A STUDY ON CODE SWITCHING OF TEACHER TALK IN ENGLISH CLASSES (A Descriptive Study at the English Teacher of SMP Negeri 3 Purwokerto) - repository perpustakaan

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Research Communication is a process of delivering a message. The message

  should be delivered in understandable language. To be understood by the others, someone needs to know some ways in using the language. Language is a communication device for people to convey what they feel, think, and desire. Thoughts, feelings and desires will be tangible when expressed with language. Language is also used for interaction with the social environment. In the speech, utterances are often used to change opinions, ideas, feelings, desires with the help of symbols called words. Meanwhile, according to Kridalaksana as cited in (Aslinda and Leni Syafyahya, 2010) language is a system symbol of sound used by members of a community to work together, interact, and identify themselves.

  Languages that used people who live in Purwokerto are Indonesian and local language. In addition, Purwokerto people also call as bilingual society.

  According to Weinreic as cited in (Rahardi, 2001) bilingual is the condition happened when two languages used by a speaker. Meanwhile, according to (Aslinda and Leni Syafyahya, 2010) bilingual is an ability or habit owned by speakers to use two languages. So it can be concluded that the bilingual is the ability owned by people to practice two used languages when interaction happen in society.

  1 Based on the above statement that bilingual society is people who master in two languages. In bilingual community, speaker tends to switch from one code to another so that it can be understood by the other speaker from the other community. The process of switching code is commonly called code switching. According to Clyne as cited in (Rosul and Simin, 2016 ), code switching is a change by a speaker of a language or language variety to another. Many linguists believe that code switching is not only taken in informal situation but also in formal one, including in the classroom. In an educational context, code switching is defined as the practice of switching between a primary and a secondary language.

  The fact of the use of mother tongue or first language with foreign language in the teaching learning process which called code switching cannot be avoided. The teachers consider that the use of code switching tend to be able to ease the students in comprehending English material. The other hand, sometimes the teacher switches their talks from English into Indonesia language in order to make students understand toward teacher’s explanation.

  As we know, English is one of the languages used by most people in the world, including Indonesia. It is used in almost aspects, from trades, work, to education. English is needed for development of the science, technology, art and culture also the relationship with other countries. It also becomes an important device in spoken communication and one of lesson in the school. Therefore, the government encourage and facilities Indonesian to master English to improve themselves and to compete in the global world. Through education, English is taught from elementary school until senior high school and the government has provided the facilities for it. Then the teacher should give big contribution towards students ’ language growth. More English language used by the teacher in English classroom is better than not at all or even change into English-Indonesia. Many English words heard by the students, it

  ’s good for the students. They will accustom to study English independently.

  One of the schools which use code switching in teaching learning process is SMP Negeri 3 Purwokerto. The fact was revealed when the writer was doing an assignment to observe SMP Negeri 3 Purwokerto to know the teaching and learning process of English subject. Inspired by those facts the writer wants to investigate the use of code switching in the teaching learning process in a research entitled “A Study on Code Switching of Teacher Talk in English Classes”. The writer’s reasons in choosing English teachers because in SMP Negeri 3 Purwokerto, when teaching learning process teacher talks used English is limited and sometimes the teacher switch their language from English to Indonesia language. Looking at those reasons, the writer assumed that there will be a lot of code switching.

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic

  There are some reasons why the researcher chooses the topic “A

  Study on Code Switching of Teacher Talk in English Classes to the English Teachers of SMP Negeri 3 Purwokerto

  ”, they are as follows:

  1. The topic is very interesting for the writer because the use of code switching is not only occurring in informal but also in formal situation (teaching and learning process).

  2. Code switching in a part of language teaching. When a teacher talk in the classroom dialogue is consisted of all English, it will give big contribution towards students’ language growth. More English language used by the teacher in English classroom is better than not at all or even change into English-

  Indonesia. Many English words heard by the students, it’s good for the students. They will accustom to study English independently.

  C. Problems of the Research

  Based on the background above, the problems are formulated as follows:

  1. When does a teacher use code switching in her classes?

  2. How long does a teacher use code switching in her classes? D.

   Aim of the Research

  The aims of the research are at: 1. Describing the situations a teacher uses code switching in her classes.

  2. Knowing how long a teacher uses code switching in her classes.

  E. Contribution of the Research

  The researcher hopes that the research will give contribution to the improvement of teaching learning English process:

  1. Theoretical Benefit This research proves the theories of code switching. This research improves language science in field of sociolinguistic. In the interaction between teacher and students in English classes, code switching sometimes happens and the use of code switching has effects to the students ’ ability to learn English independently.

  2. Practiced Benefit

  a. For Teacher To give contribution of information concerning knowledge and comprehension exactly about code switching. The point of this research can give a hand about sociolinguistic strategies. These strategies can be used by teacher in teaching learning process in order to their students easier to comprehend that teacher talk.

  b. For Reader The result of this research is hoped to give new information and will contribute ideas in analyzing description of code switching. It means this research expects that it becomes additional references to the reader. Especially, the researches of the code switching will be beneficial for the readers to make them use good languages. This research may be useful as a reference to do same research more accurately next time.

F. Clarification of the Key Term

  1. Code switching Code switching is the case of switching between two languages during the course of the conversation. Gumperz as cited in (Mujiono, et al, 2013) has argued that code switching is a conversational strategy, the function of which is to express social meanings. Code switches also play the role of defining an addressee as the recipient of a message. Here, the speaker switches to a language the interlocutor knows for example, when conversation is ongoing in a bilingual situation, a switch is made to a particular language especially for someone not immediately involved in the conversation in order to invite that person to participate in the interaction.

  2. Teacher talk in English classes Teacher talk is everything that teachers say when they are in the English classes. Teacher talk is also a special language used by the teachers to address the students in the English classroom. Teacher talk turns out to be a major resource of the students related to their language input. By giving a good model through their talk, it is hoped that students can get good example of practicing English (Renata, 2014).

  3. SMP Negeri 3 Purwokerto.

  This is the one of junior high school which is located in jalan Gereja no 22, Purwokerto Timur where the study will be conducted.

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