Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga




(A Classroom Research of the Tenth Years Students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the

Academic Year of 2014/2015)



Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)


English Education Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga




113 10 083








In the name of Allah, Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the writer herself. This graduating paper is original work and it contains no material previously

published or written by other people and other people’s idea except the information from


  This declaration is made by the writer, and she hopes that this declaration can be understood. th

  Salatiga, March 14 2015 The writer Indi Nikmatul Inayah 11310083


  Jl. Tentara Pelajar02 Tlp (0298) 323433Fax 323433 Salatiga 50731 Website th

  Salatiga, March 14 2015 Setia Rini, M. Pd The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case: Indi Nikmatul Inayah ’s Graduating Paper

  Dear: Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  After reading and correcting Indi Nikmatul Inayah ’s graduating paper entitled


  IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING SKILL”. I have decided and would like to

propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education

Faculty, I hope this paper would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  Counselor Setia Rini, M. Pd NIP. 19750518 200312 2002


(A Classroom Action Research of Tenth Years Students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the

Academic Year of 2014/2015)




NIM: 113 10083

Has been brought to the Board of Examiners of English and Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


on April 11 2015 and hereby considered to completely the requirements of the degree of

  Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.


Board of Examiners,

Head : Dr. Sa’adi, M. Ag.

  Secretary : Setia Rini, M. Pd. st 1 Examiner : Sari Famularsih,S.Pd.I, M. A. nd 2 Examiner : Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M. Pd. th

  Salatiga, April 11 2015 Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Suwardi, S. Pd., M. Pd.


NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002



“Life cannot become boring when we establish contact with the one

who gives happiness.”


~Dr. Bilal Philips~

  DEDICATION This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1. My beloved parents, my mother (Eko Wahyuningsih) and my father (Subandi) who always pray, guide, motivate me to become better person.

  2. My beloved brothers and sisters (Alwi, Najib, And Mita) and my big family who fill my life with love and affection.

  3. My lovely best friends (Ina, Hasti, Fakiyah And Winda).



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the king of universe and space.

  Thank you to Allah because the writer can complete this graduating paper as one of

requirement to finish the study in English Department of States for Institute Islamic Studies


  This graduating paper would not have been completed without support,

guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express

special thanks to:

  1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, S. Pd., M. Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education faculty of State Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Language Teaching Department of State Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga 4. Setia Rini, M. Pd. as consultant who has brings up, espoused, and given the writer advices, suggestions and recomendations for this graduating paper

from beginning until the end. Thank you for your patience and care.

  5. All lecturers in the English Language Teaching Departmentwho have given much knowledge, the writer deeply thanks to you all.

  6. My beloved family, thanks for your spirit and patient.

  7. All of staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration.

  8. All friends of C class and all friends in English Department. Thank for your friendship and kindness.

  9. Special thanks someone who help and accompany directly in working with this thesis; Dwi who always help me and standing beside me.

  10. Tenth year students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the academic year of 2014/2015 especially X - ATU and Mr. Istingal, M. Pd.

  11. Those cannot be mentioned one by one.

  Eventually, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more

suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this graduating paper. th

  Salatiga, March 14 2015 The writer Indi Nikmatul Inayah 113 10 0083



Inayah, Indi Nikmatul . 2015. “The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Skill in Tenth Years Students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the Academic

  Year of 2014/2015 )”. A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty. English Department. State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN). Consultant: Setia Rini, M.Pd

  Keywords: reading skill; Reciprocal Teaching;

  This research is mainly aimed to develop the students’ reading skill through Reciprocal Teaching Technique. This research will answer these main questions (1) How is the implementation of students’ reading skill using Reciprocal Teaching Technique? (2) How is the result of the study after using Reciprocal Teaching Technique in the students’ reading skill at the tenth year students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2014/2015? Thirty three students of tenth years students of SMK N 1 Ngablak 2015 were instructed through Reciprocal Teaching Technique to improve their reading skill. The methodology of this research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). It is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. From the result, the researcher found several finding on it. The T-calculation result shows that T- calculation if cycle 1 is 5.79 and cycle 2 is 7.70. it could be seen from the result of mean score of each cycle that post-test is 71,71 higher than pre-test 55,46 in the cycle I, and post-test is 83,28 higher than pre test 65,93 in the cycle II.

  Furthermore, the result of t-test calculation in cycle I is 5,79 and cycle II is 7,70 t table with N = 32 is 2,75. It means that the use of Reciprocal Teaching is able to improve the students’ reading skill.




PAGE OF CERTIFICATION........................................................... iv

MOTTO v DEDICATION vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT vii ABSTRACT ix TABLE OF CONTENTS x LIST OF TABLES xii ………...............................................................


  1 Background of the Study B.

  4 Problem Statements C.

  4 Objectives of the Study D.

  5 Benefits of the Study ……….


  5 Limitation of the Study F.

  6 Definition of the Key Terms G.

  7 Review of Previous Research H.

  8 Research Organization


  9 Reading 1.

  9 Definition of Reading 2.

  12 Kind of Reading 3. Factors that Influence Reading ……………………………… 13 4.

  14 Principles of Learning Reading B.

  12 Reading Skill 1.

  16 Definition of Reading skill C. Reciprocal Teaching 1.

  Definition of Reciprocal Teaching …………………………… 18 2. Purpose of Reciprocal Teaching …………………………….. 20

  3. Advantage reciprocal teaching ………………………………... 21 4.

  32 B. Subject of the Research

  63 CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 67 B. Suggestion ..................................................................................... 68

  Technique of Analyzing Data ……………………………………. 40

  35 F. Technique of Collecting Data ……………………………………. 37 G.

  35 E. Research Procedure

  34 D. Research Procedure

  33 C. Method of the Research

  29 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH A. Setting of the Research

  How to use reciprocal teaching ……………………………….. 22 5. The Significance of Reciprocal Teaching …………………….. 24 D.

  The Example of Narrative Text

  27 5. Language Feature of Narrative ……………………………….. 28 6.

  25 4. Generic structure of Narrative

  25 3. Type of Narrative

  Purpose of narrative text

  Narrative Paragraph 24 2.

  Type of Paragraph 24 1.

CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS A. Research Findings …………..……………………………………. 43 B. Analysis and Discussion



Table 3. 1 The List of X- ATU 2 Class Group of SMK N 1 Ngablak 38

Table 3. 2 Students’ Observation Sheet

   40 Table 4. 1 The result of pre test and post test cycle I

  50 Table 4. 2 The result of pre test and post test cycle II

  59 Table 4. 3 The Mean and T- calculation of Students’ Score

  63 Table 4.4 The Result of Observation Sheet


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In order to communicate with others, people use language. They must

  use language because language is the main factor to share their ideasto theothers in this life. English is regarded as an international language. It is very important because it is used broadly in the world that function as a communication means by which people from different nations or country interact. In Indonesia, it has been tought in schools from elementary school up to university.

  In many second or foreign language teaching situations, reading seemed a special focus. There are a numberof reasonfor this and one of them is manyforeign languagestudents often have as oneof their most important goal. They wantto be able to read for information and pleasure, for the career, andfor study in purposes. In fact most EFL situasions, the ability to read in a foreign language is all that students ever want to acquire (Richards, 2003: 213).

  To improve students’ skill in English, there are four main skills which must be attained by students. They are reading, writing, speaking and listening skill. Reading is one of skills which has many contribution in enhancing and enriching students’ knowledge. Through reading, they can get new information in any aspect. Besides that, they will have to read lengthy assignments in which to know what the obligations that should they do. If they don’t know what the meaning is, so they will fail in completing the assignments.

  Reading is seen as a stucture hierarchy of sequenced and separate skills which is built up to create meaning. Since it is active cognitive process, reading is closely related to other activites suc as thinking, interesting, making preception, making generalization, and of course comprehending the content(Konza, 2007: 84). Reading is complex process which involves not only the text but their experience to comprehend it.

  Learning reading is more than just recognizing words in a written text. Students should be able to comprehend or understand the meaning of the text. (Duffy, 1997: 60) stated that comprehension appears to happen in two stages. The first stage occurs during the actual reading activity. The student examines the message and simultaneously recognize words and meaning through skill with the graphemic, syntactic, and semantic systems. The second stage occurs anytime during or following Stage 1. In this stage, the written message has been translated or received and can be subjected to a more thoughtful analysis.

  There are some factors that influence students’ reading comprehension, one of them is teacher. The teacher uses a conventional method in teaching reading and it can make teaching learning boring. During the teaching learning process, the teacher transfers information in monotonous approach. The teacher also spends more time in structure than in reading skill, so the students do not have time to learn reading. The strategy is low for helping the student in learning English. The strategy should be able to motivate and interest the students to study.

  Palincar and Brown (1984: ) defined that Reciprocal Teaching is a cooperative reading technique for low-achieving readers in native language contexts. This technique asks students working in groups to several learning strategies designed to improve reading ability.In this strategy, students are expected to be active reader and they should understand what the content of the text by asking questions, make prediction and then check their prediction.

  From the statement above, we know that comprehension skill is needed in reading activity. However, the condition of students in Indonesia especially students in SMK N 1 Ngablak have poor comprehension skill. In teaching and learning process, the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Ngablak face some difficulties when their teacher deliver the materials. It can be seen from their reactions in learning English. Some of them are bored, sleepy and do not pay attention to their teacher explanation. Eventhough their teacher has given some strategies and methods to make the students excited in learning English. But in the reality, the students still face the difficulties in reading comprehension.

  From the explanation above, it gives an inspiration to the writer to conduct a researchentitled “The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Technique to

  Improve Students’ Reading Skill(A Classroom Action Research of the Tenth Years of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 )”


  Based on the phenomenon above, this research is aimed at giving answers on the following problems:

  1. How is the implementation of students’ readingskill using reciprocal teaching technique for the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2014/2015? 2. How is the result of the study after using reciprocal teaching technique in the students’ reading skill of the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2014/2015? C.


  Based on the problem statement, the objectives of this classroom action research are described as follows :

  1. To identify the implementation of students’ reading skill usingreciprocal teaching technique for the tenthyears students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2014/2015.

  2. To find out the result of the study after usingreciprocal teaching technique in the students’ reading skill of the tenth years students of SMK N 1 Ngablak in the Academic Year of 2014/2015.


  The English Teacher It is expected that the result of the study could be useful by the teachers to develop suitable tecniques in teaching reading based on the the objective that has already determined. .

2. The Students

  For the students it is useful to help them to improve their learning performance by using the tecnique to assistthe students in understanding the reading materials and developing their reading skill.


  Based on the problem statement , the writer realizes that it is impossibe to carry out a classroom action research based on all the problem above. The writer limits the problem to the te acher’s monotous techniquein teaching reading skill, the writer used reciprocal teaching technique to teach reading of the tenth grade ofSMK N 1 Ngablak in the academic year of 2014/2015.

  F. DEFINITION OF THE KEY TERMS To make easier in understanding this research, the researcher defines the key terms as follows:

  1. Reciprocal Teaching Reciprocal Teaching(Palincar & Brown 1984: ) is guided reading comprehension strategy that encourages students to develop the skills that effective readers and learners do automatically (summarize, question, clarify, predict and respond to what they are reading). Students use these four comprehension strategies on a common text, in pairs or small groups. Reciprocal Teaching can be used with fiction, non fiction.

  2. Technique Technique is a way of doing something, especially one that needs special skills. (Oxford learner’s pocket dictionary, 2008: 455)

3. Improve Improve is become or make better, make a good use of something.

  (Oxford Dictionary, 2003: 216) 4. Reading

  Reading is a learning process in which the skills of word recognition and comprehension are mutually supportive. In reading activity, students are expected to recognize and understand about what they read especially in a text. Without understanding the text students can’t grasp the implied message in a text. (Duffy, 1977: 5) 5. Student

  Student is person who studiying at the collage or university (Oxford Dictionary, 2003: 429) 6.

  Skill According Dunnette (1976: 33) skills is capacity needed to implementing some tasks, which is the development of training result sand experience gained.

  G. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS RESEARCHES In this graduating paper, the writer takes some reviews from other thesis. The first research is done by Nur Ifka Elfiani (2013) entitle

  “The Use of numbered head together method to Improve Students’ speaking Skill” (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Grade Year Students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2012/2013).

  In her thesis, she analyzed implementation of numbered toghether method to improvement of students’ speaking skill trough numbered toghether method is significant.

  The second research report by Astri Rahmawati with her research paper entitled ”The Use of group investigation strategy to improve students’

  re ading skill” (A Classroom Action Research of X.2 Class of MAN Tengaran,Semarang in the Academic Year of 2013/2014). There was a

  significant improvements. The student has lack motivation so it could influence of students reading skill. After the using group investigation strategy the students reading skill incrases.

  Different from previous research, this research will observe the students reading skill progress by using reciprocal teaching tecnique. This observation aims the use reciprocal reading tecnique and it will be connected with the syllabus.

  H. RESEARCH ORGANIZATION The researcher wants to arrange the graduating paper in order to the reader can catch the content easily. It is divided into five chapters.

  Chapter I is Introduction. It is consists of background of study, problem statements, objectives of the study, benefit of the study, limitation of the study, definition of key terms, and review of previous research.

  Chapter II is Theoretical Framework which discuss about definition ofreciprocal teaching technique, the steps of reciprocal teaching technique, and reading skill.

  Chapter III explains about Methods of Research that consist of setting of the research, subject of the research, method of the research, procedure of the research, technique of collecting data and technique of data analysis.

  Chapter IV is Data Analysis. Consist of cycle I, cycle II, analysis, discussion, and result of each cycle. Chapter V is Closure. The writer states summary of the study includes Conclusion and Suggestion.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED THEORIES A. Reading 1. Definition of Reading Reading is a learning process in which the skills of word

  recognition and comprehension are mutually supportive. In reading activity, students are expected to recognize and understand about what they read especially in a text. Without understanding the text students can’t grasp the implied message in a text. (Duffy, 1977: 5)

  According to Nunan (2003: 68), “reading is a fluent process of readers combines information from text and their own background knowledge to build meaning”.

  Harris and Sipay (1980: 179), states that reading comprehension ability is taught to be a set of generalized knowledge acquisition skills that permits people to acquire and exhibit information gained as a consequence of reading printed language. Reading is an active process (not a product, like history) in which readers shift between sources of information (what they know and what the text says), elaborate meaning strategies, check their interpretation revising when appropriate, and use the social context to focus their response (Walker, 1996: 4)

  Manzo (1996: 5) defined reading as the act of simultaneously reading the lines, reading between the lines, and reading beyond the lines.

  The first part, reading the lines refers to the act of decoding the words in order to construc t the author’s basic message. The next part, reading between the lines, making to the act of making inferences and understanding the author’s implied message. Thus, reading beyond the lines involves the judging of the significance of the author’s message and applying it to the other areas of the background and knowledge.

  Currently, Wallace (2001), Richards (2002) argued that reading is a reader centered activity. A reader, while reading is constantly employed some strategies, helps himself to obtain whim he or she wants for reading. In other words, reading presently concerned more with the process, by which a reader attempts to understand the test he or she reads.

  Reading is used to get the main point or the most important information. It is an effort to understand the content of the text, and also to know the massage from the writer. In addition reading is used to get an idea, pleasure or feeling that is expressed by the writer.

  From the information above, the writer thinksthat reading is an active and interactive activity to produce the word and tries to understand the content of reading text. By reading, the students can enlarge on enrich their knowledge and experience because the information they need is serve in written form.

  There are many experts who present various definition of reading. According to Dechant (1982: 3) definitions of reading are divided into two major types: a.

  Reading as Interpretation of Experience

  With the first type of reading definition, in which reading is equated with the interpretation of experience generally, we might speak of reading pictures, reading faces, or reading the weather.

  Spencer (1946) as quoted by Dechant (1982: 4) reading is performed whenever one experiences sensory stimulation. On the other hand, the meaning of reading based on this type is the reading- readiness program in which experience with concrete object is emphasized, visual and auditory discrimination are stressed and students are required to interpret pictures and conversation.

  Reading as interpretation of experience has implications for both the reading teacher and also the students who learning to read. Teacher of reading must become expert in reading students. They must understand their students and must be able to identify the personal differences in students which may lead to achievement differences between students. Another implication is that students must be readers of experience before they can become further readers.


  Reading as Interpretation of Graphic Symbols In Dechant (1982: 4-5) there are presented the definition of reading by many experts. Some of them are DeBoer and Dallmann

  (1960: 19) consider that reading involves the comprehension and interpretation of ideas symbolized by the written or printed page.

  While Bond and Thinker (1967: 22) point out that reading involves the recognition of printed or written symbols which serve as stimuli for the recall of meanings built up through the reader’s past experience.

  Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that reading requires identification and comprehension. Reading involves an interaction between the writer and reader. Without a reader, communication via printed page is impossible; writing has no purpose without a reader.

  2. Kind of Reading According to Kustaryo (1988: 11), there are some kind of reading.

  They are: a.

  Reading for meaning Reading for meaning is reading to understand the messages which are written in the text. We didn’t read aloud during we are reading.


  Reading aloud The purpose of this reading is not just to understand the text, but also to to give information to the listeners.


  Reading for comprehension Reading for comprehension means reading with understanding about what have read.

  3. Factors that Influence Reading

  Cameron (2001) stated that some factors in foreign language learning context can influence the learning tasks. They are: a.

  The nature of the written forms of the first language.

  Each language is structured differently, so when we meet a new language, we try to apply the first language looking for familiar cues. b.

  The learners’ previous experience in the first language literacy.

  When a young learner learns the second language, literacy, knowledge, and skill he/she only partly develops for the first language c.

  The learners’ knowledge of the language.

  Oral skill to learn a new language is an important factor in order to be literate. Children gain much literary experience before they come to school. The teacher of foreign language can be expanded children’s experience of literacy in the new by creating environmental print for the classroom.


  Age of starting learn to read clearly overlaps with the first language reading experience.

  There are many factors that may make learning to read a very different experience for different ages. Transferability of knowledge, skills, and strategies across language depends closely on how the two written language work: it will be different for each pair of language and for each direction of learning.

4. Principles of Learning Reading

  There are some principles behind the teaching of reading (Harmer, 2001: 70), here are: a.

  Reading is not passive skill Reading is an incredibly active occupation. To do it unsuccessfully, we have to understand what the word mean, see the pictures the words are painting, understand the arguments, and work out if we agree with them. If we not do these things

  • – and if students do not
do these things

  • – then we only just scratch the surface of the text and we quickly forget it.


  Students need to be engaged with what they are reading As with everything else in lessons, students who are not engaged with the reading text, not actively interested in what they are doing, are less likely to benefit from it.


  Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of reading text, not just to the language It is important to study reading texts for the way they use language, the number of paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative clauses. But the meaning, the message of the text, is just as important and we must give students a chance to respond to that message in some way. It is especially important that they should be allowed to express their feeling about the topic d.

  Prediction is a major factor in reading When we read texts in our own language, we frequently have a good idea of the content before we actually read. Books cover give s a hint what’s in the book, photographs and headlines hint at what articles are about and report look like report before single word.


  Match the task to the topic One decision has been taken about what reading text to the students are going to read, we need to choose good reading task, the right kind of questions, engaging and useful puzzle etc.


  Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full

  Any reading text is full of sentence, words, ideas, description etc. it does not make sense just to get students to read it thendrop it to move on to something else. Good teachers integrate the reading text into interesting class sequences, using the topic for discussion and further tasks, using the language for study and later activation.

B. Reading Skill

  Reading skill is the ability to relate the textual material to one’s own knowledge by comprehending the text (Fauziati, 2008: 133). The purpose of reading activity is language ideas. In reading, the process of reading activity is language ideas. In the reading the process of thinking is very urgent and vital, because the students read the text and do not morely move their eyes along the sentence they read. Instead the sometime, their minds work to get the message.

  Goodman (1982: 135) in Fauziati (2010: 33) states that based on psycholinguistic perceptive reading is considered as “psycholinguistic guessing game” the reader constructs a message which is encoded by a writer. This act of meaning construction is a ongoing, cyclical process of sampling from the input text, predicting, testing, and confirming or revising these prediction and further sampling.

  According to Grant (1991: 79) the aims of using a reading text at intermediate level and advance level are:

1. To teach basic reading comprehension skill 2.

  To teach real life reading skill such as reading for gist and reading for information

3. To develop flexible reading skill, varied according to purpose 4.

  To develop critical reading skill 5. To develop the students knowledge of vocabulary or idiom 6. To reinforce certain grammatical features 7. To act as stimulus for oral or write work later on.

  According to Johan (2000: 1) reading skills are grouped into: a. Deducing the meanings of Words from Context.

  Deducing the meanings of words from context is way to see the words of phrases that precede or follow those words, so it can be functions as a way to know of speech, and finally the right meaning in the discourse can be known without having to look at the dictionary.


  Understanding the forms and Meaning of Non-idiomatic Phrases It is different from idiomatic phrases that the form and meaning has been fixed, so it tends as the material which memorized so, the phrases non-idiomatic are formed based on certain rules and are unlimited.


  Recognizing and Understanding Rhetorical Structures Rhetorical structures is functional relationship between the meaning that described by elements of language in a reading text. This structure is basic of a text frame and closely related to the type of topic that written, the purpose of the authors, and readers are addressed by the authors.

  The skills to know and understand this rhetorical structure includes an understanding of the meaning and function of words, phrases, punctuation, and specific structure that are used by the writer to describe or convey an idea or message purposed.

  These rhetorical structures are described, explicitly with the existence of specific discourse markers and there are those only known through the readers’ familiarity with the form of reading text organizing in English.

  This rhetorical structure found at the level of sentences, paragraphs, or intersentence, and at overall reading level.

C. Reciprocal Teaching 1. The Definition of Reciprocal Teaching

  Palincar and Brown (1984) defined that Reciprocal Teaching is a cooperative reading technique for low-achieving readers in native language contexts. This technique asks students working in groups to several learning strategies designed to improve reading ability.

  Reciprocal teaching refers to an instructional activity that take place in the form of dialog between teachers and students regarding segment of text. The dialogue is structured by the use of four strategies: predicting, clarifying, questioning, summarizing. The teacher and students take turns assuming the role of teacher in leading this dialogue.

  Hartman (1994) stated that Reciprocal Teaching is a technique used in teaching reading through five stages, they are:

  Stage 1: Teacher Demonstration

  Instructor models and explains coordinate use of four reading strategies: predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing.

  Stage 2: Student learning and Practice

  Instructor directly instructs students on the four strategies and their coordinated use. Students get guided practice and feedback from the instructor.

  Stage 3: Teacher-Students Groups

  Instructor leads dialogues about text in small groups, repeatedly modeling the strategies. Students take turn leading dialogues, getting feedback from the instructor.

  Stage 4: Students Group

  Students take turn leading dialogues using the four strategies in small group with the other students. Students give each other feedback on strategies use. The instructor moves from group to group observing progress and providing assistance as needed. Instruction phases out.

  Stage 5: Students Self Regulation

  Students competently use the four reading ability strategies and provide their own feedback.

2. The Purpose of Reciprocal Teaching Technique

  The purpose of reciprocal technique is to facilitate a group of effort between teacher and students as well as among the students in the task of bringing meaning to the text. Each strategy was selected for the following purpose according to Palinscar and Brown (1984): a.

  Summarizing provide the opportunity to identify and integrate the most important information in the text. Text can be summarized across sentence, across paragraphs, and across the passage a whole.


  Question generating reinforces the summarizing strategy and carries the learner one more step along in the comprehension activity. When students generate questions, they first identify the kind information that is significant enough to provide the substance for a question. They than pose this information in question form and self-test to ascertain that they can indeed answer their own questions. Question Generating is a flexible strategy to the extent that students can be taught and encouraged to generate questions at many levels.


  Clarifying is an activity that is particularly important when working with students who have a history of comprehension difficulty. These students may believe that not be particularly uncomfortable that the word, and in fact the passage, are not making sense.


  Predicting occurs when students hypothesize what the author will discuss next in the text. In order to the successfully, the students must activate the relevant background knowledge that they already process regarding the topic. The students have a purpose for reading that is too confirm or disprove their hypotheses. Furthermore, the opportunity has been created for the students to link the new knowledge they will encounter in the text with the knowledge they already process. The predicting strategy also facilitates use of texts structure as students learn that headings, subheading and questions imbedded in the text are useful means of anticipating what may occur next. In summary, each of these strategies was selected as a means of aiding students to construct meaning from the text as well as a means of monitoring their reading to ensure that they fact understand what they read.

3. Advantages of Reciprocal Teaching Technique?

  Here are some following advantages of Reciprocal Teaching Technique according to Palinscar and Brown (1984):


  It encourages students to think about their own thought process during reading.

b. It helps students learn to be actively involved and monitor their comprehension as they read.


  It teaches students to ask questions during reading and helps make the text more comprehensible.

4. How to use reciprocal teaching

  Before Reciprocal Teaching can be used successfully by your students, they need to have been taught and had time to practice the four strategies that are used in reciprocal teaching (summarizing, questioning, predicting, clarifying).

  One way to get students prepared to use reciprocal teaching: according to Palincar and Brown (1984) a.

  Put students in groups of four.


  Distribute one note card to each member of the group identifying each person's unique role:

  1) Summarizer 2) Questioner 3) Clarifier 4) Predictor


  Have students read a few paragraphs of the assigned text selection. Encourage them to use note-taking strategies such as selective underlining or sticky-notes to help them better prepare for their role in the discussion.


  At the given stopping point, the Summarizer will highlight the key ideas up to this point in the reading.


  The Questioner will then pose questions about the selection:


  Unclear parts


  Puzzling information


  Connections to other concepts already learned f. The Clarifier will address confusing parts and attempt to answer the questions that were just posed. g.

  The Predictor can offer predictions about what the author will tell the group next or, if it's a literary selection, the predictor might suggest what the next events in the story will be.


  The roles in the group then switch one person to the right, and the next selection is read. Students repeat the process using their new roles. This continues until the entire selection is read. (Source: i. Throughout the process, the teacher's role is to guide and nurture the students' ability to use the four strategies successfully within the small group. The teacher's role is lessened as students develop skill.

5. The Significance of Reciprocal Teaching

  The students can get more ability in reading. It will improve the students’ knowledge; improve their reading skills, and more abilities in gaining information of texts. Students can also get their motivation in learning English and increase their initative English.

D. Narrative Text 1. Definition of Narrative Texts

  Narrative texts are a text type we use when we want to entertain or to instruct (Pearson). According to Kistonto (2007) a narrative text is a type of spoken or written text that tells a story of one character or more who face certain problematic situations. Based on Rigby Heinemann (2004: 21), a narrative tells an imaginative story, although some narrative may be based on fact. Narratives are written in many different forms, like fable, legend, folktales, science fictions, romance, horror, etc. and each form has distinctive characteristics. According to Rigby Heinmann (2002: 21), there are some features of narratives. They are divided into: 2.

   Purpose or social function of the Narrative Text

  Sudarwati and Grace (2007: 154) stated that the purpose of narrative text is to amuse, entertain and engage the reader in an imaginative experience. Some narratives also have other purpose, e.g. they may seek to explain a phenomenon (myths and legend) or to teach a lesson (fables). A narrative story deals with complications or problematic events which lead to a crisis and in turn finds a resolution.

3. Types of Narrative Text are:

  According to Kistonto (2007) there are type of narrative text: a.

  Fableis a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized (given human qualities), and that illustrates a moral lesson (a "moral"), which may at the end be expressed explicitly in a pithy maxim.


  Legend (Latin, legenda, "things to be read") is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history and to possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude. Legend, for its active and passive participants includes no happenings that are outside the realm of "possibility", defined by a highly flexible set of parameters, which may include miracles that are perceived as actually having happened, within the specific tradition of indoctrination where the legend arises, and within which it may be transformed over time, in order to keep it fresh and vital, and realistic.


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