Referendum Patterns In General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015 In Three Districts; Tasikmalaya, Blitar And North Timor | Tamrin | JURNAL CITA HUKUM 1 PB

Regional Head In 2015 In Three Districts; Tasikmalaya, Blitar And North Timor 

Abu Tamrin 1 , Nur Rohim Yunus 2

FSH UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95 Ciputat Tangsel

E-mail: 1 , 2

DOI: 10.15408/jch.v5i2.7092


The phenomenon of a single candidate for regional head occurred in the general elections of regional heads in 2015, especially in three districts of Tasikmalaya, Blitar and North Central Timor. These three areas have varying reasons for the occurrence of only one candidate pairs in the election. In reality , this condition is a form of empirical democracy that cannot be rejected and avoided. So then attempted to find a solution to the Democratic Party with the condition of only one candidate pair can still run w ell. Therefore, the Constitutional Court decided to continue opportunities for the regions to run Local Leaders Election with only one candidate pair’s, using the mechanism of agree and disagree, or so-called referendum pattern or poll. The public is only obliged to decide whether to agree or disagree with the candidate for the regional head who follows the general election.

Keywords: Referendum, Single Candidate, Local Leaders Election

 Received: July 23, 2017, Revised: July 24, 2017, Accepted: Agustus 11, 2017.

Abu Tamrin, Nur Rohim Yunus

Pola Referendum Dalam Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah Serentak Tahun 2015 Di Tiga Kabupaten; Tasikmalaya, Blitar dan Timor Tengah Utara


Fenomena calon tunggal kepala daerah terjadi pada pemilihan umum kepala daerah serentak pada tahun 2015, khususnya pada tiga kabupaten yaitu Tasikmalaya, Blitar, dan Timor Tengah Utara. Ketiga daerah ini memiliki alasan yang beragam dalam hal terjadinya hanya satu pasangan calon dalam pilkada. Dalam realitanya kondisi ini merupakan bentuk demokrasi empirik yang tidak dapat ditolak dan dihindari. Sehingga kemudian diupayakan mencari solusi agar pesta demokrasi dengan kondisi hanya satu pasangan calon tetap dapat berjalan dengan baik. Oleh karenanya, mahkamah konstitusi memutuskan untuk tetap memberikan peluang bagi daerah menjalankan pemilukada dengan hanya satu pasangan calon, dengan menggunakan mekanisme setuju dan tidak setuju, atau yang disebut dengan pola referendum atau jajak pendapat. Masyarakat hanya berkewajiban menentukan pilihan setuju atau tidak setuju terhadap calon kepala daerah yang mengikuti pemilihan umum. Kata Kunci: Referendun, Calon Tunggal, Pemilukada

How to cite (turabian):

Tamrin, Abu, and Yunus, Nur. " Referendum Patterns In General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015 In Three Districts; Tasikmalaya, Blitar And North Timor" JURNAL CITA

HUKUM [Online], Volume 5 Number 2 (December 2017).

300 – Jurnal Cita Hukum. Vol. 5 No. 2, December 2017. P-ISSN: 2356-1440. E-ISSN: 2502-230X

Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015


A single candidate in a simultaneous Regional Election that occurred in several regions in Indonesia is one form of empirical democracy. The state of the emergence of a single candidate is a situation that is normatively

unimaginable as the concept of democracy expressed by Dahl. 1 It means that, democracy in implementation continues to grow and be influenced by the political system that occurred in the area.

The phenomenon of the emergence of a single candidate in Simultaneous Regional Elections in 2015 in some areas in Indonesia is not a strange and new thing in the int ernational world. It means that the process of political democracy through general election with one candidate or one candidate does not mean impossible to implement. Canada is one of the countries that apply the election process with a single candidate called acclamation. The process is that members are said to be selected or returned unanimously if no other candidates are to advance in the election and there is no vote. This means that if there is only one pair of candidates in the election, then held acclamation without holding the election again. The presidential election with a single candidate was also held in Singapore in September 2011 as a single candidate who is incumbent controls 60% of the vote in parliament. Not only those two countries, Malaysia, the United States and Yemen have also experienced the process of political democracy through elections followed by only one candidate. This shows that democracy at the level of practice is very developed and is still a matter of debate with things that need to be underlined is the concept of political democracy must still be on the criteria of competition and participation. Democracy raises people with inherent human rights, one of which is the right to vote and political freedom in the democracy. Selection patterns with single candidates often use referendum theory. It means that the people only vote to agree or disagree in determining the choice.

The phenomenon of a single candidate was apparent in three districts in Simultaneous Regional Elections in 2015 namely Blitar Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency and North Central Timor Regency. The implementation of Local Leaders Election run orderly, although encountered few obstacles, finally can

1 According to Dahlin the various distinctions purport about democracy there are several criteria that need to be filled with government processes and all members have a common right to

participate in determining a policy. According to him in minimum there are five criteria, namely effective participation, equal voice, clear understanding, agenda supervision, and adult participation[Lihat: Robert A, Dahl, Perihal Demokrasi: Menjelajahi Teori dan Praktek Demokrasi S ecara S ingkat, translated by Zainuddin, Rahmat, (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2001), p. 53.

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be decided by the General Election Commission as a result of the binding general election. The implementation of it did get various responses from various parties, both from the pros and cons.

The condition and atmosphere of Local Leaders Election in each region, Blitar Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency, and North Central Timor District have a diversity of community background and response, even though they have only one candidate or single candidate in the Local Leaders Election.

Referendum Theory

The implementation of Local Leaders Election with single candidate using mechanism agree or disagree. This is same with the theory of referendum in popular polls in a country. Therefore, the relevant theory in this study is the theory of referendum. Referendum (from Latin) or poll is a universal voting

process to take a decision, 2 especially a political decision affecting a country as a whole, such as adoption or constitutional amendment or new law, or a country's territorial change. In a referendum, a voting public is consulted. The results of the referendum may be considered binding or non -binding. A referendum is considered binding if the government has to follow all the people's answers in the referendum results. If the referendum is not binding, the referendum is only used as an advisory function only, where the results do not have to be followed but become one of the considerations in the next decision making.

In general, there are two types of a referendum, namely the legislative referendum and the universal referendum. A legislative referendum is adopted if an adoption or renewal of a constitution or law requires the consent of the whole people, whereas the universal referendum is a referendum act organized on the basis of the will of the people, preceded by a demonstration or petition

which garnered majority support. 3 With the referendum, the people are directly involved to determine their opinions. Whether to agree or not. A referendum is

a theory that has long been known in the constitutional system.

The pattern of referendum used in the election with a single candidate has received legitimacy from the decision of the Constitutional Court.

2 Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Republik Indonesia "Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia dalam jaringan". Retrieved on July 30 th , 2012.

3 National Conference of S tate Legislatures Retrieved on Mei 2 nd , 2014.

302 – Jurnal Cita Hukum. Vol. 5 No. 2, December 2017. P-ISSN: 2356-1440. E-ISSN: 2502-230X

Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015

According to the Constitutional Court , technical implementation of the referendum is considered to meet the constit utional rights of voters. The judges of the Constitutional Court granted the lawsuit Professor of Political Communication University of Indonesia, Effendi Gazali on the rules of the

single candidate in Law Number 8 of 2015 about Local Leaders Election . 4 In its consideration, the Constitutional Court se es the legislators doesn’t

give way out if the minimum requirements of two candidate pairs are not met. Thus, there will be a legal vacuum which resulted in the election of regional heads cannot be held. Based on these matters, the Constitutional Court views, the postponement of Local Leaders Election is contrary to the spirit of the 1945 Constitution for harming the constitutional rights of citizens. However, the Constitutional Court did not agree with the bla nk box solution on the ballot as it was proposed from various circles.

The solution that is given by the Constitutional Court is in the form of election by referendum. Although not mentioned explicitly in consideration, the technicality is the same. If the votes of the people voted more favorably, a single candidate could be designated as the elected head of the region. Conversely, if more choose disagree; the election is postponed to the next elections simultaneously.

The mechanism is considered more democratic than winning by acclamation without asking people's opinions. With the election of a referendum, the people can use their right to vote. The use of that way becomes

a new history for the electoral system in Indonesia. Previously, the referendum system was never used because there were always at least two pairs of candidates, both Presidential Election, and Local Leaders Election.

4 On that’s decision, the Supreme Court stated 4 articles on general election constitution are conditionally illegal. Article 49 sections 9, 51 section 2, 52 section 2. In article 49 sections 9 for

instance, the supreme court stated that those articles contradicted 1945 constitution as long as not considered in accordance with the S upreme Court decis ion. Along with another article, the S upreme Court added the new meaning to connect regulation sentence to that constitution. On that decision, the S upreme Court mentioned that the decision is not retroactive. The decree also understood as a green lamp for three regions which its general election has been delayed in 2017, those regions are Blitar, Tasikmalaya dan Timor Tengah Utara.

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Abu Tamrin, Nur Rohim Yunus

Election Conditions and Ambition with Single Candidates in Three Districts

1. Blitar Regency 5 Blitar District is included in three districts in Indonesia which failed to

hold simultaneous Regional Election. This is because candidates in the elections are only one pair (single candidate). Legislation Regulation as stipulated in Law Number 10 of 2016 on the Election of Governor , Regent and Mayor explain, Local Leaders Election must be followed by at least two candidate pairs. To implement the regulation, General Election Commision (GEC) of blitar regency extends up to two registration times. However, until the specified time only one pair of candidates who register.

The issue did not last long, the Constitutional Court granted a judi cial review of Law Number 8 of 2015 on the Election of Governors, Regents,and Mayors so that Blitar Regency can hold Local Leaders election in 2015 with only one candidate pair.

The political condition of Rijanto-Marhaenis Urip Widoso candidate from the coalition of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and Gerindra Party, not one party dared to fight the incumbent candidate. In fact, even the big party coalition (PKB, PAN, Golkar, PPP, Democrat, Nasdem, Hanura and

PKS) only chose silence did not register candidate pairs. 6 Finally, the candidate pair of regent and vice regent of Rijanto-Marheinis Urip Widodo passed the administrative test by the local GEC and declared able to follow the referendum December 9, 2015.

Local Leaders Election with one candidate pair in the implementat ion was not an easy matter, GEC Blitar gets difficulties. This is because the time is limited and narrow and the electoral system is different from other regions, so

this condition requires the policy of the Central Election Commission. 7 After the determination of a single candidate, the Blitar GEC is

considered unfair by a group of masses who are in the name of the Blitar

5 Blitar region is one of the regions in east java province, geographical ly locates at ’ –

’ the east longitude and 7 57- ’ the south latitude in southeast of Surabaya and the distance is more than 160 Km. the boundaries of it are as follows; the south: Kediri and Malang Region, The east: Malang region, the S outh Indonesian ocean, and the West Tulung Agung and Kediri region. Look at

6 S olichan Arif, Kabupaten Blitar Akhirnya Gelar Pilkada dengan Calon Tungga l, okezone news: S eptember 29 th , 2015, 19:50 PM.

7 Hari Tri Warsono, Calon Tunggal Pilkada Blitar Lolos Uji Administrasi, Oc tober 15 th , 2015, 16:37 PM.

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Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015

Forum. They argue that the Blitar GEC takes sides with incumbent candidates by installing a single candidate banner. They also added that a fair referendum is to provide a complete picture to the public. In this context, which is only followed by one candidate pair, the GEC should install banners by socializing in the form of support for those who agree and not support for those who disagree. However, in practice, GEC only put up a socialization banner containing the option "agree" only. In fact, people are not necessarily much to

agree and even may refuse to disagree w ith the candidate pair. 8 Based on the recapitulation of KPU Blitar officially won the single

candidate pair. The PDI party admitted victory was influenced by the absence of opposition from the big coalition. Nevertheless, a very strong party contribution is enough to help the wins earned by this candidate.

In this Local Leaders Election, the Blitar GEC revealed that the number of Abstain is 43% larger compared to 2014 presidential election. GEC Chairman believes this is due to the fact that the number of migrant workers and not a few people do not want to vote only one candidate pair. In the previous Indonesian Legislative Election and Presidential Election, the number of migrant workers was not included in the DPT. While in Local Leaders Election the number of migrant workers are included. After the recapitulation was implemented, the KPU gave three days to the parties to file the lawsuit and then the

determination of the 2015 election winner in Blitar Regency. 9 The grace period given to the parties by the Blitar GEC to file a lawsuit

has been completed and no one has filed a lawsuit related to the recapitulation result. Subsequently, based on the plenary meeting, the Blitar GEC appointed the single candidate Rijanto-Marheinis as the winner with 84% votes and the

majority of Blitar residents voted in favor of the incumbent. 10 The 2015 simultaneous regional elections in Blitar Regency with single

candidate pairs have good potential and impact in terms of political, social, cultural and technical as well as administrative aspects:

a). The political, social and cultural conditions of Blitar Regency

8 Hari Tri Wasono, Calon Tunggal Pilkada Blitar, KPU Dituding Tak Adil, M.Tempo: November 2 nd , 2015, 20:54 PM.

9 S olichan Arif, Calon Tunggal Pilkada Blitar Raup 84 Persen Suara , Dec ember 16 th , 2015, 20:40 PM.

10 S olichan Arif, Sepi Gugatan, Paslon Tunggal Biltar Ditetapkan Pemenang, S indonews: Dec ember 22 nd , 2015, 10:16 AM.

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The area known as Mataraman has the character of society with a thick Javanese culture. The incumbent figure is considered as a credible figure and acceptable to all circles. Extensive support from potential elements to be competitors makes the political situation at the local level feel stag and less dynamic. The result is that the registration process is forced to be extended because the incumbent candidate initially also has no interest in following the political contestation in simultaneous regional elections in 2015.

The decline in the leadership transition process is also influenced by the poor cadre of local political parties. In the opinion of various sources who became respondents. Such as the opinion of Budi Susetyono as Intellectual Intelligence Police Blitar,

"For Single Candidate s in Blitar re ge ncy little bit softe ne d, e spe cially in some political partie s, the re sponse in the community is not ye t c le ar about the proble m of the Single Candidate , the e uphoria in the lowe r socie ty is le ss

e nthusiastic, the hustle and bustle are only happe ning in the political e lite . Be fore the re is a Constitutional Court de cision we are calm, no partne r is

de laye d to 2017. With the issuance of the Constitutional Court's de cision will not we move , but in the proce ss, the stages are run institutions have starte d to work from pre paration to imple me ntation e ve n though the dynamics stalle d during the nomination. The proble m in Blitar district the re is only one candidate pair is political de cisions made by political partie s, there is some that background. In Blitar district it is curre ntly ve ry poor or minimal KADER. "

Socially, the apathetic nuance of society in Blitar Regenc y to the political process is thick. The influence of too close distance between political moments also affects the level of community apathy. Having previously undergone a national political moment with the Legislative Election and Presidential Election, in the near future must undergo again the election process. The saturation factor in society arises from the lack of dynamic political life at the local level.

In the figures considered potential to be candidates are found psychological nuances known as ewuh-pakewuh to compete with prospective petahana in elections contestation in 2015.

b). Technical and Administrative Aspects The apathetic factor in the community in Blitar Regency has the

potential to cause a decrease of the participation rate in the implementation of voting in the election. Nevertheless, the experience in implementing Village Leaders Election with one candidate pair in several villages in Blitar Regency

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Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015

can be a positive factor in facilitating the socialization related to the technica l implementation of voting in the election with one candidate pair.

1. Tasikmalaya Regency 11

Local Leaders Election in Tasikmalaya Regency experienced the same thing with Blitar Regency which only has one candidate pair . Until the deadline is determined only one pair of candidates register to the Regency KPU Tasikmalaya. Similarly, Blitar Regency, in GEC Tasikmalaya still continues after

a decision of the Constitutional Court on the judicial review of Law No. 8 of 2015 on the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors.

Tasikmalaya's candidate for single election became a polemic, a number of people gathered in the Romantic group (community disagree) declared the group to vote in Tasikmalaya district elections. They believe that the vote that disagrees in the election will win up to 75% because it is because a single candidate who is registered is not shown to lead the leadership that is worthy of emulation. Single candidate pair is incumbent partner believed by the

successful team of Tasikmalaya Regency major ity people are agree. 12 In Tasikmalaya, Local Leader Election based on GEC data of single

candidate pair get more agree on vote and in this case become the winner. However, the result was sued by a number of students who are acting on behalf of election monitors. They are from Galunggung Law School. Bas ed on incumbent single candidate data has been reported on the basis of fraud and/or embezzlement of money in road construction projects in 2011 amounted to 700 million rupiahs. If the KPU regulates the requirements of candidates for the regional head, the single candidate for regent of petahana does not qualify as a regent candidate registering in Tasikmalaya district elections in 2015. The result of Tasik Regency election is the only one sued by the monitors to the

Constitutional Court. 13

In addition, the lawsuit is not only filed by a number of students who are on behalf of election monitors, but a number of people joined in the group on behalf of the Tasikmalaya Community Forum also sued the results of the

11 Tasikmalaya region located between 7°02'29" -7°49'08 south latitude 108°26'42" east longitude. Administratively bounded by the north borders by Tasikmalaya and Ciamis, The S outh

borders by the Indian Ocean, The West orders by Garut, the S outh borders by Ciamis. Look at: [Lihat:]. 12 Heyder Affan, Polemik Pilkada Calon Tunggal di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya , Dec ember 5 th , 2015 13 Andi S aputra, Pilkada Tasik Satu-satunya Calon Tunggal yang Digugat Pemantau Ke MK, Friday, January 5 th , 2016.

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election with a single candidate. They assess the Local Leader elections in Tasikmalaya Regency in 2015 there are many violations. They also prepared 54

of evidence offense presented at Session in Constitutional Court. 14 However, on the way, the lawsuit filed to the Constitutional Court was

rejected. The Constitutional Court believes that the applicant does not have legal standing to submit a lawsuit. The Constitutional Court judge also considered that the applicant has not received accreditation from election

monitors from GEC. 15 After the Constitutional Court ruled in its decision to reject the election

result from a community organization, Tasikmalaya Election Commission specified the elected candidate pair as Regent and Vice Regent of Tasikmalaya namely Ruzhanul Ulum and Ase Sugianto Law. The elected couple was

inaugurated by West Java Governor Ahmad Heriyawan. 16 The 2015 simultaneous regional elections in Tasikmalaya Regency with

one single candidate pair have a potential and good impact, in terms of political, social, cultural and technical as well as administrative aspects, namely:

a. Political, social, and cultural conditions of Tasikmalaya Regency Tasikmalaya regency, located in the southern province of West Java is

one of the areas of development barometer in the region. Of course, every development program is the public's concern to keep monitoring it. Regional leadership as a guide in implementing development programs cannot be separated from the attention of the people w ho culturally still follow the tradition of feudal nuances with patron-client pattern between the community and the community of scholars or community leaders (Ajengan and Kyai).

The phenomenon of the emergence of one candidate pair in the registration process of election participants in Tasikmalaya Regency occurred due to dissatisfaction in the political group which is counter with the incumbent candidate, thus pursuing the political alliance and impacting the agreement to delay the election by exploiting loopholes in Law No. 8 of 2015 about the election. Encouraged also by some internal conflicts in some political parties that should be able to carry other candidates, the impact on the declining interest of figures that are considered potential candidates for election.

14 Wartapriangan, Pilkada Tasikmalaya digugat Ke Mahkamah Konstitusi, January 6 th , 2016 15 Nabilla Tashandra, Ini Alasan MK Tolak Gugatan S engketa Hasil Pilkada Tasikmalaya,

and January 18 th , 2016 20:04 PM. 16 Irwan Nugraha, Gugatan MK Ditolak, Uu-Ade Ditetapkan Jadi Bupati dan Wakil Bupati

Terpilih Tasikmalaya, Agustus 20 th , 2015, 00:28 PM. 308 – Jurnal Cita Hukum. Vol. 5 No. 2, December 2017. P-ISSN: 2356-1440. E-ISSN: 2502-230X

Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015

According to some informants who become respondents, would be not "fair" if the Local Leaders Election is held in the position of the incumbent candidate still occupy his position. Because alleged the candidate has taken advantage of his position to conduct a veiled campaign before the campaign period in the election stage passed. Sound division within the elite community of Ajengan and Kyai also occurred, until some institutions and organizations formed an alliance of civil society to reject the Constitutional Court's decision to order the election to be held with one candidate pair. The perception that the Constitutional Court's decision is late and forced to strengthen in the community through the campaign of the community movement that rejected the implementation of the election in 2015.

The factor of mistrust of potential competitor figures is also one of the causes of the lack of registrants in the 2015 election which is triggered by the belief that petahana candidates have a strong suppor t base at the grassroots level.

b. Technical and administrative aspects The same thing with North Central Timor regency also occurred in

Tasikmalaya Regency, but due to the different regional situation in terms of access to transportation and communication, so in Tasikmalaya regency, technical and administrative preparation problems can be relatively easily solved. In the aspect of socialization related to technical polling is considered to require more intensive and fast handling according to some sources. That's because many people still do not understand the concept of Local Leaders Elections with one candidate pair. The level of risk of errors in the voting process becomes high if socialization cannot run maximally.

3. North Central Timor District 17

As with the other two districts, North Central Timor District attends Local Leaders Election in 2015 with a single candidate. In this district is also a single candidate petahana couple that is Raymindus Sau Fernandez and Aloysius Kobes. Despite twice the registration of candidates for regent and vice regent, there has been only one pair of candidates applying to the North Central Timor District KPU. Whereas previously heard information that there is one

17 North middle Timor region is located in Nusa east-southeast province of Indonesia. The

Kefamenanu City. [Look at:].

capital of the

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pair of candidates who will register the Eusibio Honai Rebelo and Raymundua Loin. However, until the deadline and up to two extensions are not visible

register to the KPU. 18 The Local Leaders Elections of North Central Timor District appear to

be lackluster because only one candidate pair is registered as a participant at that time. The atmosphere in the district appears cool, there are no activities related to candidates in the election, especially no chat who is champion, the citizens seem to keep running their activities without even discussing potential leaders in their area. A number of residents also claimed to be forced to choose an incumbent partner because only one candidate pair who participated in the Election District of North Central Timor in 2015. Lacking attitude and indifferent people to the election at that time because th e single candidate is an incumbent and in the previous period has not managed to lead with both in the area. Although the candidate pair has the social closeness with the community

in the area. 19 The Local Leaders Elections in North Central Timor District were

delayed. This is due to the burning of the KPU Office of the area. The fire caused the entire document to burn. However, the situation did not stop the

rate of elections in the area, the elections are still running. 20 The 2015 Simultaneous Regional Election in North Central Timor

Regency with one single candidate pair have a potential and good impact from the political, social, cultural and t echnical aspects as well as administrative aspects:

a. The political, social and cultural conditions of North Central Timor District

The area which is the border of the Republic of Indonesia with the Democratic Republic of East Timor is a political culture divided between the community that from the beginning is the local population and the East Timor exodus community after the referendum in 1999 that made East Timor apart from NKRI and became its own country. The community with the background of the exodus from Timor Leste is politically very familiar with the term Referendum because there is still historical experience as well as psychological

18 Marselinus Gual, Ini Cerita Timor Tengah Utara gelar pilkada c alon tunggal, Dec ember 7 th , 2015, 14:41.

19 Marselianus Gual, Calon tunggal bikin Pilkada Timor Tengah Utara tak bergairah, Dec ember 7 th , 2015, 16:45.

20 KPU Terbakar, Oscar Praso, Pilkada Timor Tengah Utara Tetap Dilanjutkan, Oktober 12 th , 2015, 05:16. 310 – Jurnal Cita Hukum. Vol. 5 No. 2, December 2017. P-ISSN: 2356-1440. E-ISSN: 2502-230X

Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015

trauma as a result of the political process using Referendum method. While the people who are local residents almost most are not familiar with the concept of

a referendum because it has never experienced the process before. Some of them only heard from relatives of East Timorese exodus backgrounds, so that the negative inclinations that were reflected in them when confronted with the term referendum.

The simultaneous regional election in North Central Timor District will

be postponed until the next period in 2017, and finally will be held in 2015. However, a voting method that will only be followed by one candidate pa irs seems to pose new problems to voters in the North Central Timor District because even though the referendum term is not used but its implementation will technically be like a referendum process.

According to Victor Manbait as a non-governmental organization practitioner, the Court's decision itself has not been well socialized to the community, resulting in confusion in the community itself. The people who initially only knew if the election in North Central Timor District was postponed until 2017, suddenly had to keep running the election in 2015. The people who have not been a long time feel calm after have felt the political tension for several years due to political conflict after the previous elections, now must be prepared to feel political tension again because the election should still be implemented.

From the aspect of government, according to Felix as Head of Bappeda of North Central Timor Regency Government, it will be a big obstacle for development in its territory if until the end of the regent's term which is now continued by only PLT. Because the District of North Central Timor is a border area and the central government is preparing a large program related to the development of border areas. Government administration of these programs will not be able to run optimally if there is no definitive regional head in the region.

b. Technical and administrative aspects Geographically, the condition of the vast and mountainous North

Central Timor District makes inter-regional communication difficult and limited. The means of transportation and communication that are still limited also cause a fairly complicated problem. Few residents and relatively inadequate human resources led to slower recruitment for the organizers at the polling station level and supervision.

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With a narrow time after the Constitutional Court's decision was issued, forcing the organizer of the Local Leaders election to be extra hard to complete the technical preparation stage. Discontinuation of activities by district-level Panwas after the postponement of an election after registration there is only one candidate pairs of polemic that require handling effectively and efficiently because it impacts on the administrative legality of the implementation of the local leader ’s election.

The Results of Single Candidate Local Leaders Election Recapitulation

1. Blitar Regency KPU of Blitar Regency officially announced based on the result of

recapitulation of vote counting of Local Leaders Election of Blitar Regency with one single candidate pair on behalf of Rijanto-Marheinis Urip Widodo (RIDO) as the winner in the election. Single-candidate RIDO couples have agreed on support of 428,075 votes or 84%. Not only big win in the "cage" bull like Nglegok District (29191 votes), Ponggok (32,648 votes), Gandusari (28,055 votes), and Talun (25,211 votes).

In West Blitar Region which are not PDIP pockets such as Srengat sub - district (21,457 votes), Udanawu (12,998 votes), Sanankulon (19,563 votes) and Kanigoro sub-district (27,182 votes), the pair is an absolute superior. Total votes disagree or reject the RIDO candidate partner to be the Regent and Vice Regent of Blitar only 76,121 votes. From DPT 964,928, attendance or participation is only 57%. Total valid votes are 504,196 votes. While the invalid votes are 41,281 votes.

A spokesperson for Taufik Single Couple Speaker revealed that the biggest contributor to RIDO's candidate partner rape is the Struggle PDI constituent. The KPU with the simulation of voting is also acknowledged to help further recognize the candidate partner in the community. However, it does not deny that candidate figures also contribute no small votes. According to Taufik, the victory is precisely the first step in RIDO's cadidate partner embodies the mission and vision that are presented during the campaign.

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Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015

After announcing the results of the recapitulation, the KPU gives three days of recapitulation to the parties seeking to file a lawsuit. If no, the KPU will directly establish RIDO cadidate partner 22 December 2015. 21

The Chairman of Blitar Regency KPU revealed that the result is a recapitulation of 22 districts in Blitar District. All data from the subdistrict selection committee have been recapitulated and the data has been entered. The number of permanent voters lists in Blitar Regency is 964,928 voters spread over 22 subdistricts. They provide their aspirations in all polling stations provided. In the process of recapitulation, it also runs smoothly. No residents objected to the recapitulation process, and the witness team also gave the signature of the election result approval.

The KPU has given the opportunity for three days before the election is determined. The general public can file a lawsuit regarding the objection of the election result to the Constitutional Court. Meanwhile, the commissioner of the Election Supervisory Committee of Blitar Regency said that in the implementation of the election of single candidates in this district there is no serious criminal offense. In addition to these findings, during the elections , there were also a number of findings, such as a scheduled violation. Any violations of any administrative violation are not up to the penalties. Local Leaders Election implementation in Blitar Regency as a whole is quite good. However, Election Supervisory Committee still provides recommendations among them various improvements such as distribution logistics. It also hopes that with this evaluation, the implementation of the next election could be even

better, even with a single candidate. 22

b. Tasikmalaya Regency

The General Elections Commission of Tasikmalaya Regency held a Plenary Recapitulation Meeting on the Regional Head Election with one candidate pair, at the Da'wah Singaparna Building, Tasikmalaya Regency on December 16, 2015. The Plenary Recapitulation Result of GEC of Tasikmalaya Regency, single candidate pair Uu Ruzhanul Ulum - Ade Sugianto votes agreed at 67.35 percent or 500,908 votes. Meanwhile, the vote "Disagree" amounted to

32.65 percent or 242,895 votes from 810,668 votes or 60.33 community

21 S olichan Arif, Calon Tunggal Pilkada Blitar Raup 84 Persen Suara, Dec ember 16 th , 2015, 20:40.

22 Asmaul Chusna, Pasangan Pilkaa Calon Tunggal Menang 84 , 90 Persen, : Dec ember 16 th , 2015, 20:53.

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participation. The chairman of General Election Commision of Tasikmalaya Regency revealed that this recapitalization is based on v otes collected from 39 sub-districts, and the results are directly determined.

The recapitulation plenum was originally scheduled on December 17, 2015; however, due to Commitment Making Official work that is rapid in the counting process in each sub -district, the Plenary was eventually accelerated. The GEC in Tasikmalaya Regency also received appreciation from the General Election Commission as a region that performs Recapitulation in every second

fastest sub-district in Indonesia. 23

After carrying out the vote recapitulation, if there is no lawsuit, GEC of Tasikmalaya Regency will determine the elected candidate on December 22, 2015. With the completion of the Plenary of Vote Recapitulation, Local Leaders Election stages to be passed in the future can run smoothly.

3. North Central Timor District Based on the interim vote recapitulation by the North Timor Central

Election Commission, incontinent candidates, Raymundus Fernandez -Aloysius Kobes, won 34,037 votes or 79.59 percent voted. While those who do not agree 8,728 votes or 20.41 percent.

The amount, according to the General Election Commission data from 188 polling stations or 43.72 percent of the total of 430 polling stations. With valid votes of 42,765 or 86.87 percent, an invalid vote of 6,462, bringi ng a total of 49,227 votes. Votes that go to the local GEC come from 24 districts in the area.

The spokesman of North Central Timor GEC, Fidel Olin said the data came from the Central General Election Commission because the regional GEC only scanned C-1 data which was then sent to the Central Election Commission. The calculation is done at the Central Election Commission. Regency GEC only

scans and sends to the center. 24


1. The Level of Public Participation in the Single Election of Single Candidates in 2015

23 Nova Nugraha, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Tetapkan Hasil Rekapitulasi Suara Pilkada Calon Tunggal, : Dec ember 16 th , 2015, 19:25 PM.

24 Yohanes S eo, Calon Tunggal Pilkada TTU Sementara Disetujui Rakyat, Dec ember 10 th , 2015, 9:12 PM. 314 – Jurnal Cita Hukum. Vol. 5 No. 2, December 2017. P-ISSN: 2356-1440. E-ISSN: 2502-230X

Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015

Public participation in Local Leaders Election in each region is very diverse. Although using a referendum pattern with only one candidate, the level of public participation in these elections varies. The level of public participation in simultaneous regional elections in 2015 can be seen in the following discussion.

a. Regency of Blitar

After being delayed for about one and a half months, because it only has one candidate pair, the Blitar District Election Commission can finally follow the election stage of Regent and Vice Regent simultaneously with the agenda of Single Partner Pairs Determination for Blitar Regent and Vice Regent

Election 2015. 25 The single candidate is Rijanto and Marhenis Urip Widodo, both of whom were promoted by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. Previously, the candidate pair was carried by two political parties namely PDIP and Gerindra Party, but the Blitar District Election Commission struck the Gerindra party as the incumbent's carrier coalition, failing to show the coalition agreement between the political parties. Quoted from the page, the reason of Regional General Election Commission Blitar Regency do the write-off because Gerindra Party only submit s a letter of recommendation from the Party Leadership Council without including a letter of the coalition

agreement between political parties. 26 The removal of the Gerindra party as the party of the single candidate pairs in Blitar regency did not affect the nomination of incumbent couple Rijanto-Urip Widodo (RIDHO) so that de jure, PDIP became the only political party holding RIDHO pairs. The biggest reason why Blitar Regency can only produce one pair of candidates is that of the reluctance of other political parties to carry their candidates. A large coalition led by the National Awakening Party (PKB) deliberately maneuvers the Local Leaders Election boycott by not registering his champion. In addition, independent candidates also did not appear in the democratic party contest in the District which is famous for the icon of Penataran Temple.

The Lack of public participation in the process of simultaneous regional election with only one candidate pair ther e are some problems, including;

1). The lack of socialization conducted by the Blitar District Election Commission on the procedure of the voting process in the polling station with

(KPUD) Kabupaten Blitar,, retrieved on February 2016.

25 Komisi Pemilihan



26 Solichan “rif, KPU ”litar ”ubarkan Koalisi Pungusung Calon Tunggal on

calon-tunggal, retrieved on February 24 th , 2016.

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the ballot "agree" and "disagree". As quoted in Tempo, some residents in Wonodadi subdistrict claimed to have not understood the technical voting of ballots that only included one picture of candidate pairs. Some residents in Blitar district still do not understand that in the process of the election with a single candidate is done by piercing the column agreed if choosing a prospective partner to become head of the region, or by not punching image candidate pairs. In this way, the voter approves or chooses a single cadidate partner to become a regional head. The ballot will become invalid if the voter pierces the cadidate partner picture on the ballot.

The reason for the uneven distribution of this socialization process is because there are still many people who understand that the Local Leaders Election in 2015 in Blitar Regency is similar to the previous election process. This should be an evaluation material not only by the district government which has only one pair of candidates, but also nationally, the issue of the implementation process of it with single cadidate partner should be given attention and socialization for the implementation of a democratic process.

2). Some regions do not yet know correctly the election procedures with referendum voting patterns. So that the implementation of Local Leaders Election on December 9, 2015, was allegedly less to get public participation. This is evident from the statement of Bluditar District Election Commission that when compared with the legislative elections, the process of Simultaneous Regional Election in 2015 was classified as low.

3). The Weather conditions during local elections. The rainy weather factor at the time of the election in Blitar district caused many residents who prefer to go to the rice fields rather than go to the Polling Station.

4). The absence of voters in Blitar district also supports the lack of community participation. For example, in the Wonodadi area, most of the population works as Female Workers (TKW) so they can not channel their

voting rights. 27 5). The Factor of candidate figure which does not match with the

conscience of Blitar Regency community. This factor resulted in simult aneous minimum election participation. Some residents felt that in the absence of competition in the elections, by Ruchana, one of the villagers of Wonodadi was quoted in Tempo as saying that he was reluctant to come to the polling station

27 Hari Tri Wasono, Partisipasi Pemilih Mimim KPU ”litar Salahkan Hujan on

salahkan-hujan , retrieved on February 25 th , 2016. 316 – Jurnal Cita Hukum. Vol. 5 No. 2, December 2017. P-ISSN: 2356-1440. E-ISSN: 2502-230X

Referendum Patterns in General Regional Challenges of Regional Head In 2015

because he felt that the election with a single candidate did not give him a choice of candidates, so the impression t hat was created was the local leaders

election only as a tool coercion to choose an existing candidate. 28 Nevertheless, the victory or the vote agreed upon the Rijanto and

Marhenis couples still more than the vote disagree. Quoted on based on survey results and vote counts stated that the number of voters agreed as much as 421,720 votes or 78% of the vote. Meanwhile, voters disagree as

much as 76,941 votes or 14%. 29 Referring to the number of Final Voter List of 964,928, the single attendance rate for single-captive elections was only 56% and absentee rate of 44%. The statement as expressed by Ruchana above can not be faulted because in the absence of a potential opponent to make a democratic system that is known so far by the community is by the existence of a competition that requires two or more options.

6). The low level of participation of political parties or independent candidates to participate in the elections also affects the level of public participation to vote and grant the right to vote. This is certainly irrespective of the Constitutional Court ruling which mandates the GEC to keep elections even though it is only followed by one candidate pair.