THE COMPATIBILITY OF ENGLISH LEARNING MATERIAL IN LET’S LEARN ENGLISH (2) USED IN ELEMENTARY The Compatibility Of English Learning Material In Let’s Learn English (2) Used In Elementary School Based On Rajan’s Criteria.






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RAJAN’S CRITERIA Harma Fatmawati

Djoko Srijono Dwi Haryanti

English Department, FKIP-UMS

Jl. A. Yani Pabelan Kartasura Tromol Pos 1 Surakarta 57102 Telp. (0271) 717417 Fax. (0271) 715448



This research describes whether the material in Let’s Learn English (2) compatible with Rajan’s criteria or not. This research is descriptive research. The object of this study is the compatibility of Let’s Learn English (2) as English Audio Visual. The data of this research have collected through by documentation. The data are the materials in Let’s Learn English (2). Meanwhile, the data source is Let’s Learn English (2), an English Audio Visual in Elementary School is created and published by PT. Kastari, Tangerang-Indonesia with license’s number 3617/VCD/R/FA/08.2012/2007. The study show that ;(1.) Let’s Learn English (2) is compatible material for young learner in Elementary School based on Rajan’s criteria. The compatibility of Let’s Learn English (2) based on Rajan’s criteria is 63.64%. It refers to Let’s Learn English (2) as a good material based on Rajan’s criteria. (2.) The topic of Let’s Learn English (2) belongs to material which appears in syllable of Elementary. It means that the Let’s Learn English (2) is compatible for young learner based on the notional syllable which exposes in Curriculum of Elementary school.

Key answer: Compatibility, English learning materials, Rajan’s criteria, I. Introduction

There are many things which can help teacher to expand the lesson in classroom. An English teacher used many kinds of English learning materials in order to make the learners easy to understand. The use of appropriate English learning material in English learning process is able to reach the purpose of learning. English learning material is different in every grade, based on learner


needs and competency which should be reached by learners. English learning material in Elementary tends to have some variation because the learners are children who are active and they enjoy having fun. The English learning material in Elementary School tends to learning material which shows the picture as a part of English learning material. It shows that audio-visual material in English learning is a series of habit acquired in response to stimuli which help learners in understanding of English lesson. This material helps learners make easy receive the lesson caused by images and sounds of the material. However, as an English teacher should know the appropriate audio-visual material for learner. Recently, there are amount of audio-visual material in English learning which sale in book store or book exhibition. They develop uncontrolled because there is not any rule about it. Although they exist as the teaching hint but their cover and content cannot be prove that they are compatible for learners in Elementary School or not. Starting from a lot of audio-visual material in English learning which try to present a good material in the classroom, the writer want to measure how far the material is compatible for young learner especially in Elementary School. By having those reasons, the writer tries to analyze the topic which contains in the English audio-visual teaching material.

The writer will compare the audio-visual learning material based on Rajan’s Criteria. The object study in this reseach are “Describing whether the materials entitled Let’s Learn English (2) are compatible with the Rajan’s criteria or not.” And “Describing whether the materials entitle Let’s Learn English (2) are compatible with syllabus in Elementary School or not”.

There are many researches before who have analysis in learning materials. The writer finds some previous researchers who use the different object of the study to be analyzed. The first is Anggriani (UMS, 2005). Her study is A Study on

Compatibility of ‘Fun and Happy with English’ Textbook for the Fifth Year Student with School Level based Curriculum. The result of this study shows that

the percentage for skill developed in ‘Fun and Happy with English’ is 63,16%. The total number of indicators of all language skill is 60 indicators out of 95 indicators suggested by the School Level – based Curriculum. It means that the


textbook is good in developing language skill suggested by school based- curriculum/ compatible with the current curriculum although listening material is not compatible with the indicator of school-based curriculum. The second is Ningrum (UMS, 2005). Her study is A Content Analysis on ‘Global Access to the

World’ of the Book 1 based on the 2004 Curriculum. She concludes that textbook

has filled the demand of the 2004 curriculum edition is 68,75%. This percentage shows that the quality of textbook is fairly good. Whereas the textbook has obtained total score 20 out of the maximum score 24. This percentage is 83,33% in communicative exercises which exist in textbook. The textbook is good based on the level of communicativeness.

Two previous studies showed that the writer’s study in same learning material analysis. The objects of the analysis are same, the English learning material, but the writer analyzes English learning audio visual material in Let’s

Learn English (2) and criteria which is used to analyzed the material. The writer

uses Rajan citeria which did not use by previous researcher. Here, the writer give attention in the compatibility of English learning material in Let’s Learn English

(2) used in Elementary School based on Rajan’s criteria.

II. Underlying Teory

Knowing the theory is important part in research. The writer decides some theories that will be used here. They are formulated as follows.

1. English Learning Material

a. Definition of English Learning Material Tomlinson (1998: xi) says that

Learning material is anything which is used to help to teach language learner. Materials can be in the form of a textbook, a workbook, a cassette, a CD-Room, a video, a photocopied handout, a newspaper, a paragraph written on a white board: anything which present or inform about language being learned.

It is clear that learning material is anything which helps learning process. It can be on printed or non-printed material. It focused in anything which showed topic in English lesson.


b. Kinds of English Learning Material Scott and Ytreberg (1990:108) say that

A wide variety of teaching aids is necessary in the foreign language classroom. It consists of; (1) puppet, (2) Class mascot, (3) Paper doll, (4) English corner, (5) Cardboard boxes, (6) Picture card, Board games, (7) Word/ sentence cards, (8) Word card display, (9) word displays, (10) Toys, (11) Building block, (12) Cassette recorders, (13) cassettes, (13) overhead projector.

In other words, kinds of teaching aids are anything forms of material which present foreign language. It can be visual, audio or audio-visual.

2. English Learning Material Used for Elementary School

The English learning audio-visual material which is used in the Elementary School students is entitled Let’s Learn English 2 written by Ades Riza, executive produced by Sunardi, produced by Abu Muslih, story board by Alvin Rizky, layout/ key by Gotril, background by Triyanto, colored by Maryana, in between Triyanto, animation of editor by Ades Riza, casted by Muslih, Zahra, Hanif, Nadia, musical composer Kastari studio, theme song is ABC’s song by Zahra, sound designer/ mixer sound effect by Ades Riza, animation pivide Kastari studio, production executive by Ades Riza Pahlevi. It published by Kastari animation studio PT. Kastari, Tangerang-Indonesia with license’s number 3617/VCD/R/FA/08.2012/2007. It is stated that the topic of content in English learning audio-visual material is able to use as audio-visual material for young learners. It made the writer interested in analyzing whether the statement is true or not.

The English audio-visual material has thirteen files. It consists of short story and song. There are : 1. Introduction, 2. Song of Alphabet, 3. Short Story of Animal, 4. Song of Animal ”old mc Donald”, 5. Short Story of Family, 6. Song of Family, 7. Short Story of House, 8. Song of House, 9.


Short Story of Clothes, 10. Song of Clothes, 11. Short Story of Numbers, 12. Song of Numbers, 13. Closing.

3. Rajan’s Characteristics

There are some criteria which can be used to evaluate the English learning material whether it is compatible or not. The writer uses Rajan’s criteria caused by the writer interested to the criteria and it has unique abreviation which make easy to rememmbered. It is called MAGIC by Rajan (2003:3). It would be explained as the follows :

a. Motivating and Meaningful

1) Motivating means that the material can motivate learner to learn themselves. It belongs to content and cover is interested.

2) Meaningful means that the material should be have sense. The material should be suitable for learner’s need.

b. Authentic and Appropriate

1) Authentic means that the material is not imitate. For example: native speaker so learners can learn easily because they get the real pronunciation.

2) Appropriate means that the material suitable with learner’s level and need. It is not too easy and not too hard for them. c. Graphic and Graded

1) The material can impossible consist of diagram, table etc. 2) The material should be arranged systematically. It is start

from easy to difficult, simple to complex. d. Interesting, Interactive and Integrated

1) Interesting means that materials make the learner interested to learn the material.

2) Interactive means that teaching material can appear interaction between teacher and learner or among learner.


3) Integrated the material consist of 4 skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and also developing language (vocabulary, grammar and pronunciations). e. Contextualized and Creative

1) The material should be suitable with environment. It should be suitable with social condition and recent time and place.

2) Creative means that the material can make the learner open their new knowledge. (Rajan,2003: 1)

4. Syllabus

Syllabus refers to concept of teaching and learning method to achieve the purpose of learning which shows classroom activities. It would appropriate with learner‘s need and learner’s level. Yalden (1984: 14) in Nunan (1988: 5) (paraphrase).

5. English Audio-visual Material

According to Tomlinson (1998: xi) state that Multi-media materials are anything forms of materials. It can be in a CD-Room which makes use of print, graphic, video, and sound. This material can make learners interactive and more communicative oral and written (paraphrase).

And audio-visual material Let’s Learn English 2 in this analysis belongs to video which presents picture and sound. So, it helps learner more interactive in the classroom. The characteristic of the Audio-lingual Method which is appropriate to find out audio-visual material (Brown,2000: 71) such as:

a. Material is presented in dialogue form.

b. Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. c. Great importance is attached to pronunciation.

“Children learn language by using it; listening to it, speaking it, and writing it” (Fauziati,2010: 93-95). For that reason, there are teaching aids which is suitable for teaching young leaner.


a. Song; a good song would be the one that is familiar in children culture. Originally lyric into simple English help learner to easy in memorize.

b. Picture; by having picture reinforce the understanding learner to the topic.

III. Research method

This is a descriptive research. The compatibility of Let’s Learn English 2 an English learning material audio visual in Elementary School research is the research to clarify or explain the phenomenon or variable being held (Arikunto,2006:10). The data of this research are the materials in Let’s Learn

English 2 as audio-visual English material. Meanwhile, the data source is Let’s Learn English 2, an English audio-visual in Elementary School is created and

published by PT. Kastari, Tangerang-Indonesia with license’s number 3617/VCD/R/FA/08.2012/2007.

The technique of analyzing data through by four steps: the first step is defining criteria. The writer uses the Rajan’s criteria to judge the material Let’s

Learn English 2. The second step is subjective analysis. The subjective is how to

find the differences between criteria and existing material based on the subject of material. The third step is objectives material. The object of this study is the compatibility of Let’s Learn English 2 an English audio-visual learning material in the Elementary School. The last step is Matching and scoring. In this step the writer did some activities, they are : find the compatibility Let’s Learn English 2 with good criteria materials based on Rajan, find the topic material between Let’s

Learn English 2 and the syllable in the Elementary School and the percentage of


IV. Finding and Discussion

In this research finding the writer analysis some points in order to find out the appropriateness of the material in Let’s Learn English (2) based on Rajan’s criteria. The following steps to analyze are as follows:

1. The Compatibility of English Learning Material Let’s Learn


According to Rajan’s criteria which often called with MAGIC, the writer analyzes that the English learning material Audio-visual in Let’s

Learn English (2) complete the Rajan’s criteria into 2 steps. They are (1.) Impressionistic approach and (2.) In-depth approach.

a. Impressionistic Approach

In this step, the writer analyzes the cover of Let’s Learn English

(2) based on Rajan’s criteria. The followings are analysis result Let’s

Learn English (2) cover.

1) Motivating : the cover of Let’s Learn English (2) is able to motivate learners to learn themselves. It caused by the cover is colorful and has picture.

2) Meaningful : the cover of Let’s Learn English (2) has sense to the learners. The picture is able to give learner prediction of the content which suitable to their grade.

3) Interesting : this cover is interesting for young learner to play and learn with it. By having colorful and has nice picture make learners are interested.

4) Interactive : by having learning material in VCD means that there are any voices which help learners to try repeat the pronunciation. They can correctness or mistaken each other. 5) Integrated : the cover of Let’s Learn English (2) states “seri pendidikan anak” refers to anything which related to English learning would be inside.


Based on the analysis of the content of Let’s Learn English (2) on Rajan’s criteria, the writer has some finding.

1) Motivating : The material in Let’s Learn English (2) is able to motivate learners to learn themselves. By having the content, it is colorful and show funny pictures. It is clear that this audio-visual material complete the motivating criteria. It is an example to support the argument.

2) Meaningful : The material in Let’s Learn English (2) has sense. It can be seen in concern of this material in vocabulary, pronunciation and simple sentence which suitable with the learner’s need as the basic knowledge of English. Song and picture is useful for young learners which helps learner to find the understanding in English learning. These are examples to support the argument.

3) Graded : the material in Let’s Learn English (2) is graded. It can be seen that the material presents simple in the story which contain vocabulary, pronunciation and simple sentence then continued with song which more complex one. These examples to support the argument.


4) Interesting : The material in Let’s Learn English (2) makes the learners interested in learning the material especially English learning. It is one of the interesting media in English learning which belongs to picture and sound. They can help learners to create fun learning so they feel enjoy to learn English.

5) Interaction : The material in Let’s Learn English (2) appears interaction between teacher and learner also among learners. It can be seen by invitation the person in each story to pronoun the word. Also the song invite to learner to sing together caused by show the text or lyrics.

6) Integrated : the material in Let’s Learn English (2) is integrated leaning. It can be seen in the material which presents four skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Although writing should be more additional practice but it is completed with vocabulary,


pronunciation and grammar which in implicitly. So, it is clear that

Let’s Learn English (2) is integrated.

7) Creative : the material in Let’s Learn English (2) is able to make learners open their new knowledge. By having these songs, they can create a song from other topic of English learning material with similar tone and rhyme.

Matching to find out the percentage of the analyzes is : Table 4.1

Schema of Rajan’s criteria in Let’s Learn English (2) Data Rajan’s criteria Compatible / not compatible

Let’s Learn English (2)

Motivating √

Meaningful √

Authentic -

Appropriate -

Graphic -


Interesting √ Interactive √

Integrated √

Contextual -

Creative √

x 100% x 100% = 63.64%

By having that result, it is clear that learning material of Let’s Learn

English (2) is compatible for young learner. It can be seen from 63.64%

refers to as a good material based on Rajan’s criteria.

2. The Compatibility of Content Material in the English Material

Let’s Learn English (2) with the Syllabus used in Elementary


The syllabus of Elementary school which belongs to notional syllabus presents the topic in English learning. In this step, the writer compares the topic in Let’s Learn English (2) based syllabus of Elementary school.

Table 4.2

Schema of notional syllabus in Let’s Learn English (2)

The notional syllabus Syllabus of Elementary Let’s Learn English (2)

Animal √ √

Fruits and vegetables √ -

Food and drinks √ -


Transportation √ -

Public place √ -

Signal √ -

Time √ -

Number √ √

Alphabet √ √

Things around us √ -

House √ √

Part of body √ -

Color √ -

Family √ √

Profession √ -

Note :

( √ ) = refers to the topic is available of the content of the object. (-) = refers to the topic is not available of the content of the object. There are sixteen materials in the syllabus of Elementary school which presents the learners need. There are not all of material in syllabus of Elementary school which present in Let’s Learn English 2. The sign (√) means that the material belongs to Let’s Learn English 2. Whereas, (-) refers to material is not belong to Let’s Learn English (2).

According to matching between topic in the syllabus of Elementary school and topic in the Let’s Learn English (2) can be conclude that six topics in this English learning material belongs to the syllabus of Elementary school.


According to the analyzed data in the previous, the writer concludes and suggest that :

1. Let’s Learn English (2) is compatible material for young learner in

Elementary school based on Rajan’s criteria. The compatibility of

Let’s Learn English (2) based on Rajan’s criteria is 63.64%. It refers

to Let’s Learn English (2) as a good material for young learner in Elementary School based on Rajan’s criteria.

2. The topic of Let’s Learn English (2) belongs to material in notional syllabus of Elementary. There are six topics of material in Let’s Learn

English (2) which belongs to notional syllable as follows; alphabet,

number, animal, house, clothes, and family. It means that the content of Let’s Learn English (2) is compatible for young learner based on the notional syllable which expose in Curriculum of Elementary school. Although it has less content which contains but it can be used for learning in Elementary school.

After drawing the conclusion, writer would like to try to give suggestion: 1. For the English teacher

The English teacher should be aware to the teaching hints or many kinds of learning material which is free sold in the bookshop. They should give attention to the compatibility of learning material based on Rajan’s criteria and also the content which expose in the syllable of Elementary school. 2. For the government

The government should be more active and tightly in creating learning material which compatible with learner’s need which appear in syllabus. They should take it in control to create the right learning material.

3. For the publisher

They should give attention to learning material they produces; it is not only interesting material but also appropriate to syllable of Elementary school. 4. For other researcher

The other researcher is able to use this research as the reference to make more deep analysis of audio-visual English learning material.



Anggriani, Mahfudh. 2009. A Study on the Compatibility of “Fun and Happy with

English” Textbook for the Fifth Year Students with School Level-based Curriculum. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Arikunto. Suharmini. 1992. Prosedur Penelitian; Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta. PT Rikena Cipta.

Arikunto. Suharmini. 2006. Edisi revisi-Prosedur Penelitian; Suatu Pendekatan

Praktik. Jakarta. PT Rikena Cipta.

Brown. Douglas H. 2000. Fourth edition; Principle of Language Learning and

Teaching. New York:San Fransisco state University Longman.

Fauziati, Endang. 2010. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Surakarta. Era Pustaka Utama. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Graham, Suzane. 1997. Effective Language Learning. British Library. WBC Book manufacturers Ltd.

Ningrum, Ema Tauchida. 2005. A Content Analysis on “Global Access to the

world of the work book 1” based on the 2004 curriculum. Surakarta:

Muhhamdiyah Universitas of Surakarta.

Nunan, David. 1988. Syllabus Design. New York. Oxford University Press

Rajan, B.R. Sundara. 2003. Materials Design. SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. RELC

Riza, Ades. 2007. Let’s Learn English. PT Kastari. Tangerang-Indonesia. 3617/VCD/R/FA/08.2012/2007

Scott, A Wendy and Ytreberg, H. Lisbeth. 1990. Teaching English to Children. New York : Longman

Tomlinson, Brian. 1998. Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


4) Interesting : The material in Let’s Learn English (2) makes the learners interested in learning the material especially English learning. It is one of the interesting media in English learning which belongs to picture and sound. They can help learners to create fun learning so they feel enjoy to learn English.

5) Interaction : The material in Let’s Learn English (2) appears interaction between teacher and learner also among learners. It can be seen by invitation the person in each story to pronoun the word. Also the song invite to learner to sing together caused by show the text or lyrics.

6) Integrated : the material in Let’s Learn English (2) is integrated leaning. It can be seen in the material which presents four skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Although writing should be more additional practice but it is completed with vocabulary,


pronunciation and grammar which in implicitly. So, it is clear that Let’s Learn English (2) is integrated.

7) Creative : the material in Let’s Learn English (2) is able to make learners open their new knowledge. By having these songs, they can create a song from other topic of English learning material with similar tone and rhyme.

Matching to find out the percentage of the analyzes is : Table 4.1

Schema of Rajan’s criteria in Let’s Learn English (2)

Data Rajan’s criteria Compatible / not compatible

Let’s Learn English (2)

Motivating √

Meaningful √

Authentic -

Appropriate -

Graphic -


Interesting √

Interactive √

Integrated √

Contextual -

Creative √

x 100%

x 100% = 63.64%

By having that result, it is clear that learning material of Let’s Learn English (2) is compatible for young learner. It can be seen from 63.64% refers to as a good material based on Rajan’s criteria.

2. The Compatibility of Content Material in the English Material

Let’s Learn English (2) with the Syllabus used in Elementary


The syllabus of Elementary school which belongs to notional syllabus presents the topic in English learning. In this step, the writer compares the topic in Let’s Learn English (2) based syllabus of Elementary school.

Table 4.2

Schema of notional syllabus in Let’s Learn English (2) The notional syllabus Syllabus of Elementary Let’s Learn English (2)

Animal √ √

Fruits and vegetables √ -

Food and drinks √ -


Transportation √ -

Public place √ -

Signal √ -

Time √ -

Number √ √

Alphabet √ √

Things around us √ -

House √ √

Part of body √ -

Color √ -

Family √ √

Profession √ -

Note :

( √ ) = refers to the topic is available of the content of the object. (-) = refers to the topic is not available of the content of the object. There are sixteen materials in the syllabus of Elementary school which presents the learners need. There are not all of material in syllabus of Elementary school which present in Let’s Learn English 2. The sign (√) means that the material belongs to Let’s Learn English 2. Whereas, (-) refers to material is not belong to Let’s Learn English (2).

According to matching between topic in the syllabus of Elementary school and topic in the Let’s Learn English (2) can be conclude that six topics in this English learning material belongs to the syllabus of Elementary school.


According to the analyzed data in the previous, the writer concludes and suggest that :

1. Let’s Learn English (2) is compatible material for young learner in Elementary school based on Rajan’s criteria. The compatibility of Let’s Learn English (2) based on Rajan’s criteria is 63.64%. It refers to Let’s Learn English (2) as a good material for young learner in Elementary School based on Rajan’s criteria.

2. The topic of Let’s Learn English (2) belongs to material in notional syllabus of Elementary. There are six topics of material in Let’s Learn English (2) which belongs to notional syllable as follows; alphabet, number, animal, house, clothes, and family. It means that the content of Let’s Learn English (2) is compatible for young learner based on the notional syllable which expose in Curriculum of Elementary school. Although it has less content which contains but it can be used for learning in Elementary school.

After drawing the conclusion, writer would like to try to give suggestion: 1. For the English teacher

The English teacher should be aware to the teaching hints or many kinds of learning material which is free sold in the bookshop. They should give attention to the compatibility of learning material based on Rajan’s criteria and also the content which expose in the syllable of Elementary school. 2. For the government

The government should be more active and tightly in creating learning material which compatible with learner’s need which appear in syllabus. They should take it in control to create the right learning material.

3. For the publisher

They should give attention to learning material they produces; it is not only interesting material but also appropriate to syllable of Elementary school. 4. For other researcher

The other researcher is able to use this research as the reference to make more deep analysis of audio-visual English learning material.



Anggriani, Mahfudh. 2009. A Study on the Compatibility of “Fun and Happy with English” Textbook for the Fifth Year Students with School Level-based Curriculum. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Arikunto. Suharmini. 1992. Prosedur Penelitian; Suatu Pendekatan Praktik.

Jakarta. PT Rikena Cipta.

Arikunto. Suharmini. 2006. Edisi revisi-Prosedur Penelitian; Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta. PT Rikena Cipta.

Brown. Douglas H. 2000. Fourth edition; Principle of Language Learning and Teaching. New York:San Fransisco state University Longman.

Fauziati, Endang. 2010. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Surakarta. Era Pustaka Utama. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Graham, Suzane. 1997. Effective Language Learning. British Library. WBC Book manufacturers Ltd.

Ningrum, Ema Tauchida. 2005. A Content Analysis on “Global Access to the world of the work book 1” based on the 2004 curriculum. Surakarta: Muhhamdiyah Universitas of Surakarta.

Nunan, David. 1988. Syllabus Design. New York. Oxford University Press

Rajan, B.R. Sundara. 2003. Materials Design. SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. RELC

Riza, Ades. 2007. Let’s Learn English. PT Kastari. Tangerang-Indonesia. 3617/VCD/R/FA/08.2012/2007

Scott, A Wendy and Ytreberg, H. Lisbeth. 1990. Teaching English to Children. New York : Longman

Tomlinson, Brian. 1998. Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.