Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Teachers' Questioning Strategies in Teaching English in SMP Pangudi Luhur Salatiga

Shirley Permata Sari
This study aimed to investigate teacher’s questioning strategies. This research used
descriptive method and the data were collected and obtained from observation of class activity
and the recordings of teacher’s talk. Furthermore, the findings show that most of the time in the
classroom, the teacher used descriptive questioning strategies. From the data analysis, it can be
concluded that compare contrast questioning strategies were suitable to be applied in teaching
junior high school students.
Keywords: Questioning strategies, Students’ Skills, and Teacher’s Talk.

It is believed that teachers play an important role in the students’ learning process.
Therefore, teachers need to consider some strategies when they teach their students. One of the
teaching strategies is how teachers ask questions. Asking questions and leading classroom
discussions can have a positive impact on student learning. However, the ways teachers ask
questions to students in real classrooms in Indonesian settings await further attention.
Shaunessy (2005) argues that questioning strategies are essential to the growth of critical
thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and higher level thinking skills and can positively
affect achievement, most classrooms are devoid of these types of questions as a regular

part of learning . In reality,

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