(A Study from the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Al-Bidayah, Candi, Bandungan, in the Academic Year of 20฀฀/20฀2).


A Graduating Paper

  Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Educational Islamic Studies (SPd.I) In the English and Education Department




113 05 040






  ฀etia Rini M.Pd. The Lecturer of Education Faculty ฀tate Institute For Islamic ฀tudies ฀alatiga ATTENTIVE COUN฀ELOR NOTE฀ th

  Case: Muh. Sukron Ibnu Asr฀n’s Thes฀s Salat฀ga, February 20 2013 Dear The Head of State Inst฀tute for Islam฀c Stud฀es Salat฀ga ฀ssalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

  After read฀ng and correct฀ng Muh Sukron Ibnu Asr฀n’s Thes฀s ent฀tled “CORRELATIVE STUDY OF MEMORIZING IRREGULAR VERBS TOWARD STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN TRASNSLATING NARRATIVE TEXT” (A Study of the E฀ghth Grade Students of MTs Al-B฀dayah Cand฀, Bandungan ฀n the Academ฀c Year of 2011/2012), I have dec฀ded and would l฀ke to propose that ฀t could be accepted by the educat฀onal faculty. I hope ฀t would be exam฀ned as soon as poss฀ble.

  Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.




Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721







ACADE฀IC YEAR OF 2011/2012



NI฀: 11305040

  Has been brought to the board of exam฀ners of Engl฀sh Department of Educat฀onal


  Faculty State Inst฀tute for Islam฀c Stud฀es (STAIN) Salat฀ga ฀n March 7 2014, and hereby cons฀dered to completely fulf฀ll the requ฀rement of the degree of ฀arjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) ฀n Engl฀sh and Educat฀on Department.


  ฀ The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. (Nathaniel Branden)

  ฀ Some of life’s best lessons are learned at the worst times. (Blake Atkins)

  ฀ You ne฀er fail until you stop trying. (Albert Einstein)

  (All the sentences abo฀e were taken from


  This graduating paper is dedicated to: ฀

  My belo฀ed father and mother (Mr. Mukhlasin and Mrs. Elmiyati) ฀

  My brothers (Latif Mashadi and Ahmad Jamhari) ฀ My lecturers who always guided me in Ma’had (Mr. Hafidz, M.Ag, Mr.

  Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum, M.Ed, Mr. Hammam, M.Pd, Mr. Munajat, PhD, and Mr. Khusen M.A, M.Ag) ฀

  All TBI students in the year of 2005 ฀

  All my friends in Ma’had Mahasiswa STAIN Salatiga ฀

  E฀eryone who knows me and reads this graduating paper



  TITLE……………………………………………………………………………. i DECLARATION…………………………………………………………........... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES………………………………………...... iii PAGE OF CERTIFICATION………...……………………………...…………. iv MOTTO ……………………………………………………..….………………... v DEDICATION……………...…………………………………………………... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT………..………………………………………………. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS……………..………………………………………..... ix ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………. xi


  A. Background of the Study………………….............................. 1

  B. Limitation of the Problems ……........………………………... 4

  C. Statement of The Problem.……………........……………...... 5

  D. Objectives of The Study……..…….………........………….... 5

  E. Benefits of the the Study…………..……….….……….….... 6

  F. Definition of the Key Terms……………………….………... 7

  G. Review of Related Literature ...…….……………………..…. 8

  H. Research Methodology ............................................................. ฀

  I. Data Colection Method .......................................................... 10 J. Data Analysis ......................................................................... 11 K. Thesis Outline……..…………………...…………………….12


  A. Definition of Memorizing ....................................................... 14

  B. Different of Regular and Irregular verb ................................... 16

  C. Definition of the Students ........................................................ 18

  D. Achievement ............................................................................ 1฀

  E. Theory of Translation .............................................................. 1฀

  F. Steps of Translation ................................................................. 20

  G. Narrative Text ......................................................................... 22

  H. Memorizing Effect for Translating ......................................... 23


  A. Location of the Researh ..…….......……………...……….... 25

  B. Population…………………………………………………... 2฀

  C. Sample ……………………………………………………… 2฀

  D. Time of the Research …...………..………………………… 30

  E. Type of the Research ................…………….………….…… 31

  F. Data Collection Method ......................................................... 31

  G. Data Analysis ......................................................................... 36


  A. Data Analysis ....................................................…………… 38

  B. Data Analysis of Memorizing Irregular Verbs ……………. 40

  C. Data Analysis of Translating Narrative Text ...……………. 43

  D. Data Analysis about the Influence of Memorizing Irregular Verbs toward Students’ Achievement in Translating Narrative Text ........................................................................................ 48


  A. Conclusion………………………………………………....... 53

  B. Suggestions………………………………………………..... 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIXES



  Muh Sukron Ibnu Asrin (฀฀305040) "฀ORRELATIVE STUDY OF




  the eighth grade students of MTs Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2).

  The goals of this research are to find out the capability of memorizing irregular verbs toward the achievement of translating narrative text and to find out the significant influence of memorizing irregular verbs towards the students’ achievement in translating narrative text. This research also purposed to find out and describe any levels of the students’ capability of memorizing irregular verbs and any levels of students’ achievement in translating narrative text.

  To find out the influence of memorizing irregular verbs toward Students' Achievement in translating narrative text, the writer uses two kind of test as correlation method. They are memorizing test and translating test. Based on the findings of the research, the writer found the result of the test shows level of influence 0,879. Then it is compared with the figure on the product moment table where is the number of respondent is 44 and the level of significant 50% is 0,297. The writer concludes that memorizing irregular verbs can help the students to translate narrative text easily.

  Key words: Memorizing, Translation, Irregular Verbs and Narrative text.




A. Background of the Study

  Language is a complex subject of learning, especially in education department. In order to be able to understand and use a language properly, language such as pattern and vocabulary. Like a carpenter, when he wants to make a good creation, he has to know many kinds of wood and what color is suitable with the wood for painting his creation in order to get a good and useful product.

  From the illustration above, the object of this research are the students as human who try to know something and study about something. They will know their apability and reach their success in their study when they can get a good achievement or score as the measurement from their teacher for their study. When they can reach their mastery and they can understand of the subject they learned, it will be easy for them to get a good achievement or score of that subject. Some of the students may have a trouble in their study, so they can’t pass their study satisfy.

  In learning English, it must be included understanding the meaning of words and how to translate of English sentences correctly. When the students have memorized and understood the meaning of English words, they will be able to identify the meaning of English sentences, though it is not clear yet.

  To help the students in getting a good achievement or score of English subject, they must have awareness of their weakness in their study about some important parts of English, such as words and even sentence patterns. In using English words, there are many kinds of words’ form that must be used correctly match with the sentences pattern. grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah Candi Bandungan Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2 in memorizing irregular verbs and its effect toward their achievement of translating narrative text. With this paper, the writer hopes that this will give a clear and brief result, so this paper may give a valid data writing for readers.

  According to Bahri in his book, he wrote that in a learning process, memorizing the subject matter is an act to become mastery on it process, (2002: 43). In this case, memorizing parts of language such as pattern, term, meaning of words is the activity to be mastery of the language, although it has to be understood and memorized well in a few times to put in the mind for properly usage.

  To memorize vocabulary of foreign language (English), learners or students need to memorize about the change of word form. For example, to know the meaning of the word “went” and the word “gone”, they have to understand that those words are the change from the word “go”. Although it is different in using those words, there is an interference with the basic word in giving the meaning.

  In other discussion, memorizing the change of words form is a useful activity to identify the meaning of words correctly. It also gives an effect in translating English sentences.

  In the translation term, the word translation or translating is a process of transferring a message from a language into other language, (Nababan, to transfer English text into Indonesian. This is focused on translating the narrative text.

  In nababan’s book, Kridalaksana added that translation is a process of transferring message from a source language into other language by taking the meaning first, then giving the features of the language, (฀985 : ฀4). Commonly, most of people followed this definition because they think that it is an easy way to take a message from foreign language.

  Bahri stated in his book, it is possible that the process of translating English text might be influenced by the ability of memorizing English words. He also said that everyone has different intelligent in memorizing.

  When they can memorize more vocabulary, they will be easy to translate the words from other language, (2002 :43). In this discussion, how far the students’ ability in memorizing irregular verbs will be different for each student. Students who have low intelligent in memorizing irregular verbs, they will face more difficulties to translate narrative text. In the contrary, the students who have well intelligent in memorizing irregular verbs, they will be easy to translate narrative text. So, the level or quality of students’ intelligent in memorizing something has important contribution for their ability in memorizing irregular verbs, then it has an important influence for their achievement in translating narrative text.

  From the explanation above, the writer is interested in taking a research about those two variables, and the writer would like to write a

  ฀Correlative Study of Memorizing Irregular Verbs Toward Students’ Achievement in Translating Narrative Text” A corelative study on the

  Eighth grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2.

B. Limitation of the Problems

  In order to focus on this research and make the result to be valid; there must be limitation of the problem from this research. The topic must be limited in order to investigate the problem more accurately and correctly. Therefore the writer would like to limit the research on this study as follows:

  ฀. The research focuses on the ability of the eighth grade students in Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan Semarang in the academic year 20฀฀/20฀2 in memorizing irregular verbs.

  2. Analyze the achievement from the eighth grade students of Mts Al- Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2 in translating narrative text entitled ฀li Baba.

  3. The factors of influence between memorizing irregular verbs toward students’ achievement in translating narrative text for the eighth grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2.

  ฀. Statement of the Problems

  their achievement in translating narrative text, the writer formulates the problem as bellows: ฀. How is the skill of memorizing irregular verbs the eighth grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2?

  2. How is the achievement of translating narrative text from the eighth grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2?

  3. How is the effect of memorizing irregular verbs toward students’ achievement in translating narrative text for the eighth grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2?

D. Objectives of the Study

  The objectives of the study from this research are as follows: ฀. To find out the eighth grade students’ ability of Mts Al-Bidayah

  Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2 in memorizing list of irregular verbs.

  2. To find out the eighth grade students’ achievement of Mts Al- Bidayah Candi,Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2 in translating narrative text.

  3. To find out the influence of memorizing irregular verbs toward students achievement in translating narrative text for the eighth the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2.

E. Benefits of the Study

  The result of this research may appear academic beneficial for students and teachers to develop their process of learning and teaching English especially for students and teachers in Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang.

  ฀. For the students The result of this research can be a reference in learning

  English especially for memorizing skill and its influence toward the achievement in translating narrative text. This will be a useful reference for students in Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang to improve their skill in memorizing words and to increase their achievement in translating English text.

  2. For the teacher The result of this research will help the English teacher of Mts

  Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang to improve and develop their approach and method in teaching English in order to make their students can reach a high quality or level in translating English text.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

  In order to make easy for understand the title of this research; the writer would like to clarify and explain the term used in this paper as ฀. Memorizing

  Memorizing is from the word memorize which has meaning learn by heart, (Hornby, ฀985 : 530). For this reason the writer explains that memorizing is learning activity by optimized of thinking

  2. Irregular verb Irregular verbs are verbs which do not have role change of tenses

  3. Translating Translating is a process of transferring a message from a source language into other language, (Kridalaksana, ฀985 : ฀9).

  In this discussion the writer focuses on translating narrative text into Indonesian.

  4. Narrative text Narrative text is a text tells about a story of fictonal or real event.

G. Literature Review

  In this paper, the writer has some reviews from other papers as comparison for this paper. The first review was entitled; the influence of listening habits of English songs toward vocabulary mastery. This paper is a study on the third year students of MAN฀ Temanggung in the academic students’ habits of listening English song for improve their vocabulary mastery. This paper had significant relationship between listening English songs and vocabulary mastery. This paper might be a review to discuss about memorizing skill, because listening and memorizing are habitual skill

  The second review is written by Sri Puji Astuti entitled; the influence of students’ left brain domination toward their English achievement. This paper is a case study on the second year students of SMU Muhammadiyah ฀ Simo in the academic year of 2005/2006. In this paper is known that there is a fair correlation the two variables. The writer takes this review to know about achievement in translating narrative text.

  The writer takes the papers above as comparison because in the papers above included about vocabulary and achievement. There is a synchrony between two papers above and this paper. The discussion of this paper is about irregular verbs that included as part of vocabulary. This paper also discuss about the achievement which has a close meaning with mastery from the students.

H. Research Methodology

  ฀. Type of research This research is a correlative study. In this research, the writer gave a test for the students. then, the writer should analyze the data from the students by taking a statistical analysis. This is aimed to know the the correlation of product moment formula to analyze the data in this paper.

  2. Population Arikunto asserts, population is all respondents of the research subject,

  (฀998 : ฀02). The population of this research is the all of the students in Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2.

  3. Sample Sample is part of representative of population that is observed,

  (Arikunto, ฀998 : ฀04). The sample of this research is the eighth grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2. The writer chooses the eighth grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah because narrative text is being learned in the eighth grade of junior high school as a crucial topic in English subject, and Mts Al-Bidayah is the same level of junior high school. In order to have a correct and clear analysis of this research, the writer takes all the eighth grade students of Mts Al-Bidayah in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2 as the sample of this research. There are 44 students on the eighth grade.

I. Data ฀ollection Method

  Data collection method is used to get all data about students and to know their score or level of academic report. This is used to know their ability to translate the narrative text. It is also possible to get the profile of Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang. There are two methods of collecting data which used in this research.

  a. Test To get the data from the students, the writer would like to give two kinds of test for them. First, the writer gives the students a number of irregular verbs in a list and asks them to memorize the irregular verbs. The students have to memorize the irregular verbs in the time order. They have time about seven days for memorize the irregular verbs. It

  th nd

  was started from 24 January 20฀2 up to 02 February 20฀2. When the time ordered is over, the students have to mention the irregular verbs they have memorized to get score. The score is become a measurement of their ability in memorizing irregular verbs.

  The second test is translating narrative text. The writer gives the students a passage of narrative text. The text is entitled; ฀li Baba. This text has been downloaded completely from the website in address //http/ The students have to finish their translation for two hours. They also have to translate all of the sentences in the text. There are twenty sentences in the text.

  When the students finished their translation, the writer will give score for their work. The score becomes the data of the students’ b. Documentation

  Documentation is finding data about the variables in notes, book transcript, newspaper, magazine, meeting note, letter, agenda, and so on, (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2002 : ฀04). Documentation is used to know the students’ profile by taking data provided and to know the situation and location of this research including the general description, history, vision and mission of Mts Al-Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2. By taking the documentation, the writer will get a clear description and view about the location and the object of this research, that is the eighth grade students of Mts Al- Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang for the academic year of 20฀฀/20฀2.

  J. Data Analysis

  After all of the data has been collected, the writer needs to analyze the data from the students in product moment formula. The formula is used to find the significant influence between memorizing irregular verbs and translating narrative text, and the formula is:




1. Students’ Ability of Memorizing Irregular Verbs

a. Definition of memorizing

  In learning process, memorizing subject matter is an act to become activity, it needs a few time to do. For junior high school students, learning English is not an easy subject they faced. They haven’t learn it intensively before, although several elementary school were already gave this subject.

  Only a little number of students can pass this subject clearly.

  Memorizing is from the word “memorize” that means learn by heart (Hornby, ฀974 : 530). Learn by heart here means that every people who is going on memorizing must use their inner power to keep something in conscious mind, then they may use it in the future. Every fact they faced was recorded in their mind. If they want to use or express it, they just need to speak up or do activity according they are thinking.

  Learning about English subject is need to become familiar with some terms of the subject such as symbol, and more detail about it and must be understood by memorized (Boeree, 2008 : 65). In this research, the writer wants to make an explanation about learning English as a new subject for junior high school students and they need to memorize several parts of English. In this case the writer defined the eighth grade students of MTs Al- Bidayah as the object of this research; they have to memorize some irregular verbs. This is purposed for them to know the meaning irregular verbs in past form.

  The process of memorizing must be supported with the time setting, mood and control. During the process of memorizing, the students were controlled by the researcher in order to the students keep themselves in students to always go on their memorizing. The students have to report their improvement in memorizing by express the verbs orally in front of the researcher. This activity is going on during two weeks. The researcher makes the situation always comfort and happy to keep students’ mood. This is purposed to give the students comfortable atmosphere, so the students always feel save in their activity. This will keep their mood to always focus on memorize. Next, when the students could manage their time and always feel save and comfort, the researcher wants to give control and ordered them to report their improvement of memorize every three days. It is purposed to control their capability in memorizing.

  To help the students easy to memorize the irregular verbs, at first, the researcher gives them explanation about irregular verbs. By giving explanation about irregular verbs, the students will get basic knowledge or understanding about irregular verbs and this will helps the students to be easy in memorizing the irregular verbs given by the researcher. This step will make the students familiar with irregular verbs and they would not be shocked when they have to memorize some irregular verbs.

  According to Jalaludin, memorizing will be easy if the object is being expressed by words or sentences (2005 : ฀฀9). The students are possible to use the irregular verbs in daily. When the students use the irregular verbs in their daily study, sometimes they will miss the verbs when they are ordered to speak the verbs, but it is a habitual process to make the students familiar look up their book and memorize the verbs again. The students will face this problem for several times until they really already success in memorizing the irregular verbs. This will be a warning for the students to always remember the words in their mind. This also guide the students that they could learn from their mistakes to get better.

b. Differents of regular and irregular Verbs

  In English, verb is defined into regular and irregular verb. Regular verb is verb that commonly has change form with add (-ed or –d) in the end of verb. Irregular verb is different with regular verb. It can not be identified the change form of verb and has to be memorized to understand the change of verb. This is as one of the reason why the students have to memorize irregular verb to help them in translating.

  See these tables to know the different change between regular verb and irregular verb

1. Regular verb










2. Irregular verb










  The tables above are the examples of regular verb and irregular verb. From both tables can be seen the different between regular verb and irregular verb. The different can be looked from the change of verb according to the tenses.

2. The Students’ Achievement in Translating Narrative Text

a. Student

  Students are human who try to do something or human who try to know and understand something (Nababan, 2003 : 43). Like a carpenter, when he wants to make some creation for example; table and chair or even a wardrobe, he has to know the shape and the model or style of the thing he wants to make. Next he should know the steps of making the thing. This description is closely macth to describe that the students are human who want to get knowledge and off course they want to reach high achievement as the mark for their level or quality in their learning. They have to understand what is they learn and they should do many steps to increase their capability. They have to study hard, have more time to study, practice by self, etc. Theoretically, if the students do their duty properly, they may to understand the subject and reach high achievement in their learning.

  This research is purposed to know the students’ achievement in translating narrative text after they’ve memorized irregular verbs given by the researcher. Some of the irregular verbs are used in the narrative text. When the students finished memorize all of the irregular verbs which given by the researcher, they will get a passage of text. The text is narrative text taken from the website. This is a part of test for the students in order to know their capability in translating narrative text. The work will be analyzed by the researcher to give mark or score for each work. This is the way to get the data and know their achievement that will be the product of this

b. Achievement

  Winkel stated that achievement is a result of acting conducted individual (฀983 : 39). Achievement here would be used as a measurement from students’ action in translating narrative text. This is directly used after the students finished the test. The test is translating narrative text into Indonesian.

  In other word, Winkel stated that achievement is the prove of effort reached (฀983 : 42). So, from the description above the writer take a definition that the students’ achievement is their effort reached after they do something (acting). The acting of the students is translating narrative text.

c. Translation theory

  Translating or translation means transferring content or message from a language into other language (Nababan, 2003 : ฀9).

  A good translation has to make the audience or reader understand the content and message of the text. To get a good translation, a translator must understand the source language used in the text and the target language. It is purposed in order to the translator can appear the meaning of the text to the audience or the reader acceptable. This explanation is suitable with Sofia’s statement, she stated that a translator who mastery a source language and a target language, he or she will be able to replace the content and the message from a language into other language (฀99฀ : ฀2).

  In this research, the writer wants to know the students’ achievement in Why the students should memorize some irregular verbs? Because in the narrative text mostly used the irregular verbs in past form for every sentence. The change of words in irregular verbs can be understood only by memorize the words. If the students could memorize the irregular verbs that given by the researcher, they will be easy to translate the text, because they knew and understood about the change of verbs, then they will not face any difficulties to get the meaning of past verbs that used in the text.when they make mistakes in translating the sentene of the text, it might be corrected soon by identify the change of words, because the students have memorized te change of the words from the basic form.

d. Steps of translating

  In Nababan’s book (2003 : 20) he explained that translation has three steps. There are the steps in the process of translating according to M.

  Rudolf Nababan.

  ฀. The first is analyzing the text from the source language. It will be done during reading activity. It is impossible for a translator to make a good translation without read the text before he or she begin to translate the text. In this step, the students have to read the text carefully to get the analysis for the sentences in the text. They have to try to predict the meaning of the verbs in the text. They also have to give correct meaning, because not every verb in the text is past form. Some of verbs may have synonym, and the students sentence. So, they may give the meaning of sentences in the text acceptable for the audience or reader.

  An analysis of a text from other language can not be separated from vocabulary mastery (Hasibuan, ฀99฀ : ฀3). This means, before the students predict the meaning of the sentences, they must understand about the words that used in the text. Mostly, narrative text use irregular verbs in its sentences.

  2. The next step is transferring the content or the message of the text.

  When the translator has been able to understand the meaning and structure of the source language, it will help to get the message in a text. To transfer the message of the text, a translator needs to find the synonym or the same meaning of the words (verbs). This is purposed to help the translator in giving meaning of the sentences in the text. The translator has to identify what is the correct meaning of the word, and then begin to transfer the meaning of the sentences one by one. This process is going on the mind. The translator uses their heart to memorize the meaning of sentence after analyzing the text. After the meanings of all sentences are being memorized by translator, then the translator can express the meaning in spoken or written form. In this research, the students have to write the meaning of narrative text in written form. This is in order to make easy in analyzing and marking. of translation to be better and acceptable. In other word, Kridalaksana stated that reconstruction is replace the translation in the style of language that suitable with the target language, reader or listener (฀985 : 34). So, in this stage a translator need to concerning kinds of language to defined the style of language that suitable with the kind of text. The translator also need to for whom the translation is made.

  When the three stages above are finished and the translation is acceptable for reader and listener, the translator has made a good translation.

e. Narrative text

  This research discuss about translating English text into Indonesian. The focus of this research is narrative text. Narrative text is a passage of story tells about imagination or fictional story that familiar in a society. The narrative text of this research is taken from the website entitle ฀li Baba This text used irregular verb in most of the sentence.

3. Memorizing Effect for Translating

  The writer has explained some theories related with memorizing irregular verbs and translating narrative text. This passage will discuss about the effect of memorizing irregular verb for students’ achievement in the process of translating narrative text. The writer will try to describe that. of the past verbs are irregular verb. Some of those are consist of regular verb. The students should know this to avoid their opinion that all of the past verbs used in narrative text are irregular verb. This is a problem might be happened when the students going to translate narrative text, because the researcher only ordered them to memorize irregular verb. The researcher has explained to the students about the different between regular verb and irregular verb, but it is not enough to cover the students’ assumption that all of past verb used in narrative are irregular verb.

  Nababan said that the capability of a translator to translate a text is depend on his mastery of vocabulary from the source language. Memorizing irregular verb is a way to increase students’ mastery in vocabulary. This is can be a reason that memorizing irregular verb will increase students’ achievement and capability in translating narrative text. The students can understand the change of irregular verb by memorize the verbs. There is no special way to identify the change of irregular verb. It is different with regular verb. The students may identify the change of regular verb by look on the end of regular verb. In the past form of regular verb, there is additional letter in the end of verb. The additional letter is commonly defined as –d or – ed.

  From this description can be take a conclusion that learning irregular verb is more difficult than regular verb. The effect of memorizing irregular verb may increase the students’ capability as an achievement in translating verb used in narrative text, especially the past verb coming from irregular verb. These are the influence of memorizing irregular verb toward students’ achievement in translating narrative text.




  This study involves two variables: they are memorizing irregular verbs and students achievement in translating narrative text. Three objectives have been stated: to find out the influence of memorizing irregular verbs towards students achievement in translating narrative text for the eighth grade students of MTs Al- Bidayah Candi, Bandungan, Semarang in the academic year of 2011/2012.

  A. ฀onclusion

  Three items of conclusion are presented that are related to the three problems of study. The first is related with memorizing irregular verbs, the second concerned with students’ achievement in translating narrative text and the third is related with the influence between memorizing irregular verbs and the students’ achievement in translating narrative text.

  Based on the result of this research, the writer concludes:

  1. The level of memorizing irregular verbs can be seen as follows:

  a. The percentage of students’ ability memorizing irregular verbs that has strong nomination is 2฀%.

  b. The percentage of students’ ability memorizing irregular verbs that has enough nomination is 39%.

  c. The percentage of students’ ability memorizing irregular verbs that has low nomination is 36%.

  From the result of analysis above, the writer concludes that memorizing irregular verbs from the eighth grade students of MTs Al- Bidayah is good enough.

  2. The level of students’ achievement in translating narrative text as follow:

  a. The level of students’ achievement in translating narrative text which has low score is 32%.

  b. The level of students’ achievement in translating narrative text which has average score is 4฀%.

  c. The level of students’ achievement in translating narrative text which has strong score is 23%.

  The writer concludes that students’ achievement in translating narrative text for the eighth grade students of MTs A-Bidayah is good enough.


฀. There is positive correlation between memorizing irregular verbs and

  students’ achievement in translating narrative text, because rh is higher than rt (rh is 0,879 > rt is 0,279). There is a high influence of memorizing irregular verbs toward students’ achievement in translating narrative text, and the strong of memorizing irregular verbs will give influence for their achievement in translating narrative text.

B. Suggestions

  In this chapter, the writer would likes to propose some suggestions that hopefully would be useful for students and teachers.

  1. For The Teacher a. The teacher should understand students’ difficulties.

  b. The teacher should motivate students to understand more English verbs.

  c. The teacher should use medium of English teaching, likes picture, tape recorder, and the other.

  d. The teacher should pay attention to students’ English skills.

  2. The Students

  a. The students should practice their skill not only in the class, because language is practice and habit.

  b. The students should be active in the class interaction.

  c. The students should have more interest to English subject.

  3. The benefit of research for teacher and student a. This research will be usefull to increase English achievement.

  b. The teacher will know how to perform teaching activities in front of students.

  c. The teacher will be able to analyze the students problem of studying English.

  d. The students will be more understand about verbs.

  e. The students will be easy to understand English.



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