Overcoming My Problem in Handling a Four-Year-Old Boy at TK Angkasa.

Tugas akhir ini berisi pembahasan masalah tentang seorang anak
laki-laki berumur 4 tahun yang terkadang tidak mau belajar. Masalah
ini terjadi pada saat saya magang di TK Angkasa pada tanggal 16 Juli
2013 sampai 26 September 2013. Posisi saya selama magang adalah
sebagai asisten guru.
Terdapat 3 penyebab dari masalah yang saya hadapi. Pertama,
saya tidak mempunyai cukup pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam
menangani anak di dalam kelas. Kedua, saya tidak memperoleh cukup
informasi mengenai karakter anak dari guru-guru di tempat saya
magang. Ketiga, anak tersebut mempunyai kesulitan saat
berkomunikasi dengan saya karena dia berbicara kurang jelas dan dia
lebih muda daripada teman sekelasnya. Terdapat 3 akibat dari
masalah yang saya hadapi. Pertama, saya bingung dan tidak bisa
membantu anak tersebut untuk menyelesaikan tugas dengan baik.
Kedua, anak itu akan berjalan-jalan dan berlari di dalam kelas
sementara anak yang lain belajar. Ketiga, guru membiarkan anak lelaki
itu untuk melakukan aktifitas seperti mewarnai sementara anak yang
lain sedang belajar membuat garis. Setiap masalah pasti ada jalan
keluarnya. Begitu pun dengan masalah yang saya hadapi, saya
mempunyai usulan penyelesaian dari masalah yang saya hadapi :

pertama, saya melakukan pendekatan pribadi dengan anak tersebut
untuk lebih mengenal dia dan memberikan perhatian khusus pada
anak tersebut. Kedua, saya akan bertanya kepada supervisor saya
bagaimana cara menangani anak tersebut dan berkolaborasi atau
bekerja sama dengan guru lain. Ketiga, saya akan menggunakan alat
peraga sebagai media pengajaran.
Dari ketiga solusi untuk mengatasi masalah yang saya hadapi yaitu
ketiga solusi tersebut menurut saya merupakan solusi terbaik. Alasan
saya memilih ketiga solusi tersebut karena solusi pertama, kedua dan
ketiga saling berhubungan satu dengan yang lain.


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DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY........................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................1
A. Background of The Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Methods of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS.................................................7
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS..........................................11
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ...........................................................16


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A. Background of the Study

On July 16, 2013, I started my internship as a teacher assistant at
Angkasa Kindergarten which was located on Pajajaran number 148,
Bandung. The name of the class was Foker B-1. In my class there
were 17 students, they were 12 boys and 5 girls. My job descriptions
were assisting the children in doing some activities, accompanying
them when praying and eating in the class, taking care of the children
when they were playing at the playground and sometimes teaching
English to the children such as singing and counting numbers. Also, I
helped the teacher review the materials (Mathematics, English and Art
and Crafts) and discuss the new material for the next day.
When I did my internship for three months, I found a problem. My
problem was I had difficulty in handling a boy aged 4 years old who did
not want to study. Oestereich states that a four-year-old child, “speaks
in fairly complex sentences, enjoys singing simple songs, enjoys

playing with other children,


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expresses anger verbally rather than physically, can feel intense anger
and frustation”(par. 1). Furthermore, Oesterreich states that, “energetic
and imaginative best describe the 4-year-old. Often impatient and silly,
they discover humor and spend a great deal of time being silly and
telling you “jokes”(par. 3). Those are the characteristics of a four-yearold child.
Related to my problem, I would like to describe the class situation.
One day, the teacher asked the children to take their books to draw the
line. They followed what the teacher said (drew the line, wrote number
1 until 5, and wrote alphabets), but the four-year-old boy did not obey
what the teacher said. He threw his book and he did not want to study.
He still did not want to study although the teacher had told him to do
his activities. After the teacher said that, he was moving around the
class. He felt happy because he could do anything that he wanted such
as : drawing, playing cubes and playing with his classmates. As a

teacher assistant, at that time, I could not handle the boy when he did
not want to study. These situation happened several times during my
internship.The boy sometimes could not control his emotions when he
had a bad mood or when the teacher asked him to do the exercise in
the class. The child threw his book. When the teacher and I asked him
about his actions, he said nothing. The topic of my term paper is about
handling a four-year-old boy who sometimes did not want to study. I
choose this topic because I am interested in learning how to handle a


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four-year-old boy and I will analyze the causes, the effects and the best
solution to solve the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem
The research questions are as follow :
1. Why did I have a difficulty in handling a four-year-old boy

who sometimes did not want to study ?
2. How did my problem influence the boy and I ?
3. How should I solve this problem effectively ?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

My aim in writing this term-paper is to find the causes of the
problem and to describe the effects of the problem. I am also looking
for the best solution to solve the problem that I discuss. The benefit for
the teachers at Angkasa Kindergarten is that they will understand
more about handling the student, so they will deliver the material in fun
ways. The benefit for the readers is that they will learn the
characteristics of children aged 4 years and how to handle the child.
The benefit for me personally is I will learn more about four-year-old
children and how to handle them.

D. Description of the Institution

Based on the interview on August 27, 2013 with Praemi Sanggiani
as the Headmisstress of Angkasa Kindergarten, it is stated that the


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school is located at Pajajaran Street number 148, West Java. It was
established on December 1, 1952 and the name was Dian
Kindergarten. In 1968, Dian Kindergarten was renamed into Slamet
Suryono Kindergarten. Then, on 1 September 1977 the Kindergarten
was named Angkasa 1 Kindergarten by BKSP (Badan Kerja Sama
Pendidikan). Next, the school was managed by YASAU (Yayasan
Angkatan Udara). The organization for the implementation of Angkasa
Kindergarten was YASARINI (Yayasan Ardhya Garini), administered
by the Union of the wives of the soldier. At the moment, the chairman
of the foundation was I Nyoman Trisantoso and the headmistress of
Angkasa Kindergarten is Praemi Sanggiani. Angkasa Kindergarten
has the same facilities as the other school in general. The facilities in
Angkasa Kindergarten are : a Playground, a Library, School Garden,
a School Kitchen, a Health Room, a Computer Room, a Play Room,
and a mosque. Angkasa Kindergarten has nine teachers they are :

Praemi Sanggiani, Pipih Sopiah, Lucie Susanti, Yulia Silpi, Erna
Juariah, Euis Hayati, Otin Wartini, Salamah Nurlela dan Siti Haryani.
Angkasa Kindergarten has five classes. The number of students at
Angkasa Kindergarten is 84 students.

E. Method of Study

I get the data for my term-paper from the class observations,
interviews with Praemi Sanggiani and the internship journal from July
16, 2013 until September 26, 2013. Also, I have done library research


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to get some theories from books and articles from the Internet. The
data is used to analyze the causes, effects and potential solutions of
the problem.


Limitation of the Study
The subject of my term-paper was a boy aged 4 years old and I as

a teacher assistant at Angkasa Kindergarten. The name of the class is
B-1 Foker. Most of the students are 5 years old. There are 17 students
in this class. My internship in Angkasa Kindergarten was from July 16,
2013 to September 26, 2013. My position was a teacher assistant. I
will analyze how to handle a four year old boy who sometimes did not
want to study.

G. Organization of the Term Paper

The term-paper starts with Abstract, Declaration of Originality,
Acknowledgements, and Table of Contents. Then the first chapter is
Introduction, it is divided into seven parts as follows: Background of
the Study, Identification of Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the
Study, Description of Institution, Method of Study, Limitation of the
Study, and the Organization of the Term-Paper. In the second chapter
there is a problem analysis that describes the causes and effects of

the problem. Chapter Three describes the possible solutions to
overcome the problems. The last chapter is Chapter Four which
presents the conclusion. There is also a Bibliography that records the


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references used in this paper. The last part is Appendices which
contain flowchart and transcription of the interview.


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In Chapter Three, I have described the potential solutions to solve
my difficulty in handling a four-year-old boy who sometimes did not

want to study. There are three causes of my problem. The first cause is
I did not have enough knowledge and experience in handling
problematic children in the class. The second cause is I did not get
enough information from the teachers about the characteristics of the
boy. The third cause is the boy had difficulty in communicating with me
because he did not speak clearly and he was younger than his
classmates. There are three effects of my problem. The first effect is I
felt confused and could not assist the boy to do the task well. The
second effect is the boy was moving around the class while the others
were studying. The third effect is the teacher let the boy do coloring
activity while other students were learning to draw the line. To solve my
problem, I have three potential solutions. The first potential solution is I
will make a personal approach with the boy to know more about him
and give him a personal attention. The second potential solution is I will


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supervisor to handle the boy. The third potential solution is I will teach
using visual aids.
Based on the analysis, the best solution to overcome my problem is
the combination of all potential solutions. First, I will make a personal
approach with the boy to know more about him and give him a
personal attention. Second, I will ask my supervisor how to handle the
child. Third, I will teach using visual aids. I chose all the potential
solutions because they are all connected. If I only make a personal
approach with the boy without asking my supervisor, I will have
difficulty to help him to study. If I only make a personal approach with
the boy and ask my supervisor without using visual aids to teach, I will
have a difficulty in making him interested in learning.
My internship at Angkasa Kindergarten is helpful for me to learn
how to teach the children and handle them in the class. My
suggestions for the teachers at Angkasa Kindergarten are : the
teachers should be patient when teaching the students. The teachers
also need to use visual aids to make students interested in learning.


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Printed Sources
Jannah, Lily Alfiyatul. Kesalahan-Kesalahan yang Sering Dianggap
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Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, 2003.
Underwood, Mary. Effective Class Management. New York : Longman
Inc, 1987.
Wibowo, Agus, M.Pd. Pendidikan Karakter Usia Dini. Yogyakarta :
Pustaka Pelajar, 2012.

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“Advantages of Using These Visual Aids”. Amrita Ghosh Atlanta
Elementary Education Examiner. Examiner.com. August 17, 2010.
September 19, 2013.

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“Are You Driving Your Boss Crazy”. Carrer builder.com. 2013.
November 22, 2013.

“Dealing with Feelings : Emotional Health”. The Whole Child.
September 18,

“Getting Your Class Behave”. New Teachers. 2012. December 16,

Henry, Sarah. “Speech Problems”. BabyCenter. 2003. September 20,

“How Teaching Experience Makes A Difference”. Parents Cross
September 2013.

“How-to: Develop as a Professional”. Teachers Network. November 21,

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“Maximing the Impact of Teacher Collaboration”. Education.com .2010.
January 2, 2014.

Oesterreich, Lesia, M.S. “Ages & Stages-Four-Year-Olds”.NNCC.
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Susanto, Hadi. “Alat Peraga”. Wordpress.com. November 11, 2013.
< http://bagawanabiyasa.wordpress.com/2013/06/28/alat-peraga/>
“Teacher’s In Depth Content Knowledge”. Intime. 2001. September 11,

“Valuation of visual Aids”. Edux.pl. 2013. September 19, 2013.

Sanggiani, Praemi. Personal interview. August 27, 2013.

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