies (manipulate incoming

information in the form of summarizing, deduction, inference, note taking,

induction and translation to make learning effective), and social/affective

strategies ( combining and organized as cognitive and learning with

others/managing emotions).

3. Proficiency level

Proficiency level is the individuals‟ ability or capacity use language for specific purposes in essay writing.11 In this research, proficiency level is the students‟ score in essay writing. In this research, proficiency level is the student rank in essay writing. Brown and Bailey states that designed

analytical scoring scale that specified five major categories and

description of five different level in each category, ranging from excellent


Proficiency Level Descriptors for English Language Proficiency Standards (CCSSO, 2013), p. 7, www.k12.wa.us/migrantbilingual/.../WAProficiencyLevelDescriptors.pd, accessed 23 Apr 2015.



until college – level in each categorize.12 For all of categorize Jacob stated that designed analytical scoring scale that specified four major categories

and description of five different levels in each category from excellent

until unacceptable.13


H. Dougla. Brown, Language Assessment Principle (Longman, 2003), pp. 244–245.


Jacobs, S, Composing and Coherence: A Process Study (Paper presented at the 16th annual TESOL convention, Honolulu, 1982), p. 26.





A. Review of Related Literature

On this chapter, the researcher attempts to elaborate the

research of theoretical background. They were:

1. Essay writing

In academic writing, there found variety of writing are, papers

and general subject reports, essays, composition, academically focused

journals, short-answer test responses, technical reports, theses, and

dissertation. In this research focused on essay writing. There found

three types in essay writing are, Descriptive, Expository and

Argumentative.14 Descriptive essay is the essay that is the content

about the descriptive of subject, e.g. place, person or event. Expository

essay is the writing that is about explaining the concept or theory.

Whereas, Argumentative essay is essay which present an argument

through reasoning and the use of evidence.

In the process of argumentative essay, the writer needs the

respond of argument to the assigned question by thinking, reading and

writing is the writer way to consider the thesis statement. Thesis

statement is the supported the body of topic sentence in each


Academic essay: Academic Tip Sheet, p. 1,



paragraph. Each topic sentence always supported by evidence and

example. Therefore, in argumentative essay writing, the writer should

give attention into topic and supporting sentence. Besides that, the

writer should keep mind on the structural element of argumentative

essay. The key structural of argumentative essay consist of the

introduction, body and conclusion. The argumentative essay start from

the introduction where in introduction comprising about brief

background or contextual information, focus attention on specific

theme of this writing. Then, the thesis statement gives specific

statement outlining main argument and it elaborate on organization or

structure (map of the essay). In conclusion, restate the thesis

statement, and then summarize the key points and evidence that

provide to keep the writing and final comment on the topic.15

Besides that, the introduction, body and conclusion

argumentative essay has several notices: organization, logical

development of ideas (content), grammar, punctuation, spelling and

mechanism, style and quality of expression.16 From some noticed in

writing, the analytical scoring is proper for this research. In classroom

evaluation of learning, analytical scoring served many six major


Writing Introductions and Conclusions for Essays (The University of Melbourne), p. 1. http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/academicskills, accessed 23 Apr 2015.




elements of writing score, thus enabling student to home in on

weakness and to capitalize on strengths.

2. Learning Strategy

According to Oxford, learning strategies are behaviors or

actions that learners use to make language learning more successful,

self-directed and enjoyable. In addition, Stern had noted that learning

outcomes influenced by learning process, and the learning process is affected by the learners‟ internal characteristics and learning conditions.17 Therefore, the studies on language learning strategies

have been of great significance. Besides that, the learning strategy

gives key position for the students. The students be able successful or

unsuccessful depend on their strategy use. The students cannot achieve

their goal without practice and using of learning strategy.

In this research, the strategies have been taken from Malley

and Chamot give three strategy categories: metacognitive, cognitive

and social/affective.18 However, Oxford gives six categories of

learning strategies.19 Metacognitive strategies use to plan, monitor and evaluate students‟ own learning process and consider most effective in their learning. Cognitive strategies manipulate incoming information


Jing Liu, Language Learning Strategies and Its Training Model (www.ccsenet.org/ies, 2010), p. 100.

18O‟Mallay and Chamot,

Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition, p. 8. 19



in the form of summarizing, deduction, inference, note taking,

induction and translation to make learning effective. Compensatory

strategies are as good learners also use guessing and inferring. Memory strategies are like combining and organized reviewing as cognitive. Affective strategies, like self-encouragement and high motivation use to control one‟s emotional state and anxiety level. Social strategies are like asking for help, questioning and sharing worries show cooperative attitude of learners.20

In 1983, Stern has summarized and reclassified his

classification of ten strategies became five main language learning strategies: 1) Management and Planning Strategies, 2) Cognitive

Strategies, 3) Communicative - Experiential Strategies, 4)

Interpersonal Strategies, 5) Affective Strategies.21

In learning strategies found that the internal and external

factors affected in students learning. Gagne stated that two different

types of conditions that exist in learning: internal and external factor influenced in students‟ learning. Capabilities that already exist in a


Ibid., pp. 12–14. 21

Stern, H. H, Issues and Options in Language Teaching (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), pp. 304–318.



learner before any new learning begins make up the internal conditions

necessary for learning.22

One of the purpose investigations such as learning strategies is

gaining insight into the metacognitive, cognitive and social / affective

process involve in language leaning. Those aim help students who are

having challenge became better language learners. Research in

strategies is important because they are readily teachable There a

number of reports of successful strategy training programmers, e.g.

Cohen provide very comprehensive instruction for implementing

strategy training. An alternative to direct training is to embed

strategies in teaching task and materials.23

3. Proficiency Level

Proficiency level has found that has affected in quality and quantity the students‟ writing performance even though it may not actually be all that contributes to the success of writing. According to

Widdowson, the complexity of writing processes in academic settings

was complex by the complexity of acquiring proficiency in a foreign

language. Leki observed that after ten years of studying English in

classrooms abroad, some ESL students might still have trouble writing


Gagne, M. Driscoll and Robert M., Essentials of Learning for Instruction, 2nd edition (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1998), p. 17.




effectively in English and that those who could recite grammar rules

were not always able to use those rules in producing language.24

Proficiency level is the fluency or speed of writing measured by

mean number of words written per minute on the one hand and students‟ proficiency scores. The students‟ proficiency level can measurable by using levels and scoring. The quantity of what the students‟ writing produces depend on their proficiency level and some contributing factors, such as the type of text and discursive requirements. Therefore, the researcher used Browns‟ theory to indicate the students‟ proficiency level. According Douglas, there are five levels in essay writing are, excellent, good, fair, unacceptable and

college level.25

a. Excellent (20-18)

In this level, the student can participate without any difficulties. In

most cases, they can follow variety direction from the complex

until multi-level direction without assistance. Mostly, the student

can write short papers and clear express statement of position,

points of view and arguments. In their writing, the student

generally control of varied sentence structures, spelling and

vocabulary, expressing well-develop thoughts.


Abbas Zare-ee, Does English Proficiency Level Predict Writing Speed, Length, and Quality (Arab World English Journal ISSN: 2229-9327, 2011), p. 129.




b. Good (17-15)

In this level, the student language skills are adequate for most

day-to-day communication needs. The student ability producing the

text is good. Structure, vocabulary and overall organization

approximate the writing native of speakers English. Nevertheless,

errors persist in one or more of these dominant.

c. Fair (14-12)

In this level, the student capacity to writ frequently marked by

grammatical error.

d. Unacceptable (11-6)

In this level, the students are able to generate simple text that

reflects to their knowledge level of syntax. The texts may include

significant amount of spelling, grammatical, vocabulary. They

gradually construct more meaning from the words themselves but

the construction is incomplete.

e. College – Level (5-1).

Student in this level participate in writing activities by drawing

picture. They may be able to copy letters or from them from

memory and may be able to copy some words. They can imitate



Then, they may attempt to apply writing conventions but do so

inappropriately when copying.

The total score can range from 34 until 100. Jacobs further

break down the individual scales and the overall summed scale

into numerical ranges that correspond to four mastery levels:

excellent (83-100 points), good (63-82 points), fair (52-63 points),

unacceptable (34-52 points). As Jacobs‟s states, „These levels are characterized and differentiated by key words or “rubrics” representing specific criteria for excellence in composition‟.26

4. Learning strategy and proficiency level in essay writing

Learning strategies become significant in the process essay

writing and differences between low and high proficient students have

found in the number and range of strategies used, in how the strategies

applies to the task, and in appropriateness of the strategies for the

tasks.27 This implies the interplay of a number of factors for successful

application of writing strategies. The instance have strategy is useful, but students‟ aware of requirements of the writing tasks and the use of appropriate strategies to carry out the task often determine the

effectiveness of the strategies used.


Jacobs, S, Composing and Coherence: A Process Study, p. 25. 27

Nooreiny Maarof and Mazlin Murat, Writing Strategies Used by ESL Upper Secondary School Students (Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2013), p. 48.



Ridhuan & Abdullah reported that good students and weak

students in his study shared common writing strategies, mainly

cognitive strategies, to generate ideas for their essays. The strategies

included transcribing, rehearsing ideas, rehearsing structure, rereading,

translating and repeating. On the other hand, Chien claimed that the

high achievers in his study focused more on generating text (writing

out the sentences) while the low achievers focused only on generating

ideas. Another important strategy that differentiates the skilled

students and less skilled student writers is the revising strategy.28 Park‟s research, conducted among 332 Korean university students, revealed a significant relationship between SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) learning strategies and English

proficiency. Additionally, results indicated that cognitive and social/affective strategies were more predictive of students‟ scores than other strategy categories.

Oxford also designed a strategy assessment survey based on

her classification system. This assessment tool, the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), has currently recognized as the most

comprehensive and widely used instrument for identifying strategy

preferences of language learners throughout the world (Bremner;

Foong & Goh, Green & Oxford). The SILL has checked for reliability




and validated in multiple ways extensively. As of 1995, it had used in

over 45 major studies involving approximately 8,500 learners‟ worldwide (Oxford & Burry-Stock).29 Oxford & Burry Stock

investigate that the learning strategy use found to be significantly related to English proficiency.30

B. Review of Previous Studies

1. The first study entitled The Use of Self-Assessment as Feedback strategy

to improve student writing ability at MAN SIDOARJO by Dian Aprita Widiarti (2009).31 The research question are :

a. How is implementation of self-assessment as a feedback strategy to

improve student writing ability?

b. What are problems faced by the teacher and student when using

self-assessment as a feedback strategy to improve student writing ability?

c. How is the student improvement in writing a text after using

self-assessment as a feedback strategy?

This research was descriptive qualitative research which was aimed

knowing the implementation of self-feedback in MAN Sidoarjo. The

problem of this study is the teacher and student when using self-feedback

and the student improvement after using self-back. The result of this


Deanna L. Nisbet, Language Learning Strategies and English Proficiency of Chinese University Students(Foreign Language Annals • Vol. 38, No. 1, 2005), p. 101.




Dian Aprita Widiarti, The Use of Self-Assessment as Feedback Strategy to Improve Students’ Writing Ability at MAN SIDOARJO (Surabaya: Unpublished Thesis. English Department of Undergraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2009).



study is the most students did not make improvement after using

self-assessment as feedback. To overcome this condition, the teacher should

give self-assessment regularly to make his or her student accustomed and

well trained to use self-assessment as feedback

2. The second study entitled The Effectiveness f Diagram of Ideas Strategy

to Enhance Student Writing Achievement for Eleventh Grades at SMAN 1 Mojosari, Mojokerto by Pipin risky pindowati (2013).32 The research

question is:

a. Is the diagram of ideas strategy more effective than traditional

strategy to enhance student writing achievement for the eleventh

grade of SMAN 1 Mojosari, Mojokerto ?

This research was a Quasi Experimental design that aimed at

knowing the effectiveness of diagram of ideas strategy to enhance

student-writing achievement for the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Mojosari,

Mojokerto. The student faced some different problem to use diagram of

ideas strategy. The result of this study shows that diagram of ideas strategy was effectively improving students‟ writing skill. The recommendation for the English research and future research is for the

teachers suggesting to use diagram of ideas strategy as a way to assess


Pipin Rizky Pindowati, The Effectiveness of Diagram of Ideas Strategy to Enhance Students’



teaching and learning process. Moreover, for the future research, they are

expected to conduct the research on other skill.

3. The third study entitled Mind Mapping Strategy to Develop Student

Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Grade VII-9 at SMPN 14 Malang by Masrul Huda (2012). 33The research question is :

a. How can mind-mapping strategy develop the student writing ability

in descriptive writing grade VII-9 at SMPN Malang?

This study was focusing on solve the problem related to how the

student generate and organize the ideas to write the topic. This study

proposes mind mapping with the propose mind mapping with proper

model to develop the seventh year student ability in writing descriptive

text. The design of this study is collaborative classroom action research.

The researcher and the teacher worked together in cyclic

activities-planning, implementation, observing, and reflecting on the data gained

from the teaching and learning process with run into cycles. The

recommendation for the future research is to conduct the research by

implementing Mind Mapping strategy in other language skills. It is done

to know whether or not Mind mapping strategy can be used to improve

listening, speaking and reading skill.


Masrul Huda, Mind Mapping Strategy to Develop Students’ ability in writing descriptive text grade



4. The fourth study entitled Employing Response Journal Writing Strategy

to Improve Writing Skills at First Year of SMPN 8 Malang by Ema Aji S (2012.34 The study was designing to improve students‟ writing skill through employing response journal strategy. This study was a classroom

action research, which consisted two cycles. The result of this study

showed that the response journal strategy was able to improve

student-writing skill in term of fluency. There were some procedures followed in

employing response journal writing.

From the previous study, the question has not answered is, the

correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay

writing. Therefore, the researcher answer those question in this research.


Ema Aji S, Employing Response Journal Writing Strategy to Improve Writing Skills at First Year of SMPN 8 Malang. (Malang: Unpublished thesis. English Education Department of Undergraduate Program, State University of Malang, 2012).




In this chapter, researcher describes the research design that used in this

study. This chapter concentrates on research design, population and sample,

research instrument, data collection, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher want to get information learning

strategies and proficiency level in essay writing at English Teacher Education

Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. In statistic, there were 2 kinds of

statistic. They were descriptive and inferential. In inferential, there were 2

kind of inferential. They were parametric and non-parametric.35 The

parametric and non-parametric analyzed the associative correlation in this

research. In parametric found some parametric statistics are product moment,

multiple correlation, and partial correlation. First, product moment is the

technique that had introduced by Pearson. This correlation used to know the

relations between two variables are type of interval. Second, multiples

correlation is correlation that shows the correlation between 2 variables of

independent collectively or more than one dependent variables. Third, partial

correlation is the technique analyzing the correlation between independent

variables and dependent variables where one of independent variables make




consistent or controlled. It means that partial correlation shows the correlation

between 2 variable or more than it. It predicted can influence the correlation

variables. In non-parametric statistic, there were 3 varieties. It was

contingency coefficient correlation, spearman rank correlation, and Kendall‟s tau. Contingency coefficient correlation is the method to count the correlation

between variables that it nominal data. In this correlation, Chi Quadrat has

strong effect because it used to examine independent k sample comparative

hypothesis. Whereas spearman correlation is the technique that used to know

the relations between two variables are types of spearman or ranking. In this

correlation, the researcher should know that the variables form of ranking. In

addition, Kendall‟s tau is the correlations that use to correlate two set data from of spearman. In this correlation, the data is not original and it can

process became tau.36

The correlation method used to correlate two variables that were

learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing. Correlation is the

kind of research that used to know the relations between two or more

variables. From the correlation, the researcher has known the variety of

relation between one variable with other. The main characteristic of

correlation research is the subject just little.




In this research, the researcher used non-parametric statistic because it

used to examine the nominal data. For analyzing these researches, it used

contingency coefficient because it the data was nominal.

B. Population and Sample

Population and sample were very important for conducting a research.

According to Sugiono the population was, groups of subject that is determined

by the researcher to be studied and drawn the conclusion.37 The sample is part

of population. A sample is small proportion of a population selected for

observation and analysis.

The population of this research was the student of English Teacher

Education Department of Faculty Tarbiyah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabya in the

students take Argumentative class.

The technique that the researcher used was cluster sampling. Cluster

sampling is the method that used to decide object of research or the large

source. In cluster sampling found stratified random sampling. It used to take

the data which strata characteristic. In these cases, there found 2 way to use

stratified random sampling. The first was determined the area sample. The

second was determined the people that stayed in this area by sampling.

In these researches, the area sample was argumentative class. In

argumentative class, it consists of 5 class (A until E class). The researcher

only take 2 class that is A and B class because the mid-test that made




argumentative essay only A and B class. The object of A class was 19 student

and B class was 19 students so that the sample of these research was 38


C. Research Instrument

Research instrument is the important role in collecting data. The

proper instrument is important in collecting data because it gained the

objective outcome of this research. The researcher chose an indirect

communication technique like questionnaire. The questionnaire used to gain the data of students‟ preference strategies used in essay writing. In other wise, the rubric used to analyze the students‟ proficiency level in essay writing.

1. Questionnaire (checklist)

Questionnaire checklist is one of instrument that used to collect

quantitative data. Questionnaires are instruments completed by the

responds themselves. 38The question contains about the respondent to

choose, among a possible set of answers, the response that mostly closely

represents his/ her viewpoint. The results of questionnaire were fact,

experience, opinion, and idea.39 For getting the data, questionnaire

arranged agreeable questions and the question make checklist.

The questionnaire was asking about which strategy tend give high

proficiency in essay writing. In addition, the questionnaire adapted from


Tharenou phyllis, Donohue, and Cooper, Management Research Method (Cambridge University Press), p. 102.




the Writing Strategies of American University Students Focusing on

Memory, Compensation, Social and Affective Strategies.40

2. Rubric

An assessment rubric is a matrix, grid or cross- tabulation employed

with the intention of making expert judgments of student work both more

systematic and more transparent to student. Equivalently, a rubric may

have its criteria listed as column headers and the standards as row labels.

Ideally, the criteria derived by analyzing competent judgments about

student performances to identify the dimensions that seem to explain the

observed quality, and the standards set out the performance levels on

those criteria.41In addition, the criteria in those rubrics were:

1. Organization

Focused on central idea with appropriate elaboration and conclusion.

2. Logical development of ideas : content

Used logical development of ideas.

3. Grammar

Appropriate verb tense used with variety of grammatical and syntactic

structures. 40

Ana Belén Cabrejas Peñuelas, The Writing Strategies of American University Students Focusing on Memory, Compensation, Social and Affective Strategies (Elia, 2012), pp. 108–112.


http://www.griffith.edu.au/computing/blended-learning-support/using-learning-at-griffith/assessment-tools/rubrics - Google Search, http://www.griffith.edu.au/computing/blended-learning-support/using-learning-at-griffith/assessment-tools/rubrics, accessed 1 Jul 2015.



4. Punctuation, spelling, and mechanism

Absence of errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

5. Style and quality of expression

Used varied and precise vocabulary appropriate for purpose.

Overall impression is the all of paragraph is good and correspond to all of

criteria above. From those all classified in five level:

1. Excellent (20-18)

a. Participants in writing actives with no teacher support

b. Shows the good control of sentence structure, spelling and


c. Writes effectively for different audience and purposes

d. Edit for sentence-level, structure, spelling, and mechanism;

revises for content, organization and vocabulary

2. Good (17-15)

a. Participants in writing actives with minimal teacher support

b. Writes mostly coherent, unified, and appropriately sequenced


c. Produces writing than meet creative demand of most social and



d. Makes error and modality, tenses and agreement and others area

of grammar

e. Produces writing that generally express complete thoughts

3. Fair (14-12)

a. Composes short paragraph that are mostly intelligible

b. Begins to edit for sentence-level structure, spelling, and

mechanism, revises of content, organization of vocabulary,

usually support of the teacher

c. Writes has less dependence of visual supports, shared

experiences and scaffolding.

4. Unacceptable (11-6)

a. Produces writing that is marked by the lack of tense, number,

and agreement

b. Make frequent errors in mechanism such as punctuation and


c. Writes mostly effectively when supported by visual, share

experienced or scaffolding

d. Begin to revise or edit own writing with teacher support

5. College – level (5-1).

a. Has zero to very limited ability in writing English

b. Can participate in writing activities



d. May be able to copy some word

e. Mat attempt to apply some writing conventions, but often does

so inappropriately.42

After the students fulfill the criteria above and get scoring, the

students classify based on Jacob. The student classifications are:

a. 83-100, it means the student level is excellent.

b. 63-82, it means the student level is good.

c. 52-63, it means the student level is fair

d. 34-52, it means the student level is unacceptable

From above category, we know the student level of proficiency in essay


The rubric functioned for grading the students‟ mid-test in fourth semester at English Teacher Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

D. Data Collection Technique

The research was quantitative research. The researcher collecting data

from the fourth semester students by giving questionnaire and taking

document study.

1. Questionnaire

The questionnaire is technique for collecting data. One

questionnaire is one set of writing about the question. The question




formulated to respondent answer the question. The question chosen for

indicating the concepts contained in the aims. Ensuring good links

between concepts and their indicators lies at the heart of a good question

design and some concepts are easier to indicate.43 In this research, the

questionnaire adapted from the Writing Strategies of American University

Students Focusing on Memory, Compensation, Social and Affective

Strategies.44 The questionnaire used to analyze the students‟ preference strategies used in essay writing. The total question in this questionnaire

was 30 questions and every strategy consists of 10 questions.

2. Documentation

Documentation is one of procedure collecting the data, which used

in research method. There some many kind of documentation, but the

researcher can take one of them that appropriate.45 In this research, the

researcher takes the document from the lecturer. The document which taken is students‟ mid-test (see appendix 4). In this case, the researcher did not take the student score from the lecturer but the researcher gave the students‟ score based on the rubric. Because of grading between the researcher and lecturer use different way. The component used in grading

was different.


Gerlandkeller, Brian warrack, and Henry Bartel, Statistic for Management and Economics, 3d ed

(California: Dexbury Press, 1994), p. 225. 44

Cabrejas Peñuelas, The Writing Strategies of American University Students Focusing on Memory, Compensation, Social and Affective Strategies.




E. Data Analysis Technique

There were three kinds of data gathered in the research. The data were

concern with the result of student writing essay by using their strategy use in


Then the researcher calculated the student score and strategy use in

writing. The procedures are follows:

1. For analyzing the students‟ preference strategies, the researcher used the questionnaire checklist that taken from the Writing Strategies of

American University Students Focusing on Memory, Compensation,

Social and Affective Strategies.46 Then, it calculated based on the students‟ strategy used by sum the each strategy. After that, the high sum of strategy became the students‟ strategy used commonly. (See Appendix 1)

2. For analyzing the document, the researcher used rubric (see appendix 5). The rubric used to give the students‟ score. The score analyzing of those research based on Brown and Bailey, composition profile of writing skills

with following component; organization, logical development of ideas

(content), grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanism, style and

quality expression. For example if the score of organization is 20-18. If

the score 17-15, it means good. If the score is 14-12, it means fair. If the

score is 11-16, it means is unacceptable, if the score is 1-5, it means


Cabrejas Peñuelas, The Writing Strategies of American University Students Focusing on Memory, Compensation, Social and Affective Strategies, pp. 108–112.



collage level. The scoring is same in each component. The result of

scoring gave influence in the student level. For example if the result

student score :

a. 83-100, it means the student level is excellent.

b. 63-82, it means the student level is good.

c. 52-63, it means the student level is fair

d. 34-52, it means the student level is unacceptable

After the result of the students score found, it calculated based on the students‟ proficiency level above.

3. For analyzing which strategies tended to give learners‟ high proficiency the researcher combine the result from data analyzing students‟ strategy and students‟ score. After the data combined, it analyzing based on SPSS 16.0 by choosing mean.

4. For analyzing the correlation between learning strategies and proficiency

level in essay writing at English Teacher Education Department UIN

Sunan Ampel Surabaya, the researcher used contingency coefficient

correlation. The contingency coefficient can be calculated in the

following procedures:

a. Obtain a cross-table of the variables X and Y, where X has r categories

and Y has c categories.



c. The observed contingency coefficient is calculated as: which varies

between 0 and Cmax.

i. Cobs = �



Note that Cmax varies depending on the number of categories for X

and Y.

d. If X and Y have the same number of categories (i.e. r = c), then the

maximum value for the contingency coefficient is calculated as:

i. Cmax = −1

Where r is the number of rows (see step 1).

e. If X and Y have a differing number of categories (i.e. r ≠ c), then the maximum value for the contingency coefficient calculated as:

i. Cmax = −1 � −1= −1 � −1

4 1/4

f. The standardized contingency coefficient is calculated as the ratio:

i. Cstand = � �

Which varies between 0 and 1 with 0 indicating independence and 1



The procedure above could use to analyze the correlation between

learning strategies and proficiency level manually. In this research,

analyzing of the correlation between learning strategies and proficiency

level used SPSS 16.0. It became the tools to analyze the correlation





This chapter presents the results of collecting data and the analyzing data through students‟ essay. It is used to find the result about the strategies preference used by students in Essay writing; the student levels of proficiency in

essay writing; the strategies that tends to give high proficiency in essay writing;

and the correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay

writing then discussion followed based on the data analysis.

A. Research Finding

The researcher have been done the research and have been gotten the

complete data from all technique included questionnaire and documentation

analyzing. To gain the objectives of the research, the researcher has analyzed the

data systematically and accurately. The data has analyzed in order to give

meaningful interpretation and draw inference about the object of the evaluation.

In reporting the findings of the research, the researcher reported the results based

on the topic in this research problems. It has specified as follows: the strategies

preference used by students in essay writing, the student levels of proficiency in

essay writing, the strategies that tends to give high proficiency in essay writing,

and the correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay



1. The strategies preference used by students in essay writing The finding for the first research problem has gained through

questionnaire. In questionnaire technique, the researcher used

checklist. The collecting data by questionnaire was holding on May

22 2015. The data was obtained through the questionnaire which

taken before mid-test. The object of research was 38 students which

taken by randomly. In questionnaire, the students found the

statements about writing in English. The student should be read

before filled the questionnaire. Then, the students filled the

questionnaire by giving mark (√) the appropriatenumber 1, 2, 3, 4,

or 5 that told how true of their statement. After the questionnaire

filled, it analyzed by researcher. The researcher analyzed the

questionnaire by getting calculated the result each strategies (see in

appendix 2). After collected the questionnaire, it be classified based

on three components of students‟ strategies that consists cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, and social/affective strategies.

Whereas the strategies based on Malley and Chamot was, consist of

three strategies. Next, it classified based on the result of each

strategies preference (see appendix 3). Every strategy has different result. The high result of students‟ strategies preference in essay



writing became the student strategies in essay writing. The result of students‟ preference strategies can be seen in table 4.3.

In each strategy has different result. The high results become the students‟ preference strategies in essay writing (see in appendix 2). For the result of the students‟ preference strategies could be seen in figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1

The Result of Students’ Strategies Preference Used in Essay Writing

Based on figure 4.1 shown that from 38 students, there was

21 (55 %) students‟ preference to use cognitive strategies, 17 (45%) 55%



Cognitive Metacognitive Social/Affective



students‟ preference to use metacognitive strategies, and no one-student (0%) preference to use social/affective strategies.

2. The student levels of proficiency in essay writing

For finding, the second problem has gained from the rubric used to give the students‟ score. The score analyzing of those research based on Brown and Bailey, composition profile of writing

skills with following component; organization, logical development

of ideas (content), grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanism,

style and quality expression (see appendix 5). For example if the

score of organization is 20-18. If the score 17-15, it means good. If

the score is 14-12, it means fair. If the score is 11-16, it means is

unacceptable, if the score is 1-5, it means collage level. The scoring

is same in each component (see appendix 6).

The score result gave influencing in the students‟ level. The students‟ proficiency level in essay writing analyzed based on Jacobs‟ theory. In Jacobs‟ theory stated that analytical scoring has categories for giving students‟ level. The students‟ level has known based on the Jacobs‟ theory. Before determined the students‟ level, the students‟ score has known. It means that the students‟ score determined the students‟ proficiency level in essay writing. For the students who get 83-100, it means the student level is excellent. For



the students who get 63-82, it means the student level is good. For

the students who get 52-63, it means the student level is fair. For the

students who get 34-52, it means the student level is unacceptable

(see appendix 7).

The result of students‟ proficiency level in essay writing has been figured in figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2

The Result of Students’ Proficiency Level in Essay Writing

Based on the figure 4.2 shown that from 38 students, there was

3 (8%) students got excellent, 33 (84%) students got good, 2 (5%)

students got fair, and no one-student got unacceptable. 8%

84% 5%


Excellent Good Fair



3. The strategies that tended to give high proficiency in essay writing

For finding, the third problem has gained from the result of the

first and second problem. For the result of first problem has shown

that 21 students‟ preference to use cognitive strategies, 17 students‟ preference to use metacognitive strategies, and no-one student

preference to use social/affective strategies.

For the result of the second problem has shown that 3 students

got excellent, 33 students got good, 2 students got fair, and no

one-student got unacceptable (see appendix 8). After the data classified

based on the students strategies preference and the students writing

score, it analyzed by SPSS 16.0.It has analyzed by statistical

analysis using mean. Mean is the technique used to explain the group that based on average from the groups‟ frequency.47




Table 4.1 The Median Result Case Processing Summary


Included Excluded Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Writing Score

Learning Strategies 38 100.0% 0 .0% 38 100.0%

Report Writing Score


Strategies Mean N

Std. Deviation Cognitive 74.67 21 8.499 Metacognitive 73.71 17 5.169 Total 74.24 38 7.130

Dependable of the output above explained that N or the

research data was 38. The mean of cognitive was 74.67. The students‟ total that a preference cognitive strategy was 21 students. The standard derivation of cognitive strategies was 84.99. It means

that the mean disperse from sample was 84.99. The mean of metacognitive was 73.7. The students‟ total that a preference metacognitive strategy was 17 students. The standard derivation of



from sample was 51.69. The total of cognitive and metacognitive

mean was 74.27. In addition, the total of cognitive and

metacognitive standard derivation was 71.30.

From the explained of table 4.1, it has been shown that the

cognitive strategies gave high score for the students.

4. The correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing

For finding, the last problems has analyzed by SPSS 16.0. It

has analyzed by statistical analysis using contingency coefficient

correlation. The contingency coefficient correlation to know there

was any correlation or not between two variables. Before analyzed

the data by using contingency coefficient correlation, it classified

based on learning strategies and proficiency level.

To get the correlation between learning strategies and

proficiency level in essay writing, the value of correlation

coefficient from the output of SPSS is 1. If the value of correlation

coefficient was 0, so the null of hypothesis is nil. If the value of

correlation coefficient was 0 until 1, so the null of hypothesis is

positive. If the value of correlation coefficient was 0 until -1, so the



accepted. According to Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser J. and Cris Soresen‟s explain that48

“ The sign (+ or -) of the coefficient indicated the direction of

the relationship. If the coefficient has a positive sign, this means

that as one variable increases, the other also increase… A negative

coefficient indicates that as one variable increases, the other decreases… The size of the correlation coefficient indicates the strength of the relationship between the variables. The coefficient can range in value from +1.00 (indicating a perfect positive relationship) through 0 (indicating no relationship) to -1.00 (indicating a perfect negative relationship).”

In addition the value of significance 0,005 (�= 0,05) was compared with the level significance. If the value of significance is

higher than the level of significance (� 0,05), so the null hypothesis is accepted . Therefore, if the value of sig is lower than

the level of significance (�鰜 0,05), so the null hypothesis is rejected, it means the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The result

of the correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level

in essay writing have presented by following the table 4.2.


Donald Ary et al., Introduction to Research in Education (Canada: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2006), p. 350.



Table 4.2

The Result of Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent Learning strategies *

Proficiency Level 38 100.0% 0 .0% 38 100.0%

In case processing summary explained that N or the research

data was 38, there were not found missing value. It means that the

validity measurement was valid. The validity was 100%. Whereas

in cross tabulation showed that the crosswise table filled the

correlation between 2 variable.

Table 4.3

The Result of Learning strategies * Proficiency Level Cross tabulation Count

Proficiency Level Total

60 65 66 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 85 87 94 Learning


7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

11 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

12 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

13 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

14 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 5 1 4 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 20

15 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3

16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2

18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2



Based on output above could be seen that the proficiency level

who got:

a. 60 included 2 strategy was 8 and 14

b. 65 included 2 strategy was 11 and 14

c. 66 included 2 strategy was 10 and 13

d. 68 included 1 strategies was 7

e. 69 included 1 strategies was 12

f. 70 included 3 strategy was13, 14, and 15

g. 72 included 1 strategies was 14

h. 73 included 1 strategies was 13

i. 74 included 1 strategies was 11

j. 75 included 2 strategy was 14 and 16

k. 76 included 1 strategies was 14

l. 77 included 1 strategies was 14

m. 78 included 4 strategy was 12, 13, 14, and 15

n. 79 included 1 strategies was 14

o. 81 included 1 strategies was 15

p. 82 included 1 strategies was 14

q. 85 included 1 strategies was 18

r. 87 included 1 strategies was 14



In symmetric measures shown that the contingency

coefficient was 0,920 by approx. Sig. were 0,008. It described that

variables are positively associated and there were any correlation

between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing

because the significant 0,009 < 0, 05. The correlation coefficient

has positive marks, it means that the learning strategies followed by

proficiency level.

B. Discussion

Learning strategies is the key good producing in essay writing.

Chamot states that learning strategy are the conscious thoughts and actions

that learners take in order to achieve a learning goal. One of the learning

objectives is high score so that the student should practice and use

language-learning strategy. The election of language-learning strategy is important because it influences in students‟ score and level in essay writing.

The purpose of this research was to know the student preference strategy

in essay; to know the student proficiency level in essay writing; to know the Table 4.4

The Result of Symmetric Measures


Approx. Sig. Nominal by



Coefficient .920 .008



that a preference cognitive strategy was 21 students. The standard derivation of cognitive strategies was 84.99. It means that the mean disperse from sample was 84.99. The mean of metacognitive was 73.7. The students‟ total that a preference metacognitive strategy was 17 students. The standard derivation of metacognitive strategies was 51.69. It means that the mean disperse from sample was 51.69. The total of cognitive and metacognitive mean was 74.27. In addition, the total of cognitive and metacognitive standard derivation was 71.30. From the explained above, it had shown that the cognitive strategies gave high score for the students.

4. The correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing has shown that the contingency coefficient were 0,920 by approx. Sig. were 0,008. It means that there were any correlation between learning strategies and proficiency level in essay writing because the significant 0,009 < 0, 05.

B. Suggestion

Based on the major findings of the present study, the researcher recommends the following opportunities for future research:

1. The current investigation into language strategies and proficiency level of university students conducted with participants from one province-level, the fourth semester, English Education Department at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, the ability to generalize the data is limited. Further research



need to explore (a) patterns of learning strategy use, and (b) the nature of the relationship between learning strategies and proficiency among students‟ English Department in a variety of educational contexts.

2. The current investigation measured learning strategy preferences using one self-report instrument (i.e., the SILL) at a particular point in time. It is the recommendation of these researchers that future endeavors incorporate a variety of measures (e.g., structured interviews, think-aloud procedures, observations, dialogue journals, etc.) and evaluate the relationship between learning strategies and proficiency over time. Such studies would explore how learners apply strategies in carrying out specific language-related tasks and would draw upon the perceptions of both teachers and learners concerning the effectiveness of various strategies ideally.

3. The Teachers must be aware of the difficulties students face when writing English essays and allow students to try out strategies that best work for them. It should not presume that the act of writing in one‟s first language is similar to writing in one‟s second language. The first and second language learners may not approach a writing task or attend to feedback in the same way.

In conclusion, learning strategies will, not doubt, continues to be a topic of interest for researchers and practitioners who desire to serve the needs of English language learners. This research reveals the need for closer examination of the relationship between learning strategies and proficiency



level in essay writing. It is the hope of researchers from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives will further explore the numerous factors that contribute to the success of English language learners worldwide




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