Presentation Abstract

Academic Writing

Sari Hidayati, S.S., M.A.
Workshop Pengelolaan Jurnal
10 Desember 2011

a. Academic Writing

While many style manuals use the terms
abstract and summary interchangeably,
some see a subtle difference.
An abstract is sometimes considered to
reflect upon what the essay is about.
A summary is to describe what the essay


The abstract/ summary is not part of the
paper itself and should be written last.
An abstract/ summary should be no
longer than five to ten per cent of the

(Cope, B. 2006. The Written Assignment, A guide
to the writing and presentation of assignments.
Queensland: Queensland University of

b. Jurnal SOCIA


Ditulis dalam dua bahasa, yakni bahasa
Inggris dan Indonesia.
Panjang abstrak maksimal 200 kata.
Ditulis terpisah dari isi naskah.
Abstrak artikel kajian ilmiah berisi tujuan
penelitian dan hasil penelitian.
Abstrak ditulis dengan jarak satu spasi.


Kata kunci/ keywords
Antara 3 sampai dengan 4 kata, diisi kata
atau istilah yang merefleksikan esensi
konsep permasalahan yang dibahas.
Ditulis di bawah abstrak dengan jarak satu
spasi dan dicetak miring dan tebal.

Useful Expressions

The nature of the article
- The paper/research is a study/ a report/ an
analysis/ an investigation on ...
- The paper presents/ studies/ reports/
analyse/ investigate ...
The objective(s)
- The paper/ research is aimed to ... (V1)

- The paper/ research is aimed at ... (Ving)
- The paper aims ...
- This study is to ... (V1)

The findings
- The result of the study indicates that ... (S V)
- The findings suggest that ... (S V)
Linking Devices
- therefore, as a result, as a consequence,
- however, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the
other hand, in contrast, on the contrary
- furthermore, moreover, also