Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

• “A supply chain is the alignment of firms that bring products

or services to market.”—from Lambert, Stock, and Ellram in their book Fundamentals of Logistics Management (Lambert, Douglas M., James R. Stock, and Lisa M. Ellram, 1998, Fundamentals of Logistics Management, Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Chapter 14)

• “A supply chain consists of all stages involved, directly or

indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request. The supply chain not only includes the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and customers them- selves.”—from Chopra and Meindl in their book Supply

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations (Chopra, Sunil, and Peter Meindl, 2001, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Chapter 1).

• “A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution

options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers.”—from Ganeshan and Harrison at Penn State University in their article An Introduction to Supply Chain Management published at (Ganeshan, Ram, and Terry P. Harrison, 1995, “An Introduction to Supply Chain Management,” Department of Management Sciences and Information Systems, 303 Beam Business Building, Penn State University, University Park, PA).

If this is what a supply chain is then we can define supply chain man- agement as the things we do to influence the behavior of the supply chain and get the results we want. Some definitions of supply chain manage- ment are:

• “The systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional busi-

ness functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purposes of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole.”—from Mentzer, DeWitt, Deebler, Min, Nix, Smith, and Zacharia in their article Defining Supply Chain Management in the Journal of Business Logistics (Mentzer, John T.,William DeWitt, James S. Keebler, Soonhong Min, Nancy W. Nix, Carlo D. Smith, and Zach G. Zacharia, 2001, “Defining Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics,Vol. 22, No. 2, p. 18).

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

• “Supply chain management is the coordination of production,

inventory, location, and transportation among the participants in a supply chain to achieve the best mix of responsiveness and efficiency for the market being served.”—my own words.

There is a difference between the concept of supply chain manage- ment and the traditional concept of logistics. Logistics typically refers to activities that occur within the boundaries of a single organization and supply chains refer to networks of companies that work together and coordinate their actions to deliver a product to market. Also traditional logistics focuses its attention on activities such as procurement, distribution, maintenance, and inventory management. Supply chain management acknowledges all of traditional logistics and also includes activities such as marketing, new product development, finance, and customer service.

In the wider view of supply chain thinking, these additional activities are now seen as part of the work needed to fulfill customer requests. Supply chain management views the supply chain and the organizations in it as a single entity. It brings a systems approach to understanding and managing the different activities needed to coordinate the flow of products and services to best serve the ultimate customer. This systems approach provides the framework in which to best respond to business require- ments that otherwise would seem to be in conflict with each other.

Taken individually, different supply chain requirements often have conflicting needs. For instance, the requirement of maintaining high levels of customer service calls for maintaining high levels of inventory, but then the requirement to operate efficiently calls for reducing inventory levels. It is only when these requirements are seen together as parts of a larger pic- ture that ways can be found to effectively balance their different demands.

Effective supply chain management requires simultaneous improve- ments in both customer service levels and the internal operating effi- ciencies of the companies in the supply chain. Customer service at its

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

most basic level means consistently high order fill rates, high on-time delivery rates, and a very low rate of products returned by customers for whatever reason. Internal efficiency for organizations in a supply chain means that these organizations get an attractive rate of return on their investments in inventory and other assets and that they find ways to lower their operating and sales expenses.

There is a basic pattern to the practice of supply chain manage- ment. Each supply chain has its own unique set of market demands and operating challenges and yet the issues remain essentially the same in every case. Companies in any supply chain must make decisions indi- vidually and collectively regarding their actions in five areas:

1. Production—What products does the market want? How much of which products should be produced and by when? This activity includes the creation of master production schedules that take into account plant capacities, workload balancing, quality control, and equipment maintenance.

2. Inventory—What inventory should be stocked at each stage in a supply chain? How much inventory should be held as raw mate- rials, semifinished, or finished goods? The primary purpose of inventory is to act as a buffer against uncertainty in the supply chain. However, holding inventory can be expensive, so what are the optimal inventory levels and reorder points?

3. Location—Where should facilities for production and inventory storage be located? Where are the most cost efficient locations for production and for storage of inventory? Should existing facilities be used or new ones built? Once these decisions are made they determine the possible paths available for product to flow through for delivery to the final consumer.

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

4. Transportation—How should inventory be moved from one supply chain location to another? Air freight and truck delivery are gener- ally fast and reliable but they are expensive. Shipping by sea or rail is much less expensive but usually involves longer transit times and more uncertainty. This uncertainty must be compensated for by stocking higher levels of inventory. When is it better to use which mode of transportation?

5. Information—How much data should be collected and how much information should be shared? Timely and accurate information holds the promise of better coordination and better decision mak- ing.With good information, people can make effective decisions about what to produce and how much, about where to locate inventory and how best to transport it.

The sum of these decisions will define the capabilities and effec- tiveness of a company’s supply chain. The things a company can do and the ways that it can compete in its markets are all very much depend- ent on the effectiveness of its supply chain. If a company’s strategy is to serve a mass market and compete on the basis of price, it had better have

a supply chain that is optimized for low cost. If a company’s strategy is to serve a market segment and compete on the basis of customer serv- ice and convenience, it had better have a supply chain optimized for responsiveness. Who a company is and what it can do is shaped by its supply chain and by the markets it serves.

H ow the Supply Chain Works

Two influential source books that define principles and practice of sup- ply chain management are The Goal (Goldratt, Eliyahu M., 1984, The Goal, Great Barrington, MA: The North River Press Publishing Corporation); and Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation by Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl. The Goal explores the

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management


Alexander the Great based his strategies and cam- paigns on his army’s unique capabilities and these were made possible by effective supply chain management.

In the spirit of the saying, “amateurs talk strategy and professionals talk logistics,” let’s look at the campaigns of Alexander the Great. For those who think that his greatness was only due to his ability to dream up bold moves and cut a dashing figure in the saddle, think again. Alexander was a master of supply chain management and he could not have succeeded otherwise. The authors from Greek and Roman times who recorded his deeds had little to say about some- thing so apparently unglamourous as how he secured supplies for his army. Yet, from these same sources, many little details can be pieced together to show the overall supply chain picture and how Alexander managed it. A modern historian, Donald Engels, has investigated this topic in his book Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army (Engles, Donald W., 1978, Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army, Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press).

He begins by pointing out that given the conditions and the tech- nology that existed in Alexander’s time, his strategy and tactics had to be very closely tied to his ability to get supplies and to run a lean, efficient organization. The only way to transport large amounts of material over long distances was by ocean-going ships or by barges on rivers and canals. Once away from rivers and sea coasts, an army had to be able to live off the land over which it traveled. Diminishing returns set in quickly when using pack animals and carts to haul supplies because the animals themselves had to eat and would soon consume all the food and water they were hauling unless they could graze along the way.

Alexander’s army was able to achieve its brilliant successes because it managed its supply chain so well. The army had a logistics structure

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

I N THE R EAL W ORLD (CONTINUED) that was fundamentally different from other armies of the time. In

other armies the number of support people and camp followers was often as large as the number of actual fighting soldiers because armies traveled with huge numbers of carts and pack animals to carry their equipment and provisions, as well as the people needed to tend them. In the Macedonian army the use of carts was severly restricted. Soldiers were trained to carry their own equipment and provisions. Other contemporary armies did not require their soldiers to carry such heavy burdens but they paid for this because the resulting baggage trains reduced their speed and mobility.

The result of the Macedonian army’s logistics structure was that it became the fastest, lightest, and most mobile army of its time. It was capable of making lightning strikes against an opponent often before they were even aware of what was happening. Because the army was able to move quickly and suddenly, Alexander could use this capa- bility to devise strategies and employ tactics that allowed him to sur- prise and overwhelm enemies that were numerically much larger.

The picture that emerges of how Alexander managed his supply chain is an interesting one. For instance, time and again the histor- ical sources mention that before he entered a new territory, he would receive the surrender of its ruler and arrange in advance with local officials for the supplies his army would need. If a region did not surrender to him in advance, Alexander would not commit his entire army to a campaign in that land. He would not risk putting his army in a situation where it could be crippled or destroyed by a lack of provisions. Instead, he would gather intelligence about the routes, the resources, and the climate of the region and then set off with a small, light force to surprise his opponent. The main army would remain behind at a well-stocked base until Alexander secured adequate supplies for it to follow.

Whenever the army set up a new base it looked for an area that pro- vided easy access to a navigable river or a seaport. Then ships

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

I N THE R EAL W ORLD (CONTINUED) would arrive from other parts of Alexander’s empire bringing in large

amounts of supplies. The army always stayed in its winter camp until the first spring harvest of the new year so that food supplies would be available. When it marched, it avoided dry or uninhabited areas and moved through river valleys and populated regions when- ever possible so the horses could graze and the army could requi- sition supplies along the route.

Alexander had a deep understanding of the capabilities and limita- tions of his supply chain. He learned well how to formulate strate- gies and use tactics that built upon the unique strengths that his logistics and supply chain capabilities gave him and he wisely took measures to compensate for the limitations of his supply chain. His opponents often outnumbered him and were usually fighting on their own home territory. Yet their advantages were undermined by clum- sy and inefficient supply chains that restricted their ability to act and limited their options for opposing Alexander’s moves.

issues and provides answers to the problem of optimizing operations in any business system whether it be manufacturing, mortgage loan pro- cessing, or supply chain management. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation is an in-depth presentation of the concepts and techniques of the profession. Much of the material presented in this chapter and in the next two chapters can be found in greater detail in these two books.

The goal or mission of supply chain management can be defined using Mr. Goldratt’s words as “Increase throughput while simultaneously reducing both inventory and operating expense.” In this definition throughput refers to the rate at which sales to the end customer occur. Depending on the market being served, sales or throughput occurs for different reasons. In some markets customers value and will pay for high

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

levels of service. In other markets customers seek simply the lowest price for an item.

As we saw in the previous section, there are five areas where com- panies can make decisions that will define their supply chain capabilities: Production; Inventory; Location; Transportation; and Information. Chopra and Meindl define these areas as performance drivers that can be managed to produce the capabilities needed for a given supply chain.

Effective supply chain management calls first for an understanding of each driver and how it operates. Each driver has the ability to directly affect the supply chain and enable certain capabilities. The next step is to develop an appreciation for the results that can be obtained by mixing different combinations of these drivers. Let’s start by looking at the drivers individually.

Production Production refers to the capacity of a supply chain to make and store

products. The facilities of production are factories and warehouses. The fundamental decision that managers face when making production decisions is how to resolve the trade-off between responsiveness and efficiency. If factories and warehouses are built with a lot of excess capacity, they can be very flexible and respond quickly to wide swings in product demand. Facilities where all or almost all capacity is being used are not capable of responding easily to fluctuations in demand. On the other hand, capacity costs money and excess capacity is idle capacity not in use and not generating revenue. So the more excess capacity that exists, the less efficient the operation becomes.

Factories can be built to accommodate one of two approaches to manufacturing:

1. Product focus—A factory that takes a product focus performs the range of different operations required to make a given product

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

line from fabrication of different product parts to assembly of these parts.

2. Functional focus—A functional approach concentrates on per- forming just a few operations such as only making a select group of parts or only doing assembly. These functions can be applied to making many different kinds of products.

A product approach tends to result in developing expertise about a given set of products at the expense of expertise about any particular function. A functional approach results in expertise about particular func- tions instead of expertise in a given product. Companies need to decide which approach or what mix of these two approaches will give them the capability and expertise they need to best respond to customer demands.

As with factories, warehouses too can be built to accommodate dif- ferent approaches. There are three main approaches to use in ware- housing:

1. Stock keeping unit (SKU) storage—In this traditional approach, all of a given type of product is stored together. This is an efficient and easy to understand way to store products.

2. Job lot storage—In this approach, all the different products related to the needs of a certain type of customer or related to the needs of a particular job are stored together. This allows for an efficient picking and packing operation but usually requires more storage space than the traditional SKU storage approach.

3. Crossdocking—An approach that was pioneered by Wal-Mart in its drive to increase efficiencies in its supply chain. In this approach, product is not actually warehoused in the facility. Instead the facility is used to house a process where trucks from suppliers arrive and unload large quantities of different products. These

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

large lots are then broken down into smaller lots. Smaller lots of different products are recombined according to the needs of the day and quickly loaded onto outbound trucks that deliver the products to their final destination.

Inventory Inventory is spread throughout the supply chain and includes every-

thing from raw material to work in process to finished goods that are held by the manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in a supply chain. Again, managers must decide where they want to position themselves in the trade-off between responsiveness and efficiency. Holding large amounts of inventory allows a company or an entire supply chain to be very responsive to fluctuations in customer demand. However, the cre- ation and storage of inventory is a cost and to achieve high levels of efficiency, the cost of inventory should be kept as low as possible.

There are three basic decisions to make regarding the creation and holding of inventory:

1. Cycle Inventory—This is the amount of inventory needed to sat- isfy demand for the product in the period between purchases of the product. Companies tend to produce and to purchase in large lots in order to gain the advantages that economies of scale can bring. However, with large lots also comes increased carrying costs. Carrying costs come from the cost to store, handle, and insure the inventory. Managers face the trade-off between the reduced cost of ordering and better prices offered by purchasing product in large lots and the increased carrying cost of the cycle inventory that comes with purchasing in large lots.

2. Safety Inventory—Inventory that is held as a buffer against uncer- tainty. If demand forecasting could be done with perfect accuracy,

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

then the only inventory that would be needed would be cycle inventory. But since every forecast has some degree of uncer- tainty in it, we cover that uncertainty to a greater or lesser degree by holding additional inventory in case demand is suddenly greater than anticipated. The trade-off here is to weigh the costs of carrying extra inventory against the costs of losing sales due to insufficient inventory.

3. Seasonal Inventory—This is inventory that is built up in anticipa- tion of predictable increases in demand that occur at certain times of the year. For example, it is predictable that demand for anti-freeze will increase in the winter. If a company that makes anti-freeze has a fixed production rate that is expensive to change, then it will try to manufacture product at a steady rate all year long and build up inventory during periods of low demand to cover for periods of high demand that will exceed its production rate. The alternative to building up seasonal inventory is to invest in flexible manufacturing facilities that can quickly change their rate of production of different products to respond to increases in demand. In this case, the trade-off is between the cost of carrying seasonal inventory and the cost of having more flexible production capabilities.

Location Location refers to the geographical siting of supply chain facilities. It

also includes the decisions related to which activities should be per- formed in each facility. The responsiveness versus efficiency trade-off here is the decision whether to centralize activities in fewer locations to gain economies of scale and efficiency, or to decentralize activities in many locations close to customers and suppliers in order for operations to be more responsive.

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

When making location decisions, managers need to consider a range of factors that relate to a given location including the cost of facilities, the cost of labor, skills available in the workforce, infrastructure conditions, taxes and tariffs, and proximity to suppliers and customers. Location decisions tend to be very strategic decisions because they commit large amounts of money to long-term plans.

Location decisions have strong impacts on the cost and performance characteristics of a supply chain. Once the size, number, and location of facilities is determined, that also defines the number of possible paths through which products can flow on the way to the final customer. Location decisions reflect a company’s basic strategy for building and delivering its products to market.

Transportation This refers to the movement of everything from raw material to finished

goods between different facilities in a supply chain. In transportation the trade-off between responsiveness and efficiency is manifested in the choice of transport mode. Fast modes of transport such as airplanes are very responsive but also more costly. Slower modes such as ship and rail are very cost efficient but not as responsive. Since transportation costs can

be as much as a third of the operating cost of a supply chain, decisions made here are very important. There are six basic modes of transport that a company can choose from:

1. Ship which is very cost efficient but also the slowest mode of transport. It is limited to use between locations that are situated next to navigable waterways and facilities such as harbors and canals.

2. Rail which is also very cost efficient but can be slow. This mode is also restricted to use between locations that are served by rail lines.

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

3. Pipelines can be very efficient but are restricted to commodities that are liquids or gases such as water, oil, and natural gas.

4. Trucks are a relatively quick and very flexible mode of transport. Trucks can go almost anywhere. The cost of this mode is prone to fluctuations though, as the cost of fuel fluctuates and the con- dition of roads varies.

5. Airplanes are a very fast mode of transport and are very respon- sive. This is also the most expensive mode and it is somewhat limited by the availability of appropriate airport facilities.

6. Electronic Transport is the fastest mode of transport and it is very flexible and cost efficient. However, it can only be used for move- ment of certain types of products such as electric energy, data, and products composed of data such as music, pictures, and text. Someday technology that allows us to convert matter to energy and back to matter again may completely rewrite the theory and practice of supply chain management (“beam me up, Scotty. . .”).

Given these different modes of transportation and the location of the facilities in a supply chain, managers need to design routes and net- works for moving products. A route is the path through which prod- ucts move and networks are composed of the collection of the paths and facilities connected by those paths. As a general rule, the higher the value of a product (such as electronic components or pharmaceuticals), the more its transport network should emphasize responsiveness and the lower the value of a product (such as bulk commodities like grain or lumber), the more its network should emphasize efficiency.

Information Information is the basis upon which to make decisions regarding the

other four supply chain drivers. It is the connection between all of the

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

activities and operations in a supply chain. To the extent that this con- nection is a strong one, (i.e., the data is accurate, timely, and complete), the companies in a supply chain will each be able to make good deci- sions for their own operations. This will also tend to maximize the profitability of the supply chain as a whole. That is the way that stock markets or other free markets work and supply chains have many of the same dynamics as markets.

Information is used for two purposes in any supply chain:

1. Coordinating daily activities related to the functioning of the other four supply chain drivers: production; inventory; location; and transportation. The companies in a supply chain use available data on product supply and demand to decide on weekly pro- duction schedules, inventory levels, transportation routes, and stocking locations.

2. Forecasting and planning to anticipate and meet future demands. Available information is used to make tactical forecasts to guide the setting of monthly and quarterly production schedules and timetables. Information is also used for strategic forecasts to guide decisions about whether to build new facilities, enter a new market, or exit an existing market.

Within an individual company the trade-off between responsive- ness and efficiency involves weighing the benefits that good information can provide against the cost of acquiring that information. Abundant, accurate information can enable very efficient operating decisions and better forecasts but the cost of building and installing systems to deliver this information can be very high.

Within the supply chain as a whole, the responsiveness versus effi- ciency trade-off that companies make is one of deciding how much infor- mation to share with the other companies and how much information

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management


The Five Major Supply Chain Drivers

Each market or group of customers has a specific set of needs. The supply chains that serve different markets need to respond effec- tively to these needs. Some markets demand and will pay for high levels of responsiveness. Other markets require their supply chains to focus more on efficiency. The overall effect of the decisions made concerning each driver will determine how well the supply chain serves its market and how profitable it is for the participants in that supply chain.

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

to keep private. The more information about product supply, customer demand, market forecasts, and production schedules that companies share with each other, the more responsive everyone can be. Balancing this openness however, are the concerns that each company has about revealing information that could be used against it by a competitor. The potential costs associated with increased competition can hurt the prof- itability of a company.


Wal-Mart is a company shaped by its supply chain and the efficiency of its supply chain has made it a leader in the markets it serves.

Sam Walton decided to build a company that would serve a mass market and compete on the basis of price. He did this by creating one of the world’s most efficient supply chains. The structure and operations of this company have been defined by the need to lower its costs and increase its productivity so that it could pass these sav- ings on to its customers in the form of lower prices. The techniques that Wal-Mart pioneered are now being widely adopted by its com- petitors and by other companies serving entirely different markets.

Wal-Mart introduced concepts that are now industry standards. Many of these concepts come directly from the way the company builds and operates its supply chain. Let’s look at four such concepts:

The strategy of expanding around distribution centers (DCs) Using electronic data interchange (EDI) with suppliers The “big box” store format “Ever yday low prices”

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

E XECUTIVE I NSIGHT (CONTINUED) The strategy of expanding around DCs is central to the way Wal-Mart

enters a new geographical market. The company looks for areas that can support a group of new stores, not just a single new store. It then builds a new DC at a central location in the area and opens its first store at the same time. The DC is the supply chain bridge- head into the new territory. It supports the opening of more new stores in the area at a very low additional cost. Those savings are passed along to the customers.

The use of EDI with suppliers provides the company two substantial benefits. First of all this cuts the transaction costs associated with the ordering of products and the paying of invoices. Ordering prod- ucts and paying invoices are, for the most part, well defined and rou- tine processes that can be made very productive and efficient through EDI. The second benefit is that these electronic links with suppliers allow Wal-Mart a high degree of control and coordination in the scheduling and receiving of product deliveries. This helps to ensure a steady flow of the right products at the right time, delivered to the right DCs, by all Wal-Mart suppliers.

The big box store format allows Wal-Mart to, in effect, combine a store and a warehouse in a single facility and get great operating efficiencies from doing so. The big box is big enough to hold large amounts of inventory like a warehouse. And since this inventory is being held at the same location where the customer buys it, there is no delay or cost that would otherwise be associated with moving products from warehouse to store. Again, these savings are passed along to the customer.

Everyday low prices are a way of doing two things. The first thing is to tell its price-conscious customers that they will always get the best price. They need not look elsewhere or wait for special sales. The effect of this message to customers helps Wal-Mart do the second thing, which is to accurately forecast product sales. By eliminating special sales and assuring customers of low prices, it

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management


smoothes out demand swings making demand more steady and predictable. This way stores are more likely to have what customers want when they want it.

Taken individually, these four concepts are each useful but their real power comes from being used in connection with each other. They combine to form a supply chain that drives a self-reinforcing busi- ness process. Each concept builds on the strengths of the others to create a powerful business model for a company that has grown to become a dominant player in its markets.

There seem to be some similarities between Wal-Mart and Alexander the Great.

T he Evolving Structure of Supply Chains The participants in a supply chain are continuously making decisions that affect how they manage the five supply chain drivers. Each organ- ization tries to maximize its performance in dealing with these drivers through a combination of outsourcing, partnering, and in-house expertise. In the fast-moving markets of our present economy a company usually will focus on what it considers to be its core competencies in supply chain management and outsource the rest.

This was not always the case though. In the slower moving mass markets of the industrial age it was common for successful companies to attempt to own much of their supply chain. That was known as ver- tical integration. The aim of vertical integration was to gain maximum efficiency through economies of scale (see Exhibit 1.1).

In the first half of the 1900s Ford Motor Company owned much of what it needed to feed its car factories. It owned and operated iron

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management


Old Supply Chains versus New

Vertically integrated companies serving slow-moving mass markets once attempted to own much of their supply chains. Today’s fast- moving markets require more flexible and responsive supply chains.

Divisions of a

Vertical integration

Raw Materials

Vertically Integrated



has given way to “virtual integration.”

Raw Material

Companies now focus on


their core

and partner with other companies to create supply chains for

Manufacturing Manufacturing

Distribution Independent Distributor

Retail Showroom Independent


Fragmented, Slow-Moving, Industrial

Fast-Moving Mass Markets


ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

mines that extracted iron ore, steel mills that turned the ore into steel products, plants that made component car parts, and assembly plants that turned out finished cars. In addition, they owned farms where they grew flax to make into linen car tops and forests that they logged and sawmills where they cut the timber into lumber for making wooden car parts. Ford’s famous River Rouge Plant was a monument to vertical integration—iron ore went in at one end and cars came out at the other end. Henry Ford in his 1926 autobiography, Today and Tomorrow, boasted that his company could take in iron ore from the mine and put out a car 81 hours later (Ford, Henry, 1926, Today and Tomorrow, Portland, OR: Productivity Press, Inc.).

This was a profitable way of doing business in the more predictable, one-size-fits-all industrial economy that existed in the early 1900s. Ford and other businesses churned out mass amounts of basic products. But as the markets grew and customers became more particular about the kind of products they wanted, this model began to break down. It could not be responsive enough or produce the variety of products that were being demanded. For instance, when Henry Ford was asked about the number of different colors a customer could request, he said, “they can have any color they want as long as it’s black.” In the 1920s Ford’s market share was over 50 percent but by the 1940s it had fallen to below 20 percent. Focusing on efficiency at the expense of being responsive to customer desires was no longer a successful business model.

Globalization, highly competitive markets, and the rapid pace of technological change are now driving the development of supply chains where multiple companies work together, each company focusing on the activities that it does best. Mining companies focus on mining, timber companies focus on logging and making lumber, and manufacturing companies focus on different types of manufacturing from making component parts to doing final assembly. This way people in each com-

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

pany can keep up with rapid rates of change and keep learning the new skills needed to compete in their particular business.

Where companies once routinely ran their own warehouses or operated their own fleet of trucks, they now have to consider whether those operations are really a core competency or whether it is more cost effective to outsource those operations to other companies that make logistics the center of their business. To achieve high levels of operating efficiency and to keep up with continuing changes in tech- nology, companies need to focus on their core competencies. It requires this kind of focus to stay competitive.

Instead of vertical integration, companies now practice “virtual inte- gration.” Companies find other companies who they can work with to perform the activities called for in their supply chains. How a company defines its core competencies and how it positions itself in the supply chains it serves is one of the most important decisions it can make.

P ar ticipants in the Supply Chain In its simplest form, a supply chain is composed of a company and the suppliers and customers of that company. This is the basic group of par- ticipants that creates a simple supply chain. Extended supply chains contain three additional types of participants. First there is the supplier’s supplier or the ultimate supplier at the beginning of an extended supply chain. Then there is the customer’s customer or ultimate customer at the end of an extended supply chain. Finally there is a whole category of companies who are service providers to other companies in the supply chain. These are companies who supply services in logistics, finance, marketing, and information technology.

In any given supply chain there is some combination of companies who perform different functions. There are companies that are producers, distributors or wholesalers, retailers, and companies or individuals who

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

are the customers, the final consumers of a product. Supporting these companies there will be other companies that are service providers that provide a range of needed services.

Producers Producers or manufacturers are organizations that make a product. This

includes companies that are producers of raw materials and companies that are producers of finished goods. Producers of raw materials are organizations that mine for minerals, drill for oil and gas, and cut timber. It also includes organizations that farm the land, raise animals, or catch seafood. Producers of finished goods use the raw materials and sub- assemblies made by other producers to create their products.

Producers can create products that are intangible items such as music, entertainment, software, or designs. A product can also be a service such as mowing a lawn, cleaning an office, performing surgery, or teaching a skill. In many instances the producers of tangible, industrial products are moving to areas of the world where labor is less costly. Producers in the developed world of North America, Europe, and parts of Asia are increasingly producers of intangible items and services.

Distributors Distributors are companies that take inventory in bulk from producers

and deliver a bundle of related product lines to customers. Distributors are also known as wholesalers. They typically sell to other businesses and they sell products in larger quantities than an individual consumer would usually buy. Distributors buffer the producers from fluctuations in product demand by stocking inventory and doing much of the sales work to find and service customers. For the customer, distributors ful- fill the “Time and Place” function—they deliver products when and where the customer wants them.

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

A distributor is typically an organization that takes ownership of significant inventories of products that they buy from producers and sell to consumers. In addition to product promotion and sales, other func- tions the distributor performs are inventory management, warehouse operations, and product transportation as well as customer support and post-sales service. A distributor can also be an organization that only brokers a product between the producer and the customer and never takes ownership of that product. This kind of distributor performs mainly the functions of product promotion and sales. In both these cases, as the needs of customers evolve and the range of available products changes, the distributor is the agent that continually tracks customer needs and matches them with products available.

Retailers Retailers stock inventory and sell in smaller quantities to the general

public. This organization also closely tracks the preferences and demands of the customers that it sells to. It advertises to its customers and often uses some combination of price, product selection, service, and con- venience as the primary draw to attract customers for the products it sells. Discount department stores attract customers using price and wide product selection. Upscale specialty stores offer a unique line of prod- ucts and high levels of service. Fast food restaurants use convenience and low prices as their draw.

Customers Customers or consumers are any organization that purchases and uses a

product. A customer organization may purchase a product in order to incorporate it into another product that they in turn sell to other cus- tomers. Or a customer may be the final end user of a product who buys the product in order to consume it.

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

Service Providers These are organizations that provide services to producers, distributors,

retailers, and customers. Service providers have developed special expertise and skills that focus on a particular activity needed by a supply chain. Because of this, they are able to perform these services more effectively and at a better price than producers, distributors, retailers, or consumers could do on their own.

Some common service providers in any supply chain are providers of transportation services and warehousing services. These are trucking companies and public warehouse companies and they are known as logistics providers. Financial service providers deliver services such as making loans, doing credit analysis, and collecting on past due invoic- es. These are banks, credit rating companies, and collection agencies. Some service providers deliver market research and advertising, while others provide product design, engineering services, legal services, and management advice. Still other service providers offer information technology and data collection services. All these service providers are integrated to a greater or lesser degree into the ongoing operations of the producers, distributors, retailers, and consumers in the supply chain.

Supply chains are composed of repeating sets of participants that fall into one or more of these categories. Over time the needs of the supply chain as a whole remain fairly stable.What changes is the mix of participants in the supply chain and the roles that each participant plays. In some supply chains, there are few service providers because the other participants perform these services on their own. In other supply chains very efficient providers of specialized services have evolved and the other participants outsource work to these service providers instead of doing it themselves. Examples of supply chain structure are shown in Exhibit 1.2.

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management


Supply Chain Structure

Ultimate Supplier

Customer Ultimate Supplier



Service Provider

Product Market Designer


Retailer Retail Producer

Raw Material

Logistics Finance Business Provider

Provider Customer

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management


A new category of supply chain service providers has arisen because of opportunities opened up by the use of information technology. Functions that companies each used to do on their own can now be outsourced to companies who make that function a core competency.

SiteStuff ( is a procurement solutions provider focused on the real estate management market. The company serves customers such as Trammell Crow, Jones Lang LaSalle, C.B. Richard Ellis, and Insignia/ESG. Charlie Pace is SiteStuff’s chief operating officer and has been with the company since its founding in 1999. Charlie’s areas of responsibilities include creating SiteStuff’s prod- uct offering for maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) Services and future lines of business, supply chain operations, and relation- ships with suppliers.

“Our founder, Michael Stuart, was a CIO for several REITS (real estate investment trusts). Back in the 1980s he saw the need in the property management industry for better budgeting support based on more detailed understanding of spending patterns,” said Charlie. “He put together a plan to offer this solution to property managers before the Internet, but it was too expensive. Then the Internet came along and suddenly it became possible to cheaply network into thousands of commercial properties.”

Traditionally, real estate procurement has been very decentralized and real estate companies have shared similar issues when pur- chasing maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) products and services. This decentralized purchasing process results in:

• A lack of compliance on national purchasing contracts • High transaction costs due to working with thousands of


• Lack of visibility into property operations

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management

I N THE R EAL W ORLD (CONTINUED) “SiteStuff helps owners and managers of real estate save money,

save time, and gain control over property operations by aggregating their buying power, streamlining back-end accounting practices, and allowing them to more effectively track and manage data regarding procurement activities,” Charlie explained. “I think most people can see the benefits conceptually. The hard part is to do it in practice. In our daily operations we focus on three areas to get the job done.

“The first and most difficult is change management. We are funda- mentally changing the way distribution works with the properties and vice versa. We put together national solutions for what up until now have been regional markets. Distributors now have to deliver a very specific and predefined set of products.

“Technology infrastructure is the second area. Managing the order fulfillment process, which includes collecting end user data, order status, etc., is one of our core activities. This calls for us to roll out an e-purchasing system to our customers as well as link our supplier’s systems with internal tools in order to provide seamless integration.

“Changing perceptions so that SiteStuff becomes an accepted channel to market—that’s the third. We have successfully demon- strated to property managers, manufacturers, and distributors that our procurement solution delivers quantifiable benefits to all par- ties. Initially, this was a difficult proposition to prove, however, we gained traction as our volume quickly ramped up.”

SiteStuff did a strategic sourcing assessment for its customers based on 1999 purchasing data provided by the customers. The study identified the MRO products and services that customers were buying, what the brand preferences were, whose products per- formed the best, and who had the best pricing. With this data, SiteStuff could zero in on the best-in-class providers of products and services for its customers. They then began a process of negotiat- ing national contracts with these providers.

ESSENTIALS of Supply Chain Management

I N THE R EAL W ORLD (CONTINUED) “For manufacturers we offer them the ability to drive standardization

with our customers. Through distributor rationalization, we partner with a few best-in-class distributors per category, which in turn offers them a significant increase in the business they get from our proper- ties. And our customers now have access to a single-source, paperless process for purchasing all of their MRO products. They outsource their purchasing operations and benefit from better economies of scale. For each constituent in our model, we provide high levels of data on purchasing activities, customer profiles, and seasonal patterns. We are bringing transparency to the supply chain.”

In reflecting on the last couple of years, Charlie summarized the main lessons learned. “We have to stay very focused on our core proposition. We do purchasing of MRO products and services for people who manage real estate. We continue to build our value in that area. We have learned how best to roll out the technology and how to integrate with our supplier partners. We also have learned a lot about how to screen suppliers for their ability to implement our tech- nology and how to support and assist our client to grow with us.”

Looking at the next couple of years, Charlie sees the company con- tinuing to grow its client base. “We know we have an excellent pro- curement solution in place now. We will continue to grow and enhance our facility management service offerings. We will further integrate our systems with those of suppliers. Where there is real estate and a need to manage it, we have a solution and real estate leaders are starting to realize that.”

A ligning the Supply Chain with Business Strategy

A company’s supply chain is an integral part of its approach to the mar- kets it serves. The supply chain needs to respond to market require- ments and do so in a way that supports the company’s business strategy. The business strategy a company employs starts with the needs of the

Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management