PT Metrodata Electronics, Tbk


No : 140/ME/CorpSec/VIII/2016

Jakarta, August 25, 2016

To :
Executive Chairman of Capital Market Supervisory Body
Financial Services Authority
In Jakarta
Attention : Mrs. Ir. Nurhaida, MBA
Re : Reports of Information or Material Facts
We, for and on behalf of the Company hereby submitting information or material facts, as follows:

Name of the Issuer or Public Company :
Business Field

Email Address


PT Metrodata Electronics, Tbk
Trade and service for computer
(021) 29345 888
(021) 29345 899

A subsidiary of PT Metrodata Electronics, Tbk ("MTDL"), namely PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika ("MII")
on August 24, 2016 has already signed a Memorandum of Understanding Introduction with the
shareholders of PT Dwitunggal Solusindo Prima ("DSP") in regards to assessment for MII participation as
a shareholders of DSP through the mechanism of issuance of new shares amounting 20% and continue
with shares purchase from the previous shareholders of DSP at 17.5%, therefore MII ownership plan in

DSP will reach 37.5%.
Soon after Memorandum of Understanding Introduction is signed, MII will conduct due diligence in the
fields of finance, law and technology at DSP. If MII accept the results of due diligence, therefore MII and
the shareholders of DSP will proceed to the next stage of the transaction, namely finalization of MII’s
participation as the shareholders of DSP.
DSP is a company that has competence in the manufacture, development and implementation of
mobility applications for business activities. Being a shareholder of DSP, will making MTDL or MII more
focus on development of mobility application business. With a good synergy between the competences
owned by DSP with a network of sales and human resources that are owned by MII or MTDL expected
to maximize the performance of the DSP in the future so it can indirectly provide added value to MII or

Date of Occurrence

: August 24, 2016


The type of information or material facts

: The signing of Memorandum of Understanding


Description of information or material : A subsidiary of MTDL, MII has signed a
facts :
Memorandum of Understanding Introduction
with the shareholders of DSP in regards to
assessment for MII's participation as a
shareholder of DSP through the mechanism of
issuance of new shares and shares purchase
from the previous shareholders of DSP.


The impact of events, information or : The Impact for the operational :
material facts in relation with the
After MII (subsidiary of MTDL) became the

activities of operational, legal and
shareholders of DSP, MTDL or MII will become
more focused in the development of mobility
financial conditions or business continuity
applications business. With the synergy
of the Issuer or Public Company.
between the competency of DSP with a
network of sales and human resources owned
by MTDL or MII will create value-added in the
future for MTDL or MII.
As an information, this Memorandum of
Understanding Introduction is not a
commitment or bond that MII will become
shareholders of DSP, the certainty of MII
become shareholders of DSP depending on the
results of due diligence and the fulfillment of
the conditions as specified further by MII.
The impact of the legal aspect:
MII will become shareholders of DSP as long as
MII accept the results of due diligence where

DSP has fulfilled the conditions as described by
MII. For the information, this Memorandum of
Understanding Introduction is not a
commitment or bond that MII will become
shareholders of DSP, the certainty of MII
become shareholders of DSP depending on the
results of due diligence and the fulfillment of
the conditions as specified further by MII.
The impact on the financial condition:
If MII decided to become shareholders of DSP,
MII will participate as the shareholders of DSP
through the mechanism of issuance of new
shares and the purchase of shares from the
previous shareholders of DSP and MII will
invest a certain amount of money to become a
shareholders of DSP.

We further inform that transaction plan as
above transaction is not a material transaction
and not included in conflict of interest

Impact on business continuity:
After MII become shareholders of DSP, MTDL
or MII will become more focus in the
development of mobility applications business.
Hereby this information or material facts report is created and delivered. Thank You for your
attention and cooperation.

Best regards,

Randy Kartadinata
Corporate Secretary