teks prosedur bahasa Inggris

“How to Insert Sim Card Cellphone”
Cellphone is a modern communication device which connects one to the
others by voice, written message and data. However this device can not work
until the SIM card is inserted.
When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the cellphone has
been switched off and follow the direction bellow :
First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.
After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.
Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden
connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the
phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place
Don’t forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.
“How to Insert Sim Card Cellphone”
Cellphone is a modern communication device which connects one to the
others by voice, written message and data. However this device can not work
until the SIM card is inserted.
When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the cellphone has
been switched off and follow the direction bellow :
First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone.

After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery.
Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden
connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the
phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into place
Don’t forget to switch on the cellphone. Wait until it is ready to use.
“How to Make a Pancake”



– 4 spoonful of flour
½ (250 ml) of milk
stick of butter



mixing bowl
table spoons
small pan


Put the flour in the bowl.
Put milk in a cup.
Make sure it’s 250 ml of milk.
Put the milk in the bowl.
Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.
Mix it with a spoon.

Heat up the pan and put the butter
Put the mix in the pan.
Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes
Flip pancake over when the top is brown.
Your pancake its ready to be serve

“Cara Membuat Pancake”


– 4 sendok tepung

½ (250 ml) susu
tongkat mentega



mangkuk pencampur
sendok makan
panci kecil


Masukkan tepung kedalam mangkuk.
Tuangkan susu ke dalam cangkir.
Pastikan susu yang dituangkan sebanyak 250ml.
Masukkan susu ke dalam mangkuk.
Pecahkan 2 butir telur ke dalam mangkuk.
Campur bahan bahan tadi dan aduk dengan sendok.
Panaskan wajan dan masukkan mentega
Letakkan bahan adonan didalam panci.

Biarkan pancake mix matang sekitar 5 menit
Panaskan pancake saat bagian atas berwarna coklat.
Pancake Anda siap untuk disajikan

How to Make a Glass of Coffee
Materials :


Steps :
Boil the water First
Second, take two spoons of coffee and two spoons of sugar.
put into a glass
 Next, pour the hot water into a glass
 Then, stir it gently
 Finally, your coffee is ready to drink

Cara Membuat Kopi
Alat dan bahan



Langkah-langkah :
Rebus air terlebih dahulu hingga matang.
Lalu, ambil dua sendok kopi dan dua sendok gelas. Masukkan
ke dalam gelas
 Selanjutnya, tuangkan air panas ke dalam gelas
 Lalu, aduk secara perlahan
 Terakhr, kopi siap untuk diminum

How to Make Banana Jam

3 peeled bananas
1 cup of sugar or artificial sugar
1/3 a cup of water


First, put all those things out in front of you.
Next, take the peeled bananas and slice the banana into very
thin pieces. Put them aside in a bowl.

Then, fill the pot with 1 cup of sugar and stir it continuously.
Next, cook until brown in medium heat. Don’t step away for
more than 10 seconds because this will burn if you don’t watch
it carefully.
Once brown, add 1/3 a cup of water and the sliced banana you
put aside. Don’t forget to keep stirring on low heat.
When no banana pieces are noticeable, turn off heat.
After that, put in a container or covered bowl and put in the
fridge until chilled.
Finally, frozen banana jelly or jam finished.
Cara Membuat Selai Pisang


3 buah pisang yang telah dikupas
1 cangkir gula atau gula buatan
1/3 cangkir air

Pertama, simpan alat dan bahan pada meja yang mudah
 Selanjutnya, ambil pisang yang telah dikupas dan iris pisang
menjadi potongan-potongan yang sangat tipis. Sisihkan mereka
dalam sebuah mangkuk.

Kemudian, isi panci dengan 1 cangkir gula dan aduk terus
Selanjutnya, masak sampai kecokelatan dengan api sedang.
Jangan tinggalkan selama lebih dari 10 detik karena ini akan
membakar jika Anda tidak perhatikan dengan hati-hati.
Setelah kecokelatan, tambahkan 1/3 cangkir air dan irisan
pisang yang Anda telah sisihkan. Jangan lupa untuk terus
mengaduk pada suhu panas rendah.
Bila sudah tidak ada potongan pisang yang terlihat (halus),
matikan api.
Setelah itu, masukkan ke dalam sebuah wadah atau tutupi
mangkuk dan masukkan ke dalam lemari es sampai dingin.
Akhirnya, jelly pisang beku atau selai telah jadi.

How to Make a Cup Milo

Powdered Milo
Hot Water
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Fresh Milk / Pasteurized Milk

First, put in about 4 tablespoons of Powdered Milo into a cup.
Second, add Hot Water until it reaches about 3/4 of the cup.
Third, stir and make sure all of the Powdered Milo is dissolved.
Next, add in 3 tablespoons of Sweetened Condensed Milk and
 Then, add in some Fresh Milk / Pasteurized Milk. Its amount
should be around 1/10 of the cup.
 Finally, Add a little more Hot Water until nearly full and stir
once more.

Cara Membuat Milo Cup

Bubuk Milo
Air Panas
Susu kental manis
Susu Segar / Susu pasteurisasi

Pertama, masukkan ke dalam sekitar 4 sendok makan bubuk
Milo ke dalam cangkir.
 Kedua, tambahkan air panas hingga mencapai sekitar 3/4
 Ketiga, aduk dan pastikan semua bubuk Milo merata.
 Selanjutnya, tambahkan 3 sendok makan susu kental manis
dan aduk.

Kemudian, tambahkan beberapa Fresh Milk / Susu pasteurisasi.
Jumlahnya harus sekitar 1/10 dari cangkir.
 Terakhir, tambahkan lebih sedikit lebih banyak air panas
sampai hampir penuh dan aduk sekali lagi.

How to Make Special Fried Rice with Egg
Ingredients :

Salt as you wish
Cayenne pepper as you wish
The sauce as you wish. It can be tomato sauce, spicy sauce, or
Pepper as you wish
Cooking oil as you wish
The second plate of white rice
2 cloves garlic
2 points Eggs / as you wish
2 cloves Shallot

Complement: chicken, sausage, baksi, shrimp, nuggets or to
Blend the spices including onion, garlic, chili, pepper, and salt.
Pour enough oil into skillet and heat.
Once hot, add the mashed spice, stir until fragrant scent.
Add the eggs and stir until cooked.
Enter the supplement ingredients according to your taste, and
stir until evenly distributed and mature.
 Enter the white rice and stir until mixed with all the
condiments and complementary materials.
 If you smell fragrant, lift the rice and serve it on a plate.
 In order to attract special egg fried rice can be added
decoration. And ready to be served.

Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng Telur Spesial
Bahan-bahan :

Garam secukupnya
Cabai rawit sesuai selera
Saus sesuai selera saus tomat, saus pedas, atau kecap

Merica sesuai selera
Minyak goreng secukupnya
2 piring Nasi putih
2 siung Bawang putih
2 butir Telur / sesuai selera
2 Siung Bawang merah

Pelengkap : daging ayam, sosis, baksi, udang, nugget atau
sesuai selera.

Haluskan bumbu-bumbu meliputi bawang merah, bawang
putih, cabai, merica, dan garam.
Tuangkan minyak goreng secukupnya ke dalam kuali lalu
Setelah panas, masukkan bumbu yang telah dihaluskan, aduk
hingga tercium aroma harum.
Masukkan telur dan oseng hingga matang.
Masukkan bahan pelengkap sesuai selera anda, dan aduk
hingga merata dan matang.
Masukkan nasi putih dan aduk hingga tercampur dengan
semua bumbu dan bahan pelengkap.
Jika tercium bau harum, angkat nasi dan sajikan di atas piring.
Agar menarik nasi goreng telur spesial bisa ditambahkan
hiasan. Dan siap untuk disajikan.
